The earth's axis of rotation is tilted. Why is the Earth tilted? The tilt of the Earth's axis affects the climate

After what happened on February 27 in Chile powerful earthquake(8.8 magnitudes) in the press there were reports that such strong shocks in a few minutes deflected the axis of rotation of the Earth. But the opinions of scientists on this score were divided. The correspondent of Pravda.Ru was told more about the axis displacement in Russian Institute radio navigation and time (RIRIV).

Indeed, the recent earthquake in Chile was very powerful - it had a magnitude of 8.8! Only the fact that its epicenter was located far from the inhabited area and, moreover, quite deep, saved the world from many human victims. A few days after the "riot of the elements", some scientists came out with statements that such a strong shaking could change the tilt of the axis of our entire planet.

NASA geophysicist Richard Gross says: "If our calculations are correct, the Earth's own axis has shifted by about 8 centimeters." It is important to note here that we are not talking about tilting the axis of rotation. "Its own axis is not about how tilted the Earth is," Gross adds, "but how it is balanced."

This can be explained as follows. Our planet, as you know, is not an ideal sphere. Firstly, the globe will be slightly flattened from the poles - its exact geometric model should be established by the GOCE mission sent into space several years ago.

Secondly, the distribution of mass over the planet is not uniform, if only because part of its surface is oceans, and part is continents. In the northern hemisphere, there is much more land than in the southern, and in the western - less than in the eastern. The Earth's own axis is the axis on which this inhomogeneous sphere of the planet is "balanced", and the real axis of rotation oscillates around it.

This is what, it turns out, Richard Gross and his colleagues had in mind. The Chilean earthquake was so powerful that it caused the displacement of colossal volumes of matter. This, in turn, changed the distribution of mass over the planet's surface - not too noticeably, but quite enough for the "balance axis" of the globe to deviate slightly.

However, this "shift" is far from the first and not the last. The Earth's own axis shifts slightly on its own, without any catastrophic events, as a result of slow geological processes... For example, the last ice age ended about 11 thousand years ago, and huge masses of ice disappeared from the surface of the continents and oceans. This not only led to a redistribution of mass, but also "unloaded" the earth's mantle, allowing it to take a shape close to spherical. This process has not yet been completed, and as a result of it, the axis on which our planet "balances" naturally shifts by about 10 centimeters per year.

But it is worth saying that if Gross's calculations are correct, then as a result of that earthquake, the axis shifted in just a few minutes by an amount almost the same as in a year. Impressive!

However, so far these are only theoretical assumptions and, as they say, speculation. No one has carried out practical measurements, although Richard Gross's group intends to tackle this issue in the near future. And the key measurement tool should be ... the global positioning system GPS.

GPS has been used by scientists for years to track seasonal and annual changes in the Earth's rotation. Thanks to these accurate observations, it is shown that it is influenced by tides and winds, currents in the oceans and in the molten bowels of the planet.

These factors have a periodic effect, on different time scales - and weekly, and annual, and seasonal. For example, the average day in January is about 1 millisecond longer than in June.

Against this regular backdrop, the Chilean earthquake should look like a sharp jump - and Richard Gross and his colleagues are very hopeful to find this jump in the data of the monitoring system. The scientist says: "We will take GPS data on the rotation of the Earth, subtract the characteristic periodic influences of tides, winds, currents, and so on, and then we will have the data due to the earthquake."

By the way, shortly after the catastrophe - along with the screaming headlines about "displacement of the earth's axis" - some media noted that the length of the day as a result of this event was reduced by 1.26 microseconds. This is true, but this value does not represent anything dangerous or sensational. It is negligible compared to the normal variation in the length of the day that tides or ocean currents cause. Their influence is thousands of times stronger.

In a word, we just have to wait for the final results of the work of the Richard Gross group. The displacement of the Earth's own axis as a result of earthquakes has not yet been investigated by anyone. Gross himself first attempted this in 2004 after the 9.1 magnitude earthquake that struck Sumatra, but then did not receive any significant results.

According to the scientist, the location of the epicenter of the earthquake is to blame for this: despite its impressive power, its location close to the equator did not allow it to exert sufficient influence on the rotation of the planet. But now the situation is different - most likely, the effect of Chilean earthquake will be more noticeable.

Is it possible to make such calculations using radio navigation to the correspondent Pravdy.Ru was told at the Russian Institute of Radio Navigation and Time (RIRV):

“Of course, such studies using radio navigation are possible. Specifically, in our institution, such calculations are not carried out, but some foreign colleagues have been practicing them for a long time.

The use of the GPS network throughout the planet allows monitoring the Earth's rotation with high accuracy. Changes in characteristics affect both the phase of the signals coming from the satellites and the time it takes for them to get from orbit.

Perhaps it is these data that will allow American specialists to achieve results in their studies. That is, to make calculations on how balanced the earth's axis is, or if its imbalance is noted. "

The topic of a shift in the Earth's axis of rotation has been discussed on the Internet for several years - from the time when some people who have lived in the same place for a long time began to note that the Sun rises and sets not where it always was in the corresponding period.

When people try to discuss this phenomenon, crowds of trolls and ordinary mindless people who howl at them, who begin to bend over about refraction-diffraction and so on, always run up. However, let's get back to the facts. Alaska is home to a tribe of local aborigines who call themselves Inuki or Inuit.

The words "eater of raw meat" sound in their language like "Eskimo", which gave another name to the tribe. Living in the far north and not having newfangled satellite devices, the Inuit have carefully observed the Sun and the stars for centuries, have their own unshakable calendars of all seasonal phenomena. But since the early 2000s, these calendars have been badly shaken, as the elders even tried to inform NASA about.

According to their observations, the sun rises and sets NOT THERE and NOT THEN. Having some knowledge in generally accepted astronomy, the Inuit suggested that since the Earth is round and rotates, then the axis of rotation must have changed if the Sun rises not over the hill over which it had risen for centuries on that day. Enlightened adepts from NASA raised the ignorant Indian guys to laugh and hushed up the topic. But.

Hal Turner, founder of the US government-closed opposition superstation95 with 2,000,000 listeners and readers per day:

Most likely, they will tell me again today that I need to wear a foil hat, nevertheless I cannot but note: the sun still sets far more north than before. I live at North Bergen, NJ 07047. My home is on the western slope of the Palisades, 212 feet above sea level. When I first moved here in 1991, I lived on the top (third) floor, with a west-facing terrace.

On this terrace, I enjoyed the beautiful sunset. In early summer, I noticed that the sun was exactly in the middle of a natural fall in a ridge, perhaps 7 miles west of me, near Clifton, NJ. I watered the flowers on the terrace tonight. I turned to look west, expecting to see the sunset — the sun over the crest and all.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered a natural sinkhole in the ridge line about 7 miles to the west. There was no sun! It didn't set there! I even had to turn my head a little more to the right to make sure that the Sun was there. It really was in the sky, but not in the West, but in the Northwest. I was so amazed by this change that I immediately ran after my Apple iPhone and snapped a lot of photos:

I am not an enlightened academician adept or some other illustrious space diver. I am an ordinary American guy who has lived at the same address for the past twenty-six years. The sun is definitely not setting below the horizon where it should. It is located much further to the right (north) than before. Perhaps,

The earth has changed its tilt along its axis. Perhaps the continent is moving and rotating. I do not know. However, the guys at NASA are definitely in the know. Why don't they tell people about all this ?!

Now the Skeptic will come rushing in and start teaching us science) I have never lived in one place for a long time, and it is difficult to judge about it. But here are some comments from the net:

"Our office was definitely moved. About 8 years ago, on the balcony of the office (11th floor), he scratched with a nail a scratch corresponding to the edge of the shadow from the wall at 15 o'clock (tea time). Now this boil corresponds to 14-45. Paradox!"

“He didn’t lie. Recently my wife invited me to watch the sunset. I told her that this is not a sunset, the sunset happens in the west, and this is not the west. She even photographed this sunset on her smartphone. But it was definitely not in the west.”

"You can laugh, but just now, I went for a walk with the dog at 4 in the morning and the shop where I have been sitting down in the shade in the summer for more than one year turned out to be on the sunny side. I am not saying anything, but the article confirmed my suspicions that it was not the delirium of a sleepy person. "

"I don't know if the sun or the earth has moved, but I actually transferred the seedlings from one loggia to another, because in the afternoon the sun began to illuminate the other side of the house ... In short, it moved thirty degrees .. And in the evening to shine through the north window. But no one says anything about this, so I decided that it seemed. "

"I usually sit on the internet at night, in the summer in the spring I catch the dawn. I used to adjust the curtain so that the sun would not hit the screen. Now it’s already two years ago, it’s shining along another line. The sun used to set behind a neighboring house in winter, now it jumps over it and hides behind other buildings. So the dude writes everything correctly and you have no delirium or false memories at all. A lot of people note about the Sun. It has also changed its color. It used to be orange, now it’s some kind of blue. ”

People who have lived in one place for a long time, tens of years, began to notice that the Sun is now setting and rising not at all where it rose and set 20 or 40 years ago. A natural question arises - why?

Let's turn to the scientific information regarding the angle of inclination of the axis of rotation of the Earth:

The angle of inclination of the Earth's axis with respect to the plane of the ecliptic is 23.5 degrees. This became the reason for the change of seasons on Earth, as a result of rotation around the Sun.

Influence of the Earth's tilt and movement around the Sun

Imagine that the Sun is in the center of a rotating phonograph record. All planets, including the Earth, revolve around the Sun, like the tracks of a gramophone record. Now imagine that each planet is a top, the top and bottom points of which coincide with the angle of rotation of the Earth around the Sun. By measuring the angle of inclination between the poles and the orbit along which the Earth moves around the Sun, you get exactly the same 23.5 degrees.

Graphical representation of the tilt of the earth

At one point in the earth's orbit, North Pole The earth is facing the sun. At this time, summer begins in the northern hemisphere. 6 months later, when the Earth is on the opposite side of its orbit, the North Pole is directed away from the Sun, and winter begins, and on the contrary, summer begins in the southern hemisphere.

With a periodicity of 41 thousand years, the angle of inclination of the earth's axis changes from 22.1 to 24.5 degrees. The direction of the earth's axis also changes with a period of 26 thousand years. During this cycle, the poles change places every 13,000 years.

All planets Solar system have a certain angle of inclination of the axis. Mars has a tilt angle very similar to that of the Earth and is 25.2 degrees, while Uranus, on the contrary, is 97.8 degrees.

Great, science describes everything in detail to us, but these data have not changed for decades, and the tilt of the Earth's axis changes. The sun rises and sets in a completely different place, and in addition, global climate change may be associated not with the notorious human impact on nature, but with a change in the tilt of the Earth as a result of which the climate has changed, moreover, all natural anomalies indicate precisely this factor.

Why is this happening? The answer begs one thing - some huge cosmic body entered the solar system and exerts a powerful gravitational effect on our planet, it is so strong that it has already changed the axis of rotation of the Earth.

Scientists cannot but know, they cannot but fix such changes in the inclination of the earth's axis, but for some reason they are in no hurry to change information, correct data on the angle of inclination, and even more so they are in no hurry to explain why all this is happening.

Changes are noticed by many people who write about it, but science is silent. Popular unofficial radio presenter in the United States, Hal Turner, recently brought up the topic on his show and detailed his observations.

Here's what he said:

"The sun sets much farther north than before. I live at North Bergen, NJ 07047. My house is located on the western slope, 212 feet above sea level. I moved here in 1991 and live on the third floor with a west-facing balcony For many years I enjoyed beautiful sunsets from this balcony, and in the early summer of 2017, I suddenly noticed that the Sun was setting in a completely different place than before.

It used to set in the west, but now it sets in the northwest. Moreover, it has shifted so much that if before I watched the sunset looking straight ahead, now, in order to see the sunset, I have to turn my head to the right.

I am not a scientist or an academician, but I have lived here for 26 years and I see that the Sun is setting in a completely different place from where it was before. The only reasonable explanation for this fact is that the Earth has changed the angle of inclination of its axis. Why is NASA praying, why everyone scientists of the world do not notice or do not want to notice it? "

Influence of Planet X (Nibiru)?

According to ancient Sumerian texts and recent studies of modern scientists, the appearance of Planet X in the Solar System will change the tilt of the Earth's axis, which will cause global climate change, and as this planet approaches the Earth, this will lead to large-scale natural disasters- tsunami and others natural phenomena, which are likely to destroy life on our planet.

Judging by the fact that billionaires, governments and other rulers of the world are preparing reliable shelters for themselves, creating "arks" of seed storage and cultural heritage human civilization, they know about the approaching global catastrophe

Perhaps this is why the space programs of NASA, Elon Musk (Space X) and Jeff Bezos (Blue Origin) began to actively develop, the purpose of which is to resettle the elite to other planets and create colonies there.

Nibiru, also known as planet X, is considered a planet whose orbit at perihelion crosses the solar system between Mars and Jupiter every 3600-4000 years. The Sumerians left a description of this planet, which says that highly developed intelligent beings - the Anunnaki - live on it.

Not so long ago, just a few years ago, scientists called information about planet X a myth and pseudoscience, and then the same people who laughed at Nibiru themselves announced the discovery of Planet X. Maybe it's time to openly tell people about the real causes of global climate change and about planet X, also tell. Maybe the time has come already?

What is causing the Earth's climate change?

Astronomer Milyutin Milankovich (1879-1958) studied the change in the orbit of the Earth's rotation around the Sun and the tilt of the axis of our planet. He suggested that cyclical changes between them are the cause of long-term climate change.

Climate change is a complex process, influenced by many factors. The main one is the relationship between the Earth and the Sun.

Milankovitch studied three factors:

    Change in the inclination of the earth's axis;

    Deviations in the form of the orbit of the Earth's rotation around the Sun;

    The precession of the change in the position of the inclination of the axis in relation to the orbit..

The earth's axis is not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. The tilt is 23.5 °. This gives the Northern Hemisphere the opportunity to receive more sunshine and lengthen the day in June. In December, the sun decreases and the day becomes shorter. This explains the change of seasons. In the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are reversed.

Deviation of the earth's axis.

Changing the Earth's orbit.


Earth without changing seasons, axis tilt 0 °.

End of June: summer in the Northern Hemisphere, winter in the Southern.

End of December: summer in the Northern Hemisphere, winter in the Southern.

Earth's axis tilt

If there was no tilt of the axis, then we would not have seasons, and day and night throughout the year would last the same. The amount of solar energy reaching a certain point on the Earth would be constant. The planet's axis is now at an angle of 23.5 °. In the summer (from June) in the Northern Hemisphere it turns out that the northern latitudes receive more light than the southern ones. The days are getting longer and the position of the sun is getting higher. At the same time, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The days are shorter and the sun is lower.

WITH let alone half a year the Earth moves in its orbit to the opposite side of the Sun. The slope remains the same. Summer is now in the Southern Hemisphere, the days are longer and there is more light. It's winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

Milankovitch suggested that the tilt of the earth's axis is not always 23.5 °. There are fluctuations from time to time. He calculated that the changes are in the range from 22.1 ° to 24.5 °, this is repeated with a period of 41,000 years. When the slope is less, the temperature is lower than usual in summer and higher in winter. As the slope increases, more extreme climatic conditions are observed.

How does all this affect the climate? Even if the temperature rises in winter, it is still cold enough for snow in areas far from the equator. If the summers are cold, then it is possible that the snow will melt more slowly in the high latitudes in winter. Year after year, it will lay down to form a glacier.

Compared to water and land, snow reflects more solar energy into space, causing additional cooling. From this point of view, there is a positive feedback mechanism here. As the temperature drops, additional snow accumulates and glaciers grow. Reflection increases over time and temperature decreases, and so on. Perhaps this is how the ice ages began.

The shape of the orbit of the Earth's rotation around the Sun

The second factor Milankovitch studies is the shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The orbit is not perfectly circular. At certain times of the year, the Earth is closer to the Sun than usual. The Earth receives much more energy from the Sun, being as close as possible to the star (at the point of perihelion), in comparison with the maximum distance (point of aphelion).

The shape of the earth's orbit changes cyclically with periods of 90,000 and 100,000 years. Sometimes the shape becomes more elongated (elliptical) than it is now, so the difference in the amount of solar energy received at perihelion and aphelion will be large.

Perihelion is now observed in January, aphelion in July. This change makes the climate of the Northern Hemisphere milder, bringing additional warmth in winter. In the Southern Hemisphere, the climate is harsher than it would be if the Earth's orbit around the Sun was circular.


There is another complication as well. The orientation of the earth's axis changes over time. Like a top, the axis moves in a circle. This movement is called precessional. The cycle of such a movement is 22,000 years. This causes a gradual change in the seasons. Eleven thousand years ago, the Northern Hemisphere was tilted closer to the sun in December than in June. Winter and summer were reversed. After 11,000 years, everything has changed again.

All three factors — axis tilt, orbital shape, and precession — alter the planet's climate. Since this happens on different time scales, the interaction of these factors is complex. Sometimes they enhance the effect of each other, sometimes they weaken. For example, 11,000 years ago, a precession caused the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere in December, the effect of an increase solar radiation at perihelion in January and a decrease in aphelion in July will increase the off-season difference in the Northern Hemisphere, instead of the softening we are now used to. Not everything is as simple as it seems, since the dates of perihelion and aphelion are also shifted.

Other factors influencing the climate

Besides the effect of the displacement of the Earth's motion, are there other factors influencing the climate?

If you carefully consider all the objects of the solar system, then without a doubt we can say that the Earth was lucky. When the planets were formed, it was she who was destined to be in the right place, where all the factors for the development of life are most harmoniously combined. It's a paradox, but even with the development of progress in the field of space exploration and information accessibility, not all people have an idea of ​​the cosmic parameters of the Earth, and it is they who should be thanked not only to man, but also to nature as a whole for the opportunities that it provides for development life cycle... It's time to fill this gap.

Special thanks to orbit, atmosphere and axial tilt

The earth is the third farthest from main star planet. The average distance to the Sun is about 149.5 million km, it has become optimal for it in terms of the temperature ratio - not too hot in the daytime and in summer, and moderately cold at night and in winter.

Earth's orbit deserves respect for its location, not only because of the climate, but also because being in this part of the solar system has created opportunities for the formation of an atmosphere conducive to the origin of life, the basis of which is nitrogen and oxygen.

Pay attention to the angle of inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the orbit. It is 23 degrees, thanks to him there are no completely shaded areas on the planet, each of them alternately receives the right amount of light and heat when the seasons change.

Air on Earth is not only oxygen ...

Since childhood, people have been aware of the importance of oxygen. However, other components are rarely remembered.

First of all, nitrogen belongs to them - there is even more of this gas than the first in the atmosphere by volume and its main task is to neutralize the negative properties of oxygen. Sounds weird? In fact, there is nothing surprising, because if you recall the chemistry, then it is known that the O 2 gas has the ability to create oxidative reactions, in its pure form, it is even capable of burning the airways! Therefore, nitrogen is a safety cushion for our mucous membranes in the nose and lungs.

And of course, a little carbon dioxide is present, only a few hundredths of a percent. Why is there so little, if so many people on the planet exhale it every second? Everything is very simple: from a person carbon dioxide transmitted to plants, which, when exhaled, return oxygen to the atmosphere. Here is such a cycle!

The angle of inclination of the earth's axis and its gifts

As noted above, it allows any point on the planet to be charged with solar energy. But not only this is his merit. The tilted axis allows you to observe phenomena such as the seasons, which are a consequence of the fact that at each latitude the sun's rays are directed at different angles, changing them throughout the 365 days, as a result of which it becomes warmer and colder. And at the poles, you can become a witness of the fact that for more than 180 days the sun does not set from the firmament, and the other 180 days does not rise, because it illuminates the opposite pole. Thus, during the entire orbital cycle, the two hemispheres take turns heating and cooling. When one of them is summer - on the other at the same time winter cold; with autumn and spring everything is the same. The length of the day and night changes with each season.

If the angle of inclination of the earth's axis were zero, then the picture would be more faded: day and night would be stable for 12 hours, and the season and temperature would be the same, depending on latitude. The equator would be an oasis of summer, autumn would not leave the middle latitudes, and at the poles there would be neither day nor night, but only an eternal morning.

Special differences from neighboring terrestrial planets

1. Our planet is the largest among them. Venus, and especially Mars and Mercury, are significantly inferior in size to her.

2. Only on Earth is oxygen present in sufficient quantity and in the correct ratio, which is important for the existence of life.

3. It has the strongest magnetic field that protects against radiation and the largest natural satellite - the Moon.

4. The only one of the terrestrial planets has a huge supply of water.

5. The distance to the Sun - about one and a half hundred million kilometers - turned out to be lucky for her.


The earth can rightfully be called Paradise! Nowhere else in the nearest space region are there such favorable conditions. And we need to thank space for this, which has created a comfortable angle of inclination of the earth's axis and favorable orbital parameters. No neighboring planet has a satellite like the Moon, water, oxygen and life, which is beautiful anyway. And people are only required to love and cherish her. Our planet deserves it.

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