The most western point of Eurasia. Where the extreme points of Eurasia are placed

What is Eurasia?

Eurasia - This is the largest continent in the world. It is located in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. He has huge territories, of which there is less than half the land. 3/4 of the entire population of the Earth lives in Eurasia, it is a lot. Eurasia, in accordance with the Hopication, consists of two parts: Europe and Asia.

Eurasia- It is a huge plateau, consisting of two continents, Europe and Asia. It is considered the biggest mainland of the northern hemisphere of the planet. She stretched for as many as 16,000 km. This mainland is washes as much as 4 ocean-quiet, Indian, Atlantic and North Arctic.

Geographical position.

The continent is located in the northern hemisphere between about 9 ° C. d. and 169 ° z. D., At the same time, part of the Islands of Eurasia is in the southern hemisphere. Most of the continental Eurasia lies in the eastern hemisphere, although the extreme western and eastern tip of the mainland is in Western hemisphere.

Contains two parts of the world: Europe and Asia. The border line between Europe and Asia is most often spent on the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Emba River, the North-West coast of the Caspian Sea, the river Kuma, Kumo-Manic Wipadine, the Manych River, the East Coast of the Black Sea, the South Coast of the Black Sea, Strait Bosphorus, Marble Sea, Strait Dardanelles, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, Gibraltar Strait. This division has developed historically. Naturally, there is no sharp boundary between Europe and Asia. The continent is integrated by the continuity of the sushi currently tectonic consolidation and unity of numerous climatic processes.

This is the only continent on Earth washed by four oceans: in the south - Indian, in the north - northern ice, in the West - Atlantic, in the East - Tikhim.

Eurasia extended from West to the east for 16 thousand km, from north to south - by 8 thousand km, with an area of \u200b\u200b≈ 54 million km². This is more than a third of the area of \u200b\u200ball the sushi planet. Eurasia Islands Square is approaching 2.75 million km².

History of Eurasia.

The ideas of equality, justice and prosperity of the state were gradually changed by the desire for personal well-being, a clear division of the living conditions of the communist elite and officials in comparison with the rest of the people. Guilty of both "comrades of scientists", thinking "universal" (read - Western European) values \u200b\u200band ideas about the history of Russia. It was ignored by the history of the Great Eurasia did not manage to explain the generality of the roots of its peoples from geographical, climatic, landscaped habitat and underpring genetic and cultural mixing of steppe, forest-steppe, mountainous peoples, thousands of years of worst on Eurasian expanses, including in the past century after reforms . Andolipine, Soviet Great Buildings.

The attitude of citizens of Russia and the CIS states to each other, despite the differences in languages \u200b\u200band customs will change when the history of Scythians, Huns, Turks, Finno-Ugrov, Mongols, Russian and other Eurasian peoples will cease to ignore and separate from our general history. The power of Eurasia in its ethnic manifold! At the same time, this is its weak point, which in the past has more than once the cause of decay on individual tribes and principalities. But at all times, the union took place under the signs of the strongest tribe, a powerful Khan, the king. In the XIV - XV centuries. Such became the Russians, driven by Moscow princes and orthodox Church. Many Ordane Princes were joined to them. Of course, the Russian people deserves deep respect and relevant relationship; It was not by chance that the best people of Eurasia were tightened to Moscow, including from the Caucasus, participating in the creation of the Russian Empire and the Great Russian Super Ethnoz. But before that, there were: Great Scythia, Empire of the Huns, the Great El Turkov, Khazar Kaganat, Volga Bulgaria, Kievan Rus, the Empire of Genghis Khan, Golden Horde. This in some historians people are unknown from where "arise" and is unknown where "disappear" ... in life it does not happen!


Soviet historian L. N. Gumilev, starting from the second half of the 1980s, positioned himself as the "last Eurasian", a representative of one of the largest trends of the scientific thought in the Russian emigration of 1920-1930. Among the participants in this movement were historians G. V. Vernadsky, L. P. Karsavin, Ethnographer and Linguist N. S. Trubetskoy, geographer and economist P. N. Savitsky, the only one of the representatives of the "classic" Eurasianism, with whom L. is familiar N. Gumilev. However, as follows from the published correspondence between them, L. N. Gumilev was familiar with the works of other Eurasians, in particular N. S. Trubetsky and G. V. Vernadsky. Almost never directly referring to the works of the predecessors, he nevertheless used some significant concepts of Eurasian discourse in the construction of its own ethnogenesis theory. Among them should be allocated such concepts as "Eurasia", "location" and "vital energy", their importance was seriously different from the "classic" Eurasia inherent in the works. The concept of "Eurasia" was introduced into widespread use in the second half of the XIX century, when a single continental array of old light was meant under it except Indian; They also denoted the central plains of this continent. At the beginning of the XX century. V.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskaya Russian Eurasia was called space "between the Volga and Yeniseem from the Ice Ocean to the Southern Faces of the State." For the first time, this concept is applied to the "median" world - the central part of the continent - was used in the reviews of P. N. Savitsky "Europe and Eurasia" (1921) on Essay N. S. Trubetskoy "Europe and humanity" (1920) . It was noted that the Eurasian geographical boundaries were absolutely accurately determined, but for the most part they coincide with the borders of the Russian Empire. The main characteristics of the Eurasian Eurasians were: the frequency of natural, climatic, soil and vegetable zones within the region; Continuity in the anthropological and ethnographic sense, when all the peoples of the region are "transitional types" in relation to the neighboring; Mo-Notonia and the presence of timber differences in the linguistic terms; "Household confessation" (when faith enters the life, and the life receives spiritual sanctification) as the basis of the worldview of all the peoples of the region; West confrontation in geopolitical plan. The concept of "Eurasia" initially became part of the Eurasian discourse, having several meanings: as a synonym for Russia as a certain geographic area and as a cultural and historical category. As criteria for the allocation of Eurasia boundaries in different years, geographical, anthropological, ethnographic, linguistic, cultural and historical parameters were called. After the collapse of "Classical Eurasia" in 1939, the use of the concept of "Eurasia" for " middle Mira"Stopped. During 1940-1960s. The concept of "Eurasia" in geographic science was used in the "reunifting" sense - the association of two continents - Europe and Asia. In history, ethnography and archeology to the 60s. XX century Under it was also understood by a single continent. Starting from the 1960s. In historical writings, a sustainable expression "Nomads of Eurasia" and "Steppe Eurasia" appears, but without a clear definition of the concept of "Eurasia" with the beginning of the active scientific activity of the "Last Eurasian", L. N. Gumileva, the concept of "Eurasia" began to be actively used again. He revised the geographical boundaries of Eurasia, limiting its central region of the continent. Under it, he understood only the Great Steppe with insignificant areas of the forest-steppe in the western part. Here we can talk about the transfer of the concept of "Nomads of Eurasia" from the field of history and ethnography in the sphere of geography: Eurasia is a region in which nomads live. There was a significant narrowing of geographical boundaries in the north and a slight increase in the West by incorporating the Hungarian Pashchi. L. N. Gumilev concretized the interpretation of "Eurasia" through the prism of ethnogenetic issues. He turned to the ideas of N. S. Trubetsky about the Eurasian Unity, inserting the category of the Supethnos: "Eurasia is not only a huge continent, but also formed super ethnos in the center." Eurasian Continent united three times - Turks, Mongols and Russians [Ibid], it changes significantly ethnic composition Macroregion. In this definition, a noticeable contradiction with the geographical - has occurred to expand the concept of "Eurasia" to the whole continent; If you consider the Eurasian Super Ethnicity to be identical Russian, then Eurasia in its borders coincides with the Russian Empire. The concept of "location" was introduced into the Eurasian discourse in 1927 P. N. Savitsky in the works of the "Geographical Review of Russia-Eurasia", "Geographical features of Russia. Part 1. Vegetation and soil "and G. V. Vernadsky in the book" Insutiating Russian history. Part 1. Researchers have repeatedly noted the proximity of the concepts of "location" of Eurasians and the "living space" of F. Ratzel.


The concept of "Eurasia" refers to geographic, ethnic and

the cultural identity of Russia, which in the eyes of followers of such conceptualization - "Eurasians" exists independently of the rest of Europe and Asia and should be strengthened and supported by Russian policies. Under Asia, in contrast

from "Eurasia" (Russia) was understood by Japan, China, Indochina, Iran and the Middle East,

under Europe - today's European Union states. Geographically, Eurasia and its cultures are combined and constituted by steppes and wooded regions.

The concept of "Eurasia", which goes beyond the limits of Russia, was introduced by the Austrian geologist, Edward Zyus, in his three-volume labor "Lick of Earth", he emphasizes the relationship of land arrays of Europe and Asia. Even from the history of the Silk Road and the subsequent historical process, influences collided in Central Asia Different parts of Europe and Asia. * Just at that time, market expansion began -

cravan trade along a silk way, engine of sociocultural changes.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the concept of "Eurasia" began to be widely used not only in journals, research institutions, cultural projects, etc. **, but also in the field of politics. Previous President of the Soviet Union M. Gorbachev called Soviet Union Eurasian country talking about

the Muslim part of the population, which was then able to become the largest group of the population. In the modern Russian Federation, the concept of "Eurasia" is used primarily to those who want to distance themselves from Europe and for this

rely on the Byzantine heritage and Russian land arrays in Asian

continent, as well as those representatives of Western, Central and Eastern

Europe that seek to prove non-democracy of Asian political

and cultural traditions to prevent European ambitions of Russia.


Eurasia is the highest mountain of the Earth - Jomolungma (Everest), the largest lake - the Caspian Sea and the deepest - Baikal, the largest mining system on the area - Tibet, the largest peninsula - Arabian, the largest geographic area - Siberia, the lowest point Sushi - Wpadina of the Dead Sea. On the continent there is a pole of the Northern Hemisphere cold - Oymyakon

Interesting Facts.

The fastest growing plant - bamboo, grows for 90 cm per day.

The maximum average annual precipitation falls into Cherapundy - 11,700 mm per year.

The northernmost of all the capitals of the world - Reykjavik (Iceland).

The name "Gibraltar Strait" originated from the Arabic name Jebel al-Tarik, i.e. Mount Tarika (Mauritanian leader).

Altai Translated from Mongolian - "Golden Mountains".

Kun Loon translated from Chinese - "Onion Mountains", so on. Separate slopes of a wild bow.

A Durian tree grows on the Malay Archipelago, which has fruits with an extremely gentle taste and such a disgusting smell that people are forbidden to bring them into public transport.

Estern Coast of Eurasia is the deepest oceanic Wpadina - Mariana (11022 m).

Iceland Island - "Furged Mountains, Boiling Sources, Cold Rivers and Glaciers."

Message about the mainland of Eurasia, the biggest mainland on our planet, will tell you about his features. Short report About Eurasia will help prepare for the lesson

Report on the topic "Eurasia"

Where is the mainland of Eurasia?

Eurasia is the largest continent on Earth, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 36% of the total land area. Eurasia is 93 countries.

Eurasia is entirely located in the northern hemisphere. Eurasia is conditionally divided into two parts - Europe and Asia. The border between Europe and Asia passes on the Range of the Ural Mountains, hereinafter - along the Ural River, which flows into the Caspian Sea, and then - on the Range of the Caucasian Mountains.

Mainland Square Eurasia - 54 million km 2

The continent is washed by all oceans - Atlantic, northern ice, Indian and quiet.

Flora and fauna Eurasia It has a great variety. Within the continent there is almost everything Climatic belts and climatic zones: Arctic deserts, tundra and forestandra, forests, steppes, desert. Most of Europe and Siberia covers the forest zone of moderate belt, coniferous, mixed and broad forest forests. In each natural zone, its vegetation and their animal world adapted to this zone.

Now the continent lives most of the population of the Earth, and this is over 5 billion people - more than 70% of the world's population. The population is extremely uniformly, the population of Western Europe and Southeast Asia has the greatest density.

It was in Eurasia that three famous world religions: buddhism, christianity, islam.

Relief and minerals Eurasia

There are many extensive plains on the territory of the continent and the most extended mountain systems on the planet. Mountains and plateaus occupy about 65% of the territory of Eurasia.

Eurasia is the highest mountain system of the world - Himalayas , in the limits of which the highest point of the Earth, Mountain Jomolungma (Everest ) 8848 m high.

North of Himalayans is the world's largest highlands Tibet .

Among the minerals, Eurasia is the most common non-metallic, metal and combustible mineral deposits. The largest deposits of the following fossils: manganese, iron, nickel, copper, tungsten, oil, coal, graphite, silver, gold.

Inland waters of Eurasia

The mainland is rich in the inner waters - rivers, lakes and groundwater. The deepest and large lakes are Baikal, Onega, Ladoga, Balkhash, Issyk-Kul, Aral and Caspian Sea Lake.

The biggest rivers Eurasia - Yangtze, Amur, Huanghe, Gang, Ind, Yenisei, Lena, Amurrena, Cupid.

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About 30% of our planet's surface occupies a sushi, which is represented by six continents. They are very different in size. And the question arises: "What is the biggest mainland of the earth?" You can learn about this from this article.

Eurasia - the largest mainland of the earth

This continent occupies an area of \u200b\u200babout 54,000,000 km 2. Thus, this is the largest mainland on Earth. At the same time, the number of people living on it has already exceeded 5 billion people, which is about 75 percent of the entire population of the planet.

Geographically, Eurasia is also divided into two parts: Europe and Asia. As you know, there are only six parts of the world, of which Asia is the biggest (mainland on Earth - this is the concept of purely geographical, while part of the world is cultural and ethnographic). It is worth noting that Europe accounts for only 20% of the entire Eurasian area.

The largest mainland on earth is geographically continuous, and the line of distinction between the European and Asian part is very conditional. As a rule, it is carried out on the slopes of the Mountains of the Urals, along the Emba River, the banks of the Caspian Sea, the south-east coast of the Black Sea and the Bosphorus Strait.

Eurasia extends from Equatorial to the same latitudes. At the same time, some of its islands are already located already south of the equator line. The length of the mainland from the west to the East is 18,000 kilometers, and from north to south - 8000 km.

Eurasia: Nature Features

Eurasia is the continent of contrasts in natural terms. After all, here you can meet absolutely everything: the highest snow-covered peaks and deep depressions, cold harsh tundra and hot, huge in its area, desert, impassable forests and a large steppe. According to the natural diversity, this mainland is no longer equal on the whole of our planet!

Of course, such a geographical manifold is due to the sizes of Eurasia and its elongation from the north to south. The continent presents all possible natural zones of the Earth - from the Arctic desert to wet tropical forests (all natural zones in Eurasia are 14). There is more than a dozen large mountain systems on the mainland, within which high-rise belt have been formed.

The highest point of Eurasia (and the planet as a whole) is the Jomolungma Mountain in Himalayas. Her height is 8848 meters. The lowest point of the mainland is a wpin of the dead sea.

Eurasia: countries and peoples

Interesting the origin of the name of the largest continent on Earth. It is curious that at first all the mainland called Asia (in particular, he called Alexander von Humboldt in the middle of the XIX century). But Eurasia was the first to call him the scientist Eduard Zyus, and it happened only at the end of the century before last. This name has been fixed behind the largest continent.

The largest mainland on the ground has about hundreds of countries today. All of them are very different in size, economic Development, cultural and other features. The contrast of Eurasia is fully manifested in this aspect. You can give only one interesting example. So, on one continent there is a largest world state - Russia (Square - 17 million km 2) and the smallest - Vatican (just 0.5 km 2).

Eurasia is characterized by a terrific manifold of cultures, languages \u200b\u200band dialects. Especially if we talk about Asia. So, in India alone, people speak more than 800 languages \u200b\u200band dialects!

Eurasia: Records and Amazing Facts

Finally, to summarize all of the above, we will provide a list of the most famous and amazing records under consideration by our territory. So:

  • Eurasia is the most populated mainland of the planet. About five billion people live here (only in India and China, the population has exceeded two billion).
  • Eurasia is the only continent that is washed at once with all the oceans of the planet.
  • It is here that the largest lake - Caspian size is located.
  • For this mainland, another "lake" record: most deep lake On Earth (Baikal) "prescribed" here.
  • The highest and lowest point of the planet are located in Eurasia.
  • The most shallow sea on Earth (Azov) is also here (imagine: its depth does not exceed 15 meters!).
  • It is on the map of Eurasia that you can find 4 seas with "color" names: black, white, red and yellow.
  • This continent is an absolute leader on the planet for the total number of mountain systems, the largest among them is Tibet.

As you can see, no wonder this part of the world is called the biggest. Mainland on Earth, which has all these amazing records, simply cannot have a small area.


So, we found out that Eurasia is the biggest mainland on Earth. It occupies a colossal territory in 54,000,000 km 2. Over 5 billion people live on these lands. Variety of languages, wealth cultural heritage different countries Attracts this mainland a huge number of researchers and ordinary tourists from other continents.

And also on straits connecting black and. The name "Europe" came from the legend that the Phoenician king Agenor had a daughter Europe. Almighty Zeus loved her, turned into a bull and kidnapped. He took her to the island of Crete. There, Europe first stepped on the land of the part of the world, which since then wears her name. Asia - the designation of one of the provinces to the east of the so-called Scythian tribes to the Caspian Sea (Asia, Asian).

The coastline is very cut and forms a large number of Peninsula and bays. The largest are both. It is washed by the mainland by the waters, the Atlantic, North Icet and. Weather formed by them are the most deep in the east and south of the mainland. In the study of the mainland, scientists and navigators of many countries took part. P. P. Semenova-Tien Shansky and N.M. .

Eurasia relief folded. The mainland is significantly higher than others. In the Himalayan Mountains there is the highest mountain of the world - Jomolungma () with a height of 8848 m. 14 Eurasia vertices exceed the highest peaks of other continents. Eurasia is distinguished by huge sizes and stretch for thousands of kilometers, the largest of them: Eastern European, Indo-Gangskaya, East-Chinese. Unlike other mainland, the central regions of Eurasia are occupied by the mountains, the plains also occupy coastal territories. Eurasia is also the deepest landflowing: the shore of the Dead Sea is located 395 meters below the ocean level. Such a variety of relief can be explained only historical development The mainland is based on. There are more ancient sites on it. earth crust - Platforms to which the plains are confined, and the folding zones that have connected these platforms by expanding the continental area.

On the southern borders of the Eurasian Plate, where its joint with other lithospheric plates occurs, powerful formation processes occurring and occurring, leading to the appearance of the highest mountain systems. This is accompanied by intense and. One of them in 1923 destroyed the capital of Tokyo. More than 100 thousand people died.

The relief of the mainland had an influence and ancient glaciation, who captured the north of the mainland. It changed the surface of the earth, smoothed the vertices, left numerous moraine. Eurasia is exclusively rich in both sedimentary and magmatic origin.

Eurasia is the continent of the strongest contrasts. This is the only mainland, where everything is presented: from the Arctic to Equatorial. Over 1/4 of the territory in the north of the continent occupies approximately the same - sultry deserts and semi-deserts. Eurasia is located a pole of cold - in the northeast of the mainland, on. Here the air is cooled to -70 ° C. At the same time, the temperature in the summer rises to + 53 ° C. On the territory of Eurasia is one of the most wet places on Earth - Cherrypundy. The territory of Eurasia proceeds many rivers, the length of many of them is about 5 thousand kilometers. It , . The largest lake in the world - is also located on the territory of the mainland. Here is also the deepest. It contains 20% fresh water on the ground. Mainland ice - Important keeper of freshwater.

Eurasia - The most populated mainland. More than 3/4 of all the inhabitants of the globe live here. Eastern and southern mainland areas are especially tightly populated. By the diversity of nations living on the mainland, Eurasia differs from other continents. Slavic peoples live in the north: Russians, Czechs, Bulgarians, and others. South Asia Inhabit the numerous Indian peoples and the Chinese.

Eurasia - Cradle ancient civilizations.

Geographical position: Northern hemisphere between 0 ° c. d. and 180 ° c. d., some of the islands lies in the southern hemisphere.

Square Eurasia: About 53.4 million km2

Extreme points of Eurasia:

  • extreme North Island - Cape Flygeli, 81 ° 51` with. sh.;
  • extreme Northern Material Point - Cape Chelyuskin, 77 ° 43` with. sh.;
  • extreme Eastern Island Point - Ratmanova Island, 169 ° 0` d.;
  • extreme Eastern Material Point - Cape Dezhneva, 169 ° 40` d.;
  • extreme South Island Point - South Island, 12 ° 4` sh.;
  • extreme South Material Point - Cape Piaay, 1 ° 16` with. sh.;
  • extreme Western Island Point - Montshake Rock, 31 ° 16` h. d.;
  • extreme Western Material Point - Cape Rock, 9 ° 30` d.

Climatic belts Eurasia:, subarctic, moderate, subtropical, Mediterranean, tropical, subequatorial, equatorial.

Geology of Eurasia: On the territory of Eurasia is the East European, Siberian, Sino-Korean, South China, Indian platforms.

Tikhim I. Indian Oceans; The length of the mainland from the west to the East is 16 thousand km, from north to south - 8 thousand km; More than 4.3 billion people live in Eurasia.

Eurasia is the largest continent on Earth, the area is 53.893 million km², which is 36% of Sushi Square. The population is more than 4.947 billion (2010), which is about 3/4 of the population of the entire planet.

The origin of the name of the Continent

Initially, various names were given to the largest continent of the world. Alexander Humboldt used the name "Asia" for all Eurasia. Karl Gustav Roychell in 1858 in the book "Handbuch Der Geographie" used the term "DoppeleRDTheil Asien-Europa". The term "Eurasia" for the first time used the geologist Eduard Zyus in the 1880s.

Geographical location of the mainland

The continent is located in the northern hemisphere between about 9 ° C. d. and 169 ° z. D., At the same time, part of the Islands of Eurasia is in the southern hemisphere. Most of the continental Eurasia lies in the eastern hemisphere, although the extreme western and eastern tip of the mainland is in Western hemisphere.

Contains two parts of the world: Europe and Asia. The border line between Europe and Asia is most often spent on the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Emba River, the North-West coast of the Caspian Sea, the river Kuma, Kumo-Manic Wipadine, the Manych River, the East Coast of the Black Sea, the South Coast of the Black Sea, Strait Bosphorus, Marble Sea, Strait Dardanelles, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, Gibraltar Strait. This division has developed historically. Naturally, there is no sharp boundary between Europe and Asia. The continent is integrated by the continuity of the sushi, which currently currently has a tectonic consolidation and unity of numerous climatic processes.

Eurasia extended from West to the east for 16 thousand km, from north to south - by 8 thousand km, with an area of \u200b\u200b≈ 54 million km². This is more than a third of the area of \u200b\u200ball the sushi planet. Eurasia Islands Square is approaching 2.75 million km².

Extreme points of Eurasia


  • Cape Chelyuskin (Russia), 77 ° 43 'p. sh. - Extreme northern mainstall.
  • Cape Piaay (Malaysia) 1 ° 16 'p. sh. - Extreme southern mortgarter.
  • Cape Roca (Portugal), 9º31 's. d. - Extreme Western Motion Point.
  • Cape Dezhneva (Russia), 169 ° 42 's. d. - Extreme Eastern Material Point.

Island Points

  • Cape Flygeli (Russia), 81 ° 52 's. sh. - Extreme Northern Island Point (however, according to the topographic map of Rudolf Island, stretching in a latitudent direction to the west of Cape Flygeli lies a few hundred meters from the north of Cape in the coordinates of 81 ° 51'28.8 "with. sh. 58 ° 52'00" in. d. (G) (O)).
  • Southern Island (Coconut Islands) 12 ° 4 'Yu. sh. - Extreme southern island.
  • Rock Monshik (Azores) 31º16 's. d. - Extreme Western Island.
  • Ratmanova Island (Russia) 169 ° 0 'z. d. - Extreme Eastern Island.

The largest peninsula

  • Arabian Peninsula
  • Peninsula Small Asia
  • Balkan Peninsula
  • Apennine Peninsula
  • The Iberian Peninsula
  • Scandinavian Peninsula
  • Peninsula Taimyr
  • Chukotsky Peninsula
  • Peninsula Kamchatka
  • Peninsula Indochytai
  • Peninsula Industan
  • Peninsula Malacca
  • Peninsula Yamal
  • Kola Peninsula
  • Peninsula Korea

Geological characteristics of continent

Geological structure of Eurasia

The geological structure of Eurasia is qualitatively different from the structures of other continents. Eurasia is composed of several platforms and plates. The continent was formed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eranes and is the youngest geological relation. This distinguishes it from other continents representing the elevation of ancient platforms formed billions of years ago.

The northern part of Eurasia is a series of plates and platforms formed during the periods of Archesa, Proterozoy and Paleozoic: East European platform with the Baltic and Ukrainian shields, Siberian platform with the Alandanian shield, West Siberian stove. East End The mainland includes two platforms (Sino-Korean and South China), some plates and areas of Mesozoic and Alpine folds. Southeast The mainland is an area of \u200b\u200bMesozoic and Cenozoic folding. The southern areas of the mainland are represented by Indian and Arabian platforms, the Iranian slab, as well as areas of the Alpine and Mesozoic folding, which prevail in Southern Europe. Territory western Europe Includes the zones of predominantly Hercino folding and plates of Paleozoic platforms. The central areas of the continent include the zones of Paleozoic folding and plates of the Paleozoic platform.

Eurasia has many large faults and cracks that are available in Siberia (Western and Lake Baikal), Tibet and some other areas.


The continent's formation period covers a huge period of time and continues today. The beginning of the process of the formation of the ancient platforms of the conditions of the Continent Eurasia, occurred in the Precambrian era. Then three ancient platforms were formed: Chinese, Siberian and Eastern European, separated by the ancient seas and oceans. At the end of the Proterezhoy and the Paleozoic, the closure processes of the ocean sushi arrays took place. At this time, the process of increasing sushi around these and other platforms and their grouping was happening, which led to the formation of Supercontinent Pangeus to the beginning of the Mesozoic era.

The process of education of ancient platforms of Eurasia Siberian, Chinese and Eastern European. At the end of the era, land sushi increased from the Siberian platform. In the silver there were extensive properties as a result of the connection of the European and North American platform formed a large North Atlantic continent. In the east, the Siberian platform and a number of mountain systems have united, forming a new mainland - hangarid. At this time, the process of formation of ore deposits was happening.

In the carboxyment period began a new tectonic cycle. Intensive movements led to the formation of mountainous sites connected Siberia and Europe. Such mountain areas have been formed in the territory of the southern regions of modern Eurasia. Prior to the beginning of the Triassic period, all ancient platforms were grouped and formed Pangeya's mainland. This cycle was long and divided into phases. In the initial phase there was a mountain formation on southern Territories of the current Western Europe and in the districts of Central Asia. In the Perm period there were new major in-forming processes, in parallel with the general raising sushi. As a result, by the end of the period, the Eurasian part of Pangay was a region with a large folding. At this time, the process of destruction of old mountains and the formation of powerful sedimental sediments took place. In the Triassic period, geological activity was weak, but in this period it was gradually opened in the east of Pangai, the Ocean Tetis, later in Yura divided Pange by Laurelasia and Gondwan. In the Jurassic period, the process of orogenesis begins, whose peak, however, came to the Cenozoic Era.

The next stage of the formation of the continent began in the chalk period when he began to open Atlantic Ocean. Finally, the continent laurels was divided into Cenozoa.

At the beginning cenozoic era Northern Eurasia represented a huge sushi massif, which was described by the ancient platforms, interconnected by the regions of the Baikal, Gersinskaya and Caledonian folds. In the East and South-East, this array joined the areas of mesozoic folding. In the West, Eurasia from North America has already separated the uninformed Atlantic Ocean. From the south, this huge array has written the Tetis reduced in the size of the ocean. The Cenozoic had a reduction in the Ocean Ocean Ocean and intense properties in the south of the continent. By the end of the tertiary period, the continent accepted its modern outlines.

Physical characteristics of the mainland

Eurasia relief

Eurasia relief is extremely diverse, it is one of the largest plains and mining systems of the world, the East European Plain, West Siberian Plain, Tibetan Highlands. Eurasia is the highest mainland on Earth, its average height is about 830 meters (the average height of Antarctica is higher due to the icy spit, but if its height is considered the height of the root breed, the continent will be the lowest). Eurasia has the highest mountains on Earth - Himalayas (Ind. The abode of the snow), and the Eurasian mountain systems of Himalayas, Tibet, Hindukusha, Pamir, Tien Shan, and others form the largest mountain area on Earth.

Modern continent relief due to intense tectonic movements In periods of neogen and anthropogen. The greatest mobility is characterized by the East Asian and Alpine-Himalayan geosynclinal belt. Powerful non-stocking movements are characterized by a wide band of multi-industrial structures from Gissaro-Alla to Chukotka. High seismicity is inherent in many areas of Central, Central and East Asia, Malay Archipelago. The existing volcanoes of Eurasia are located on Kamchatka, Islands of East and Southeast Asia, in Iceland and in the Mediterranean.

The average height of the continent is 830 m, mountains and plane oil occupy about 65% of its territory.

The main mining systems of Eurasia:

  • Himalayas
  • Alps
  • Hindukush
  • Karakorum
  • Tien Shan
  • Kunlun
  • Altai
  • Mountains of Southern Siberia
  • Mountains of Northeast Siberia
  • Front Asian Highlands
  • Pamiro Alai.
  • Tibetan highlands
  • Sayano Tuvinian Highlands
  • Deansky plateau.
  • Medium-grained plateau
  • Carpathians
  • Ural Mountains

The main plains and lowlands of Eurasia

  • the East European Plain
  • West Siberian Plain
  • Turan lowland
  • Great Chinese Plain
  • Indo-Gangskaya Plain

The relief of the northern and row of mountain areas of the continent experienced an impact of an ancient glaciation. Modern glaciers have been preserved on the Islands of the Arctic, in Iceland and in high mountains. About 11 million km² (mainly on the territory of Siberia) is employed by multi-member rocks.

Geographic records of the mainland

Eurasia is the highest mountain of the Earth - Jomolungma (Everest), the largest lake - the Caspian Sea and the deepest - Baikal, the largest mining system on the area - Tibet, the largest peninsula - Arabian, the largest geographic area - Siberia, the lowest point Sushi - Wpadina of the Dead Sea. On the continent there is a pole of the northern hemisphere cold - Oymyakon. Eurasia is also the biggest natural area Earth - Siberia.

Historical and geographical zoning

Eurasia is the birthplace of the most ancient civilizations of Sumerian and Chinese, and the place where almost all the ancient civilizations of the Earth have been formed. Eurasia is conditionally divided into two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. The latter is divided into smaller in the size of the region - Siberia, the Far East, the Amur region, Primorye, Manchuria, China, India, Tibet, Uyiguria (Vost. Turkestan, now Xinjiang as part of the PRC), middle Asia, Middle East, Caucasus, Persia, Indochina, Arabia and some others. Other, less well-known areas of Eurasia - Tarkhtaria (Tartaria), hyperborea today are almost forgotten and not recognized.

Climate mainland Eurasia

Eurasia presents all climatic belts and climatic zones. Polar and subpolar climatic belts dominate in the north, then Eurasia crosses a wide band, then follows subtropical belt. The tropical belt on the territory of Eurasia is interrupted, stretching along the continent from the Mediterranean and Red Seas to India. The sub-screen belt comes to the north, covering India and Indochina, as well as the extreme south of China, and the Equatorial belt covers, mainly the island of Southeast Asia. Climatic zones of the sea climate are mainly in the west of the continent in Europe, as well as islands. The monsoon climate zones prevail in the eastern and southern regions. With the deepening of the land, the continentality of the climate is growing, especially this is noticeable in moderate belt When driving from west to east. The zones of the most continental climate are located in Eastern Siberia (see a sharp continental climate).

Nature on continent

Natural zones

Everything is presented in Eurasia natural zones. This is due to the large size of the mainland and the length from the north to the south.

Northern Islands and High Mountains are partially covered with glaciers. The polar desert zone is distributed mainly along the northern coast and a significant part of the Taimyr Peninsula. Next, there is a wide belt tundra and forest tundra, which occupy the most extensive areas in Eastern Siberia (Yakutia) and Far East.

Almost all of Siberia, a significant part of the Far East and Europe (Northern and Northeast), covers the coniferous forest - Taiga. On South Western Siberia. and in the Russian plain (central and western parts), as well as in Scandinavia and Scotland there are mixed forests. Plots of such forests are available in the Far East: in Manchuria Primorye, North China, Korea and Japanese Islands. Falling forests prevail mainly in the west of the mainland in Europe. Small sections of these forests are found in East Asia (China). In the south-east of Eurasia, there are arrays of wet equatorial forests.

The central and southwestern regions are occupied mainly by semi-deserts and deserts. At the Industry and Southeast Asia there are areas of steady and variable-wet and monsoon forests. Subtropical and tropical monsoon type forests also prevail in eastern China, and their temperate analogues in Manchuria, Amur and Primorye. In the south of the western part of the continent (mainly the Mediterranean and the Black Sea coast) there are zones of severe evergreen forests and shrubs (Mediterranean-type forests). Large squares It is occupied by steppes and forest-steppes, occupying the southern part of the Russian plain and south of Western Siberia. The steppes and forest-steppe meet also in Transbaikalia, the Amur region, the vast areas are in Mongolia and the North and Northeast China and Manchuria.

Eurasia is widespread areas of high-altitude explanation.

Fauna, animal world

Big, north, part of Eurasia refers to the Hollarctic zogeographic area; The smaller, southern, - to the Indo-Malay and Ethiopian regions in the Indo-Malay region include Indoostan Peninsula and Indochina, together with the adjacent part of the mainland, Taiwan Islands, Philippine and Sunda, South of Arabia, together with most of Africa enters the Ethiopian region. Some southeastern Islands of the Malay Archipelago Most zogeographs refer to the Australian zogeographic area. This division reflects the features of the development of the Eurasian fauna in the process of change natural conditions During the end of the mesozoy and the entire Cenozoa, as well as connections with other continents. For the characteristics of modern natural conditions, the ancient extinct fauna, known only in the fossil condition, fauna, disappeared in historical time as a result of human activity, and modern fauna.

At the end of the Mesozoic, a variety of fauna was formed on the territory of Eurasia, consisting of single-pass and silent mammals, snakes, turtles, etc. With the advent of placental mammals, especially predators, lower mammals retreated south to Africa and Australia. They were changed by probitive, camels, horses, rhinos, who inhabited by the Cineau most of the Eurasia. Climate cooling at the end of the Cenozoic led to extinct many of them or south retreat. Tradeless, rhinos, etc. In the north, Eurasia is known only in the fossil state, and now they live only in South and Southeast Asia. Camels and wild horses until recently were widespread in the inner arid parts of Eurasia.

Climate cooling led to the settlement of Eurasia by animals adapted to harsh climatic conditions (Mammoth, Tour, etc.). This northern fauna, the center of the formation of which was located in the field of Bering Sea and was common with North America, gradually pushed to the south the thermal-loving fauna. Many representatives of it are extinct, some have been preserved as part of the modern fauna tundras and taiga forests. The draining of the inland regions of the mainland was accompanied by the spread of steppe and desert fauna, which was mainly in the steppes and deserts of Asia, and in Europe partially extinct.

In the eastern part of Asia, where climatic conditions did not undergo significant changes during the Cenozoa, they found asylum for many animals of the smaller time. In addition, through Eastern Asia An exchange of animals between the Hollarctic and Indo-Malay regions took place. At its limits, such tropical forms like tiger, Japanese Macak, etc. penetrate the north.

In the distribution of modern wild fauna through the territory of Eurasia, they reflect both the history of its development and the features of natural conditions and the results of human activity.

In the northern islands and in the extreme north of the mainland, the composition of the fauna almost does not change from the west to the east. Animal world TundR and Taiga forests have minor internal differences. The farther to the south, the differences in latitude within the Hollarctic are becoming more and more significant. The fauna of the extreme south of Eurasia is already so specific and so much different from the tropical fauna of Africa and even Arabia, which is related to different zogeographic areas.

Especially monotony all over Eurasia (as well as North America) Fauna Tundr.

The most common major mammal tundra is the northern deer (Rangifer Tarandus). It is already almost found in Europe in a wild state; This is the most common and valuable pet North of Eurasia. For the tundra characteristic of sands, lemming and hareboat.

Eurasia countries

The following list includes not only states located on the mainland of Eurasia, but also the states located on the islands ranged to Europe or Asia (example - Japan).

  • Abkhazia
  • Austria
  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Belorussia
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Brunei
  • Butane
  • Vatican
  • Great Britain
  • Hungary
  • East Timor
  • Vietnam
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Georgia
  • Denmark
  • Egypt (partially)
  • Israel
  • India
  • Indonesia (partially)
  • Jordan
  • Ireland
  • Iceland
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Yemen
  • Kazakhstan
  • Cambodia
  • Qatar
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • China Republic (Taiwan)
  • Kuwait
  • Latvia
  • Lebanon
  • Lithuania
  • Liechtenstein
  • Luxembourg Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Malta
  • Moldova
  • Monaco
  • Mongolia
  • Myanmar
  • Nepal
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Pakistan
  • State
  • Palestine
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • The Republic of Korea
  • Republic
  • Kosovo
  • Macedonia
  • Russia
  • Romania
  • San Marino.
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Serbia
  • Singapore
  • Syria
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Tajikistan
  • Thailand
  • Turkmenistan
  • Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
  • Turkey
  • Uzbekistan
  • Ukraine
  • Philippines
  • Finland
  • France
  • Croatia
  • Montenegro
  • Czech Republic
  • Switzerland
  • Sweden
  • Sri Lanka
  • Estonia
  • South Ossetia
  • Japan

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