The value of the phraseologism "Tishkin Kaftan. "Trishkin Kaftan" - the value of the phraseologist Winged expressions of the Basni Krylova Trishkin Kaftan

"Winged phrases" are those phrases that, as if on the wings, flew off the whole country and became famous. Now they are repeated in all corners of Russia. Most of the "winged phrases" appear when new films come to the screens. For example, everyone familiar with the expression from the comedy Leonid Gaidai, and they are still quoted.

And before, when there was no television, the "winged" phrases, hazardous all the world, appeared from literary works - poems, novels, stories.

In contact with

Many came to Russian from Basen Ivan Andreevich Krylova. Everyone knows the expression "Demianan Eh", which is used when a person forcibly makes guests try to try all the eats from the festive table. The scientific "winged phrases" are called phraseologists. This is a stable expression that is not used directly, but in a figurative sense. One of the winged phrases of the Krylov, which has become a phraseology, is "Trishkin Kaftan".

Plot Basny

This phraseologist came to the Russian language from the same name Basni. Trishka - dismissive, common version of the full name "Trifon", which is now found very rarely. However, those who do not remember the plot of Basni often say not "Tryshkin", and "Grishkin" caftan. It is not right. He was Tryshkin. Kaftan - ancient Russian men's clothing with long sleeves, which peasants wore.

Plot Basni Ivan Andreevich Krylova "Trishkin Kaftan" lies in the following:

The value of phraseologism

Phraseologism is used in the following cases:

Initially, this the fable was written by the wing like satire on officials of that time. The wings compared officials with a non-smile trichlet. At that time, many pisari and other people who served administrative positions were pretty inaccurated. They hoped "on Avos," thought that no one would check their office work. When the auditors came, the officials hastily fill the spaces in the documents.

However, allowing or hiding one problem with the documents, they put the other ones. Therefore, at the end of the Basni, Krylov declares: many officials who have the documents seemingly found in perfect order, actually "go to Tishkin Kaftan".

This bass caused lively controversy of the public.

Representatives of power and officials perceived this satir very ambiguously. But the wings were never afraid to beat the shortcomings state powerUsing for this instructive poetry genre - Bass.

Examples of use

Nowadays, this phraseology is used quite rarely. But people who are familiar with the works of Krylov, sometimes use this expression in order to have a joking form to declare anyone about misses, shortcomings.

For example, boy younger school age At the end of the quarter corrects bad marks. When a schoolboy fixed a twice in mathematics, it turned out that he "launched" Russian. The student is taken for this subject, but here recalls that he still needs to prepare a Botanic report.

The child does not know what to take first of all, and does not receive the desired results. The teacher corps him in a joking form: "You have a study, like triski Kaftan. When one hole was laid out, then another appeared. "

Another example of the use of this phraseologist in everyday speech: a girl sews a dress in labor lesson. When the dress is ready, it turned out that it is too long. A student who does not consult with anyone and without thinking, quickly cuts him.

But it is rough, unevenly, and the girl is going to shorten the thing again. The teacher stops her and says: "Look, children, in a dream is not a dress, and Trishkin Kaftan."

Usually this phraseology is used in humorous form.So that the person he believes does not feel offended.

Basni Ivan Andreevich Krylov presented a lot of phraseologisomes to the world. In almost every work, you can find one or more "winged expressions". Erudented people familiar with the classics of Russian literature, actively use them in oral and written speech. The meaning of the phraseological uniforms invented by the wallets is usually understood by all the carriers of the Russian language. If some expression causes difficulty, it is possible to learn about its origin from specialized literature, for example, from " Large dictionaries phraseologism of the Russian language. "

Trishkin Kaftan - an attempt to solve the problem, creating a new, rash actions leading to an even worse result.
The origin of the phraseology is obliged to Russian Basinowstra Ivan Andreevich Krylov, which created the fables with this name in 1815. The theme of the Basni, as Wikipedia points out, suggested the wings that existed in his exceptions to the custom of unrelated landowners lay their estate on bail several times. The landowners could get a cash loan in various credit institutions secured by their estates. The loan should pay a considerable percentage. If the percentage was not paid and the loan was not returning, the estate was assigned by a credit institution and sold with them from the auction. The amount made by the buyer replenished the budget of the credit institution, the landowner who lost the estate remained ruined.

"Trishkin Kaftan"
Triski on the elbows caftan has extended.
What to think for a long time? He began his needle:
Quarterly cut sleeveless -
And the elbows paid. Kaftan is ready again;
Only a quarter of the naughtle of steel.
What is the sadness before that?
However, she laughs in Trish
And Trishch says: "So I'm not a fool
And that break will correct:
Long former I will mention the sleeves. "
Oh, Trishka is small not simple!
Cropped Falda he and floors,
Instructed the sleeves and cheerful ribs my
Although he wears caftan such
Which is longer and Camisole.
In the same way, I saw, sometimes
Other gentlemen
Confusing the case, they are corrected,
Look: in trishkin kaftan they felt.

Synonyms for the expression "Trishkin Kaftan"

  • Plumber
  • Non-view
  • Adventurism
  • Berzasnovy
  • Unrelave
  • Stupidity

Eating phraseology "Trishkin Kaftan"

- "The farm was introduced, it seems that the Katkina Kaftana system: cut off and Falda on the dusts patch" (N. Gogol "Dead Souls").
- "And no longer justifies itself to the production of Trishkin Kaftan: they punished in one place - we regain in the other, deprived the progressives for drunkenness - we give a free trip to Kislovodsk, they say, correct the health" with grief " (O. Alekseeva "Honor of Smoloda").
- "The newly broken out the fashion for the delicate of everything and everything is alarming. As if we were not behind our shoulders of seven decades of any barren advocates, as if we were not convinced that, as nor Delhi Tryshin Kaftan, nothing but ragmotyev yes holes, from him will not get anyone " (N. Shmelev)
- "... They summed up the day and, like Trishkin Kaftan Lata Today's losses in the regiment, discussed whom and where to move to shut down all holes" (K. Simonov, "Live and Dead")

The expression "Trishkin Kaftan" is a desire to solve the ureranny problem, while creating a new one, which is capable of leading to an even worst result. This expression appeared thanks famous poet And Basnopista I. A. Krylov, who wrote in 1815 an instructive fancy with a similar name. If we look at Wikipedia, we find out that the plot itself suggested a special custom in his time. At that time there was a rather common phenomenon when the bankrupt landowner could lay his estate several times in a row. Sleeping Agrarius could receive borrowing in various credit organizations having laid its real estate. Such a loan had many minuses, the most important of them is a big percentage. If, during a predetermined time, the loan was not returned, and the percentage was not paid, then his housing was withdrawn in favor of the credit institution and subsequently exhibited an auction for sale. When the estate was sold, the entire amount made by the new owner came to the account of the credit institution, and the landowner became ruined and had to move from his real estate.

Fable "Tishkin Kaftan"

Triski on the elbows caftan has extended.
What to think for a long time? He began his needle:
Quarterly cut sleeveless -
And the elbows paid. Kaftan is ready again;
Only a quarter of the naughtle of steel.
What is the sadness before that?
However, she laughs in Trish
And Trishka says: "So I'm not a fool
And that break will correct:
Long former I will mention the sleeves. "
Oh, Trishka is small not simple!
Cropped Falda he and floors,
Instructed the sleeves and cheerful ribs my
Although he wears caftan such
Which is longer and Camisole.
In the same way, I saw, sometimes
Other gentlemen
Confusing the case, they are corrected,
Look: in trishkin kaftan they felt.

Synonym for phraseologism "Trishkin Kaftan"

"At the end of the day, preliminary results were summed up, and trying to patch all holes, as in Trishkina Kaftan, began to decide where and who needs to be moved to cover all the losses" ("Live and dead" K. Simonov)

"I am very frightened by a suddenly appeared fashion for the definition of everything and everything. As if we were not in the past seventy years of different useless deals, as if we did not make sure that it was not trying to share Tishin Kaftan, nothing but rushed and Rvanins, from It will not get anyone " (N. Shmelev)

"Long time he does not justify the production of Trishkin Kaftan. We have in one place - we will punish in the other, we give a free trip - deprive the progressives for the use of alcoholic beverages" ("Honor of Smolod" O. Alekseeva)

"It seems to me that this farm was introduced by a special system of Trishkina Kaftan - the Falds and sleeves were cut off for the attacks on the elbows" ("Dead Souls" N. Gogol)

Triski on the elbows Kaftan revealed, he decided to put a patch. To do this, he cut off the cloth with sleeves and fixed the elbows. But now the sleeves became very short. Then the triska cut the caftan below and extended the sleeves. Now the caftan has become very short! Street trice is smart, but not smart enough. Instead of getting a new fabric and repair your caftan as it should be, he invents all new ways to solve the problem, one cunning of the other.

Read the fables of Trishkin Kaftan online

Triski on the elbows caftan has extended.
What to think for a long time? He began his needle:
Quarterly cut sleeveless -
And the elbows paid. Kaftan is ready again;
Only a quarter of the naughtle of steel.
What is the sadness before that?
However, she laughs in Trish
And Trishch says: "So I'm not a fool
And that break will correct:
Long former I will mention the sleeves. "
Oh, Trishka is small not simple!
Cropped Falda he and floors,
Instructed the sleeves and cheerful ribs my
Although he wears caftan such
Which is longer and Camisole.
In the same way, I saw, sometimes
Other gentlemen
Confusing the case, they are corrected,
Look: in trishkin kaftan they felt.

(Irl. Irina Poletina)

Moral Basni Trishkin Caftan

Any question has to be solved with the mind. And it turns out so that there is a continuous correction of some disadvantages due to the appearance of others. Unreasonable, short-sighted human actions during the elimination period are pushing to even great problems.

"Tryshkin Caftan is detrged" is a none expression. So they say when people are trying to solve small, momentary problems to the detriment common causewithout thinking about the causes of failures. Such situations are often found in life - the wings directly hints at the negligent managers who "latch" their sparing budget, taking away all the big and large sums from him.

Internet marketer, site editor "On available language"
Publication date: 10/19/2018

Have you ever had to hear about the mysterious trishkin caftan? Surely, a bitter irony sounded in the voice of the spoken. This expression is often used in conversations about politics, disputes around the household, and during the discussion and condemnation of the near. Why is the subject of clothing of a certain long-being forgotten trifone still worries people?

The value of phraseologism

"Trishkin Kaftan" - This is a way to solve the problem, in the process of which new difficulties arise. The problem does not disappear, but is replaced by another. But it creates the visibility of imaginary well-being.

You can compare with trishkin cafetan, for example, a non-rational distribution of the family budget. After a hike in the amusement park, parents have nothing to pay for the school lunches of the child. You have to paint money, refusing to buy medicine for mom. Mother suffers pain, but children are fed. One difficulty disappears, but instead of it there is another. We can say about such a family: "They have a budget, like Tishkin Caftan: how many sinks, and the holes will still get out."

Sometimes phraseologism is used to briefly describe the meal repair of roads, the result of which is usually very not durable, and instead of the holes available on the road after repair, bumps appear. They say "Roads to repair - that Tishkin Caftan is pledging."

The origin of phraseologism

As you know, phraseological turns have historical roots or come into the language of fiction. The expression "Trishkin Kaftan" was just born on pages literary work. In 1815 I.A. The wings created a fables with the title of the same name, and winged phrase Quickly entered a wide use.

The Hero of Basni is trying to alter a thin clothes in such a way as not to issue his own poverty. Calculate the elbows, the triska is not despite: cuts off the sleeves and puts in the right places in the patch. He does not confuse that the outfit became Kuts. A rustic peasant Trifon seems to be very well corrected his affairs. He is ready to alter the caft of a hundred times, but it is unlikely that it will save the situation.

The Russian Basinishada addressed the poetic metaphor of wasteful nobles, ready to put into the storage of hereditary estates, hoping for large cash loans. A similar phenomenon was widespread at the end of the 18th century, and in the 19th it became a real state disaster. Without knowing how to return the amount of interest to the bank in time, the landowners were lied by property, since the laid manor land moved to credit organizations and sold from the auction. Many times rebooting put on, such a mountain-nobleman was similar to the enterprising, but at the same time an unlucky Trishka.

The fables "Trishkin Kaftan" is not included in the mandatory school ProgramBut the meaning is relevant today. That is why the capacious phraseology is actively used in many life situations. Faced with difficulties, do not throw in the whirlpool of events without thinking further steps. Otherwise, get from the fire yes to the hollow or stay in Trishkina Kaftan!

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