Wormholes in space in accessible language. Wormholes, "wormholes": the simplest way to cheat the distance

Astrophysicists are sure: there are tunnels in space through which one can travel to other universes and even to other times. Presumably, they were formed when the universe was just being born. When, as scientists say, space "boiled" and curved.

These space "time machines" were given the name "wormholes". The "hole" differs from a black hole in that it is possible not only to get there, but also to return back. The time machine exists. And this is no longer a statement of science fiction writers - four mathematical formulas, which so far in theory prove that you can move both into the future and into the past.

And a computer model. Something like this should look like a "time machine" in space: two holes in space and time, connected by a corridor.

“In this case we are talking about very unusual objects that were discovered in the theory of Einstein. According to this theory, in a very strong field, space is curved, and time is twisting and then slowing down, these are the fantastic properties, ”explains Igor Novikov, Deputy Director of the Astro Space Center of FIAN.

Scientists called such unusual objects "wormholes". This is not at all a human invention, so far only nature is capable of creating a time machine. Today astrophysicists have only hypothetically proved the existence of "wormholes" in the Universe. It's up to practice.

The search for "wormholes" is one of the main tasks of modern astronomy. “They started talking about black holes sometime in the late 60s, and when they made these reports, it seemed fantastic. It seemed to everyone that this was an absolute fantasy - now it is on everyone's lips, - says Anatoly Cherepashchuk, director of the Astronomical Institute of Moscow State University named after Sternberg. - So now "wormholes" are also fantasy, nevertheless, the theory predicts that "wormholes" exist. I am an optimist and I think that wormholes will also be opened someday. "

"Wormholes" belong to such a mysterious phenomenon as "dark energy", which makes up 70 percent of the universe. “Dark energy is now open - it is a vacuum that has negative pressure. And in principle, "wormholes" could be formed from a vacuum state, "suggests Anatoly Cherepashchuk. One of the habitats of "wormholes" is the centers of galaxies. But the main thing here is not to confuse them with black holes, huge objects that are also located in the center of galaxies.

Their mass is billions of our Suns. Moreover, black holes have the most powerful force attraction. It is so large that even light cannot escape from there, so it is impossible to see them through an ordinary telescope. The gravity of the wormholes is also enormous, but if you look inside the wormhole, you can see the light of the past.

“In the center of galaxies, in their nuclei, there are very compact objects, these are black holes, but it is assumed that some of these black holes are not black holes at all, but the entrances to these wormholes,” says Igor Novikov. More than three hundred black holes have been discovered today.

From Earth to the center of our galaxy Milky Way 25 thousand light years. If it turns out that this black hole is a "wormhole", a corridor for travel in time, humanity must fly and fly before it.

According to scientists, space is a kind of center of all kinds of tunnels leading to other worlds or even to another space. And, most likely, they appeared along with the birth of our Universe.

These tunnels are called wormholes. But their nature is, of course, different from that observed in black holes. There is no return from heavenly holes. It is believed that once you fall into a black hole, you will disappear forever. But once you find yourself in a "wormhole" you can not only safely return, but even get into the past or the future.

One of his main tasks - the study of wormholes - considers and modern science astronomy. At the very beginning of the study, they were considered something unreal, fantastic, but it turned out that they actually exist. By their nature, they consist of the same "dark energy" with which 2/3 of all existing universes... It is a vacuum that has negative pressure. Most of these places are located closer to the central part of galaxies.

But what will happen if you create a powerful telescope and look directly into the wormhole? Perhaps we can catch glimpses of the future or the past?

Interestingly, gravity is incredibly pronounced near black holes; in its field, a light beam even bends. At the very beginning of the last century, an Austrian physicist named Flamm hypothesized that spatial geometry exists and it is like a hole connecting worlds! And then other scientists found out that as a result, a spatial structure similar to a bridge is created, which is able to connect two different universes. So they began to be called wormholes.

Power electric lines enter this hole from one side, and go out on the other, i.e. actually ending and starting nowhere. Scientists are now working to, so to speak, identify the entrances to wormholes. In order to view all these "objects" up close, you need to build super-powerful telescopic systems. In the coming years, such systems will be launched and then researchers will be able to examine previously inaccessible objects.

It is worth noting that all these programs are designed not only for studying worm or black holes, but also for other useful missions. The latest discoveries of quantum gravity prove that it is through these "spatial" holes that it is hypothetically possible to move not only in space, but also in time.

On near-earth orbit there is an exotic object "intra-world wormhole". One of the mouths of the wormhole is located next to the Earth. The neck or goiter of a wormhole is fixed in the topography of the gravitational field - it does not approach our planet and does not move away from it, and in addition, it rotates with the Earth. The neck looks like tied world lines, like "the end of a sausage tied with a tourniquet." Luminescent. Being a few tens of meters and further, the throat has a radial size of about ten meters. But with each approach to the entrance to the mouth of the wormhole, the size of the mouth increases nonlinearly. Finally, right next to the throat door, looking back, you will see neither the stars, nor the bright sun, nor the blue planet Earth. One darkness. This indicates a violation of the linearity of space and time before entering the wormhole.

It is interesting to note that back in 1898, Dr. Georg Waltemas from Hamburg announced the discovery of several additional satellites of the Earth, Lilith or Black Moons. The satellite could not be found, but according to the instructions of Valtemas, the astrologer Sefarial calculated the "ephemeris" of this object. He argued that the object is so black that it is impossible to see it, except for the time of opposition or intersection of the object of the solar disk. Sepharial also argued that the Black Moon has the same mass as the usual one (which is impossible, since disturbances in the Earth's motion would be easy to detect). In other words, the method of detecting a wormhole near the Earth, using modern means of astronomy, is acceptable.

In the luminescence of the mouth of a wormhole, the glow from the side of four small objects resembling short hairs and included in the topography of gravity stands out, which, according to their purpose, can be called control levers of a wormhole. An attempt to physically influence the hairs, such as, for example, to move the clutch lever of a car with your hand, has not been successful in research. To open a wormhole, the psychokinetic abilities of the human body are used, which, in contrast to the physical action of the hand, allow one to influence the objects of the topography of space-time. Each hair is connected to a string that runs inside the wormhole to the other end of the neck. Acting on a hair, the strings give rise to an etheric vibration inside the wormhole, and with the sound combination of "Aaumm", "Aaum", "Aaum" and "Allaa" the throat opens.

This is the resonant frequency corresponding to the sound code of the Metagalaxy. Entering the inside of the wormhole, you can see that four strings are attached to the wall of the tunnel; the diameter is about 20 meters (most likely in the wormhole tunnel, the space-time dimensions are nonlinear and heterogeneous; therefore, a certain length has no basis); the material of the walls of the tunnel resembles red-hot magma, its substance has fantastic properties. There are several ways to open the mouth of a wormhole and enter the universe from the other end. The main one is natural and connected with the structure of the entry of strings into the tourniquet of the topography of the spatio-temporal lines of the mouth of a wormhole. These are short levers, when tuned to the sound tone "zhaumm", a wormhole opens.

The Zhaum universe is the world of the titans. The intelligent creatures of this existence are billions of times larger and extend to a distance in the order of magnitude, as from the Sun to the Earth. Observing the surrounding phenomena, a person discovers that he is comparable in size to the nanoobjects of this world, such as atoms, molecules, viruses. Only you differ from them in the highest degree intelligent form of existence. However, the observations will be short-lived. An intelligent creature of this world (that titan) will find you and, under the threat of your destruction, will demand an explanation of your actions. The problem lies in the unauthorized penetration of one form of etheric vibration into another, in this case, the vibrations "aaumm" in "zhaumm". The point is that the etheric vibration determines the world constants. Any change in the etheric vibration of the universe leads to its physical destabilization. At the same time, the psychocosm changes, and this factor has more serious consequences than the physical one.

Our Universe. One of the tentacles contains our Galaxy, which includes 100 billion stars and our planet Earth. Each tentacle of the Universe has its own set of world constants. Fine threads represent wormholes.

The use of natural wormholes for space exploration is very tempting. This is not only an opportunity to visit the nearest universe and obtain amazing knowledge, as well as riches for the life of civilization. This is also the next opportunity. Being in the wormhole channel, inside the tunnel that connects the two universes, there is real opportunity radial exit from the tunnel, while you can find yourself in the external environment outside the Universe or the mother matter of the Forerunner. Here are other laws of the forms of existence and motion of matter. One of them is instantaneous travel speeds compared to light speeds. This is similar to how oxygen, an oxidizing agent, is transported in an animal organism at a certain constant rate, the value of which is no more than a centimeter per second. And in the external environment, the oxygen molecule is free and has speeds of hundreds and thousands of meters per second (4-5 orders of magnitude higher). Researchers can find themselves incredibly quickly anywhere on the surface of the space-time of the Universe. Then go through the "skin" of the Universe and find yourself in any of its universe. Moreover, using the same wormholes, one can penetrate deeply into the universe, bypassing its border. In other words, wormholes are space-time tunnels, the knowledge of which can significantly reduce the flight time to any point in the Universe. At the same time, leaving the body of the Universe, they use the above-light velocities of the mother form of matter, and then again enter the body of the Universe.

In any case, the existence of wormholes implies an extremely active use of them by space civilizations. The use can be inept and lead to local disruption of the global broadcast background. Or it can be deliberately aimed at changing the set of world constants. The fact is that one of the properties of wormholes is a resonant response not only to the etheric code of the real world vibration, but also to a set of codes corresponding to past eras. (During the existence of the Universe, the Universe has run through a certain set of epochs, which strictly corresponded to a certain set of world constants and, accordingly, a certain etheric code). With this access, a different ethereal vibration spreads from the wormhole tunnel, first it spreads to the local planetary system, then the stellar, then the galactic environment, changing the very essence of the universe: tearing apart the real forms of interaction of matter and replacing them with others. The whole being of the present epoch, like a knitted fabric, is torn in ethereal catatonia.

Black Moon - in astrology, an abstract geometric point of the lunar orbit (its apogee), it is also called Lilith after the mythical first wife of Adam; in the most ancient culture, Sumerian, Lilith's tears give life, but her kisses bring death ... In modern culture, the influence of the Black Moon signifies manifestations of evil, affects the subconscious of a person, strengthening the most unpleasant and hidden drives.

Why is it that some representatives of the higher mind perform this kind of activity associated with the destruction of the foundations of one being and the replacement by another? The answer to this question is connected with another research topic: with the existence of not only universal forms of consciousness, but also those that were generated outside the Universe. The latter (the Universe) is like a small living organism located in the waters of the boundless ocean, whose name is the Forerunner.

Until now, the functions of protecting the wormhole near the Earth were performed by the nearest civilizations surrounding earthlings. However, humanity grew up in psychophysical conditions with significant fluctuations in the values ​​of world constants. It has acquired an internal spiritual, physical and mental immunity to change the vibrations of the world etheric field. For this reason, in the field of functioning of the terrestrial space-time tunnel, the terrestrial universe is highly adapted to unexpected situations - from accidental, unauthorized, emergency, associated with the penetration of alien life forms and changes in the world ether field. That is why the coming world order is connected with the fact that the earthly civilization will play the role of the Atlantean of the sky, it will give sanctions or reject requests for the use of a wormhole near planet Earth by space civilizations. Terrestrial civilization is like a phagocyte cell in the body of the Universe, allowing cells of its own organism to pass through and destroying foreign ones. Undoubtedly, an incredibly high diversity of representatives of universal civilizations will flow through the earthly civilization. Each of them will have certain goals and objectives. And humanity will have to deeply understand the requirements of non-earthly people. An important step for earthlings will be joining the union of space civilizations, contacts with alien intelligence and the adoption of a code of conduct for space civilization.

Modern science of wormholes.
Mole Hole, also a "wormhole" or "wormhole" (the latter is a literal translation of the English wormhole) - a hypothetical topological feature of space-time, which at every moment of time is a "tunnel" in space. The area near the narrowest part of the mole is called the “neck”.

Wormholes are divided into “intra-universe” and “inter-universe”, depending on whether its inputs can be connected by a curve that does not cross the throat (the figure shows an intra-world wormhole).

There are also traversable and impassable mole holes. The latter include those tunnels that collapse too quickly for an observer or a signal (with a speed not exceeding the speed of light) to get from one entrance to another. The classic example of an impassable wormhole is the Schwarzschild space, and a passable one is the Morris-Thorn wormhole.

Schematic representation of an "intra-world" wormhole for two-dimensional space

General theory of relativity (GR) does not disprove the existence of such tunnels (although it does not confirm). For the existence of a passable wormhole, it is necessary that it be filled with exotic matter, which creates a strong gravitational repulsion and prevents the burrow from collapsing. Wormhole-type solutions arise in various versions of quantum gravity, although there is still a long way to go before a complete study of the issue.
A traversable intra-world wormhole provides a hypothetical possibility of time travel if, for example, one of its entrances moves relative to the other, or if it is in a strong gravitational field, where the passage of time slows down.

Additional materials on hypothetical objects and astronomical studies near the Earth's orbit:

In 1846, Frederic Petit, director of Toulouse, announced that a second Earth satellite had been discovered. He was spotted by two observers at Toulouse [Lebon and Dassier] and a third by Lariviere at Artenac in the early evening of March 21, 1846. According to Petit's calculations, its orbit was elliptical with a period of 2 hours 44 minutes 59 seconds, with an apogee at a distance of 3570 km above the Earth's surface, and only 11.4 km perigee! Le Verrier, who was also present at the lecture, argued that it was necessary to take air resistance into account, which no one had done in those days. Petit was constantly haunted by the idea of ​​a second satellite of the Earth and 15 years later he announced that he had made calculations of the movement of a small satellite of the Earth, which is the cause of some (then unexplained) features in the movement of our main moon. Astronomers usually ignore such claims and the idea would have been forgotten if the young French writer, Jules Verne, had not read the resume. In J. Verne's novel "From a Cannon to the Moon", he uses a small object approaching close to the capsule to travel through outer space, which is why it flew around the moon, and did not crash into it: "This," said Barbicane, "is simple but a huge meteorite held as a satellite by the gravity of the Earth. "

"Is it possible?" Exclaimed Michel Ardant, "Does the earth have two satellites?"

"Yes, my friend, it has two satellites, although it is generally believed that it has only one. But this second satellite is so small and its speed is so great that the inhabitants of the Earth cannot see it. Everyone was shocked when the French astronomer, Monsieur Petit was able to detect the existence of a second satellite and calculate its orbit. According to him, a complete revolution around the Earth takes three hours and twenty minutes.... "

"Do all astronomers admit the existence of this satellite?" Asked Nicole

"No," replied Barbicane, "but if they, like us, met him, they would no longer doubt.... But this gives us the opportunity to determine our position in space... The distance to him is known and we were, therefore, at a distance of 7480 km above the surface of the globe, when they met the satellite. " Jules Verne was read by millions of people, but until 1942 no one noticed the contradictions in this text:

1. A satellite at an altitude of 7480 km above the Earth's surface should have an orbital period of 4 hours 48 minutes, not 3 hours 20 minutes

2. Since he was visible through a window through which the Moon was also visible, and since they were both approaching, he would have to have retrograde motion. This is an important point that Jules Verne does not mention.

3. In any case, the satellite must be in an eclipse (by the Earth) and therefore not visible. The metal projectile was supposed to be in the shadow of the Earth for some time.

Dr. R.S. Richardson of the Mount Wilson Observatory tried in 1952 to numerically estimate the eccentricity of this satellite's orbit: the perigee was 5010 km, and the apogee was 7480 km above the Earth's surface, the eccentricity was 0.1784.

Nevertheless, Jules Vernovsky is Petit's second companion (Petit in French - small) is known all over the world. Amateur astronomers concluded that this was a good opportunity to achieve fame - someone who discovered this second satellite could write his name in the scientific chronicles.

None of the large observatories ever dealt with the problem of the second satellite of the Earth, or, if they did, they kept it secret. German amateur astronomers were persecuted for what they called Kleinchen ("little bit") - of course they never found Kleinchen.

W.H. Pickering turned his attention to the theory of the object: if a satellite rotated at an altitude of 320 km above the surface and if its diameter is 0.3 meters, then with the same reflectivity as that of the Moon, it should have been visible at 3 -inch telescope. The three-meter satellite should be visible to the naked eye as a 5th magnitude object. Although Pickering did not search for the Petit object, he continued research related to the second satellite - the satellite of our Moon (His work in Popular Astronomy magazine for 1903 was titled "On the Photographic Search for the Moon's Satellite"). The results were negative and Pickering concluded that any satellite of our Moon should be less than 3 meters in size.

Pickering's article on the possibility of a tiny second Earth satellite, Meteorite Satellite, presented in Popular Astronomy magazine in 1922, caused another short burst of activity among amateur astronomers. There was a virtual call: "A 3-5-inch telescope with a weak eyepiece would be a great way to find a satellite. This is a chance for the amateur astronomer to become famous." But again, all searches were fruitless.

The original idea was that the gravitational field of the second satellite should explain an incomprehensible slight deviation from the motion of our large Moon. This meant that the object must be at least several miles in size - but if such a large second moon really existed, it must have been visible to the Babylonians. Even if it was too small to be visible as a disk, its relative proximity to Earth should have made the satellite's movement faster and therefore more visible (as artificial satellites or airplanes are seen today). On the other hand, no one was particularly interested in satellites, which are too small to be seen.

There was one more suggestion about an additional natural satellite of the Earth. In 1898, Dr. Georg Waltemath of Hamburg announced that he had discovered not just a second moon, but a whole system of tiny satellites. Valtemas presented the orbital elements for one of these satellites: distance from Earth 1.03 million km, diameter 700 km, orbital period 119 days, synodic period 177 days. "Sometimes," says Valtemas, "it shines like the sun at night." He believed that it was this moon that Lieut Greely saw in Greenland on October 24, 1881, ten days after the sun went down and the polar night came. Of particular interest to the public was the prediction that this satellite would pass across the disk of the Sun on February 2, 3, or 4, 1898. On February 4th, 12 people from the post office from Greifswald (post director Mr. Ziegel, his family members and postal employees) observed the Sun with the naked eye, without any protection from the blinding glare. It's easy to imagine all the absurdity a similar situation: an important-looking Prussian civil servant, pointing to the sky through his office window, read Waltemas's predictions aloud to his subordinates. When interviewed by these witnesses, they said that a dark object one-fifth the diameter of the Sun crossed its disk from 1:10 AM to 2:10 AM Berlin time. This observation was soon proved to be wrong, since during that hour the Sun was carefully examined by two experienced astronomers W. Winkler from Jena and Baron Ivo von Benko from Paul, Austria. They both reported that there were only ordinary sunspots on the solar disk. But the failure of these and subsequent predictions did not discourage Valtemas and he continued to make predictions and demand their verification. Astronomers of those years were very annoyed when they were asked again and again the favorite question of an inquisitive public: "By the way, what about the new moon?" But astrologers seized on this idea - in 1918 the astrologer Sepharial named this moon Lilith. He said that it is black enough to remain invisible at all times and can only be detected by opposition or when it crosses the solar disk. Sepharial calculated Lilith's ephemeris based on the observations announced by Valtemas. He also argued that Lilith has approximately the same mass as the Moon, apparently happily unaware that even an invisible satellite of such mass should cause disturbances in the movement of the Earth. And even today the "dark moon" Lilith is used by some astrologers in their horoscopes.

From time to time, there are reports of other "additional moons" from observers. So the German astronomical magazine "Die Sterne" ("Star") reported on the observation by the German amateur astronomer W. Spill (W. Spill) of the second satellite crossing the disk of the Moon on May 24, 1926.

Around 1950, when they began to seriously discuss the launches of artificial satellites, they were presented in the form of the top of a multistage rocket in which there would not even be a radio transmitter and which would be monitored using radar from Earth. In this case, a group of small, close natural satellites of the Earth would have become interference, reflecting radar beams when tracking artificial satellites. The method for finding such natural satellites was developed by Clyde Tombaugh. First, the satellite's motion is calculated at an altitude of about 5000 km. The camera platform is then adjusted to scan the sky at exactly that speed. Stars, planets and other objects in the photos taken with this camera will draw lines, and only satellites flying on correct height will look like dots. If the satellite is moving at a slightly different altitude, it will be depicted by a short line.

Observations began in 1953 at the observatory. Lovell and actually "infiltrated" uncharted scientific territories: with the exception of the Germans looking for "Kleinchen", no one had paid so much attention to the space between the Earth and the Moon before! Until 1954, reputable weekly magazines and daily newspapers claimed that searches were beginning to show their first results: one small natural satellite was found at an altitude of 700 km, another at an altitude of 1000 km. Even the answer of one of the main developers of this program was given to the question: "Is he sure that they are natural?" No one knows exactly where these messages came from - after all, the searches were completely negative. When the first artificial satellites were launched in 1957 and 1958, these cameras quickly detected them (instead of natural ones).

Although it sounds strange enough, the negative result of this search does not mean that the Earth has only one natural satellite. She may have a very close companion for a short time. Meteoroids passing near the Earth and asteroids passing through the upper atmosphere can reduce their speed so much as to turn into a satellite orbiting the Earth. But since it will cross the upper atmosphere at each perigee passage, it will not be able to exist for a long time (there can be only one or two revolutions, in the most successful case - a hundred [this is about 150 hours]). There are some suggestions that such "ephemeral satellites" have just been seen. It is very possible that Petit's observers saw them. (also see)

In addition to the ephemeral satellites, there are two other interesting possibilities. One of them is that the moon has its own own satellite... But, despite the intensified searches, nothing was found (We add that as it is now known that the gravitational field of the Moon is very "uneven" or inhomogeneous. This is enough for the rotation of the lunar satellites to be unstable - therefore the lunar satellites fall on the Moon after a very short interval time, after a few years or decades). Another assumption is that there may be Trojan satellites, i.e. additional satellites in the same orbit as the Moon, orbiting 60 degrees in front of and / or behind it.

The existence of such "Trojan satellites" was first reported by the Polish astronomer Kordylewski from the Krakow Observatory. He began his search in 1951 visually with a good telescope. He hoped to find a large enough body in lunar orbit at a distance of 60 degrees from the Moon. Searches were negative, but in 1956 his compatriot and colleague Wilkowski suggested that there might be many tiny bodies too small to be seen individually, but large enough to appear as a cloud of dust. In this case, it would be better to observe them without a telescope, i.e. with the naked eye! Using a telescope will "magnify them to a state of non-existence." Dr. Kordilevsky agreed to try. It required a dark night with a clear sky and a moon below the horizon.

In October 1956, Kordilevsky saw for the first time a distinctly luminous object in one of two expected positions. It was not small, extending about 2 degrees (i.e., almost 4 times as large as the Moon itself), and was very dim, half the brightness of the notorious difficulty of observing the counterglow (Gegenschein; counterglow is a bright point in the zodiacal light in direction opposite to the Sun). In March and April 1961, Kordilevsky succeeded in photographing two clouds near the expected positions. They seemed to change in size, but it could have been a change in lighting. J. Roach discovered these satellite clouds in 1975 using the OSO (Orbiting Solar Observatory). In 1990, they were photographed again, this time by the Polish astronomer Winiarski, who discovered that they constituted an object several degrees in diameter, "deviated" 10 degrees from the Trojan point, and that they were redder than the zodiacal light.

So the century-long search for the second satellite of the Earth, apparently, came to success, after all the efforts. Even though this "second satellite" turned out to be completely unlike anything anyone ever imagined. They are very difficult to detect and differ from the zodiacal light, in particular from the anti-radiance.

But people still assume the existence of an additional natural satellite of the Earth. Between 1966 and 1969, John Bargby, an American scientist, stated that he observed at least 10 small natural satellites of the Earth, visible only through a telescope. Bargby found elliptical orbits for all these objects: an eccentricity of 0.498, a semi-major axis of 14065 km, with a perigee and apogee at altitudes of 680 and 14700 km, respectively. Bargby considered them parts big body which collapsed in December 1955. He justified the existence of most of his supposed satellites by the perturbations that they cause in the movements of artificial satellites. Bargby used data on artificial satellites from the Goddard Satellite Situation Report, unaware that the values ​​in these publications are approximate and may sometimes contain big mistake and therefore cannot be used for accurate scientific calculations and analysis. In addition, as follows from Bargby's own observations, it can be concluded that although at perigee these satellites should be objects of the first magnitude and should be clearly visible with the naked eye, no one saw them like that.

In 1997, Paul Wiegert et al. Discovered that asteroid 3753 has a very strange orbit and can be regarded as a satellite of the Earth, although, of course, it does not orbit directly around the Earth.

An excerpt from the book of the Russian scientist Nikolai Levashov "Inhomogeneous Universe".

2.3. Matrix space system

The evolution of this process leads to the sequential formation along the common axis of the systems of the metauniverses. The number of matters that form them, in this case, gradually degenerates to two. At the ends of this "ray" zones are formed where not a single matter of this type cannot merge with another or others, form metauniverses. In these zones, “punching” of our matrix space arises and zones of joining with another matrix space arise. In this case, again, two variants of the joining of matrix spaces are possible. In the first case, the closure occurs with matrix space with a large coefficient of quantization of the dimensionality of space and, through this area of ​​closure, matter of another matrix space can flow in and split, and a synthesis of matter of our type will arise. In the second case, the closure occurs with the matrix space with a lower quantization coefficient of the dimensionality of space - through this area of ​​closure, the matters of our matrix space will begin to flow and split in another matrix space. In one case, an analogue of a super-scale star appears, in the other, an analogue of a "black hole" of similar dimensions.

This difference in the variants of matrix spaces closing is very important for understanding the emergence of two types of sixth-order superspaces - the six-ray and the anti-six-ray. The fundamental difference between which is only in the direction of the flow of matter. In one case, matter from another matrix space flows through the central zone of the matrix spaces' closure and flows out of our matrix space through the zones at the ends of the "rays". In the anti-six-ray tube, matter flows in the opposite direction. Matter from our matrix space flows out through the central zone, and matters from another matrix space flow through the "ray" zones of closure. As for the six-ray, it is formed by the closure of six similar "rays" in one central zone. At the same time, around the center, zones of curvature of the dimensionality of the matrix space arise, in which metauniverses are formed from fourteen forms of matter, which, in turn, close and form a closed system of metauniverses, which unites six rays into one common system - a six-ray (Fig. 2.3.11 ).

Moreover, the number of "rays" is determined by the fact that in our matrix space can merge, during the formation, at most, fourteen forms of matter of this type. Moreover, the dimensionality of the emerging unification of the metauniverses is equal to π (π = 3.14 ...). This aggregate dimension is close to three. That is why there are six "rays", that is why they speak of three dimensions, etc. Thus, as a result of the sequential formation of spatial structures, a balanced system of distribution of matters between our matrix space and others is formed. After the completion of the formation of the Six-Beam, the stable state of which is possible only with the identity between the mass of matters flowing in and out of it.

2.4. The nature of stars and "black holes"

In this case, the zones of inhomogeneities can be both with ΔL> 0 and ΔL< 0, относительно нашей Вселенной. В случае, когда неоднородности мерности пространства меньше нуля ΔL < 0, происходит смыкание пространств-вселенных с мерностями L 7 и L 6 . При этом, вновь возникают условия для перетекания материй, только, на этот раз, вещество с мерностью L 7 перетекает в пространство с мерностью L 6 . Таким образом, пространство-вселенная с мерностью L 7 (наша Вселенная) теряет своё вещество. И именно так возникают загадочные «чёрные дыры»(Рис. 2.4.2) .

This is how stars and "black holes" are formed in the zones of inhomogeneity of the dimensionality of the spaces-universes. At the same time, there is an overflow of matter, matter between different spaces-universes.

There are also space-universes that have dimension L 7, but have a different composition of matter. When docking, in the zones of inhomogeneity of spaces-universes with the same dimension, but different qualitative composition of the substance forming them, a channel appears between these spaces. At the same time, there is a flow of substances, both into one and another space-universe. This is not a star or a "black hole", but a transition zone from one space to another. The zones of inhomogeneity of the dimensionality of space, in which the processes described above occur, will be denoted as zero-transitions. Moreover, depending on the sign of ΔL, we can talk about the following types of these transitions:

1) Positive zero-transitions (stars) through which matter flows into a given space-universe from another, with a greater dimension (ΔL> 0) n +.

2) Negative zero-transitions through which matter from a given space-universe flows into another, with a lesser dimension (ΔL< 0) n - .

3) Neutral zero-transitions, when the flows of matter move in both directions and are identical to each other, and the dimensions of the space-universes in the zone of closure practically do not differ: n 0.

If we continue to analyze what is happening further, we will see that each space-universe, through the stars, receives matter, and through the "black holes" it loses it. For the possibility of stable existence of this space, a balance is needed between the incoming and outgoing matter into the given space-universe. The law of conservation of matter must be fulfilled, provided that space is stable. This can be displayed as a formula:

m (ij) k- the total mass of forms of matter flowing through a neutral zero-transition.

Thus, between spaces-universes with different dimensions, through zones of inhomogeneity, there is a circulation of matter between the spaces that form this system (Fig. 2.4.3).

Through the zones of inhomogeneity of dimension (zero-transitions), a transition from one space-universe to another is possible. At the same time, there is a transformation of the substance of our space-universe into the substance of that space-universe, where the transfer of matter takes place. So, unchanged “our” matter cannot get into other space-universes. The zones through which such a transition is possible are both "black holes", in which a complete disintegration of matter of a given type occurs, and neutral zero-transitions, through which a balanced exchange of matter occurs.

Neutral zero transitions can be persistent or temporary, occurring intermittently or spontaneously. There are a number of areas on Earth where neutral zero transitions periodically occur. And if ships, planes, boats, people fall within their limits, they disappear without a trace. Such zones on Earth are: Bermuda Triangle, areas in the Himalayas, the Perm zone and others. It is practically impossible, in case of falling into the zone of action of the zero-transition, to predict to which point and to which space the matter will move. Not to mention, the likelihood of returning to the starting point is practically zero. It follows that neutral zero-transitions cannot be used for purposeful movement in space.

21:11 09/11/2018

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This text is the third version of my book on wormholes and. I tried to make it understandable for the widest possible range of readers. Understanding the material does not require the reader special education, the most general views from course high school and cognitive curiosity. The text does not contain formulas and does not contain complex concepts... To make it easier to understand, I have tried, where possible, to use explanatory illustrations. This version has been supplemented with new sections and illustrations. Also, corrections, clarifications and clarifications were made to the text. If any of the sections of the book seems boring or incomprehensible to the reader, then during reading it can be skipped without much damage to understanding.

What is commonly called the "Wormhole" in astrophysics

V last years in funds mass media there were many reports about the discovery by scientists of some hypothetical objects called "wormholes." Moreover, even ridiculous reports of observational detection of such objects slip through. I even read in the yellow press about the practical use of some "wormholes". Unfortunately, most of these reports are very far from the truth, moreover, even the concept of such "wormholes" often has nothing to do with what is commonly called "wormholes" in astrophysics.

All this prompted me to a popular (and at the same time reliable) presentation of the theory of "wormholes" in astrophysics. But first things first.

First, a little history:

The scientifically based theory of "wormholes" originated in astrophysics back in 1935 with the pioneering work of Einstein and Rosen. But in that pioneering work, the "wormhole" was called by the authors a "bridge" between different parts of the Universe ( English term"Bridge"). For a long time this work did not arouse great interest among astrophysicists.

But in the 90s of the last century, interest in such objects began to return. First of all, the return of interest was associated with a discovery in cosmology, but why and what kind of connection I will tell you a little later.

The English-language term, which has taken root for "wormholes" since the 90s, has become "wormhole", but the American astrophysicists Misner and Wheeler were the first to propose this term back in 1957 (this is the same Wheeler who is considered the "father" of the American hydrogen bomb). In Russian, “wormhole” is translated as “worm hole”. Many Russian-speaking astrophysicists did not like this term, and in 2004 it was decided to vote on various proposed terms for such objects. Among the terms proposed were: "wormhole", "wormhole", "wormhole", "bridge", "wormhole", "tunnel", etc. The voting was attended by Russian-speaking astrophysicists who have scientific publications on this topic (including myself). As a result of this vote, the term "wormhole" won, and further I will write this term without quotation marks.

1. So what is called a wormhole?

In astrophysics, wormholes have a clear mathematical definition, but here (due to its complexity) I will not cite it, and for an unprepared reader I will try to give a definition in simple words.

You can give different definitions of wormholes, but common to all definitions is the property that a wormhole should connect two non-curved regions of space. The junction is called the wormhole, and its central section is the neck of the wormhole. The space near the mouth of the wormhole is rather strongly curved. The terms “non-curved” or “curved” here require a detailed explanation. But I will not explain this now, and I ask the reader to be patient until the next section, in which I will explain the essence of these concepts.

A wormhole can connect either two different universes, or the same universe in different parts... In the latter case, the distance through the wormhole (between the entrances to it) may be shorter than the distance between the entrances measured from the outside (although this is not necessary at all).

Further, I will call the word "universe" (with a small letter) - a part of space-time, which is limited by the entrances to wormholes and black holes, and by the word "Universe" (with a capital letter) I will call all space-time, nothing limited.

Strictly speaking, the concepts of time and distance in curved space-time cease to be absolute values, i.e. the way we subconsciously always used to consider them. But I give these concepts a completely physical meaning: we are talking about proper time, measured by an observer who freely moves (without rocket or any other engines) almost at light speed (theoreticians usually call him an ultrarelativistic observer).

Obviously, it is practically impossible to create such an observer technically, but acting in the spirit of Einstein, we can imagine a thought experiment in which the observer saddles a photon (or another ultrarelativistic particle) and moves on it along the shortest path (like Baron Munchausen on the nucleus).

It is worth recalling here that the photon moves along the shortest path by definition, such a path is called the zero geodesic line in the general theory of relativity. In ordinary non-curved space, two points can be connected by only one zero geodesic line. In the case of a wormhole connecting the entrances in the same universe, there can be at least two such paths for a photon (and both are the shortest, but unequal), and one of these paths passes through the wormhole, and the other does not.

Well, it seems like I gave a simplified definition for a wormhole in simple human words (without the use of mathematics). True, it is worth mentioning that wormholes through which light and other matter can pass in both directions are called passable wormholes (hereinafter I will call them simply wormholes). Based on the word “passable”, the question arises: are there any impassable wormholes? Yes there is. These are objects that outwardly (at each of the entrances) are, as it were, a black hole, but inside such a black hole there is no singularity (singularity in physics is called the infinite density of matter, which breaks and destroys any other matter that falls into it). Moreover, the singularity property is mandatory for ordinary black holes. And the black hole itself is determined by the presence of a surface (sphere) from under which even light cannot escape. Such a surface is called the black hole horizon (or event horizon).

Thus, matter can get inside an impassable wormhole, but it cannot get out of it (very similar to the property of a black hole). Moreover, there may also be semi-traversable wormholes, in which matter or light can pass along the wormhole only in one direction, but cannot pass in the other.

2.Curvature tunnel? Curvature of what?

At first glance, it seems very attractive to create a wormhole tunnel from curved space. But when you think about it, you start to come to absurd conclusions.
If you are in this tunnel, what walls can prevent you from breaking out of it in the lateral direction?

And what are these walls from?

Can empty space prevent us from going through them?
Or is it not empty?

In order to understand this (I do not even propose to present it), consider the space that is not curved by gravity. Let the reader think that this is an ordinary space with which he is used to always deal, and in which he lives. In what follows, I will call such a flat space.

Figure 1. (original drawing by the author)
A schematic representation of the curvature of two-dimensional space. The numbers indicate the successive stages of the transition: from the stage of non-curved space (1) to the stage of a two-dimensional wormhole (7).

Let's take as a beginning some point “O” in this space and draw a circle around it - see figure 1 in Figure 1. Let both this point and this circle lie on some plane in our flat space. As we all know perfectly well from the school mathematics course, the ratio of the length of this circle to the radius is equal to 2π, where the number π = 3.1415926535 ... .. Moreover: the ratio of the change in the circumference to the corresponding change in the radius will also be equal to 2π (hereinafter, for brevity, we will just say ATTITUDE).

Now let us place at our point “O” some body with mass M. According to Einstein's theory and experiments (which were repeatedly carried out both on Earth and in solar system), then the space-time around the body will bend and the aforementioned RATIO will be less than 2π. Moreover, the less than more mass M - see figures # 2 - 4 in Figure 1. This is the curvature of space! But not only space is curved, time is also curved, but it is more correct to say that all space-time is curved, because in the theory of relativity, one cannot exist without the other - there is no clear border between them.

In what direction is it curved? - you ask.
Down (under the plane) or vice versa - up?

The correct answer is that the curvature will be the same for any plane drawn through point "O", and the direction has nothing to do with it. Itself geometric property space changes so that the ratio of the circumference to the radius also changes! Some scientists believe that the curvature of space occurs in the direction of the new (fourth) dimension. But the theory of relativity itself does not need an additional dimension, it needs three spatial and one time dimensions. Usually the time dimension is assigned the index zero, and space-time is designated as 3 + 1.
How strong would such a curvature be?

For the circle, which is our equator, the relative decrease in the RATIO will be 10-9, i.e. for the Earth (length of the equator) / (radius of the Earth) ≈ 2π (1 - 10-9) !!! Here is such a negligible addition. But for the circle, which is the equator, this decrease is already about 10-5, and although this is also very small, modern devices can easily measure this value.

But there are more exotic objects in space than just planets and stars. For example, pulsars, which are neutron stars (composed of neutrons). The gravity on the surface of the pulsars is monstrous, and their average density matter about 1014g / cm3 - incredibly heavy matter! For pulsars, the decrease in this RATIO is already about 0.1!

But for black holes and wormholes, the decrease in this RATIO reaches unity, i.e. the ATTITUDE itself reaches zero! This means that when moving towards the center, the circumference does not change near the horizon or throat. Nor does the area of ​​the sphere around black holes or wormholes change. Strictly speaking, for such objects the usual definition of length is no longer suitable, but this does not change the essence. Moreover, for a spherically symmetric wormhole, the situation does not depend on the direction from which we move towards the center.

How can this be imagined?

If we consider a wormhole, then this means that we have reached a sphere of minimum area Smin = 4π rmin2 with a throat radius rmin. This sphere of minimal area is called the mouth of a wormhole. With further movement in the same direction, we find that the area of ​​the sphere begins to increase - this means that we have skipped the throat, crossed into another space and are already moving from the center.

But what happens if the size of the falling body exceeds the size of the neck?

To answer this question, let's turn to a two-dimensional analogy - see Figure 2.

Suppose the body is a two-dimensional figure (some drawing cut out of paper or some other material), and this drawing slides on a surface that is a funnel (like the one we have in a bathroom when water flows into it). Moreover, our drawing slides in the direction of the funnel neck so that it is pressed against the funnel surface with its entire surface. Obviously, as the drawing approaches the neck, the curvature of the funnel surface increases, and the surface of the drawing begins to deform in accordance with the shape of the funnel at a given place in the drawing. Our drawing (even though it is on paper), like any physical body, has elastic properties that prevent its deformation.

At the same time, the material of the drawing has a physical effect on the material from which the funnel is made. We can say that both the funnel and the drawing act on each other by elastic forces.

1. The drawing is deformed so much that it slips through the funnel, while it can collapse (break).
2. The drawing and the funnel are not deformed enough for the drawing to slip through (for this it is necessary that the drawing has sufficiently large dimensions and strength). Then the drawing will get stuck in the funnel and block its neck for other bodies.
3. The drawing (more precisely the material of the drawing) will destroy (tear) the material of the funnel, i.e. such a two-dimensional wormhole would be destroyed.
4. The drawing will slip past the funnel neck (possibly touching it with its edge). But this will only be the case if you are not accurately aiming your drawing on the direction of the neck.

The same four options are also possible for the fall of three-dimensional physical bodies into three-dimensional wormholes. So illusory, using toy models as an example, I tried to describe a wormhole in the form of a tunnel without walls.

In the case of a three-dimensional wormhole (in our space), the elastic forces of the material of the funnel, discussed in the previous section, are replaced by gravitational tidal forces - these are the same forces that cause ebb and flow on Earth under the action of and.

In wormholes and black holes, tidal forces can be monstrous. They are capable of tearing and destroying any objects or matter, and near the singularity, these forces generally become infinite! However, we can assume such a model of a wormhole in which tidal forces are limited and, thus, it is possible for our robot (or even a human) to pass through such a wormhole without harming it.

Tidal forces, according to Kip Thorne's classification, are of three types:

1. Tidal tensile-compressive forces
2. Tidal forces of shear deformation
3. Tidal forces of torsional deformation

Figure 3. (Figure taken from Kip Thorne's report - Nobel laureate in physics 2017) On the left - an illustration of the action of tidal forces of tension-compression. On the right is an illustration of the action of tidal torsion-shear forces.

Although the last 2 types can be reduced to one - see Figure 3.

4 Einstein's general theory of relativity

In this section, I will talk about wormholes within the framework of Einstein's general theory of relativity. The differences from wormholes in other theories of gravity will be discussed in the next section.

Why did I begin my consideration with Einstein's theory?

To date, Einstein's theory of relativity is the simplest and most beautiful of the uncontested theories of gravity: not a single experiment to date refutes it. The results of all experiments are in excellent agreement with her for 100 years !!! At the same time, the theory of relativity is very complex mathematically.

Why such a complicated theory?

Because all other consistent theories turn out to be even more complicated ...

Figure 4. (The figure is taken from the book by AD Linde "Inflationary Cosmology")
On the left - a model of a chaotic inflationary multi-element Universe without wormholes, on the right - also, but with wormholes.

Today, the “chaotic inflation” model is the foundation of modern cosmology. This model works within the framework of Einstein's theory and assumes the existence (besides ours) of an infinite number of other universes that arise after the “big bang”, forming the so-called “space-time foam” during the “explosion”. The first moments during and after this “explosion” are the basis of the “chaotic inflation” model.

At these moments, primary space-time tunnels (relict wormholes) may appear, which are likely to persist after inflation. Further, these relict wormholes connect various regions of our and other universes - see Figure 4. This model was proposed by our compatriot Andrey Linde, who is now a professor at Stanford University. This model opens up a unique opportunity to explore the multi-element Universe and discover a new type of objects - the entrances to wormholes.

What conditions are necessary for the existence of wormholes

The study of models of wormholes shows that exotic matter is necessary for their stable existence within the framework of the theory of relativity. Sometimes such matter is also called phantom.

What is such matter for?

As I wrote above, strong gravity is needed for curved space to exist. In Einstein's theory of relativity, gravity and curved spacetime exist inseparably from each other. Without a sufficient amount of concentrated matter, curved space straightens and the energy of this process is radiated to infinity in the form of gravitational waves.
But only strong gravity is not enough for the stable existence of a wormhole - so you can get only a black hole and (as a consequence of this) an event horizon.

In order to prevent the formation of the event horizon of a black hole, phantom matter is needed. Usually, exotic or phantom matter means the violation of energy conditions by such matter. This is already a mathematical concept, but do not be alarmed - I will describe it without mathematics. As you know from the school physics course, every physical solid there are elastic forces that resist the deformation of this body (I wrote about this in the previous section). In the more general case of arbitrary matter (liquid, gas, etc.), one speaks of its own pressure of matter, or rather, the dependence of this pressure on the density of matter.

This dependence of physics is called the equation of state of matter.
So, in order for the energy conditions of matter to be violated, it is necessary that the sum of pressure and energy density be negative (energy density is the density of mass multiplied by the speed of light squared).

What does it mean?

Well, firstly, if we consider positive mass, then the pressure of such phantom matter should be negative. And secondly, the modulus of the pressure of phantom matter should be large enough to add a negative value to the energy density.

There is an even more exotic version of phantom matter: when we immediately consider negative mass density and then pressure does not play a fundamental role, but more on that later.

And even more surprising is the fact that in the theory of relativity the density of matter (energy) depends on the frame in which we consider them. For phantom matter, this leads to the fact that there is always such a frame of reference (moving relative to the laboratory frame at almost the speed of light) in which the density of phantom matter becomes negative. For this reason, there is no fundamental difference for phantom matter: whether its density is positive or negative.

Does such matter even exist?

And then the time has come to recall the discovery of dark energy in cosmology (do not confuse it with the concept of “dark matter” - this is a completely different substance). Dark energy was discovered in the 90s of the last century, and it was needed in order to explain the observed accelerated expansion of the universe. Yes, yes - the universe is not just expanding, but expanding with acceleration.

7 how wormholes could have formed in the universe

All metric theories of gravity (and Einstein's theory among them) affirm the principle of conservation of topology. This means that if a wormhole has one topology, then over time it will not be able to have another. This also means that if the space does not have the topology of a torus, then objects with the topology of a torus cannot appear in the same space either.

Therefore, ringholes (wormholes with a torus topology) cannot appear in an expanding universe and cannot disappear! Those. if during the “big bang” the topology was violated (the “big bang” process may not be described by the metric theory - for example, Einstein's theory), then in the first moments of the explosion, in the “space-time foam” (I wrote about it above, ringholes, which can then turn into impassable wormholes with the same torus topology, but they will not be able to disappear completely - that is why they are called relic wormholes.

But wormholes with the topology of a sphere in Einstein's theory can appear and disappear (though in a strictly topological language this will not be the same topology of a sphere as for wormholes connecting different universes, but I will not delve into this mathematical jungle here) ... How the formation of wormholes with the topology of a sphere can occur, I can again illustrate with the example of a two-dimensional analogy - see figures 5-7 in Figure 1. Such two-dimensional wormholes can “inflate” like a child's rubber ball at any point in a flat rubber “universe” ... Moreover, in the process of such “inflation,” the topology is not violated anywhere - there are no discontinuities anywhere. In three-dimensional space (three-dimensional sphere), everything happens by analogy - just like I told above.

8.Can you make a time machine out of a wormhole?

Among the literary works, you can find many different novels about the time machine. Unfortunately, most of them are myths that have nothing to do with what is commonly called the TIME MACHINE in physics. So in physics, under a time machine it is customary to call closed world lines of material bodies. By the world line, we mean the trajectory of the body, drawn not in space, but in space-time!

Moreover, the length of these lines should have macroscopic dimensions. The last requirement is due to the fact that in quantum physics(in the microcosm) closed world lines of particles are commonplace. But the quantum world is a different matter entirely. In it, for example, there is a quantum tunneling effect that allows a microparticle to pass through a potential barrier (through an opaque wall). Remember the hero Ivanushka (played by Alexander Abdulov) in the film The Sorcerers, where he walked through the wall? A fairy tale, of course, but from a purely scientific point of view, a large macroscopic body also has the probability of passing through a wall (quantum tunneling).

But if we calculate this probability, then it turns out to be so small that the required number of attempts (which is equal to one divided by this tiny probability) required for successful quantum tunneling is almost infinite. More specifically, the number of such attempts must exceed the number of all elementary particles in the Universe!

This is about the same with the attempt to create a time machine from a quantum loop - almost unbelievable.

But we will still return to the issue of creating a time machine using a wormhole. For this (as I said) we need closed world lines. Such lines, by the way, are inside rotating black holes. By the way, they are also present in some models of the rotating Universe (Gödel's solution).

But in order for such lines to appear inside wormholes, two conditions must be met:

First, the wormhole must be a ringhole, i.e. unite different areas the same universe.

And secondly, this wormhole must rotate quickly enough (in the right direction).

The phrase "fast enough" here means that the speed of movement of matter in it should be close to the speed of light.

Is that all? - you ask, can we travel to the past and back? Physicists today cannot answer this question mathematically correctly. The fact is that the mathematical model that needs to be calculated is so complex that it is simply impossible to construct an analytical solution. Moreover: today there is not a single analytical solution for ringholes - there are only approximate numerical calculations made on computers.

Personally, my opinion is that even if it is possible to obtain a closed world line, it will be destroyed by matter (which will move along this loop) even before the loop closes. Those. a time machine is impossible, otherwise we could go back in time and, for example, kill our grandmother there even before the birth of her children - an obvious contradiction in logic. Those. it is possible to obtain only time loops that cannot influence our past. For the same logical reason, we will not be able to look into the future, while remaining in the present. One can only be transported to the future entirely and it will be impossible to return from it if we have already got into it. Otherwise, the causal relationship between events will be violated (and in my opinion, this is impossible).

9 wormholes and a perpetual motion machine

Actually, the wormholes themselves have no direct relation to a perpetual motion machine, but with the help of phantom matter (which is necessary for the stationary existence of a wormhole), in principle, it is possible to create a so-called perpetual motion machine of the third kind.

I will recall one of the amazing properties of phantom matter (see above): there is always such a frame of reference (moving relative to the laboratory frame at almost the speed of light) in which the density of phantom matter becomes negative. Let's imagine a body with negative mass (from phantom matter). According to the law of universal gravitation, this body will be attracted to an ordinary body with a positive mass. On the other hand, an ordinary body will have to repel from a body with negative mass. If the modulus of the masses of these bodies are the same, then the bodies will “chase” each other to infinity.

This effect is the basis (purely theoretically) of the principle of operation of a perpetual motion machine of the third kind. However, the possibility of extracting energy (for the needs National economy) from this principle has not been rigorously proven either mathematically or physically (although such attempts have been made more than once).
Moreover, scientists did not believe and do not believe in the possibility of creating a perpetual motion machine and this is the main argument against the existence of phantom matter and against wormholes ... Personally, I also do not believe in the possibility of creating a perpetual motion machine, but I admit the possibility of the existence of some types of phantom matter in nature.

10 connection between wormholes and black holes

As I wrote above, the first relict wormholes that could have formed in the Universe after the “big bang” could eventually turn out to be impassable. Those. passage through them is impossible. In the language of mathematics, this means that a “trapping horizon” appears at a wormhole, sometimes it is also called a space-like horizon of visibility. Even light cannot escape from under the trapped horizon, and other matter cannot, all the more so.

You ask: “what, the horizons are different?”. Yes, there are several types of horizons in theories of gravity, and when they say that a black hole has a horizon, they usually mean an event horizon.

I will say more: a wormhole must have a horizon, this horizon is called the horizon of visibility, and there are also several types of such horizons. But I won't go into it here.

Thus, if a wormhole is impassable, then outwardly it is almost impossible to distinguish it from a black hole. The only sign of such a wormhole can only be a monopole magnetic field (although a wormhole may not have one at all).

The phrase "monopole field" means that the field exits directly from the wormhole in one direction, i.e. the field either comes out of the wormhole from all sides (like needles in a hedgehog), or enters it from all sides - see Figure 6.

A black hole has a monopoly magnetic field forbidden by the so-called theorem “On the absence of hair in a black hole”.

For an electric monopole field, this property usually means that there is an electric charge inside the surface under which the field enters (or exits). But no magnetic charges have been found in nature, so if the field at one of the entrances enters the wormhole, then it must leave it at the other entrance of the wormhole (or vice versa). Thus, an interesting concept can be realized in theoretical physics, this concept is called “charge without charge”.

This means that a magnetic wormhole at each of its inputs will look like a magnetic charge, but the charges of the inputs are opposite (+ and -) and therefore the total charge of the wormhole inputs is zero. In fact, there should not be any magnetic charges, just the external magnetic field behaves as if they are - see Figure 6.

Traversable wormholes have their own characteristics by which you can distinguish them from black holes, and I will write about this in the next section.
If the wormhole is impassable, then phantom matter can make it passable. Namely, if we “water” an impenetrable wormhole with phantom matter from one of its entrance, then it will become passable from the side of the opposite entrance, and vice versa. True, this raises and remains the question: how can a traveler (who wants to go through an impassable wormhole) inform his assistant at the opposite entrance of the wormhole (closed from him by the horizon) that he (the traveler) is already near his entrance and it is time to start “watering ”The opposite entrance with phantom matter, so that the wormhole becomes semi-traversable in the direction desired by the traveler.

Thus, in order for an impassable wormhole to become completely passable, it must be “watered” with phantom matter from both of its entrances at the same time. Moreover, there should be a sufficient amount of phantom matter, which one is not an easy question, the answer to it can only be given by an accurate numerical calculation for a specific model (such models have already been calculated earlier in scientific publications). In astrophysics, an expression even appeared that phantom matter is so terrible that it even dissolves black holes in itself! In all fairness, it should be said that a black hole, when dissolved, does not necessarily form a wormhole.

On the contrary, ordinary matter in sufficient quantities “locks” the wormhole; makes it impassable. Thus, we can say that in this sense, interconversion of black holes and wormholes is possible.

11 black and white holes as a type of wormhole

I suppose that until now the reader was under the impression that black holes are objects from which nothing can ever come out (including even light). This is not entirely true.

The fact is that in almost all black holes, the singularity repels matter (and light) when it flies too close to it (already under the horizon of the black hole). An exception to this phenomenon could be made only by the so-called Schwarzschild black holes, i.e. those that do not rotate and have no electrical charge. But for the formation of such a Schwarzschild black hole for its generating matter, such initial conditions are needed, the measure of which is zero on the set of all possible initial conditions!

In other words, when any black hole is formed, it will necessarily have rotation (even if it is very small) and there will definitely be an electric charge (even if it is elementary), i.e. the black hole will not be Schwarzschild's. In what follows, I will call such black holes real. Real black holes have their own classification: Kerr (for a rotating black hole), Reisner-Nordstrom (for a charged black hole) and Kerr-Newman (for a rotating and charged black hole).

What will happen to the particle that is repelled by the singularity inside the real black hole?

The particle will no longer be able to fly back - this would contradict the laws of physics in a black hole, because the particle has already fallen under the event horizon. But it turns out that the topology inside black holes turns out to be non-trivial (complicated). This leads to the fact that after falling under the horizon of the black hole, all matter, particles, light are thrown out by a singularity into another universe.

In the universe where all this flies out there is a white hole - from it matter (particles, light) flies out. But all the miracles do not end there ... The fact is that in the same place in space where there is this white hole (in another universe) there is also a black hole.

Matter that has fallen into the Tu black hole (in another universe) experiences a similar process and flies out into the next universe. And so on ... Moreover, movement from one universe to another is always possible only in one direction: from the past to the future (in space-time). This direction is associated with a causal relationship between events in any space-time. By virtue of common sense and logic, scientists assume that causation should never be violated.

The reader may have a logical question: is there necessarily a white hole in our universe - where there is already a black hole, and where could matter from the previous universe fly out to us? For specialists in black hole topology, this is a difficult question and the answer to it is: "not always." But, in principle, such a situation may well be (when a black hole in our universe is at the same time a white hole from another - the previous universe). Unfortunately, we cannot yet answer the question - which situation is more likely (whether a black hole in our universe is at the same time a white hole from the previous universe or not).

So such objects - black and white holes have another name: “dynamic wormholes”. They are called dynamic because they always have a region under the horizon of a black hole (this region is called a T-region) in which it is impossible to create a rigid frame of reference, and in which all particles or matter would be at rest. In the T-region, matter doesn't just move all the time - it moves all the time at a variable speed.

But between the singularity and the T-region in real black holes there is always a space with an ordinary region, this region is called the R-region. In particular, outside the black hole, space also has the properties of the R-region. So the repulsion of matter from the singularity occurs precisely in the inner R-region.

Figure 7. (the author took the Carter-Penrose diagram for the Reisner-Nordstrom black hole as a basis for the figure) The figure on the left schematically shows a space with a non-trivial (complex) topology of the Reisner-Nordstrom black-and-white hole (Carter-Penrose diagram). On the right is the passage of a particle through this black-and-white hole: outside the black circle - the outer R-region, between the green and black circles - the T-region, under the green circle - the inner R-region and the singularity.

For these reasons, it is impossible to calculate and build a single trajectory of a particle crossing a black-and-white hole in both universes at once. For such a construction, it is necessary to split the desired trajectory into two sections and "stitch" these sections together in the inner R-region (only there it is possible to do this) - see Figure 7.

As I wrote earlier, tidal forces can tear matter apart before it reaches another universe. Moreover, inside a black-and-white hole, the maximum of tidal forces is reached at the point of minimum radius (in the inner R-region). The closer the real black hole in its properties is to the Schwarzschild one, the greater these forces will be at their maximum, and the less chances for matter to overcome the black-and-white hole without destruction.

These properties of real black holes are determined by the measure of their rotation (this is their angular momentum divided by the square of their mass) and the measure of their charge (this is their charge divided by their mass). Each of these properties (these measures) cannot be more than unity for real black holes. Therefore, the larger any of these measures to unity, the less tidal forces in such a black hole will be at their maximum, and the more chances for matter (or for humans) to overcome such a black-and-white hole without destruction. Moreover, as paradoxical as it sounds, the heavier a real black hole is, the less tidal forces at its maximum will be!

This is because tidal forces are not just gravitational forces, but the gradient of the gravitational force (i.e., the rate of change in the gravitational force). Therefore, the larger the black hole, the slower the gravitational forces change in it (despite the fact that the gravitational forces themselves can be huge). Consequently, the gradient of gravity (i.e. tidal forces) will be smaller in larger black holes.

For example, for a black hole with a mass of several million solar masses (in the center of our galaxy there is a black hole with a mass of ≈ 4.3 million solar masses), the tidal forces on its horizon are small enough for a person to fly there and, at the same time, nothing would not have felt at the moment of passing the horizon. And in the Universe there are also much heavier black holes - with a mass of several billion solar masses (as, for example, in the quasar M87) ... I will explain that active (brightly glowing) nuclei of distant galaxies are called quasars.

Since, as I wrote, matter or light can still fly from one universe to another through a black-and-white hole without destruction, such objects can rightfully be called another type of wormhole without phantom matter. Moreover, the existence of this particular type of dynamic wormholes in the Universe can be considered already practically proven!

The original video of the author (from his publication) illustrating the free, radial fall of a dust sphere into a black and white hole (all dust grains on the sphere glow with monochrome green light). The radius of the Cauchy horizon of this black-and-white Reisner-Nordstrom hole is 2 times less than the radius of the outer horizon. The observer also falls freely and radially (following this sphere), but from a slightly greater distance.

In this case, initially green photons from the dust particles of the sphere reach the observer with a red (and then with a violet) gravitational shift. If the observer remained motionless relative to the black-and-white hole, then after the sphere crosses the horizon of visibility, the redshift of photons for the observer would become infinite and he would no longer be able to observe this dusty sphere. But thanks to the free fall of the observer, he can see the sphere all the time (if you do not take into account the strong redshift of photons) - incl. and the moments when the sphere crosses both horizons, and while the observer himself crosses these horizons, and even after the sphere passes the throat of this dynamic wormhole (black-and-white hole) - and the release of dust particles into another universe.

At the bottom, the scale of the radius for the observer (marked with a yellow mark), the point of the dust envelope closest to the observer (marked with a green mark), the point of the dust envelope that is most distant from the observer, from which the photons come to the observer (marked with a thin white mark), as well as the location of the horizon black hole (red mark), Cauchy horizon (blue mark) and throat points (purple mark).

12 the multiverse

The concept of the Multiverse is usually identified with the non-trivial topology of the space around us. Moreover, in contrast to the concept of "multiverse" in quantum physics, they mean a sufficiently large scale of space, on which quantum effects can be completely neglected. What is non-trivial topology? Let me explain this with simple examples. Imagine two objects molded from plasticine: an ordinary cup with a handle and a saucer for this cup.

Without tearing the plasticine and without gluing the surfaces, but only by plastic deformation of the plasticine, the saucer can be turned into a ball, but in no way can it be turned into a cup or a donut. For a cup, the opposite is true: because of its handle, a cup cannot be turned into a saucer or a ball, but it can be turned into a bagel. These general properties the saucers and the ball correspond to their general topology - the topology of the sphere, and the general properties of the cup and donut correspond to the topology of the torus.

So the topology of the sphere (saucer and ball) is considered to be trivial, and the more complex topology of the torus (cup and donut) is considered to be nontrivial, although there are other, even more complex types of nontrivial topology - not only the topology of the torus. The Universe around us consists of at least three spatial (length, width, height) and one temporal dimension, and the concepts of topology are obviously transferred to our world.

So, if two different universes with a sphere topology are connected to each other by only one wormhole (dumbbell), then the resulting universe will also have a trivial sphere topology. But if two different parts of the same universe are connected by a wormhole (weight), then such a universe will have a nontrivial torus topology.

If two different universes with a sphere topology are connected by two or more wormholes, then the resulting universe will have a nontrivial topology. A system of universes connected by several wormholes will also have a non-trivial topology if there is at least one closed line that cannot be pulled to one point by any smooth deformation.

For all their attractiveness, wormholes have two significant drawbacks: they are unstable and their existence requires the presence of exotic (or phantom) matter. And if their stability can still be realized artificially, then many scientists simply do not believe in the possibility of the existence of phantom matter. Based on the above, it may seem that the existence of the Multiverse is impossible without wormholes. But it turns out that this is not so: the existence of real black holes is quite enough for the existence of the Multiverse.

As I said, inside all black holes there is a singularity - this is an area in which the density of energy and matter reaches infinite values. In almost all black holes, the singularity repels matter (and light) when it flies too close to it (already under the horizon of the black hole).

An exception to this phenomenon could be made only by the so-called Schwarzschild black holes, that is, those that do not rotate at all and have no electric charge. The Schwarzschild black hole has a trivial topology. But for the formation of such a Schwarzschild black hole, for its generating matter, such initial conditions are needed, the measure of which is zero on the set of all possible initial conditions!

In other words, when any black hole is formed, it will necessarily have a rotation (even if it is very small) and will necessarily have an electric charge (even an elementary one), that is, the black hole will not be Schwarzschild's. I call these black holes real.

In a Schwarzschild black hole, the singularity is located inside the central sphere, which has an infinitely small area. In a real black hole, the singularity is located on the ring, which lies in the equatorial plane under both horizons of the black hole. It is worth adding here that, unlike the Schwarzschild one, a real black hole has not one, but two horizons. Moreover, between these horizons, the mathematical signs of space and time change places (although this does not mean at all that space and time itself change places, as some scientists believe).

What will happen to a particle that is repelled by a singularity inside a real black hole (already under its inner horizon)? The particle will no longer be able to fly back: this would contradict the laws of physics and causality in a black hole, since the particle has already fallen under the event horizon. This leads to the fact that after falling under the inner horizon of a real black hole, any matter, particles, light are thrown out by a singularity into another universe.

This is because, unlike Schwarzschild black holes, the topology inside real black holes turns out to be nontrivial. Isn't it amazing? Even a slight rotation of a black hole leads to a radical change in the properties of its topology! In the universe where matter then flies out, there is a white hole - from it everything flies out. But all the miracles do not end there ... The fact is that in the same place in space where there is this white hole, in another universe, there is also a black hole. Matter trapped in that black hole in another universe undergoes a similar process and flies out into the next universe, and so on.

Moreover, movement from one universe to another is always possible only in one direction - from the past to the future (in space-time). This direction is associated with a causal relationship between events in any space-time. By virtue of common sense and logic, scientists assume that causation should never be violated. Such an object is usually called a black-and-white hole (in this sense, a wormhole could be called a white-and-white hole). This is the Multiverse, which exists thanks to the existence of real black holes, and for its existence, the existence of wormholes and phantom matter is not necessary.

I suppose that for most readers it will be difficult to imagine that in the same region of space (inside the same sphere with the radius of the black hole horizon) there would be two fundamentally different objects: a black and a white hole. But mathematically, this is proved quite rigorously.

I suggest the reader to imagine a simple model: entering (and exiting) a building with a revolving door. This door can only rotate in one direction. Inside the building, the entrance and exit near this door are separated by turnstiles that allow visitors in only one direction (entrance or exit), but outside the building there are no turnstiles. Imagine that inside the building these turnstiles divide the entire building into 2 parts: universe # 1 for exiting the building and universe # 3 for entering it, and outside the building there is universe # 2 - the one we live in. Inside the building, the turnstiles also allow movement only in the direction from No. 1 to No. 3. Such a simple model illustrates well the action of a black-and-white hole and explains that outside the building, visitors entering and leaving can collide with each other, but inside the building they cannot because of the unidirectional movement (as well as particles of matter in the corresponding universes).

In fact, the phenomena that accompany matter in such a release into another universe are quite complex processes. The main role in them begins to play the gravitational tidal forces, about which I wrote above. However, if the matter that has got inside the black hole does not reach the singularity, then the tidal forces acting on it always remain finite and, thus, it is fundamentally possible for a robot (or even a person) to pass through such a black-and-white hole without prejudice to it. Moreover, the larger and more massive the black hole is, the less tidal forces will be at their maximum ...

The reader may have a logical question: will there necessarily be a white hole in our Universe where there is already a black hole, and where could matter from the previous Universe fly out to us? For experts in black hole topology, this is a difficult question, and the answer to it is: "Not always." But, in principle, such a situation may well be - when a black hole in our Universe is at the same time a white hole from another, previous Universe. Answer the question "Which situation is more likely?" (whether a black hole in our Universe is at the same time a white hole from the previous Universe or not), unfortunately, we cannot yet.

Of course, today and in the near future it will not be technically possible to send even a robot to a black hole, but some physical effects and the phenomena characteristic of wormholes and black-and-white holes have such unique properties that observational astronomy is now very close to their detection and, as a consequence, the discovery of such objects.

13 what a wormhole should look like in a powerful telescope

As I already wrote, if a wormhole is impassable, then it will be very difficult to distinguish it from a black hole. But if it is passable, then through it you can observe objects and stars in another universe.

Figure 9. (original drawing by the author)
The left panel shows a section of the starry sky observed through a circular hole in the same universe (1 million identical, evenly distributed stars). The middle panel shows the starry sky of another universe, viewed through a static wormhole (1 million different images from 210,069 identical and evenly distributed stars in another universe). The right panel shows the starry sky of another universe seen through a black and white hole (1 million different images from 58,892 identical and evenly spaced stars in another universe).

Consider the simplest (hypothetical) model of the starry sky: there are many identical stars in the sky, and all these stars are evenly distributed over the celestial sphere. Then the picture of this sky, observed through a circular hole in the same universe, will be as shown in the left panel of Figure 9. This left panel shows 1 million identical, evenly spaced stars, so the image appears to be an almost uniform circular spot.

If we observe the same starry sky (in another universe) through the throat of a wormhole (from our universe), then the picture of the images of these stars will look something like the one shown in

A wormhole is a theoretical passage through space-time that can significantly shorten long distance travel across the universe by creating shortest paths between destinations. The existence of wormholes is predicted by the theory of relativity. But along with convenience, they can also carry extreme dangers: the danger of sudden collapse, high radiation and dangerous contacts with exotic matter.

The theory of wormholes, or "wormholes"

In 1935, physicists Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen, using the theory of relativity, suggested the existence of "bridges" in space-time. These paths, called Einstein-Rosen bridges or wormholes ("wormholes"), connect two different points in spacetime, theoretically creating shortest corridors that shorten travel distance and travel time.

Wormholes have, as it were, two mouths connected by a common neck. The mouths are most likely spherical. The neck can be a straight section, but it can also curl up, getting longer the longer the normal route.

Einstein's general theory of relativity predicts mathematically the existence of "wormholes" (wormholes), but none have been discovered to date. A negative mass wormhole can be tracked down by the action of its gravity on light passing by.

Some solutions of the general theory of relativity allow the existence of "wormholes", each entrance (mouth) of which is a black hole. However, natural black holes formed by the collapse of a dying star do not create a wormhole by themselves.

Through the wormhole

Science fiction teems with wormhole travel stories. But in reality, such travels are much more difficult, and not only because we still have to find such a wormhole first.

The first issue is size. Relic wormholes are believed to exist at the microscopic level, about 10 -33 centimeters in diameter. However, as the universe expands, it is possible that some of them have grown to large sizes.

Another problem comes from stability. More precisely, because of her absence. The wormholes predicted by Einstein-Rosen would be useless for travel because they collapse too quickly. But more recent research has shown that wormholes containing "exotic matter" can remain open and unchanged for longer periods of time.

Exotic matter, not to be confused with dark matter or antimatter, has negative density and enormous negative pressure. Such matter can only be found in the behavior of certain vacuum states within the framework of quantum field theory.

If wormholes contain a sufficient amount of exotic matter, whether naturally occurring or artificially added, then in theory they could be used as a way of transmitting information or a corridor through space.

Not only can wormholes connect two different ends of the same universe, they could also connect two different universes. Also, some scientists have suggested that if one entrance of the "wormhole" moves in a certain way, it could be useful for time travel ... However, their opponents, such as British cosmologist Stephen Hawking, argue that such a use is not possible.

While adding exotic matter to a wormhole could stabilize it to the point where humans can travel safely through it, there is still the possibility that adding "normal" matter would be enough to destabilize the portal.

Modern technology is not enough to enlarge or stabilize wormholes, even if they are found soon. However, scientists continue to explore this concept as a method space travel with the hope that the technology will eventually emerge and eventually they will be able to use the wormholes.

Based on materials from Space.com

  1. Time Travel with Wormholes The concept of a time machine, which is used in many science fiction books, usually conjures up images of an implausible device. But according to the general theory ...
  2. Can we be sure that time travelers won't change our past? Usually, we take it for granted that our past is an established and unchanging fact. The story is as we remember it ...

Humanity is exploring the world around it at an unprecedented speed, technology does not stand still, and scientists are plowing with might and main with sharp minds the world... Undoubtedly, the most mysterious and little-studied area can be considered space. This is a world full of mysteries that cannot be grasped without resorting to theories and fantasy. A world of secrets that go far beyond our understanding.

The cosmos is mysterious. He keeps his secrets carefully, hiding them under the veil of knowledge inaccessible to the human mind. Humanity is still too helpless to conquer the Cosmos, like the already conquered world of Biology or Chemistry. All that is still available to man is theories, of which there are countless numbers.

One of the greatest mysteries of the Universe is the Wormholes.

Wormholes in space

So, the Wormhole ("Bridge", "Wormhole") is a feature of the interaction of two fundamental components of the universe - space and time, and in particular - their curvature.

[For the first time the concept of "wormhole" in physics was introduced by John Wheeler, the author of the theory of "charge without charge"]

The peculiar curvature of these two components allows you to overcome colossal distances without spending a colossal amount of time. To better understand the principle of operation of such a phenomenon, it is worth remembering Alice from "Through the Looking Glass". The girl's mirror played the role of the so-called Wormhole: Alice could, only by touching the mirror, instantly find herself in another place (and if we take into account the scale of space, in another universe).

The idea of ​​the existence of wormholes is not just a bizarre invention of science fiction writers. Back in 1935, Albert Einstein became a co-author of works proving the so-called "bridges" to be possible. Although the Theory of Relativity allows this, astronomers have not yet managed to find a single Wormhole (another name for the Wormhole).

The main problem of detection is that, by its nature, the Wormhole absorbs absolutely everything, including radiation. And does not "release" anything outside. The only thing that can tell the location of the "bridge" is gas, which, when it enters the Wormhole, continues to emit x-ray, as opposed to falling into a Black Hole. A similar behavior of gas was recently discovered in a certain object Sagittarius A, which prompts scientists to think about the existence of a Wormhole in its vicinity.

So is travel through wormholes possible? In fact, there is more fantasy here than reality. Even if we theoretically allow the discovery of a Wormhole in the near future, modern science would face a host of problems that it is not yet capable of.

The first stone on the path to mastering the Wormhole will be its size. According to theorists, the first burrows were less than a meter in size. And only, relying on the theory of an expanding universe, can we assume that the wormholes have increased with the universe. This means that they are still increasing.

The second problem on the path of science will be the instability of the Wormholes. The ability of the "bridge" to collapse, that is, to "shut down", negates the possibility of using or even studying it. In fact, the lifespan of a Wormhole can be tenths of a second.

So what will happen if we discard all the “stones” and imagine that a person has nevertheless made a passage through the Wormhole. Despite the fiction that tells about a possible return to the past, this is still impossible. Time is irreversible. It moves in only one direction and cannot go back. That is, "seeing yourself young" (as, for example, the hero of the movie "Interstellar" did) will not work. This scenario is guarded by the theory of causality, unshakable and fundamental. Transferring "oneself" to the past implies the possibility for the hero of the journey to change it (the past). For example, to kill yourself, thus preventing yourself from traveling into the past. This means that it is not possible to be in the future, where the hero came from.

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