Admiral Nakhimov biography. Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov Brief biography

In the village, the town of Spare-Vindian parish of the Vyazemsky County of Smolensk province. He was the seventh of 11 children of a poor landowner, the second major - Stepan Mikhailovich Nakhimov and Feodosia Ivanovna Nakhimova (in the Major Kozlovskaya). In addition to Paul, his parents had four more sons - Nikolai, Plato, Ivan and Sergey. All Nakhimov's brothers were professional sailors.

Highest gramot

Our Vice Admiral, Chief of the 5th Fleet Division, Nakhimov

The extermination of the Turkish squadron, with Sinop, you decorated the chronicle of the Russian fleet of a new victory, which will forever remain memorable in marine history

The Statute of the Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious Georgia indicates the reward for your feat. Performing with true joy Decree of the Statute, complain of you by the Kavaler of the Holy Administant George of the second degree of a large cross, staying to you the imperial charity of our favorable

On the genuine his own imperial majesty hand written:


Russia and just a legend man. In honor of the Great Flotoder, several coins and combat medal are established. Its name is called Squares and Streets in the cities, modern ships and courts (including the famous cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov").

A strong spirit, he managed to bring this character line through all his life, feeding an example of devotion to the homeland and dedication to young fighters.

Admiral Nakhimov: biography

The outdown of Nakhimov was born on July 5, 1802 in a poor large familial family with noble roots. Enrolled in 1815 to the Sea Cadet Corps of the city of St. Petersburg, whose director later became one of his brothers, Paul brilliantly showed himself as the best of the Gardenaarines educational institution. For excellent studies at the age of 15, the Chin Michman and the distribution of Phoenix on Brig, which in 1817 made swimming towards the shores of Denmark and Sweden. Next followed the difficult service on the Baltic Fleet.

It is the sea, a military affair and the homeland service, the love of which was laid back during the years, were the meaning of Nakhimov's life. In no other sector Pavel Stepanovic saw himself anymore, refusing to recognize even the possibility of existence without maritime expanses.

Love in the sea, he married military service and was always faithful to his homeland, thus finding his place in life.

The first years of military service

At the end of the Marine Cadet Corps P.S. Nakhimov was determined to serve in the St. Petersburg port, and subsequently translated into the Baltic Fleet.

At the invitation of M.P. Lazarev - his mentor, Admiral, Russian Flotoder and the Maritime, from 1822 to 1825 went to serve as a "cruiser" frigate on which he made trip around the world. It lasted 1084 days and served as invaluable navigation experience in the spacious and atlantic oceans, on the shores of Alaska and Latin America. Upon return, being at that time already in the rank of lieutenant, the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree was honored. After a three-year swimming on the frigate of Nakhimov, everything under the same authorities of his beloved mentor Lazarev moved to the Azov ship, where in 1826 and received his first fight against the Turkish fleet. It was "Azov" mercilessly rushed into the Turks, the first among the rest as much as possible to the enemy. In this battle, where there were many dead on both sides, Nakhimov received a combat wound.

In 1827, Pavel Stepanovich was awarded the Order of St. George of the 4th degree and increased to the title of Lieutenant. In 1828 he became a commander of a disheveled Turkish ship renamed "Navarin". He took direct participation in the cloak of the Russian fleet in 1828-1829 in the Russian-Turkish war.

Courage of the head - example for the team

The 29-year-old age is a promising sailor met already in the rank of the commander of the new Fregat "Pallada", a few years later became the commander of the "Silleria" and was raised before the captain of the 1st rank. The furrowing spaces of the Black Sea "Silistria" was an indicative ship and for 9 years of swimming under the leadership of Nakhimov, a number of complex heroic tasks were performed.

History has kept such a case. During the teachings, the ship of the Black Sea squadron "Adrianopol" came up to the "Silistry", having committed an unsuccessful maneuver, which led to the inevitable collision of ships. Nakhimov remained on Yuta alone, sending sailors to a safe place. For a happy accident, such a dangerous moment occurred without a deposit of consequences, only the captain was placed by fragments. Your act PS Nakhimov substantiated that such cases are provided with fate rarely and make it possible to show the presence of the Spirit in the boss, demonstrating his team. This indicative example of courage can bring tremendous benefits in the case of a possible battle.

1845 marked for Nakhimov construction of the 1st Brigade of the 4th Fleet Division in the command of the 1st Brigade Black Sea Fleet. The collection of deserved awards this time replenished the Order of St. Anne 1st degree - for success in the maritime and military field.

Nakhimov: An image of an ideal leader

The moral impact on the entire Black Sea Fleet was so huge that it was equated with the influence of the admiral of Lazarev himself.

Pavel Stepanovich, giving the service and nights, never regretted himself and demanded the same from sailors. Without any other addiction in life than military service, Nakhimov believed that the maritime officers could not be interested in other life values.

On the vessel should be all busy, can not sit without work, folded hands: work and only work. No comrade reproached him in the desire to heal, everyone believed in his calling and commitment to military service.

The subordinates have always seen that he worked more than others, thereby submitting a bright example of the service homeland. It is always necessary to strive forward, work on yourself, to improve in order not to be broken in the future. He was read and respected as the Father, and the leaps and comments were afraid of absolutely everything. Money for Nakhimov did not have the value to which society was accustomed. The generosity along with the understanding of the difficulties of ordinary people - what is famous for Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov. Leaving itself the necessary part for the payment of the apartment and modest food, everything else he gave the sailors and their families. Very often there were crowds of people. They were carefully listened to Nakhimov. Admiral tried to fulfill the request of everyone. If there was no opportunity to help in connection with empty pockets, Pavel Stepanovich occupied money from other officers to the future of the future complain and immediately distributed them in need.

Sailor - the main power of the sea fleet

He always considered the sailor of the leading force of the Military Fleet and treated to everyone with proper respect. It is these guys that depends on the outcome of battles, it is necessary to teach, to rise, wake up the courage, the desire to work and finish the feats for the sake of the Motherland.

An ordinary sailor is the main engine on the ship, the team composition is just the springs, on it acting. Therefore, it is not necessary to consider these workers who control sails that are led by the enemy weapons rushing to boarding, serfdom. Humanity and justice are the main principles of communication with subordinates, and not the use of their officers as a means of their own elevation. Like his mentor, Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev - Nakhimov demanded from the command formulation of moral discipline. Basic punishments were banned on his ship, instead of the sinking of the command staff, love for the Motherland was brought up. It was Admiral Nakhimov, whose biography serves as the brightest example of education of respect for the neighbor and complete dedication in serving the interests of the Motherland, was the perfect image of the commander of the warship.

The role of Admiral in the protection of Sevastopol

In heavier for Sevastopol, 1854-1855) during the period of Nakhimov was appointed military governor of the city and the port commander, in March of the same year, made to Admirals.

Under his competent leadership, the city for 9 months selflessly reflected the attacks of the Allies. It is the fucks - the admiral from God - its energy contributed to the activation of defense.

He coordinated the babble, he led the mine and smuggling war, built new fortifications, organized the local population to defend the city, personally passing forward positions and raising the military spirit of the troops.

It was here that the fuck was deadly. Admiral received an enemy punch in the temple and died on July 12, 1855 without coming into consciousness. At day and night, the coffin of his favorite commander was on duty, the sailors, kissing his hands and returning immediately, as they managed to change the bastion. During the funeral, the numerous fleet of enemies, before that, the earthly shocked earthly shots, silent; In honor of the great admiral, enemy ships descended flags.

Cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" as a symbol of power and power of the Russian fleet

As a symbol of courage and power, in honor of the great man was created which in NATO is called the "killer of aircraft carriers". It is designed to defeat large supervod targets. This is a heavy atomic cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov", equipped with constructive protection From the use of rocket weapons.

The warship has the following specifications:

Displacement - 26,190 tons.

Length - 252 meters.

Width - 28, 5 meters.

Speed \u200b\u200b- 32 nodes (or 59 km / h).

The crew is 727 people (including 98 officers).

Since 1999, the ship is standing in anticipation of modernization; Powerful buildup of the rocket complex - "Calibr" and "Onyx" is planned.

The modernization plan provides for the return of the cruiser in the combat composition of the Military Fleet in 2018.

Top Career

  • Admiral.
  • In case of absence, V. A. Kornilova appointed commander-in-chief of the fleet and marine battalions

Order of white eagle

Order of St. George 2nd degree

Order of St. George 4th degree

Order of St. Vladimir 2nd degree

Order of St. Vladimir 3rd degree

Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree

Order of St. Anne 1st degree with the imperial crown.

Order of St. Anne 2nd degree with the imperial crown.

Order of St. Anne 2nd degree.

Order of St. Stanislav 1st degree.

Order of the Bath

Order of the Savior

Pavel Stepanovich Nachimov (1802 - 1855) - the famous Russian admiral. During Crimean war 1853-1856, Commander of the squadron of the Black Sea Fleet, Nakhimov discovered and blocked the main forces of the Turkish fleet in Sinop and defeated them in the Sinop Battle. On June 28 (July 10), 1855 was mortally wounded bullet in the head in the Malakhov Kurgan during the defense of Sevastopol.


P. S. Nakhimov on the monument "1000th anniversary of Russia" in Veliky Novgorod

Basic dates of life and activity

  • 1802, July 5 - Born in the village of the town (now the Vyazemsky district of the Smolensk region).
  • 1813, August 23 - determined by a vacancy candidate to the Moscow Corps.
  • 1815, June 26 - Commanded for educational voyage at Briga of the Marine Corps "Simeon and Anna"
  • 1815, August 5 - enrolled by a candidate of the marine corps.
  • 1815, the beginning of August - was produced in the Midship.
  • 1817, June 1 - September 29 - in swimming at Brig "Phoenix" in the Baltic Sea.
  • 1818, February 1 - produced in Unter-Officers.
  • 1818, February 23 - produced in Michmans with appointment in the 2nd Flot crew.
  • 1820, June 4 - October 13 - Swimming on the tender "Janus" in the Finnish bay.
  • 1821 - translated into the 23rd crew.
  • 1822 - Made the transition to dry by Arkhangelsk to Kronstadt.
  • 1822, March 25 - appointed to the frigate "Cruiser".
  • 1822, July 6 - 1825, August 19 - made worldwide swimming on the "cruiser" frigate. During the swim, produced in Lieutenants.
  • 1825, September 13 - for swimming on the frigate "Cruiser" was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree.
  • 1826 - appointed to the 74-gun ship "Azov" under construction in Arkhangelsk.
  • 1826, August 17 - October 2 - made a transition to "Azov" from Arkhangelsk to Kronstadt.
  • 1827, June 22 - October 10 - on the ship "Azov" as part of the squadron D.N. Senavin, and then L.P.Gaiden made the transition of Kronstadt - Navarin.
  • 1827, October 20 - Commander the battery on the ship "Azov", participates in the Navarino battle.
  • 1827, October 25 - November 8 - on the ship "Azov" as part of the Russian squadron made the transition of Navarine Malta.
  • 1827, December - for the difference, manifested in the Navarino battle, produced in the lieutenant captain and was awarded the Order of St. George 4th degree.
  • 1828, April 16 - August 8 - floated on the ship "Azov" as part of the Russian squadron in the Mediterranean and the Aegean seas.
  • 1828, August 27 - entered into command Corvette "Navarin".
  • 1829, February - December - on Corway "Navarin" in the Russian squadron blocked Dardanelles.
  • 1830, January 29 - May 25 - on Corway "Navarin" as part of the Squadron M.P. Lazarev made a transition from the Aegean Sea to Kronstadt
  • 1830, May - September - on Corway "Navarin" floated in the Baltic Sea.
  • 1831, September - Commander Corvette "Navarine", holds the post of quarantine brandvachts on the Krondstock raid, sailed to Goblanda, convoys trade vessels to Libava.
  • 1832, January 12 - appointed commander of the Frenge "Pallada".
  • 1832 - led the construction and finishes of the Fregat "Pallada"
  • 1833, August 5 - October 23 - Commander of the Fregat "Pallada", was in the Baltic cruise under the flag of F.F. Bellinghausen.
  • 1834, February 5 - translated into the Black Sea Fleet. Appointed commander of the ship "Sillistria".
  • 1834 - 1836 - manages the construction, equipping and armament of "Sillisters".
  • 1836, September 27 - November 30 - the commander of the "Sillistria" ship, made the transition of Nikolaev - Games - Sevastopol.
  • 1837, June 5 - October 8 - was in cruise in the Black Sea for "Sillisters"
  • 1828, April 4 - 1839, August 30 - on sick leave.
  • 1840, August 11 - September 29 - led the work on the installation of dead anchors in the Novosibirsk Bay. He was in the cruise of Anapa - Novorossiysk.
  • 1841, May 13 - August 31 - was in swimming Sevastopol - Odessa - Novorossiysk - Sevastopol.
  • 1842, July 27 - September 8 - was in Black Sea practical swimming.
  • 1843, June 26 - October 17 - transported the ground troops from Odessa to Sevastopol. Slotted as part of a practical squadron.
  • 1844, July 14 - August 9 - led the work on the equipment of the Novorossiysk Bay.
  • 1844, July 30 - 31 - promoted, the commander of Sillistria, the reflection of the attacks of the mountains to Fort Golovinsky (Caucasian Coast).
  • 1845, May 13 - September 27 - was in practical swimming in the Black Sea. For the difference in the service, it was produced in the counterparty and appointed commander of the 1st Brigade of the 4th Fleet Division.
  • 1846, March 20 - having a flag on the frigate "Kagul", commanded the detachment of ships. For the East Coast of the Black Sea, guarding the Caucasus from smugglers.
  • 1847, May 15 - July 15 - having a flag on the ship "Yagudil", was swimming around the Black Sea by the second flagship of a practical squadron.
  • 1848, May 14 - October 14 - having a flag on the frigate "Kovaharin", commanded a detachment of ships in cruise from the Caucasus.
  • 1848, May 24 - August 27 - led the work on the lifting of the tender "String", sunken in the Novorossiysk bay.
  • 1849, February 29 - appointed a junior flagship practical squadron.
  • 1849, July 20 - September 7 - was in practical swimming.
  • 1850, May 18 - December 5 - having a flag on the frigate "Kagul", commanded the detachment of vessels, having crashed from the Caucasus.
  • 1851, May 16 - July 5 - Swimmed by the second flagship of the first practical squadron of the Black Sea Fleet
  • 1852, April 11 - appointed commander of the 5th Fleet Division.
  • 1854, July 16 - November 6 - having a flag on the Linear ship "Twelve Apostles", commanded the squadron, twice translated the ground forces from Sevastopol to Odessa. Washed in black for "practice and evolution."
  • 1852, October 14 - produced in Vice Admirals.
  • 1853, May - June - commanded a squadron, cruisized from the Kherson lighthouse.
  • 1853, September 29 - October 6 - having a flag on the Linear ship "Grand Duke Konstantin", commanded the squadron, which was transported from Sevastopol to the Anacria district - Sukhum 13th Infantry Division.
  • 1853, October 19 - for the successful transfer of the 13th division was awarded the Order of Sv.Vladimir 2th degree of the Great Cross.
  • 1853, October 23 - having a flag on the Linear ship "Empress Maria", went into cruise from Anatolian (Turkey) coast.
  • 1853, November 30 - the squadron commander, defeated the Turkish fleet in the Sinop Bay.
  • 1853, December 4 - returned with a squadron from Sinip to Sevastopol.
  • 1853, December 10 - For the victory, with Sinop, he was awarded the Order of St. George 2th degree of big cross.
  • 1853, December 17 - appointed by the commander of the squadron stationed on the raid of Sevastopol Bay and at the entrance to the South Bay.
  • 1854, September 19 - in case of lack of V.A. Kornilova is appointed commander-in-chief of the fleet and sea battalions.
  • 1854, 3 - 5 October - led the formation of marine battalions from coastal and shipyards.
  • 1854, October 17 - at the first bombardment of Sevastopol, he was injured.
  • 1854, December 12 - accepted the responsibility of the assistant chief of the Sevastopol garrison (the appointment was approved by Prince Menshikov only in February 1855).
  • 1855, January 25 - for the difference during the defense of Sevastopol, he was awarded the Order of the White Eagle.
  • 1855, March 9 - appointed commander of the Sevastopol port and temporary military governor of the city.
  • 1855, April 8 - for the difference during the defense of Sevastopol, produced in Admirals.
  • 1855, June 7 - during the storming by the French of Kamchatka Luban contuge.
  • 1855, May - the beginning of June is the construction of a bridge on barrels through the southern bay, which ensured the transfer of reinforcements and the ammunition to Malakhov Kurgan.
  • 1855, June 18 - led the protection of the ship's side of Sevastopol during the general assault on the troops of the Allies.
  • 1855, July 10 - mortally wounded in the raspberry bullets on the Cornil Bastion Malakhov Kurgan.
  • 1855, July 12 - died.
  • 1855, July 13 - buried in the crypt Cathedral of St. Vladimir near M.P.Lazarev, V.A. Kornilov, V.I.Sistomine

Childhood and study

Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was born in the village of the town of Smolensk province of the Vyazemsky County on June 23 (July 5) of 1802. His father is Stepan Mikhailovich - a second major, afterwards the county leader of the nobility, had 11 children, of whom six people died. All survivors: Nikolai, Plato, Ivan, Paul and Sergey were brought up in the Marine Cadet Corps and subsequently served in the fleet.

Home career in Navy

Pavel Stepanovich was defined in the Cadet Corps on May 3, 1815. During his stay in the corps, he made practical swimming in the Baltic Sea at Brigas "Simeon and Anna" and "Phoenix". On the "Phoenix" under the team of one of the best marine officers of the time of the time of Dohturov, among the few of the best students appointed to Brig in the will of the Sovereign, visited the shores of Denmark and Sweden. Nakhimov graduated from the course of the corps in 1818 by the sixth on release and at the same time, on February 9, was produced in Michmans and enrolled in the service of the 2nd Flot crew.

The end of 1818 and the entire 1819 year of Nakhimov served with her crew in St. Petersburg, in 1820 walked in the Baltic on the tender "Janus", and in 1821 he was sent by dry way to Arkhangelsk, the ship built there. From Arkhangelsk, he was soon called back to Petersburg and appointed to the frigate "Cruiser", intended together with a 20-tailed sludge "Ladoga" in the world swimming. The head of the expedition and the commander of the "Creiser" was the captain of 2 rank Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev, who was later admiral, under the leadership of which the formation of many glorious Russian sailors occurred. The "cruiser" was intended to protect Russian-American colonies, and "Ladoga" - to deliver goods to Kamchatka and the colony.

Contemporaries unanimously argue that such an appointment to a person without protection at the time when round-the-world swimming was extremely rare, serves as irrefutable evidence that young Michman paid special attention. Falls from the first days of swimming served "24 hours a day," without causing reproaches for the desire to heal from the comrades who quickly believed in his vocation and dedication to the very case.

Three years round floors

On August 17, 1822, the cruiser came out of Kronstadt and, visiting the Copenhagen and Portsmouth ports, threw on December 10, anchor on Santa Kruz raid. Rebuilding in Rio de Janeiro and without hoping, by the late season, heated Cape Horn, Lazarev found it for the best go to the Great Ocean around Cape Good Hope and Australia. On April 18, 1823, he entered the Gobart Town Raid, where the crews were vacation on the shore and where they were made to further swimming towards the island of Otaithi and further to Novo-Arkhangelsk. In the last paragraph, the cruiser changed our stationer, the Apollo gate, and entered the disposal of the chief ruler of the colonies. Having done in winter 1823 to swim in San Francisco to resume the seals and remaining the colonies until half of October 1824, the cruiser was replaced by the company's "Enterprise" who arrived from Russia, he hung Cape Mountain, a somewhat delayed in Brazil and arrived in Kronstadt on August 5 1825.

Three-year round-world swimming under the authorities of Lazarev brought in 1823 Nakhimov Chin Lieutenant, and at the end of the expedition - the Order of St. Vladimir 4 degrees, brought up the quality of the beautiful seaman, brought him closer to Lazarev, who estimated the subordinate to the subordinate and writing it for further service in the Fleet. All subsequent service of Nakhimov was under the authorities of Lazareva to the very death of the admiral, that is, until 1851.

At the end of the world expedition of Nakhimov, in the same 1825, he received an appointment to Arkhangelsk, from where next year went to Kronstadt on the 74-gun ship "Azov" under the Lazarev team.

Service at Azov

Nakhimov still served on the "Azov" under the command of Mikhail Lazareva, when the flagship took active participation In the famous Navarino battle. The flagship ship of the Russian squadron destroyed 5 Turkish ships, including the frigate of the commander of the Turkish fleet, having obtained with this 153 hitting, of which 7 below the waterline.

During the Navarino battle at Azov, future Russian fleets, Heroes of Sinop and Sevastopol Defense, Lieutenant Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov, Michman Vladimir Kornilov, Gardemarin Vladimir Ivanovich Ibomin. For the fighting feats in the battle of the Linear ship "Azov" for the first time in the Russian fleet, the fodder Georgievsky flag was assigned. The generous rewards of the king were distributed and brave sailors. Nakhimov, especially distinguished in battle, was produced in the lieutenant captain and was awarded the Order of St. George 4 degrees and the Greek Order of the Savior.

Self swimming and return to Lazarev

All 1828 he spent the whole 1828 in distant campaigns, and next year he was appointed commander of a 16-canvish corvette "Navarin", a trophy Turkish ship, who worn earlier "Nassabih Sabah". In May 1830, on this Corway Nakhimov returned as part of the Lazarev squadron in Kronstadt and on it, it was cruised in the Baltic Sea in the 1831 campaign.

Command "Stallad"

In 1832, Nakhimov consisted of a member of the Committee established to prevent Kronstadt from the cholera epidemic that appeared then, and soon received the Fregat "Pallada", laid on the Okhta shipyard. Nakhimov personally watched the construction of this ship and introduced some of them for the first time improved. On the new frigate of Nakhimov, Krused in Baltic in 1833 in the Estimary of Bellingshausen squadron. During the navigation, he personally checked the correctness of the ship that went into a strict squadron, the first to discovered the incompleteness of the course into one nights and raised the signal: "The squadron is in danger!". Courts quickly changed the course, but the Advisor "Arsis", who did not consider the Schimov signal, appeared on the stones and almost sank. The award-winning Nakhimov was the gracious words of the sovereign: "I must preserve the squadron. Thank you. I will never forget it. "

Translation into the Black Sea Fleet

In January 1834, Nakhimov was translated into the Black Sea Fleet, which turned to the command of Vice-Admiral Lazarev then, and was appointed commander of the 41st Fleet crew. On August 30 of the same year, he was produced in the captains of the 2nd rank, and in 1836 he received a built linear ship "Silistria" under the team. At the "Silistrics", by making ordinary practical swimming, received the rank of 1 rank on December 6, 1837.

Health problems

Continuous multi-year swimming, various deprivation associated with cruising in the distant seas and when moving across the oceans, participation in hostilities and frequent works have undermined the health of Nakhimov. Preparing all sorts of ease of life, a little paying attention to the advice of doctors, he neglected the incarnations of diseases, soon those who had a threatening character. Radical treatment has become a direct need for him, and he had to part for a while with his native element. At the request of the head of the Chief Maritime Staff, Prince Menshikova, Nakhimov was dismissed in October 1838 with a reduction in the content abroad, where he stayed 11 months.

Command "Silistria"

Having recovered from the ailments, Nakhimov again joined the command "Silistria", participated in it in 1840 in the transport of land forces to the Black Sea shores of the Caucasus and contributed to the extermination of the smuggling vessel, for which he was noted by the emperor. 1841-1845 He spent in crucial in the Black Sea and in Sevastopol, providing assistance to the Golovinsky fortification by the Highlanders on August 30, 1844, for which he again was awarded the highest favorabies.

On September 13, 1845, Nakhimov was produced in counter-admirals with the appointment of the 1st Brigade of the 4th Fleet Division.

Until 1852 inclusive, he walked around the Black Sea. March 30, 1852, appointed by the commander of the 5th Fleet Division, he raised his flag on the ship "Twelve Apostles", and on October 2 of the same year he was produced in Vice Admirals with a statement in office.

Personal qualities Nakhimov

By this time, Nakhimov had an excellent reputation on the fleet. A convinced bachelor, a man of Spartan habits, hated luxury, he did not have any personal interests, was alien to any egoism and ambition and was selflessly loyal. Simple and always modest, Nakhimov avoided the showful side and in the service, and in public life. But all who knew the admiral could not not understand what greatness of the soul, what a strong character of Tail he in himself under his humble and innocent species.

On the shore of Nakhimov was the senior comrade of his subordinates, was the patron saint of sailors and their families. Helped the word and work, and often with their own funds officers; Injured in all sorts of need for marine brethren. In Sevastopol, an admiral was almost daily at the Count Pier, which was accompanied by an adjutant of his who expecting him a crowd of shelters - retired sailors, poor old men, women, children. Not at one time, these people were treated for "Sailor Batki", they asked sometimes and only some of the councils for all sorts of deeds, asked for an arbitration court on quarrels and family troubles.

At sea, on the ship, Nakhimov was, however, the demanding boss. The rigor of his and demandingness for the slightest omission or lethargy did not know the limits. The closest ongoing coastal militants and the interlocutors had no moment of moral and physical peace on the sea: the demands of Nakhimov increased to the degree of his attachment. His constancy and perseverance in this respect were truly striking. But in moments of rest from official occupations, behind the dining table in the Admiral cabin of Nakhimov was again made a good-natured interlocutor.

The demanding of the subordinate, Nakhimov was even more demanding to themselves, was the first employee on the squadron, served as an example of tirelessness and devotion to duty. Floating on the "Silistry" as part of the squadron, Nakhimov suffered once an accident. During the evolution of the fleet, the arranging ship "Adrianopol" was very close to the "Silistria" made such an unfortunate maneuver that the collision was inevitable. Quickly rated the situation, Nakhimov calmly gave the team to remove people from the most dangerous place, and he himself remained at this place, on Utah, who hit the Adrianopol soon, who had a significant part of the mast and a huge boat with a "sylistria". Shipped by fragments, but not changed poses, Nakhimov, only by a lucky randomness remained unharmed, and at the reproaches of officers in negligence, explainingly replied that such cases are rarely presented and that commanders must use them, so that the ship team saw the presence of the Spirit in his boss and penetrated him Respect, so necessary in case of fighting.

Closely studied the shipbuilding technique, which invested in her a lot of personal creativity, Nakhimov and how shiping did not have rivals. His children: Corvette "Navarin", the Fregat "Pallada" and the "Sillerry" ship - were constantly those samples that everyone pointed out and to which everyone sought to imitate. All sorts of sailor, meeting in the sea with Silistria or entering the raid, where she was concerned, he took all the measures to seem like the best, impeccable form to the commander of the "Silibor", from which no step could be hidden, none of the slightest flaw , as well as Lychy management of the vessel. His approval was revered by a reward, which every Black Sea sailor tried to deserve. All this led to the fact that Nakhimov acquired a sailor reputation, all the thoughts and actions of which were sent constantly and exclusively for general benefits to the tireless ministry of the Motherland.

Crimean War

On September 13, 1853, with the beginning of the Crimean War in Sevastopol, ordered from St. Petersburg should immediately transport the 13th Infantry Division with two light batteries, only 16,393 people and 824 horses, with the appropriate number of military cargoes, - a difficult order was assigned to Vice -Admiral Nakhimov and performed brilliantly. The fleet under his team consisting of 12 ships, 2 frigates, 7 steamats and 11 transports made to swimming and accepted a landing at four days, and after seven days, that is, on September 24, the troops were planted in the Caucasian Beach. Debarkation began at 7 am and ended after 10 hours. Managing Operations of Nakhimov "For excellent diligent service, knowledge, experience and tireless activities," was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 2nd degree.

From the Caucasian shore, the fleet immediately returned to Sevastopol, and on October 11, not yet knowing the announcement of the war, Nakhimov came out into the sea with a squadron, which included: "Empress Maria" ships, "chemis", "Rostislav", "Svyatoslav" and "Brave", the frigate "Covarna" and the steamer "Bessarabia". The squadron was intended for crucial in mind the Anatolian coast, on the ways of the message of Constantinople with the eastern shore of the Black Sea, and to ensure the topics of our possessions on this shore from a sudden attack. Nakhimov was given instructions - "reflect, but not attack."

On November 1, the head of the Black Sea Navy, the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet, arrived in Nakhimov on a ship "Vladimir" and brought Manifesto about the war. Immediately according to the squadron, an order was given: "The war is declared; serve mulabrats and congratulate the team! " Immediately and other orders are compiled, extensive and clearly expressed admiral requirements, from which the following phrase is distinguished:

A few more days passed. The weather worsened, and the storm broke out on November 8th. Linear ships "Svyatoslav" and "brave", the Frigate "Covarna" and the steamer "Bessarabia" suffered such a strong accident that they had to be sent to the mining to Sevastopol. Nakhimov stayed with three ships, but did not stop cruise.

At the same time, the Turkish Admiral Osman Pasha also appeared in the Black Sea with a squadron, consisting of 7 frigates, 3 corvettes, two steamats and two transports, just fourteen military courts. The storm forced the Turkish Admiral to seek refuge. He was hiding on the Sinop raid. At the entrance to the raid did not slow down to appear and fucks with three ships, who were all the power, which was at that time at his disposal. Thinking that Russian Admiral lures the Turkish fleet in the open sea, Osman Pasha did not dare to leave the harbor. On November 16, the squadron of the Neck Admiral Novosilskiy joined the detachment of Nakhimov, who consisted of Paris linear ships, " Grand Duke Konstantin "and" three saint "and from the frigates" Kagul "and" Kulevichi ".

The Russian fleet had an artillery in 712 guns, enemy - in 476, but the Turks were protected by six coastal batteries, on which 44 implements of large calibers stood, much stronger than the then samples of ship artillery. On November 17, Nakhimov gathered all the commanders to themselves, and then a detailed disposition was composed for a fight and given an order by the squadron. The plan was thought out to the smallest detail and in fact began to be executed as on maneuvers, however, contained an order and such words:

Sinop Battle

On the morning of November 18, it was raining and blew a squalid wind, the most unfavorable to capture by the enemy courts, for, broken, they could easily throw ashore. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the Russian squadron lowered rowing vessels, as the wooden fleet was ordered before the battle, and at 9:30 pm, a signal was raised to prepare for attack. At noon, the ships went to the Sinop Raid. Despite the rain and fog, the enemy soon noticed the attack, and all Turkish ships and coastal batteries opened fire.

At 12:30, "Empress Maria" under the flag of Nakhimov was covered with nuclei and bookpeople, most of her rangout is interrupted, only one untouched guy remained at the grotto. But the ship, having a wind from the stern, fearlessly went ahead, acting by battle fire on the enemy courts, by which he passed, and gave anchor against the Turkish Admiral Frigate "Auni Allah". Without withstanding the half-hour fire, the Turkish flagship vessel took off with anchor and jumped ashore. "Empress Maria" turned his fire exclusively at the 44th cannon frigate "Fazli-Allah" - Russian "Rafail", captured by the Turks in 1828 - and forced him to follow the example of the first vessel.

Do not lag behind the admiral and other commanders of Russian courts, showing both courage and skill at the same time. In particular, the actions of the Paris linear ship were shiny under the flag of the counter-admiral Novosilsk. Admiring his beautiful and cold-blooded maneuvers, Nakhimov, at the very hot minute, ordered his gratitude to "Paris", but there was nothing to raise the signal on; All Fals "Empress Mary" were interrupted. The complete victory of the Russian fleet was marked soon - almost all the vessels of the Turks were thrown ashore and burned there; Only one 20-gun steamer "Taif," who later brought a sad message to Constantinople subsequently.

At 13:30, the Sinop Raid appeared the Frigate "Odessa" under the flag of the adjutant General Kornilov, and with him the "Crimea" and "Chersonese" steamers. The fight continued, but mainly with coastal batteries. Turkish military vessels, who emitted to the shore, were in the most distinguished position; Transport and merchant ships sank from nuclei. Soon, enemy frigates began to explode, the fire passed on the city buildings, there was a strong fire. In the fifth hour of the evening, everything was over: the entire Turkish fleet, except for the steamer "Taifa", was destroyed; Destroyed batteries were silent. Up to three thousand Turks were killed; The survivors surrendered along with their admiral, wounded in the leg. Our losses were limited to 1 officer and 33 lower ranks killed and 230th injured.

At night, the steamers took our ships from the shore to avoid the possibility of the maiden on them of the burning residues of the vessels of the enemy fleet. At the same time, the teams started repairing the main damage that were very significant. On one ship "Empress Mary", there were 60 sluts. All damage under the direct supervision of Nakhimov himself were corrected at 36 hours so much that the squadron was able to take the return swimming through all the restless Black Sea. By night on November 22, the winners were part of the raid of Sevastopol.

Letter on November 28, the sovereign is the emperor, "Performing with the true joy of the decision of the Statute," the Order of St. George 2-th degree.

It is very characteristic that the fact that in detailed reliation about Sinopsky is completely forgotten about himself.

Defense Sevastopol

On December 23, the Anglo-French fleet with a total force in 89 warships, including 54 steamers, entered the Black Sea, turned Varna to his naval base and began to equip a huge troops with an obvious threat of Crimea. Allies sent strong detachments into the open sea, which did not slow down to stop the movement of merchant ships along the Russian shores. The Russian Sailing Black Sea Fleet, significantly inferior to enemy and number, and, in particular, in quality, was doomed to passive activities.

On February 9, 1854, a manifesto about the gap with England and France was released, on April 9, the Allies bombarded Odessa, and on September 2, the Union Army landed in Evpatoria: 28,000 French, 27,000 English and 7,000 Turks with an appropriate amount of field artillery and with 114 siege guns. Immediately on landing the British and the French moved to Sevastopol.

Sevastopol to the beginning of the Eastern War was strengthened pretty much from the maritime. The entrance to the raid was fired by the 8th batteries. On a fleet suitable for Sevastopol, only the extreme batteries - Konstantinovskaya and No. 10 could operate, they could only help in this matter only part of the instruments of other batteries.

In the spring of 1854, three more internal batteries were built - twelve apostles, Paris and Svyatoslavskaya - and two external, on the sea coast north of Konstantinovskaya. All these batteries were armed with 610 guns. In addition, for the defense of Sevastopol on the water, - on the raid, in full readiness for the exit to the sea, stood a squadron of Nakhimov from 8 ships and 6 frigates; Further, at the entrance to the southern bay, the Kornilov escade of 4 ships, 1 frigate and 4 steamats, finally, in the depths of the raid - flotilla of small ships.

From the land side, Sevastopol was almost no defense. On the north side was a big, but old fortification, erected back in 1818, and on southern only it was assumed to build a number of bastions and connecting defensive lines. Strengthening land defense Kyleylent Bay Bastion No. 1, and then Bastion No. 2, the Malakhov Kurgan (Cornilovsky Bastion) and Bastion No. 3 were defended by the ship side of Sevastopol, then the urban side was protected by bastions No. 4-7.

After an unsuccessful battle for us on September 8 on the Alma River, where the Allied 62-thousandth army was met by 34 thousand of our troops, Prince Alexander Sergeevich Menshikov retreated to Bakhchisaray, having ordered the temporary institution of the defense of the south side of Sevastopol Nakhimov, and North-Cornilov. The Allies, who approached Sevastopol from the north and inquired from the Tatar about the complete form of the south side, changed the original plan, settled in Camyshev and Balaklava bays and intended to storm the city from the south. But by this time on the south side of the active efforts of Nakhimov, Kornilov and Totleben, the line of fortifications was already erected. The enemy did not dare to attack the open force and began the proper siege of the fortress.

The south side garrison consisted of 6 reserve battalions and fleet teams, only 5,000 people. Considering the impossible to defend Sevastopol with such forces, after the decision of Menshikov, reject the Cornilovskaya plan with the enemy in the sea battle took measures to flood the vessels of his squadron, in order not to give them to the enemy and stop access to the enemy fleet to the raid, and on September 14 he gave the following order:

The enemy approaches the city, in which there is very little garrison. I am as needed to be forced to flood the court entrusted to me the squadron, and the teams left for them with the boarding weapons to attach to the garrison. I am confident in commanders, officers and teams that each of them will fight as a hero. We are gathered to three thousand. The team on theatrical square. What the squadron declare.

Nakhimov P.S.

Work on the south side boiled. Nakhimov, together with Cornilov, cared for the delivering of all Fleet funds, port and other parts of the Maritime Department of Totleben, which vigorously began to strengthen the defensive line. The sailors attracted to the works, animated by a personal example of their decent chief, was distinguished, according to Totleben testimony, special tranquility, dexterity and distillation. To ensure the message of the ship's side with the city, Nakhimov arranged on their personal initiative the bridge through the South Bay, taking advantage of the brigades, schooners and dams.

Coming commemorative day on October 5 - the day of the first bombardment of Sevastopol. Clouds of nuclei and bombs fell on bastions, which hastily fastened, poorly resisted the enemy projectiles. The strongest battle was played on Malakhov Kurgan and on 5 bastion. On the first headed Kornilov, on the second Nakhimov. Turning from the gun to the tool, Nakhimov himself brought guns, gave advice, followed the flight of shells, encouraged the hearts of the defenders of the fortress. Preparing all the danger, he almost died at the very beginning of the battle: the wounded in his head, wounded on happiness easily, Hakhimov tried to hide it, not wanting to worry the sailors who loved him. "Not really-with!" He answered sharply and with displeasure, he answered one of the officers, loudly exclaimed: "You are injured, Pavel Stepanovich!" Not so condescended was the fate of Kornilov, the dead on the day at the Malakhov Kurgan.

Fight on October 5, the allies, and from Sushi, and from the sea, ended with very insignificant damage to coastal batteries, but sad results on the side of the land. The defensive line suffered to such an extent that almost no obstacles for assault. Fortunately, the enemy did not take advantage of this, did not venture at the assault. To the Sevastopol began to approach reinforcements and the defense was able to become long and stubborn.

For the characteristics of the personality of Pavel Stepanovich, as a defender of Sevastopol, it is enough to bring the following lines of his combat comrade Edward Ivanovich Totleben, recognized by the author only "weak essay that there was Nakhimov for Sevastopol":

Nakhimov daily bypassed a defensive line, despising all the dangers. With his presence and example, he sublifted the Spirit not only in sailors who have reverecting in front of him, but also in the ground forces, which also soon who felt like that of Nakhimov. Always caring to preserve the lives of people, the admiral did not gear himself. So, for example, during the entire siege, he only always wore an epolutes, making it in order to convey contempt for the danger to all his subordinates. No one better than him knew the spirit of the Russian semi-coat sailor and a soldier who do not loving loud words; Therefore, he never resorted to eloquence, but acted on troops an example and strict demanding from them performance of official duties. He was always the first to be the most dangerous places where the most needed the presence and administration of the boss. Feeding to be late, he even went to bed at night, not undressing not to lose a single minute for dressing. As for the administrative activity of the admiral during defense, it was not a single part that he would not care about all. He himself always came to other superiors, at least to the youngest in the rank, in order to find out if there are no difficulty, and offer them their assistance. In case of disagreement between them, he was always a conciliatory, trying to send everyone and every single to the ministry common cause. The wounded officers and the lower ranks not only found a support and patronage in it, but they could always count on help from his own poor pocket.

Totleben E.I.

According to contemporaries of Nakhimov, there was a soul of the defense of Sevastopol. But in addition to the moral impact on the garrison, Pavel Stepanovich played a well-known role in the organization of defense. In December 1854, in his insistence, three batteries were built for the shelling of the artillery bay, in which the enemy vessels could break through due to damage to the raid barrage storms. At half past two of the next year, he gave a second line of barrier at the entrance to Sevastopol. At the end of June, allowing the possibility of a breakthrough to the raid of the enemy fleet at that time, he strengthened the defense of the entrance by three more batteries, from which one, bunk for 30 tools, placed on the Cape between Konstantinovskaya and Mikhailovsky batteries and acting both on the raid and in French Siege work at Chersonese was subsequently named Nakhimovskaya.

His February Trachesis, which established the general order of service and activities on bastions, refers to the category of those historical documents that it is worth reading fully:

"The efforts used by the enemy against Sevastopol on October 5th and in the next days then give a thorough reason to think that, having decided to continue the siege, our enemies are counting on funds even more enormous; but now six-month works to strengthen Sevastopol come to an end, defense means Our almost tripled, and therefore, who of us, believers in the justice of God, may doubt the celebration over the bold plans of the enemy?

But to destroy them with a lot of loss from our side there is still no complete celebration, and that is, I consider a duty to remind all the supervisors a sacred duty, on them lying, it is, it is not a single excess person when opening fire with enemy batteries Not only in open places and without a case, but even the servants of the guns and the number of people for inseparable works were limited to the extreme necessity. A caring officer, using circumstances, will always find out funds to make savings in people and though reduce the number of danger. Curiosity peculiar to courage, an animating valiant garrison of Sevastopol, especially should not be allowed by private superiors. Let everyone be sure of the fight and calmly remain on the place indicated; This in particular relates to the GG. officers.

I hope that Remote and individual chiefs of troops will pay full attention to this item and share their officers at the queue, ordered to be free to be under the blocks and in closed places. At the same time, I ask you to inspire that the life of each of them belongs to the Fatherland, and that is not removal, but only true bravery benefits him and honor to distinguish it in his actions from the first.

I use this case to repeat the prohibition of frequent shooting again. In addition to the infidelity of the shots, the natural consequence of athleting, the waste of powder and shells is such an important thing that no courage, no merit should justify the officer who made it. Care about the security of the city, entrusted to the sovereign of our honor, let it be a vuality for the accuracy and composure of our glorious-artillers.

Nakhimov P.S.

As you know, at the beginning of the defense of Sevastopol Pavel Stepanovich, she held a modest position of the head of the seabed on the south side. In this position on January 11, 1855, he was awarded the Order of the White Eagle. On February 1, Nakhimov was appointed assistant chief of the Sevastopol garrison. The appointment did not open, however, new activity Admiral, who from the very beginning of the siege constantly took the closest participation in all that the defense concerned.

Since February 18, Nakhimov temporarily performed the position of the head of the garrison, for the departure of Prince Menshikov and the appointment of Dmitry Erofeevich Osten-Saken, the commander of the field army. March 27, he was produced in Admirals. On the night of May 27, during the storms of the French for the redoubts, Pavel Stepanovich, who arrived at the Kamchatka, who arrived in the evening at the Kamchatka and personally, who had repeatedly, who had repeatedly he had a reflection of the admiral, who was distinguished by his epoles and a powerful figure, was almost captured. Sailors literally snatched him from the hands of the enemy.



On June 28, Nakhimov, circling a defensive line, headed for the 3rd bastion, and from there to Malakhov Kurgan. Having risen to the battery banquet ahead of the Tower, he began to consider enemy work in the auditorium. Standing perfectly and dramatically standing out from the peel on the black color of his surpetuka and golden epoles, Pavel Stepanovich did not slow down to contact the target for French meadows. Iniquits accompanying Admiral officers begged him to get off the banquet: "Not every bullet in the forehead!" he answered. Here the bullet hit the earthen bag, lying before Pavel Stepanovich. He was still on the spot, quietly vomiting: "They kiss pretty good!". Almost simultaneously with this, the second bullet hit Pavel Stepanovich in the forehead, over the left eye, and the skull struck the skull. Admiral fell without feelings for the hands of those who accompanied him and immediately was attributed to the dressing point of Malakhov Kurgan.

When he was blocked and chest with water, he woke up, said something, but what exactly was difficult to disassemble. After dressing, he was carried on simple soldiers in Apollonovaya beam, and from there on the boat on the northern direction. The whole road of Nakhimov was in the mind and whispered something, but in the hospital, he again lost his feelings. The bed of the hardworthy gathered all the doctors of the garrison, and the next day, Admiral became as if better. Pavel Stepanovich moved, she touched his hand to the dressing on his head, and attempts to prevent him from this: "Oh, my God, what nonsense!". These were the only words disassembled by others. June 30 at 11:07 am Admiral Nakhimova did not.

"Providence was used to experience us with a new gravity loss: Admiral Nakhimov, affected by the enemy bullet on the Cornilovsky bastion, the number died. We are not alone to mourn the loss of the valiant colleague, Vityaz without fear and reproach; all of Russia, together with us, sang in the tears of sincere regrets about death Hero of Sinopsky.

Sailors of the Black Sea Fleet! He witnessed all your values, he knew how to appreciate your incomparable selflessness, he shared with you all the dangers, led you on the path of fame and victory. Premature death of the valiant admiral imposes on us the duty of an expensive price to press the enemy for the loss that incurred by us. Each warrior, standing on the defensive line of Sevastopol, is eager - I am undoubtedly sure - to fulfill this sacred debt, every sailor has a staff effort for the glory of Russian weapons!.

Farm Nakhimov after his death

From the brothers Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov - Platon Stepanovich (1790 - 1850) left the maritime service in the rank of captain of the 2nd rank, he was an inspector of students of Moscow University, and then the chief caretaker of the country-rated house of Graf Sheremetyeva in Moscow; Sergey Stepanovich (1802 - 1875) also served in the fleet until 1855, when, in the rank, the counter-admiral was appointed assistant to the director of the sea corps, and then - director; In the last position, he was within four years, January 1, 1864 S. S. Nakhimov was produced in Vice Admirals.


  • 1825 - the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree. For swimming on the frigate "Cruiser".
  • 1827 - the Order of St. George 4th degree. For the difference, manifested in Navarino battle.
  • 1830 - Order of St. Anne 2nd degree.
  • 1837 - Order of St. Anne 2nd degree with the imperial crown. For excellent zealous and zealous service.
  • 1842 - the Order of St. Vladimir 3rd degree. For excellent zealous and zealous service.
  • 1846 - The sign of the distinction of the FAQ for the XXV years.
  • 1847 - Order of St. Stanislav 1st degree.
  • 1849 - Order of St. Anne 1st degree.
  • 1851 - the Order of St. Anne 1th degree with the imperial crown.
  • 1853 - the Order of St. Vladimir 2nd degree. For the successful transfer of the 13th division.
  • 1853 - the Order of St. George 2nd degree. For victory in Sinop.
  • 1855 - the Order of the White Eagle. In contrast to the defense of Sevastopol.
  • Nakhimov was awarded three orders at once: Russian - George, English - Baths, Greek - Savior.


  • In 1959, a monument to Admiral Nakhimov's work of the sculptor N. V. Tomsk (bronze, granite) will be erected in Sevastopol. He replaced the monument of Schroeder and Bilderling, who was standing at the Count Pier, demolished in 1928, in accordance with the decree of the Soviet power "On the removal of monuments to the kings and their servants" (the statement in the Soviet literature, that the monument was destroyed by the Nazis during the occupation of Sevastopol, incorrectly - On the pedestal of the monument to Nakhimov in the early 1930s, a monument to Lenin was installed, and this monument was already destroyed in 1942-1943).
  • On July 5, 1992, Bust P. S. Nakhimov was opened at his homeland in Vyazma Smolensk region.
  • On July 5, 2012, a monument was opened in St. Petersburg, Nakhimov Street, in the Small Havanents Square, near the Baltinesian hotel.
  • During the Great Patriotic War Naval Nakhimovsky schools were created. In 1944 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the Order of Nakhimov 1st and 2nd degree, Nakhimov Medal.
  • Name P. S. Nakhimov in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Tomsk, Smolensk, Zaganian, Feodosia and Minsk, streets, in Moscow - Avenue, in Mariupol - Nakhimov Avenue, and in Sevastopol - Avenue and Square. The longest street of the right bank of the city Kemerovo also carries the name of the admiral.
  • Nakhimov and opponents

    Krymsky historian V.P. Doyylov describes such words, the funeral of Nakhimov:

    From the house to the church itself stood in two rows of defenders of Sevastopol, taking a gun to the guard. A huge crowd accompanied the ashes of the hero. No one was afraid of enemy card, nor artillery shelling. Yes, and did not shoot the French nor the British. Lazes certainly reported to them what's the matter. In those days, they knew how to appreciate the courage and noble zeal, at least from the opponent. Military music sank full campaign, the farewell salutes of the guns were killed, the ships fit flags to the middle of the mast. And suddenly someone noticed: the flags will crawl on the ships of opponents! And the other, having snatched the pavement tube from the hands of the rescued sailor, saw: officers-British, having gotting up in a bunch of deck, filmed caps, bowed heads ...

    Bust Nakhimov established near the Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet in Nikolaev

    At the same time, in the period when Sevastopol was captured by the allies, the admiral coffin lids were lacrimated by the marauders who kidnapped gold epoles from their uniforms, as evidenced by "Act of the joy of the Anglo-French invaders over the graves of Russian admirals M. P. Lazarev, in . A. Kornilova, P. S. Nakhimova, V. I. I. I., dated April 23 (April 11, Art.) 1858, compiled according to the results of inspection of the tomb of admirals


    Name Nakhimov at different times wearing various warships and civilians:

    • "Nakhimov" - Russian cargo ship (sank 1897).
    • "Admiral Nakhimov" is a Russian armory cruiser (he died in the Tsushimsky battle of 1905).
    • Chervona Ukraine is the former Admiral Nakhimov, a light cruiser like "Svetlana" (died on November 13, 1941 in Sevastopol).
    • "Admiral Nakhimov" is the Soviet cruiser of the Sverdlov class (1961).
    • "Admiral Nakhimov" is the former Berlin III, the Soviet passenger ship (sank in 1986).
    • "Admiral Nakhimov" - Soviet large anti-submarine ship (1991).
    • "Admiral Nakhimov" is the former "Kalinin", an atomic rocket cruiser of the project 1144 (on modernization).


    • Lake Nakhimovsky in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region.
    • Nakhimovsky (Smolensk region) - Renamed in 1952 in honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of P. S. Nakhimov. In the former village of Volochevsky County (now the hill - Zhirkovsky district of the Smolensk region) was the estate great Father And the native Uncle Admiral, in connection with this, and there was a renaming of this village.


    • Youth Center-Museum named after Admiral Nakhimov in Smolensk
    • Museum. Nakhimova at the homeland of Admiral in Khmelita Museum-Reserve Khmelite, Smolensk region.


    • In 1992, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a copper-nickel coin with a denomination of 1 ruble dedicated to the 190th anniversary of P. S. Nakhimov.
    • In 2002, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a silver coin (AG 900) with a face value of 3 rubles dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of P. S. Nakhimov.

    In Filateli


    Literature and sources of information

    • Aslanbagov A., Article in the "Maritime Collection" for 1868, No. 3 (written on the unfavorable "Notes of Sevastopol, who appeared in the" Russian Archive "for 1867, and serves its excellent refutation).
    • Aslanbegov A. Admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov. (Biographic essay) // Russian archive, 1868. - ed. 2nd. - M., 1869. - STB. 373-410.
    • Admiral P. S. Nakhimov (St. Petersburg, 1872).
    • Admiral Nakhimov. Articles and essays. Cost. B. I. Zverev, M., 1954.
    • Belanets P. I., Admiral Nakhimov, Sevastopol, 1902.
    • Davydov Yu. V. Nakhimov / Davydov Yuri Vladimirovich. - M.: Mall. Guard, 1970. - 176 C.: Il., Maps.
    • Journal of Military Action in Crimea, September-December 1854 / Sost. A.V. Efimov. - Simferopol: Antikva, 2010. - 192 C.: Il, Cards, Port. - (Archive of the Crimean War 1853-1856). 500 copies.
    • "Notes" of Ignatiev in the Collective Help collection (SPB., 1874).
    • Zverev B. I., outstanding Russian Flotodets P. S. Nakhimov, Smolensk, 1955.
    • Zonin A. I. Life Admiral Nakhimova: Roman / Zonin A. - L.: Ots. Writer, 1987. - 448 p.
    • Zonin A. I. Life Admiral Nakhimov: [Roman] / Zonin Alexander Ilyich. - L.: Sov. writer. Leningr. Rem., 1956. - 494 p.
    • Lifshits M. N. My Earth: Poems / Authoriz. per. with Heb. A. Klenova. - M.: OV. Writer, 1965. - 104 C.: IL.
    • Mazunin N. P., Admiral P. S. Nakhimov. M., 1952.
    • Modzalevsky V. L. Guess about the origin of the kind of naughty. M., 1915.
    • Nakhimov P.S. Letter P. S. Nakhimov to Widow M. P. Lazarev / Post., Comment. B. A. Perovsky // Russian Archive, 1868. - ed. 2nd. - M., 1869. - STB. 410-412.
    • Nakhimov P. S. Documents and materials. - M., 1954.
    • Polycarpov V. D., P. S. Nakhimov, M., 1960.
    • Soviet historical encyclopedia / chapters. ed. E. M. Zhukov. T. 9: Malta - Nakhimov. - M.: OV. Encyclopedia, 1966. - 1000 p.: Il., Maps.
    • Sokolov A., article "On the meaning of Admiral P. S. Nakhimov in Sevastopol Defense" ("Yacht", 1876, No. 7).
    • Tarla E. V. Nakhimov. / Tarla Evgeny Viktorovich. - M.: Military. - Mor. ed., 1950. - 112 C.: Il., Port.
    • Cherkashin N. Last flight "Nakhimov" / Cherkashin N. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1988. - 127 p.
    • Bricks Yuri. The last autumn of Admiral Nakhimov (documentary history) // Almanac "Swan" - May 26, 2013.
    • Sea archive - KN. № 400 and 412; *

    Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov (born on June 23 (July 5) 1802 - Death on June 30 (July 12) 1855) - russian admiral, the hero of the defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855, among the wonderful Russian fleecers, occupies an exceptional place as one of the most vivid representatives of the Russian Military Art School.

    Origin. Study. Start of service

    Pavel was born in 1802 in the village of Volochek Vyazemsky County of Smolensk province (now the village of Nakhimovsky Andreevsky district of Smolensk region) was a seventh child from 11 children of a poor landowner, Stadean Mikhailovich Nakhimov and Feodosia Ivanovna Nakhimova.

    At the end of the Maritime Cadet Corps on January 20, 1818, among other Martemaryar, Pavel Nakhimov successfully passed the exams, becoming 6th in the list of the 15 best pupils. On February 9, he was produced in Michman. In 1818 - 1819. Nakhimov remained on the shore, during the crew. 1820 - From May 23 to October 15, Michman on the tender "Janus" was swimming to the Red Gorka. The following year was appointed in the 23rd fleet crew and sent them to Arkhangelsk. 1822 - a sailor returned to the coast in the capital and received a appointment to the round-world swimming on the "Cruiser" frigate under the command of the captain of the 2nd rank of M. P. Lazarev. On the Pacific Ocean Pavel Stepanovich distinguished himself while trying to save the sailor fallen overboard. 1823, March 22 - it was produced in Lieutenants. For this swimming on September 1, 1825, the sailor was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree and double salary.

    On the ship "Azov"

    Upon return, the candidacy of Lieutenant was planned for the Guards crew. However, Nakhimov sought to serve the sea. At the request of Lazarev, he was appointed to the "Azov" ship. The future admiral participated in the completion of the vessel and moved on it from Arkhangelsk to Kronstadt, where the crew continued work and made the "Azov" with an exemplary ship.

    1827, summer - he went to the Mediterranean Sea and took part in the Navarino battle. "Azov" acted in the very thick of battle. Lieutenant commanded the battery on the tank. From 34 of his subordinates 6 was killed and 17 injured. Pavel Stepanovich for a happy accident did not suffer. For participation in the battle of December 14, Nakhimov was produced in captain-lieutenant, and on December 16 - was awarded the Order of St. George 4th degree.

    Commander of Corvette "Navarin"

    1828, August 15 - he accepted a trophy Corvette, renamed "Navarin", and also made it exemplary. On him, the sailor took part in the blockade of Dardanell and March 13, 1829 with a squadron M.P. Lazareva returned to Kronstadt, was awarded the Order of St. Anne 2nd degree. 1830, May - when the squadron returned to Kronstadt, the counter-admiral Lazarev in the certification of the Navarina commander wrote: "Sea Captain's great and very knowledgeable".

    On the frigate "Pallada"

    1831, December 31 - Nakhimov was appointed commander of the Frenge "Pallada". He watched the construction, making improvements, while the frigate, which was commissioned in May 1833, was not indicative. On August 17, in bad visibility, the sailor noted the Dagerorth lighthouse, gave a signal that the squadron was dangerous, and most of the courts from death were saved.

    On the Black Sea Fleet. Commander "Silistrics"

    1834 - Admiral Lazarev became the main commander of the Black Sea Fleet and ports. He called those sailors with whom he was in swimming and battles. Chernomorets became Pavel Nakhimov. 1834, January 24 - the future admiral was appointed commander of the Silleriary linear ship under construction and translated into the 41st crew of the Black Sea Fleet; On August 30, the lieutenant captain for the difference in the service produced in the captains of the 2nd rank. 1834-1836 - He was engaged in the construction of a "Silistry". Soon the ship became an example for others. 1837, on December 6 - the commander of the Sillarria ship was produced in the captains of the 1st rank. On September 22, for excellent diligence and zealous service, he was awarded the Order of St. Anne 2nd degree decorated with the imperial crown.

    The diligent service was reflected on health, March 23, 1838 P.S. Nakhimov was sent on vacation abroad for treatment. He spent several months in Germany, but doctors did not help. 1839, Summer - He returned to Sevastopol on the advice of Lazarev and felt worse than before the departure. Nevertheless, Nakhimov continued to serve at sea. He took part in the landing of the landing in Tuapse and Psegeuape, in 1840-1841. Cruced into the sea and led the stage of the dead anchors in the Cemes Bay. 1842, April 18 - for the excellent and zealous service P.S. Nakhimov was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 3rd degree.


    1845, September 13 - for the difference in the service, Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was awarded rank-admiral and appointed commander of the 1st Brigade of the 4th Fleet Division. One year he was at the head of the detachment of ships, having crashed off the coast of the Caucasus, the other was the right of the younger, and then the eldest flagship of a practical squadron, which went into the sea to teach teams. An experienced sailor sought an increase in the seaside sweating of crews and encouraged the initiative. 1849-1852 - He made his comments to the "Rules adopted on the exemplary artillery ship" Exelent "to train the lower marks of artillery", to the marine signals published in 1849 and to the new "maritime statute".

    Vice Admiral

    1852, March 30 - P. S. Nakhimov appointed commander of the 5th Fleet Division. On April 25, he was determined to command a practical escade. During the campaign, the squadron made several flights for the transport of troops. On October 2, he was produced in Vice Admirals with the statement by the Chief of Division.

    In September, in order to eliminate the threat from the south, where the Turkish troops were accumulated at the borders of Russia, the 13th Infantry Division from Crimea to the Caucasus was accumulated, after which he was sent to cruise off the coast of Anatolia. Here he met the beginning of the war, and on November 18 defeated the Turkish squadron.

    Having found on November 11 in the Sinopan Bay of 7 frigates, 2 Corvette, the gate and 2 steamer under the cover of six coastal batteries, Nakhimov blocked her with their three ships and sent to Sevastopol for help. When reinforcement came up, Vice Admiral decided to attack with 6 linear ships and 2 frigates, without waiting for steamats.

    For Sinop Vice Admiral was awarded the Order of St. George 2th degree. Awards received other battle participants, the victory was widely celebrated all Russia. But Nakhimova did not please the award: he experienced the fact that he became the culprit coming war. And his fears had quite strong foundations. Having received a preposition for interference and support of an excited public opinion, the Government of England and France gave orders, and on December 23, the Anglo-French squadron entered the Black Sea.

    From December 1853, Admiral commanded ships on the raid and in Sevastopol's bays. Waiting for the attack, he almost did not go ashore. Meanwhile, England and France have concluded a military treaty with Turkey on March 12 and on March 15, the war of Russia declared.

    P.S. Nakhimov during the Sinop battlement

    Defense Sevastopol

    The landing of the allies, the battle on the Alma and the care of the army created a critical position in Sevastopol. Only the delay in the movement of the enemy troops allowed to protect the city with sushi tools and sailors who took the rude strengthening. To block the path to the enemy in the bay, on September 11, five old ships and two frigates were flooded between Konstantinovskaya and Alexander batteries. On the same day, Menshikov instructed the Vice Admiral Cornilov Defense North, and Nakhimov - South side. Started heroic defense Sevastopol, in which Vice Admiral commanded the squadron first, and then became a soul defense, the actual leader after death in the first bombardment of Sevastopol on October 5, 1854 V.A. Cornilova. He took steps to strengthen the land bastions, but did not forget about the fleet, in every matter of active skillful actions from the commander of the steamers who became the only combat-ready fleet power.

    Only on February 25, 1855, Nakhimov was officially appointed commander of the Sevastopol port and the Military Governor of Sevastopol. On March 27, he was produced in admirals for the difference in the defense of Sevastopol. Having received a resolution to hand over the squadron, he focused on land defense.

    Death of Admiral Nakhimov

    Wound. Death

    The flagship took care of people, as soon as possible in those conditions, to save the army from unnecessary losses. Pavel Stepanovich himself continued to appear in the most dangerous places in the surtuk. June 28, as always, in the morning the nakhimov climbed around the position. When Admiral from Malakhov Kurgan watched the opponent, leaning out due to shelter, he was mortally wounded in the head of the bullet. 1855, June 30 - Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich died. Fleeller was buried in the Vladimir Cathedral with other outstanding admirals.

    The death of Admiral put the last point in the defense of Sevastopol. When the allies, as a result of the next assault, managed to break into Malakhov Kurgan, the Russian shelves left the southern side, blowing up warehouses, strengthening and destroying the last ships.

    During the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945, when life made to appeal to the combat traditions of the past, the Order and Medal Nakhimov were established for awarding decent sailors.

    Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich

    Place of Birth:

    The village of the town of Vyazemsky County of Smolensk province now - the village of Nakhimov Hill-Zhirkovsky district of the Smolensk region

    Place of death:

    g. Sevastopol


    Russian empire

    Type of army:

    Years of Service:


    In case of absence, V. A. Kornilova appointed commander-in-chief of the fleet and marine battalions

    Battles / Wars:

    Navarian Battle, Blockade Dardanwell, Sinop Battle, Defense of Sevastopol


    Nakhimov and opponents


    In Filateli

    Pavel Stepanovich Nachimov (June 23 (July 5) 1802, town of Town, Vyazemsky County, Smolensk Province - June 30 (July 12) 1855, Sevastopol, Tavrichesky Province Russian Empire) - the famous Russian Admiral.


    Born in the village of the town of Vyazemsky County of Smolensk province now - the village of Nakhimov Hill-Zhirkovsky district of the Smolensk region. The noble genus of the Nakhochov is leading their origin from Manuil Timofeevich Nakhimov, the Sotnik of the Akhtyr Slobodsky Cossack Regiment, to which the future admiral accounted for a great-grandfather. In the beginning. XX Art. Historian V. L. Modzalevsky made an assumption about the origin of Slobozhansky Nakhimov, from a certain Andrey Nakhimenko, who lived in Poltava in the 2nd floor of the XVII century.

    1813 - Submits an application to the Sea Cadet Corps, but due to the lack of places it comes there only after 2 years.

    1818 - graduated from the Sea Cadet Corps, the service began on the Baltic.

    Under the Lazarev team M. P. Made in 1821-1825. Around the world swimming on the frigate "cruiser". During the swimming was produced in Lieutenants.

    1827 - distinguished himself in the Navarino battle, commanded the battery on the linear ship "Azov" under the command of Lazareva M. P. As part of the Escord of Admiral L. P. Heyden; For the difference in the battle, he was awarded on December 21, 1827 by the Order of St. George IV class No. 4141 and produced in the captain-lieutenant.

    1828 - Joined the command of the Corvette "Navarin", the trophy Turkish ship, which was previously the name "Nassabih Sabach". During the Russian-Turkish war, 1828-29, the commander of Corvette, as part of the Russian squadron blocked Dardanelles.

    From 1830, upon returning to Kronstadt, he carries the service in the Baltic, continuing to command the ship "Navarin".

    1831 - appointed commander of the frigate "Pallada".

    From 1834 served in the Black Sea Fleet, the commander of the linear ship "Silleria".

    1845 - produced in counter-admirals and appointed commander of the brigade of ships.

    1852 - Vice-Admiral, appointed Head of the Fleet Division.

    During the Crimean War, 1853-56, the commander of the SCADO of the Black Sea Fleet, Nakhimov in stormy weather, discovered and blocked the main forces of the Turkish fleet in Sinop, and, skillfully spending the entire operation, 18 (November 30) defeated them in the Sinopsky battle of 1853.

    Highest gramot

    Our Vice Admiral, Chief of the 5th Fleet Division, Nakhimov

    By the extermination of the Turkish squadron in Sinop, you decorated the chronicle of the Russian Fleet with the new victory, which will forever stay memorabilia in marine history

    The statute of the soldier of the Holy Martyr and the Victorious Great Georgia indicates the award for your feat, fulfilling with the true joy of the Statute's decision, complaining you by Cavalier, George's second degree of a large cross, staying to you the imperial free

    On the genuine his own imperial majesty hand written:

    N and k about l and y

    In the period of Sevastopol defense 1854-55. showed a strategic approach to the defense of the city. In Sevastopol, Nakhimov, although he was listed by the fleet commander and port, but from February 1855, after the flooding of the fleet, defended, to appoint the commander-in-chief, the southern part of the city, with amazing energy management and enjoyed the greatest moral influence on the soldiers and sailors who called him "Father -Abodyna. "

    June 28 (July 10) of 1855, during one of the detours of advanced fortifications, a bullet was deadly in the head in the Malakhov Kurgan. Died on June 30, 1855

    Buried in the crypt of the Vladimir Cathedral in Sevastopol


    • 1825 Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree. For swimming on the frigate "Cruiser".
    • 1827 The Order of St. George 4th degree. For the difference, manifested in Navarino battle.
    • 1853 Order of St. Vladimir 2nd degree. For the successful transfer of the 13th division.
    • 1853 Order of St. George 2nd degree. For victory in Sinop.
    • 1855 The Order of the White Eagle. In contrast to the defense of Sevastopol.


    In 1959, a monument to Admiral Nakhimov's work of the sculptor N. V. Tomsk (bronze, granite) will be erected in Sevastopol. He replaced a monument to the work of Schroeder and Bilderling, who was demoted in 1928 in 1928, in accordance with the decree of the Soviet power "On the removal of monuments to the kings and their servants" (the statement in the Soviet literature, that the monument was destroyed by Nazis during the occupation of Sevastopol, Incorrectly, a monument to Lenin was installed on the head of the monument to Nakhimov in the early 1930s, and this monument was already destroyed in 1942-43).

    During the Great Patriotic War, naval nakhimov schools were created. In 1944 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the Order of Nakhimov 1st and 2nd degree, Nakhimov Medal.

    In 1946, director Vsevolod Pudovkin took the feature of Admiral Nakhimov. The role of Nakhimov in it played the actor Alexey Wild (for this work, Wildly received the Stalinist Prize I degree and became the winner of the Venetian Film Festival in the nomination "The best actor").

    Nakhimov and opponents

    Crimean historian V.P. Dulesyov describes such words the funeral of Nakhimov:

    At the same time, there is a "act on the joy of the Anglo-French invaders over the graves of Russian admirals M. P. Lazarev, V. A. Kornilova, P. S. Nakhimov, V. I. I. I., dated April 23 (April 11, Art. Art.) 1858, compiled according to the results of the inspection of the tomb of the admirals.


    Name Nakhimov at different times wearing various warships and civilians:

    • "Nakhimov" - Russian cargo steamer (sank 1897)
    • "Admiral Nakhimov" - Russian armored cruiser (died in the Tsushimsky battle of 1905)
    • Chervona Ukraine is the former Admiral Nakhimov, a light cruiser like "Svetlana" (died on November 13, 1941 in Sevastopol.)
    • "Admiral Nakhimov" - Soviet Cruiser of the Sverdlov class (1961)
    • "Admiral Nakhimov" - the former Berlin III, the Soviet passenger ship (sank in 1986)
    • "Admiral Nakhimov" - Soviet anti-submarine cruiser (1991)
    • "Admiral Nakhimov" - the former "Kalinin", the atomic rocket cruiser of the project 1144 (at modernization)


    • Lake Nakhimovsky in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region.


    • Youth Center-Museum named after Admiral Nakhimov in Smolensk
    • Museum. Nakhimov at the homeland of Admiral in Khmelite, Smolensk region.


    • In 1992, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a copper-nickel coin with a denomination of 1 ruble dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of P.S. Nakhimova.
    • In 2002, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a silver coin (AG 900) with a face value of 3 rubles dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of P.S. Nakhimova.
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