The history of naval parades. From Peter to Vladivostok: As in Russia, the day of the Navy is celebrated when the naval maritime parade

Military Navy Day Russian Federation - One of the favorite Russian holidays, and the Celebration Center traditionally is St. Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia. In 2018, the holiday will take place on July 29, according to tradition - on the last Sunday of the month.

On this day, a naval parade and airsow will be held in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt, a grand concert will take place, and in the evening the sky will be lit by colorful salute. In honor of the celebration of sailors, torches will burn on the famous Rostral columns - the symbol of the marine victories of Russia.

Federal news agency I introduces the program of the day of the Navy 2018 in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt.

2018 Navy Day Program in St. Petersburg

Naval Parade and Aviashow

The main event of the holiday is a parade of the Navy of Russia, in which the combat ships of four Russian fleets - the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea and Pacific, as well as the Caspian flotilla will take part. In addition, marine aviation will take part in the parade.

In the first historical part of the parade on the Neva, artillery boats of the Caspian flotilla will be held, which will carry the flags of compounds who defended the marines of our homeland during the Great Patriotic War.

Favorite part of the holiday - Aviashow, which will take part airplanes and helicopters of marine aviation: Upgraded anti-submarine aircraft IL-38N, long-range anti-low aircraft Tu-142, fighters Su-30cm and SU-33, as well as Ka-27m helicopters.

The beginning of the parade at 9.30, from 11.00 the video broadcast of the maritime part of the event will begin.

Concert to Palace

Then the holiday will move to the palace square, where at 14.00 will begin big concert, Which will last until the evening.

The artists of the Mariinsky Theater will take part in the concert, accompanied by a symphony orchestra, as well as Alexander Rosenbaum and Evgeny Dyatlov.

Then will be held a show of military orchestras from Russia, India, Vietnam and China.

Performance Alexandra F. Sklyara And the group "Va-Bank" will be performed front songs and famous compositions from domestic movies.

At 18.00 in front of the audience with their famous "marine" hits will perform Oleg Gazmanov and the "Escadron" group, and the big concert will end at 20.00 the Chora of the Turkish and Ensemble "Soprano Turkish", which everyone will be able to fill.

Visiting warships

Festive salute, how much began, from where to watch

At 22.30 will begin festive salute, the traditional place of the launch of which is the beach of Petropavlovsk Fortress. The most effectively fireworks will look with Palace Embankment, from the palace and Trinity bridges and from the arrows of Vasilyevsky Island.

Navy Day in Kronstadt

In Kronstadt, which is the historical base of the Baltic Fleet and the Sea Gate of St. Petersburg, also will take place. There, in the naval parade, ships will take part, which because of the dimensions will not be able to enter the Neva, fighters, attack aircraft, bombers and helicopters of marine aviation will be involved in the air side of the show.

Corvette "Sophisticated" and "Boyky", small missile ships, including "Serpukhov", armed with Caliber's wicked rockets, the newest Fregat "Admiral Gorshkov", Diesel-electric submarine "Vladikavkaz", Marshal rocket cruiser Ustinov ", as well as representatives of the new generation of Russian large landing ships.

The parade will begin with a solemn construction at 12.30 on an anchor of the square in front of the Marine Cathedral, all major "land" events of the Kronstadt part of the holiday will also be held there.

In Kronstadt, the ships will also be opened to visit the Ust-slingshot purses in the middle (Petrovsk) Harbor. Visiting time - from 14.00 to 20.00.

The festive salute in Kronstadt will take place on an anchorine area at 23.00.

How to get to Kronstadt and Fort Konstantin on the day of the Navy

You can get to Kronstadt only by public transport, the number of which the city authorities will significantly increase. There will be more buses, with a 15-minute break, trains will be followed from the Baltic station to Oranienbaum, where guests will receive special buses, which will take them to Kronstadt and Fort "Konstantin". The Fort will organize a platform for viewing a parade, and other festive events for adults and children will be held there.

Divorce of bridges and traffic restrictions on the day of the Navy in St. Petersburg

On Sunday, July 29, travel through the central portion of the Western speed \u200b\u200bdiameter (ZSD) (from Ekateringofki to the Bogatyr Avenue) during the divorce of bridges will be free.

In St. Petersburg on the day of the holiday from 6.00 to 12.00 Nevsky Prospectus will be closed for vehicles from the palace to Sadovaya Street, Palace Travel, Admiralty Travel, Admiralteyskaya and English Naberezhnye Blagoveshchensky Bridge, as well as the Senate Square.

On Sunday, July 29, from 10.00 to 11.30, restrictions on the movement for small, sports and sailing, pleasure and fishing vessels in the waters of the Neva and the Finnish Gulf will be introduced, as well as in the Fontanka River (from the laundry to Panteleimon Bridge) and in the winter groove (from Hermitage Bridge to the 2nd Winter Bridge).

July 29 from 11.00 to 13.00 will be closed for transport and divorced Blagoveshchensky, Palace, Foundry and Trinity Bridges.


On July 29, 2018, the Northern capital will be celebrated the Day of the Navy 2018. The inhabitants and guests of the city are waiting for many entertainment, the main of which will be the Parade of the Navy. The grandiose review of the technique will begin at 11:00 Moscow time in the waters of the Neva and in the Kronstadt raid.

In the main naval parade, which will be held at the same time in St. Petersburg and in Kronstadt, will take part 41 combat ship and more than 4 thousand military personnel of all Russian fleets.

Fighters, bombers, attack aircraft and helicopters fly in the sky. At this time, for the first time above the northern capital, a unique intelligence helicopter Ka-31p will appear.

On the Palace Square, the video broadcasting of a festive action will be organized, which will begin at 11.00. The parade in Kronstadt starts on one and a half hours later, at 12.30.

The historical part of the parade will open the artillery boats of the Caspian flotilla with combat bonds of the famous compounds of marines, heroically defeated and liberated Leningrad, Sevastopol and Novorossiysk during the Great Patriotic War.

Later, the viewers will see new combat vehicles: Large landing ship "Ivan Gren", the "Ivan Hurss" intelligence ship and the "Admiral Gorshkov" project of the project 22350. Also before the guests of the holiday will be held the newest Small Rocket Ship "Hurricane" of the project of 22800 Karakurt.

Start of parade in St. Petersburg July 29: Main events

At 10.00 the parade of warships in the waters of the Neva, near the Blagoveshchensky bridge will take place.

At 11.00 a march of military personnel on the urban embankments will be held, aviation will appear in the sky, the movement of the ships will continue. Best places to observe the parade will be university and palace embankments, as well as the embankment of Lieutenant Schmidt.

At 11.00, a parade video broadcast will be organized on the Palace Embankment.

At 14.00, a video tour of the history of the Navy of Russia will take place on the Palace Square.

At 15.00 the festive concert will be given with the participation of soloists of the Mariinsky Theater and the Music Organic Organs from the eastern states, as well as the orchestra. ON THE. Roman Corsakov Navy of the Russian Federation, artists of the national pop. The event will take place on the Palace Square.

At 18.00, Oleg Gazmanov and the Eskadron Group will perform on the Palace Square.

At 20.00 on the Palace Square, the "Choir of Turkish" and "Soprano Turkish" will take place.

The celebration of the Navy Day in the northern capital is a festive salute, which will be given at 22-00 at the walls of the Petropavlovsk Fortress.

Day of the Navy (Navy) is celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of July on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 "On Establishing Professional Holidays and memorial days In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. " In 2018, he falls on July 29.

Events will be held on all naval bases. The most ambitious are scheduled on the Pacific Fleet. In Vladivostok, in the parade rank - four dozen warships, boats, submarines and vessels.

In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - more than 20. In the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Amur Gulf, there were demonstrations. The viewer showed how to destroy the enemy's submarine and land the landing, the TV channel "Russia 24" reports.

On the occasion of the Day of the Navy, sea parades will also be held in Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Astrakhan, Severomorsk and Baltiysk.

Full information on how they will pass can be found on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. On the eve of the holiday, it opened an interactive section. Schemes for building ships, their technical characteristics, overview of aircraft and helicopters, which are involved in shows are available.

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Day of the Navy, despite the fact that it is considered a professional holiday of sailors, all residents of Russia are glad to celebrate. And 2018 will not be an exception. Already on July 29, large-scale parades and concerts dedicated to the Navy Day will be held throughout the port cities of the country. The main celebration of the Custom will be held in the main port of the Russian Federation - St. Petersburg.

It is worth noting that in Russia there are a lot of professional holidays and almost daily residents of the country are something, but noted. But among all the inhabitants, at least a thousand, which will say, when marks the day of the border guard or a physics nuclear, because it common days In the calendar, which are designed to express respect for one or another profession. But everyone knows about the bottom of the Navy, because it is not just a holiday for a certain circle of people, in Russia this is a reason to arrange massive walking, in which all residents are involved.

Navy day not purely russian holiday And his story to go into the distant times of the USSR, namely, the year of the beginning of World War II. In 1939, the government had certain problems with a set of employees in marine troops. No one wanted to contact such a complex and dangerous profession.

To set the sailors in the best light and add the Honor in the eyes of the Soviet fleet of Nikolay Kuznetsov, offered the authorities to introduce another holiday, which would contribute to raising the level marine Service In the eyes of people. This idea was immediately accepted, and the holiday decided to celebrate on July 24th.

Later, the holiday was decided to transfer to the last day off July, because the fixed date assumed too frequently falling out the celebration on a weekday and it was too prevented by the celebration. And already in 2006, after the collapse of the USSR, the holiday was officially approved in Russia. It is worth noting that despite the fact that 79 years have passed since the founding of the holiday tradition almost did not change and now, as many years ago, arrange a lush parades and concerts for which they go best representatives Russian pop.

Where to watch the Parade dedicated to the day of the Navy?

The day of the Navy is a holiday that is held at all in sight, and in order not to hit in the dirt face is now passing mass rehearsals in all cities in which the festive parades will be sold later. Direct broadcast directly from St. Petersburg will hold the "Channel". The parade will take place on July 29 at 11:00, so delay all your affairs at this time and hurry to TVs, or directly to the place of the parade, which will be held in the Nevsky water area.

Program of events in honor of the Day of the Navy in St. Petersburg

The main parade in honor of the Navy will be held by tradition in St. Petersburg, where the most important concert on the Palace Square will be held. This year, like the past, the organizers of the holiday decided not to skip the funds and prepared an incredible program for all those who came.

At least the Day of the Navy is a holiday for those soldiers who have tied their lives with the sea, to participate in urban events is not prohibited by anyone. Moreover, the city administration will only be happy if their residents will decide to join the congratulation of our valiant defenders of water.

At 11:00, the main parade will begin on which the best ships from the Russian range, as well as the latest developments in the sectorate of warships. Without raising the traditional Andreevsky flag, which has long become a symbol of the entire Russian fleet.

After an excursion for everyone, who wishes more to learn about the naval forces of the Russian Federation, during which it will be possible to personally visit the warships.

And starting from 15:00, a massive concert will begin, which will last until late at night. On the stage of the Palace Square it will be possible to see such famous performers: Roselbauma, Trofimova, Pavlovoy, Kravtsa, Gazmanova, as well as the "Turkish Choir".

At the end of the concert, salute will be launched on the beach of the Petropavlovsk fortress.

July 29 in St. Petersburg - sea capital Russia - solemnly celebrate the Day of the Navy Day - one of the favorite and spectacular holidays. To this day, an extensive program of events and salute has been prepared, and motorists should be remembered that traffic restrictions will be introduced on July 29.

On the day of the Navy in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt will be held naval parades and airshow, a great concert will be held on the Palace Square, and in the sky, the salute salutes will be broken down in the sky. In honor of the holiday of sailors, torches will burn all day on the famous Rostral columns, which personify the marine victories of Russia. According to the tradition, the president of Russia Vladimir Putin will be taken by the main naval parade of the country.

Program of Events Day celebration of the Navy 2018 in St. Petersburg

The central event of the holiday is the parade of the Russian Navy with the participation of the warships of the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea and Pacific Fleets, as well as the Caspian Flotilla. In the parade of 2018, which will begin at 9.30 (video broadcasts will be held from 11 hours), maritime aviation will take part.

Two parts of the parade on the Neva are scheduled. The first is historical. In it, the river will be held artillery boats of the Caspian flotilla with flags of compounds stood on the protection of the country's marine bubbles during the Great Patriotic War.

The second part of the parade is modern. Spectators will be able to see the fighting power of the ships of the Russian Navy, which are currently carrying a watch, guarding peace of the country.

In an equally colorful aircraft, airplanes and helicopters of marine aviation will be involved, including upgraded IL-38N anti-elegated aircraft, Tu-142 long-range aircraft, Su-30cm fighters and SU-33 fighters and Ka-27M helicopters (the latest modification equipped with radar command-tactical system).

In a large festive concert on the Palace, which will begin at 14 o'clock and last until the evening, the speech of the artists of the Mariinsky Theater is planned, accompanied by a symphony orchestra, Alexander Rosenbauma, Evgenia Dyatlova. Creative teams of Russia, India, Vietnam and China will participate in the military orchestra show. Front-line songs and famous compositions from domestic films will be performed. Popular hits, including on sea themes, Oleg Gazmanov and the Escadron Group will perform, and the Turkish and Ensemble "Soprano Turkish" will appear in the final.

From 14 to 18 o'clock, everyone will be able to raise on board moored from the English embankment and the embankment of Lieutenant Schmidt warships.

A no less rich program of celebrations and in Kronstadt, a city, which is called the historical base of the Baltic Fleet and the Marine Gate of St. Petersburg. Here at the parade - it will begin at 12.30 - you can see those ships, which because of their dimensions cannot enter the Neva. Among them, Korvette "Cooked" and "Boyky", small rocket ships, including Serpukhov, armed with the Caliber Rockets, the newest Fregat "Admiral Gorshkov", Diesel-electric submarine "Vladikavkaz", Marshal Ustinov Rocket Cruiser .

Fighters, attack aircraft, bombers and helicopters of marine aviation will rise into the air.

Salute on the day of the Navy 2018

The solemn festive salute in honor of the Day of the Navy in the Northern Capital will begin at 22.30. The traditional location of the Salyuta is the beach of Petropavlovsk Fortress. The best salute salute will be visible from the Palace Embankment, from the palace and Trinity bridges, as well as the arrows of the Vasilyevsky Island. In Kronstadt, a festive salute will take place on an anchorine area at 23.00.

Restrictions for transport

The celebration of the Navy Day in St. Petersburg will make adjustments to the organization road. For example, to Kronstadt can be reached exclusively public transport, the number of which, by the way, on this day will be significantly increased.

On the afternoon of July 29, travel through the central section of the SSD (from Ekateringofki to the Bogatyr Prospect) will be free. This is connected with the parade and divorce of the Blagoveshchensky, palace, foundry and Trinity bridges (from 11 to 13 hours) on the Neva.

In addition, from 6.00 to 12.00 closes the fare for cars on Nevsky Prospect (from the palace to the garden street), palace and admiralty travel, Admiralty and English embankments to the Blagoveshchensky bridge, as well as the Senate Square.

On the last Sunday of July, a large national public holiday is celebrated in Russia, the Day of the Navy. Professional holiday Does not bring the countries to residents of an additional weekend, but gives a lot of unforgettable emotions, because only in this solemn day we have a unique opportunity to admire the power patriotic army, and especially her fleet.

Military parade - the chief attribute of the holiday. They pass in all cities where the domestic fleet is based, but the most large-scale, of course, will be held in the Northern capital - Petersburg and Kronstadt will take a parade on which the main novelties and the "old people" of the domestic fleet will be gathering, which differ in their equipment, strength, excerpt and other advantages.

Parade per day VMW - where and how much will it go, how to see

parade, according to the preliminary program, will begin at 11.00 local time. As in the case of the parade of the Victory Day on Red Square, only a few will see the action of the person in the middle, and therefore it is better to take comfortable space for broadcast.

The broadcast can be seen on TV - to show the naval parade will be all the federal channels of the country.

For those who already go to celebrate the holiday at this time, the screen will be installed on the main square of St. Petersburg - after the Palace, a large-scale cultural and entertainment program will take place, didnote Navy.

In the parade this year, the order of 40 ships will take part, as many units of aviation and more than 4 thousand "souls" ground Forces - on land, in the air and the latest equipment and the possibilities of the Patriotic Army will be presented on the water. Unique boats and reconnaissance ships, submarines, rocket installations. The organizers promise the audience a lot of surprises and unexpected discoveries.

The parade also arrives Kronstadt - a part of the parade was transferred to the city due to the considerable dimension of some representatives of the Domestic Fleet, because of which they simply cannot enter Peter.

Day of the Navy in St. Petersburg - the program of events

The authorities of the city have already submitted a full program of celebrating the Navy Day in 2018. The celebration starts from the parade at 11.00, after which the inhabitants and guests of the Northern Capital are waiting for a concert program with a historical context.

Alexander Ruembaum, Oleg Gazmanov, and "Turkish Choir" will come from stars on the stage on this day. The audience is waiting for the speech by the military orchestras from abroad and the songs of the war years performed by talented local and visitors.

The holiday will end with a bright firework.

Change of traffic in St. Petersburg in honor of the celebration of the Navy Day

In view of the celebrations in St. Petersburg, the scheme of the movement of land transport will change in St. Petersburg, as well as the mode of cargo passage through the Neva:

- transport traffic on Admiralty Embankment from the Blagoveshchensky bridge to the Palace Embankment, the Palace Embankment, the Kutuzov embankment from the Palace embankment to the Foundry Bridge, Exchange Square, the Palace Travel, as well as on the Admiralty Prospect;

- the movement of transport will close on Makarovskaya Street, Komsomol Street, Karl Marx Street and Anchorny Square;

- entrance to the foundry bridge with Pirogovskaya and Arsenal embankments;

- from 11:00 to 13:00 - an unscheduled layout of the Blagoveshchensky, Palace, Trinity and Foundry Bridges;

- At the time of the celebration of the Navy Day, there will be forbidden to stop and parking cars on Lenin Avenue, Martynova Street, Citadersk Road, Upper Street at the site from Roshal Square to Zosimov Street and Soviet street.

In Kronstadt on personal transport, you may not even go - the city will be closed. Last year, huge traffic jams became the main attribute of the holiday in the city and around it, which is why in the present similar one wants to avoid. Read more about how to get to the city at the parade of July 29, you can find on the site of the local administration.

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