Analogy statements. The meaning of the word is impartial in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of Ushakov

Noilice ... orthographic dictionary-directory

See Fair ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions in the meaning of expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Unbelievable impartial, objective, unforeseen, unbiased, fair; honest, unforehaotable, ... ... Synonym dictionary

Arr. Not based on multiple; candid. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Uniceceptible, non-relieved, unilent, unilent, unilent, non-reliever, unilent, unilent, unlickellation, unilent, eleceptible, unilent, non-relieved, unlicid, unilent, ... ... Word forms

Property prejudice prejudice to be tendentious ... Dictionary Antonyms

impartial - nonliecery vant; brief Ten shape, tn ... Russian spelling dictionary

impartial - Kr.f. nonlicephere / Ten, non-Liecery / TNA, TNS; Unlicatriya / Tale ... Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

impartial - * Nelicia / tat ... Ply. Apart. Through a hyphen.

impartial - SYN: impartial, objective, unforeseen, unbiased ant: subjective, prejudice, biased ... Thesaurus Russian business vocabulary

Aya, oh; Ten, TNA, Book. Impartial, fair. Nova criticism. N. Feedback. N o opinion. ◁ Unlucky, Narach. N. To respond about the author. He always tried ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Day "n". Not true Viktor Suvorov, Andrei Bugaev. What is the truth, and what is a lie? Right or not Viktor Suvorov right? She was going to Soviet Union In 1941, put a preventive blow to Hitler's Germany - or this post-war fabrication ...
  • Why America will die, Oleg Platonov. Most often, people become hostages of the social system, in which they are destined to appear on the light. But are ordinary people that they were born, say, in Gengiz Khan or Hitler? BUT…

Sometimes people speak the truth. The truth is not too pleasant. But more often people are cheating themselves, lies are the necessary lubricating element of any social interaction. After all, if we all told "the truth, the truth and nothing but the truth," then almost all would be unemployed. Rarely who like the boss, sometimes not even colleagues. And we are talking today about the adjective "non-identity" - this is our research object.


Someone will think: "Why was there such a long accession?". Everything is very simple. The adjective, disassembled today, as if opposes itself, the lies that reigns around. But it should be said that the truth is the last cartridge that a person uses, only if there is no other way. For example, the schoolchildren decreases performance, and he keeps the last secret thing that he has problems with classmates. Sometimes the truth is what is required, suppose in court. In the proceedings, we like or not, but it is necessary to tell the truth, and unilent, it is known. We learn the true meaning of the adjective, for it is already time: "Not based on the abyss; candid". Here our interest has nothing to do with it. We just want to reach the most truth. Therefore, we will have to consider the meaning of the noun "mutualization": "biasperature relation." That is, a person does not say the truth, because somehow it belongs to someone who falls under the blow of this very truth. Often people, of course, smooth the corners. However, we repeat, so you need to move on.


To expand our understanding the meaning of the word "non-relieved", it is necessary to disassemble its logical replacements. Surely thanks to this operation, the reader recognizes something new for himself. So, let's look at the list of adjectives, resulting in the end:

  • cutting;
  • fair;
  • equitable;
  • candid;
  • unbiased;
  • unprejudiced.

In principle, if you remove the first position in the list, you will get a fairly interesting set that has no words with a negative value. That is honesty and displeasure walk in different paths. Although they are not tired of reminding that the truth is usually unpleasant, but this is, if you analyze speech practice, and if we say formally, the dictionaries do not associate emotions and honesty.

Analogy and unpleasant

Why is it worth paying just more time and place? Because people are confused by the "unpleasant" and "unlicid", and it is often found. By the way, this speech behavior will have their own resonances. We have repeatedly discussed them. Even impartial and fair truth is injured against whom she is directed. Therefore, in the human consciousness, it will be afraid at all - unpleasant and unilent. Probably, another role in such a battle plays the consonance of adjectives.

Dr. House against Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln said that honesty is the best policy, is it? After we revealed the meaning of "non-license", we will remain reflected on the moral side of the issue. At the beginning, we said that a lie is the necessary element of any social relationship, ranging from professional and ending with personal. We sometimes sometimes even more than people unfamiliar or those who work with whom. Close to love. Therefore, it turns out that the truth is impartial is such a tool that people are more likely to use. A common person Does not want to just wander the other. Cynic, of course, exercise in the torture of the near, but they have their own, humane goal: they want to open their eyes to a person on themselves and thereby make it better. As a rule, similar methods do not work.

People are boneless in their existence. And Maxim Dr. Howus that people always lie, in this case heats Maxim Abraham Lincoln. True - the best policy is only in the sense that it is impossible to get confused. And for politics, as for any public person, it is very important. Otherwise, the benefits have not been proven.


non-identity, non-identity; Unlitheenten, unlicid, unlucky (book. Standard.). Not based on multiple, impartial. Noilice judgment.

Ushakov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is impartial in Russian in the dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • IMPARTIAL in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
    the nonlinearies "тна, non-licensee" "Nonelicera" nonlinearity "Non-Nelicer" Non-non-Liecycles "Non-Nelicer" Non-Nelicer "Non-Nelicera" Non, non-Lesception "TNA, non-Liecery" Non-Nelicera " "Non-Nelicer" Non-Neliecery "Non-Nelicery" Non-Nelicer "Non-Nelicera" Non-Nelicera "Non-Lescery" Non-Nelicera "
  • IMPARTIAL in the thesaurus of the Russian language:
    SYN: impartial, objective, unforeseen, unbiased ant: subjective, prejudice, ...
  • IMPARTIAL in the Synonyms Dictionary Abramova:
    see impartial, ...
  • IMPARTIAL in the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language:
    impartial, unforeseen, indifferent, objective, sharp, fair, ...
  • IMPARTIAL in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
  • IMPARTIAL in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
  • IMPARTIAL in the spelling dictionary:
    nonliecery); kr. f. -the, ...
  • IMPARTIAL in the explanatory dictionary of Ephremova:
    unlicatrical adj. Not based on multiple; ...
  • IMPARTIAL in the new Russian English language dictionary:
    arr. Not based on multiple; ...
  • IMPARTIAL in big modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    arr. Not based on multiple; ...
  • Looks in the dictionary of rites and sacraments:
    Prior to the story of the look at ordinary mortals, we will stop on the watchdogs of the royal - a unique phenomenon of Dopurerovskaya Rus. Due to the fact that …
  • Prem 5.
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Bible. Old Testament. Book of Wisdom Solomon. Chapter 5 Chapter: 1 2 3 4 ...
  • Alexander (Okropimiridze) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Alexander (Okropimiridze) (1824 - 1907), Bishop Guriysco-Mingral, Saint. Memory October 26 ...
  • Gnined Dmitry Titovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia:
    Gedind (Dmitry Titovich) is a famous Zemsky figure and the founder of the Gunnovsky Craftsman (1818 - 1885). Early left military service And ...
  • Reversal
    (REVERDY) Pierre (1889-1960) French poet. In 1910-30s. Close to cubism and surrealism (a collection of poems in the prose of the "Sky fragments", 1924). ...
  • Leiris in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Leiris) Michel (1901-90) French writer. In the 1920-30s. Close to surrealism, friendly with J. Batham and R. Kayua. The author of poems ...
  • Gnined Dmitry Titovich
    famous Zemsky Worker and Founder of the Sungssky Craftsman (1818-85). Early leaving military service and settled in his estate (in Alexandrovsky ...
  • Bernard Clervosky in Encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Bernhard de Clairvaux) - canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, was born in 1091, in Fontaine, in France, came from the nobleman; in …
  • CUTTING in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    ,y, -th; -Sok, - a member, -zko, - and-zki; sharp. 1. Manifesting with great power, sharpness. R. Wind. R. Cold. 2. ...
  • Reversal in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Reverdy Pierre (1889-1960), Franz. poet. In 1910-30s. Close to cubism and surrealism (poems in the prose "Schedule Sky", 1924). ...
  • Sgned
    (Dmitry Titovich)? Famous Zemsky Worker and Founder of the Gun Single Craftsman (1818? 85). Early leaving military service and settling ...
  • Bernard Clervosky in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (BERNHARD DE CLAIRVAUX)? Canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, born in 1091, in Fontaine, in France, took place from the nobleman; in …
  • Flaubert, Gusty in the Color dictionary:
    (Flaubert, Gustav) (1821-1880), a French writer, who is often called the Creator of the modern novel. Born on December 12, 1821 in Ruang, where his father is ...
  • German Literature - C. Modern Trends in the Color dictionary:
    To the article by German literature after World War II, the center of attention has moved from the horror of the war to the problem of guilt. Suffering Jews and ...
  • Hugo, Victor in the Color dictionary:
    (Hugo, Victor) (1802-1885), great French poet, novelist, playwright; The leader of the romantic movement in France. Born February 26, 1802 in Besanson Victor ...
  • COURT in the epitheets dictionary:
    Merciless, impartial, God, fast, government (feasible.), Gracious, heavenly, impartial, inevitable, incorruptible, unrighteous, unlucky, righteous, right, whiten, self-confident, sacred, fast, fair, ...
  • CONVERSATION in the epitheets dictionary:
    On the duration of the conversation. Running, endless, fast, vector, long, long, long, protracted, short, short, volatile (statute), fleeting, minute, small, short, short, ...
  • Oluk. in the dictionary for solving and drafting scanvords:
    Analogy epithet ...
  • TENDENTIOUS in the thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
    SYN: biased, presetable (effort), government (rare., KN., EFFUL.), Non-employed (weak.) Ant: unbiased, impartial, impartial, ...
  • EQUITABLE in the thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
    SYN: impartial, objective, impartial, unforeseen, unbiased, impartial; deserved; Right (righteous.), righteous (raised), legal ant: unfair, wrong, incorrect, abuse, unreliable, unreasonable, ...

In accordance with the dictionaries adjective impartial - this is disagreeable; Literally: not accepting (from the word "acceptance", and not from "pleasant") someone in the face, (Wed, despite the faces). Synonyms nonalceptive - Uncompressed, impartial, objective, etc. In the dictionary of Daly, other synonyms are also given. nonalceptive - Fair, redeference, unilent. In the same place: "The hypocriation is a human beacon, the advantage, the preference of one person to another, not on dignity, but for personal relations. Amparious to whom, to the immovil - to be a biased, multiplious, to create a lie, to welcome the face. "

Therefore, criticism, decision, statement can be impartial, that is, those actions that are associated with an assessment of something. And then only if we are talking about their impartiality and impersonal. But here is a fact, an event, the case impartially will not be in no way. You can say about them: an unpleasant event, an unsightly fact, an ugly case.

"Unlucky" is so often used in the meaning "unpleasant, bad" that these words are confused by the native speakers and are perceived as interchangeable. In my opinion, confusion is connected with the fact that impartial and unpleasant - Paronim words (that is, close to sound, but different by meaning). In addition impartial It sounds somewhat solid, perhaps, so it is preferred to use some media, wanting to emphasize the urgency of any situation.

There is, however, another explanation: perhaps the practice of drinking precisely impartial In a negative sense, it is based on the idea that by default, people treat each other benevolently and do not express bad ideas about another person without sufficient reason. That is, impartiality, an impartiality is originally characteristic of a person in the positive sense of the word. If anyone practices impartial statements or publishes an impartial article, it is already clear that the article or the statement will be unpleasant to the addressee, otherwise why emphasizes its deletion, impartiality? Also in the given quotation from Dahl - "to multiply to whom ... - Facing the face." We invert both statements and come to the same conclusion - an unrecognizable, unpleasant, unpleasant. At least in one of the meanings of this word. That is, an impartial \u003d impartial, but already with a shade of some scandal. Despite the face - that is, even if you still have been with someone in good relationship And they tried to smooth out all the irregularities, the circumstances force you to arrange all the points over "I" and, perhaps, embed to complete, "despite the faces", unlicid.

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