Polovtsev language. The meaning of the word Polovtsy in the full spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • Polovtsy in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    ,y ,y. 1. See Polovtsy. 2. Related to Polovtsam, to their language, lifestyle, culture, as well as to the territory ...
  • Polovtsy in big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Polovtsian campaign 1185, Prince Novgorod-Seversky Igor Svyatoslavich in the Union with Dr. Princes. In the first battle Rus. The princes broke Polovtsy, but ...
  • Polovtsy in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
    polov "Tsik, Polov" Tska, Polov "Tsometh, Polov" Tsikh, Polov "Tsma, Polov" Tskka, Polov "Tsma, Polov" Cemba, Polov "TsOMU, Polov" Tskka, Polov "TsOMU, Polov" Tsik, Polov " CQ, Polov "Chic, Polov" Tsometh, Polov "Tsikh, Polov" Tsma, Polov "Commus, Polov" Commary, Polov "CEY, ...
  • Polovtsy in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    arr. 1) Related to the Polovtsam associated with them. 2) Prophty Polovtsam, characteristic of them. 3) belonging ...
  • Polovtsy in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina.
  • Polovtsy in the spelling dictionary.
  • Polovtsy in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov:
    polovtsaya, Polovtsoy. Arr. To Polovtsov (see ...
  • Polovtsy in the explanatory dictionary of Ephremova:
    polovtsian adj. 1) Related to the Polovtsam associated with them. 2) Prophty Polovtsam, characteristic of them. 3) belonging ...
  • Polovtsy in the new Russian English language dictionary:
  • Polovtsy in big modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    arr. 1. Related to polovtsam associated with them. 2. Prophty Polovtsam, characteristic of them. 3. Belonging ...
  • Polovtsian campaign Igor Svyatoslavich 1185
    in the Union with other princes. In the first battle, the Russian princes broke Polovtsy, but, delving into the steppe, was defeated and were ...
  • Polovtsy Language (Kumansky) in the linguistic encyclopedic dictionary:
    - one of turkic languages, dead language Kipchakov-Polovtsev who lived in south. steppes in 11-14 centuries. The first mentions of Polovtsy include ...
  • Koschey (or Kashing)
    Koschey (or Kashing) with the usual epithetoma immortal - the fantastic face of Russian fairy tales and epics, which plays the same role of a stiven keeper ...
  • Kotyan Sutoevich in a brief biographical encyclopedia:
    Kotyan Sutoevich - Khan Polovtsy. In 1223, after tatar invasion On the Polovtsy Earth, Kotyan came to Galich to the son-in-law ...
  • Kobyak in a brief biographical encyclopedia:
    Kobyak - Polovtsy Khan, who produced raids to Russian land in 1170 - 1180. In 1180, together with Khan ...
  • Itlar in a brief biographical encyclopedia:
    Itlar - Prince Polovtsy. Together with another Polovtsy Prince, Kitan, concluded in 1095 peace with Vladimir Monomakh, and ...
  • Georgy Konchakovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia:
    Georgy Konchakovich - Prince Polovtsy, from 1205 Svat Grand Prince Vladimir Vsevolod III (great nest): Vsevolod married ...
  • Turkic languages in the literary encyclopedia:
    i.e., the system of Turkic (Turkish-Tatar or Turkish-Tatar) languages, occupy a very extensive territory in the USSR (from Yakutia to the Crimea and the Caucasus) ...
  • Word about the regiment of Igor in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    monument of the ancient Russian literature con. 12 V. At the heart of the plot - an unsuccessful Polovtsian campaign of Igor Svyatoslavich 1185. A private episode of Russian-Polovtsy wars ...
  • Kypchak language in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Kumansky or Polovtsy), Polovtsev language, or Kumanov, Kypchakov. Refers to Turkic languages \u200b\u200b(Kipchak Group). The largest monument to Kypchak language - "Codex ...
  • Konchak in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    polovtsian khan 2nd floor. 12 V. Created a powerful association of Polovtsy tribes, in the 70-80s. 12 V. Made a number of campaigns on ...
  • Bonac in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (? - After 1167) Polovtsy Khan. He fought with Rus and Byzantia. In 1096 he ruined the neighborhood of Kiev. Participated in the Russian civil workers ...
  • Kypchak language
    language (Kumansky, or Polovtsy), the language of the Polovtsy, or Kumanov, Kypchakov, - the main core of the Tribal Union, which appeared in Eastern Europe in …
  • Crimean Tatar in big soviet encyclopedia, BSE:
    language, Tatars language, who lived to 1944 in Crimea and living mainly in the Uzbek SSR. Refers to the Kypchak group ...
  • Konchak in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    (GG. of birth and death are unknown), Polovtsy Khan. In the 2nd half of the 12th century. United Polovtsy and created a strong military organization. Made ...

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Kypchaki / Polovtsy / Kumani and their descendants: to the problem of ethnic continuity of Evstigneev Yuriy Andreevich

Language of Kumanov / Polovtsy

Language of Kumanov / Polovtsy

One of the reliable sources of Polovtsy / Kumansky language is Codex Cumanicus, compiled in Crimea in the period 1294-1303. The dictionary is two stitched notebooks. Two listings are placed in one, the first contains 1560 Latin-Persian-Kumansky words placed in the Latin alphabet; In the second, 1120 Latin Kumanskiy and 140 Arabeperside words united in semantic groups were recorded, of which information about the social structure of the Kumanov is most interesting. Another notebook contains a German-Kumansky dictionary, consisting of phrases and words of different content, as well as Christian texts and riddles in the Kumansky language (Pletneva, 2010, p. 132-133).

According to this dictionary for the language of the Kumanov, it was characteristic: the initial "th" instead of "J" in the words-nouns, for example, Yol ("Road"), Yylan ("Snake"), Yigit ("Well done"), etc. ., Initial "X" in the word Hatun ("Mrs."), Hazz ("Goose"), but the initial "K" in the words of Kan instead of Khan, Kam instead of Ham (Shaman), the final "x" instead of "K": Yoch ("No") instead of Yok, Kazakh ("Tramp, a man without a kind-tribe") instead of the Cossack. The sound of many words in the "Cumation Code" corresponds to the eastern, according to the classification of M. Kashgari, adctor of the Turkic language, for example, Men ("I") instead of Ben in Western, bass ("Head") instead of Bash, "C" instead of "h" : In the Ipatiev Chronicle, under 1179, Konchak was called the late. In other sources ("Turkic-Arabic Dictionary", 1245 and the "Dictionary of Abu-Haian", 1313), compiled on the basis of the Turkic Mamlukov of Egypt, among which there were Ogubs, Kypchaki and Polovtsy, a dialect of Western adverb was presented.

Turkic linguists found that Kumani / Polovtsy spoke on two dialects of a single language, obviously combining the features of both adverbs. This is quite explained: in the South Russian Steppes in the XI century, the tribes that, judging by their "historical homeland" spoke on the Eastern Adcharations of the Turkic Language; Moved down in Bapt and Cychak, Oriental Turks, who spoke on the eastern adverb of an ancienturk language, undoubtedly "grabbed" local tribes with them, for example, the Kumanov, who spoke on West Adchairs. The daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Alexei Anna in the story about the War of Pechenegs with Byzantines and Kumanov (1091), he said that one of the main penetration commanders before the battle, hoping to break the Greco-Kuman Union, "came to the Kumanam - the last (i.e. Kumanami ) They spoke on one with him (Pecheneg - Yu.E.) Language "(Comnina, 1996, p.236). It is difficult to believe in a message of a person, not knowingwhich speaks. But, on the other hand, both of these people spoke at one - ancienture-language - language, more precisely, on the dialects of the Western (according to Mahmuda al Kashgari) of his adverb.

Already reaching the goal of the movement, the aliens submitted to those who did not have time to leave Pechenegs and Torkov, over time partially mixed with them, including in language terms. Hungarian Türcologist Yozheph Torma, exploring the Kun "Heritage" in the dialects of the Hungarian language and comparing the Kunny vocabulary (in Hungarian) with Kazakh, and the Kazakh language belongs to the Nogai-Kypchak, that is, the east, branches of the Kypchak Group of Turkic languages, found more than 40 kunsko - Kakakh correspondences (Torm, 1995, p. 57-68). It follows from this that Kuns and Polovtsy spoke on the eastern adveria of the ancient Turkic language, which does not contradict the geography of their residence before emigration to the west.

From book Secret History Ukraine-Rus Author Buzina Olesseevich

The hairdresser for the Polovtsy is strange, but on the pages of popular literature stubbornly pokes the myth about the "Trune Ariysky" appearance Stepnyakov who inhabited wild field in the XI-XIIIIs. "There is evidence - writes in the book" The disappeared peoples "S. A. Pletnev - testifying that Polovtsy

Author Gumilev Lev Nikolaevich

80. The appearance of Polovtsy "Never ends" - such is the opinion of contemporaries of any historical eventsBecause the "beginning" and "ends" are always closely intertwined with each other. You can distinguish them only at a great distance. That's why the penetration of Seljuks in

From book Ancient Russia And the Great Steppe Author Gumilev Lev Nikolaevich

144. Verdict in the case of Polovtsy Let's try to find the cause of the passing scientific mistakes. Apparently, the situation that launched from the XIV to the end of the XVIII century is familiar to the inhabitants of the Moscow Rus., That is, before the conquest of the Crimea, was extrapolated to antiquity. Three-year-old war on

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76. Acts of Kumanov and Seljukov Yes, oddly enough, steppe warriors, like African (Tuaregi) and Asian (Oguza), hardly restrained the pressure of the Greeks, but, fighting with the crusaders, won one after another. In 1144, Edessa fell and, Reza, was again taken in 1146.

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1111 The campaign of the Russian princes in the Polovtsy campaign 1111 was not the first. Russian shelves in the spring of 1103 went to the steppe to the Polovtsy. Then the campaign was successful, and near the border of the day, not far from the Azov coast, the army of 20 Polovtsy Khanov was broken. But the campaign of 1111 was special. To that

From the book Research and Articles Author Nikitin Andrei Leonidovich

Dating Realities of the Ipatiev Chronicle of the campaign of 1185 in Polovtsy A April-May-May 1185 event in the Interfolder of Dnipro and Don, who became the story of the "Words about Igor's regiment", in Russian chronicles are reflected in two, very different sources from each other: the story

From the book the secret history of Ukraine-Russia Author Buzina Olesseevich

The hairdresser for the Polovtsy is strange, but on the pages of popular literature stubbornly pokes the myth about the "true Aryan" appearance of steppes who inhabited in the XI-XIII centuries a wild field. "There is evidence - writes in the book" The disappeared peoples "S. A. Pletnev - testifying that

Author Evstigneev Yury Andreevich

The racial composition of the Kumanov / Polovtsev / Kunov The physical look of new migrants is still not thoroughly studied. The only thing is established that: 1) the ethnonym of the Polovtsy / Sarah does not have any relationship to the appearance of its carriers; 2) judging by anthropomorphic stone sculptures (by the way,

From the book of Kypchaki / Polovtsy / Kumani and their descendants: to the problem of ethnic continuity Author Evstigneev Yury Andreevich

Golden Horde In the fate of Kypchakov / Polovtsy / Kumanov sources: writings of Arab-Persian authors (Rashid Ad-Dean, Ibn Batutta, Al Omari, hell-Dimashka and others), Russian chronicles. Literature in Russian about the Golden Horde is huge, however, on this topic insignificant

From the book of Kypchaki / Polovtsy / Kumani and their descendants: to the problem of ethnic continuity Author Evstigneev Yury Andreevich

№ 2. Ethnic composition Kumanov / Polovtsy / Kypchakov № 2

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32. Raise of Polovtsy in 1093 and 1096 from the "Tale of Bygone Years" on the "Lavrentievsky list", St. Petersburg 1910. In the time of the time, the time of the Polovtsi to Russia; Hearing, Yako died there is Vsevolod2, Issue Less3 to Svyatopolku4 about the world. Svyatopolk same, not squeezing with the biggest friendly

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34. Dolobsky Congress and campaign on Polovtsy from the "Tale of Bygone Years" on the "Lavrentievsky list", St. Petersburg 1910.The Summer 6611. God, in the heart of Prince, Rusky Svyatopolku and Volodimiru2, and removed Dolobysk3; and Sedge Svyatopolk with his friend, and Volodimer with his own

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