Not always correctly. The meaning of the word incorrectly in the explanatory dictionary

To understand when it is necessary to write "not correct", and when "incorrect" will allow knowledge of simple rules.

Correctly written

A compatible or separate writing of a "not" particle with the word "incorrectly" is determined depending on the specific situation.

What rule

According to the rule, "not" is written with adverbs and psyche if it gives them the opposite value. In such cases, the words can be easily like a synonym without "not": it is not good - bad, weighty - sad, incorrectly - mistaken. Therefore, the fusion writing the word "incorrectly" will be the fundamental.

However, other factors can influence the combination of "not" with the word "correctly". Separately the word "not correct" is written in the following cases:

  1. if the proposal for this word is opposed;
  2. if the proposal uses adverbs that increase denial.

Examples of offers

  • I talked to you incorrect.
  • He built a phrase not correct, and erroneously.
  • He talked to me none not correct.

Not correctly written

  • Not correct to break into the class.
  • Errorery, but he incorrectly entered.


nekorr. e.cNT

1. narch.

Related by meaning. with arr .: incorrect.

2. predicative

Score Situations whose actions as not characterized by manifestation of correctness.

Efremova. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meaning of the word and what is incorrect in Russian in the dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Incorrect in the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language:
    tactlessly, impolitely, native, inaccurately, ...
  • Incorrect in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    1. NARCH. Related by meaning. with arr .: incorrect. 2. Predictive assessment of some Situations whose actions as not characterized by manifestation ...
  • Incorrect in the new Russian English language dictionary:
    I NARCH. Qualities. 1. Do not show correctness, tacty in relationships with someone. 2. Turn. By no compliance with the requirements for something, ...
  • Incorrect in big modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    I NARCH. Qualities. Without showing the correctness [correctness i], in relations with anyone; Unacceptable, unarely, impolite. II NARCH. Qualities. Not …
  • LOUSE in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    To see the loss - means a lot of seals and misfortune. He implies a strong unhealthy. Some livestock - foreshadow hunger and ...
  • Perfect type in the modern philosophical dictionary:
    methodological category proposed by M. Weber to determine the status of conceptual funds used in social and historical knowledge. Dangerous error, disorienting ...
  • Nepregmatism in the postmodernism dictionary:
    - Retrospective philosophical interpretation of pragmatism (see), the conceptual design of which ("Analytical N.") traditionally communicates with the work of the Rorty. Rethinking historical and philosophical status analytic ...
  • Primer in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Primate (Tritka Greek. Προϊςτάμενος or πρόεδρος) - the first to honor the Bishop of Location orthodox church. Besides …
  • 1955.01.19 in the story pages what, where, when:
    De Muan, Iowa. The Convair Airline of United Air Lines makes a successful emergency landing on the corn field after it experienced ...
  • Fredholma Equation
    the equation, integral equations Views:, (1) a £ x, s £ b, (F. y. 1st genus) and, (2) a ...
  • Correct and incorrect tasks in big soviet encyclopedia, BSE:
    and incorrect tasks, classes of mathematical tasks that vary in the degree of certainty of their solutions. Many mathematical tasks are that by ...
  • COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    mathematics, a section of mathematics, including a range of issues related to the use of electronic computing machines (computers). The content of the term "V. M." You can not consider the installed, ...
  • Comparative historical linguistics in linguistic encyclopedic dictionary:
    - The area of \u200b\u200blinguistics, the object is related, i.e. genetically related, languages. Specifically in S.-I. I. We are talking about the establishment ...
  • VULGAR in the popular intelligent encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language:
    , -Oh; -Well, -rine 1) related to reduced style, rough. Vulgar vulgar vocabulary. Vulgar turnover. In minutes of irritation, she did not shy ...

one. " Incorrect" may be brief adjectives or impurge (with " not" on the -about). They are written plyIf the word acquires the opposite value in combination with "not". It, as a rule, can be replaced by synonym without "not". For example, " erroneous».

He acted incorrectly.

His decision is incorrect.

In the first example, the word is adverb, in the second - a brief adjective.

2. Written apartIf there is or implied opposition.

He acted not correctly, but with errors.

3. It is written separately if negative is enhanced, and as an explanatory word is a negative adverb, starting with "ne"; Either the combination of "not", "not at all," "not", etc. ", etc.

He acted by no means Not correct.

He acted none Not correct.

He acted nikoima Not correct.

Note. In the presence as an explanatory word adverch " at all»Perhaps both a fusion and separate writing, which is associated with two values \u200b\u200bin which the specified adverb is used:
1) "perfectly, very";
2) "by no means", "no way";


He acted at all incorrect. (Perfectly mistaken).

He acted at all not correct. (In no way correctly).

Two interpretation admits both at all»:
one) " by no means»;
2) " at all, perfect"- in the conversational style of speech;


Although he was a professional, he acted at all Not correct. (Not right)

He did not know how to handle equipment and often acted in noctor. (Completely mistaken).

4. Written plyIf there is adveria measures and degrees: " quite», « highly», « extremely», « nearly", Nareful expression" in high degree " etc.

He acted as extremely incorrect.

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