The Komsomolets who betrayed the Father. Pavlik Morozov was not a traitor

The historic site of the Bagheir - the mystery of the story, the mysteries of the universe. The secrets of great empires and ancient civilizations, the fate of the disappeared treasures and biographies of people who changed the world, secrets of the special services. Chronicle of war, the description of battles and battles, intelligence operations of the past and present. World traditions modern life Russia, an unknown USSR, the main directions of culture and other related topics - all that is silent official science.

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The decision to create an oceanarium Navy of the USSR was adopted on June 18, 1965. At the beginning of April of the next year, the first tents of builders and scientists appeared on the banks of the Cauchery Bay. Even now the bay area is one of the most deserted inquisites of Sevastopol, and in those days it was a real "bear corner", where had to get on his two, risking to stumble upon an unexpected projectile, who was waiting for his wing. However, the remoteness and deserts of the district quite consisted of the regime of strict secrecy in which the oceanarium was created ...

TO XXI century In the north of Eastern Siberia, fur animals, especially the sands, thoroughly increased. Browning workers climbed further to the Arctic Ocean. The history of the development of the Far North is full of heroic and tragic pages.

Scotland is famous for his castles, where ghosts live. But none of them is famous for such mysterious phenomena as the Glama Castle. It is believed that one of the rooms of the castle - Duncan-Hall - inspired Shakespeare on the description of the scene of the killing of King Duncan in the tragedy "Macbeth". Visit and we are the most sinister castle Europe ..!

When the British came to India in the XVIII century, the rising summer heat for them was the biggest problem. Of course, the colonizer tried to fight this attack: they slept in wet lingerie, hung on the windows and the doors of the wet mounds from the grass, hired special servants-Abdarov cooling water, wine and el with a nitrate. However, all this did not give the desired result.

Epron. This abbreviation is decrypted as an "expedition of underwater work of special purpose." The organization was created under the OGPU in 1923 to fulfill a special task - the search for treasures, allegedly lying off the coast of Balaklava, in the Crimea.

The Lavrenty Beria for many years was considered the most terrible person in the USSR, which destroyed millions of fellow citizens. But even at the same time, he was not particularly demonized in Gorbachev times, and sometimes he was put on a person, worthy of respect. So is it for what to respect the most famous Stalin's addict?

We know little about the life of Jesus Christ, the Bohell, in which the divine and human nature is connected. In Christian books, there is a lot about him as a Messiah, Savior, Redeemer and Son of God. But the information about Jesus as the human son is fragmentary. In the Bible (the Gospel of the Lunie, 2.41-51) is described as the twelve-year-old Junior Jesus, together with the parents, came to Jerusalem for the Easter holiday, where parents then lost him in the crowd, but after three days they found in full health, calmly talking in the temple with priests . The next time the age of Jesus is about thirty years - it is mentioned only when describing his baptism in the Jordan River (Gospel from Lunie, 3.23). It remains incomprehensible why almost 18 years have fallen out of the biblical chronology of the life of Christ.

Exactly 40 years ago in April 1970, all Soviet media reported that the Volzhsky Automobile Plant in Tolyatti, which was built a little more than three years, released its first products. The new car was then received by the trade name "Zhiguli". However, it is pure russian word For abroad, it turned out to be unacceptable, because in a number of countries it sounded, to put it mildly, ambiguously. Therefore, in the export version of "VAZ-2101" and other models of the plant began to be called "Lada".

Pavlik Morozov is a legendary personality around which there are always a lot of disputes. These disputes do not cease and now, as it is still impossible to answer the main question of who Pavlik Morozov is a hero or traitor. Information about what was done by this boy and what is his fate, a little, therefore it is impossible to understand in this story. There is only the official version of his date of birth and how the boy died. All other events remain a reason to ensure that the discussions about the act of this pioneer continued.

What is the famous Pavlik Morozov?

Version of the time of the USSR

Pioneer Pavlik Morozov was a tary fan of the teachings of Marx and Lenin and sought to ensure that his state and people came to the bright communist future. The very idea that his native father does everything to break the achievements October revolution, I was disgusting for him. As a loving son and a person with high moral principles, the hero of Pavlik Morozov hoped that his father would form and would be the right one. But everything has a limit. And at some point, the boy's patience is overflowed.

As the only man in the family, after the departure of the Father, he had to drag all the economy. He renounced his parent, and when the native bonds finally weakened, entered as a true communist. Pavlik Morozov wrote on his father denunciation, where he fully described all his crimes and ties with fists, after which he took the paper into the relevant authorities. Trofim was arrested and convicted for 10 years.

Version Perestroika

Like any Soviet idol, it was supposed to "fall" and the young Pavlik of Morozov. The truth about his life instantly began to investigate historians who turned dozens of archives to find out what the essence of the pioneer is.

On the basis of these these, they concluded: Pavlik Morozov did not pass his father in the hands of the Soviet law enforcement system. He just gave testimony, which helped once again make sure that Trofim is the enemy of the people and the corruption officer who has committed many crimes. In fact, the father of Pioneer caught what was called, "on the hot," found fake documents with his signatures. In addition, it should be noted that, together with him, a lot of members of the village council were arrested and convicted.

Why Pavlik Morozov betrayed the Father, if so you can call the presentation of the testimony about the crimes of your relative, you can understand. Probably, the young pioneer and did not think much about the relationship - Dad since his childhood was a real "beach" for a family who did not give a passage to any wife or children. For example, he stubbornly did not allow boys to school, believing that they don't need a lot. This is despite the fact that Pavlik had an incredible craving for knowledge.

In addition, Trofim Morozov at that time was not even a family man, living with his new passion and infinitely drinking. He did not just care about the children - he did not even remember them. Therefore, the act of Son is clear - for him it was already a stranger, who managed to bring a lot of evil to the house of Morozov.

Heroism or betrayal?

In the winning years, historians, raising the archives, came out for serious contradictions. A version appeared that Pavlik did not call on his father, but simply gave testimony. And the law enforcement agencies detained, as they say, "hot." If we take into account that the father for him was practically someone else's man who left the family and did not care about her at all, the act becomes clear from the logical side. Perhaps his testimony Paul just tried to take revenge.

Today, the deed of Pavlik some are considered as a betrayal. In any case, this story is still not fully disclosed, so many still adhere to the official version.

Friendships and his theory

In connection with such a close attention of the authorities to the incident, the writer Yuri Druzhnikov was put forward by the idea of \u200b\u200bfalsifying the crime and the dignitary killing of Pavlik in power for his further "canonization". This version was based on the study, which later resulted in the book "Donoschik 001".

It was questioned in doubt the whole pioneer biography. Pavlik Morozov, friendship was brutally killed OGPU. The basis of such an approval is two facts. The first is supposedly found by the writer in the case of the murder of the brothers Morozov Protocol survey of the witness. All would be nothing, but the protocol was compiled two days before the detection of corpses and identification of criminals.

The second position, which leads to the boyfriend, is in the absolutely alogistic behavior of the killer. According to all the "rules", such a cruel crime had to try as much as possible to hide, but the defendants did everything literally on the contrary. The murderers did not bother to bury the corpses or at least somehow hide them, but left everyone in sight right near the road. The instrument of the crime was casually thrown at home, and no one thought to get rid of bloodied clothes. Indeed, there is some contradictions, isn't it?

Based on these theses, the writer concludes that in front of us is an unreal story. Pavlik Morozov was killed by order, especially in order to create a myth. The friendships declares that according to the materials of the case, which are available in the archives, can be seen as the judge and witnesses are confused and carry the incoherent nonsense. In addition, the accused more than once tried to say that they were tortured.

Soviet propaganda silenced the attitude of the fellow villagers to the boy's den. The writer claims that "Pasha-Communist" is the least offensive nickname from all that he received a guy for his "feat."

To the question of what Pavlik Morozov did, most of the people living in the countries of the former USSR will be able to answer. Indeed, his story is well known, and the name has long become nominal. True, in contrast to the communist version, the story now has now gained negative character. What did Pavlik Morozov committed? The feat that is worthy of knowing and remembered for many centuries ahead? Or or ordinary denunciation, who has nothing to do with heroism? In search of truth, you will have to hear supporters of both versions.


Pavlik Morozov was the most eldest child in the family of Tatiana and Trofim Morozov. In addition to him, the parents grew another three boys. As far as we know from the preserved memories, the family lived on the verge of poverty - the guys even really did not really wear clothes. A piece of bread was harvested with difficulty, but despite this, the boys visited the school and diligently studied letters.

Their father worked as chairman of the Gerasimovsky village council and was far from the most popular person. As later it became known, the children "plunged with hunger" are not because of the bad earnings of the Father. Just money to home did not reach, settled in the pockets of cards and vodka's cards.

And the sums of trophim frost swore consumed, and he had a completely thieves biography. Pavlik Morozovndd, what his father was engaged in: assigning confiscated things, various documentary speculations, as well as coating those who have not yet had time to smooth. In one word, extremely actively interfered with promotion public Policy. You can even say that the father of Pavlik himself became a full-fledged fist.

The starving children did not recognize this, because quite soon Papyk finally stopped appearing at home, moved to his mistress. From this point on, the continuation of history is divided. For some, it acquires the shade of heroism, and others are perceived as an ordinary judicial situation. But what did the Pavlik frost do?

Version of the time of the USSR

Pioneer Pavlik Morozov was a tary fan of the teachings of Marx and Lenin and sought to ensure that his state and people came to the bright communist future. The very idea that his native father is doing everything to break the achievements of the October Revolution, it was disgusting for him. As a loving son and a person with high moral principles, the hero of Pavlik Morozov hoped that his father would form and would be the right one. But everything has a limit. And at some point, the boy's patience is overflowed.

As the only man in the family, after the departure of the Father, he had to drag all the economy. He renounced his parent, and when the native bonds finally weakened, entered as a true communist. Pavlik Morozov wrote on his father denunciation, where he fully described all his crimes and ties with fists, after which he took the paper into the relevant authorities. Trofim was arrested and convicted for 10 years.

Version Perestroika

Like any Soviet idol, it was supposed to "fall" and the young Pavlik of Morozov. The truth about his life instantly began to investigate historians who turned dozens of archives to find out what the essence of the pioneer is.

On the basis of these these, they concluded: Pavlik Morozov did not pass his father in the hands of the Soviet law enforcement system. He just gave testimony, which helped once again make sure that Trofim is the enemy of the people and the corruption officer who has committed many crimes. In fact, Pioneer's father caught what is called, "on the hot" - found fake documents with his signatures. In addition, it should be noted that, together with him, a lot of members of the village council were arrested and convicted.

Why Pavlik Morozov betrayed the Father, if so you can call the presentation of the testimony about the crimes of your relative, you can understand. Probably, the young pioneer and did not think much about the relationship - Dad since his childhood was a real "beach" for a family who did not give a passage to any wife or children. For example, he stubbornly did not allow boys to school, believing that they don't need a lot. This is despite the fact that Pavlik had an incredible craving for knowledge.

In addition, Trofim Morozov at that time was not even a family man, living with his new passion and infinitely drinking. He did not just care about the children - he did not even remember them. Therefore, the act of Son is clear - for him it was already a stranger, who managed to bring a lot of evil to the house of Morozov.

But history is not the end

In fact, there would be no hero if there were no more events that led to the fact that Pavlik Morozov became a real Great Martyr of the Soviet era. Family friend ( godfather Paul) Arseny Kulukanov decided to revenge. Since he used to actively led business with Trofim, and was a "fist", the arrest of a close friend hit the material situation of the future killer.

When he learned that Paul and Fyodor went into the forest berries, he had a middle brother Danil, as well as the grandfather of Morozov, Sergey, go for them. What exactly happened then is unknown. We know only one thing - our hero (Pavlik Morozov) and his younger brother were cruelly killed, and if more precisely, they were cut into a knife.

The evils against the gathered for the murder of "gang" became the found economic knife and bloody clothing Danil. DNA expertise then did not exist, therefore, the investigation decided that the blood on the shirt belongs to the brothers arrested. All the participants in the crime were recognized as guilty and shot. Danila Morozov immediately recognized all the accusations with true, grandfather Sergey denied, he confirmed his guilt, and only Kulukanov preferred to go into deep defense during the trial.


Soviet nomenclature simply could not skip a similar case. And the matter is not even in the very fact of the dacha testimony against the father - this happened to be completely and next to the time, and in the disgusting and low revenge for it. Now Pavlik Morozov - a pioneer hero.

The crime that was published in the press made a huge resonance. The authorities led him as evidence of the cruelty and greed of "Kulakov": they say, look at what they are willing because of the loss of material benefits. Mass repressions began. The degradation flashed with a new force, and now any tricky citizen was in danger.

The fact that Pavlik Morozov betrayed his father, went down - after all, he did it for the sake of right. The boy, who placed his life in the foundation of the construction of communism, became a real legend. It was put as an example for imitation.

Pavlik Morozov, a feat of a young communist and a fighter for the ideas of October became the topic for a huge number of books, performances, songs and poems. His personality took a truly huge place in the culture of the USSR. Assessing the scale of propaganda, in fact, very simple - now everyone knows the overall plot of what happened to this boy. Children he had to show how important the collective values \u200b\u200bin comparison with personal and family interests.

Friendships and his theory

In connection with such a close attention of power to the incident, the writer Yuri Droinnikov was put forward by the idea of \u200b\u200bfalsifying the crime and the dignitary killing of Pavlik in power for his further "canonization". This version was based on the study, which later resulted in the book "Donoschik 001".

It was questioned in doubt the whole pioneer biography. Pavlik Morozov Friendly was brutally killed OGPU. The basis of such an approval is two facts. The first is supposedly found by the writer in the case of the murder of the brothers Morozov Protocol survey of the witness. All would be nothing, but the protocol was compiled two days before the detection of corpses and identification of criminals.

The second position, which leads to the boyfriend, is in the absolutely alogistic behavior of the killer. For all the "rules", such a cruel crime had to try as best to hide as much as possible, but the defendants did everything literally on the contrary. The murderers did not bother to bury the corpses or at least somehow hide them, but left everyone in sight right near the road. The instrument of the crime was casually thrown at home, and no one thought to get rid of bloodied clothes. Indeed, there is some contradictions, isn't it?

Based on these theses, the writer concludes that in front of us is an unreal story. Pavlik Morozov was killed by order, especially in order to create a myth. The friendships declares that according to the materials of the case, which are available in the archives, can be seen as the judge and witnesses are confused and carry the incoherent nonsense. In addition, the accused more than once tried to say that they were tortured.

Soviet propaganda silenced the attitude of the fellow villagers to the boy's den. The writer claims that the "Pasha-Communist" is the least offensive nickname from everyone that he received a guy for his "feat."

Answer friendship

The friendship version deeply insulted the only surviving brother Paul, who after the publication of the book in the UK stated that he could not tolerate such a treatment with the memory of his relative.

In the newspaper he wrote an open letter, where he condemned the "conviction", which was arranged to Pavlik. In it, he reminds that in addition to the legend there is also a real personality, a real family who suffered from these events. It leads as an example of Stalin's times, also full slanders and hatred, and asks: "Does all these" writers "from the lgunov of that time now differ now?"

In addition, it is argued that the arguments found by the friendship do not coincide with the memories of the teacher. For example, she denies that Pavlik was not a pioneer. After all, in his book, the writer says that only after the tragic death of the boy ranked with a youth organization to create a cult. However, the teacher accurately remembers how the pioneer detachment was created in the village, and joyful Pavlik received his red tie, which was then removed and Estivat Father. She was even going to submit to an international court to protect the already immortal heroic history called "Pavlik Morozov". The story did not wait for this moment, as it turned out that in fact the friendships and his theory were seriously perceived seriously.

Among British historians, this book literally caused ridicule and criticism, since the writer contradicted himself. For example, he clearly and clearly wrote that there is no more unreliable source of information than Soviet documents, especially if they relate to the legal system. And the author himself used these records in his own interests.

In the end, no one argues - the crime facts in the USSR clearly silent and hid. The whole story was presented solely in favorable tones. Nevertheless, there is no evidence that all that happened is a fiction and purposely planned operation. The case rather proves how deftly can be turned out to be propaganda any incident.

Supreme Court

and the crime associated with him was not missed during the investigation of the prosecutor's office on the rehabilitation of political victims. Attempts have been made to find evidence of ideological attack in the killing of the boy. The Commission conducted a deep and carefully investigation, after which the responsibility stated: the murder of Paul and Fedor - clean water the Crimination. This meant, first of all, the recognition of a new power of low and curtinal crime, and on the other hand - Lfolko Pavlik with a pedestal, announcing his dead not at all in the fight against his fist.


Now the Pavlik frost is fast as an antiger. In the century of capitalism, when everyone should think about himself and his family, and not about the general team, the people, his "feat" is difficult to call it.

The betrayal of the native father is considered from an absolutely different position, as a low and subtraction. Now in culture, the boy became a symbol of a baseman who was not worthy was to be recorded in the heroes pioneers. Pavlik Morozov became for many negative characters. This is evidenced by the destroyed monuments of the hero.

Many see the testimony of mercenary intent in his country - he sought to take revenge on his father. Allegedly did Tatyana Morozova, trying to intimidate her husband and force him after the trial to return home. Some writers and cultureologists find a terrible very meaning of Pavlik's feathers - an example for children who teaches them to convey and betray.


Probably, we are still to the end and do not know who is actually a Pavlik frost. His story is ambiguous and still full of secrets and inexpensive. Of course, you can look at it from absolutely different angles, presenting information as you like.

But, as they say, the cult was, but there was a personality. It is worth trying to look at the whole tragedy under another angle, given the difficult time in which Pavlik Morozov lived and his family. It was the era of terrible change, painful, cruel and destructive period. The USSR lost many intelligent and smart people In connection with cleaning. People lived in constant fear For their life and the life of their relatives and loved ones.

In fact, in the center of events lies a simple tragedy of another family, which lived at the time. Pavlik is not a hero and not a traitor. He is just a young man who has become a victim of cruelty and revenge. And we can argue anything about mystification and propaganda, but you should never forget about the existence of a real person.

In each totalitarian power there was a similar story. Even in Nazi Germany had their hero boy, fallen at a young age for the idea. And so always, for this image is one of the most profitable propaganda for the machine. Is it time to just forget this story? Pay tribute to an innocent child's fallen child and no longer use in the form of proof of anything, no matter whether the greed of whether fists or horrors of the USSR.

November 14, exactly one hundred years ago, a boy was born, which is one of the most controversial personalities in Soviet history. Who is he is the hero of his time, the victim of circumstances or the resentment of the villain and the traitor? Unambiguously answer this question is impossible even 87 years after his death.

Childhood Hero

Pavlik Morozov was the firstborn of the ethnic Belorus Trofim Morozov. The boy was born back in 1918 in the village of Gerasimovka Tobolsk province (modern Sverdlovsk region).

The baby's life was hard. His father, although he was the chairman of the village council, was famous for a fierce character. He beat his wife and his sons (the brothers at Pavlik had four), then in general threw them on the mercy of fate, starting to cohabit the neighbor. He did not support financially children, but he could mock physically and morally. Grandmother and grandfather did not help grandchildren and hated former daughter-in-law.

Very early, the boy became the head of the family, the breadwinner of the mother and the brothers. According to the memories of fellow villagers, he worked without tired by the housework, and he was glad to go to school, where one of the first joined the pioneers.

The ideas of Soviet power fell soul to the beloved boy. He told for the total equality, universal prosperity and unity. For his faith in Communism, Pavlik was a bit of both father and grandfather. He was forced to give up their ideas, but a brave boy remained faithful to his principles.

Court of Officer

At the end of 1931, Trofim Morozov was condemned for the abuse of power, advising the cams and the issuance of fake documents. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Being in conclusion, according to some sources, a man drummer worked on the construction of an important strategic object, after which he was ordered and settled in Tyumen.

What was the role of Pavlik in condemning his father?

Initial version

According to the time of the USSR, the boy, driven by the idea, filed the appropriate authorities a statement on his father, accusing him in counter-revolutionary actions. He boldly performed at the court, exposing the cunning framing of Trofim Morozov.

So was everything really?

Official version

According to numerous documentary sources, such as investigative and judicial protocols, suspect Trofim Morozov in illegal intercourse with fists and other power frauds began from the discovery of fake papers. Thus, it becomes clear that the participation of Pavlik in the condemnation of his own father was reduced not to an open charge, but to the country of testimony during the investigation.

At the trial, the boy boldly exposed his parent and even refused him in all.

Hero or traitor?

What did the teenager moving when he gave testimony against his own father? According to the statements of some scientists, the boy could not have a witness to what he was talking about, as he had long lived separately from his parent with his mother. Perhaps a woman has spread the eldest son to give such testimony in the hope of revengent to the ex-husband for all those suffering and misfortunes, which he subjected his first family. On the other hand, she could hope that Trofim is afraid of the son's testimony and will ensure his money.

Did Pavlik, hate to his father for his father for the fact that he threw him and mother, and did he want to take revenge on him? Who knows, however, in this story there are some more controversial moments.

Possible partner?

Regarding recently, the researchers were put forward by another theory, according to which Pavlik was not a witness to the accusation, and accomplices in the case of his father. Some argue that Trofim was unlimited, so fake certificates wrote down his eldest son. In order not to appear before the court, the boy dumped the whole guilt on his father. Could it be? Who knows.

Was a pioneer?

Moreover, some modern researchers question even the very fact of the membership of Pavlik in the ranks of the first Soviet pioneers. There are no documents confirming its ideologicalness. And about the belonging of a boy to the pioneer community is known only from the words of his teacher. Believe it or not, it's hard to say.

How the public responded

The history of Pavlik became illustrative for all residents of the country of the Soviets. According to the communist ideology, the boy, who testified against his own father, who sacrifice the true justice of his own feelings, became a hero and a model of a zealous fighter for the idea. Many Soviet children wanted to resemble him.

However, even in those years, not all belonged to the image of Morozov so unequivocally. For example, there is information that the fellow villagers considered Pavlik with a small packed and even hated him for the bond on the parent. Is it possible to consider it true?


Whatever it was, Pavlik died a cruel, painful death. On his body, knife wounds were found. Together with Paul killed his nine-year-old brother. According to the official version, the children were stabbed and grandfather and grandmother, father's parents. They appeared before the court and died in prison.

Not so long ago, one researcher put forward the theory that Morozov's murder was political. In confirmation of his words, the scientist draws attention to the fact that the so-called killers did not even try to hide the body of children, and the protocols claimed that they were attempting and beaten.

So who is he - Pavlik Morozov? It is now difficult to answer this question definitely. Every year, all new and new facts relating to the case are opened, but one thing is clear - the child died, and his life is no longer returned.

Now, probably, you must explain to young readers, about whom. And since childhood, I knew who Pavlik Morozov. All pre-school years of my life up to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (When the name of Pavlik pushed new names) he was in our consciousness the main positive hero, a famous wrestler for soviet power And for the collective farm system, not sick of the native father, this power and this system of fooling.

Pavlik according to the Soviet ideologues and summed up his father for a fair trial in September 1932.

Then, in perestroika times, soviet history Began to revise. And this episode also put up on the head (or from the head to his feet?). Pavlik Morozov was raised as a "diamospher 001".

Maybe it's time to smooth the memory from these sentences and understand what happened in the village of Gerasimovka Tobolsk province in the family of the chairman of the local village council Morozova, the Father of five children, of whom the older, Pavlik, was equal to 13?

The father was not harmless: and the property confiscated from the detachable, the dying was assigned, and the references fake was given to the Special Fleets sent to the link so that they could dig.

Did Pavlik know about this? He knew, like everyone else.

Has taken to the heart of these "anti-Soviet" mistakes? It is unlikely that the boy had grounds to be offended by his father besides any politics - that of the family went away, he lived with his mistress, drunk. Raising children reduced the only notation - there is nothing to go to school, you don't need a lot! And Pavlik wanted to learn.

Well, now to the case. Donos on Father Paul did not write, but simply in the course of the inquiry confirmed the facts that everyone was known to everyone.

Father received a term (sat down, worked and returned early with the Order for Valiant Labor).

Pavlik Morozov is not a hero and not a traitor. He is a victim of crazy time. Is it time to just forget this story?

And Paul was declared the young hero of the Soviet Power, who did not regret his native father for the celebration of a collective farm building.

The relatives did not forgive him. They killed him in a year. The main killer was a cousin, executed for this by the authorities already as a sworn enemy of Soviet power.

Many years later, meticulous historians tried to attract the members of the Morozov family to the next consideration of the case.

Relatives refused, and I understand them.

I don't fix anything in this silent plot, and there were enough such plots in the terrible era of the Troubles.

Pavlik Morozov is not a hero and not a traitor. He is a victim of crazy time.

Is it time to just forget this story?

And if I remember, the story is not a hero and not a traitor, but a child, innocently deployed and immunely glorified. Amorally use his fate to proof the horrors of the Soviet era. The horrors of these grabs and without it. And, I'm afraid, enough in the future, if the next confusion will cover us and all of humanity.

And Pavlik Morozova is better to leave alone. He disgraced him: I paid a life for life and for gingerbread, and for the whip of Otherovel propaganda.

The world of his dust.

All the post-Soviet years it was difficult for me to do two things: it is easy to say the word "scoop" as a sentence of beware, which once lived in the USSR. I was also there, I lived, consisted. And screw in the context something like this: "Another Pavlik frost was found!" I can not and could not. For one simple reason. Imagine only how a native grandfather is sprinkling two of his grandchildren on the crank swamp - the thirteen-year-old Pavlik and his eight-year-old Brother Fedy.

There is a classic version: Pavlik smoked his native father, handed over his OGPU, the old man of frosts could not forgive this and ended up with the grandson-traitor.

In the late 80s of the last century, another look at the tragedy of frost appeared. This version was once brought from a perestroika business trip to Gerasimovka then my colleague on Komsomolskaya Valery Hiltunien. Almost a hundred pages of the text seemed not quite evidence, somehow they did not even sound, even in the most bold newspaper against the background of the General Passion of Niscovering idols.

ATTENTION: Imagine a teenager, in front of which a drunken father beats a mother more than once, then he left her with four children (Pavlik - Senior, all the economy falls on him) and goes to live on the other end of the village to a young woman. What is the collectivization and heroism? Son somehow wanted to protect the mother and punish the Father to come back to the family, and did not drink, did not beat ... any psychologist this family drama Calling classic. Satisfied ever on the phone trust for adolescents, and you are about cruelty and violence in the family hear!

Later I learned that the book was published in London in 1988 soviet writer (now the American professor) Yuri friendnikov "Donoschik 001, or the Ascension of Pavlik Morozova". Now it has been published in Russia, often read and is richly commented by the Internet community. The author has done a huge documentary and research work on the exposure of the myth, confirmed the Drama of the Morozov family and offered his version of the crime: the murder of unfortunate children was committed by the OGPU employees to raise the propaganda wave of mass perturbation.

I do not know what kind of relations were in the family of frost. I know only one thing that the testimony of a minor child can not be interpreted against him all normal legislation. Society has been hunger on hunger, but to pay in public opinion for collectivization forced a completely boy.

The tragedy of Pavlik Morozova is that one system made it a martyr ideas, the main pioneer of the country, the other system - the young junction, a traitor of his father.

But, gentlemen-comrades! Fact (and not version!) Corresponding: Two children were killed in 1932. And for this, a modern, free, democratic society has never appointed to blame. At the same time, it is as easy as Terminals - plus for a minus, the understanding of the past is changing. Always modern story It serves as relevant truth than the boring truth. Let historians study collectivization and write about the village of Gerasimovka and about how the boy was completely appointed hero of that era.

IN newest Story No human rights activist, no believer horrified out loud of this crime committed by whom? For what? If even more complete answers to these questions, I still can't remember the names of innocently killed children.

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