Wise thoughts about life. Meaningful statuses: smart statements about life, people and love

"The sleep of humanity is so deep that the chances of waking up are less and less."

Dario Salas Sommer

We rush through life at a breakneck speed, in a hurry to have time to do what seems so necessary, and having achieved it, we understand that we were in a hurry in vain, and we are in a strange state of dissatisfaction. We stop, look around, and are confronted with the thought: “Who needs all this? Why was such a race necessary? Is this life with meaning? " As soon as our brain overcomes a lot of questions, we try to find answers from psychologists, in literature, remember wise quotes about life with meaning. It is this moment that turns on our consciousness, which may have been dormant for a long time.

Our civilization has come to serious danger, as a negligent mistress has accumulated many things, a huge amount of weapons, equipment, spoiled environment, has acquired a lot of unnecessary information, and now does not know where to apply it all and what to do with it. The cornucopia has become a heavy burden for both our common and individual consciousness. The standard of living has improved, but people have not become happier, but on the contrary.

The thoughts of great people about no longer penetrate the minds of many of us. Why do we become so indifferent, cruel and at the same time so helpless? Why is it so difficult for many to find themselves? Why do people find a way out of difficult situations only in death? And why do many of us begin to understand something when we come across quotes about the meaning of life?

Let us turn to the wise men for an explanation

Now we are ready to blame anyone for our troubles, for our sleeping consciousness. The fault is the government, education, society, everyone except ourselves.

We complain about life, but at the same time we are looking for values ​​where, in principle, they cannot be: in the acquisition of a new car, expensive clothes, jewelry and all human material goods.

We forget about our essence, about our purpose in our world, and most importantly, we forget about what sages tried to convey to the souls of people in ancient times. Their phrases with a meaning about life today are extremely relevant, they are not forgotten, but they are not perceived by everyone, and not everyone is penetrated.

Carlyle once said: “My wealth is in what I do, not in what I have”... Isn't it worth pondering over this statement? Isn't there a deep meaning of our being in these words? There are many such beautiful statements worth our attention, but do we hear them? These are not just quotes from great people, this is a call to awakening, to action, to a life with meaning.

Wisdom of Confucius

Confucius did nothing supernatural, but his teachings are the official Chinese religion, and thousands of temples dedicated to him have been erected not only in China. For twenty-five centuries, his compatriots have followed the path of Confucius, and his aphorisms about life with meaning are passed from generation to generation.

How did he deserve such honors? He knew the world, himself, knew how to listen, and more to hear people. His quotes about the meaning of life are also heard from our contemporaries:

  • “A happy person is very easy to recognize. He seems to radiate an aura of calmness and warmth, moves slowly, but always has time, speaks calmly, but everyone understands him. Secret happy people simple is the absence of tension. "
  • "Beware of those who want to impute guilt to you, for they yearn for power over you."
  • “In a country well ruled, poverty is ashamed. In a badly ruled country, wealth is ashamed. "
  • "The person who made a mistake and didn't correct it made another mistake."
  • "The one who does not think about distant difficulties will certainly face near troubles."
  • “Archery teaches us how to seek the truth. When a shooter misses, he does not blame others, but seeks the guilt in himself. "
  • "If you want to be successful, avoid the six vices: sleepiness, laziness, fear, anger, indolence and indecision."

He created his own system of state structure. In his understanding, the wisdom of the ruler should consist in instilling in his subjects respect for the traditional rituals that determine everything - the behavior of people in society and the family, their way of thinking.

He believed that the ruler should, first of all, respect traditions, and accordingly the people will respect them. Only with this approach to governance can violence be avoided. And this man lived more than fifteen centuries ago.

The catch phrases of Confucius

"Teach only the one who, having learned one corner of the square, will imagine the other three"... Confucius spoke similar aphorisms about life with meaning only to those who wanted to hear him.

Not being an important person, he could not convey his teachings to the rulers, but did not give up and began to teach those who wanted to learn. All the students, and there were up to three thousand of them, he taught according to the ancient Chinese principle: "Do not share origins."

His clever sayings about the meaning of life: “I’m not upset if people don’t understand me, I’m upset if I don’t understand people”, “Sometimes we see a lot, but we don’t notice the main thing” and thousands more of his clever sayings were entered by the students into the book "Conversations and Judgments".

These works became the main ones in Confucianism. He is revered as the first teacher of mankind, his statements about the meaning of life are paraphrased and quoted by philosophers from different countries.

Proverbs and our lives

Our life is replete with stories about cases from the lives of people who drew certain conclusions from what happened. More often people come to conclusions when sharp turns happen in their lives, trouble catches up or loneliness gnaws at them.

From such stories, parables about the meaning of life are composed. They come to us through the centuries, trying to make us think about their mortal life.

Vessel with stones

We often hear that one must live easily, enjoying every moment, because no one is given to live twice. One wise man explained the meaning of life to his disciples by example. He filled the vessel to the brim with large stones and asked his disciples how full the vessel was.

The students ascertained the fact that the vessel was full. The sage filled up smaller stones. The stones are located in empty places among large stones. The sage again asked the disciples the same question. The disciples were surprised to answer that the vessel was full. The sage also added sand to that vessel, after which he invited his disciples to compare their life with a vessel.

This parable about the meaning of life explains that large stones in a vessel determine the most important thing in a person's life - his health, his family and children. Small stones are work and material goods, which can be attributed to less important things. And the sand determines the daily vanity of a person. If you start filling the vessel with sand, then there may not be room for the rest of the fillers.

Each parable about the meaning of life carries its own semantic load, and we understand it in our own way. Some who think, and who do not delve into, some compose their no less instructive parables about the meaning of life, but it so happens that there is no one to listen to them.

Three "I"

For now, we can afford to turn to parables about the meaning of life and draw at least a drop of wisdom for ourselves. One such parable about the meaning of life opened the eyes of many to life.

The little boy wondered about the soul and asked his grandfather about it. He told him ancient history... There is a rumor that three “I” live in each person, from which the soul is composed and the whole life of a person depends. The first "I" is given to be seen by everyone around. Second, only people close to the person can see. These "I" are constantly at war for leadership over a person, which leads him to fears, worries and doubts. And the third "I" can reconcile the first two or find a compromise. It is invisible to anyone, sometimes even to the person himself.

The grandson was surprised by the story of his grandfather, he became interested in what these "I" mean. To which the grandfather replied that the first "I" is the human mind, and if it wins, then a cold calculation takes over the person. The second is a person's heart, and if it has the upper hand, then a person is destined to be deceived, resentful and vulnerable. The third "I" is a soul that is able to bring harmony into the relationship of the first two. This parable is about the spiritual meaning of the life of our existence.

Meaningless life

All of humanity has one natural quality that determines the desire to find meaning in everything and, in particular, life itself; for many, this quality wanders in their subconscious, and their own aspirations are not clearly formulated. And if their actions are meaningless, then the quality of life is zero.

A person without a goal becomes vulnerable and irritable, he perceives the slightest difficulties with wild fear. The result of such a state is the same - a person becomes easy to control, his talents, abilities, individuality and potential gradually come to an end.

A person places his fate at the disposal of other people who benefit from his weak character. And a person begins to take someone else's worldview for his own, and automatically he becomes driven, irresponsible, blind and deaf to the pain of his loved ones, senselessly trying to earn authority among those who use it.

"Whoever wants to accept the meaning of life as an external authority ends up accepting the meaning of life as the nonsense of his own arbitrariness."

Vladimir Soloviev

Make your own destiny

You can make your destiny with the help of powerful motivation, which is often dictated by aphorisms about life with meaning. After all, the meaning of life is different for everyone, either acquired by experience, or coming from outside.

Einstein said: “Learn from yesterday, live today, hope for tomorrow. The main thing is not to stop asking questions…. Never lose your sacred curiosity "... His motivating quotes about the meaning of life lead many along the only correct path.

Aphorisms about life with the meaning of Marcus Aurelius, who said: "Do - what you must, and it will happen - what is destined".

Psychoanalysts argue that greater success from an activity can be expected if this activity is given maximum meaning. And if our work also brings us satisfaction, then complete success is guaranteed.

Questions arise about how education, religion, mentality, and worldview of a person affect the meaning of life. I would like the values ​​and knowledge gained over the centuries to unite all people, regardless of their worldview, religion and era. After all, quotes about life with meaning belong to people of different times and beliefs, and their significance is the same for all sane people.

Our position in the Universe requires an eternal search for answers, ourselves, our place in life, involvement in something. The world has not come up with ready-made answers, but the main thing is to never stop. Aphorisms about the meaning of life call us to movement and actions that are useful not only to ourselves, but also to those around us. "We live for those on whose smiles and well-being our own happiness depends" as Einstein said.

Wise thoughts help you live

Psychologists use quotes about life with meaning in communicating with clients, since people are such creatures who, without having own opinion having lost any meaning, they believe and are imbued with the beautiful phrases of famous people.

Quotes about the meaning of life are declared by actors from the stage, they are pronounced in films, and we hear from their lips words that are really meaningful for all mankind.

Faina Ranevskaya's wonderful statements about the meaning of life still warm the souls of women who are tormented by loneliness and disappointment:

  • “A woman must have two qualities in order to succeed in life. She must be smart enough to be liked by stupid men, and stupid enough to be liked by smart men. "
  • “The union of a stupid man and a stupid woman gives rise to a heroine mother. The union of a stupid woman and an intelligent man gives rise to a single mother. The union of an intelligent woman and a stupid man creates an ordinary family. The union of an intelligent man and an intelligent woman gives rise to light flirting. "
  • “If a woman walks with her head down, she has a lover! If a woman walks with her head held high, she has a lover! If a woman keeps her head straight, she has a lover! And in general - if a woman has a head, then she has a lover. "
  • "God made women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so that they could love men."

And if in a conversation with people you skillfully apply aphorisms about life with meaning, then hardly anyone will call you a stupid or uneducated person.

The wise Omar Khayyam once said:

“Three things never come back: time, word, opportunity. Three things should not be lost: calmness, hope, honor. Three things in life are most valuable: love, persuasion,. Three things in life are unreliable: power, luck, fortune. Three things define a person: work, honesty, achievement. Three things destroy a person: wine, pride, anger. Three things are the hardest to say: I love you, I'm sorry, help me. "beautiful phrases, each of which is imbued with eternal wisdom.

Intelligence combined with kindness is called wisdom, and intelligence without kindness is called cunning.

A person is wise when he understands the moment where you need to say something or keep silent.

Wisdom is the ability to be higher than your desires, to be lower is ignorance.

Stupid guys often confuse naturalness with rudeness and rudeness.

Best status:
Do you want to find your place under the sun in this life? Find it first!

Once Erich Fromm said that if a person loves himself, then he can love others, but if he loves only others, then he does not love anyone.

It is difficult to offend a sage in autumn, because they do not take offense at the truth, and do not pay attention to lies.

Everyone has their favorite wise phrases and quotes of great people, but it is worth trying to write down at least one of your thoughts worthy of attention, and nothing comes of it.

Only a sage is able to suppress his feelings and emotions at the behest of reason. Anger is characteristic of both a wise person and a fool, but the latter cannot subdue anger. In the heat of emotions, doing evil, he does not control the actions that are returned to him in double size.

We often chase after what, in essence, we don’t need ...

To love deeply and selflessly means to completely forget about yourself.

Good taste speaks less of intelligence than clarity of judgment.

Only a mother is worthy of love!

The lover does not always confess his love, and the one who confesses his love does not always love

A woman justifies her infidelity if she feels unhappy in marriage.

When we love, we lose sight (s)

Fortune sometimes gives too much, but never enough!

I live opposite the cemetery. If you show off - you will live opposite me. XDDD)))

Life is steps forward, steps back, and while I am dancing!

To understand what the other person wants, take a break from yourself at least for a minute.

Cherish what you have. Fight for what you can lose. And appreciate everything that is dear to you !!

My status has not been censored ...

We always believe that our first love is the last and our last love is the first.

One day you will want to open the door that you yourself once closed. But behind it has long been a different life, and the lock has been changed, and your key does not fit ...

How often it is easier for us to write what in life we ​​do not dare to say.

Words are like keys, choosing the right one, you can open any soul and close any mouth.

You need to make a princess out of the one that is nearby, and not look for a ready-made whole life ...

The lazier a person is, the more his work looks like a feat.

Do not rip off the masks from people. Suddenly these are muzzles.

We are ashamed to take his hand, but we are not ashamed to kiss simple acquaintances on the lips when we meet.

Life is a textbook that only closes with the last breath.

Love is not a disease. Illness is a lack of love. Baurzhan Toyhibekov

The assessments of others must be respected and taken into account, like the weather. But nothing more.

A dead end is also a way out ...

There are no ideal people ... You just need to find the same * banuty and stop ... =)

Where are you going? - To the races. - Then hurry up. Your horse has called twice already.

Do not say that the world is sad, Do not say that it is difficult to live, Be able to laugh, believe and love among the ruins of life.

Decisions made in the middle of the night usually lose their validity in daylight!

When you throw dirt at a person, remember that it may not reach him. And it will remain in your arms ...

There will always be someone for whom you will serve as an example. Don't let this man down ...

I do not talk about life, I live.

If vanity does not cast all our virtues to dust, then, in any case, it shakes them.

The search for mutual love is like a car race: we chase one, others chase us, and we find reciprocity only by flying into the oncoming lane.

I set a status about love, I'm waiting for love.

Better love without a future than a future ... without love ...

Do not waste dear words to cheap people.

It is unlikely that any of the proctologists dreamed of becoming what he became in childhood. It just happened that life ...

No need to look for clever phrases, you need to think with your head!

People who are afraid to dream convince themselves that they are not dreaming at all.

You can fool anyone, but never a fool.

Love is the desire to live.

I was created from caress, tears, love and hate, happiness and sorrow, from pain and bliss, from screaming and smiling.

You feel like an adult when you wear a hat, not because your mother said so, but because it's really cold ...

There are three things that never come back: Time, Word, Opportunity. Therefore: do not waste time, choose your words and do not miss the opportunity!

Having bitten an apple, it is always more pleasant to see a whole worm in it than its half ...

There has never been a great mind without an admixture of madness.

Don't say everything you know. This will not be enough.

Beware of the person who praises you for your missing virtues, for he may reproach you for your missing flaws.

For a horseshoe to bring good luck, you need to work hard like a horse.

Those who have experienced great passions, then all their lives rejoice at their healing and grieve for it.

He is very mistaken who thinks that he loves his mistress only for her love for him.

Do not smile while reading this status - I have been afraid of horses since childhood!

Learn the rules to be able to bypass them.

Behind the back they say whatever. In the face - what is profitable.

If your man went “to the left” the main thing is not to meet him there.

Nothing is impossible in this life. It only happens that there are not enough attempts ...

Better to be smart and sometimes dumb than to be dumb and always be smart!

A smart girl looks after herself, a stupid one for her boyfriend ...

Whatever life teaches us, but the heart believes in miracles.

monk Simeon the Athonite

I never take offense, I just change my mind about a person ...

If you love a person as he is, then you love him. If you are trying to radically change him, then you love yourself. That's all.

Self-love is a life-long romance.

Life is short - break the rules - Goodbye quickly - Kiss slowly - Love sincerely - Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret what made you smile!

A woman never knows what she wants, but she will not rest until she has achieved it.

Do not think what happened ... Do not guess what will happen ... Take care of what is ...

Don't pretend - be. Don't promise - act. Don't dream - do it !!!

Happiness runs for a minute, from time to time, to those who have learned to do without it. And only to him ...

The thinner the ice, the more people wants to see if he can handle it.

The one whose merit has already been rewarded with genuine glory should be most ashamed of the effort he makes to get credit for every trifle.

Everyone sees what you seem to be, few people feel who you are.

Yes, this is not an easy job - to drag the idiot out of the swamp ...

Making up to the first is not humiliation, but best feature person.

Life is short, but fame can be eternal.

Yes, this is not an easy job - to drag the idiot out of the swamp.

I understand everything, but for whom to hang an advertisement of the latest Audi model in the subway ?!

Do not regret the past - it did not regret you.

We judge the smallest infidelity in relation to us much more severely than the most insidious betrayal in relation to others.

They don't plan friendship, they don't shout about love, they don't prove the truth.

Love is a slow poison, the one who drank it will live a sweet moment, and the one who never tries will live unhappily forever!

It is not difficult to slam the door when leaving loudly, it is difficult to knock on it quietly when you return ...

Our ideality is in our imperfection.

My mother's smile is dearer than all yours ...

Do you have vodka? - Are you 18? - Do you have a license? - Well, okay, okay, why did it start right away?

Wise quotes- You cannot go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish.

Those who wait patiently do, in the end, get something, but usually this is what is left after people who did not wait.

Only those who are worse than us think badly of us, and those who are better than us, they simply have no time for us. - Omar Khayyam.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He reaches with his nose where his soul has not grown.

Any luck is the result of a long preparation ...

Life is a mountain. You go up slowly, you go down quickly. - Guy de Maupassant.

Only advise when asked. - Confucius.

Time doesn't like to be wasted. - Henry Ford.

Nothing is impossible in this life. It only happens that there are not enough attempts ...

Don't make decisions when you're angry. Don't make promises when you're happy.

There are two ways to live your life. One way is to think there are no miracles. The second is to think that everything that happens is a miracle. - Albert Einstein.

Truly, always where there is a lack of reasonable arguments - they are replaced by a cry. - Leonardo da Vinci.

Don't judge what you don't know about - the rule is simple: to remain silent is much better than to say empty.

A person finds time for everything that he really wants. - F.M. Dostoevsky.

We will not come to this world for the second time, we will not find our friends again. Hold on for a moment ... After all, it will not repeat itself, as you yourself will not repeat itself in it ...

They don't plan friendship, they don't shout about love, they don't prove the truth. - Friedrich Nietzsche.

Our life is a consequence of our thoughts; it is born in our heart, it is created by our thought. If a person speaks and acts with a kind thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves.

I hate arrogant people who put themselves above others. I just want to give them a ruble and say, if you find out your worth - you will return the change ... - L.N. Tolstoy.

Human disputes are endless, not because it is impossible to find the truth, but because the disputants are not looking for the truth, but self-affirmation. - Buddhist wisdom.

Choose a job you like and you won't have to work a single day in your life. - Confucius.

It is not enough to know, it is necessary and to apply. It is not enough to want, you have to do it.

A bee, having plunged a steel sting, does not know that it is gone ... So fools, blowing poison, do not understand what they are doing. - Omar Khayyam.

The kinder we become, the more kindness others treat us, and the more good in us, the easier it is for us to see the good around us.

The clever are not so much looking for loneliness as they avoid the fuss created by fools. - Arthur Schopenhauer.

Everything will be fine, everything will be cool, life gives us a chance every minute.

Falling is part of life, getting up is living it, being alive is a gift, and being happy is your choice.

It doesn't matter how many doors close in front of your nose - remember that there is one that is specially designed for you.

Kelly Clarkson

Circus performers will tell you that the most difficult thing is to juggle objects of different weights - when some are very light, others are very heavy. But this is what you have been doing all your life.

"Gilbert Sesbronne"

The life of a person between heaven and earth is like the rapid leap of a white horse through a crevice, a moment - and it flew by.

Chuang Tzu

Do not be afraid! Do not fall! Hold on!
Let the heart vibrate in your chest!
You know! Life is not so scary
How do we react to it!

"Pasha Brosky"

In the end, if you do not allow yourself to sometimes be a naive jerk, life will lose a good half of the pleasures.

"Max Fry"

In an ocean of illusion, sailing far from the coast is life-threatening.

Life hits everyone with its "muzzle" on the table, but each in its own time.

How does he care about his life? Do not interfere with yourself, do not stop yourself. Live freely, and nothing more. Let your ears listen to what you want; let your eyes look at what you want; let your mouth say what you want; allow the body to rest as you want; let your heart think as you want; thought wants freedom, and to hinder it means not letting it go forward.

If you accept your fate and submit to the inevitable, neither joy nor sorrow will find access to you; in the old days it was called "freeing from the noose."

Chuang Tzu

My God, as life slipped by, I never even heard the nightingales sing.

Dmitry Shcheglov

If they can live without you at least one day, without knowing how you are and what happened to you, then they can live without you all the other days.

It happens that one does not want to live, but that does not mean that one wants not to live.

"Stanislav Jerzy Lec"

People don't know how to live. They are not taught this.

"Coco Chanel"

Life, not film, cannot be rewound ...

To live badly, unreasonably, intemperately means not to live badly, but to die slowly.


To get what you want out of life, you must first of all determine what you want.

"Keanu Reeves"

There are two possible solutions here. It will all end and someone will suffer or it will not end and someone will suffer. So the end is always bad, but the beginning is far from always! Everything ends sooner or later, life ends, but this does not mean that one cannot get pleasure from it.

Here it is, life. Everything is always the same: one is waiting for the other, but he is not and is not. Someone always loves more than they love him. And the hour comes when you want to destroy what you love so that it no longer torments you.

"Ray Bradbury"

Everything has been given to me to live an exalted life. And I am dying in laziness, debauchery and dreaming.

"Daniil Ivanovich Kharms"

Life is short - four sips from Eternity - childhood, youth, maturity, old age.

Is joy possible in life when day and night you have to ponder that death awaits you?

"Cicero Mark Tullius"

Life is an almost continuous chain of your own discoveries.

The life allotted to us is short by nature, but the memory of a life well lived remains forever ...


Like a reflection of the moon in water, mortal life is fragile; knowing this, do good incessantly.

Several times in our life we ​​are faced with a choice when the decision made determines our entire further destiny... And no one will make this choice for you, only you yourself.

Live so that people, when faced with you, smile, and, communicating with you, become a little happier.

Living on Earth may be a little expensive, but you get a free annual cruise around the Sun.

It is necessary that we all remember that we must die, and that we all live as if we were sure that we must live forever.

"Guicciardini Francesco"

There are only three rules in life:

  1. Paradox. Life is a mystery. Don't waste your time. Try to comprehend it.
  2. Humor. Maintain a sense of humor, especially in relation to yourself - it's limitless power.
  3. Change. Know nothing stays the same.

Everything will be as it should be. Good or bad, we will understand later. It hurts not always bad, but pleasant is not always good.

"Dmitry Emets"

Death is worth living
And love is worth the wait.

"Viktor Tsoi"

Human life, as I sometimes think, is shaped more with the help of books than with the help of living people: after all, it is from books that you learn about love and suffering.

Graham Greene

The gods envy us because we are mortal. Any moment in our life can be the last. After all, life is brighter and more beautiful when it is finite. You will never be more beautiful than you are now. And we will never be here again.

If you think that everything is fine in your life and everything is fine, then you do not know what life looks like on the next level.

"Ildus Kutuev"

There must be pauses in life, such pauses when nothing happens to you, when you just sit and look at the World, and the World is looking at you.

Karl Renz

If you are going to create something great one day, remember - one day is today.

"Steven Spielberg"

The meaning of life is unthinkable - without meaningful comprehension.

The number of years lived will never force us to admit that we have lived enough.

Robert Downey the Younger

Sharing happiness with others, you do not reduce the size of your own, but on the contrary, expand its boundaries ...

Some say, "It was meant to be, it was meant to be."
Well, I don’t know, I don’t believe in destiny. I believe people have a choice. It is he who determines the fate, and it may be that human choice determines the Universe itself.

Bernard Werber

Life is a game. It all depends on you, your ideas, your thoughts. You just need to get your ass off the couch and go forward, albeit slowly, but to the top!

"Freddie Mercury"

Your life is the result of your own actions. Don't blame anyone but yourself.

Joseph Campbell

Although human life has no value, we always act as if there was something even more valuable.

"Francois de Saint-Exupery"

There are many decorations in the world, the game never stops, and those who saw the bare grates in all their terrible nudity and did not recoil in fright - he can imagine an endless number of scenes with a wide variety of decorations. Tristan and Isolde never died. Neither Romeo and Juliet, nor Hamlet, nor Faust, nor the first butterfly, nor the last requiem died. " She realized that nothing perishes, everything only undergoes a series of transformations.

"Erich Maria Remarque"

Even if it seems to us that nothing is changing in life, it still happens gradually. As imperceptibly as the seasons change, our feelings change.

Anyone who understands that the meaning of human life lies in worry and anxiety will no longer be an ordinary person.

"Alexander Alexandrovich Blok"

Our life is just a collection of many small lives, each one day long. And every day you need to live in love and beauty, admiring flowers and birds, enjoying the moment.

Nicholas Sparks

As the sea sand again and again lies on top of the old, so the old in life is quickly brought in by the new.

"Marcus Aurelius"

Life itself is neither good nor evil: it is a receptacle for both good and evil, depending on what you yourself have turned it into.

"Montaigne Michel"

The world doesn't care about your self-esteem. Life will require you to finish the job BEFORE you feel confident.

"Bill Gates"

Although we are mortal, we should not submit to perishable things, but, as far as possible, rise to immortality and live according to what is best in us.


Life is not a melting candle for me. It's like a wonderful torch that fell into my hands for a moment, and I want to make it glow as brightly as possible before passing it on to future generations.

"Bernard Show"

There are only two real tragedies in life: one when you don't get what you want, and the other when you get it. The second is more terrible, because when you get what you want, you are most often disappointed.

Oscar Wilde

Don't let your life be just a dead ritual. Let there be moments of the inexplicable. Let there be some things that are mysterious, for which you cannot give any reason. Let there be some actions that make people think you are a little hello. A person who is one hundred percent normal is not alive. A little madness next to sanity is always a great joy.

Life is an art, for the mastery of which knowledge is necessary, knowledge of the goal to which one should strive.


Whatever you do in life, it will be insignificant. But it is very important that you do it.

"Mahatma Gandhi"

Life has no meaning. All living things arose under the influence of certain conditions, and under the influence of other conditions it can end. Man is one of the diverse types of this life. He is not the crown of the universe, but a product of the environment.

"Somerset Maugham"

What is the meaning of life?

The answer to this question may lie in the stages of life already passed and accomplished achievements. A person must understand where his life is directed and what is its content. The absence of global goals that go beyond consciousness can cause problems in a person's life. Namely, discomfort when being in the surrounding reality. There are a number of questions that need to be answered appropriately:

  1. What are your goals in life?
  2. What is it worth living in this world for?
  3. What are the main values ​​in life?

By answering all these questions, you can get closer to an individual opinion. And to understand what is more important in the life of every person and what gives meaning to life. It is important to understand that you cannot be limited only by physiological needs. In this case, the person will not be truly happy.

Only by coming up with a truly main goal can you understand the meaning life path... To achieve the goal, it is important to understand and divide life into necessary and useless steps. Only by finding a balance can one abstractly assert that the meaning of life is a thing like a compass that will indicate the right path.

Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you would die tomorrow.

"Benjamin Franklin"

Never regret what you did if you were happy at that moment.

"Omar Khayam"

There are things in the world for which you can give your life, but there is nothing for which you can take it.


If there is a worthy goal, then it simplifies our existence.

"Haruki Murakami"

Life is not a zebra of black and white stripes, but a chessboard. It all depends on your move.

Respect yourself so much that you do not give all the strength of your soul and heart to someone who does not need them.

Our character is the result of our behavior.


If you want someone to stay in your life, never be indifferent to him!

"Richard Bach"

Life is nothing more than work and you must finish it with dignity.


You should not look at life pessimistic, more pessimistic than it looks at you.

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One had to live in such a way that old age would not be ashamed of senselessly lived years.

"M. Bitter"

A useless life is much more to be feared than death.

Purpose determines meaning in life.

Even a life without pleasure has a certain meaning.


The meaning of life is that it has its end.

Franz Kafka

My life was not happy, but it was my life.

Our path is only one moment. Live now, then there will simply be no time.

"A. P. Chekhov "

The answers given by all sciences about the meaning of life are only identities.

"Lev Tolstoy"

His Majesty's chance plays an important role in my life.

"Oksana Stashenko"

It is very important to learn not to hold anyone. Is there good people- rejoice, there is no one nearby - rest, rethink life.

No matter how serious life is, you always need someone to fool around with.

Do not grieve about anything in advance and do not rejoice at something that does not yet exist.

Live as you can, since you can't live as you want.

Life is too complicated a thing to talk about in all seriousness.

To live is to do work of fiction from myself.

If you have not endowed life with value, it will not have it.

"AND. Bergman "

Not having a purpose in life is like not having a head for a person.

The essence of common sense is a person's ability to make wise decisions in difficult situations.

"Jane Austen"

It does not matter how old you are, the only important thing is how many roads you have traveled.

Jimi Hendrix

First you need to be honest, and only then - noble.

"Winston Churchill"

Short quotes about life

Life is too unpredictable not to appreciate it.

Your thoughts become your life.

"Marcus Aurelius"

To take everything from life is to give yourself entirely to it.

"Arkady Davidovich"

Everyone should know how to prepare for the future life.

"Otto von Bismarck"

He who is good is free, even if he is a slave; the one who is angry is a slave, even if he is a king.

"Aurelius Augustine"

Common sense is a bad judge when it comes to important subjects.

"Joseph Renan"

Happy is he who knows how to enjoy today and does not wait for tomorrow to be happy.

To do what gives pleasure is to be free.

Those who look back too often can easily stumble and fall.

"Erich Maria Remarque"

Be self-taught, don't wait to be taught by life.

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