General signs such as collected worms. The internal structure of the rainworm

Main characteristic features Ring Worms are:

Secondary, or nominal, body cavity;

The appearance of blood and respiratory systems;

Sectional system in the form of metanephridium.

a brief description of


Sea and freshwater, terrestrial and underground animals

Body structure

The body is elongated, a worm-shaped, metaireral structure. Bilateral symmetry. Three-layer. Multi-point parapody has parapody

Body cover

Cuticle. In each segment 8 or more bristles for movement. In the skin a lot of glands. In the skin and muscular bag Longitudinal and transverse muscles

Body cavity

Secondary body cavity - whole, filled with liquid that performs the role of the hydraulic

Digestive system

Mouth, throat, esophagus, goiter, stomach, intestines, anal hole

Respiratory system

Breathing with the entire body surface. Multi-point there are outdoor gills

Circulatory system

Closed. One circle circulation. Heart no. Red Blood


A pair of tubes in each meta camera - metanephrium

Nervous system

Occonditioning Nervous Ring, Abdominal Nervous Staircase Chain

Sense organs

Related and photosensitive cells, multigremal eyes have eyes

Sex system and development

Hermaphrodites. Fertilization cross. Development without metamorphosis. Internal fertilization. Multi-solid separation, fertilization external, development with metamorphosis

The main classes of type are non-timeline, multi-minded, leeches.

A.G. Lebedev "Preparing for the Biology Exam"

Main Aromorphoses:

1. The emergence of the secondary cavity of the body-organizer.

2. Metor structure body.

3. The appearance of a closed circulatory system.

4. Extraction system of methonephridial type.

5. A higher organized nervous system and senses.

6. The emergence of respiratory organs.

7. The emergence of organs of movement.

The overall characteristics of the ringed worms.

An extensive group of animals, including about 12k species.

Dwell mainly in the seas, as well as in fresh waters And on land.

They are characterized by the following features of the organization:

1. Metomium (correct repetition of similar to each other organs along the axis of the body of the animal). Externally, this is expressed in the fact that the entire body of the worm is divided with harshs on separate segments (rings). Therefore, the ring worms are also called the ringers. Along with the outer, there is an internal segmentation, which is expressed in the repeatability of many internal organs.

As a result, each segment to some extent is an independent unit of a holistic system.

Metomirion can be homonal (all segments are the same) and heteronal (if the segments differ from each other). For ringworms, it is characterized mainly chomona segmentation.

Metomirion arose with the need to increase mobility by increasing the muscles and muscle mass in length. However, it comes to a new problem management and increase the amount of organs to ensure full-fledged life.

Thus, the biological meaning of metomium in general is:

a) solving the problem of body management;

b) all the processes of vital activity are strengthened, as the same organs are repeated;

c) the stock of biological strength increases;

d) due to the presence of metomery, ringed worms are capable of regeneration.

From an evolutionary point of view, segmentation opens the way to specialization and defraentials of cells, which leads to a decrease in energy costs. And the emergence of heteronal segmentation. The occurrence of heteromonian segmentation is observed in some ringed worms, for example, in nonreide.

2. For the first time, the rings are noted the process of cefollization, that is, the formation of the head unit.

3. The skin-muscular bag is well developed.

Due to what, the collected worms make complex wave-like and re-elated movements. The lateral growth of body-parpletium body, which are the organs of movement, play a major role. Parapodya is another one of the ways to increase the mobility of ring worms. Best of all paropodies from multi-singing rings.

Unlessnickens and leeches of parplets were subjected to one degree or another, reduction.

4. Killed worms Have a secondary body cavity. Unlike the primary cavity of the body of the schisoycel, the whole has been lined with a special kind epithelium. In essence, it is an internal organ and has its own walls.

Overall, as well as the whole body of ringed worms, segmented.

5. The digestive system is well differentiated to the departments.

Some species have salivary glands. The front and rear part of the intestine of ectodermal origin, medium endodermal origin.

6. The main allocation bodies are metanephria. This is an open excretory system associated with the whole and ensuring not only the function of the selection, but also the regulation of the water regime.

Methanefridia are located in segments. In this case, the metanephridium funnel is located in one segment, and the excretory channel opens in the adjacent segment.

7. In most ringed worms, a closed circulatory system. This means that blood is flowing only by vessels and there is a network of capillaries between the arteries and veins.

8. Breathing is carried out through the skin, but some representatives have new respiratory gills.

In the gills turns the dorsal parapody.

9. The nervous system consists of paired spinal coggles and the abdominal nervous chain.

Paired spines along the brain are divided into front, medium and rear gangli. This is the difference from the previous groups of worms.

10. The senses are developed to a better extent than that of flat and round worms.

There are eyes capable of many rings to accommodation. Touch bodies, equilibrium organs (stamotocists), chemical feelings, and some more hearing organs arranged by type of locators.

Ring Worms in most separately, but is often observed hermaphroditism. Development often flows with metamorphosis. A typical larva of marine rings is called Trichor (carrier cilia).

Thus, the progressive features of the organization are traced in the ring worms: the presence of the organizer, the metaalog of the structure, the appearance of the blood system, methanephridium, a higher-organized nervous system and sense organs. Along with these features, there are signs rapping them with lower worms (primitive signs: the larvae of three phophylas has a primary body cavity, protonfridia, an orthogonal nervous system, and on early stages Development, blind intestine).

These features are found in adult rings from primitive groups.

Type includes 3 classes:class Polychate or Multi-Point Worms, olehechta class or Unavythinkic worms, leech class.

Class Polyhetete (Multi-Point Worms)

Central Class of Ring Worms, Difficult the greatest number species.

Some ringed worms are freely floating in water, for example, non-rigid, others are buried in the sand, for example, Peskodel. There are seating polychates living in lime tubes, such as Serpulides and crawling in the bottom of Afrodites.

External structure Polyhete.

The body consists of a head unit, segmented torso and anal leopard (Peregidius).

The head unit is formed by a head blade, a surgery and the mouth segment of the -peristomium. On the head, many polycetes have eyes and feeling appendages. For example, at Nereda there are 2 pairs of eyes, tentacles, twin-chip plates and olfactory pits. On the peristomium there is a mouth from below, and several pairs of mustache on the sides. The body consists of segments, the number of which can reach up to 800.

Free-breed stray polychite is best expressed by chomona segmentation. Heteroman segmentation is inherent in seating and partly to the milling forms.

On the torso segments there are par of refinery, with which polychaetes float, crawl or break into the ground. Each paroption consists of a basal part and two blades: spinal (notopodia) and abdominal (insection). At the base of the parmeta on the spinal side there is a dorsal, and on the abdominal side of the abdominal mustache. Some species of the dorsal mustache parpleti turns into filament gills. Paropodies armed with bristles with bristles consisting of an organic matter close to chitina.

One of the bristles of each blade is most developed and is called acycula. This is a supporting bristle. The muscles are attached to its base, leading the entire bundle. In some species, leading or attached lifestyle, parplets are reduced. Anal blade does not bear any appendages.

Skin-muscular bag.

The body polychite is covered with a single epithelium, which highlights thin cuticle to the surface. Epithelium can be wilderness. It is rich in unicellular glands that allocate mucus and substances, of which many seating polychas build their pipes. Under the epithelium, the annular and longitudinal muscles occur. Longitudinal muscles form 4 strongly developed tapes: 2 on the dorsal side and 2 on the abdominal.

In addition, there are oblique muscles, passing obliquely from the dorsal part of the skin-muscular bag to the abdominal. Secondary body body cavity. In fact, it is a bag filled with a strip fluid, which is separated from all tissues and organs by a nuclear epithelium of mesodermal origin.

Thus, the longitudinal muscles, intestines and internal organs are covered with single-layer epithelium.

Another feature of the organizer in a polychaete is to his metaidral structure.

This means that each body segment polychate has essentially its cavity, fully separated from the cavities of the neighboring segments with special partitions consisting of two-layer epithelium.

In addition, the organic cavity in each segment is fully divided into the right and left half of the longitudinal, also a two-layer partition. Inside this partition passes the intestine, and over and under the intestines, also inside this partition, are spinal and abdominal blood vessels.

That is, in each inner segment of polychites there are 2 nominal bags. The epithelial walls of these bags are closely adjacent on one side to the muscles of the skin-muscular bag, and on the other to the intestines and each other, covering the intestine from both sides and blood vessels. This part of the walls of the nuclei bags is called spinal and abdominal mesenter or splatter.

Overall performs several functions:


See more:

1. Continue fill in the table.

2. Explain the approval.

For the first time, ring worms have a secondary body cavity and cellular structure. In the inner structure there is a circulatory system. The excretory system is represented by more developed metanephrides. Most of the rings are free-lived, some have a semblance of feet - parapody. All bilateral symmetry. There are organs of feelings.

We will write about the protective function of partitions.

Each segment of ringworms is separated by a partition and has a full set of nerve nodes, nephonds, ring vessels and sex glands. If the integrity of one segment is broken, it affects the vital activity of the worm affects a small extent.

4. List the features of the structure of the rings.

Some types of rings have parapody and bristles for movement.

Those species that do not have parapodies have bristles or their body is covered with mucus for better sliding. The muscular system of all rings is represented by annular and longitudinal muscles.

5. We will finish the scheme.
a) digestive system of rings
b) the nervous system of rings
c) organs of the senses of rings

We will write about the division of the body of the ring.

Regeneration can occur, and the worm will restore lost parts. That is, there will be a useless reproduction.

7. We write an answer to the formation of the belt.

Maybe. In some multi-pectic worms living in the seas and related ring worms, reproduction occurs in water, exterior fertilization.

But most of the rings reproduction occurs with the help of a belt.

8. Explain the relationship.

There is a direct relationship between the number of discharge eggs and care for the offspring. Some polycetes are laying down a bit of eggs, and the female guards them. This means that Killed Worms are more progressive than previous types of worms.

We list the power methods Polyhete.

Among the multi-minded worms there are predators that feed on small marine animals. There are omnivorous, filtering water and fed by plants.

10. We will finish the proposals.

Polish development occurs with alternating life forms.

Their larvae are not like adults. Each life form performs various functions: reproduction, resettlement, self-preservation. Some polychites have concern for offspring.

11. We will finish the scheme.
Value Polyhete in Nature

Filter water.
2. They feed fish.
3. Feed on remnants of dead animals.

12. We will write differences in the nutrition of different worms.

Unavythinkic worms feed organic substances From the plant balances of the soil, and predators, and omnivorous, and herbivores are found among multish items.

We will write common devices from the simplest and oligochet.

To transfer adverse conditions, many simplest form a cistol, and the oligochettes are a protective capsule, and fall into the range. These formations are similar to the functions performed.

14. Denote in the figure the structure of the rainworm. Make a conclusion.

Conclusion: The primary body cavity is supported. It contains a liquid that gives the body of the worm of elasticity.

We list the features of leeches.
1) constant number of body segments (33)
2) Availability of suckers for attaching to the sacrifice or substrate.
3) the absence of bristles on the body.
4) All leeches live in aquatic environment.

16. We call foods of leeches.

17. Determine the type and class of worms.

Explain the feature of the leech.

Vehives have a nervous system developed better.

19. Explain the approval.

The statement is not true. The leeches are very sensitive to the purity of water and dying in contamination. The oligochetes are still enduring water pollution and can live long in such water bodies.

Wire an answer about guitars.

The girudine is necessary for the obstacle to blood coagulation in the victim's wound and in the stomach itself of the leech itself. If it is not produced, the leech will not be able to eat, as the blood will come.

21. We call the role of leeches in medicine.

The leeches are used in medicine to reduce blood pressure in hypertension and the threat of hemorrhage, stroke.

We indicate the characteristics of the college worms classes.
Classes like ringed worms.

A - 1, 2, 8, 10, 16
B - 4, 6, 11, 12, 17
B - 3, 5, 7, 9, 14, 15

We write the answers to crossword number 1.

1. Capsule
2. Subtle
3. Polyhetes
4. cavity
5. Chain
6. Oligochettes
7. Chain

Keyword: rings

Type of ringed worms

Aromorphosis type:

1) the presence of movement organs;

2) the appearance of respiratory and closed circulating system;

3) Secondary body cavity.

The type of ring worms covers about 8,000 species of higher worms, which have a much more complex organization than previous types.

Main features like:

The body of worms are composed of a head blades (narrowness), segmented torso and rear anal blades (Pihydia). On the head blades there are organs of feelings.

There is a well-developed skin-muscular bag.

3. The secondary cavity of the body or the whole (the space between the body wall and the internal organs with its own epithelial lining, which separates the strip fluid from all surrounding tissues and organs, appears at the ringed worms. It is divided into cameras in accordance with external segmentation.

4. The river hole lies on the abdominal side of the first trunking of the body.

The digestive system is composed of the oral cavity, pharynx, middle intestine and rear, which opens the anal hole at the end of the anal blade.

5. Most has a well-developed closed circulatory system.

6. Options are performed by metanephridia.

Metaphridia is called open excretory organs, unlike closed protonfritis.

MetaPridia begins with a more or less expanded funnel - nephrosty, seated with cilia and opening in the cavity of the segment. From nephrosta, the nephond canal begins, which takes place in the next segment. Here the channel forms a complex tangle and opens with an excretory hole out.

The nervous system consists of paired over-and-sodium ganglia, associated with the ocular nervous ring and the abdominal nervous chain. The latter is a pair of longitudinally pinned trunks forming nerve nodes in each segment.

The most primitive collected worms of separatogues; Part of the partly appears hermaphroditism.

9. Egg crushing goes on a spiral type.

10. At the lowest type of development, development proceeds with metamorphosis, a typical larva - Throhofor.

According to the most common look, the ringed worms occurred from the lowest non-banned worms.

The type is divided into three classes - the unobtinka (the representative of the rainworm), multi-minded (Nareis, Ponkodel) and leeches.

It is believed that in the course of evolution, multi-minded gave the beginning of arthropod.

1. Flat worms:

a) two-layer animals;

b) three-layer animals.

Specify the separation organs at the bull chain:

a) protonfridia;

b) metanephrium;

3. Intermediate owner of the hepatic sequence:

a) cow;

b) Small Prudovik;

c) man.

4. The complication of round worms compared to flat is associated with the appearance:

a) three-layer body structure;

b) nervous system;

c) hermaphroditism;

d) through digestive system.

a) type round worms;

b) class of ribbon worms;

c) class of seashers?

How many layers of muscles have round worms?

a) one; b) two; at three o'clok.

7. How many segments has a rainworm body?

a) 20-30; 6) 250; c) up to 180; d) 50.

8. Among the ringed worms, real parapodies have only:

a) oligochet; b) Polyhete; c) leeches.

For Polyhete, it is characteristic (-th; -o):

a) separatability;

b) hermaphroditism;

c) binding.

10. What body cavity at Nered:

a) intestinal; b) primary;

c) secondary; d) filled with parenchym


R.G. Zayats, I.V. Rachkovskaya et al. Biology for applicants. Minsk, "Unipress", 2009, p. 129-177.

2. L.N. Pescentskaya. Biology.

Minsk, "Avermev", 2007, p. 195-202.

3. N.D. Lisov, N.A. Lemes and other biology. Minsk, "AVERSEV", 2009, p.169-188.

4. E.I. Shepelevich, V.M. Glushko, T.V. Maksimova. Biology for schoolchildren and applicants. Minsk, "Universalpress", 2007, p. 404-413.

Number of species: about 75 thousand.

Habitat: In saline and fresh waters, are found in the soil. Water crawl along the bottom, buried in il. Some of them lead a sedentary lifestyle - build a protective tube and never leave it. There are plankton species.

Structure: Bilateral symmetric worms having a secondary body cavity and divided into segments (rings) body. In the body, they allocate the head (head blade), torso and tail (anal blade) departments. The secondary cavity (whole), in contrast to the primary cavity, is lined with its own inner epithelium, which separates the nominal fluid from the muscles and internal organs. The liquid acts on the role of the hydraulic drainage, and also participates in the metabolism. Each segment is a compartment containing external body grids, two nominal bags, nodes of the nervous system, excretory and genital organs. The ring worms have a skin-muscular bag consisting of one layer of skin epithelium and two layers of muscles: ring and longitudinal. On the body there may be muscular grown - parapody, which are vehicle organs, as well as bristles.

Circulatory system For the first time appeared during the evolution in the ringed worms. It is closed type: blood is moving only by vessels, not falling into the body cavity. There are two main vessels: the dorsal (carries blood from behind in the back) and the abdominal (carries blood to front of back). In each segment they are connected by annular vessels. Blood moves due to the ripple of the spinal vessel or "hearts" - ring vessels 7-19 body segments.

The respiratory system is absent. Ring Worms - aerobes. Gas exchange occurs through the entire surface of the body. Some multi-point skin gills appeared - parapodius grows.

For the first time during the evolution, multicellular separational organs - metanefridia. They consist of a funnel with cilia and excretory channel located in the next segment. The funnel is facing the body cavity, the tubules open on the surface of the body separatingly sometime, through which decomposition products are removed from the body.

Nervous system It is formed by the incapacity of the nerve ring, which is particularly developed by the paired durable (brain) gangliya, and the abdominal nervous chain, consisting of pairwise epipped abdominal nerve nodes in each segment. From the "brain" ganglia and the nervous chain moves the nerves to organs and the skin.

Feeling organs: Eyes - organs of vision, pepatoes, tentacles (antennas) and Ugings - the bodies of touch and chemical feelings are located on the head blades in multi-art. In unauthorized in connection with the underground lifestyle, the senses are poorly developed, but in the skin there are photosensitive cells, tanging and equilibrium organs.

Reproduction and development

Multiply in gender and nonsense - fragmentation (separation) of the body, thanks high degree Regeneration. Multi-playing worms also occur to boring.
Multi-point - separation, and non-timing and leeches - hermaphrodites. Outdoor fertilization, Hermaphrodites - Cross, i.e. worms exchange seed liquid. Freshwater and soil worms Development direct, i.e. Young individuals come out of the egg. In marine forms, the development is indirect: from the egg it turns out the larva - Trichofor.


The type of ring worms are divided into three classes: multi-art, unobtrey, leeches.

Unavythinkic worms (oligochettes), mostly dwell in the soil, but there are freshwater forms. A typical representative living in the soil is a rainworm. It has an elongated, cylindrical body. Small forms - about 0.5 mm, the most large representative reaches almost 3 m (gigantic rainworm from Australia). On each segment of 8 bristles, four pairs of the sides of the segments are located. Censing them for the unevenness of the soil, the worm with the help of the muscles of the skin-muscular bag moves forward. As a result of the nutrition of rotting plants and humus, the digestive system has a number of features. Its front department is divided into a muscular pharynx, esophagus, goiter and muscular stomach.

The rainworm breathes through the entire surface of his body due to the presence of a thick subcutaneous network of capillary blood vessels.

Rain worms - hermaphrodites. Fertilization cross. Cryships are applied to each other with abdominal sides and exchange seed fluid, which falls into seed. After that, the worms are diverged. In the front third of the body there is a subtle, which forms a mucous membrane, eggs are deposited into it. When promoting the coupling through segments containing seed recipients, eggs are fertilized with sperms belonging to another individual. The coupling is reset through the front end of the body, compacted and turns into an egg cocoon, where young worms develop. For raindling worms, high ability to regenerate is characteristic.

Longitudinal cut of the body of the rainworm: 1 - mouth; 2 - throat; 3 - esophagus; 4 - goiter; 5 - stomach; 6 - intestine; 7 - Occollectric ring; 8 - abdominal nervous chain; 9 - "Hearts"; 10 - spinal blood vessel; 11 - abdominal blood vessel.

The value of the oligochet in the soil formation. Even Ch. Darwin noted their useful influence on soil fertility. Slipping the remains of plants into minks, they enrich it by humus. Putting in the soil moves, they contribute to the penetration of air and water to the roots of plants, loosen the soil.

Multi-point. Representatives of this class are also called polychate. They live mainly in the seas. The clad body polychet consists of three departments: a head blade, segmented torso and the rear anal blade. Head blades are armed with appendages - tentacles and carries small eyes. The next segment is a mouth with a throat, which can be turned out and often has chitinous jaws. On segments of the body there are two-way parapodies armed with bristles and often having gill growing.

Among them are active predators who can float rather quickly, wavely flexing the body (Neret), many of them lead a way of life, spending long minks in the sand or in Ile.

Fertilization is commonly external, the embryo turns into a characteristic larvae - a threefore, which is actively floating with cilia.

Class Leeches Combines about 400 species. Vehives have an elongated body and fightered in the spinal abdominal direction. In the front end there is one mouth suction cup in the back - another suction cup. They do not have parapody and bristles, they float, waving a wavely flexing body, or "walk" on the ground or leaves. The body of leeches is covered with cuticle. Leeches - hermaphrodites, the development is direct. They are used in medicine, because Due to the isolation of the protein of the girutin, the development of blood clots, blocking blood vessels, is preventing blood vessels.

Origin: The ringed originated from primitive, similar to flat crystal worms. Multi-stitched unawares occurred, and from them - leeches.

New concepts and terms:, Polycetes, oligochettes, whole, segments, parapody, metanefridia, nephrost, closed circulatory system, skin gills, trichofora, weight.

Questions for consolidation:

· Why did the collee worms got such a name?

· Why are ringworms call as secondary-free?

· What features of the structure of ringed worms indicate their higher organization compared to flat and round? What bodies and system systems for the first time appear in ringed worms?

· What is characteristic of the structure of each body segment?

· What is the meaning of the ringed worms in the nature and life of a person?

· What are the features of the structure of ringed worms due to their lifestyle and habitat?

The most famous representative of the ringed worms is the rainworm, the most unpleasant - boil.

But first consider general structure Ring worms.

They are called them due to the segments of the body - it seems that the body consists of stitched with each other rings. This is called "segmented".

On the outer layer - on the cuticle in the ringed worms there are sprints - bristles present on each segment.

Like, and in the worms, the muscular fabric is well developed, the muscular fabric is well developed - the skin-muscular bag helps move.

Internal structure ring worms

  • Ring Worms - Performance
  • the secondary body cavity, as well as the body itself, is segmented, due to this, with the "accident" - the loss of part of the body, the worm does not die. Body regeneration is very developed.

Digestive system:

roth → Harness → Esword → Stomach → Init → Anus

Options: nephrium - specialized tubules, which are also segmented.

Breath: Without the surface of the body, there are no specialized organs.

Circulatory system:for ring worms, she is! A closed system from vessels and muscle thickening - "hearts".

Nervous system:"Head Brain" - gangli and abdominal nervous chain. The nervous system is also segmented.

The structure of the gender system of ring worms

There are separate individuals, there are hermaphrodites.

Fertilization can be inner and external.

Direct, in some with the transformation - larva.

Killed worms are very useful for soil - due to their movement of the soil becomes loose, therefore, the roots of the plants get oxygen access.

Concerning leechThis is very interesting representatives of the type.

Leeches (Hirudinea) have a flattened body, painted usually into brown or green tones. There are suckers in the front and rear ends of the body. The length of the body is from 0.2 to 15 cm. Tentacles, parapody and, as a rule, there are no bristles. Musculature is well developed. The secondary body cavity is reduced. Skin breathing, some have gills. Most leeches have 1-5 pairs of eyes.

Life life of leeches - several years. They are all hermaphrodites. Eggs are postponed in cockcocks, there is no larvae stage. Most leeches suck blood from different animals, including a person. Leeches are pierced by the skin with a trunk or tooths on the jaws, and a special substance - hirudin - prevents blood turning. Drying blood from one victim can continue months. In the intestine, blood does not deteriorate for a very long time: leeches can live without food even two years. Some leeches are predators, entirely swallowing prey.

Question 1. What are the features of the structure of the ringed worms?
Features of the structure of ringed worms:
- the body consists of separate rings - segments;
- all organs, with the exception of the digestive system, are also segmented;
- segments are separated by partitions of mesodermal origin - septs;
- on the middle line of the body passes the longitudinal partition, which divides each bias compartment to the right and left parts;
- segments can be specialized to perform certain functions;
- The wall of the body is a skin-muscular bag, formed: 1) epithelium, outside the thin cuticle is located; 2) ring and longitudinal layers of muscles; Some worms have parapody;
- there is a secondary cavity of the body (whole) filled with liquid;
- Blood system closed;
- breathing is carried out by the entire surface of the body (some marine there are gills - epithelial grows of the spinal branches of parapody);
- allocation organs - metanephridia, located in pairs in each segment;
- the nervous system is represented by a oscillatory nerve ring formed by the pharmaceutical and sublighted ganglia (nerve nodes); - From the nervous ring, two nerve trunks are originated on the abdominal side of the body, in each segment of the trunks form nervous nodes with nerves derived from them;
- The senses are located on the head: Eyes, Touch Authorities, Chemical Feeling Organs; There are sensitive cells on the body.

Question 2. What is parapody?
Parapody - muscular movable body grows, located pairwise on each segment of the body and serving mainly by the vehicle organs, that is, being primitive limbs. Parapody have two branches - dorsal and abdominal.

Question 3. How are the internal organs in the television worm body?
Internal organs are located on a set. Not segmented only by the digestive tube.

Question 4. Describe the structure of the circulatory system in the ringed worms.
Blood system is closed. Blood moves along the spinal (forward) and abdominal (back) vessels, which are communicated by the ring vessels in each segment. The five first annular vessels pulsate, providing blood flow. Blood colorless, red or green; A number of forms contain hemoglobin. Some groups have no circulatory system.

Question 5. How to breathe collar worms?
Breathing is carried out in most cases with the entire body surface. However, some forms have special epithelial grows of the spinal branch of parapody - skin gills.

Question 6. From which departments is the digestive system of the rainworm?
The digestive system is through, complicated, consists of the following departments: a throat, esophagus, stomach and intestine, sometimes having side growns. The digestive system ends with an anal hole.

Question 7. Name the allocation of rings.
Allocation authorities - metanephrium. Methanephridium consists of a funnel with cilia and output tubule. The cilia funnels chase fluid into the channel, going to another segment. Khannelitc is surrounded by blood vessels that carry out the reverse absorption of the necessary substances, and opens with the outlet opening on the side of the worm body. Metaephridia of ringed worms are prototypes of nephrons of chordan animals.

Question 8. What classes combines the type of ring worms?
The following classes include the type of ring worms: multi-minded, unauthorized, leeches.

Question 9. How does it differ from distinctive worms?
Unabletric there are no lateral grubs of the body, little bristles, the head is not separate, no tental and eyes. Simplifications in the structure of unauthorized lines are associated with a mooring lifestyle in the soil.

Question 10. How is the breeding process at the rainworm?
With sexual reproduction, two animals are applied by abdominal sides, heads are addressed to each other. Fertilization is preceded by mating, during which the spermatozoa of each of the two worms go into the seed directories of the other. Worms diverge. The belts of both worms are distinguished by a mucus, delivering them in the form of a coup, in which eggs are deposited. The clutch begins to move towards the worm's head. During the passage of the coupling by the 10th and 1st segments, spermatozoa, obtained from another worm, which fertilized egg cells is squeezed into the coupling. Then the coupling with fertilized eggs slides through the head. The coupling after that is compacted (its holes are compressed) and turns into an egg cocoon in which young worms develop. In the absence of sexual partner there is a self-exploitation.

Question 11. What are the features of the structure of leeches?
Features of the structure of leeches: bristles and parapody no; The number of segments constantly; At the front and rear ends of the body have suckers; The mouth, located in the center of the front sucker, is armed with three very strongly jazied plates - "jaws"; The volume of the middle integer forms a number of paired bags of pair-shaped grooves on the sides - tanks for blood storage, which is satuned by leech. When contacting the skin of the leech, the substance is introduced into the wool - a girudine that prevents blood coagulation. Therefore, in medicine, leeches are used in hypertension, hemorrhages, thrombosis and other diseases, for the treatment of which it is necessary to reduce blood coagulation and remove some of its amount from blood flow.

Question 12. Tell us about the value of ringworms in nature.
The rings are common in salt and fresh waters, where they are food for many vertebrate animals (naval distinctive); Meeting in the soil, participating in the soil processing process (rainworm). Increase soil fertility. Are a feed database for many carnivorous.

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Source level of knowledge:

kingdom, type, cell, fabrics, organs, organs systems, heterotrof, predation, saprophyte, dyprotophag, eukaryotes, aerobes, symmetry, body cavity, larva.


General characteristics of ringed worms
Ring Creek Body Building
Reproduction and development of ring worms
Classification of ringed worms, species manifold
Features of the structure and development of worms of class small-sighted on the example of a rainworm
The characteristic of the multi-art class feature
Characteristics of the class of leech
Origin of ring worms

General characteristics of ringed worms

Number of species: about 75 thousand.

Habitat: In saline and fresh waters, are found in the soil. Water crawl along the bottom, buried in il. Some of them lead a sedentary lifestyle - build a protective tube and never leave it. There are plankton species.

Structure: Bilateral symmetric worms having a secondary body cavity and divided into segments (rings) body. In the body, they allocate the head (head blade), torso and tail (anal blade) departments. The secondary cavity (whole), in contrast to the primary cavity, is lined with its own inner epithelium, which separates the nominal fluid from the muscles and internal organs. The liquid acts on the role of the hydraulic drainage, and also participates in the metabolism. Each segment is a compartment containing external body grids, two nominal bags, nodes of the nervous system, excretory and genital organs. The ring worms have a skin-muscular bag consisting of one layer of skin epithelium and two layers of muscles: ring and longitudinal. On the body there may be muscular grown - parapody, which are vehicle organs, as well as bristles.

Circulatory system For the first time appeared during the evolution in the ringed worms. It is closed type: blood is moving only by vessels, not falling into the body cavity. There are two main vessels: the dorsal (carries blood from behind in the back) and the abdominal (carries blood to front of back). In each segment they are connected by annular vessels. Blood moves due to the ripple of the spinal vessel or "hearts" - ring vessels 7-19 body segments.

The respiratory system is absent. Ring Worms - aerobes. Gas exchange occurs through the entire surface of the body. Some multi-point skin gills appeared - parapodius grows.

For the first time during the evolution, multicellular separational organs - metanefridia. They consist of a funnel with cilia and excretory channel located in the next segment. The funnel is facing the body cavity, the tubules open on the surface of the body separatingly sometime, through which decomposition products are removed from the body.

Nervous system It is formed by the incapacity of the nerve ring, which is particularly developed by the paired durable (brain) gangliya, and the abdominal nervous chain, consisting of pairwise epipped abdominal nerve nodes in each segment. From the "brain" ganglia and the nervous chain moves the nerves to organs and the skin.

Feeling organs: Eyes - organs of vision, pepatoes, tentacles (antennas) and Ugings - the bodies of touch and chemical feelings are located on the head blades in multi-art. In unauthorized in connection with the underground lifestyle, the senses are poorly developed, but in the skin there are photosensitive cells, tanging and equilibrium organs.

Reproduction and development

We multiply in gender and nonsense by fragmentation (separation) of the body, due to the high degree of regeneration. Multi-playing worms also occur to boring.
Multi-point - separation, and non-timing and leeches - hermaphrodites. Outdoor fertilization, Hermaphrodites - Cross, i.e. worms exchange seed liquid. Freshwater and soil worms Development direct, i.e. Young individuals come out of the egg. In marine forms, the development is indirect: from the egg it turns out the larva - Trichofor.


The type of ring worms are divided into three classes: multi-art, unobtrey, leeches.

Unavythinkic worms (oligochettes), mostly dwell in the soil, but there are freshwater forms. A typical representative living in the soil is a rainworm. It has an elongated, cylindrical body. Small forms - about 0.5 mm, the most large representative reaches almost 3 m (gigantic rainworm from Australia). On each segment of 8 bristles, four pairs of the sides of the segments are located. Censing them for the unevenness of the soil, the worm with the help of the muscles of the skin-muscular bag moves forward. As a result of the nutrition of rotting plants and humus, the digestive system has a number of features. Its front department is divided into a muscular pharynx, esophagus, goiter and muscular stomach.

The rainworm breathes through the entire surface of his body due to the presence of a thick subcutaneous network of capillary blood vessels.

Rain worms - hermaphrodites. Fertilization cross. Cryships are applied to each other with abdominal sides and exchange seed fluid, which falls into seed. After that, the worms are diverged. In the front third of the body there is a subtle, which forms a mucous membrane, eggs are deposited into it. When promoting the coupling through segments containing seed recipients, eggs are fertilized with sperms belonging to another individual. The coupling is reset through the front end of the body, compacted and turns into an egg cocoon, where young worms develop. For raindling worms, high ability to regenerate is characteristic.

Longitudinal cut of the body of the rainworm: 1 - mouth; 2 - throat; 3 - esophagus; 4 - goiter; 5 - stomach; 6 - intestine; 7 - Occollectric ring; 8 - abdominal nervous chain; 9 - "Hearts"; 10 - spinal blood vessel; 11 - abdominal blood vessel.

The value of the oligochet in the soil formation. Even Ch. Darwin noted their useful influence on soil fertility. Slipping the remains of plants into minks, they enrich it by humus. Putting in the soil moves, they contribute to the penetration of air and water to the roots of plants, loosen the soil.

Multi-point. Representatives of this class are also called polychate. They live mainly in the seas. The clad body polychet consists of three departments: a head blade, segmented torso and the rear anal blade. Head blades are armed with appendages - tentacles and carries small eyes. The next segment is a mouth with a throat, which can be turned out and often has chitinous jaws. On segments of the body there are two-way parapodies armed with bristles and often having gill growing.

Among them are active predators who can float rather quickly, wavely flexing the body (Neret), many of them lead a way of life, spending long minks in the sand or in Ile.

Fertilization is commonly external, the embryo turns into a characteristic larvae - a threefore, which is actively floating with cilia.

Class Leeches Combines about 400 species. Vehives have an elongated body and fightered in the spinal abdominal direction. In the front end there is one mouth suction cup in the back - another suction cup. They do not have parapody and bristles, they float, waving a wavely flexing body, or "walk" on the ground or leaves. The body of leeches is covered with cuticle. Leeches - hermaphrodites, the development is direct. They are used in medicine, because Due to the isolation of the protein of the girutin, the development of blood clots, blocking blood vessels, is preventing blood vessels.

Origin: The ringed occurred from primitive, similar to flat cilia worms. Multi-stitched unawares occurred, and from them - leeches.

New concepts and terms:, Polycetes, oligochettes, whole, segments, parapody, metanefridia, nephrost, closed circulatory system, skin gills, trichofora, weight.

Questions for consolidation:

  • Why did the collee worms got such a name?
  • Why are the ringed worms call the same secondary-haired?
  • What features of the structure of ringed worms indicate their higher organization compared to flat and round? What bodies and system systems for the first time appear in ringed worms?
  • What is characteristic of the structure of each body segment?
  • What is the meaning of the ringed worms in the nature and life of a person?
  • What are the features of the structure of ringed worms due to their lifestyle and habitat?


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