Star bride warrior or revenge schedule. Elena Starsweave Warrior, or revenge on schedule

Elena Starle

Bride warrior, or revenge on schedule

The city slept. The hot dry wind of the steppes remained hot, even in the predestal twilight, rushing around the empty streets of the capital of Hassarat Aigor. The wind of the rustle is dry by the leaves of palm trees, sand and garbage particles, and the sand-dried sand creaked through the closed shutters of houses, on the flat roof, tried to burst into the cracks in a meaningless attempt to escape ...

Daim looked out of his shelter, waiting for what happened in every barbaric town of this at the first view of the backward world. The noise of the amplifying wind, the unclear buzz, dim outbreak - and comes a strange, almost frightening silence. The dry wind is still sliding through the streets of the sleepy city, but already silently. Sand will not creak, do not slander garbage, not visible residues of fruit, paper, buttons of manure. Purity! The perfect, unnatural and absolute. The windows of the houses are shiny, impeccably clean roads, there is not even a hint of a hot steppe sand brought by the wind, and the flooded plants are again greens.

And there is no traces. No.

The officer was rose, reckled, dropping the voltage of exhausting night, looked at the roof - the bonfire remains, in which the jacket of the cadet of the Cosmoflot burned, as expected, was also destroyed by the cleaning system. And the night turned out to be heavy: to lead from the city the girl turned out to be quite simple, check the traces - in fact it is impossible. Space to Iristan, he hired two mercenaries on the Gerson asteroid. The first grabbed almost immediately, the second managed to pick up the chairs of Kira, but to lead the two black Hightashi for themselves, it turned out to be a hopeless thing - the icing of the Targar clan had already taken a trace, and the second mercenary was captured instantly, and after the hunt for Damian himself began. And for the first time since the adoption of the knowledge of Tar-Enov failed to break away immediately. Two conspiracy apartments turned out to be covered before his appearance, and Taim hardly left the persecution, and specifically from one warrior who invariably got on his way, predicting actions. And yet I left, managed to dissolve in the predestal twilight and on dusty at this time of the year to break through almost the center, where they are unlikely to look for it. Tar-Anna clearly knew - the fugitives run from the city, but not back, and therefore Daim had a chance - he took advantage.

"Did you recognize it?" - A mental question.

And immediate response: "AE".

"I understand it, but more specifically?"

"He hid the hierarchy indicator."

"Parso. - Damian looked around the city. - What about kira? "

"Kiran Makbarras, the eldest daughter of Hassar Aigor of the Great Warrior Agarne, given by the warrior of National, Great Kagan Shavega, named the Great Warrior of the Dyra, the first warrior Hassarant Aigor."

"Divided? Named? " - I did not understand the officer Taim.

"It's hard to explain the features family Code Tar Enov Iristan. The given - warrior in honor of the payment of blood debt may require night, the father has the right to satisfy the requirement. Kiran is a given kagan stepma. "

"In the sense of will be given?" - asked Damian.

"The sense is already given," the answer was followed, the debt was paid. "

Daim squeezed his teeth, trying to keep anger. And before the eyes, the fragile figure of Kiran Macbaras appeared to appear, the cadet of the Space University, and the cadet of the highest S-class. She had to have a brilliant future, at least the captain of the military cruiser, as the maximum Admiral. S-Class - Elite of the Military Space Fleet. Elite! But instead of a career, exciting battles and premium sheets, green-eyed girl got a huge old Tar-ent Iiristan. Hassar simply paid his daughter.

"How could he? - Mental moan. "

"Hassar Aigor in his right, he is father and lord." - His interlocutor was, as always, calm and emotional.

Daima for a moment presented the Tasha Hassar Stevega on such a fragile, such a young and having a single chance against the symbony of Iristan, a girl and could not restrain:

"The law of Iristan is simple - the best women get the strongest warriors. HP Silen. The right of the strongest allows you to qualify for the elder daughter Hassar Aigor. "

Daim hardly suppressed rage. I drove emotions for tight control of reinforced foreign mind, systematized information and asked a new question:

"You said" named ". What is this about? "

"Named - alleged in his wife." - The answer, as always, sounded with ice calm.

"Named the Great Warrior of the Dyra, the first warrior Hassarant Aigor? - Daim with his acquired memory could remember literally. - That is, Hassar Aigor did not give her HR? "

"Not. Kiran Makbarras will be the wife of Dyra Mc Warrass. "

"Agarne gives her daughter to son?!"

"He is a warrior, his son of a warrior, a little related blood left in them."

Taim sharply exhaled and asked the following question: "What else was able to find out?"

"The ruling does not advertise their presence, but here is the top of the clan."

"Clear, - Damian in last time looked around the city, - time. "

Jump - and a silent landing from the sememeter height. The body is grouped itself, the legs are painlessly take a blow, the muscles respond to the usual sensation. And he moves to run, the irrepressible run, in which there is no longer an obstacle. No barriers.

No, except ...

He froze before even saw them - three Tar Ens Clan AE. Stopped by evaluating the situation. A deserted street ... Silent wind ... Silent warriors who took the road - ahead, as if stepped from the wall, on the right, blocking, turning to the Shaderar, on the left, cutting off the most secure path to the entertainment quarter.

"Chances?" - mentally demanded an officer Taim.

"No," his symbionte answered after a second delay. - These are AE. "

"Risk?" "Daim tried to keep calm."

"These are AE," the symbionte repeated, - the reaction rate is one hundredth second, you have two tenths. There is no chance, give up. "


"We are in the Hassarant Aigor, and you get under the jurisdiction of Hassarant. These walked along the trail, they already know that you are not just an alien, therefore, the Eight Hassash will appeal for interrogation. So, we have two options - escape from the House of Hassar or Kira. "

"She's S-Class, Daim."

"Very funny. - He did not hide bitter irony. - From the house of Hassar when you need to get out? "

"Before sunset."

"It will hurt."

"Not even doubted!"

Next moment an officer Tyaim threw up his hands up and shouted loudly:

I give up.

Tar-Ena, blocking his waste, threw rapid views at the first, and Daim instantly understood who was the main thing here.

The first story, with a walk, kidnapping and running along the dungeons

I was having a dream. A strange such, as if our teachings and the lighthouse were hidden somewhere in the rocks, and we did not give up the equipment. No at all: neither cables, no insurance, nor even special shoes. And I scrape upstairs, I break out, fall, I barely have time to grasp the ledge, hangs literally on my fingers, pull up and continue the rise. And in the headphone, the voice of Master Lodjen: "Passage of fifteen percent. Bad, Makbarras. And so I want to say that without gear, I hang out like a piece, but this is not put on the charter, and I, confusing my teeth, again crawl up. And after all, I understand the brains: Without a hooker, I won the rocky protrusion, which is three meters above my head, just not to take. I understand the brains perfectly, but the order is an order, and I continue to rise. And the rocky ledge is closer, closer, closer ...

"You need to go around, care for a while, but in a straight line I will not finish, it means that bypass," I thought and woke up.

Outside the window noishes with a surf, the cry was heard of some quarrel birds, apparently, the fish was not shared, and in the bedroom reigned the invigorating sea air! And the mood immediately became such a healthy! Healthy and winning! First, I escaped from Paprand! Secondly, I have two days to study Iristan, and the planet must admit that intriguing. And thirdly, someone is time to pay on accounts.

In short, things are sea, it's time to get up.

Sweetly sipping, I unwittingly hurt Ikas and immediately stroked the offended beast. The woolly after my dull made his own, fucked funny, then Ikas yawned ... and there was such an impressive. I suffered, Ikasik, mowed the eye, revealed the mouth even wider, demonstrating all the existing fangs. Acutely such.

Mock? - I wondered.

The beast clicked his jaws, crumble and crawling

being closer, I placed the face on my shoulder, bolding with a nose in the ear and funny soles. Cold's nose - and in the ear! I jerked and jumped. The tricky animant was stretched over the entire bed, mildly wagging his tail.

No, it's already arrogance!

The tail was intense.

ICAC rolled down, then again stretched over the entire bed, rejoicing that I was free from the square, again yawned and, koking my nose into my pillow, brazenly demonstrated a desire to rise again.

Elena Star "Bride of the Warrior, or Revenge on a Schedule" continues the story of the girl Kiran, the life of which coolly changed from the moment she learned her father, being quite an adult. History captures its fantasticity, it is interesting to learn about the lifestyle on the planet Iristan. The main character, although it has certain talents, is unlikely to be called Painka, which adds a plot of sharpness. So wait that it will make it even unusual than it will surprise or laugh. The writer well reveals the character of Mother Kiran, tells the story of her life, and you understand how difficult it was indeed.

After Kira got on another planet, it seemed that in her life would never be peace and joy. After all, now she is in a closed world, and since she is a warrior daughter, then her future is predetermined. They are faster and stronger, and Kiran cannot resist them. At least they thought so. But those who are endowed with a superphan was mistaken. Kira is not going to live on someone's pointer and play for someone else's rules. It will find a way to get out of the trap, sometimes turning to be in dangerous, and sometimes in funny situations. Kiran knows what should take revenge, only then she can live calmly.

The work refers to fantasy genre. It was published in 2012 by EXMO publishing house. The book is included in the series "the right of the strongest." On our site you can download the book "Bride Warrior, or Revenge on a schedule" in FB2, RTF, EPUB, PDF, TXT format or read online. The rating of the book is 4.51 out of 5. Here you can also read the readers of readers already acquainted with the book, and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in the paper version.

Kira Macharras The future seemed beautiful and cloudless: Favorite University, the best friend nearby, excellent prospects in the career and the desire to take from life in full program. Everything changes in one day - she will be taken to the historic homeland, in a closed world, where the daughters of the warriors are treated a very concrete role and there is not even a chance to resist those who are smarter, faster, stronger. They were so thought - fast, strong, endowed with the superphan and guided solely by the right of the strongest Tar-Ena. But to be a puppet in someone else's game - not for Kira, and unplanned Iristan holidays turn into cognitive workshops in sabotage. In the end, the first rule of the cadet of the Space University reads: Avenger and sleep quietly. Over the Palace of Hassar Aigor, invisible, but already planned threat ...

Read online bride warrior, or revenge on schedule

The city slept. The hot dry wind of the steppes remained hot, even in the predestal twilight, rushing around the empty streets of the capital of Hassarat Aigor. The wind of the rustle is dry by the leaves of palm trees, sand and garbage particles, and the sand-dried sand creaked through the closed shutters of houses, on the flat roof, tried to burst into the cracks in a meaningless attempt to escape ...

Daim looked out of his shelter, waiting for what happened in every barbaric town of this at the first view of the backward world. The noise of the amplifying wind, the unclear buzz, dim outbreak - and comes a strange, almost frightening silence. The dry wind is still sliding through the streets of the sleepy city, but already silently. Sand will not creak, do not slander garbage, not visible residues of fruit, paper, buttons of manure. Purity! The perfect, unnatural and absolute. The windows of the houses are shiny, impeccably clean roads, there is not even a hint of a hot steppe sand brought by the wind, and the flooded plants are again greens.

And there is no traces. No.

The officer was rose, reckled, dropping the voltage of exhausting night, looked at the roof - the bonfire remains, in which the jacket of the cadet of the Cosmoflot burned, as expected, was also destroyed by the cleaning system. And the night turned out to be heavy: to lead from the city the girl turned out to be quite simple, check the traces - in fact it is impossible. Space to Iristan, he hired two mercenaries on the Gerson asteroid. The first grabbed almost immediately, the second managed to pick up the chairs of Kira, but to lead the two black Hightashi for themselves, it turned out to be a hopeless thing - the icing of the Targar clan had already taken a trace, and the second mercenary was captured instantly, and after the hunt for Damian himself began. And for the first time since the adoption of the knowledge of Tar-Enov failed to break away immediately. Two conspiracy apartments turned out to be covered before his appearance, and Taim hardly left the persecution, and specifically from one warrior who invariably got on his way, predicting actions. And yet I left, managed to dissolve in the predestal twilight and on dusty at this time of the year to break through almost the center, where they are unlikely to look for it. Tar-Anna clearly knew - the fugitives run from the city, but not back, and therefore Daim had a chance - he took advantage.

"Did you recognize it?" - A mental question.

And immediate response: "AE".

"I understand it, but more specifically?"

"He hid the hierarchy indicator."

"Parso. - Damian looked around the city. - What about kira? "

"Kiran Makbarras, the eldest daughter of Hassar Aigor of the Great Warrior Agarne, given by the warrior of National, Great Kagan Shavega, named the Great Warrior of the Dyra, the first warrior Hassarant Aigor."

"Divided? Named? " - I did not understand the officer Taim.

"It is difficult to explain the features of the Family Code of Tar Enov Iristan. The given - warrior in honor of the payment of blood debt may require night, the father has the right to satisfy the requirement. Kiran is a given kagan stepma. "

"In the sense of will be given?" - asked Damian.

"The sense is already given," the answer was followed, the debt was paid. "

Kira Macharras The future seemed beautiful and cloudless: Favorite University, the best friend nearby, excellent prospects in the career and the desire to take from life in full program. Everything changes in one day - she will be taken to the historic homeland, in a closed world, where the daughters of the warriors are treated a very concrete role and there is not even a chance to resist those who are smarter, faster, stronger. They were so thought - fast, strong, endowed with the superphan and guided solely by the right of the strongest Tar-Ena. But to be a puppet in someone else's game - not for Kira, and unplanned Iristan holidays turn into cognitive workshops in sabotage. In the end, the first rule of the cadet of the Space University reads: Avenger and sleep quietly.

Over the Palace of Hassar Aigor, invisible, but already planned threat ...

Elena Starle

Bride warrior, or revenge on schedule

The city slept. The hot dry wind of the steppes remained hot, even in the predestal twilight, rushing around the empty streets of the capital of Hassarat Aigor. The wind of the rustle is dry by the leaves of palm trees, sand and garbage particles, and the sand-dried sand creaked through the closed shutters of houses, on the flat roof, tried to burst into the cracks in a meaningless attempt to escape ...

Daim looked out of his shelter, waiting for what happened in every barbaric town of this at the first view of the backward world. The noise of the amplifying wind, the unclear buzz, dim outbreak - and comes a strange, almost frightening silence. The dry wind is still sliding through the streets of the sleepy city, but already silently. Sand will not creak, do not slander garbage, not visible residues of fruit, paper, buttons of manure. Purity! The perfect, unnatural and absolute. The windows of the houses are shiny, impeccably clean roads, there is not even a hint of a hot steppe sand brought by the wind, and the flooded plants are again greens.

And there is no traces. No.

The officer was rose, reckled, dropping the voltage of exhausting night, looked at the roof - the bonfire remains, in which the jacket of the cadet of the Cosmoflot burned, as expected, was also destroyed by the cleaning system. And the night turned out to be heavy: to lead from the city the girl turned out to be quite simple, check the traces - in fact it is impossible. Space to Iristan, he hired two mercenaries on the Gerson asteroid. The first grabbed almost immediately, the second managed to pick up the chairs of Kira, but to lead the two black Hightashi for themselves, it turned out to be a hopeless thing - the icing of the Targar clan had already taken a trace, and the second mercenary was captured instantly, and after the hunt for Damian himself began. And for the first time since the adoption of the knowledge of Tar-Enov failed to break away immediately. Two conspiracy apartments turned out to be covered before his appearance, and Taim hardly left the persecution, and specifically from one warrior who invariably got on his way, predicting actions. And yet I left, managed to dissolve in the predestal twilight and on dusty at this time of the year to break through almost the center, where they are unlikely to look for it. Tar-Anna clearly knew - the fugitives run from the city, but not back, and therefore Daim had a chance - he took advantage.

"Did you recognize it?" - A mental question.

And immediate response: "AE".

"I understand it, but more specifically?"

"He hid the hierarchy indicator."

"Parso. - Damian looked around the city. - What about kira? "

"Kiran Makbarras, the eldest daughter of Hassar Aigor of the Great Warrior Agarne, given by the warrior of National, Great Kagan Shavega, named the Great Warrior of the Dyra, the first warrior Hassarant Aigor."

"Divided? Named? " - I did not understand the officer Taim.

"It is difficult to explain the features of the Family Code of Tar Enov Iristan. The given - warrior in honor of the payment of blood debt may require night, the father has the right to satisfy the requirement. Kiran is a given kagan stepma. "

"In the sense of will be given?" - asked Damian.

"The sense is already given," the answer was followed, the debt was paid. "

Daim squeezed his teeth, trying to keep anger. And before the eyes, the fragile figure of Kiran Macbaras appeared to appear, the cadet of the Space University, and the cadet of the highest S-class. She had to have a brilliant future, at least the captain of the military cruiser, as the maximum Admiral. S-Class - Elite of the Military Space Fleet. Elite! But instead of a career, exciting battles and premium sheets, green-eyed girl got a huge old Tar-ent Iiristan. Hassar simply paid his daughter.

"How could he? - Mental moan. "

"Hassar Aigor in his right, he is father and lord." - His interlocutor was, as always, calm and emotional.

Daima for a moment presented the Tasha Hassar Stevega on such a fragile, such a young and having a single chance against the symbony of Iristan, a girl and could not restrain:

"The law of Iristan is simple - the best women get the strongest warriors. HP Silen. The right of the strongest allows you to qualify for the elder daughter Hassar Aigor. "

Daim hardly suppressed rage. I drove emotions for tight control of reinforced foreign mind, systematized information and asked a new question:

This book is included in the book series:

Added: 11/20/2016

Kira Macharras The future seemed beautiful and cloudless: Favorite University, the best friend nearby, excellent prospects in the career and the desire to take from life in full program. Everything changes in one day - she will be taken to the historic homeland, in a closed world, where the daughters of the warriors are treated a very concrete role and there is not even a chance to resist those who are smarter, faster, stronger. They were so thought - fast, strong, endowed with the superphan and guided solely by the right of the strongest Tar-Ena. But to be a puppet in someone else's game - not for Kira, and unplanned Iristan holidays turn into cognitive workshops in sabotage. In the end, the first rule of the cadet of the Space University reads: Avenger and sleep quietly. Over the Palace of Hassar Aigor, invisible, but already planned threat ...

The city slept. The hot dry wind of the steppes remained hot, even in the predestal twilight, rushing around the empty streets of the capital of Hassarat Aigor. The wind of the rustle is dry by the leaves of palm trees, sand and garbage particles, and the sand-dried sand creaked through the closed shutters of houses, on the flat roof, tried to burst into the cracks in a meaningless attempt to escape ...

Daim looked out of his shelter, waiting for what happened in every barbaric town of this at the first view of the backward world. The noise of the amplifying wind, the unclear buzz, dim outbreak - and comes a strange, almost frightening silence. The dry wind is still sliding through the streets of the sleepy city, but already silently. Sand will not creak, do not slander garbage, not visible residues of fruit, paper, buttons of manure. Purity! The perfect, unnatural and absolute. The windows of the houses are shiny, impeccably clean roads, there is not even a hint of a hot steppe sand brought by the wind, and the flooded plants are again greens.

And there is no traces. No.

The officer was rose, reckled, dropping the voltage of exhausting night, looked at the roof - the bonfire remains, in which the jacket of the cadet of the Cosmoflot burned, as expected, was also destroyed by the cleaning system. And the night turned out to be heavy: to lead from the city the girl turned out to be quite simple, check the traces - in fact it is impossible. Space to Iristan, he hired two mercenaries on the Gerson asteroid. The first grabbed almost immediately, the second managed to pick up the chairs of Kira, but to lead the two black Hightashi for themselves, it turned out to be a hopeless thing - the icing of the Targar clan had already taken a trace, and the second mercenary was captured instantly, and after the hunt for Damian himself began. And for the first time since the adoption of the knowledge of Tar-Enov failed to break away immediately. Two conspiracy apartments turned out to be covered before his appearance, and Taim hardly left the persecution, and specifically from one warrior who invariably got on his way, predicting actions. And yet I left, managed to dissolve in the predestal twilight and on dusty at this time of the year to break through almost the center, where they are unlikely to look for it. Tar-Anna clearly knew - the fugitives run from the city, but not back, and therefore Daim had a chance - he took advantage.

"Did you recognize it?" - A mental question.

And immediate response: "AE".

"I understand it, but more specifically?"

"He hid the hierarchy indicator."

"Parso. - Damian looked around the city. - What about kira? "

"Kiran Makbarras, the eldest daughter of Hassar Aigor of the Great Warrior Agarne, given by the warrior of National, Great Kagan Shavega, named the Great Warrior of the Dyra, the first warrior Hassarant Aigor."

"Divided? Named? " - I did not understand the officer Taim.

"It is difficult to explain the features of the Family Code of Tar Enov Iristan. The given - warrior in honor of the payment of blood debt may require night, the father has the right to satisfy the requirement. Kiran is a given kagan stepma. "

"In the sense of will be given?" - asked Damian.

"The sense is already given," the answer was followed, the debt was paid. "

Daim squeezed his teeth, trying to keep anger. And before the eyes, the fragile figure of Kiran Macbaras appeared to appear, the cadet of the Space University, and the cadet of the highest S-class. She had to have a brilliant future, at least the captain of the military cruiser, as the maximum Admiral. S-Class - Elite of the Military Space Fleet. Elite! But instead of a career, exciting battles and premium sheets, green-eyed girl got a huge old Tar-ent Iiristan. Hassar simply paid his daughter.

"How could he? - Mental moan. "

"Hassar Aigor in his right, he is father and lord." - His interlocutor was, as always, calm and emotional.

Daima for a moment presented the Tasha Hassar Stevega on such a fragile, such a young and having a single chance against the symbony of Iristan, a girl and could not restrain:

"The law of Iristan is simple - the best women get the strongest warriors. HP Silen. The right of the strongest allows you to qualify for the elder daughter Hassar Aigor. "

Daim hardly suppressed rage. I drove emotions for tight control of reinforced foreign mind, systematized information and asked a new question:

"You said" named ". What is this about? "

"Named - alleged in his wife." - The answer, as always, sounded with ice calm.

"Named the Great Warrior of the Dyra, the first warrior Hassarant Aigor? - Daim with his acquired memory could remember literally. - That is, Hassar Aigor did not give her HR? "

"Not. Kiran Makbarras will be the wife of Dyra Mc Warrass. "

"Agarne gives her daughter to son?!"

"He is a warrior, his son of a warrior, a little related blood left in them."

Taim sharply exhaled and asked the following question: "What else was able to find out?"

"The ruling does not advertise their presence, but here is the top of the clan."

"Clear," Damian last looked around the city, "time."

Jump - and a silent landing from the sememeter height. The body is grouped itself, the legs are painlessly take a blow, the muscles respond to the usual sensation. And he moves to run, the irrepressible run, in which there is no longer an obstacle. No barriers.

No, except ...

He froze before even saw them - three Tar Ens Clan AE. Stopped by evaluating the situation. A deserted street ... Silent wind ... Silent warriors who took the road - ahead, as if stepped from the wall, on the right, blocking, turning to the Shaderar, on the left, cutting off the most secure path to the entertainment quarter.

"Chances?" - mentally demanded an officer Taim.

"No," his symbionte answered after a second delay. - These are AE. "

"Risk?" "Daim tried to keep calm."

"These are AE," the symbionte repeated, - the reaction rate is one hundredth second, you have two tenths. There is no chance, give up. "


"We are in the Hassarant Aigor, and you get under the jurisdiction of Hassarant. These walked along the trail, they already know that you are not just an alien, therefore, the Eight Hassash will appeal for interrogation. So, we have two options - escape from the House of Hassar or Kira. "

"She's S-Class, Daim."

"Very funny. - He did not hide bitter irony. - From the house of Hassar when you need to get out? "

"Before sunset."

"It will hurt."

"Not even doubted!"

Next moment an officer Tyaim threw up his hands up and shouted loudly:

I give up.

Tar-Ena, blocking his waste, threw rapid views at the first, and Daim instantly understood who was the main thing here.

The first story, with a walk, kidnapping and running along the dungeons

I was having a dream. A strange such, as if our teachings and the lighthouse were hidden somewhere in the rocks, and we did not give up the equipment. No at all: neither cables, no insurance, nor even special shoes. And I scrape upstairs, I break out, fall, I barely have time to grasp the ledge, hangs literally on my fingers, pull up and continue the rise. And in the headphone, the voice of Master Lodjen: "Passage of fifteen percent. Bad, Makbarras. And so I want to say that without gear, I hang out like a piece, but this is not put on the charter, and I, confusing my teeth, again crawl up. And after all, I understand the brains: Without a hooker, I won the rocky protrusion, which is three meters above my head, just not to take. I understand the brains perfectly, but the order is an order, and I continue to rise. And the rocky ledge is closer, closer, closer ...

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