Phrases in English for communication. The main phrases in English and other expressions for communication 50 conversational phrases for communication in English

Calm Down. - Take it easy.
Coffee? IF IT IS NO BOTHER. - Coffee? If not difficult.
Come on. Let's Get This Over WITH. - Let's finish with this business.
Do you Want Me to Help You? YOU BET! - Do you want me to help you? Still ask!
Don't Be Silly. - Not stupid. Not Duri.
Don't Mention That. - Do not need about it.
Don't Worry, I Can Make It On My Own. - He worry, I myself can cope.
Don't worry. Relax. - He worry. Take it easy. Relax.
Get Lost. - Disappearance. Motay from here. Get up
Get Out of My Way. - Get out of my way.
Hear Me Out! - Listen to me!
Here's What We'll Do. - We will do what.
I Couldn't Reach You. - I could not get through to you.
I DON'T GIVE A DAMN. - I'm up to the light bulb.
I don't mind. - I have nothing against.
I Haven't Given It Much Thought. - I have not thought about it yet.
I Mean IT. - Honestly. I speak sincere.
I Meant ONLY THE BEST. - I just wanted it better.
I THINK SO. - I think so.
I Want to BUY Your House. I Mean IT. - I want to buy your home. Honestly.
IT Beats Me. - That beats me.
IT Makes Things Easier. - It's easier.
IT Never Crossed My Mind That We Would Find This Treasure.
I never occurred to me that we would find this treasure.
I never had to ask where she was.
IT Serves You Right. - Serves you right.
IT Was Not That He Didn't Love Her. - He so that he does not love her.
IT's Going to Be All Right. - Everything will be fine.
It's not That I Want to Stay Here. - It is impossible to say that I want to stay here.
Let Happen Whatever Would Happen. - Let it be what will happen.
Let's Get To the Point. Let's Hold to Reason. - Let's get closer to business.
No Reason in Particular. - Just. Without a special reason.
Not Likely. Unless You Want to Continue Our Discussion.
Probably no. Unless you want to continue our discussion.
SO Far SO Good. - So far everything goes well.
Sounds Good to Me. - That's fine for me.
Suit Yourself, But i've Got A Work to Do and I Won't Go to Paris.
Will Your, but I need to do something, and I will not go to Paris.
Suit Yourself. - As you want. Will Your. Do how you know.
Tell Him Whatever You Want, I DON'T GIVE A SHIT.
You can tell him anything - I'm up to the light bulb.
Tend To. you Own. Affairs. - Better do with your affairs. Do not climb not in your business.
That's the Whole Point. - That's the thing.
Think It Over. - Think carefully.
Time's up. - Time is over.
Whatever Is To Be Will Be. - Which have not be avoided.
Why do you Ask? No Reason in Particular. - Why do you ask? Just.
You are on the right track. - You are on the right track. You think correctly.
YOU BET! - still ask!
You have a point there. - Here you are right. It is truth too.
You know better than that. - And you are not so simple.
You'll Hear From Me. - I'll let you know.
You'll make it. - You will do this.

For each communication situation, there is a set of standard phrases: it will help support the conversation without embarrassing pauses. Shoot to communicate with native speakers?

List of phrases, it will be extremely useful to those who want to master spoken English. This is the "Gentlemansky set" of the most important short phraseswho come up in a conversation, from greeting to goodbye.

Greetings and introductory phrases

How Are you getting on? - How are you?

The same as "How Are you you?" - "How are you?"

You doing ok? - Are you okay?

A polite way to ask a person about his condition, if you know that that has recently had any difficulties.

Hi, ...! What's New? - Hello, …! What's new?

Informal greeting for a close friend or friend.

Hi, ...! What's Up? - Hello, …! How are you?

An option similar to the previous one, with the difference that you probably is not so interesting what news there is a source.

Hi, ...! LONG TIME NO SEE! - Hello, …! Long time no see!

You have not seen a person for a long time and, in fact, want to mention this fact in greeting.

Hi, ...! Have you been keeping busy? - Hello, …! What did you do? ( verbatim: You were busy?)

Standard greeting. The question is not worth understanding literally.

Do You Mind Me Asking ...? - You won't mind if I ask you about ...

"Applying" to a more personal issue.

OK, HERE'S THE THING ... - Well, it's next: ...

Do not know where to start a conversation? This phrase will help take a bull for the horns.

Standard Answers

Thanks, I'Ve Been Keeping Busy - Literally: Thank you, I was busy with your affairs.

Standard response to a standard greeting. It should not be understood literally.

Thanks for Asking, I'm Fine, How Are you? - Thank you, in order, and you?

The answer to the greeting "How Are You?" - "How are you?" And the "symmetric" question.

Hi, how are you doing? It's Good to See You! - Hey there! How are you? I'm glad to see you!

So answer the greeting from the one who you have not seen for a while.

CAN't complain - Not complaining.

The answer to the standard greeting like "How Are you you?" ("How are you?"). The phrase is not so optimistic as "Thanks, I'm Great!" - "Thank you, great!", But she also means that you have no big problems in your life. At least, you won't complain about what.

Can You Say It Again, Please? - Sorry, you could not repeat?

Please repeat the question in case you have not disassembled. When the language media speaks too quickly, use the same phrase - the hint will be understood and they will repeat more for you. If this did not happen, you can ask right:

Can You Slow IT DOWN A BIT, PLEASE? -Sorry, you could not repeat meer?

The most important phrase for learning English. Take it up to automatism.

And how about you? - And you?

You do not know what a question is, so you ask the interlocutor's the same as you. This counter-question can be answered almost any standard greeting.

To The Best of My Knowledge ... As Far As I Know ... - As I know…

You can start with these phrases when you need time to formulate a response.

GOOD FOR YOU! - I'm happy for you!

Someone tells you about their successes or about some happy event - and you answer this phrase.

CAN'T Argue with That - You can't argue with it.

Used when you agree with what your vesati says. Or simply do not want to argue with him :)

How Do You Know? - How do you know?

The interlocutor caught you surprise? Specify the counter question.

That's a good one! - Blimey!

An expression of surprise in response to funny or unexpected news.

Really? TELL ME MEORE ABOUT IT!- Indeed? Tell me more!

Everything is clear here: you want to get more information from the interlocutor about what he just said.

Frankly Speaking ... Well, to Be Honest With You ... - Honestly…

Start the answer from these words. A great way to establish a trust relationship.

NO PROBLEM. - No problem.

The answer to the request you are ready to perform. It is often used as an answer to the binding request - in this phrase more enthusiasm than in simple "sure" - "of course" or "OK".

NEVER MIND, IT'S FINE! - Do not, everything is in order!

Use this phrase when you are offered help, but you think you can do without it.

NEVER MIND, FORGET WHAT I JUST SAID "It doesn't matter, forget that I said now."

If you said something without meaning, but your interlocutor wants you to repeat. You can also use this phrase when you feel that it is annoyed or offended by your question or comment, and develop this topic will be configured.

You Got Me There - Here you climb me.

This phrase can be pronounced instead of "i don't Know" - "I don't know." It sounds more spectable and not as sharply as "I don't Know".

You've Got to Be Kidding Me! - You must be joking!

You are told something incredible, and so you express your surprise.

THAT'S A GOOD QUESTION- Good question!

Need to think about the answer? Use this phrase instead of silent!

Well, How to Put It in the Right Words - "Well, however better to express ..."
And this phrase will help you to carve out a couple of seconds to the wording of the answer.

That Would be Great! - It would be great!

Reply to a pleasant offer.

..., you know what i mean? - ..., do you understand?

Perhaps this phrase is abused - but if you want to make a semantic focus on what they said, you can put it at the end of the sentence.

You See, The Thing Is That ... - You see, the fact is that ...

Advanced phrases:

1. Pull Yourself Together! [ pL JɔːSɛLF Təgɛɛɛ] - Get a hold of yourself!
2. DON'T TAKE IT TO HEART. [ dʊʊnt teɪk ɪt tuː hɑːt] - He take it close to heart.
3. DON'T GET UPSET ABOUT IT. [ dʊʊnt gɛt ʌpsɛt əbaʊt ɪt] - He is discouraging because of this.
4. Let US Hope for The Best. [ lɛT ʌS HʊʊP Fɔː Ðə BɛST] - Let's hope for the best.
5. EVERYTHING WILL BE ALL RIGHT. [ Ɛvrɪɪɪŋ WɪL BIː ɔːL RAɪT] - Everything will be fine.
6. Things Happen. [ θɪŋz hæpən.] - Things happen.
7. NEXT TIME LUCKY. [ nɛKST TAɪM LʌKI] - Next time lucky.
8. What a Pity! [ wɒT ə Pɪti.] - What a pity!
9. I'LL L NEVER GET OVER IT. [ aɪl ɛl nɛvə gɛt ʊʊvər ɪt] - I will never survive this.
10. I AppReciate Your DiffiCulties. [ aɪ əpriːʃɪeɪt Jɔː DɪFɪKəLTIZ] - I understand your problems.
11. IT WAS A SUCCESS. [ ɪT WɒZ ə Səksɛs] - It was successful.
12. IT IS AS GOOD AS DONE. [ ɪt ɪz æz gʊd æz dʌn] - You can say, we did it.
13. IT WAS A FAILURE / FLOP. [ ɪT WɒZ ə FEɪLJə / FLɒP] - We failed.
14. IT Didn't Work Out. [ ɪT DɪDNT WɜːK AʊT] - nothing happened.
15. IT WAS A Near Thing. [ ɪT WɒZ ə Nɪɪ ɪŋɪŋ] - almost happened / behind the small ...
16. IT WAS A NARROW ESCAPE. [ ɪT WɒZ ə nærʊʊ ɪskeɪp] - We barely escaped trouble.
17. HE KEPT HIS PROMISE. [ hiː Kɛpt HɪZ PRɒMɪS] - He kept his promise.
18. Not FAILED US. [ hiː Feɪld ʌs.] - He led us.
19. Not backed out. [ hiː Bækt Aʊt.] - He went to the opponent (refused his words).
20. That Is the Way Things Are. [ ðt ɪz Ðə weɪ ɪŋɪŋz ɑː] - these are.
21. AS THINGS STAND NOW ... [ æz ɪŋɪŋz Stænd naʊ] - With this state of affairs ...
22. IT IS URGENT. [ ɪT ɪz ɜːʤɜːʤnt.] - This is urgent.
23. Time Is Getting Short. [ tAɪM ɪZ GɛTɪŋ ʃɔːT] - Time is running out.
24. IT CAN WAIT. [ ɪT KæN WEɪT.] - It can wait.
25. THERE IS NO HURRY. [ ðer ɪz nʊʊ Hʌri] - It's not urgent.
26. AND WHAT IF ... [ ænd wɒt ɪf.] - What if…
27. IT IS WORTH Trying. [ ɪt ɪz wɜːɜː traɪɪŋ] - It is worth trying.
28. I'll See About IT. [ aɪl Siː əbaʊt ɪt] - I'll take care of it.
29. I'll Arrange IT with HIM. [ aɪl əreɪnʤ ɪt Wɪɪ Hɪm] - I will decide ... / I'll settle it with him.
30. I Would Rather Do Smth. [ aɪ WʊD Rɑːɑːə DUː Sʌmɪŋɪŋ ] - I would have done something better.
31. I Have Changed My Mind. [ aɪ HæV ʧEɪNʤD MAɪ MAɪND] - I changed my mind.
32. I am in Two Minds. [ aɪ æm ɪN TUː MAɪNDZ] - I'm in indecision ...
33. I CAN't make up My Mind. [ aɪ KɑːNT MEɪK ʌP MAɪ MAɪND] - I can't tune in / decide.
34. Do It Right A Way. [ dUː ɪT RAɪT ə WEɪ] - Do it immediately.
35. DON'T PUT IT OFF TILL THE LAST MOMENT. [ dʊʊNT PʊT ɪT ɒF TɪL Ðə LɑːST Mʊʊmənt] - He delay it to the last.

Learn the phrase effectively!

The most effective way to remember all these phrases is by repetition after certain intervals.

Repeat each phrase three times.

Do the same the next day.

Return to phrases even later - in a week or two.

Such a regular repetition ensures that new phrases will remain in your active vocabulary. And this means that you can use them in suitable situations, exactly what you need, isn't it?

Suggestions in English may have a completely different order of words than in Russian. At the same time, during the translation, it is worth adhere to certain rules, for example, if in Russian we see first the main part of the sentence, and then to be subject to, then in English can be different. Consider various English sentences with translation to visually see how to translate proposals from one language to another.

  • GrandmoTher Has Come! \u003d\u003e Grandma came!
  • Daddy Has Arrived! \u003d\u003e Dad arrived!
  • My Friends Have Come Too Late \u003d\u003e My friends came too late.
  • You are Having Very Good Time \u003d\u003e You spend your best time.

Carefully look at these suggestions. You will notice that they consist of a different number of words. The first two are unprosted, the second two are common.

Unprosted - these are those in which only the main (main) members of the sentence are present, namely, the lean and subject. As for common, then there are other (secondary) members. They are the circumstances, definitions, additions, etc.

Examples of translation of simple proposals (common and unprofitable):

  • Mother Says. \u003d\u003e Mom says.
  • Children Are Playing. \u003d\u003e Children play.
  • Grandfather Has Done. \u003d\u003e Grandfather did.
  • Mary Is Her Best Friend. \u003d\u003e Mary her best girlfriend.
  • The Girl Is Enjoying The Sunshine. \u003d\u003e Girl enjoy sunlight (heat).
  • The Boy Is Smiling To Her. \u003d\u003e Boy smiles at her.

Features of translation, when there is no subject to

If we talk about simple sentences, it is important to remember that they are divided into several species. Categories need to know to correctly translate proposals. For example, in personal proposals that denote a pronounced person or subject subject to be absent, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to translate:

  • MY. mother. Will coma in a minute. \u003d\u003e My mom will come in a minute (subject to being present).
  • She. Looks at the window. Stands Up. SITS DOWN. Again Stands Up. She Doesn't Know What To Do. \u003d\u003e She looks out the window. Rises. Sit down. Get up again. She does not know what to do.

From example, it can be seen that the word she. There is not in all sentences, but, nevertheless, it is meant there. No need to use the word "she" in each sentence. She gets up. She sits down. She gets up again. It is not right. Enough to translate she. Once, and then in meaning it is clear that the word in the sentence should be.

Other English topics: Affiliates in English with examples and tables

Features of translation with one and they

When we talk about uncertain and personal suggestions, then subject to something uncertain (object or face) expresses. So that this is something (uncertain) to pass in English, we use to translate one. and they:

  • One Can Study English Only If He Wants To. \u003d\u003e A person can learn English only if he wants (it is impossible to make a person do something).
  • One Can Bake a Cake Only If He knows how to do it. \u003d\u003e A person can bake pie only if he knows how to do it.
  • ONE CAN BECOME A POLICEMAN ONLY If HE is a Brave One. \u003d\u003e Police can only be the one who is brave.
  • THEY SAY, THE SUMMER WILL BE HOT. \u003d\u003e They say summer will be hot.
  • They Say, The Meeting Will Be Very Interesting. \u003d\u003e They say that the meeting will be very interesting.

Examples clearly show that when translating to Russian, we omit some words that are present in English. For example, they. Yes, we write They Say., not just Say, but we translate without they: speakand not they say. Similar situation with word One.. In our examples One. translated as man and policemanBut these words are not limited to these words. It all depends on the context.

Features of the transfer of impersonal proposals

An interesting situation with the translation is to be in impersonal proposals. The feature of such proposals is that they do not have acting person. How to translate them into Russian? Without subject.

We give examples:

  • IT IS Snowing. \u003d\u003e Snow goes.
  • IT IS Sunshining. \u003d\u003e Sun shines.
  • IT IS COLD. \u003d\u003e Cold.
  • IT Becomes Dark Very Early. \u003d\u003e Evening very early.

In English impersonal offers used iT.which in Russian is not translated. This member of the sentence we omit.

More offers with translation into Russian:

  • IT Sems That You Have Seen This Man Before. \u003d\u003e It seems that you have already seen this man before.
  • IT IS Known That These Guys Are Very Talented. \u003d\u003e They know that these guys are very talented.
  • IT Becomes Deeper and Deeper Step by Step. \u003d\u003e Step by step is becoming deeper and deeper.

Note! British sentences It is impossible to translate the word for word. They need to be translated comprehensively. For example, in the last sentence, first we first translate STEP by STEP, and then - IT Becomes Deeper and Deeper, although in the proposal, the opposite. You can, of course, translate is getting deeper step by step, but step by step is becoming deeper better.

Other English topics: Complete proposals in English: how are the examples, unions are built, examples

Features of the translation of complex proposals

Such proposals necessarily have written unions. neither .. .nor, as well as, not only ... But Also, But, etc. Such suggestions consisting of two to three parts are also separated between themselves and commas. It is easier for perception, and for translation.

On a note! Simple sentences The complexity needs to be pronounced with downstream.

  • A Cold Wind Was Blowing and A Snowstorm Began. \u003d\u003e Cold wind blew, and a blizzard began.

In this proposal, writing awareness and, but the proposal is a complex, and not simple. The fact is that both suggestions (simple, part of the complex) have a legend and subject. If we took, for example, IT Was Cool and Windy, then it is clear that it is a simple sensence, because IT WAS. belongs to K. cool, and K. windy..

But in the sentence A Cold Wind Was Blowing and A Snowstorm Began We see two separate full-fledged offers - 1) A Cold Wind Was Blowing, and 2) a Snowstorm Began.

Let us give more examples:

  • The Metal Is Made Up of Irregularly Shaped Grains Are The Bundling Blocks of the Metal. \u003d\u003e Metal consists of grains incorrect formAnd these smallest grains are a construction mass.
  • I WANTED TO BUY A BABY Chihuahua, sO. I Started to Save My Money. \u003d\u003e I wanted to buy Chihuahua puppy, and Therefore, I began to postpone the money.
  • HIS Dog Has Won Many Prizes but. She Doesn't Know Many Tricks. \u003d\u003e His dog won many awards, but She does not know many tricks.
  • I Will Be Glad to Help You; I Love to Cook. \u003d\u003e I will be glad to help you; I like to cook.

Note! Complex proposals can be translated without unions. A visual example is the last sentence.

In addition to complex, the proposals are also complex, and they, in turn, also have their subspecies. This is another topic. We will look at it in our other articles.

Let's sum up

When we study English sentences with Russian to English, it is better to start training with simple, and then take a complex one. If you learn how to correctly translate light offers, then learn how to correctly cope with complex. IN last case It is necessary to learn the writing unions that are binding between suggestions. Perform regular exercises and improve your skills. Successes!

To understand a person, learn how he is. This axiom also applies to the study of foreign languages. In order for expressions in English to be easily, it is necessary to delve into how the native speaker perceives them.

The direct translation of phrases into Russian is very useful. Some of them will sound strange or even ridiculous, but it will be a good guideline for understanding the mentality of foreigners. In addition, it is worth thinking - and whether our phrases for the English ear sound strange.

Using the first phrases and expressions in English, it is necessary to pay attention to the special role of the verb BE. We recommend starting with call structures with personal and most strongest persons:

I.(personal pronoun) am a learner.. I am a student (literal translation). I am a student (normal translation). The literal translation shows how the native speaker thinks. Normal - as we think.

Let's see how the literal port of the phrase "I am a teacher" translates. He will say: " I Teacher."That he will seem very strange, but if he wonders, it will understand that the Russians are exactly what they think, and therefore it will be much easier to learn our language.

If we want to find the main phrases in English and remember them, we need to look for them in colloquial speech used to communicate. The likelihood that you will meet with someone today are very high, so you have to get the phrases for greeting. Do not forget that if you live in a hotel or are at school or in a student campus, you will have to greet every time you meet a person.

Universal dialogue used by almost all native speakers (with some variations looks like this:

  • - Hello (HI)! Hello hi)!
  • - How Are You You (Doing)? How are you
  • - I'm Fine (Good, Great, Nice). Thanks (Thank You)! And you? I'm fine (great, fine). Thank you! And you (you have)?
  • - I'm Fine (Good, Perfect) TOO. I'm fine (excellent) too. Thank you!Thank you!

On our site site you will find the main phrases in English with the translation used in various life situations. For example, in a dating situation, you will use phrases:

  • - Nice To Meet You. Nice to meet you (you).
  • - Nice To Meet You, Tooo. I am also nice to you (you) to meet.

When searching for a road in an unfamiliar village, phrases will be useful.

How Can I Get To The Lincoln Memorial? How can I get to the Lincoln Memorial.

Over time, it will be useful to learn how to use the so-called polite questions. In them, the order of words, in contrast to simple variants, does not change.

Could You Tell Me Hower Can Get To the Lincoln Memorial? Will you tell me how I get to the Lincoln Memorial?

English is great and diverse, and the main phrases in English for communication can be listed, except, in a phrasebook for a tourist. A beginner learning is helpful to delve into the fact that the English proposal has a certain order of words, and repel about it.

Among Teachers Popular Character named mr. Spom.. This "surname" was formed from the first letters of words denoting the main order of words in the English affirmative (and in the negative) sentence:

SUBJECT + PREDICATE + OBJECT + MODIFIER (subject + fabricated + supplement + circumstance)

We substitute the necessary words and get a sample of a simple English phrase:

Jack (Subject) Built (Predicate) HIS Beautiful House (Object) in 2004 (Modifier). Mr. Spom in all its glory! Sometimes there may be no circumstance or addition, but the presence of the subject and the facility can be detected almost always (if there is no conversational speech, it is meant). Got Home At Last. (I) got to the house, finally.

Using the casual affirmative and negative English phrases correctly, you will always feel the invisible presence of Mr. Spoma, and when transferring to Russian it is best to customize the order of words under his rule:

I am Going to Visit My Granny in the Evening. I'm going to spend my grandmother in the evening.

I Will Leave to Moscow AT 7 PM. At seven in the evening I am leaving for Moscow.

Make from these proposals questioning easier simple. Take out auxiliary verbs (AM and WILL) forward and put the question marks.

List of phrases in English for everyday communication

We give a few more useful phraseswhich can be useful in the most common situations:

To attract attention - Attracting Attention

Excuse mE! / Pardon (ME)!

Sorry! (appeal)


You are welcome!

LOOK HERE! / I Say /


Possible answers- Possible answers:



YES, What is it?

Yes, what is?

What can i do for you?

How can I help you?

A meeting - Meeting People

Look Who is Here!

Who I see!

This is a small world!

It's a small world!

IT is good to see you!

Glad to see you!

Have you Met?

do you know each other?

How Are you getting on?

How are you?

How Are you doing?

How are you?

What's Up?

How life (Slang welcome)

What is the news?

What's new?

Possible answers- Possible answers:

Fine , thanks. .

Thank you well.

Very Well, Thank You. And you?

Thank you, very good. And you?

Not Bad, Thanks.

Thank you, not bad.

I am Fine Too

Also good




Not very good

Never Better.

More than ever

We have already seen somewhere - We. ve. met. before.


We saw on ..., isn't it?


Are we already familiar?

WE'VE already Been Introduced.

We were already represented by each other

Could I Have Seen You Somewhere?

We have already met, isn't it?

I Fancy I "VE Met You Before.

It seems to me that we have already met somewhere.

Your Face Sems (So) Familiar (To Me)

Your face (me) is familiar.

Your Name Sounds Familiar.

Your name is familiar to me.

I Have Heard So Much ABOUT You.

I talked about you a lot.

Expression emotions - Expression of Emotions



I CAN "T Believe IT!

I can not believe it!

I DON "T Know What To Say!

I do not know what to say!


On the contrary!


Nothing like this


In no case




Oh, my god !

Oh, Dear!

Oh my goodness!




I Have to Go

I'Ve Got to Go

I have to go

This is.

    my Card

    my Address

    my Phone Number

Here ...

    my business card

    my address

    my number

I Hope We Meet Again

I hope that we will see





1. I don "t mind. - I have nothing against it.
2. I THINK SO. - I agree.
3. Easy! - Lightly. Do not climb on the dog. Take it easy.
4. You "LL Make It. - You can do it.
5. That "s The Whole Point. - This is all the matter.
6. Calm Down. - Take it easy.
7. DON "T Worry. Relax. - He worry. Take it easy. Relax.
8. IT Makes Things Easier. - So easier (to worry / transfer pain).
9. I Haven "T Given It Much Thought. - I haven't thought about it yet. (about plans for the future)
11. You "LL Hear From Me. - I'll give you to know / inform about yourself.
10. IT Serves You / SMB. Right. - So you / someone and necessary.
12. IT "S GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT.- Everything will be fine.
13. YOU BET! - Still ask!
14. Sounds Good to Me. - That's fine for me.
15. - Do you Want Me to Help You? - You bet! - Do you want me to help you? - still ask!
16. Time "S Up. - Time is over.
18. I Couldn "T Reach You. - I could not get through to you.
17. Hear Me Out! - Listen to me!
19. Let Happen Whatever Would Happen. - Let it be what will happen.
20. I Mean IT. - Honestly. / I speak sincere.
22. DON "T MENTION THAT. - Do not need about it.
23. Get Out of My Way. - Get out of my way.
24. Get Lost. - Disappearance. Motay from here. Get up
25. Tell Him Whatever You Want, I DON "T GIVE A Shit. - You can tell him anything - I'm up to the light bulb.
26. I DON "T GIVE A DAMN / A Shit - I'm up to the light bulb, indifferent: Let "S Hold to Reason. Let" S Hold to Reason. Let "S Hold to Reason.
27. You have a point there. - Here you are right. / It is truth too.
28. I Want to BUY Your House. I Mean IT. - I want to buy your home. Honestly.
29. Let "S Get To the Point. Let" S HOLD TO REASON. - Let's get closer to business.
30. SO Far So Good. - So far everything goes well.
31. IT "S NOT THAT I DON" T ... - He that I do not ...:
32. Don "T BE SILLY. - Not deep. Not Duri.
33. IT WAS NOT THAT HE DIDN "T LOVE HER. - He that he does not love her.
34. You know better than that. - And you are not so simple (as you think).
35. Don "T Worry, I CAN make it on My Own. - He worry, I can fine.
36. Not Likely. Unless ... - Probably no. If only...:
37. Why do you Ask? - No Reason in Particular.
38. No Reason in Particular. - Just. Without a special reason.:
39. Suit Yourself. - As you want. Will Your. Do you know.:
40. Suit Yourself, But i "Ve Got A Work to Do and I Won" T GO TO PARIS. - Will Your, but I need to do something, and I will not go to Paris.
41. I Meant ONLY THE BEST.- I just wanted it better.
42. IT NEVER OCCURRED TO ME THAT ... - I never occurred to me that ...
43. Tend To Your Own Affairs. - Better do with your affairs. / Do not climb not in your business.
44. Come on. Let "S Get This Over With. - Let's finish with this business.
45. Think It Over. - Think carefully.
46. Coffee? - If IT IS NO BOTHER. - Coffee? - If not difficult.
47. You are on the right track. - You are on the right track. You think correctly.
48. Whatever Is To Be Will Be. - Which have not be avoided.
49. Here "s What We WE" LL Do. - We will do this.
50. IT Beats Me. - That beats me.
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