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Among the services - verification of spelling words by searching for several academic dictionaries, the first of which is Russian orthographic dictionary Russian Academy of Sciences Edited by Dr. Philological Sciences Professor V. V. Lopatin. A variety of information and reference materials are published on the portal, online-consultation.


Use as a reference

Among the many Russian-speaking Internet users, the portal information is considered sufficiently reputable when checking the spelling of Russian words. However, the rules specified by the compilers of other dictionaries of different years of publication (Rosenthal, Zaliznyaka and others) may vary somewhat.


As of November 19, 2011, the site is located on the 599 place in popularity in Russia, according to rating

In 2012, the portal "" received financial support from the state of 4.5 million rubles, becoming the most budget Internet project.



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "" in other dictionaries:

    Reduce read and write. Vocabulary foreign wordsincluded in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. Gramist or gram of Greek. Grammata, from Graphein, write. a) decrease to read and write. b) open leaf, patent, diploma, document, official ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (from Grech. Grammata reading and writing) 1) The ability to read and write.2) official written act certifying an international agreement or establishing any legal relations (ratification grades, credentials, etc.) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Modern encyclopedia

    Gramist, letters, wives. (Grech. Mn. Grammata letter, book, writing). 1. Only units. Reduce read and write. Learn a diploma and account. "The gram is easy to me." Maksim Gorky. || Elementary information on some subject, area ... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    Gramot - (from the Greek Grammata reading and letter), 1) the ability to read and write. 2) written act official or private, in Russia 10 Start 20 centuries., Certificate to the face or community of rights, possessions, awards, differences (this certificate, complained ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    See Chinese Document, Tarabar Mrud, Tatar Motion ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Grand Document, Charter; Himself, reclamation, christuul, letter ... Synonym dictionary

    gramot - grades, arch., Eastr. - Business document, Act, often with the power of the law in Doparerovskaya Rus. He (Chebotay. - B.Sh.) Ordership lomil at the sputus, to go rounding you as follows (3. 355). See Sl. Xi xi xvii 4. 119 120: grades (in 4 meanings; ... ... ... Dictionary of trilogy "Survae Ista"

    Gramist, gramatic wives. decrease to read and write; Sometimes one is only the first, decrease to read. The people say: know lormurty. | Gramist · Naz. Any royal letter, writing in the authorized person; now rescript; | Certificate to face or ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    Gramist, s, wives 1. The ability to read and write. Learn guide. 2. Official document. Verivaya G. Security G. Patent G. Boasual. 3. In the old days: document, letter. Meeting of Novgorod literacy. Berbrist Diffuses (Ancient Russian letters ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (from grmmata reading and letter) 1) official written act certifying any international agreements or establishing any legal links (ratification g., Verivative, etc.); 2) written act, official or ... ... Legal vocabulary

    Discussion, written act, official or private, in the 10th early 20th centuries, certificate to the face or community of rights, possessions, awards, differences (given G., Chuzhnaya G. et al.) Or about making transactions, establishing relationships (having , ... ... Russian history

Then that; cf. I. place. arr. somebody. While. Performed the case that was entrusted. Meanwhile. Etc. The patient was prescribed not that medicine. Brought not that dish. Was in the theater in the same dress. II. place. SUD 1. Indicates the idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject, the phenomenon, the circumstance, etc., which presented earlier or later in the subsequent speech. I do not regret that. Rada. Clouds clouded to clean to that sky. III. in sn. Union. sl. UPOTR. At the junction of two sentences, of which the second is interpreting the first, as well as in revolutions with a negative comparison. A sharp sound is heard - then shouts Filin. Poves the horizon - then the sun gets up. * That's not the wind of the branch clone, it's not a whirlwind noise, then my heart is moaning ... (Song). / As part of complex unions. Thanks to. Due to the fact that. While. In order to. Before. Until. For what. Because of. Meanwhile, as. Although. Similar to. As. So as to. / As part of introductory phrases connecting various parts of the statement. However. In addition. Moreover. Meanwhile. More than that.

Then union. Connects offers or homogeneous members Offers when transferring alternating facts or phenomena. The rain weakened, it was intensified. One will forget one thing, then another. A (not) then ... (see 2.A). And then (and) ... (see 2.A). But it is not? (cm. Not). Not that , in sn. Narch. Otherwise, otherwise. Show yourself, it will be worse. Repeated in dry, not you get sick. (Yes) and then in sn. Particles. In addition, besides, only. Always alone, will the neighbor look, and even rarely. Either ..., either, in sn. Union. Expresses opposition with the meaning of uncertainty, ambiguity, uncertainty. Whether it comes, or not. Whether the rain, or the snow. Every now and then, in sn. Narch. Constantly, incremental. That and the case is separated from work. That is what they call. Whether it is in sn. Narch. Much better, quite different. In the city is bored, whether it is in the village. I.e (Abbreviated: i.e.). I. union. 1. Namely, what does it mean in other words. To the house three kilometers, that is, half an hour walk. Busy business, that is, solves the task. Suffers claustrophobia, that is, the fear of a closed space. -2. Clarifies the content of the previous statement, bringing some reservation, amendment. All slept, that is, the whole family slept, and I was awake. Acquired, that is, he was inherited, the country. II. particle. UPOTR. When asked for expressing surprise, misunderstanding, requests to clarify what was said. I dont know. - That is, how do you not know? I mean, in sn. Union. Nar.-R. \u003d That is.

Then particle. (at the beginning of the main one.). UPOTR. As an indicable word to enhance the correlation of the main proposal with the apparent, with the conditional, causal, temporary connection of proposals.

-To particle. 1. UPOTR. For emphasising and allocations in the proposal of the word to which it belongs. I understand. What a warm thing! I listened to listen, but I did not understand anything. Somewhere he now? What else will you do next? 2. It is part of uncertain pronouns and adverbs. Someone calls. Something fell from the table. Some person entered the house. I once heard about it. Somewhere lost glasses. Somewhere ran away. For some reason crying. 3. UPOTR. after locomotive words Instead of a specific instructions on the listed items, actions or signs. He tells: it was there and there, I did something and that I met with those.

), 1) The ability to read and write. 2) a written act official or private, in Russia 10 - the beginning of 20 centuries., Certificate to the face or community of rights, possessions, awards, differences (this certificate, pledged grades, etc.) or on any transactions, establishing what -Lo relationship (having made grades, statutory letters, etc.). 3) the old name of any document, letters. 4) a document issued as a reward for success in any kind of business (commemable grades, honorary certificate). 5) about literacy in international Law Look in the article of credentials, ratification. 6) (portable) Filk region of a certificate (illiterate, not having a legal force document); Chinese diploma (incomprehensible document; unfamiliar case).

Modern encyclopedia. 2000 .


Watch what is "grades" in other dictionaries:

    Reduce read and write. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. Gramist or gram of Greek. Grammata, from Graphein, write. a) decrease to read and write. b) open leaf, patent, diploma, document, official ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (from Grech. Grammata reading and writing) 1) The ability to read and write.2) official written act certifying an international agreement or establishing any legal relations (ratification grades, credentials, etc.) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Gramist, letters, wives. (Grech. Mn. Grammata letter, book, writing). 1. Only units. Reduce read and write. Learn a diploma and account. "The gram is easy to me." Maksim Gorky. || Elementary information on some subject, area ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Gramot - (from the Greek Grammata reading and letter), 1) the ability to read and write. 2) written act official or private, in Russia 10 Start 20 centuries., Certificate to the face or community of rights, possessions, awards, differences (this certificate, complained ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    See Chinese Document, Tarabar Mrud, Tatar Motion ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Grand Document, Charter; Himself, reclamation, christuul, letter ... Synonym dictionary

    gramot - grades, arch., Eastr. - Business document, Act, often with the power of the law in Doparerovskaya Rus. He (Chebotay. - B.Sh.) Ordership lomil at the sputus, to go rounding you as follows (3. 355). See Sl. Xi xi xvii 4. 119 120: grades (in 4 meanings; ... ... ... Dictionary of trilogy "Survae Ista"

    Gramist, gramatic wives. decrease to read and write; Sometimes one is only the first, decrease to read. The people say: know lormurty. | Gramist · Naz. Any royal letter, writing in the authorized person; now rescript; | Certificate to face or ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    Gramist, s, wives 1. The ability to read and write. Learn guide. 2. Official document. Verivaya G. Security G. Patent G. Boasual. 3. In the old days: document, letter. Meeting of Novgorod literacy. Berbrist Diffuses (Ancient Russian letters ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (from grmmata reading and letter) 1) official written act certifying any international agreements or establishing any legal links (ratification g., Verivative, etc.); 2) written act, official or ... ... Legal vocabulary

    Discussion, written act, official or private, in the 10th early 20th centuries, certificate to the face or community of rights, possessions, awards, differences (given G., Chuzhnaya G. et al.) Or about making transactions, establishing relationships (having , ... ... Russian history

Spelling of particles

SEPARATELYparticles are written:

    If (b), but (g), whether (l), for example: I would buy, that's, nevertheless, hardly.

    After all, here, they say, even, they say, won, as if, for example: he would definitely help.

Through Defisparticles are written:

    That, -libo, which is kone- (ko-) in the composition of undefined pronouns and adverbs, for example: something, someone, someone, somehow, from somewhere, somehow, in some way .

    Ka, -tha, -Tho, -Ye (with the meaning of the verb "they say"), -s (derived from the word "sir"), for example: show-ka, he-de, well-tao, look-tko, FROM.

It should also remember that:

    The particle of kone- (ko), separated from the pronouns of the pretext, is written separately, for example: something for which one who has.

    The particle is written through the hyphen only after the adverbs (straight), the verbs (came) and other particles (really), and in other cases it is written separately (he still managed to enter the car).

    If a particle that is written through a hyphen, stands after another particle, then the hyphen is not put, for example: yet, he would not say that. The said does not concern the particle -s, for example: how-with. If the particles are, -e, -tas are inside sophisticated word, the parts of which are connected by a hyphen, then the hyphen is written only before the particle, and after it, it is descended, for example: to a match, stood stood and left.

The exercise

1. And all in, choosing something from the mixture, go home, thank you by saying. (Goethe)

2. It is terrible to think about how rich soil served as all this for thousands of weaknesses, bodily and soulful. (L. Stern)

3. I go. I am rather for the priest, let him bend demon. (Voltaire)

4. But life flows everything in tech_zhable shores, and the lights are still far away. (V. G. Korolenko)

5. Although I'm ignorant and starlavetsky landownerAnd yet_taki, the older is old, I am engaged in science and discoveries ... (A. Chekhov)

6. Guest, forced to admire the family scene, found it necessary to take some participation in it. (L. N. Tolstoy)

7. And most importantly, let's walk away. (A. S. Griboedov)

8. He said that he would come back, and returned! (From newspapers)

9. - Nu_s, the kindest doctor, - the father exclaimed jokingly, because the mental states were replaced by him with incomprehensible speed (L. Stern)

10. The mesing for the whole world you will not prevent you from you, even though you have a genus genus and so you have been pushed, finding something in it, which he also prevented. (J.-B. Moliere)

11. But after these words, hardly there is a doubt that of two he gives preference. (P. Cornel)

12. The girl has grown, declaring that the young lady was very bad, but that she is now easier, and that she_eads now come to the living room. (A. S. Pushkin)

13. Thus, my cleansing was postponed how_bud_to it was necessary, that_, while remaining to live, I was even more breakdown in the mud. (Augustine)

14. Although she is a secret force, and all the girls are girls. Well, he guy. (P. Bazhov)

15. I was not at all satisfied with the Soviet Morality - I need to make a feat or some kind of discovery there, so that the people remember my personality and then with this discovery_, and identified. (A. Matveyeva)

16. But tomorrow I will talk to others, and you will no longer have any trouble. (K. Graham)

17. All nonsense! You can coat, steal and all_taki be happy ... (L. N. Tolstoy)

18. Ordinary pastime of our person is to look at how - they did not whistle, others - on the contrary, and both are busy. (M. Zhvanetsky)

19. - Well, how do you leave this? - he said. (L. N. Tolstoy)

20. There was a desert in front of which a bunch of our travel Cossacks moved. (L. N. Tolstoy)

21. What should I do with him if the signatorie violated it? (A. A. Fet)

22. He has long been going to repay him to contact him. And now I didn't want to miss the chance. (F. M. Dostoevsky)

23. - No_s, I am nothing, - suddenly jumped with a guilty view of the headquarters-captain. (F. M. Dostoevsky)

24. The question was whether he would decide whether to part with Prince Marya and give her husband. (L. N. Tolstoy)

25. Since the Fita, Izhitsa and a charting case are almost no longer used in Russian, then, arguing in justice, it was necessary to refuel the salary to teachers of the Russian language, because with a decrease in letters and cases, their work decreased. (A. P. Chekhov)

26. She was afraid to look back; She was miracle that someone stands here behind shirms, in a dark corner. (L. N. Tolstoy)

27. Foreigners arise because businessmen from the security forces are nickdishny, and the business_taki should be managed. (Y. Latynina)

28. So_To, Count, - Berg said, burning the tube and launching rings. (L. N. Tolstoy)

29. Was, you know, such a case. (A. P. Chekhov)

30. - I, however, said that real powder is not so compiled, but it is nothing - can and so _s. (F. M. Dostoevsky)

31. The terrain and the situation of our troops were known to him, as far as they could be known to someone from our army. (L. N. Tolstoy)

32. - Looking, looking, "said one soldier to a comrade, pointing to the Russian Mushkiter-soldier, who with an officer came to the chain and often spoken something with the French Grenader. - Hit, Items as deftly! Already Hrantzuz does not sleep behind him. Well, you, Sidorov! (L. N. Tolstoy)

33. - Oh Guard! - said Rostov. - But what, went to the wine. (L. N. Tolstoy)

34. Helene smiled with such a kind that he said that she did not allow anyone to be able to see her and not be admired. (L. N. Tolstoy)

35. But in his glance, friendly, gentle, all_taki was the consciousness of his superiority. (L. N. Tolstoy)

36. And a long time ago, the reader, the bride went to the crinolines, and the grooms flashed in striped trousers and in frances with sparks? (A. P. Chekhov)

37. Shelahov was demolished into soldiers, and the son of the Bezuhova was expelled to Moscow. Anatoly Kurabina - that father somehow sues. But expelled from St. Petersburg. (L. N. Tolstoy)

38. Sweet_s, here on the bed with Ilyushi, and not here on the bench. Milicia We ask, Guest Dear, Guest Long-awaited ... With Alexey Fedorovich, they were famous for him? (F. M. Dostoevsky)

39. ... And you are all_taki, an adult man, even though this stupid Marya made you a real calf. (V. G. Korolenko)

40. Sir Francis left a direct response: he intends to visit someone - until he knows exactly - where - and decide on the spot. (R. Sabatini)

41. They bought the gold of Koy_u_E from the rich men, and Arkady Pavlych is all in the book and the little book is written. (D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak)

42. - And yesterday, the holiday did the holiday? I asked in turn. - Who was the guests? (A. A. Fet)

The exercise was prepared by N. Gorbanev and B. A. Panov.

WHERE. I. place. Narch. 1. In which place. Where is he? Again awaited. Where do you live, work? Where are we gonna meet? Where to look for salvation? / (strengthened. with a particle Here). That's where you hide! * So where my destruction was buried! (Pushkin). // (in rhetoric. Question and exclants.). Regrettable, annoyance, surprise, doubt, insecurity in existence, the presence of (on the disappeared, missing, etc.). Where is my youth! Where are your promises? Where is the proof? Where is the guarantee? Facts where? Where are you, my days, the days of spring? .. (Rings). 2. . Somewhere, anywhere. Maybe where we will meet. It is unlikely where there are such beautiful placeslike ours. Look, not lost where. // Sometimes, occasionally, in some cases. Where and yielding for sight. Where it is necessary to "suffer. II. union. sl. (in the attachment. Sitzes; usually with adverbs: there, there, etc. to the main ranged.). In which place. I will live where I want. Everyone watched where a cry came. He spoke it everywhere where only you can. / (In the attachment. Determine. Prep.; Usually with the place.: Such, T. to the main ranged.). I know the restaurant where you can eat delicious. I read such books where everything ends with a wedding. This is the city where the great poet was born. * Fighters commemorate last days And the battle, where they swear together (Pushkin). / (in the attachment. add. offered). I remembered where I saw this person? Could not understand where I made a mistake. Do not know where he is? Tell me where we will meet? / (in the attachment. Giving up. Prep.; with particles: Nor would). Wherever he lived, he worked, he loved him everywhere. Wherever the person is, he always remembers his house. Wherever will see a piece of paper, starts to draw. III. particle. . usually with inf. Expresses denial, protest, doubt about the possibility or reality. Where to understand! Many gathered mushrooms? - Where is a lot! * Where are you with me, with me, with the Baldo himself? (Pushkin). / Strengthen. (with particles: Oh, there, here, etc.). Where can I understand! Where there is a lot! Where can you rest! Where is there a rich! God is news of anywhere (cm. God). That's where sits who is (who) (cm. Side). Where ours did not disappear (cm. Loss). Where... narch. 1. In one place, in another place. How do you live? - Where is good, where bad. Where we will inlers, where you run, where you jump. -2. In one case, in another case. Where to say, and where and drive. Where (also) only (not, did not live, was not, etc.), in sn. Narch. Everywhere, everywhere, in many places. Anywhere else; (Nar.-River) where no in sn. Narch. Anywhere, everywhere. Where you have to come, where you please (Nar.-River) where neither fell in sn. Narch. Without choosing, as you have to, it turns out. Being if in sn. Narch. Nar.-R. Unknown in the same place. Wherever, in sn. Union. (with inf.). Instead of. Where would we cry - sing songs.

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