Vasily buslaev. Novgorod epics Novgorod epic hero

Epic plots, the hero of which is Vasily Buslaev

According to S.A. Azbelev, numbering 53 plots of heroic epics, Vasily Buslaev is the main hero of three of them (No. 40, 41 and 42 according to the index compiled by Azbelev).

40. Vasily Buslaev and Novgorodians

41. The trip of Vasily Buslaev

42. Death of Vasily Buslaev

The image of Vasily Buslaev in epics

Vasily Buslaev is a Novgorod hero who represents the ideal of valiant boundless prowess. This is the most famous of the characters of folklore named Vasily.

The first of the epic stories dedicated to Vasily Buslaev tells about his conflict with the city community. From a young age there is no embarrassment for Vaska; he always does as he pleases, regardless of the harm that his actions bring. Having set up the majority of Novgorodians against himself, he gathers a squad of the same daredevils like himself, and rages more and more; only his mother has at least a shadow of power over him. Finally, energized at the feast, Vasily bets that he will fight at the head of his squad on the Volkhov bridge with all the Novgorod peasants. The battle begins and Vasily's threat to beat all opponents to a single one is close to implementation; only the intervention of Vasily's mother saves the Novgorodians.

The second of the epic stories dedicated to Vasily Buslaev depicts this hero no longer as a young man, but as a mature person. Feeling the weight of his sins, Basil goes to atone for them in Jerusalem. But the pilgrimage to the Holy Places does not change the character of the hero: he demonstratively violates all prohibitions and way back dies in the most absurd way, trying to prove his youth.

The type of Vasily Buslaev was little developed in the pre-revolutionary scientific literature... Most researchers spoke in favor of the originality of this type, considering him the personification of the power of Novgorod itself, while Sadko is the personification of his wealth.

Cinema hero

Nikolai Okhlopkov (left) as Vaska Buslai. Film "Alexander Nevsky"

One of the main characters of the famous film by Sergei Eisenstein "Alexander Nevsky", filmed in 1938, is a Novgorod guy Vaska Buslay (not Buslaev!). This character "inherited" two features characteristic of the epic Vasily Buslaev: reckless prowess and respect for his mother. Otherwise, the cinematic hero is sharply different from the epic: he does not oppose himself to the community, and his overflowing energy is skillfully directed by Prince Alexander in the right direction (he is entrusted with the most important and most dangerous place in the upcoming battle). Vaska Buslai, cheerful and full of inventions, is represented by a rival friend of the sedate boyar Gavrila Aleksich. In the Battle of the Ice, both perform great feats, and at the end of the film Buslay himself generously acknowledges the superiority of his older friend in military valor.

In 1982, director Gennady Vasiliev made a fairy tale film "Vasily Buslaev". The author of the script used some motives of the epics about Vasily Buslaev (and in a very free interpretation).

Notes (edit)


  • N. I. Kostomarov Historical monographs and studies, Volume 8. St. Petersburg. Type of. K. Wolfe, 1868. pp. 124-148


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  • Vasily Kosoy
  • Sokar

See what "Vasily Buslaev" is in other dictionaries:

    Vasily Buslaev- VASILY BUSLAEV, USSR, film studio named after M. Gorky, 1982, color, 81 min. Tale. By eponymous poem Sergei Narovchatov. Once upon a time the townsman's son Vaska Buslaev heard from the pilgrims the alarming news that terrible enemies attacked Russia and ruined it. ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Vasily Buslaev- the hero of the epics of the Novgorod cycle (14-15 centuries), a reveler and a mischievous person who entered into battle with all of Novgorod ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Vasily Buslaev- the hero of the epics of the Novgorod cycle (XIV XV centuries), a reveler and a mischievous person who entered into battle with all of Novgorod. * * * VASILY BUSLAEV VASILY BUSLAEV, the hero of the epics of the Novgorod cycle (14-15 centuries), a reveler and a mischievous person who entered into battle with all of Novgorod ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Vasily Buslaev- VASILY (Vaska) BUSLAYEV folklore character, hero of Novgorod epics Buslaev and Novgorodians and Death of Buslaev. Like other epic heroes, VB is endowed with fantastic. strength, grows unusually quickly, testing its physical. power on peers, ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    Vasily Buslaev- the hero of two epics of the Novgorod cycle, created during the heyday of the commercial and political life of Novgorod in the 14th and 15th centuries. and experienced the later influences of the 16th-17th centuries. Condemnation of V.B., a reckless drunkard and a ushkuynik who goes into battle with everything ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Vasily Buslaev- a hero of Russian epics, a boyar son who got in touch with a Novgorod freelancer, a reckless drunkard and a ushkuynik, who entered into battle with all of Novgorod. He died on the way from the Holy Land, where he went to atone for sins.

Novgorod epics did not develop a military theme. They expressed something different: the merchant's ideal of wealth and luxury, the spirit of daring travel, enterprise, sweeping prowess, courage. In these epics, Novgorod is glorified, their heroes are merchants.

Vasily Buslaev is a purely Novgorod hero. According to V. I. Dal, "buslay" is "a riotous bastard, a reveler, a smart fellow." This is how the hero appears. Two epics are dedicated to him: "About Vasily Buslaev" (or "Vasily Buslaev and the Novgorodians") and "The trip of Vasily Buslaev".

The first epic reflected the inner life of independent Novgorod in the XIII-XIV centuries. It is assumed that it reproduces the struggle of the Novgorod political parties.

Born of elderly and pious parents, left without a father early, Vasily easily mastered literacy and became famous in church singing. However, he showed another quality: an unbridled riot of nature. Together with the drunks, he began to get drunk and disfigure people. Wealthy townspeople complained to his mother - mother widow Amelfa Timofeevna. Vasily's mother began to scold and scold, but he did not like it. Buslaev recruited a squad of the same fellows as he was.

Further, a massacre is depicted, which the drunken squad of Buslaev staged in Novgorod on a holiday. In this situation, Vasily suggested hitting a big pledge: if Novgorod beat him with his squad, he would pay tribute-exits for three thousand every year; if he beats - then the peasants of Novgorod will pay him the same tribute. The agreement was signed, after which Vasily and his squad beat ... many to death. Rich Novgorod peasants rushed with expensive gifts to Amelfa Timofeevna and began to ask her to appease Vasily.

With the help of a little girl, Vaska was taken to a wide courtyard, put in deep cellars and tightly locked. Meanwhile, the squad continued the begun battle, but could not resist the whole city and began to weaken. Then the little girl undertook to help Vasily's squad - she nailed a lot to death with a yoke. Then she released Buslaev. He grabbed a cart axle and ran along the wide Novgorod streets. On the way, he came across an elder pilgrim:

An old pilgrimage stands here,

He holds a bell on mighty shoulders,

And that bell weighs three hundred poods ...

But he could not stop Vasily, who, getting into a fervor, hit the elder and killed him. Then Buslaev joined his squad: He fights, fights day to night. Buslaev defeated the Novgorodians. The Posad peasants submitted and reconciled, brought expensive gifts to his mother and pledged to pay three thousand for each year. Vasily won a bet from Novgorod, like Sadko the merchant in one of the epics.

The epic "The Trip of Vasily Buslaev" tells the story of the hero's journey to Yerusalim-grad in order to atone for his sins. However, even here his indomitability was manifested ("And I do not believe, Vasyunka, neither in sleep, nor in chokh, but I also believe in my scarlet elm"). On Mount Sorochinskaya, Vasily blasphemously kicked a human skull out of the way. In Jerusalem, despite the warning of the forest woman, he swam in the Erdan River with his entire squad. On the way back, he kicked the human skull again, and also neglected the inscription on a certain mystical stone:

"And someone else will amuse himself by the stone,

And amuse yourself, amuse yourself,

Along the ride on the stone, -

Will break the head of a riot. "

Vasily jumped along the stone - and died. Thus, he could not fulfill his pious intentions, remained true to himself, died a sinner.

Sadko represents a different type of hero. VG Belinsky wrote about him: "This is no longer a hero, not even a strong man and not a daring in the sense of a bully and a man who does not give anyone or anything a descent; this is not a boyar, not a nobleman: no, this is strength, prowess and the wealth of money, this is the aristocracy of wealth acquired by trade, is the merchant, this is the apotheosis of the merchant class.<...>Sadko expresses endless prowess; but this strength and prowess is based on endless funds, the acquisition of which is possible only in the trading community. "

Three stories are known about Sadko: the miraculous acquisition of wealth, the dispute with Novgorod and the stay at the bottom of the sea king. Usually two or all three scenes were performed in a contaminated form, like one epic (for example: "Sadko").

The first plot has two versions. One by one the merchant Sadko came from the Volga and conveyed greetings from her to the tearful lake Ilmen. Ilmen presented Sadko: he turned three cellars of the fish he caught into coins. According to another version, Sadko is a poor guslar. They stopped calling him to feasts. With grief, he plays the spring-chased gusli on the shore of Lake Ilmen. The water king came out of the lake and, in gratitude for the game, taught Sadko how to get rich: Sadko must hit the great pledge, claiming that there are fish-golden feathers in Lake Ilmen. Ilmen gave three such fish in the net, and Sadko became a rich merchant.

The second plot also has two versions. Having got excited at the feast, Sadko fights with Novgorod, betting that he can redeem all Novgorod goods with his innumerable gold treasury. According to one version, this is what happens: the hero even buys shards from broken pots. According to another version, every day new goods arrive in Novgorod: first from Moscow, then from overseas. Goods from all over the world cannot be redeemed; No matter how rich Sadko is, Novgorod is richer.

In the third plot, Sadko's ships sail on the sea. The wind blows, but the ships stop. Sadko guesses that the sea king is demanding tribute. The king does not need either red gold, or pure silver, or small pitched pearls - he requires a living head. The three-times cast of lots convinces that the choice fell on Sadko. The hero takes yarovchaty geese with him and, finding himself on seabed, amuses the king with music.

From the dance of the sea king skolebalose, the sea was blue, ships began to crash, people began to drown. The drowning people offered prayers to Nikola Mozhaisky, the patron saint of the waters. He came to Sadko, taught him how to break the psaltery to stop the sea king's dance, and also suggested how to get out of the blue sea for Sadko. According to some versions, the rescued Sadko erects a cathedral church in honor of Nikola.

It is difficult to see real historical features in the character of Sadko. At the same time, the epic emphasizes his prowess, which faithfully reflects the flavor of the era. The brave merchants who crossed the expanses of water were patronized by the deities of rivers and lakes, the fantastic sea king sympathized.

The image of the Novgorod merchant-shipbuilder naturally fits into the system of all Russian folklore. Solovey Budimirovich comes to Kiev on his expensive ships. Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich ("Ilya Muromets on the Sokol-ship") are sailing on the Sokol-ship in the blue sea. The fairy tale "Wonderful Children" in its distinctive East Slavic version also created a vivid image of merchant shipbuilders and trade guests. This image is also found in other East Slavic tales.

Kievan Rus actively used water trade routes. MV Levchenko described the structure of the ships of the Old Russian fleet. "Plank rooks", which could accommodate from 40 to 60 people, were made from a dugout log, sheathed with boards (later the Cossacks built their ships in the same way). BA Rybakov noted that in the VIII-X centuries. Old Russian flotillas numbered up to two thousand ships.

VF Miller referred to the Novgorod epic “Volga and Mikula” by a number of everyday and geographical features. The regional orientation of this work was reflected in the fact that the Novgorodian Mikula is depicted as stronger than the nephew of the Kiev prince Volga with his squad.

Volga went to the the prince of Kiev three cities collecting tribute. Leaving the field, he heard the work of yelling: yelling pushes, the bipod squeaks, omeshiks are rubbing on pebbles. But Volga managed to get closer to the plowman only two days later. Having learned that men live in the cities where he was going ... robbers, the prince invited the orats with him. He agreed: he unharnessed the filly, sat on it and drove off. However, he soon remembered that he had left the bipod in the furrow - it must be pulled out, shaken off the soil and thrown behind the bush. Volga three times sends the warriors to remove the bipod, but neither five nor ten good fellows, nor even the whole druzhinushka can pick it up. Plowman Mikula pulls out the bipod with one hand. The opposition turns to horses: Volga's horse cannot keep up with Mikula Selyaninovich's filly.

The image of Volga was somewhat influenced by the image of the mythical Volkh: in the beginning it is reported that Volga knows how to turn into a wolf, a bird-falcon, a pike-fish. This gave reason to build an archaic basis of the plot to a conflict between an ancient hunter and a more civilized farmer. However, the idea of ​​the epic primarily consists in the fact that the prince is opposed by a wonderful plowman, endowed with mighty strength.

Zueva T.V., Kirdan B.P. Russian folklore - M., 2002

According to S.A. Azbelev, numbering 53 plots of heroic epics, Vasily Buslaev is the main character of two of them (Nos. 40 and 41 according to the index compiled by Azbelev) .40. Vasily Buslaev and Novgorodians 41. The trip of Vasily Buslaev Vasily Buslaev is a Novgorod hero, representing the ideal of valiant boundless prowess. This is the most famous of the characters of folklore named Vasily. The first of the epic stories dedicated to Vasily Buslaev tells about his conflict with the city community. From a young age there is no embarrassment for Vaska; he always does as he pleases, regardless of the harm that his actions bring. Having set up the majority of Novgorodians against himself, he gathers a squad of the same daredevils like himself, and rages more and more; only his mother has at least a shadow of power over him. Finally, energized at the feast, Vasily bets that he will fight at the head of his squad on the Volkhov bridge with all the Novgorod peasants. The battle begins, and Vasily's threat to beat all opponents to the last one is close to being realized; only the intervention of Vasily's mother saves the Novgorodians. Vasily Buslaev The second epic story dedicated to Vasily Buslaev portrays this hero no longer as a young man, but as a mature man. Feeling the weight of his sins, Basil goes to atone for them in Jerusalem. But the pilgrimage to the Holy Places does not change the character of the hero: he demonstratively violates all prohibitions and on the way back dies in the most absurd way, trying to prove his youth. The type of Vasily Buslaev was little developed in the pre-revolutionary scientific literature. Most researchers spoke in favor of the originality of this type, considering him the personification of the power of Novgorod itself, while Sadko is the personification of his wealth. Buslaev!). This character "inherited" two features characteristic of the epic Vasily Buslaev: reckless prowess and respect for his mother. Otherwise, the cinematic hero is sharply different from the epic: he does not oppose himself to the community, and his overflowing energy is skillfully directed by Prince Alexander in the right direction (he is entrusted with the most important and most dangerous place in the upcoming battle). Vaska Buslai, cheerful and full of inventions, is represented by a rival friend of the sedate boyar Gavrila Aleksich. In the Battle of the Ice, both perform great feats, and at the end of the film Buslay himself generously acknowledges the superiority of his older friend in military valor. In 1982, director Gennady Vasiliev made a fairy tale film "Vasily Buslaev". The author of the script used some motives of the epics about Vasily Buslaev (and in a very free interpretation).

The main characters of the epics are heroes. They embody the ideal of a courageous man devoted to his homeland and people. The hero fights alone against hordes of enemy forces. Among the epics, a group of the most ancient stands out. These are the so-called epics about "senior" heroes associated with mythology. The heroes of these works are the personification of the unknown forces of nature associated with mythology. Such are Svyatogor and Magus Vseslavievich, Danube and Mikhailo Potyk.

In the second period of their history, the ancient heroes were replaced by the heroes of modern times - Ilya Muromets, Nikitich and Alesha Popovich... These are the heroes of the so-called Kiev cycle epics. Under cyclization the unification of epic images and plots around individual characters and scenes of action is understood. This is how the Kiev cycle of epics was formed, associated with the city of Kiev.

Most epics depict the world Kievan Rus... Bogatyrs go to Kiev to serve Prince Vladimir, they also protect him from the enemy hordes. The content of these epics is predominantly heroic, military in nature.

Others major center the old Russian state was Novgorod. Epics Novgorod cycle- household, short story 4. The heroes of these epics were merchants, princes, peasants, guslars (Sadko, Volga, Mikula, Vasily Buslaev, Blud Hotenovich).

The world depicted in epics is the entire Russian land. So, Ilya Muromets from the heroic outpost sees high mountains, green meadows, dark forests. The epic world is "bright" and "sunny", but it is threatened by enemy forces: dark clouds, fog, thunderstorm are approaching, the sun and stars are fading from the innumerable enemy hordes. This is the world of opposition between good and evil, light and dark forces. In it, heroes fight against the manifestation of evil and violence. The epic world is impossible without this struggle.

Each hero has a certain dominant character trait. Ilya Muromets personifies strength, this is the most powerful Russian hero after Svyatogor. Dobrynya is also a strong and brave warrior, a serpent fighter, but also a hero-diplomat. Prince Vladimir sends him on special diplomatic assignments. Alyosha Popovich personifies ingenuity and cunning. "He will not take it by force, so by cunning" - it is said about him in epics. Monumental images of heroes and grandiose accomplishments are the fruit of artistic generalization, the embodiment in one person of the abilities and strength of a people or a social group, an exaggeration of what really exists, i.e. hyperbolization 5 and idealization 6. The poetic language of the epics is solemnly melodious and rhythmically organized. His special artistic means- comparisons, metaphors, epithets - reproduce pictures and images of epic sublime, grandiose, and when depicting enemies - terrible, ugly. 7

In different epics, motifs and images, plot elements, identical scenes, lines and groups of lines are repeated. So, through all the epics of the Kiev cycle, images of Prince Vladimir, the city of Kiev, heroes pass. Epics, like other works folk art do not have anchored text. Passing from mouth to mouth, they changed, varied. Each epic had an endless variety of options.

In epics, fabulous miracles are performed: the reincarnation of characters, the revival of the dead, werewolf. They contain mythological images of enemies and fantastic elements, but the fantasy is different from that in a fairy tale. It is based on folk history. The famous folklorist of the 19th century A.F. Hilferding wrote:

“When a person doubts that a hero can carry a club of forty poods or one put an entire army on the spot, epic poetry killed in it. And many signs convinced me that the North Russian peasant singing the epics, and the vast majority of those who listen to him, certainly believe in the truth of the miracles that are depicted in the epic. The epic kept historical memory... Miracles were perceived as history in the life of the people. " eight

In the epics, there are many historically reliable signs: a description of the details, ancient weapons of warriors (sword, shield, spear, helmet, chain mail). They glorify Kiev-grad, Chernigov, Murom, Galich. Other ancient Russian cities are named. Events are unfolding in Ancient Novgorod as well. They contain the names of some historical figures: Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh. These princes united in the popular performance in one collective image of Prince Vladimir - "Red Sun".

There is a lot of fantasy and fiction in the epics. But fiction is poetic truth. The epics reflected the historical conditions of life of the Slavic people: the aggressive campaigns of the Pechenegs and Polovtsians to Russia, the devastation of villages, full of women and children, the plunder of wealth. Later, in the XIII-XIV centuries, Russia was under the yoke of the Mongol-Tatars, which is also reflected in the epics. During the years of national trials, they instilled love for their native land. It is no coincidence that the epic is a heroic folk song about the feat of the defenders of the Russian land.

However, epics are drawn not only heroic deeds heroes, enemy invasions, battles, but also everyday human life in its social and everyday manifestations and historical conditions. This is reflected in the cycle of Novgorod epics. In them, the heroes are noticeably different from the epic heroes of the Russian epic. The epic stories about Sadko and Vasily Buslaev include not just new original themes and plots, but also new epic images, new types of heroes that do not know other epic cycles. The Novgorod heroes, unlike the heroes of the heroic cycle, do not perform feats of arms. This is explained by the fact that Novgorod escaped the Horde invasion, the hordes of Batu did not reach the city. However, the Novgorodians could not only rebel (V. Buslaev) and play the harp (Sadko), but also fight and win brilliant victories over the conquerors from the West.

The Novgorod hero appears Vasily Buslaev... Two epics are dedicated to him. One of them talks about the political struggle in Novgorod, in which he takes part. Vaska Buslaev rebelled against the townspeople, came to feasts and started quarrels with “rich merchants”, “men (men) of Novgorod”, entered into a duel with the “elder” Pilgrim, a representative of the church. With his squad, he "fights, fights day to night." The Posad peasants "submitted and made peace" and pledged to pay "three thousand for every year." Thus, the epic depicts a clash between a wealthy Novgorod posad, eminent men and those citizens who defended the independence of the city.

The hero's rebellion is manifested even in his death. In the epic "How Vaska Buslaev went to pray", he breaks the prohibitions even at the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, swimming naked in the Jordan River. There he also perishes, remaining a sinner. V.G. Belinsky wrote that "Vasily's death comes directly from his character, daring and violent, which, as it were, begs for trouble and death." nine

One of the most poetic and fabulous epics of the Novgorod cycle is the epic “Sadko”. V.G. Belinsky defined the epic "as one of the pearls of Russian folk poetry, a poetic apotheosis for Novgorod." eleven Sadko- a poor guslar who got rich thanks to the skillful playing of the psaltery and the patronage of the Sea King. As a hero, he expresses endless strength and endless prowess. Sadko loves his land, his city, his family. Therefore, he refuses the untold riches offered to him and returns home.

So, epics are poetic, works of art... There are many unexpected, surprising and incredible in them. However, they are basically truthful, convey the people's understanding of history, the people's idea of ​​duty, honor, justice. At the same time, they are skillfully constructed, their language is unique.

In the Russian epic, the Novgorod cycle of epics stands apart. The plots of these legends were not based on feats of arms and political events of a national scale, but on cases from the life of the inhabitants of a large trading city - Veliky Novgorod. The reasons are clear: the city and the veche republic formed around it have always occupied a separate place in life, and, therefore, in the culture of Russia.

These epics were composed and told by buffoons, for which the ancient city was especially famous. Naturally, for a generous reward, they tried to please the tastes of the Novgorod bourgeoisie, creating bright, exciting, and sometimes funny stories from their lives.

Epic about Sadok

The most famous hero of Novgorod legends is Sadko. Coming from a poor environment (either a guslar, or a simple merchant, or just good fellow) he becomes very wealthy. Such a plot could not fail to attract the residents of the shopping center, who are keen on the idea of ​​enrichment.

In the stories of the epics about Sadok, three lines can be distinguished: about his enrichment, about the competition with the Novgorodians, and about the King of the Sea. Sometimes all this could be contained in one legend. But in any case, much attention was paid to ordinary everyday scenes of Novgorod reality, the merchant environment was vividly depicted. In fact, all the legends about Sadok glorify the wealth of the lord of Veliky Novgorod himself.

Epic about Stavr

The apogee of the heyday of Novgorod's desire to obtain capital is the epic about Stavr. It tells the story of a noble Novgorod boyar-capitalist, who is engaged in profiteering and usury. The epic Stavr is imprisoned by Prince Vladimir - here you can see the clash and rivalry between Kiev and Novgorod, and the prototype is the Sotsky, imprisoned by Vladimir Monomakh. But all the sympathies of the narrator are clearly on the side of the Novgorod boyar.

Epics about Vasily Buslaev

The favorite of Novgorod residents was Vaska Buslaev - a daring fellow, a hero of the Novgorod ushkuynichnstvo, dashing robberies in the Novgorod colonies, a lover of pranking and feasting. Unlike other epic heroes who walked across Russia, Novgorod Buslaev is famous not for military heroism, but for his prowess in internal fights and conflicts of the restless republic.

Other epics

Other epics also become an expression of the tastes of Novgorod residents - about Khoten Bludovich, who decided to woo the daughter of an arrogant and wealthy widow, about the rich guest Terentishche, etc. They are of a purely realistic genre character, vividly illustrating the everyday life and tastes of the Novgorod bourgeoisie.

The role of the Novgorod cycle of epics

Novgorod was the richest shopping center open to the cultural influences of the West and the East. At the same time, he always resembled a hive disturbed by the acute struggle of social groups. By his very nature, he formed the cult of wealth, luxury and overseas travel.

The Novgorod cycle of epics that appeared in such circumstances allows us to look not at the fabulous exploits of the heroes, as in, but at ordinary life ancient city... Even the style of presentation and the plot of these songs are more reminiscent of vivid and exciting "gossip" carried around the noisy city by buffoons and storytellers. That is why the Novgorod epics are distinguished among their "brothers", referring rather to the category of European short stories about urban life (fablio).

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