Complex led in English. Compound Predicate - composite leisure and its features

It is expressed in the verb in personal form in any time, pledge and tilt. The verb shape can be simple, that is, without auxiliary verbs (not SPEAKS English. He speaks English), or difficult, i.e. with auxiliary verbs (Not IS Reading Now. He reads now. I SHALL BE WAITING FOR YOU AT 5. I will wait for you at 5).

Note. In Russian, I will wait for the form, I will read, etc. Also are a simple fague, a pronounced complex form of verb in the future.

Verbs with settlements (type to Carry Out carry out) Sustainable combinations with a verb value (type to take care Care) also form a simple preposition.

  • The Beta-Rays Are Known to Move with High Velocity. - It is known that beta rays are moving at high speed.
  • I Seeem to have Promised You That I "d Take You in My Lab." It seems I promised you that I will take you to my laboratory.
  • He is sure to be Sentue. - He will definitely be sent there.
  • He Was Seen Crossing The Bridge. - seen how he crossed the bridge

Composite nimble leaf Consists of a verb ligament (Link Verb) and the name of the facment (Nominal Part of the Predicate1). The nominal part of the fag is also called the "predicative member" (Predicative). The bundle carries in a surehead, service functions: it binds to the fadelace to be called and serves as an indicator of time, pledge, inclination and, in some cases, face and numbers. The most common bundle is the verb to be:

  • Forces Are Vector Quantities. Forces - vector quantities.

Note. In Russian, a bunch is usually not used in the present time.

In addition to the verb to BE, other verbs can also perform a bundle. These verbs include: to get, to become, to grow, to turn in value becomes, move from one state to another; To Seem, to appear seems (not seems Quite Well. He seems to be completely healthy.) And some others pointing to stay in a state or transition from one state to another subject or face designated by nouns (or pronoun) in the functions of the subject:

  • The Weather Got Colder And The Leaves on the Trees Turned Yellow - the weather became colder and the leaves on the trees wishes.

Note. When the same verbs are used in their main value, then in the sentence, they perform the function of a simplely faithful, for example: not Turned The Key in the Lock. He turned the key in the castle. (Here TURNED-simply failed, The Key- Direct Supplement.) This Collective Farm Grow

s. Vegetables. This collective farm grows vegetables. (Here are a gaps-simplicable, vegetables-direct addition.)

Nominal part of the tag can be expressed:

1) name noun:

  • The UNIT OF RESISTANCE IS AN OHM is a resistance unit. Is Om.

2) the adjective name:

  • The Peaceful COEXISTENCE OF DIFFERENT Social Systems Is Possible The peaceful coexistence of various social systems is possible.

3) Nimitive name:

  • The Mass of An Electron IS 1/1830 THAT OF A HYDROGEN ATOM - the electron mass is 1/1830 mass of hydrogen atom

4) pronoun:

  • The Street IS Mine, The Hoesse Are Mine. Street is mine, my houses. (V. Mayakovsky)

5) Adjust:

  • The Lesson Is Over. The lesson is over.
  • She is out. She is not (she came out).

6) Nelice forms of verb (infinitive, communion and gerundium):

  • The Thing To Do Now, "He Said," Is To Close Up, Go Home, And Sleep. "-" That's what needs to be done now, "he said," to go to work, go home and go to bed. "
  • All The Doors of The Laboratories and Classrooms Were Closed and Locked. - All laboratories and audience doors were closed and locked.
  • OUR AIM IS MASTERING ENGLISH. - Our goal is to master English.

7) Completed turnover and phrases:

  • I am in a hurry. -- I'm in hurry.
  • The Molecules of All Bodies Age in Constant Motion, all bodies molecules are in constant motion.

8) complex turnover with a gerundium or infinitive:

The nominal part of the taped, expressed by a complicated capital with a gerundium or infinitive, is called a complex registered part of the said:

  • The Aim Was Our Winning One of the First Places in the Contest. - The goal was that we won one position in the competition
  • "Johnsy Has One Chance In Ten," The Doctor Said. "AND THAT CHANCE IS FOR HER TO WANT TO LIVE." - "Johnsi has one chance out of ten," said Doctor. "And this chance is that she wanted to live."

Coordination of the subject to the subject

The legend is consistent with and among the following proposals:

  • Water Has The Least Volume At 4 "C. - Water has the smallest volume at 4" Celsius.
  • Solid Bodies Have A Definite Form and Volume. - Solid bodies have a certain form and volume.

If one of the uncertain proncesses is subject to ( anyOne, No One., everything., everybody. etc.), as well as either or neiTher., faithful is in the singular;

  • Everybody KNOWS IT. - Everyone knows it.
  • Either ATTRACTED BY A Glass ROD is ETER OF THE RUBBER RODS IS ATTRACTED BY A GLASS ROD - any of the ebonite sticks is attracted with a glass wand.

If the proposal is subject to a sentence or infinitive, the fault is in the singular:

  • Melting Takes Place at the Temperature Called Melting Point - Melting occurs at a temperature of the melting point.

If the noun collective noun is subject to the name, then the surehead can stand in the only or in multiple numberDepending on whether individuals or objects denoted by the name nouns are considered as one, or mean individuals (or objects) that constitute this one:

  • A Woman TriD to Fight Her Way Back to the Thick of the Crowd ... But The Crowd-Was Helpless. - Some woman tried to break through the crowd ..., but the crowd could not spread (letters: it was helpless).
  • The Fleeing Crowd Were Scattered by The Mounted Police. - Running crowd was scattered with horse police.

If the numeric or name is subject to the name, denoting the measure, distance, weight, etc., with the definition, pronounced numerical, the lean may be in a single or plural, depending on whether this quantity is considered as one Or we have the form of composite parts of this single:

  • 300,000,000 IS The Velocity of Light in Meters Per Second. - speed of light -3000000 meters per second.
  • Thirty Miles IS A Day "S Journey In These Hills .-- 30 miles is the day of the path among these hills.
  • The Twelve Dollars a Monh You Pay Me Is Enough. - Twelve dollars a month that you pay me, is sufficient.
  • While 1 mm of Aluminium Will Stop All Alpha-Rays 6 CM Are Required to Stop All Beta Rays While a layer of aluminum 1 mm thick will stop all alpha particles, 6 cm is required (aluminum) to stop all beta particles .

If there are two noun or pronouns, are connected by the Union and or Both ... and, the fault is worth a plural:

  • THE EART AND OTHER PLAN eTS Move Around The Sun. - Earth and other planets are moving around the sun.
  • Both The Dog and His Master Were Dragged Ashore by Pete and Hans. - Like a dog and her owner were pulled aside with Pit and Hans.

If two subject, expressed noun or pronuches are connected by unions neither ... nor., either ... Or., not Only ... But Also, the verb faith consistent in the person and among the latter

  • Either Margaret or I Am Going Wit You. - Margarit or I will go with you.
  • Neither Margaret Nor Her Sister Was Ready. "Nor Margarit, nor her sister was ready."

If two are connected by the Union aS Well As. As well as, the faithful consistent with the first to be subject to:

  • Liquid, AS Well As Solids. Becomes. radioactive WHEN PUT THROUGH A NUCLEAR REACTOR. - liquid, as well as solids, becomes radioactive when it is passed through a nuclear reactor
  • Gases, As Well As Liquids, Return to their Original Volume As Soon As The Applied Force Is Removed. - Gases, as well as liquids, return to their initial volume, as soon as the attached force is removed.

Note. On the coordination of the subject to the subject, pronounced various noun and questioningly pronouns, see, respectively ,..13-20 and 90, 93.

Predicate) - this is major Member Offers that means action and causes activity. Baked B. english language It should always be for the subject, that is, they are entirely connected with each other.

The fault is divided into two groups - on simple and compound. The composite will be divided into two types: composite name and compound verb. To easier to understand this structure of composite fadies, read the table below.

Easy faithful

A simple legend can be expressed by the personal verb in any time (Write - Wrote), pledging (Write - Is Written) and ignition (You Write - You Should Write), as well as (Take Care, Look After, Back Away ...). A few examples:

He. works. AT A Plant.
(He works at the factory)
I. like. Friday.
(I love Friday)

Anna Takes Care Of Her Brother
(Anna cares about his brother)
They pAID NO Attention. To The Picture.
(They are did not pay attention on the picture)

He Will Return Soon
(He will come back soon)
We Are Watching TV
(We are watching TV)

In the last example, a personal verb consists of two words, but this is also a simple legend, since both of its components are expressed by one verbal form.

Composite nimble leaf

Design Compound Name

As a rule, as glagol-bundles Using the verb "to be" in the subject of the face and time (AM, Are, Is, Were, Will ...) or some other verbs (to grow, to get, to bebecome ...).
Namedcoming for the verb ligament denotes the quality of the subject and can act as, ... (see the table at the very beginning of the article)
The verb bunch is highlighted by green, and the name part is blue:

I am a pilot
(I'm a pilot)
She Has Been A Student
(She was a student)

(It's mine)
(They were against it)

I am Fifty-Four Years-Old
(I am 54 years old)
Our Duty Is To Save the World
(Our debt save our planet)

I Will Become A Doctor
(I will become a doctor)
She Seeemed Tired.
(She seemed tired)

Composite verbal leaky (or complex)

Design compound verb The faugible looks like this:

As can be seen from the design, the verb in the form of an infinitive immediately follows. However, in this case, the infinitive is used without a particle "to" in front of it (exceptions: ought To. - It should be necessary have (HAS) to - obliged and be to. - Must (do not forget that "BE" changes)).
The modal verb is isolated by green, infinitives - blue:

(Can you speak English)
(I have to listen to my heart)

(They must come on time)
(She must eat the whole cake)

Theater Is To Open On Monday
(Theater should open on Monday)
(They should not work so much)

She Has To Go There
(She must go there)
I Was To Spend Her A Letter
(I had to send her a letter)

Infinitive performs all syntactic functions characteristic of a noun and verb:



IT is Natural to make mistakes. .

In the first case, the infinitive is subject to the proposal and occupies a position at the beginning of the sentence.

In the second case, in the proposal two subjects: formal 'it' and nominal 'to make mistakes'. Compare: to make Mistakes Is Natural.

Predicate. Predicate.

In English, as in Russian, there are different types of faithful:

Simple Verbal Predicate. Simple verbal leaky.

Infinitives is used to form analytical verb forms: Auxiliary Verbs + The Infinitive .

The Cinema. will Close. in november. (Future Simple)

The Shop. didn't Open Last Week. Past Simple)

Does He Often Play Tennis? (Questionaging present Simple)

Compound Nominal Predicate. Compound nominal leaky.

The composite nominal leakage consists of verb-binders (to be) in the appropriate form and infinitive.

My Greatest Wish. is to tell. You Everything.

Your Only Chance was To Speak. to HIM.

Compound Verbal Modal Predicate. Composite verbal modal fag.

The composite verbal modal legend consists of a outering verb, or a synonymic expression (to Be Able to Be Allowed, to Be Capable, to Be Going, Had Better, Would Sooner) and infinitive.

You. should Follow. a Healthy Diet.

He. cAN'T UTTER A Word.

You. Needn't Have Bought. Any Bread.

I. wasn't Able to Reach Him On The Phone.

Compound Verbal Phasal Predicate. Composite verb aspects of the lean.

The composite verbatic aspect of the lean consists of a aspect verb, which indicates various phases of actions (beginning, duration, end, repetition) and infinitive . Aspect verbs include: to begin, to start, to come, to go on, to Continue, to Proceed, to Cease, Used to.

IT. started to Rain. .

He. continued to Live. With His Parents Even After Marriage.

German Empire. cEASED TO EXIST. In 1918.

He. used to Talk. To Me for Hours.

Mixed Predicate. Mixed type of fag.

Sometimes there are proposals with a mixed type of faith.

The Boy. must Be Her Son .- The Compound Modal Nominal Predicate.

She. must Start To Train Regularly.- The Compound Modal Phasal Predicate.

Object. Addition.

Infinitive acts as add-ons, if it depends on the verb, adjective, communion and answers the question "What?".

She Agreed. to Come. AT TEN.

I Regret. to Have Said. IT to HER.

Can You Help Me to Find The Ring?

He Was AMUSED to Hear. IT.

She is proud. to Have Grown. SUCH A SON.

ATTRIBUTE. Definition.

Infinitive acts as definition, if it depends on the noun, pronouns, substantive numerical and adjectives, and answers the question "What?"

He is Just The Man to do. IT.

SHE NEEDS A PLACE to Live. in.

I Have Nobody to ask .

John Was The First to Come. .

Adverbial Modifiers. Circumstance.

Adverbial Modifier of Purpose. The circumstance goal.

Infinitive is the circumstance of the target if it depends on the led and answers the question "why? for what purpose?"

Laura Have Gone To Town to Do Some Shopping .

To Get a Good Seat , You Need to Arrive Early.

ADVERBIAL MODIFIER OF RESULT (CONSEQUENCE). The circumstance of the result (consequence).

The infinitive in the sentence advocates the result of the result if it is used after the following structures:

Too + adjective + to Infinitive:

IT WAS TOO COLD to go outside.


He Had Gone Too Far to Return.

Adjective + Enough + to Infinitive:

She Is Old Enough To Go Out. ON HER OWN.

Adverb + Enough + to Infinitive:

He Ran Fast ENOUGH to Win The Race.

Enough + Noun + to Infinitive:


Parenthesis. Introductory words.

Introductory words are not members of the sentence, but such structures with infinitive are very often found: to Begin With, To Be Frank, To Put It Mildly, to Tell The Truth, Strange To Say etc.

In English, the coordination of the subject and faith is very important.Not knowing his principles, you will not be able to build even a simple sentence. Let's learn how to properly coordinate to those subject to English.

  1. If the proposal is consisting of two or more nouns (pronoun) connected by the Union and., You should use the verb in the plural. Example:

    • He and his colleagues are in the cinema.
  2. However, if two or more nouns (pronouns) constituting to be related to union proposals or. or nOR.The verb belonging to them needs to be used in the singular. Examples:

    • MY MOTHER OR SISTER iS GOING. To Cook a Dinner.
  3. If the composite subjects consists of nouns (pronoun) in the plural and singular, and they are connected by alliances or. or nOR., the verb of the believer should be coordinated with the part of the subject, which is located in the proposal closer to the verb.


    • Neither The Coach Nor The Players know The Score.
    • Neither the Players Nor The Coachknows. The Score.
  4. Doesn't is an abbreviated form from does Not. And consumed with the one subject in the singular. Don't It is a reduction do notand is suitable subject to plural. Except for this rule serve pronoun 1 and 2nd I. and you. In the role of subject. With them should be used don't. Examples:

    • She. doesn't Play Football.
    • They don't LIKE COFFEE.
    • I. don't Like cooking.
    • You. don't Play Chess.
  5. The verb should be coordinated with the subject, and not with another noun (pronoun), which can be between them in the proposal. Examples:

    • One. Of the Chickens. was. ILL.
    • Their woman. ALL HER CHILDREN stays. AT The Bus Stop.
    • Their people WHO TRUST THE PRESIDENT are Many.
  6. In English pronoun each, Each One, Eother, Neither, Everyone, Everybody, Anybody, Anyone, Nobody, Someone, Somebodyand no One. They possess the only number and require verb in the singular, respectively. Examples:

    • Everyone likes. Apples.
    • NeiTher. iS. Correct.
    • Nobody in the team. wants. to Give Up.
    • Each. Of these apricots on the table iS. RIPE.
  7. Such nouns as civics, Mathematics, Dollars, News, Measles Require the use of the verb-faithful in the singular. Examples:

    Note: noun dollars. In the value of the amount of money is used with the verb in the singular. If we are talking about currency as a whole, the verb will be in a plural.
    • In My Opinion mathematics. iS. The Most Important Science.
    • Yesterday The. nEWS. was. AT SEVEN.
    • One Hundred. dollars. iS. A Lot of Money.
    • Dollars. are Convertible Throughout The World.
  8. Such nouns as scissors, Shears, Tweezers, Trusers Require a multiple form of verb (as they all consist of two parts). Examples:

    • These trousers. are Stylish.
    • Your. scissors. are Keen.
  9. Such expressions as such As With, Together With, Including, Accompanied By, In Addition To, As Well Do not change the number of subjects, as well as the verb-fag. Examples:

    • My Brother accompanied By. HIS Friends, iS. Playing Football.
    • All Cats, including. Small Kittens, have Strong Claws.
  10. In suggestions that start with turns there is. or tHERE ARE, subject to the verb-fag, however, they are still consistent. Examples:

    • THERE ARE Many. students..
    • There is. A. student..
  11. Collective noun, implying more than one person, however, they have a single number and are used with the verb in the singular. Examples:

    • Today Today team. demonstrates. Outstanding Performance.
    • HIS family. was. Pretty Big.
    • The Crew Is Ready For Departure.

The topic of the article is very important, because the rules for the coordination of the subject and the said applicable in almost every sentence.
Now, having replenished your luggage knowledge, you will be able to prepare better, for example, to, and you will feel much more confident, talking in English with a native speaker.

Faithful ( The Predicate.)
There are four types of fag in English:
1) simple verbal leaky;
2) modal verbal fault;
3) phrase verbal leaky;
4) composite nominal leaky.

Simple verbal leaky ( The Simple Verbal Predicate)
It is expressed by the semantic verb in a personal form, which can be a simple or complex form of any time, pledge and challenge:
I. am the Library Today. -I am today i go to the library.
Shall I. change Your Books? -Change Do you book?
Wait. forme.I. am coming.tooo. -wait me. I, too i go.
Ann. iS Not. at home. -Anna not at home.
A special kind of simple verbal fag is a leakable, expressed by the turnover tHEREiS.:
There is. A FINE PARK IN OUR TOWN. - In our city there is Good park.
THERE WASN'T. a Shop in Our Street. -On our street not it was shop.
In such suggestions, the subject should always be for the faugible.

Modal verbal faithful ( THE Modal Verbal Predicate)
Modal verbal faugible consists of modal verb ( cANmaymUST,shouldneed,oughter,behavehavegot.) In personal shape and infinitive or its bases of the semantic verb. A combination of infinitive verb-ligament may also be a second part of the modal fad to.beto.look,to.appear,to.sEEMto.feelet al. and predicate. The modal fault expresses the restriction of the face to action or state (the possibility, necessity, probability, desirability, etc.):
CAN you.swim? - You know how to swim?
He. ought to Be.more Polite -EU should be more polite.
IT. must Be.about Ten. -Now, probably about ten.

The phrase satellite consists of a verb with a weakened value in personal form (most often - verbs tOhaveand to.take) and noun. This combination forms a single semantic and grammatical integer. It can often be equivalent to a simple verb faith:
I. have Dinner. - I dinner.
I. dINE.
I. have a REST. - I rest.
The phrase fabulous usually denotes a brief (single) action. The most used combinations of this type are:
to Have Dinner (Breakfast, Supper, Lunch, Tea, A Snack); To Have A Lesson (Lessons); to have a talk; To Have A Look; to have a cold; to have a good time; To Have a Rest; to have a bite; to have a drink; to have a smoke; to have a quarrel; To Have (Take) a Walk; to Take a Bath; to take a seat; to take a tram (bus, etc.); to Take Care, to pay a visit; To Pay Attention, To Catch Cold.
Let's have a swim.. - Comeva populate.
DID YOU. have a Talk. With HIM? -You are with him talked?

Single personal faith ( THE SMROMD NOMINAL PREDICATE)
The tying name of the faugible consists of a verb ligament personal shape and predictive (nominal part). The predicative indicates any sign of the subject, and the verb bunch is used to communicate the prediction of the prediction and expresses the person, the number, time and inclination. Unlike Russian, verb to.bE.never goes away. Compare:
Our Town. iS. Very. beautiful.. - Our city is very beautiful.
Are You. ready? - You ready?

Besides verb to.bE.The following verbs can also be used as a verb ligament:
1) verbs tOsEem., to.look,to.appear.with the meaning "seem, look" and verb to.feelwith the meaning feel:
You.look tired. -You are looking tired.
She. seeemed. very.excited. -She is it seemed Very excited.
He.feels. fine. -It feels ourselves perfectly.

2) verbs to Get, To Become, To Turn, To Growwith the meaning "to become":
Mu brother. will Becomean Engineer.- My brother will be engineer.
She. turned. Pale. -She pale.

3) verbs to Remain, To Keep, To Continue, To Begin, To Start, To Finish, To Stop, To Cease, To Go Onwith the value of the beginning, continuation and completion of the action or condition:
He.kEPT. talking. -It continued speak.
Everybody. remained silent. -Everything saved silence.
Start.working., please. -Start Work, please.
He. stopped. Chatting AT Once. -It stopped chat instantly.
Predicative (T. he Predicative) It can be expressed by the following words and groups of words:

  • by name nouns in general or (rarely) with a drawing case without an excuse or with a pretext:

This Is MY. sister Ann.. She.iS.a. student. . - That's mine sister Anna. She is Student.
IS IT. Your Book? - NO, IT's Not Mine, IT IS Nick's.. - it yours book? - No, not mine, it is Nicholas.
She IS. in good Health. - She is quite Healthy.

  • named adjective or communion:

Will You Be free. Today? -When you are freetoday?
This Chair Is. broken. - This stool broom.

  • pronoun in a general or object case replacing a noun or pretty pronoun In absolute form:

IT's. me. - it i.
That's. something! - This is already cost-what!
Whose Book Is This? - It's mine.. - Whose book is it? - My.

  • quantitative or ordinal numeral:

We Were Only two. - We were only two.
I Was. the First. To come. -I've come first.

  • an infinitive or infinitive turnover:

Our Plan Was. to once. -We planned to begin Immediately.
IT ' decide. - You solve.

  • gerundia:

My Hobby Is. Collecting.pOSTAGE -My hobby - collecting stamps.postage stamps.

  • adchare:

The Lesson Is. over. - Lesson finished.
OUR TIME IS. up. - Nowadays expired.

  • complex with infinitive or gerundia:

My Father Is Against my Enteringthe College.this autumn. - My father is opposed my arrival to college this autumn.

Coordination of the subject to the subject
The legend is consistent with and among the following proposals:
What are You. Doing? - I.aM. Preparing for my lessons. -What are you doing? - I am preparing for lessons.

If it is expressed indefinite, negative or generalizing pronoun, the fault is put into the singular:
Everybody. knows. IT. -Everyone knows it.
Either MONTH. iS.aLL RIGHT. -Any of these two mysteries is suitable.

If it is pronounced by a gerundium or infinitive, the fault is in the singular:
Meeting. HER. was. A Pleasure. -It was nice to meet her.

If a collective noun is subject to, then the pretayable may stand in the only or plural, depending on whether individuals or items designated by collective nouns are considered, or in mind individuals (objects) that constitute this one whole:
Theircrowd. was. helpless. -The crowd could not do anything.
That Fleeing crowd. wERE Scattered by The Mounted Police. -Running crowd was scattered equestrian police.

If it is expressed in the name of the numeral or nouns, denoting the measure, distance, weight, etc., with the definition, pronounced numerical, the fault can stand in the only or plural, depending on whether this quantity is considered as one or exist. In view of the components of this one whole:
30 Miles. iS. a Day's Journey in These Hills. -30 miles are the day of the path among these hills.
6 cm of aluminum are Required to Stop. all Beta Rays. - 6 aluminum centimeters are required to stop all beta particles.

If two homogeneous subject, expressed noun or pronouns are connected by unions and. or both ... butnd The faithful is worth a plural:
T. he Earth. and. other planets. mOVE around.theirSun.- Earth and other planets are moving around the sun.
Both. their dog and. hIS master wERE dragged Ashore by Peter and Hans. - Like a dog and her owner were pulled aside with Pit and Hans.

If two, subject, pronounted or nouns are connected by centers neither ...noreither ...ornot.oNLY ...but.also., the verb-faithful consistent in the person and among the latter:
Either Margaret Or. I 'm. Going With You. -Margaret or I will go with you.
Neither Margaret Nor Her sisters. wERE Ready. -Neither Margaret nor her sisters were ready.

If two are connected by the Union aswellas, the fault is consistent with the first to be subject to:
John. , AS Well As His Brothers, doesn't bear. TOWNSFOLK. -Jan, as well as his brothers, does not endure citizens.

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