Chelkash the characters of the story. Review: Main heroes Chelkash

Chelkash and Gavril - Heroes, opposed to each other.

Their disadvantage is manifested primarily in appearance. Grishka Chelkash, "Old etched wolf an avid drunkard, he was Bos, in the old stunned plight pants, without a hat, in a fiding-satellite shirt, with a torn gate, opened its dry angular bones, covered with brown skin." The whole view of the Chelkasha was predatory, the author compares it with a steppe hawk, his glance is sharp, the eyes are cold. Gavrila the author describes as follows: "... ... a young guy in a blue blonde shirt, in the same pants, in the laps and a rolled red carriage. The guy was broadcaster, the Conglast, blonde, with a tanned and weathered face and with big blue eyes, looking for a trusty and good-natured. "

Appearance reflects the vital experience of the Chelkasha and the naivety of Gavrille.

The first reaction of Chelkasha: "... he immediately liked this good-natured hefty guy with childish blond eyes."

What led to such a terrible quarrel between heroes?

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe freedom of the heroes is different, Gavrille has a domestic, primitive, "do what you want." Cheljasha does not comment on his words, but it comes better. You can guess that he has other views.

The difference in the worldview is obvious and then when the heroes agree on business. "The guy looked at Cheljasha and felt the owner in it." Cheljasch also experienced mixed feelings: "Feeling Mr. Other, he thought that this guy would never eat such a bowl, which fate would give him to him, Chelka. And all the feelings merged in Chelkasha into one thing - something is deceic and economic. Small was sorry, and it was needed small. "

So, the roles are distributed. Next, the heroes are compared in relation to the sea. Grishka, "Thief, loved the sea. His kipping nervous nature, greedy impressive, never was happy with the contemplation of this dark latitude, endless, free and powerful. "

Gabrile also told the sea like this: "Nothing! Only fear of it. " It is clear that they are opposite to this.

Gavrilly cowardice is obvious in the sea against the background of fearlessness of Chelkah. Gabril helps to make theft. On the back path They talk about peasant labor. Chelkash survived strange to readers of emotions, "annoying burning in the chest", the author opens the reader the past of Chelkasha. It is this past and attracted him to Gavrile.

Attitude towards money is another difference between heroes. "Zhaden You," says Chelkash Gavrile. His, Chelkasha, presenting this: "Is it possible to syntictate yourself because of money?"

One of the main characters of the story. This is a chunky broadcasting peasant guy with trustful blue eyes. At the beginning of the work, Gavril returns from the Kuban bow, where he dreamed of earning money, but he could not succeed. Now, the young man does not have anything, how to go "in the son-in-law", yes "in the Batraka" to the wealthy test.

The main character story. This is a bamak, "dexterous, brave thief" and "avid drinker." With its appearance and haggards, Grishka Chelkash resembles a predatory steppe hawk. Despite his rogue view, he enjoys fame and confidence from others. The image of Chelkah in the work is romanticized. This hero loves the sea and appreciates freedom. He leads a free boszyatsky life for eleven years, and in the past he was a peasant, served and was married.


Custom guard. He was responsible and honestly performed his work, not missing Chelkasha in the harbor, knowing that the thief.


The red friend of Chelkasha, with whom he turned the thieves. A cast iron bayonet fell on his leg and he got into the hospital with a foot fracture, so Chelkah had to look for another partner to a new business.

"Chelkash" is one of the first significant works of Gorky, which has become one of the most significant creations of late romanticism. It combined the features of several directions and anticipate the appearance of a special flow in the literature - socialism, in which the author will develop in the future.

Written a story was in 1894 in Nizhny Novgorod. Very approvingly taken by V.G. Korolenko to this essay and in 1895 helped his publication in the journal " Russian wealth" From that moment on, Gorky was seriously spoken in literary circles as a talented young writer, and in 1898 his stories were published in two volumes.

The scene is easily easily revealed by one bosia, heard by the writer in the hospital. I knew a lot of adversity and difficulties in my life, Gorky understood well, about what a neighbor of the Chamber told him. Inspired by heard, he wrote "Chelkasha" in two days.

Genre and direction

Gorky is the founder of the new direction in Russian prose. It was different from the Tolstoy and Chekhov line, which was characterized by Puritan selectivity in favor of good selfiness and correctness. It concerned the plot, and vocabulary. Peshkov (real name of the writer) significantly expanded the possible theme of the works and enriched the dictionary literary language. The leading trend of his creativity was realism, but early period Inherent in the features of romanticism, which manifested itself in "Chelkash":

  1. Firstly, the poetization of the image of the tramp, obvious sympathy for its life principles.
  2. Secondly, images of nature, a variety of flavoring water elements: "The sea was calm, black and thick, like oil."

Such updates in prose welcomed many Gorky contemporaries. For example, Leonid Andreev, because the same influence was reflected in his early stories ("Angel", Bargamot and Garska).


The story consists of the entry and 3 chapters.

  1. The introductory section is an exposure where the scene is described. Here the author gives the reader about environment Main characters. The first chapter contains the characteristic of Chelkasha, introduces him to his real, with his usual way of life.
  2. In the second chapter, we learn about the past of the main character, the reader is still deeper than its inner worldAnd the catalyst of this revelation becomes his partner. Here is the climax of the story. In the final manifests his character with another hero - the peasant Gavril.
  3. The story of the picture of the sea ends, which allows us to talk about the ring composition of the work.


The Space of the story "Chelkash" accommodates many conflicts, various meanings and scale.

  • Conflict man and scientific progress. From this the story begins. It would seem that scientific progress should ease life, make it more comfortable, but bitter contrasts the shining and luxurious courts of poor, exhausted people who serve them.
  • Broadcasting and peasantry. The main characters do not come to the final conclusion that it is better: Razzlya Bosyaka or the need of a peasant. These fate are opposite. Chelkash and Gavrila are representatives of various social groups, but both see each other people's relatives for themselves: Chelkash in the poor young man finds a dreamer about freedom, and Gabril in the tramp is the same peasant.
  • Internal conflict Chelkasha. The protagonist feels its superiority over the world, freeing from attachment to a specific home, family and other universal values. He perters that a typical person who did not overcome this system can love or hate the same as he.
  • Main characters and their characteristics

    Chelkash - romanticized tramp, a real romantic hero. He has his own moral principles, which he always follows. His ideology looks most stable and formed than the life position of Gavrila. This is a young peasant who has not yet decided what he wants to achieve. Uncertainty disadvantageously distinguishes him from the main character. Gabril, without much desire, agreed to the "dark matter", looks like a more impartial hero than Chelkash. This short-lived thief causes even some sympathy from the reader. He has a more complex inner world, for his smile and ease, the pain of memories of the past and the severity of the need pursuing him is hourly.

    The work is built on the antithesis and paradox: a honest thief and a false peasant is opposed to each other. The meaning of this opposition is to take a fresh look at the positive and negative qualities of a person, as a representative of a certain social group, and on various behaviors. The tramp can be principled and moral, and the peasant is not only a humble and honest affection.


    • Meaning of life. The main characters argue about the meaning of life. Chelkash, might say already passed his life Path, but Gabril is still at the beginning. Thus, we are represented by fundamentally different views: a young man, and the one who is magnificent experience. The thoughts of Gavrille are still subordinated to the generally accepted value system of the peasant: get a house, create a family. This is his goal, the meaning of life. But Chelkash already knows what to be a man in the village. He deliberately chose a tramp trail, not burdened with debt, starving family and other household problems.
    • Nature. It is represented as an independent, free element. She is eternal, she is definitely stronger man. She resists attempts to people curb her: "The waves chained in the granite are embedded with tremendous weights.<…> They fight about the board of ships, about the shore, fight and pinched foamed, contaminated with different trash. " In response, she does not spare people, burning the scorching sun and the cold wind. The role of the landscape in the work is very large: it embodies the ideal of freedom and creates a colorful atmosphere.
    • Freedom. What is Freedom: The Deathless Life of the family man, burdened by the house, economy and responsibility, or free voyage with the daily search for food for food? For Cheljasha Freedom - independence from money and peace of mind, Gavril has only a romantic idea of \u200b\u200bfree life: "Gulia know, how do you like, God only remember ..."
    • Problems

      • Greed. The attitude towards the money of the heroes is different, and the problem of the story "Chelkash" is tied up on this opposition. It would seem that the constant need for a constant need to have a more significant need for funds than a peasant who has and housing. But in fact it turned out to be quite the opposite. Gavrille mastered the thirst for money so much that he was ready to kill a person, and Chelkash was glad to give everything to the partner, leaving himself only a part of revenue on food and drink.
      • Cowardice. The ability to show cold judgment in the right situation is very important human quality. This speaks about the power of will and solid. Such Chelkash, he knows what money is and warns Yunza: "The trouble from them!". The hero is opposed by a cowardly Gavril, trembling for his life. This feature speaks about the weakness of the character, which is revealed along the work more and more.
      • Meaning

        Since the bitter himself conducted half aim in the need and poverty, he often affected his works theme poverty, which the reader did not see, because it was mostly dirty stories about the fate and life of the nobles. So here main idea The story "Chelkash" - to force the public to look at the social layer, the so-called, and rejected. The idea sounds that if you are a peasant with some sufficiency, you can be considered a man, "you have a face." And what about the "tenting"? They are not people? The author's position of Gorky is the defense of such as Chelkash.

        The hermit pain hurts thrown by Gavrille phrase: "unnecessary on earth!". Gorky places heroes in equal conditions, but during the "walker" every different manifests itself. For Cheljasha, this is a familiar thing, he has nothing to lose, but he does not seek to acquire especially acquire. Eating yes drink is his goal. What happens to Gavrila? The hero who talked about how important to remember God loses his moral appearance And trying to kill the "host." For the young men, Cheljasch is a pathetic alone, about whom no one will remember, and he calls his package brother! Is it fairly then to consider Gavril a full member of society, and Chelkasch deprive the right to call himself a man? It is above that that makes bitter, so he makes the image of the thief and the strollers of the causing sympathy from the reader, and Gabril sees an exclusively negative hero.

        Of course, it is impossible to forget that this Gavril falls under the descending effect of the robber and drunkard. But not his power is the most terrible, but money. In them, evil, according to the author. This is the main idea The story "Chelkash".

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Most works of M. Gorky are written in the style of realism, but in its early stories there is a romantic spirit. The main characters of these stories live in close connection with nature. The writer identifies nature and man. In his works, he prefers to people who are free from the laws of society. These heroes have interesting views, behavior. The main character always has an antagonist - the hero, which has the opposite view of the world. A conflict arises between these heroes, which is based on the work, the plot of the work is revealed on it.

Like most Gorky stories, "Chelkash" tells about human relationships, the work shows nature, and its relationship with the mental state of characters.

The events about which Gorky tells in "Chelkashi", took place by the sea, in the port city. The main characters are Cheljash and Gabril. These characters are opposed to each other. Chelkash is a pretty elder thief and a drunkard who has no own home. Gabrila is a young peasant who fell into these places after a failed attempt to find a job to earn money.

Grishka Chelkash is known to all in the port like an avid drinker and a clever thief. His appearance was similar to the other "Bosyatsky Figures", which occurred in the port, but he surprised his similarity with the "steppe hawk". It was "long, bony, slightly sutured" man, "with humpback predatory nose and cold with gray eyes" He had thick and long mustache of the brown color, which "now and shudder", he kept his hands laid down and constantly rubbed them, nervously twisting his long, curves and chain fingers. His gait was at first glance calm, but angry, like a bird's flight, which reminded the entire appearance of Chelkasha.

Cheljashah leaned into the port of theft, sometimes his deal succeeded and then he appeared money that he immediately dug.

Cheljasch and Gavril met then when Chelkash was walking along the harbor and pondered how he was fulfilling the upcoming night "case". His partner broke his leg, which very complicated the whole thing. Cheljash was very annoyed.

Gavrille returned home after a failed attempt to earn money in Kuban. He also had a reason for grief - after the death of his father, he could get out of poverty he could only in one way - "go to the son-in-law in a good house", which meant - to become a bare.

Cheljasch completely accidentally saw a young strong guy, dressed in a broken red cardus, wagged in Napty and sitting straight at the sidewalk.

Chelkash touched the guy, talked to him and unexpectedly decided to take him with him on the "business".

Meeting of heroes is described by bitter detail. We hear the conversation, the inner experiences and thoughts of each hero. The author pays special attention to Chelka, noting every item, the slightest change in the behavior of his character. This is reflections on the former life, about the peasant guy Gavrile, who turned out to be the will of fate in his "wolf paws". It feels the domination over someone, while having proudly for itself, he changes his mood, and he wants to wrap or hit Gavril, then suddenly wants to regret it. He once had a house, wife, parents, but then turned into a thief and sewed drunk. However, he does not seem to the reader. We see in it proud and strong nature. Despite the fact that it has a non-primary appearance, an extraordinary person is felt in the hero. Chelkash to everyone can find an approach, with everyone can agree. It has its own special attitude to the sea and nature. Being thief, Chelkash loves the sea. His inner world, the author even compares with the sea: "Kipher's Nervous Nature", he was gracious on the impressions, looking at the sea, he experienced a "wide warm feeling", embraced his entire soul and cleans it from the life of everyday soul. Among the water and air Chelkash felt the best, there his thoughts about life, and, however, and life itself lost value and sharpness.

Gavrille we see completely different. First, we appear the "scored" life, an incredulous rustic guy, and then-transferred to the death of the slave. After the successful completion of the "case", when Gavrille saw a lot of money for the first time in his life, he seemed to "break through". The author describes the hablis of feelings very bright. We are becoming visible without covered greed. Immediately disappeared compassion and pity for a rustic guy. When, falling on his knees, Gabril began to begging Chelkasha to give him all the money, the reader saw a completely different person - "a lot of slave," who forgotten everything, wanting only more money from his owner. Having experienced stability and hatred for this greedy slave, Cheljasch gives him all the money. In this moment, he feels hero. He is sure that this will never become, despite the fact that he is the thief and drunkard.

However, after the words of Gavrille that he wanted to kill Chelkasha and throw in the sea, he was experiencing a burning rage. Chelkash takes money, turns back to Gavrile and leaves.

He could not survive this gablila, grabbing a stone, he threw him in the head of Chelkasha. Seeing what she did, again began to pray for forgiveness.

And in this situation, Cheljash was higher. He realized that Gavrily had a subit and small dying, and threw money straight into his face. Gavrille first looked after the Chelkasha, steady and kept behind the head, but then sighed, as if released, crossed himself, hid money and headed in the opposite direction.


The reader sees an untidy bare man. Ripped clothes, long mustache, bony figure - ordinary portrait of a beggar portrait. Despite the shabby external view, the figure of Chelka is similar to a bold predatory bird. He is pleased with the fact that it is preparing to make a robbery attack, get money with a dishonest way. The first impression is deceptive.

Past Hero

Cheljasch rarely remembers the past. It gives him pain. There was a happy childhood in his life, the wealthy peasant family of parents, a favorite beautiful wife, officer Chin. Fate deprived everything, throwing the bottom of life. The painful memories of Grigory tries to drown in wine.


Chelkash - Nature contradictory. Its character is located lowness, nobility, compassion. Diametrically opposite qualities get along in the character of the hero. Complex situation exposes the essence spiritual world man. It is through such tests that the author holds his hero.

Most of all in the world, the man loves the sea, feeling the recalcitable power of the element related to its character. He is proud, independent, bold, free. Risky enterprises - the way to assert and not enriched in a dishonest way. Losing the meaning of existence, Grigory Cheljash lives one day. The humiliating position of the beggars hurts a proud person. It is not able to change fate, therefore heats the pain.

Chelkash is capable of noble feelings. He regrets the unfortunate Gavril, who returns home without a penny in his pocket. The guy reminds him of young years. At the same time, despises his weakness. Takes to partners. Shares profit. Faced with the meanness of a young man, Chelkash with dignity finds a way out. Gavril is going to kill, rob a senior comrade, justifying the deed a noble goal. Grigory contemptuously throws the appliances to the legs of a humiliated guy.

The author does not evaluate the hero. He condemns the system that makes the individuals possessing positive qualities, dive into the bottom of life. M. Gorky compares the character of the Chelkasha with the marine element. Lifestyle, humiliation, poverty changed the hero, but did not kill humanity in him, the desire for free life.

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