Significant events on October 19. Dates of the Holy Orthodox


Today, October 19, 2017, the All-Russian Lyceum Student Day, International Day of Credit Unions and other events are also celebrated.

October 19, 2017 is celebrated folk holiday Fomin's day. The Russian Orthodox Church today remembers the Apostle Thomas, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, reports the portal Neelov. It is believed that if there is uncertainty in the faith in the soul, then you need to pray to this saint, and doubts will be released.

According to legend, Thomas was a simple fisherman in the Galilee city. One day he heard one of Christ's sermons. She sunk into his soul so much that he abandoned his house, his studies and went after him. Thomas followed Jesus on all his journeys, and for this he was honored to be counted among the Lord's face. He was named "twin" because of his outward resemblance to the Savior.

Thomas was absent when, after the resurrection, Christ appeared before his disciples. Not believing their words, he expressed his disbelief. All his doubts were dispelled when Jesus appeared before him 8 days later and allowed him to touch his wounds.

Repented, the apostle began to wander and preach Christianity in many parts of the world. A person who began to doubt something was called "Thomas the unbeliever."

In Russia, bread was baked on this day, the edges of which are given to birthday people and people with weakened health.

If a child is born on Fomin's day, then a loaf of wheat flour is also baked. The broken edge is sprinkled with salt and brought to the baby.

From Fomin's Day, girls, who have already turned 7 years old, begin to teach weaving.

According to signs, if there is calm weather on Foma, expect a cold snap. If the smoke drags along, it will soon be bad weather, and windy, warm and humid autumn promises a long winter.

The northern birds arrived in the early cold weather.

On October 19, 1811, the first Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened, which marked the beginning of this celebration. For six years, children from noble families had to study here literacy, morality, aesthetics, master physical, historical and mathematical disciplines, attend gymnastics and fine arts lessons.

According to the plan of Alexander I, after graduating from such an institution, not only a high-ranking official should appear, but also a competent politician. A lyceum student could choose military or civilian service and receive a certain rank or rank.

The Day of the Rocket and Artillery Troops (RAV) in Armenia has been celebrated annually on October 19 since 1992. This year marked the end of the formation of the RA Armed Forces units in the country. The RAV Day is accompanied by congratulations and numerous awards to the best missilemen, artillerymen and veterans of the RAV.

On October 19, the Republic of Moldova celebrates the "Day of the Lawyer". This holiday annually brings together thousands of lawyers from various fields of activity, people whose lives are dedicated to a great mission - to protect the constitutional rights of citizens.

The day of beatification of a Catholic companion - Mother Teresa of Calcutta - is celebrated annually by Albanians as a national holiday. The people, despite the Muslim faith, consider Saint Teresa the most heroic and outstanding person in the country. A capital hospital and an airport in Albania were named in her honor.

Germany has long been giving great importance celebrations held in honor of trade. And it is not surprising that such a major event as the Free Market Festival (free fair), which is held annually in Bremen from the second half of October until the very end of the month, has survived to this day. The festival attracts millions of locals and tourists every year. For the first time such a fair was held almost a thousand years ago with the approval of the emperor. On the days of the two-week trade celebration, all guests and residents of Bremen can purchase any goods at very competitive prices. Jewelry, clothing, traditional food and more are on the sales list.

Perugia (Italy) will host one of the world's grandest chocolate festivals. It is held in October and is called by local residents "Eurochocolate". An exhibition of natural delicacies for every taste and color, the most intricate and bizarre shapes, decorated by the skillful hands of confectioners - such an extraordinary picture will open before real connoisseurs of chocolate.

Arkhip, Ivan, Makar, Nikanor.

  • 1097 - at the council of princes in Lyubech, the division of Russia into appanage principalities was legalized.
  • 1941 - Great Patriotic War- a state of siege has been declared in Moscow.
  • 1943 - the antibiotic streptomycin is discovered.
  • 1956 - the Joint Soviet-Japanese Declaration on the end of the war and the restoration of diplomatic relations was signed.
  • 1960 - the beginning of the economic blockade of Cuba - the US government imposed an embargo on trade with Cuba.
  • John Adams 1735 - 2nd President of the United States.
  • Umberto Boccioni 1882 - Italian painter.
  • Alexander Galich 1918 - Soviet poet.
  • Boris Frolov 1932 - Russian architect.
  • Vyacheslav Klykov 1939 - Russian artist.
  • Zhanna Bolotova 1941 - Russian actress.
  • Veronica Castro 1952 is a Mexican actress.
  • Evander Holyfield 1962 - American boxer.

On October 19, 1645, a decree was issued in Russia on the population census, which was carried out the following year. The census of the times of Alexei Mikhailovich, being aimed at facilitating the search and return of fugitive peasants, had not statistical, but police tasks. Therefore, it is natural that they were afraid of her. But it is interesting that even when the census was undertaken solely to collect and clarify data on the country's population, they were still afraid of it. So, during the 1897 census, there were cases of self-immolation among Old Believers who feared questions about religion. The government had to constantly explain that the census would not be a source of persecution and harassment, "it would not serve as a pretext for any new taxes and duties."

But what about the old days. Even in the 21st century, some for some reason are wary of this idea of ​​the state. Or, on the contrary, they consider it so frivolous that they ask to write themselves down as hobbits or elves. And this is not an invention - it was written that way.

At one time he was characterized as a "master of political pamphlet." But over time, his works lost their momentary political acuteness, but they became an example of irony, humor and "everyday" style. The pinnacle of Swift's work is Gulliver's Travels, written in 1726. Parodying and at the same time improving travel literature, the author “discovers” fantastic countries, satirically commenting on the real prospects and ideals of the European social order.

In 1731, Swift wrote Poems on the Death of Dr. Swift, where he wittily depicts the joyful commotion that would cause the death of a restless writer in official circles.

Jonathan Swift died in the same place where he was born - in Dublin. On his tombstone is carved an epitaph composed by himself: “Here lies the body of Jonathan Swift, Doctor of Divinity, dean of this cathedral, where severe indignation cannot torment the heart of the deceased. Come, traveler, and imitate, if you can, to the best of your ability, the brave defender of freedom. "

On October 19, 1811, a privileged school for boys, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, was opened near St. Petersburg. The most famous graduate of the Lyceum was Alexander Pushkin.

Tsarskoe Selo, summer residence royal family was at that time a quiet green town. In the vast park stood the Catherine Palace, shining with blue trim and gilding. A huge four-story building was set aside for the Lyceum. The lower floor housed the economic department and the apartments of the inspector, tutors and some other officials; on the second floor there is a canteen, a hospital with a pharmacy and a conference room with an office; on the third - a hall, classrooms, a physical office, a room for newspapers and magazines and a library ... And, finally, on the upper - fourth floor - there are 50 rooms for lyceum students. Each such room had an iron bed, a chest of drawers, a desk (a small high table for standing work), a mirror, a chair and a table for washing. There was an inkwell and a candlestick on the counter.

Later, about the opening day of the Lyceum, Pushkin wrote:
"Do you remember: when the Lyceum was founded,
As a tsar, he opened the palace of tsaritsyn for us.
And we came. And Kunitsyn met us
Greetings between the royal guests ... ".

Of all the lyceum professors, Pushkin, like other lyceum students, singled out the professor of moral sciences Kunitsyn. The professor argued that by nature all people are equal and born free. This led to the conclusion: "No one can acquire property rights to another person." Lyceum students were impressed by such views.

The term of study at the Lyceum was determined by six years and was divided into two courses - initial and final. At the Lyceum - the only one educational institutions those years - there was no corporal punishment. The history of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum ended in 1918, when it was closed by the Bolsheviks.

October 19, 1812. It got colder in Moscow, the first snow fell. On October 19 (7th according to the old style), Napoleon's army, which had left the city, went out to meet its death. It was an escape, but Napoleon consoled himself with the thought that he would return in the spring. Indomitable anger, tormenting the soul of the French emperor, found a way out in the order to blow up the Kremlin, set fire to all public buildings and barracks.

Part of the Kremlin walls and some of the towers flew into the air. The Faceted Chamber was destroyed, the palace burned down, but the cathedrals survived. The departure of Bonaparte from the Russian capital, burned by its inhabitants, was the beginning of the end of the once invincible army. The French, forced to return along the devastated Smolensk road, died in thousands from frost and hunger and covered the road with their corpses. By November, only 60 thousand people remained of Napoleon's half-million army.

In 1835 on October 19 (old style October 7) Nikolai Gogol sat down at the table and wrote a letter to Pushkin. Having reported on the progress of work on Dead Souls, Nikolai Vasilyevich moved on to the main thing: “Do me the mercy, give at least some plot, at least some funny or not funny, but a purely Russian anecdote. The hand is trembling to write a comedy in the meantime ... Do me mercy, give me a plot; the spirit will be a comedy of five acts, and I swear it will be funnier than the devil ... ”.

The great writer, who is not recognized for his own in Ukraine and is generously given to Russia, did not become an oath-breaker: it really became "funnier than the devil." This will be confirmed by everyone who has read the comedy "The Inspector General".

On October 19, 1880, Sergei Trufanov, the future hieromonk Iliodor, was born, one of the most significant figures in the right-wing movement of the early 20th century, one of the leaders of the Black Hundreds, a member of the Union of the Russian People.

Iliodor was a rival of Grigory Rasputin in the struggle for influence in the highest public spheres... He waged a struggle against the State Duma and the new regime in general, introduced, in the words of the hieromonk, by "noblemen and ministers who were bribed by Jews." Iliodor attacked the Russian intelligentsia, which, according to him, brought everything bad from the French: debauchery, godlessness, disobedience to the authorities. But the common people, according to the hieromonk, "still retained intact spiritual moral purity and strength."

For beating Rasputin in 1912, Iliodor was imprisoned in the Florishchevo desert of the Vladimir province. He resigned his rank and announced his break with the church. Since 1914, Iliodor lived in exile, where he wrote "The Holy Devil" - notes about Rasputin.

Published on 10/19/17 00:34 AM

Today, October 19, 2017, the All-Russian Lyceum Student Day, International Day of Credit Unions and other events are also celebrated.

Fomin Day is celebrated on October 19, 2017. The Russian Orthodox Church today remembers the Apostle Thomas, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ. It is believed that if there is uncertainty in the faith in the soul, then you need to pray to this saint, and doubts will be released.

According to legend, Thomas was a simple fisherman in the Galilee city. One day he heard one of Christ's sermons. She sunk into his soul so much that he gave up intcbatch his home, classes and went after him. Thomas followed Jesus on all his journeys, and for this he was honored to be counted among the Lord's face. He was named "twin" because of his outward resemblance to the Savior.

Thomas was absent when, after the resurrection, Christ appeared before his disciples. Not believing their words, he expressed his disbelief. All his doubts were dispelled when Jesus appeared before him 8 days later and allowed him to touch his wounds.

Repented, the apostle began to wander and preach Christianity in many parts of the world. A person who began to doubt something was called "Thomas the unbeliever."

In Russia, bread was baked on this day, the edges of which are given to birthday people and people with weakened health.

If a child is born on Fomin's day, then a loaf of wheat flour is also baked. The broken edge is sprinkled with salt and brought to the baby.

From Fomin's Day, girls, who have already turned 7 years old, begin to teach weaving.

According to signs, if there is calm weather on Foma, expect a cold snap. If the smoke drags along, it will soon be bad weather, and windy, warm and humid autumn promises a long winter.

The northern birds arrived in the early cold weather.

On October 19, 1811, the first Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened, which marked the beginning of this celebration. For six years, children from noble families had to study here literacy, morality, aesthetics, master physical, historical and mathematical disciplines, attend gymnastics and fine arts lessons. According to the plan of Alexander I, after graduating from such an institution, not only a high-ranking official should appear, but also a competent politician. A lyceum student could choose military or civilian service and receive a certain rank or rank.

International day of credit unions

Since 1948, International Credit Union Day has been celebrated every third Thursday in October. This year the holiday falls on October 19th.

Officially, the first celebration of credit union shareholders and workers took place in the United States (Massachusetts) on January 17, 1927. The event was timed to coincide with the birthday of Benjamin Franklin, beloved by many in America. But after a short time, the custom of the celebration came to naught for unclear reasons. Presumably, people of that time did not consider this type of activity important and did not want to specially allocate time for the holiday. Therefore, it existed for a relatively short time.

Day of writing a letter to the future

October 19 is the Day of Writing a Letter to the Future. Today everyone has the opportunity to convey their message. Many write letters to themselves in order to remind of some event or to fantasize about how fate will turn out. Unfortunately, nothing is known about who became the author of the idea of ​​this holiday.

Day of the Rocket and Artillery Forces of Armenia

On October 19, Armenia marks the Day of the Rocket and Artillery Forces. In 1992, on October 19, the formation of the missile and artillery units of the Armed Forces of Armenia was completed. Since then, this holiday has been celebrated in the Republic. When the USSR existed in the Armenian SSR, the enterprises of the military-industrial complex, well-known in the Union, functioned widely.

Lawyer's Day in Moldova

Traditionally, the Day of the Lawyer is celebrated in Moldova on October 19. All legal professionals can celebrate this event. It is today that congratulations are received by all professionals of legal affairs, who are entrusted with a great responsibility - the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, respect for the Law, the formation of legal culture. In the calendar of professional celebrations, the presence of the holiday indicates that the role of justice is highly valued in Moldova.

Arkhip, Ivan, Makar, Nikanor.

  • 1097 - at the council of princes in Lyubech, the division of Russia into appanage principalities was legalized.
  • 1941 - The Great Patriotic War - a state of siege was declared in Moscow.
  • 1943 - the antibiotic streptomycin is discovered.
  • 1956 - the Joint Soviet-Japanese Declaration on the end of the war and the restoration of diplomatic relations was signed.
  • 1960 - the beginning of the economic blockade of Cuba - the US government imposed an embargo on trade with Cuba.
  • John Adams 1735 - 2nd President of the United States.
  • Umberto Boccioni 1882 - Italian painter.
  • Alexander Galich 1918 - Soviet poet.
  • Boris Frolov 1932 - Russian architect.
  • Vyacheslav Klykov 1939 - Russian artist.
  • Zhanna Bolotova 1941 is a Russian actress.
  • Veronica Castro 1952 is a Mexican actress.
  • Evander Holyfield 1962 - American boxer.

Today, October 19, 2017, the All-Russian Lyceum Student Day, International Day of Credit Unions and other events are also celebrated.

Fomin Day is celebrated on October 19, 2017. The Russian Orthodox Church today remembers the Apostle Thomas, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ. It is believed that if there is uncertainty in the faith in the soul, then you need to pray to this saint, and doubts will be released.

According to legend, Thomas was a simple fisherman in the Galilee city. One day he heard one of Christ's sermons. She sunk into his soul so much that he abandoned his house, his studies and went after him. Thomas followed Jesus on all his wanderings, and for this he was honored to be counted among the Lord, reports Rosregistr. He was named "twin" because of his outward resemblance to the Savior.

Thomas was absent when, after the resurrection, Christ appeared before his disciples. Not believing their words, he expressed his disbelief. All his doubts were dispelled when Jesus appeared before him 8 days later and allowed him to touch his wounds.

Repented, the apostle began to wander and preach Christianity in many parts of the world. A person who began to doubt something was called "Thomas the unbeliever."

In Russia, bread was baked on this day, the edges of which are given to birthday people and people with weakened health.

If a child is born on Fomin's day, then a loaf of wheat flour is also baked. The broken edge is sprinkled with salt and brought to the baby.

From Fomin's Day, girls, who have already turned 7 years old, begin to teach weaving.

According to signs, if there is calm weather on Foma, expect a cold snap. If the smoke drags along, it will soon be bad weather, and windy, warm and humid autumn promises a long winter.

The northern birds arrived in the early cold weather.

On October 19, 1811, the first Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened, which marked the beginning of this celebration. For six years, children from noble families had to study here literacy, morality, aesthetics, master physical, historical and mathematical disciplines, attend gymnastics and fine arts lessons.

According to the plan of Alexander I, after graduating from such an institution, not only a high-ranking official should appear, but also a competent politician. A lyceum student could choose military or civilian service and receive a certain rank or rank.

The Day of the Rocket and Artillery Troops (RAV) in Armenia has been celebrated annually on October 19 since 1992. This year marked the end of the formation of the RA Armed Forces units in the country. The RAV Day is accompanied by congratulations and numerous awards to the best missilemen, artillerymen and veterans of the RAV.

On October 19, the Republic of Moldova celebrates the "Day of the Lawyer". This holiday annually brings together thousands of lawyers from various fields of activity, people whose lives are dedicated to a great mission - to protect the constitutional rights of citizens.

The day of beatification of a Catholic companion - Mother Teresa of Calcutta - is celebrated annually by Albanians as a national holiday. The people, despite the Muslim faith, consider Saint Teresa the most heroic and outstanding person in the country. A capital hospital and an airport in Albania were named in her honor.

For a long time, Germany has attached great importance to celebrations held in honor of trade. And it is not surprising that such a major event as the Free Market Festival (free fair), which is held annually in Bremen from the second half of October until the very end of the month, has survived to this day. The festival attracts millions of locals and tourists every year. For the first time such a fair was held almost a thousand years ago with the approval of the emperor. On the days of the two-week trade celebration, all guests and residents of Bremen can purchase any goods at very competitive prices. Jewelry, clothing, traditional food and more are on the sales list.

Perugia (Italy) will host one of the world's grandest chocolate festivals. It is held in October and is called by local residents "Eurochocolate". An exhibition of natural delicacies for every taste and color, the most intricate and bizarre shapes, decorated by the skillful hands of confectioners - such an extraordinary picture will open before real connoisseurs of chocolate.

Arkhip, Ivan, Makar, Nikanor.

  • 1097 - at the council of princes in Lyubech, the division of Russia into appanage principalities was legalized.
  • 1941 - The Great Patriotic War - a state of siege is declared in Moscow.
  • 1943 - the antibiotic streptomycin is discovered.
  • 1956 - the Joint Soviet-Japanese Declaration on the end of the war and the restoration of diplomatic relations was signed.
  • 1960 - the beginning of the economic blockade of Cuba - the US government imposed an embargo on trade with Cuba.
  • John Adams 1735 - 2nd President of the United States.
  • Umberto Boccioni 1882 - Italian painter.
  • Alexander Galich 1918 - Soviet poet.
  • Boris Frolov 1932 - Russian architect.
  • Vyacheslav Klykov 1939 - Russian artist.
  • Zhanna Bolotova 1941 - Russian actress.
  • Veronica Castro 1952 is a Mexican actress.
  • Evander Holyfield 1962 - American boxer.

Did you know that this day is celebrated with a strange holiday "Day of Closed Doors"? So don't forget to close the doors behind you. About what else is marked on October 19 in the calendar - in the Sputnik review.

What happened on October 19

October 19, 1987 was Black Monday, the day the Dow Jones Industrial Average had its biggest drop in history.

On this day in 2000, an incognito philanthropist presented France with a valuable collection of 109 works of art.

In the same year, a branch of the famous Madame Tussauds opened in New York. The renovation of the museum cost the creators $ 50 million.

Six years ago, on this day, the American Alexander Yi and the Japanese Shigeru Kondo calculated the value of Pi with an accuracy of 10 trillion digits after the decimal point.

Who was born on October 19

October 19 in the Orthodox calendar

On this day, the Orthodox world honors the memory of the Apostle Thomas, one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ. And also Hieromartyr John Rybin.

Birthday October 19

Makar, Thomas, Ivan, Arkhip, Claudia.

October 19 in the national calendar

If it was calm that day, it would soon get colder. Those who were sick were fed on Foma with a grain of bread. Also, the people filled the barns with supplies and said: "Thomas is a big chrome".

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