Designer education the best universities in the world. The best design schools in the world

The first stage of British certification school curriculum, the equivalent of grades 8-9 of a Russian high school.

The main goal of the program is to prepare students to continue their studies in the senior program. British school A-Level. At the end of the program, students take exams in 6-10 subjects and receive an international incomplete secondary education certificate.

Upon admission to a foreign university, the international GCSE certificate relieves Russian students of the need to take exams to obtain the IELTS or TOEFL language certificate.

The program provides all the key knowledge on profile subjects, which will be necessary for the successful development of the A-Level program. For each GCSE subject, students take one to three exams.

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A full-fledged program of the senior British school Advanced Level, equivalent to grades 10-11 of a Russian school.

The main goal of the program is to prepare students for direct admission to an English-speaking bachelor's degree at a foreign university, including best universities the world.

At the end of the program, students take exams in 3 selected subjects. The choice of a subject depends on the requirements of a particular university and the student's future specialization. Exams are taken in person.

At the RBS "Algorithm" A-level exams are possible 3 times a year: in October, January and May-June. The number of exams that must be passed depends on the subject being studied and varies from four to six. Exams can be passed not only by school students, but also by external candidates.

The capital of fashion and design. Italy is home to the leading design studios, the headquarters of the fashion houses Prada, Gucci, Moschino, Dolce & Gabbana, as well as the key events of Milan Fashion Week, Fuorisalone, Pitti Uomo and others.

Close connection of universities with industry. Universities are taught by outstanding representatives of the profession, and educational projects are made for real customers. Lectures and workshops are held in museums, design studios and fashion shows. Students are trained in leading companies in the world.

The dominance of Italy in the fashion industry began with a fashion show at the residence of Giovanni Battista Giorgini in Florence in 1951

Career. Italian education in the field of design and fashion is highly regarded all over the world, and leading universities have an excellent reputation among employers.

Availability. Education and life in Italy is cheaper than in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Switzerland and many other European countries. Many universities provide scholarships and tuition discounts.

Culture. Italians are very open and friendly. Foreign students feel comfortable and adapt quickly. Italy has delicious food and a wonderful climate.

Where can you get your Master's Degree in Interior Design? We have selected the top five universities in Europe.


Covers Italy, Spain and Brazil with offices in Rome, Milan, Florence, Turin, Venice, Cagliari, Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Sao Paolo. It trains specialists in many disciplines, including interior design and design of public spaces, and is intended not only for beginners, but also for professionals. The course focuses on the development of projects from "A" to "Z".

How to proceed.
Collect Required documents(depending on the faculty and country) and set the date of the preliminary interview on the website.

Depends on the city, course duration, specialization and varies from 4,000 to 17,000 euros.

Italian, Spanish or English. More choice: for example, the same course on interior design in Milan is taught in English, and in Rome in Italian.

Where to live.
For the duration of the study, housing must be rented independently, but in some cities there are programs that help students find inexpensive apartments for rent.

Eindhoven, Netherlands

Famous for its deep approach to learning: each course is curated by a renowned practicing designer. Prepares masters in the specialties: contextual design, social design and information design.

How to proceed.
Initial selection takes place on the basis of a letter of application and the sent portfolio, which must be sent by April 1. If the first selection is passed, then it will be followed by a call for an interview. The procedure can be shortened by personally taking the portfolio to the academy itself.

A deposit of 500 euros before the interview, the total cost is 13,000 euros per year of study + about 100 euros as a one-time fee for the entire course.

English TOEFL 550 or IELTS 7 or Cambridge Exam-Proficiency level.

Bergen, Norway

The Bergen National Academy of Arts was opened in 1772 on the model of the Copenhagen Academy and today remains one of the two specialized universities in Norway, preparing masters in the specialties: interior design, furniture design, interior architecture.

How to proceed:
Application form, letter of motivation, copy of passport and portfolio must be sent by 17 February. To apply for MA, you must have at least 180 points in your bachelor's degree.

Cost of education.
Great news - training is free. The cost of living ranges from 10,000 euros per year.

English at the level of TOEFL 61, IELTS 5.0, knowledge of Norwegian is desirable for seminars.

Scholarship for three students from Central and of Eastern Europe that the commission chooses. Additional documents are not required to receive a scholarship.

Paris, France

In many respects it focuses on applied disciplines. Courses in Graphic Design and Multimedia, Printing Techniques, Industrial Design and Textiles include interior design.

How to proceed.
A passport with a valid visa, application, portfolio and payment of the preliminary interview are required. The deadline for submission of documents is February 7, entry exams usually take place in the spring.

From 600 to 1200 euros per year.

French is required at the TCF certificate level.

London, Great Britain

It covers almost all possible specialties and is considered one of the largest in Europe, specializing in art and design. For admission, it is not necessary to go to London, entrance documents can be submitted at the representative office in Moscow:

How to proceed.
There is no application deadline for students applying through international representatives or directly to one of the colleges. However, since places in many courses fill up quickly, it is best to apply as early as possible. For most courses, a portfolio is required along with the application: in order to properly prepare it, it makes sense to take a consultation or enroll in a course on portfolio preparation, which is held at one of the colleges.

From 13,000 pounds per year, depending on the course.

English level IELTS 6.5, there are a variety of day and evening language courses that prepare foreign students.

Where to live.
The college has 11 dorms in different parts London. For non-residents in Europe, the college guarantees a hostel in the first year of study, of course, provided that the application is submitted on time.

As we are in the golden age of startups, highly talented user interface and product design, then appearance any thing becomes extremely important.
Some of the leading companies are Apple, Path, Pinterest, Square, and Airbnb. What they have in common is that thoughtful and user-friendly design is the backbone of their business. Design is art, in particular, it concerns contemporary art - you can easily see this at any exhibition in the Center for Contemporary Art, for example, "M17"

And what is the best school for training designers?
And here is the ranking of the TOP-25 of the best design schools in the world. Rankings are based on student performance, faculty qualifications, and campuses available. But most importantly, the opinions of the world's best designers and art directors were taken into account.

25. Hong Kong Polytechnic University
24. Georgia Institute of Technology
23. University of Art and Design Helsinki
22. Institute of Design (Chicago)
21. University of California, Los Angeles, design and media arts
20. University of Illinois - Chicago School of Art and Design
19.University of California, Berkeley School of Computer Science
18. California College of the Arts
17. Interactive Design Institute Copenhagen
16. Titch School of the Arts, New York University
15. Kupler Union
14. Cranburgh Academy of Arts
13. Savannah College of Art and Design
12. School of Visual Arts - New York
11. Rochester Institute of Technology - College of Animation Arts and Sciences
10. Art Center College of Design
9. Carnegie Mellon University, Institute of Human-Computer Interaction
8. Design Institute at Stanford University, D School
7. Royal College of Art
6. Pratt Institute
5. New school Parsons design
4. Carnegie Mellon University School of Design
3. Chinchinnati University
2. Massachusetts technological Institute
1. Rhode Island School of Design

... So at the age of 27 I came to the conclusion that I want to create clothes. But I was frightened by the thought of competitors, graduates of the prestigious London College of Fashion and Saint Martin's University (I could not afford such training).

In general, I chose the Fashion Design and Textiles course for myself. Here I was in for a pleasant surprise! It turned out that the opposite is true for them, the less educated you are before joining, the more advantages.

And I just graduated only high school, and what is very important, with only threes. I got a £ 1500 discount! I would have finished school with excellent marks, I would not have seen the discount as my own ears :) Considering that I had only £ 50 left to pay, this was a significant cost savings.

To celebrate, I signed up for an extra course Fotoshop for Fashion Design and Publishing, not thinking about the load. I decided that I could stand it and did it :)

Along the way, I had to pass an exam in mathematics and English.
Therefore, my advice to those who are going to study in England to become a designer: make sure that you have certificates in English and mathematics equivalent to the local GCSE.

About the learning process itself, I can say that, with the Ukrainian school load behind me, it was easier for me than for others. While my classmates were indignant at the volume of work, I walked and worked in silence, and moreover, I enjoyed it. So it is easier for “ours” to learn here.

The program itself is very interesting, it gives a lot of freedom of choice: drawing in museums, visiting exhibitions and beautiful places, preparing presentations and studying the industry (including interviewing someone already in the field).

I, without exaggeration, lived on projects 24 hours a day. In those short hours when I managed to sleep, I dreamed that I was sewing, drawing, sculpting :) And you know, there were a couple of cases when I could not solve a problem, and the solution actually came in a dream! She jumped up and ran to work. Since we live in a one-room apartment, this created problems, it was not entirely fair in relation to the sleeping spouse.

So I would advise local students to get a separate room. This is not a problem here, I myself rented a room for 4 years. It's inexpensive and you have some privacy.

Work since college. The inspiration is the architecture of Massimiliano Fuksas.

Yet. Evolution from orange to dress.

In general, I had no problems with learning, as such, but I did with my classmates. Here the main role was played by the difference in mentality, whatever one may say, but it is. I was considered too straightforward, and sometimes even rude. It is not customary here to say directly what you think, so as not to offend the feelings of the interlocutor. Considering that the age of my classmates was from 16 to 20 years old, their feelings were often offended. Some even cried (I'm not kidding!). Needless to say, how much they "liked" that I was always ready on time with all projects and credits. Even my husband jokingly began to call me "deflection" :)

I'm not very suspicious, but this attitude still upset me. And as a result - stress. Ballet classes helped me to overcome stress.

I strongly advise you to include any physical exercises... Helps relieve mental stress + maintains the figure.

Again, at 27, ballet for beginners? Yes, it is possible here. Why, at 27, in my group there are children of 5 years old, and a Japanese of 40 years, and an English granny of 70 years old!
As they say, both old and small.

I really wanted to sew myself a dress with a transparent, almost invisible top.

IN currently I had to interrupt my studies due to financial instability, but this does not scare me or upset me, because I know that when the situation improves, it will not be a problem to return. By the way, here banks give students loans for studies, but I prefer not to get into debt.

In the meantime, I order and read useful books, study a lot and improve myself, work part-time alter and repair clothes, sew to order. Preparing my collection, looking for connections, information, experience.

For example, last week I participated in a charity fashion show. True, as a designer, it has not yet been possible to break through, but they took a model. But I made friends with two great designers who are always happy to help with advice and practice.

The Tribe Fashion Show. The purpose of the event is to raise awareness of the people who are suffering from the consequences of the use of chemical weapons Agent Orange in Vietnam.

In general, looking back, I can say with confidence that dreams come true, and any experience is an important and necessary step on the way to a dream.

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