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On our planet with you, the population is constantly increasing, and it has already been rearranged in the real problem. There are incomplete places, there are simply large cities, and there are megalopolises, the population in which the imagination is striking, calculating tens of millions.

We will tell you about such cities giants further. At the same time, we included agglomerations in the list of such cities, which are a merger of settlements.

Population of Sao Paulo, Brazil

20 900 000 people

Sao Paulo remained a small city until the mid-19th century, and then rapidly began to turn into a commercial agglomerate with a developed coffee industry.

Population of Manila, Philippines

21 950 000 people

We are talking about the formation of the Metro-Manila (existed since 1975), which includes 17 cities.

Population of New York, USA

22 200,000 people

New York is a symbol of American capitalism, freedom and democracy. This is a city in which the life never ceases to boil - no day or night. Here you can always observe crowds of tourists, because New York is famous for its architecture, museums and other attractions.

Population of Mumbai, India

22,800,000 people

This is the second largest city in India. Mumbai is considered a rich city in India. The high standard of living of this city is very different from the whole country.

Mumbai annually attracts many tourists from all corners of the Earth, which makes it one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world.

Population of New Delhi, India

23 200,000 people

New Delhi is one of the most important cultural and political centers in India. The city throughout the history of the country was the epicenter of the struggle for power, which contributed several times both to the creation and destruction of whole kingdoms and empires.

Population Mexico City, Mexico

23 400,000 people

In 1950, 3 million people were already in Mexico City. No one thought that after 60 years the capital of Mexico will become one of the largest cities in the world. Mexico City is the largest city in the country, as well as its most important political, cultural, educational and financial center.

Shanghai population, China

24 150,000 people

Shanghai is the most largest city in China, and one of the most densely populated in the world. Megapolis continues to grow very quickly from year to year.

Population Guangzhou, China

24,200,000 people

The city of Guangzhou (Canton) is about 2,200 years old. Best time To visit Guangzhou - from October to November and from April to May inclusive. In this city subtropical climate from high levels humidity in the summer. Temperature can reach almost 40 degrees Celsius.

Population of Seoul, South Korea

29 500,000 people

City with incredible population density: 17 288 people per 1 square meter. KM! Seoul is the largest city In South Korea and, undoubtedly, the economic, political and cultural center of the country.

With beautiful palaces, delicious food and trading nightlife, this megapolis combines the traditions of old and New Asia.

Population Tokyo, Japan

34,000,000 people

The capital of Japan is today the most crowded city in the world. This agglomerate consists of 26 cities, 5 villages and 8 villages, each of which has local government. Tokyo includes even remote islands in the Pacific Ocean, located in 1,000 km south, in subtropics.

Humanity, not so long ago by a mark of 7 billion, today's holiday is dedicated - World Population Day. On the occasion of continuing to increase with each other population of the planet, we offer to explore the most densely populated cities of the Earth.

The main city of Taiwan, determined by the eighties vector of economic and urban development For communist China, a surprising way is managed to combine the population of the population with the comfort of his stay. In general, even urban metro It is not particularly overloaded here.

The capital of Philippines, famous for the incredible number of old churches and temples, is rightfully for many years wearing the title of the most populous city of the world. The density of the population of Manila is more than forty thousand people per square kilometer area - an inaccessible record. Although, if you consider the agglomeration, the picture will not be as sad - just over ten thousand per kilometer.

The Indian city is the fourth in the number of population in the country, but the first on its density. By the right, considered to be an educational and cultural center, Calcutta did not avoid all side effects of overcrowding - massive slums with their half-starving inhabitants.

The known as the name of the Bombay, the most populated city of India, which has fallen over the demographic mark of a billion people, simply could not not be one of the global settlements with a record-high density of the population. The figure is five thousand less than in Calcutta, and two times lower than in Manila, which, however, does not make it less impressive and terrifying at the same time.

Having a population is only two million with a ponyth of a person (this is excluding numerous suburbs, where it is settled five times more peopleworking in the capital), one of the densely populated cities in the world due to its compact sizes - just a hundred square kilometers (25 times less than the area of \u200b\u200bMoscow!). At the same time, he does not cause the effect of overcrowding, in contrast to the same shuttles.

The eight-million capital of Egypt is famous for its quarters, more similar to huge monumental buildings, the city of garbers and traffic lights that can be counted on the fingers. The first of the dubious attractions of the city appeared not from a good life - to expand with the constantly high number of internal migrants of Cairo especially and nowhere.

With an extensive agglomeration, in the center of the largest city of Pakistan, so to speak, do not push around - more than ten million people live on a slightly more than five hundred square kilometers of the square. Even more, they arrive at the center for work from far outstanding the surroundings.

In terms of the number and density of the population, the largest city of Nigeria rapidly cattons the Egyptian capital - almost five million people who climbed over dozen years old, an important African port reached a mark at eighteen thousand people per kilometer square. And Lagos stop at this is clearly not going.

Standing records in the growth rate of the population Chinese Shenzhen has long been in terms of the number of people per unit area overtook others who do not differ in abundance free space, Middle Kingdom. In addition to the traditionally not the best in the whole country of the environmental state, Shenzhen, being the main business center of China, was able to avoid the main problems of overpopulation.

Capital South Korea Filled by people clearly faster than he managed to grow. Having the value of the population density at almost eighteen thousand people per square kilometer, continues to be one of the most comfortable for the residence of the cities of the world.

Another Indian city in the list, following the example of his fellows, not too billed solutions related to overpopulation. Being the fourth largest in India, Chennai suffers from ordinary problems for the region - slums, driven by street transport, problems with communications and sanitary conditions of citizens.

The Colombian capital is always included in the lists of dynamically developing cities in the world - the city government deserves respect for many international instances by their efforts and success in solving the problems of the densely populated city. South America. Of course, there are slums formed by new migrants, but the Bogota copes with its almost eleven million people almost the best of all in the region.

China's largest city and the first population city of the world could not stay outside this selection. Thanks to the pretty extensive territory occupied by Shanghai, it turns out to be at one of the last positions, more or less successfully distributing the damn a dozen of thousands of people in its 746 square kilometers. And if you consider the agglomeration, then the business capital of the Middle Kingdom can be considered at all the city of free spaces.

The small mining Belarusian town may seem like an aliel, it is not clear how the facts that have fallen into this list, but the facts speak for themselves - with the area just ten square kilometers, the town inhabits more than one hundred thousand people. Not as an example, the other small items, Soligorsk does not expand, but compacted by sacrificing green plantings.

The territory occupied by Lima usually does not take into account huge slums on the outskirts of the city and numerous small settlements of the agglomeration. The main part of the seven million population of the Peruvian capital is concentrated on six hundred square kilometers square, which allows the city to take the last place among the fifteen overpopulated settlements of the world.

We present the top 10 of the most densely populated cities of the world, compiled according to Wikipedia data as of 2011.

1. Shanghai (China), the population is 24,632,000 people.
Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in China, located in the Yangtze River Delta. An important cultural, shopping and financial center of the state, as well as the largest sea \u200b\u200bport World. Shanghai to the beginning of the XX century. From the little fishing town turned into the most important city Countries and the third financial center of the world after New York and London.

2. Sao Paulo (Brazil), the population is 13,651,000 people.
São Paulo is the capital of the same state. The city is located in the south-east of Brazil, 70 km from the coast Atlantic Ocean, in the valley of the river.

3. Karachi (Pakistan), population 13 205 339 people
Karachi is the largest city located in the south of Pakistan and one of the largest cities in the world, the seaport of Pakistan and administrative center Province of Sind.

4. Tokyo (Japan), population 13 051 965 people
Tokyo - the capital of Japan, its financial, administrative, industrial and cultural center. Located on Kanto's plain in the south-eastern part of Honshu Island, in the Bay of the Tokyo Bay of the Pacific Ocean.

5. Istanbul (Turkey), population 12 782 960 people
One of the main reasons for the transformation of Istanbul to the world metropolis is considered geographical position cities. Istanbul is the only city in the world, which is simultaneously located on two continents. In the Asian continent, residential areas are mostly located, on European - numerous service and shopping centers.

6. Mumbai (India), population 12 478 447 people
The capital of Maharashtra, Mumbai is an economic, industrial, trade financial center of India. The city is located in the west of India, on the coast of the Arabian Sea.

7. Delhi (India), Population 11 904 217 people
Delhi is considered the second largest (after Mumbai) an Indian megalopolis, which has the status of the Union Territory and one of the most economically developed cities of India. One of the new areas of the city is New Delhi is the official capital of the state. Located in the north of India on the banks of the Yamuna River.

8. Moscow (Russia), Population 11 551 930 people
Moscow - Capital Russian Federation, Large world megapolis, the city of federal significance. The city is located in the center of the East European Plain on the Moscow River.

You can compare the cities of each other in many criteria. And even such a concept as "the most big city»Some abstract. Some ratings consider cities in terms of its area. Others by the number of people living in the city itself. At the same time, each rating will have different leaders. This article will consider only the most densely populated cities in the world. Let's see how "rubber" may be a settlement?

5th place - Karachi
Karachi is a port city located in the south of Pakistan. The population of the city is calculated by more than 13,000,000 inhabitants. At the same time, it increases by an average of 5% annually.

4th place - Tokyo
Tokyo - the well-known capital of Japan. Located a city on the island of Honshu in Tokyo Gulf. The population of this settlement is about 13,500,000 people. In addition, the Tokyo agglomeration (together with suburbs) is considered the world's largest in the world with the population of more than 37 million people. Demotivators with Tokyo often appear on the Internet, as about 6,000 inhabitants live every square kilometer of land, and some such a density of people really scares.

3 place - Bangkok
Bangkok is the largest city of Thailand, who is also his capital. The name of the city can be translated as "the place where olives grow". The population has already exceeded 14 million people. The rapid growth of the city led to the fact that Bangkok went beyond its provinces.

2nd place - Beijing
Beijing is the capital of the most densely populated country in the world, namely China. More than 20 million people live here. Moreover, this number includes only the permanent residents of the city, as well as temporary, but those living in Beijing for more than 6 months. In fact, the city lives much more people who did not teach statistics.

1st place - Shanghai
Shanghai is China's largest city. It is located in the east of the country. The most populous city in the world has not much not enough, but 23,800,000 people. Today, Shanghai rightfully is a world-class city.

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