A hidden opportunity. “Before you change, something incredibly important to you must be in jeopardy.” - Richard Bach

Do I want such a radical transformation?

Description of the outer and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world.
Precious ingots of gold shine in the sun from the depths of the transparent lake. Already now, a valuable treasure, obtained by a joyful accomplishment, has been manifested in life.
In the bowels of the earth, right under the lake, fiery lava boils. At the same time, very big emotions are locked up on the inner plane.
Clouds of steam, ash and smoke - this powerful underground fire comes out from the bowels of the earth to the surface. Internal disagreement and protest begins to manifest itself in the world of events.
The fiery lava will light up everything around, turn the lake into steam, melt precious gold bars. Previous achievements will drown in the fire of passions and emotions. There will be complete clarity and great adherence to the events taking place (properties of fire).

On the SUBCONSCIOUS the vibration is similar, only much more powerful.
Bottomless endless blue sky filled everything. Already now the subconscious plane is filled with the Highest, most beautiful vibrations.
Small tree seeds sprouted in the ground under the sky. In the depths of the subconscious, seeds of doubt and disagreement with the Highest have arisen.
The shoots strive for light and penetrate with thin branches directly into the blue sky, and go deep into the ground with their roots. Disagreements and doubts based on real facts and spiritual pursuits are intensified.
Where yesterday there was an endless blue sky, today a powerful forest rustles foliage in the wind. The higher will be pushed into the background by the concept of what true love and true God should be. Everything will plunge into the bustle of everyday life.

Common interpretation of hexagram No. 49

In the manifested reality, the fire of emotions and passions flares up. If left as it is, then the emotional fire will destroy all previous achievements. CATEGORICAL DEMAND FOR CHANGE.

On the subconscious, everything is greatly aggravated. Already now the Highest is manifested here to the maximum. Maximum in the sense that the situation is not able to accommodate more at the moment. Everyday worries and anxieties, disagreement with the events taking place will oust the Highest from the subconscious, if there are no significant CHANGES. CATEGORIC DEMAND FOR CHANGE.

Both in the manifested reality and in the subconscious, the natural course of events replaces the Highest with great emotions (the world of events) and everyday vanity (the subconscious plan). It is worth stopping this flow, or even better, turning in the opposite direction. This cannot be done without fundamental changes. CATEGORIC DEMAND FOR CHANGE. The accumulated inner divine potential requires corresponding changes in the world of events. Without cardinal changes, it is impossible to keep the Higher vibrations that the one who has received this hexagram has right now. Perhaps the best way is to start from scratch, radically changing your core values ​​and guidelines. Persistence in achieving change is beneficial. In this regard, condemnation, indignation, rejection is a short way to remove the Higher vibrations of love from the situation and from life in general.



It means acceptance without hesitation and protest of any events, including misfortunes, illness and even the death of your loved ones and yourself. This is almost impossible for a mortal person with self-preservation instincts. Therefore, there will always be situations that give rise to doubts and disagreement with the natural course of life. These doubts and protests will displace Love, the Highest from consciousness and subconsciousness so that over time it will be required CATEGORICAL CHANGES for achievement HARMONY WITH THE WORLD.







Awareness positions:

1. Feel the divine core within yourself, and whatever happens, remain yourself. Let the world adjust to you, and not vice versa.

2. Life is movement and change. Even God changes because he is alive! Refusing to change is death.

3. Everything in life is predetermined. In these conditions, there can be no changes depending on the will of a person. Change is nothing more than the fantasy of a restless mind.

4. External events depend on our inner state, on our perception and our expectations. Changing internally, we instantly change both the fate and the flow of events!

5. Not only we depend on the Cosmos, but the Cosmos also depends on us, just as we depend on every cell of our organism. Make absolutely any cell of your body absolutely healthy and the whole body will be filled with health. Change yourself, and the entire Cosmos will immediately change and change its attitude towards you!

6. “YOU should be the change that you would like to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi.

7. “A person is able to change his life, changing only the point of view,” - William James.

8. “You are responsible for who you are. Do not shift the responsibility to someone else, otherwise you will never be free from suffering. No matter how hard and painful it is: it is you and only you who are responsible for everything that happens, has happened, and will happen to you, ”- Osho.

9. “The true destination of your journey is not a place on the map, but a new outlook on life.” - Henry Miller.

10. “Try not to resist the changes that are coming into your life. Instead, let life live through you. And don't worry if it turns upside down. How do you know that the life you are used to is better than the one that will come? ”- Rumi.

11. The main paradox of psychotherapy: "Accepting yourself as you are - this is the beginning of real changes."

12. “If you notice that you are on the side of the majority, this is a sure sign that it is time to change.” - Mark Twain.

13. “Do not put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after tomorrow” - Mark Twain.

14. “Everyone wants to change humanity, but no one thinks about how to change themselves” - LN Tolstoy.

15. "To get the most out of life, a person must be able to change" - Don Juan.

16. “One day a disciple asked the Master:
- How long to wait for changes for the better?
- If you wait, then a long time! - The Master answered ”(Anthony de Mello).

17. “Never hope that someone else will change. Change must always start with yourself, ”- Osho.

18. “We are all preoccupied with the idea of ​​change, and most people try to change through the program. They want to change. “I have to be like that,” and so on and so forth. In fact, the idea of ​​deliberate change never, never, never works. As soon as you say, “I want to change,” you create a program, counter forces arise that keep you from changing. Change happens on its own. If you go deeper into what you are, if you accept that, then changes automatically happen on their own. This is the paradox of change. This is confirmed by the good old proverb: "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." As soon as you make a decision, as soon as you want to change, you open the road to hell. " (Fritz Perls ).

19. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you have to move. ”- Albert Einstein.

20. “People change when consciousness focuses on the divine part of the Human Being.” - Kryon.

21. “For every person who sees you on cellular level understands what you are doing. Even if the mouth and eyes of people express something completely different, their body honors you and soon they will change their attitude towards you. Thus, by changing oneself, one person can change many. The change in you will affect others as well — and you don’t need to say or preach anything to do that. ”- Kryon.

22. “Only when you use the energy of intention, trying to open the door of this or that situation, we reward you with the synchronicity necessary in order to bring the situation to its logical conclusion. You don't have to sit and wait for God. Now we are connected by a relationship of partnership, ”- Kryon.

23. "An ant moving will do more than a dormant ox" - Lao-tzu.

24. “We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, but oppresses. ”- Carl Jung.

25. “I have noticed that even those people who say that everything is a foregone conclusion and that nothing can be done about it, look around before crossing the road,” - Stephen Hawking.

26. “A snow white goose should not bathe to make itself white. You don't have to do anything but be yourself. ”- Lao Tzu.

27. “What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our life, we need to expand our consciousness,” - Wayne Dyer.

28. “You don't need to be better than anyone else, you just need to be better than you were before.” - Wayne Dyer.

29. “If you think that something needs to be changed in this life, then you don’t think so,” - Rinat Valiullin.

30. “The truth of life is that the more you want to change something, the more everything remains in its place ...”. Anatomy of passion.

31. “Time does not change a person, wisdom does not change a person, and the only thing that can rebuild the structure of his thoughts and feelings is love,” - Paulo Coelho. Eleven minutes.

32. “To be irreplaceable, you need to change all the time” - Coco Chanel.

33. “Sometimes you have to take risks and leave your world in order to find yourself.” - Gossip Girl.

34. “It's easy to change, it's hard not to be the same.” - The Simpsons.

35. “Do you want a change? Change! " Lost.

36. “When I free myself from who I am, I become who I can be,” - Lao Tzu.

37. “Are you ready to be deleted, erased, annulled, turned into nothing? Are you ready to become nothing? Fall into oblivion? If not, you will never truly change. ”- David Herbert Lawrence Phoenix.

38. “If you don’t like what you get, change what you give” - Carlos Castaneda.

39. “Everything flows, everything changes. And no one was twice in the same river. For in a moment the river was not the same, and he himself is not the same, ”- Heraclitus.

40. “All great changes in the life of one person, as well as of all mankind, begin and take place in thought. In order for a change in feelings and actions to occur, a change in thought must first of all occur, ”- Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

41. "The action of even the smallest creature leads to changes in the entire universe" - Nikola Tesla.

42. “Think how difficult it is to change yourself, and you will understand how insignificant your opportunities are to change others” - Voltaire (François-Marie Aruet).

43. “Change is always scary. But no one will change your life for you, ”- Paulo Coelho.

44. “Stupid is the person who always remains unchanged” - Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet).

45. "It is very difficult to change without changing anything, but we will!" - Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky.

46. ​​“Let them say whatever they want, but words and ideas can change the world!” - Dead Poets Society.

47. “It often happens that people are simply forced to accept the changes driven by fate,” - Paulo Coelho. The magician's diary.

48. "Love can change a person beyond recognition" - Publius Terentius Afr.

49. “Where there is no change and the need for change, the mind perishes” - HG Wells. Time Machine.

50. “Do you know any person whom you would like to change, correct, do better? If so, that's great. I am absolutely delighted. But why don't you start with yourself? Even from a purely selfish point of view, it is incomparably more profitable than trying to improve others and, by the way, it is much safer, ”- Dale Carnegie. How to win friends and influence people.

51. “If you cannot change the world, change your attitude to this world” - Lucius Annei Seneca.

52. “Don't let your past determine your future. Everything changes ... And we can start by changing our view of the world, ”- Nathaniel Buzolic.

53. “Madmen who believe they can change the world are actually changing it,” - Walter Isaacson. Steve Jobs. Biography.

54. "... when something changes in your head, it is almost always irreversible" - Stephen King. Confrontation.

55. “It's not enough to change a jacket from the outside, comrades! Turn out your gut! " - Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky.

56. "Before you change, something incredibly important to you must be in jeopardy" - Richard Bach. Pocket Guide of the Messiah.

57. “You can only change yourself, but who will agree with this? It is much more customary to condemn others and rush into battle for their improvement ”, - Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash.

58. “There is no change only with the highest wisdom and the lowest stupidity” - Confucius.

59. “In order to change minds, you must first change hearts” - Pierre Bouast.

60. “He also learned that a person prefers to suffer and repent outwardly than to change in his soul,” - Hermann Hesse. Glass bead game.

61. “Change what can be changed, if necessary, but learn to live with what you cannot change” - Robert Jordan.

62. “Only the new, taken deeply and totally, can transform you. You can either accept it or reject it. The new will bring difficulties. That is why you choose the old - it does not bring any difficulties ”- Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh). Bravery. The joy of living at risk.

63. “Change occurs only when we go against what we are used to,” - Paulo Coelho. Witch with Portobello.

64. "The secret of change is to focus on creating the new, not on fighting the old" - Socrates.

65. “Any changes are accompanied by pain. If you don't feel pain, then nothing has changed. ”- Mel Gibson.

66. “Never, not for a second, refer to the old. Sweep away all the old. Break with the old. Never look back - there, behind, there is nothing to look at. You must not look back, you must look forward - only forward. Go ahead, seek adventure. ”- Osho.

Ge (Change): rip off the skin; shedding, shedding; radical change, renewal; mutiny, coup; leather, leather armor, soldiers; eliminate, cut, cancel, cancel. The hieroglyph depicts the skin of an animal stretched over a frame.

If before last day you will be full of truth
These will be the original fulfillment and favorable endurance.
Remorse will disappear.

This is the time when the snake sheds its skin, when radical changes renew the whole host of things. Get rid of the old. Eliminate the useless to clear the way for the new. Destroy what has deteriorated or decayed. Act decisively and confidently: the spirits favor you. Let go of past strife and painful memories. Feel refreshed every day that comes, your doubts and sorrows will disappear. This is the time when Heaven and Earth renew each other, and people fulfill heavenly plans.

In the previous situation, we met two sides of the same thing: the immobility of the well and the movement that takes place in it. This is the movement that takes place in the well itself, in other words, the movement of the entire accumulated internal force, i.e. the inner truthfulness, which was mentioned in the last position of the previous situation, here can serve as a starting point for further reasoning. The well may not change, but its completeness changes. Thus, the previous situation stands on the verge of two: before it we find exhaustion as a known stop in the dynamics of forces; after it we find a change, i.e. finally, there comes a renewal of the forces that had disappeared. The very image of the hexagram is most easily deciphered from its name. If we translate it and the Change, then this is far from its first meaning, for its first meaning is the skin that was thrown off by the snake.

So, here the previous, already obsolete form must be canceled and a new form must be found for the manifestation of the newly accumulated forces. IN in a certain sense here is the moment of a new beginning of creativity. Therefore, the aphorism that was the first in the entire “Book of Changes” as a characteristic of the creative process is completely repeated here. Here we also have an impulse to being, its development, i.e. what is called “primordial accomplishment” and its definition in it, and the persistent existence of the created thing, that is, what is meant by the words "fortitude is favorable." If there were any mistakes in the previous activity, then here, with a repeated and new act of creativity, all previous mistakes are canceled out, for everything is created anew. In this sense, there can be no remorse about the past, here it cannot come. But all this can be done correctly by a person only if, until the last day, he retains that inner truth, indicating which the aphorisms of the previous situation ended.

External and Inner worlds: Pond (Fog) and Fire

A change in inner awareness gets rid of, opening up new and inspiring possibilities.

Updating by getting rid of the old contains latent opportunity connection of two primary forces.


The Tao of the Well does not allow things to be renewed. Recognizing this allows for the enjoyment of the shift.


Change implies the departure of the outlived one.


A fire burns in the center of the fog. Change.
A noble person measures the passage of time according to the changing seasons.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

First nine

For strengthening, change the skin of the yellow cow.

You are tightly connected to the past and cannot move forward yet. Be open to new impulse when it comes.

The text of this aphorism is built on the pun that we indicated above. This is, of course, about a change, but it is expressed through the image of the skin. If it speaks of strengthening the forces acquired at the previous stage, then they must be strengthened precisely by the very fact of the change, by the play on words (not translated into Russian) - with the help of the skin. But since the first position does not yet reveal all those forces that are characteristic in the lower trigram and which find their expression only in the second position, insofar as the second position here is indicated by the image that we have already repeatedly analyzed - the image of yellow. The fact that it belongs to the second position is also emphasized by the fact that the weak second trait is expressed in the image of a cow.

Line 2

Six second

Change only at the end of the day!
The hike is fortunate. There will be no abuse.

It's time for a change and renewal. Act decisively. Get things in order. The path is open, nothing stands in your way.

The second position, representing itself as an internal expression of the qualities of the entire situation, is a kind of maximum preparation for external activity, but this is not yet external activity itself. Therefore, it mentions what should come at the end of the day, i.e. indicates the truth that during this situation should accompany a person until the end of his days. But if this quality is present, then further movement can only be happy.

Line 3

Nine third

The hike is unfortunately. Resilience is terrible.
The speech will touch on the change of y three times - only then there will be trust in it.

Now is not the time to speak or discipline. The path is closed. You are faced with a danger rooted in the past. Wait for the call to action to sound three times. Do not persist in your delusions.

After a period of exhaustion of all forces and only internal accumulation, their presence in a person may not yet be revealed outside, and therefore, the people around him can hardly have a reason to take confidence in the presence of these forces, i.e. inner truthfulness. In the first two positions, people will not be able to recognize the presence of these forces accumulated in the previous situation. Only in the third position, as the “Book of Changes” says, only after the speech touches the change three times, ie. renewal, a certain amount of trust can be achieved. It goes without saying that a person's position is when, after long speeches, he can gain confidence in himself, he himself can be experienced as a difficult situation, and in such a state of depression he would hardly be able to act favorably.

Line 4

Nine fourth

By owning the truth, you will change your fate.
Happiness. Remorse will disappear.

Act without a shadow of a doubt. You are called to fulfill the heavenly destiny. There is a connection with the spirits in the situation. The time has come, the way is open. All doubts and sorrows will disappear.

Everything that has developed as a result of the actions carried out before is a predetermined fate, which acts as a certain unchanging law, but its immutability is only relative, because sooner or later the time for active intervention comes, if not into your past, then into your future, and thanks to to him, a person achieves the opportunity to remake his destiny. Of course, for this he must truly possess great personal powers. He must melt his destiny. And the image of remelting, which is mentioned here, is explained by the commentators by the fact that the upper trigram into which we enter in this situation, the trigram dui, symbolizes the metal under which the trigram is li - fire. Thanks to this melting down and remaking of one's own future destiny, any repentance for wrong actions in the past disappears.

Line 5

Nine fifth

great person mobile like a tiger.
And before the fortune-telling, he already owns the truth.

When times change, great people are transformed with them. They rapidly move from one state to another. They don't need an oracle to figure out what to do.

With the maximum identification of a change in the fifth position, the “Book of Changes” indicates an image that is mobile and strong in its activity outside, an image of a tiger moving all the time. But this is only an image, because in essence here we are talking about a person full of great internal forces, which for him in all his activities are as convincing as they are convincing for the people around him, so that in all his activities he can proceed from them and do not wait for any predictions, instructions from the outside, etc.

Line 6

Upstairs six

A noble person is as mobile as a leopard.
The face of an insignificant person changes.
The hike is unfortunately.
Staying firmly in place is fortunate.

When times change, a noble person acts like a leopard, but without the aggressiveness of a tiger: his actions are full of beauty and grace. An insignificant person can react to changes only by changing his face - that is, purely outwardly. The performance is unfavorable. Stay where you are and work to improve your qualities.

Overdevelopment of variability and mobility leads only to external confirmation of the change. In essence, the change has already been achieved, and it is only by inertia that the outermost in it continues to operate. If, with the maximum identification of the change, it was a question of the mobility of a tiger, then an animal similar to a tiger, but devoid of its power was chosen. Here we are only talking about the leopard's mobility, but it, being, nevertheless, a movement, a possibility of change, can be inherent only in an internally developed person. A person who is not ethically developed, is insignificant, is capable only of purely external confirmation of the change. He can change no more than "the expression of his face." If he proposed to act outside, essentially not showing himself in any way, then such a performance would only lead to misfortune. It is better for him to remain what he is and work on a genuine change in his quality.

The symbol is favorable, indicates rapid changes that update everything around and open up new positive prospects.

Everything around you is in motion and changes. In the end, it will bring you good results that will exceed your hopes and wildest expectations.

While you are somewhat confused and lost confidence, but soon it will return to you with new plans and perspectives. Circumstances will change markedly, the situation will turn for the better.

You will be able to accept the right decision and change your plans for the future. This will take you to new places where you have never gone before and where you have never been.

Be patient. At this time, you are lucky in gambling, where you will be accompanied by luck and luck.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation of the interpretation of hexagram 49. Change

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you to better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to this question is Ge - Smena.

The hieroglyph depicts an animal skin stretched over a frame.

Renewal, radical change; coup, mutiny. Shedding, shedding; rip off the skin. Leather, soldiers, leather armor. Cancel, cancel, eliminate, cut off.

Semantic connections of hexagram 49. Ge

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time of radical changes that renew the whole host of things. Just as a snake sheds its skin, so you can safely get rid of the old. To clear the way for everything new, eliminate the useless and destroy anything that has fallen into disrepair or deteriorated.

The spirits favor you, so act confidently and decisively. Set aside painful memories and past strife. With each coming day, you will feel more and more refreshed. Your sadness doubts and will disappear. The time is coming when the Earth and Heaven renew each other, and all people obey and fulfill the heavenly plans.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the forty-ninth hexagram.

[If until the last day you will be full of truth, then there will be the original fulfillment,

firmness is favorable. Remorse will disappear]

I. At the beginning of the nine.

For protection, apply the skin of a yellow cow.

II. Six second.

Change only at the end of the day.

- Hike - fortunately. There will be no abuse.

III. Nine third.

The speech will touch the shift three times - and only then will there be trust in it.

- Hike - unfortunately! Fortitude is terrible.

IV. The nine is the fourth.

By owning the truth, you will change your fate.

- Happiness! Repentance disappears!

V. Nine fifth.

A great man is as mobile as a tiger. And before the fortune-telling, he already owns the truth.

Vi. There is a six at the top.

(If) A noble person, like a leopard, is mobile; and insignificant people

faces change.

- A hike to unhappiness.

The persistence of being in place is fortunate.

Fortune telling according to the "Book of Changes" is widespread not only in China, but practically all over the world. At its core, this fortune-telling is not so mythical in nature as philosophical and religious, which tells about the origin of the entire Chinese world order.

At the moment, the "Book of Changes" with its notes, explanations and aphorisms is not fully disclosed. One of the first translators who helped to convey to the Russian lover one of the values ​​of Chinese culture was the famous orientalist Yu.K. Shutsky. Thanks to him, now you can guess by the "Book", find out your future by reading the explanation translated from the Chinese language. But what exactly is this book? And what secrets are hidden in it?

The ancient Chinese believed that the whole world consisted of the smallest particles, some of them were light and called "yang", others heavy - "yin". The interaction of these particles contributed to the birth of humanity, and with it all the laws on earth. The Chinese believed that there is absolutely nothing in the world that could not have its own mate, its own back side medals: cold-heat, good-evil, true False, and so on ad infinitum.

The “Book of Changes” describes all kinds of earthly patterns and situations that can occur with a person. There are only 64 such situations, in their opinion, that is why there are so many hexagrams in fortune telling. In order to read fortunes from the book, you should throw coins 6 times, and depending on how they fall, make your own drawing, while learning the number that can tell everything about the person, tell him the right ones life paths... For example, Hexagram 49 (Ge), contains the meaning of change.

It says that the person behind his back already has a lot of experience, but this stage has already been passed for him, it is time to change his life, to start a new one. The past must go away. Multiple changes, shocks, must leave this person, a period of stability has come. In order to forget this past, which is so oppressive, you should go on a journey, start new things, do what you love. You should not be afraid of all this - luck is still on the side of the one to whom this figure fell.

The meaning of the hexagrams of the “Book of Changes” is interesting in that they do not put the fatal fact of reality in them. For the Chinese, there are no other ideals other than man. He is the leader of his destiny, and only he can change everything. This concept of "Book" differs from all similar fortune-telling: everything that is written in aphorisms can be easily changed. Each hexagram is a peculiar pattern of six lines, which can be straight, wavy or cut. Each line also has its own meaning: the former mean the emergence of the conflict, the middle ones - its culmination period, and, finally, the latter - the denouement of the whole situation.

At the moment, in Russian-language sources there is no complete description of hexagrams, this is due to the fact that each author interprets the original text in his own way. Real canonical text The Book of Changes has been translated from the Chinese language, but it is so incomprehensible that it becomes necessary to interpret it in a new way, preserving the original meaning of the text. This has its advantages, because this direction has no precise explanation at all. Each person perceives his life the way he wants it. To understand what is actually said in the interpretations, several different interpretations of the same figure can be compared using an example.

Hexagram Li, number 10, means "Offensive", and under it is written something like an aphorism about courage, that it is doubly good only if it is prudent and reasonable. The person who got this number must decisively begin to act. Each of his actions must be thought out very carefully, and in speech - weigh every word. Main essence This combination consists in the fact that we must act, but with a certain caution: you should not make any sudden and rash decisions. The experience of the past will help when starting new businesses. You should not listen to others and their advice.

Only harmony with oneself can lead to success. In other sources, you can find a different interpretation that the time has come to withdraw into yourself, draw your own conclusions, and make deliberate decisions. In no case should you tell people what seems so obvious: gentleness, insinuity and calmness are the main companions of a person in a given period of time. With problems, misunderstandings and similar situations the person who is one step higher will help.

The third source warns a person that in the near future he will face troubles, incidents that he cannot change in any way. It will seem to him that everything that happens to him is the end, but as soon as he really despairs, this end will come, so he should definitely pull himself together and resist the fateful fate.

(If until) the last day you will be (full of) truth, (then there will be) the original accomplishment, endurance is favorable. Remorse will disappear.

For protection, apply the skin of a yellow bull.
(Only at) the end of the day (make) a change. - Hike - fortunately. There will be no abuse.
The hike is unfortunately. Persistence is dangerous. The speech will touch upon the shift three times (and only then) will it be right.
Remorse will disappear. With the truth, you will change your destiny. - Happiness.
A great man is mobile, (like) a tiger. And before the fortune-telling (he already) possesses the truth.
A noble person is mobile, (like) a leopard, and insignificant people change their faces. - The hike is unfortunately. The persistence of being in place is fortunate.


Ge (Change): rip off the skin; shedding, shedding; radical change, renewal; mutiny, coup; leather, leather armor, soldiers; eliminate, cut, cancel, cancel. The hieroglyph depicts the skin of an animal stretched over a frame.

Figurative row

This is the time when the snake sheds its skin, when radical changes renew the whole host of things. Get rid of the old. Eliminate the useless to clear the way for the new. Destroy what has deteriorated or decayed. Act decisively and confidently: the spirits favor you. Let go of past strife and painful memories. Feel refreshed every day that comes, your doubts and sorrows will disappear. This is the time when Heaven and Earth renew each other, and people fulfill heavenly plans.

The outer and inner worlds

Pond (Fog) and Fire

A change in inner awareness gets rid of, opening up new and inspiring possibilities.

Renewal through getting rid of the old contains the latent possibility of joining two primary forces.


The Tao of the Well does not allow things to be renewed. Recognizing this allows for the enjoyment of the shift.


Change implies the departure of the outlived one.


A fire burns in the center of the fog. Change.

A noble person measures the passage of time according to the changing seasons.

Hexagram lines

First nine

For strengthening, change the skin of the yellow cow.

You are tightly connected to the past and cannot move forward yet. Be open to new impulse when it comes.

Six second

Change only at the end of the day!
The hike is fortunate. There will be no abuse.

It's time for a change and renewal. Act decisively. Get things in order. The path is open, nothing stands in your way.

Nine third

The hike is unfortunately. Resilience is terrible.
The speech will touch on the change of y three times - only then there will be trust in it.

Now is not the time to speak or discipline. The path is closed. You are faced with a danger rooted in the past. Wait for the call to action to sound three times. Do not persist in your delusions.

Nine fourth

By owning the truth, you will change your fate.
Happiness. Remorse will disappear.

Act without a shadow of a doubt. You are called to fulfill the heavenly destiny. There is a connection with the spirits in the situation. The time has come, the way is open. All doubts and sorrows will disappear.

Nine fifth

A great man is as mobile as a tiger.
And before the fortune-telling, he already owns the truth.

When times change, great people are transformed with them. They rapidly move from one state to another. They don't need an oracle to figure out what to do.

Upstairs six

A noble person is as mobile as a leopard.
The face of an insignificant person changes.
The hike is unfortunately.
Staying firmly in place is fortunate.

When times change, a noble person acts like a leopard, but without the aggressiveness of a tiger: his actions are full of beauty and grace. An insignificant person can react to changes only by changing his face - that is, purely outwardly. The performance is unfavorable. Stay where you are and work to improve your qualities.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky

In the previous situation, we met two sides of the same thing: the immobility of the well and the movement that takes place in it. This is the movement that takes place in the well itself, in other words, the movement of the entire accumulated internal force, i.e. the inner truthfulness, which was mentioned in the last position of the previous situation, here can serve as a starting point for further reasoning. The well may not change, but its completeness changes. Thus, the previous situation stands on the verge of two: before it we find exhaustion as a known stop in the dynamics of forces; after it we find a change, i.e. finally, there comes a renewal of the forces that had disappeared. The very image of the hexagram is most easily deciphered from its name. If we translate it and the Change, then this is far from its first meaning, for its first meaning is the skin that was thrown off by the snake. So, here the previous, already obsolete form must be canceled and a new form must be found for the manifestation of the newly accumulated forces. In a sense, this is the moment of a new beginning of creativity. Therefore, the aphorism that was the first in the entire “Book of Changes” as a characteristic of the creative process is completely repeated here. Here we also have an impulse to being, its development, i.e. what is called “the original accomplishment”, and its definition in it, and the persistent existence of the created thing, that is, what is meant by the words "fortitude is favorable." If there were any mistakes in the previous activity, then here, with a repeated and new act of creativity, all previous mistakes are canceled out, for everything is created anew. In this sense, there can be no remorse about the past, here it cannot come. But all this can be done correctly by a person only if, until the last day, he retains in himself that inner truth, indicating which the aphorisms of the previous situation ended. These thoughts are expressed in the following aphorism of the text: Change. If you are full of righteousness until the last day, then there will be initial fulfillment and favorable endurance. Remorse will disappear.

The text of this aphorism is built on the pun that we indicated above. This is, of course, about a change, but it is expressed through the image of the skin. If it speaks of strengthening the forces acquired at the previous stage, then they must be strengthened precisely by the very fact of the change, by the play on words (not translated into Russian) - with the help of the skin. But since the first position does not yet reveal all those forces that are characteristic in the lower trigram and which find their expression only in the second position, insofar as the second position here is indicated by the image that we have already repeatedly analyzed - the image of yellow. The fact that it belongs to the second position is also emphasized by the fact that the weak second trait is expressed in the image of a cow. In this sense, an aphorism can be understood, which, without comments, could only bring a smile to our reader: In the beginning, a strong trait. For strengthening, apply the skin of a yellow cow.

The second position, representing itself as an internal expression of the qualities of the entire situation, is a kind of maximum preparation for external activity, but this is not yet external activity itself. Therefore, it mentions what should come at the end of the day, i.e. indicates the truth that during this situation should accompany a person until the end of his days. But if this quality is present, then further movement can only be happy. This is why the text says here: Weak point in second place. Change only at the end of the day. There will be no abuse.

After a period of exhaustion of all forces and only internal accumulation, their presence in a person may not yet be revealed outside, and therefore, the people around him can hardly have a reason to take confidence in the presence of these forces, i.e. inner truthfulness. In the first two positions, people will not be able to recognize the presence of these forces accumulated in the previous situation. Only in the third position, as the “Book of Changes” says, only after the speech touches the change three times, ie. renewal, a certain amount of trust can be achieved. It goes without saying that a person's position is when, after long speeches, he can gain confidence in himself, he himself can be experienced as a difficult situation, and in such a state of depression he would hardly be able to act favorably. So the text here says: Strong line in third place. In the shift, the speech will touch her three times, and only then there will be trust in her. The hike is unfortunately. Fortitude is terrible.

Everything that has developed as a result of the actions carried out before is a predetermined fate, which acts as a certain unchanging law, but its immutability is only relative, because sooner or later the time for active intervention comes, if not into your past, then into your future, and thanks to to him, a person achieves the opportunity to remake his destiny. Of course, for this he must truly possess great personal powers. He must melt his destiny. And the image of remelting, which is mentioned here, is explained by the commentators by the fact that the upper trigram into which we enter in this situation, the trigram dui, symbolizes the metal under which the trigram is li - fire. Thanks to this melting down and remaking of one's own future destiny, any repentance for wrong actions in the past disappears. This is why we read in the text: Strong line in fourth place. By owning the truth, you will change your fate. Happiness. Remorse will disappear.

With the maximum identification of a change in the fifth position, the "Book of Changes" indicates an image that is mobile and strong in its activity outside, an image of a tiger moving all the time. But this is only an image, because in essence here we are talking about a person full of great internal forces, which for him in all his activities are as convincing as they are convincing for the people around him, so that in all his activities he can proceed from them and do not wait for any predictions, instructions from the outside, etc. This is why the text says here: Strong line in fifth place. A great man is as mobile as a tiger. And before the fortune-telling, he already owns the truth.

Overdevelopment of variability and mobility leads only to external confirmation of the change. In essence, the change has already been achieved, and it is only by inertia that the outermost in it continues to operate. If, with the maximum identification of the change, it was a question of the mobility of a tiger, then an animal similar to a tiger, but devoid of its power was chosen. Here we are only talking about the leopard's mobility, but it, being, nevertheless, a movement, a possibility of change, can be inherent only in an internally developed person. A person who is not ethically developed, is insignificant, is capable only of purely external confirmation of the change. He can change no more than "the expression of his face." If he proposed to act outside, essentially not showing himself in any way, then such a performance would only lead to misfortune. It is better for him to remain what he is and work on a genuine change in his quality. Consequently, the text says here: Above is a weak point. A noble person is as mobile as a leopard. The face of an insignificant person changes. The hike is unfortunately. Staying in the wrong place is fortunate.

Commentary A.V. Shvets

In the outer - Permission and joy, in the inner - Cohesion and clarity. The harmonious combination of Yin and Yang in the internal leads to a resolution in the external - to a change in something.

Interpreting Hayslip

All changes and rearrangements taking place around you now will end; so fortunate that the results will exceed all your expectations. You are now unsure of yourself, but new perspectives are coming, and you will regain faith in yourself. Perhaps your plans will change, and you will go where you did not intend to before. Now you are very lucky in the game.

Description of the outer and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world, precious ingots of gold shine in the sun from the depths of a transparent lake. Already now, a valuable treasure, obtained by a joyful accomplishment, has been manifested in life.

In the bowels of the earth, right under the lake, fiery lava boils. On the inner plane, very big emotions are locked up.

Clouds of steam, ash and smoke - this powerful underground fire comes out from the bowels of the earth to the surface. Internal disagreement and protest begins to manifest itself in the world of events.

The fiery lava will light up everything around, turn the lake into steam, melt precious gold bars. Previous achievements will drown in the fire of passions and emotions. There will be complete clarity and great adherence to the events taking place.

On the SUBCONSCIOUS the vibration is similar, only much more powerful.

The endless endless blue sky filled everything. Already now the subconscious plane is filled with the Highest, most beautiful vibrations.

Small tree seeds sprouted in the ground under the sky. In the depths of the subconscious, seeds of doubt and disagreement with the Highest have arisen.

The shoots strive for light and penetrate with thin branches directly into the blue sky, and go deep into the ground with their roots. Disagreement and doubt, based on real facts, is gaining momentum.

Where yesterday there was an endless blue sky, today a powerful forest rustles foliage in the wind. The higher is pushed into the background by the concept of what true love and true God should be. Everything is immersed in everyday vanity.

Common interpretation of hexagram No. 49

In the manifested reality, the fire of emotions and passions flares up. If left as it is, then the emotional fire will destroy all previous achievements. CATEGORICAL DEMAND FOR CHANGE.

On the subconscious, everything is greatly aggravated. Already now the Highest is manifested here to the maximum. As much as possible in the sense that you are more in currently unable to accommodate. Everyday worries and anxieties, disagreement with the events taking place will oust the Highest from the subconscious, if there are no significant CHANGES. CATEGORIC DEMAND FOR CHANGE.

Both in the manifested reality and in the subconscious, the natural course of events is destructive. It is worth stopping it, or even better, turning it in the opposite direction. This cannot be done without fundamental changes. CATEGORIC DEMAND FOR CHANGE. The accumulated internal potential requires appropriate changes. Without changes, there will be no positive development, and you will face open and latent conflicts. It may be best to start life from scratch by drastically changing your core values ​​and orientations. Persistence in achieving change is beneficial.




HARMONY WITH THE WORLD means accepting without doubt and protest of any events, including misfortunes, illness and even death of your loved ones and yourself. This is almost impossible for a mortal person with self-preservation instincts. Therefore, there will always be situations that give rise to doubts and disagreement with the natural course of life. These doubts and protests will displace Love, the Highest from consciousness and subconsciousness, so that over time, CATEGORICAL CHANGES will be required to achieve HARMONY WITH THE WORLD.






Awareness positions:

1. Feel the divine core within yourself, and whatever happens, remain yourself. Let the world adjust to you, and not vice versa.

2. Life is movement and change. Even God changes because he is alive! Refusing to change is death.

3. Everything in life is predetermined. In these conditions, there can be no changes depending on the will of a person. Change is nothing more than the fantasy of a restless mind.

4. External events depend on our internal state, from our perception and our expectations. Changing internally, we instantly change both the fate and the flow of events!

5. Not only we depend on the Cosmos, but the Cosmos also depends on us, just as we depend on every cell of our organism. Make absolutely any cell of your body absolutely healthy and the whole body will be filled with health. Change yourself, and the entire Cosmos will immediately change and change its attitude towards you!

6. “YOU should be the change that you would like to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi.

7. “A person is able to change his life, changing only the point of view,” - William James.

8. “You are responsible for who you are. Do not shift the responsibility to someone else, otherwise you will never be free from suffering. No matter how hard and painful it is: it is you and only you who are responsible for everything that happens, has happened, and will happen to you, ”- Osho.

9. “The true destination of your journey is not a place on the map, but a new outlook on life.” - Henry Miller.

10. “Try not to resist the changes that are coming into your life. Instead, let life live through you. And don't worry if it turns upside down. How do you know that the life you are used to is better than the one that will come? ”- Rumi.

11. The main paradox of psychotherapy: "Accepting yourself as you are - this is the beginning of real changes."

12. “If you notice that you are on the side of the majority, this is a sure sign that it is time to change.” - Mark Twain.

13. “Do not put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after tomorrow” - Mark Twain.

14. “Everyone wants to change humanity, but no one thinks about how to change themselves” - LN Tolstoy.

15. "To get the most out of life, a person must be able to change" - Don Juan.

16. “One day a disciple asked the Master:

How long will it take for a change for the better?

If you wait, then a long time! - The Master answered ”(Anthony de Mello).

17. “Never hope that someone else will change. Change must always start with yourself, ”- Osho.

18. “We are all preoccupied with the idea of ​​change, and most people try to change through the program. They want to change. “I have to be like that,” and so on and so forth. In fact, the idea of ​​deliberate change never, never, never works. As soon as you say, “I want to change,” you create a program, counter forces arise that keep you from changing. Change happens on its own. If you go deeper into what you are, if you accept that, then changes automatically happen on their own. This is the paradox of change. This is confirmed by the good old proverb: "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." As soon as you make a decision, as soon as you want to change, you open the road to hell. " (Fritz Perls).

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