What the headman is doing. Is it worth being a group leader at a university? What are the privileges of the head of the group

The role of the headman in the student body has been known since school. The headman of a university or college group has similar responsibilities - it is a formal leader representing the group, a kind of liaison between students and the administration of the university.

Who will become the headman becomes clear at the first meeting of freshmen. The dean's office chooses a suitable candidate based on the results entrance exams taking into account the personal characteristics of the students. That is, the head of the group is assigned at random, but oddly enough, it is often this person who is ideal for the role of head of the group, successfully coping with his duties.

How to become a student group leader?

Anyone can become a headman if classmates vote for him. But do not rush to choose the first person who comes across, for several years of study this person is instructed to represent the interests of the group in the dean's office and the administration of the university. The chosen one will be able to cope with the new responsibilities if he has some necessary qualities: communication skills, responsibility, activity, patience, perseverance. Fortunately, if an informal leader of the group is chosen as the headman, it will not be difficult for him to help the trade union organizer of students outside the classroom: participate in events, meetings, excursions, congratulate the birthday people, make students' life fun and interesting. The headman can also become a squad leader, with.

Sometimes young people with experience of serving in the armed forces are chosen as chiefs because of their organization, desire for discipline and experience of interaction with the collective. By the way, you can read how to get a reprieve from the army for study.

What are the responsibilities of the group leader?

  1. It is an unpleasant duty of the headman to fill out the register, monitoring student attendance. The main unpleasant disadvantage is that truants like to ask not to put a pass. It is very difficult to strike a balance between responsiveness and a sense of fairness. It is necessary to have enough flexibility and diplomacy to convey to fellow students that it is impossible to note the presence of the whole group, alone meeting the teacher with a magazine under his arm. He might suspect something.
  2. You need to know everything. In the literal sense - everything. About transfers of classes, "tails" of students, or draw up a title page, where and how the exam will take place, know the orders of the administration: the rector, dean, teachers, etc., the schedule of official events. Necessary information should be passed on to students in a timely manner.
  3. Know the schedule of meetings by attending them in a timely manner, for example, the elder or student council.
  4. Be a model for behavior and good learning in a group

The headman can share his duties with his chosen deputy.... If for some reason the headman cannot fulfill his duties, then the powers described above are delegated to the deputy head of the group.

What is the group leader's journal for?

The headman of the group receives the magazine from the dean's office at the beginning of the academic year. The journal records student attendance, topics of seminars and lectures. Make sure that the teacher teaching the lesson signs the journal at the end of the pair.

Once a month, it is necessary to make an extract from the journal, taking into account the number of respectful and disrespectful absences from each student. Respectful omissions are confirmed by a certificate, therefore certificates about the students' illness are also transferred to the headman. All attendance and absences are drawn up on a special form under the heading "attendance table".

The journal is handed over at the end of the academic year to the dean's office.

What are the privileges of the head of the student group?

What is it all for? The headmen of the student group do their duties for a reason. Among the positive aspects of such work, we note:

  1. material compensation, that is, an increase in the scholarship;
  2. bonuses from the trade union committee. For example, it can be an interesting part-time job in the summer or preferential vouchers to a sanatorium;
  3. teachers often overestimate the mark on the exam;
  4. this experience will certainly come in handy when applying for a job. In the resume, it is imperative to indicate that you performed the duties of the head of the group, this will tell the employer about your experience in organizational and managerial work, about your responsibility and diligence.

So, despite the fact that the headman is a noticeable personality and all the bumps from the teachers and the dean's office fall on him first of all, despite the wide range of responsibilities and difficulties of university life, the skills acquired will certainly come in handy after graduating from university or college and will help you take the first steps in building your own career.

A question from the category, "What is the meaning of life?" The fact is that there are no ideal answers to such questions that would suit almost everyone - it all depends on opinions so that for someone "yes", and for someone "no".

But all of this has already been said, so I'll just tell my story, which I hope will give you food for thought on this topic:

Last year, I entered my first year undergraduate studies at the National Research University graduate School economics per department foreign languages... My direction was created in the same year, so this was the first set. I immediately had ideas to become a headman, and indeed to somehow change my life. The fact is that at school (later in the gymnasium where I moved to the tenth grade) I did not suffer from particular activity, but the reason was that my environment simply did not dispose me to this. As a result, I began to sit alone on the first desk. It was not fun, although much better than at school. My life is a story for a separate post, as well as for many other people.

After we got acquainted with the faculty and other things, our group was assembled by curators, from whom the trace immediately disappeared, and they offered to choose a head. I immediately volunteered with another girl, but she preferred me, and said, they say, I will help you by becoming your deputy. Of course, she didn’t do anything, but I still had a deputy (yes, yes, I was so cool that I had a deputy). Now, my former deputy has become my headman.

In the beginning, everything was fine: I immediately decided that I did not want our group to be divided into subgroups consisting of two - three people, and so that everyone coexists together and makes friends in one large composition. We celebrated our birthday, discussing everything together beforehand, walking late and so on. Of course, when the studies began, it was clear that everything would change, but I did not think that everything would be exactly like that.

During my studies, in principle, everything was also not bad: I resolved various issues that were addressed to me, I created an elder, bringing all the elders together, promoted certain ideas, in general - I tried to help everyone and make the faculty better. Everything was going well until I went to bed with the disease.

During these one and a half - two weeks that I lay on the bed and did nothing due to the fact that my eyes were very festering and in general I felt lousy, at most five or six people from the whole group wrote to me. But these are still flowers: when I returned to the university, everything seemed to have changed. People began to lead a different way, everyone broke up into small groups, and those cheerful human voices that seemed to permeate the whole group were no longer heard. Gradually, everything began to deteriorate, and once the chairman of the student council came up to me (with whom I competed, since I myself wanted to be the chairman and moreover, to create a student council, which at that time was not there. By the way, he appeared when I was on sick leave. ) and told me that people from my group are approaching her with requests to remove me from the duties of the headman. I, frankly, did not understand why, tk. I tried to please and help everyone, but everything turned out to be much more prosaic. I conducted a couple of polls, first on VKontakte, in which I won by a few votes, and then IRL, in which the gap was not in my favor.

Actually, the moral of this fable is that people do not appreciate what they cannot see. The people in my group were like the Romans who believed that if I did not see your mother in person, then she didn’t really exist.

But you know what? I’m even glad that I stopped being the headman. Realizing that most of my group are not the people with whom I would like to be friends, it became much easier for me to live. For all this academic year I have gained a huge store of experience and knowledge based, not least of all, on mistakes.

Once, in module three or four, my headman told me that she was already tired of being one.

People don't appreciate the work I do.

And she was right.

So, if you want to become a headman, then good luck: it all depends on the circumstances and people, for example, from the university, classmates and their hobbies.

And I want to warn everyone that the elders are people too. As a headman, I had a goal to help people and make their lives better. Yes, I used to miss classes, I did not always attend couples for various reasons, but I never stopped helping people when they contacted me. Moreover, I myself imposed with help, for which one time another headman told me:

"You've got everyone with your restless teambuilding."

Each group has an "invisible helping hand", which informs about the cancellation or transfer of pairs, prepares all RAS at the beginning of the year and, if necessary, protects the group in front of the teachers. Yes, it's all about you, headman. Specially for The HSE, the heads of different faculties spoke about their worries, worries and joys

Expectation: I wanted to be a headman for a very long time, and the whole group together honored me with this honor.
- I didn’t decide anything, my classmates chose me, and I thought “Okay, let it be”;
- I really like to help people, and this is the most unobtrusive way;
- I did not like the previous headman, and I wanted to change something;

Expectation: I must inform the group in time about everything that concerns educational process, communicate with the educational part and coordinate the actions of the group with the actions of teachers, report absent.
- the headman informs the group about everything related to the educational process, communicates with the educational part and coordinates the actions of the group with the actions of the teachers. Subscription: he must do it extremely quickly;
- the task of the headman is to convey information and search for an audience. Any student in the group can solve questions with teachers. Plus, I always, if asked, put those absent from lectures on the lists;
- contacts with teachers, writes the group's mail address on a piece of paper. I also send homework to the group in VK, in the same place we select the person of the month of the group;
- I make a list of those present, but I also enter those who are absent, because we do not abandon our own;
- condemns truants.

Expectation: My classmates will respect me, and the teachers will know by sight. The study as a whole will be a little easier, because I have a certain authority.
- classmates listen more to my opinion, and as for the teachers, they at least remember you.
- in personal communication with third parties, many of my classmates (and maybe all) call me nothing more than “my headman”. Plus, if I want to, it’s pretty easy to play them off with the postponement, because in this respect they very easily take my words on faith. As for the teachers, this fact hardly affects them.
- there is respect from classmates, but this is a "cold" feeling. No one is deliberately getting into friendships. Teachers usually label them as "the most responsible person in the group." You have to match.
Some things cannot be predicted in advance. we can only understand them in the course of work.

- I feel in my place. All these seemingly small things add movement to my life, and I got addicted to it;
- I like doing this. I become more responsible, a kind of leadership skills appear;
- It helps me to stay always in the spotlight.

- sometimes I spend a lot of time on organizational issues, but in general it does not bother me;
- it fits very organically into my lifestyle. All these chores are not even duties, they are part of the study;
- does not distract from the educational process absolutely, rather complements it.

- the constant need to understand the heap of routine matters;
- teachers know your phone number (there are frequent messages and calls after midnight);
- often you have to contact the educational part (some faculties are forced to travel to another building);
- sometimes annoying a large number of stupid questions.

- patience, kindness and most importantly - condescension;
- a telephone with Internet access, a telephone book with the numbers of classmates, teachers and other elders, as well as with a sufficient amount of money. Ability to treat problems with humor, otherwise you will go crazy;
- earlier, about three years ago, it was a telephone, but now all classmates are almost always VK, and communication with teachers by mail or via facebook. Now the “caller” phone is almost unnecessary, the headman was left without any special attributes;
- a notebook with notes, where it is indicated who passed what, and who needs to be shaken.

Destroying myths
Many have an erroneous idea of ​​what the headman is doing and what efforts are given to him. We will try to dispel the most popular rumors that exist among the student body.

# 1 Heads should not inform about EVERYTHING and solve ALL issues. They are not omnipotent Gods, understand.

# 2 Group leaders at HSE are NOT PAYED an additional scholarship for performing certain duties. Everything is based on altruism.

№3 Special attitude of teachers. Our academic performance, our desire to learn, our perseverance is much more important than that that you call them at night.

No. 4 Heads - conservative mischief. It's a lie! These are absolutely the same students who simply decided to take on more responsibility.

# 5 The elder is not needed in the senior years. Yes, the scope of his responsibilities is shrinking due to the fact that there are fewer students. However, contact with teachers is necessary until the end of the training.

# 6 The title of the headman is not “lifelong”. If suddenly you are tired or tired of doing such routine work, then you have every right to remove yourself from the post of headman. Also, the group can independently change the headman if the latter does not fulfill his duties.

The text was prepared by Natalia Pashentseva

Illustrations: Katya Gushchina

What you can not hear from students about the headman. For some, the headman is a protector, assistant, face and voice of the group, and as a result, an honorary title. And for some, the headman is a topic for criticism and jokes. In one group there is a real debate for the title of head of the group, and in another, when the question “Who will take this position?” Arises in the first year. , willing-one person, and sometimes they are completely absent. To finally figure out who the head of the group is and what it is like to occupy this most interesting position, I decided to contact a student of the Faculty of Computer Design (FKP) of the Belarusian state university Informatics and Radioelectronics –Margarita Shekh.
How it all began:
Initially, the dean's office appointed one guy as the headman, who refused this position. For about a week there was no headman in the group, since no one wanted to. At one point, I decided that this could not continue, taking into account the fact that the teachers did not like this situation in our group, I went to the dean and proposed my candidacy for this position.
At the very beginning, gaining authority in the group, provided that the male gender predominates (in the group there are 18 guys and only 3 girls), it was not quite easy. Many guys didn't take me seriously. It was in the first semester. But after certain situations (for example, helping with teachers during the session, etc.), they began to respect me as a headman and carry out my instructions without unnecessary questions and indignation.

Activities of the headman:
On the one hand, for many students, the headman is an ordinary student, maybe a little more responsible than the general mass of the student fraternity. But we must not forget that the headman in the group is also an informant who must tell the students about everything that happens at the university, thereby carrying out “communication” between the dean's office and the group (again, these are mainly announcements).
Also, certain duties are imposed on the headman. For example, the signature of the journal .. Almost every student does not like to go to classes. However, few people want to see themselves in the circle of hard-core truants. Therefore, many of the students want to establish "brotherly" relations with the headman only so that he turns a blind eye to their omissions and I met such guys. But from the very beginning I put myself in such a way that the students understood: I can sometimes meet halfway (anything in life happens: driving school, illness) and close my eyes to missing one or two classes, no more. In my group, the attitude towards all students is the same.
The headman is also a participant in such an event as the Headman, during which all the headmen of a certain course gather in the dean's office to discuss organizational issues. The headman has the opportunity to ask all those of interest, students of his group, questions about the study or session.

You shouldn't forget about pleasant things either: the headman receives a small bonus. In addition, one of my personal achievements, I consider the respect of the group - this is my main achievement.
I would like to advise students / applicants who just want to become a headman or have all the qualities for this, but still doubt, to drop doubts. If you want, then go. Believe in yourself, then others will believe in you. And most importantly, calmness. Don't let the “provocateurs” piss you off.

It should be concluded that the activity of the headman is associated with the solution of pressing problems of university life. However, according to the great law of compensation, any activity aimed at solving social problems will bring you 10 times more benefits than you spend energy.
In general, being the leader of a group is a responsible task that is suitable only for those who have a certain set of qualities inherent in a leader. If you want to hone your leadership skills, then the position of headman is simply created for you.

The reluctance of students to be a headman dates back to school, since it is the head boys who are the first to be remembered by the teachers, it is the head boys who should organize class activities, and it is the head boys who have the least chances to skip classes, since they are in full view all the time. But few people know that the duties of the headman at the university are broader and more interesting than at school.

Many people ask me why I decided to become a headman, since I did not yet know what exactly I was going to do. I was interested, I wanted to test myself, and I can say with confidence that I do not regret my decision. The position of the headman does not give any special bonuses in studies, and also does not allow to relax, disciplines, mobilizes all forces for study, fosters responsibility, and not only for oneself, but for the whole group. You have to keep track of the registration of the attendance log, discuss with the teachers the time for passing exams and the time for transferring lectures and practices, renewing grade books and student books, registering a group for events that are mandatory for everyone.

But still, the headman is not only a responsible person who establishes a connection between the group and the teachers, the dean's office. This is a person who, first of all, tries to help the group to live interestingly, as well as to sort out all the unpleasant situations and delicate issues related to the study of students. Heads more often communicate with teachers, departments and the dean's office, therefore, it is easier for them to agree with them about retaking laboratory work or exams.

I had a case when my classmate urgently needed the help of the department on an issue of concern to him (the problem with passing the exam), but he was afraid to come in and ask himself. And I understand him well, because I myself sometimes get nervous, communicating with the leadership of the department or the dean's office, afraid to make myself look stupid. This was the case when, as the headman, I could help him. And I was very glad that my help came in handy in solving the problem and everything ended well.

And answering the question of what it means to be a headman, I will say - it means being the most caring, disciplined and responsible member of your group, supporting your children, protecting their interests always and everywhere.

Head of the 3rd year of the Department of Computer Science

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