Chapter XXII. Society: mechanisms of development and destruction

Socialization is the cultivation of a person. How to explain the meaning of this statement? and three arguments to prove and got the best answer

Answer from Vechnik [guru]
Socialization is the process of the formation of an individual, its training, education and assimilation of social norms, values, attitudes, patterns of behavior inherent in a given society.
Socialization fulfills three main tasks in society:
1) integrates the individual into society, as well as into various types
social communities through the assimilation of elements of culture, norms and
2) promotes the interaction of people due to their acceptance
social roles;
3) preserves society, produces and transfers the culture of generations
through beliefs and showing appropriate patterns of behavior.
According to Ch. Cooley, a person goes through the following stages of socialization:
1) imitation - copying of adult behavior by children;
2) play - children's behavior as playing a role with meaning;
3) group games - a role as expected behavior from it. In progress
socialization distinguishes between its primary and secondary forms.
Primary (external) socialization means the adaptation of the individual to the role functions and social norms that develop in various social institutions of society at different levels. human life. This happens through social identification - that is, the awareness of their belonging to a given community. The agents here are family, school, peers, or subcultures and compensators leading to desocialization.
Secondary socialization is internalization, that is, it means the process of including social roles in inner world person. As a result, a system of internal regulators of personality behavior is formed, which ensures compliance (or opposition) of the individual's behavior to the models and attitudes set by the social system. This represents life experience, the ability to assess norms, while at the level of identification they were basically only assimilated.
The most important factors in the socialization of a person are the phenomenon of an individual being in a group and self-realization through it, as well as an individual's entry into more complex structures of society.
The group acts as a social niche that provides the individual with a certain level of comfort. But this level is ensured only if the necessary conditions for the conflict-free inclusion of a person in the group are met - if the personal expectations and requirements of the group for the personality's capabilities are in line.

Answer from Irina Tereshko[newbie]
Thank you))

Using social science knowledge, confirm with three arguments the importance of socialization for stability social relations.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

Society is a system of real relationships that people enter into in their daily activities. As a rule, they do not interact with each other in a random or arbitrary way. Their relationship is characterized by social orderliness. Sociologists call this order - the interweaving of human relationships in repetitive and stable forms - as social structure. It finds its expression in the system of social positions and the distribution of people in it.

Social structure gives our group experience a focus and organization. Thanks to the social structure, we connect in our minds certain facts of our experience, calling them, for example, "family", "church", "quarter" (in the sense of the area of ​​residence) ...

The social structure gives the feeling that life is organized and stable. Consider, for example, the social structure of a university. New students are recruited every fall, and every summer another group graduates from university. Deans' offices determine scholarships and administer educational process... All the time, new students, teachers and deans go through this system and leave it in due time. And yet, although the specific people that make up the university change over time, the university continues to exist. Likewise, the family, rock band, army, commercial company, religious community, and nation are social structures. Thus, social structure presupposes the existence of constant and orderly relationships between members of a group or society.

Social structures constrain our behavior and direct our actions in a certain direction. Having entered the university, at first you feel somehow uncomfortable, because you have not yet fit into the new environment. The traditions and customs of the university are the social structure that this organization has adopted over many years of regular interaction between students, teachers and management.

The use of static structural terminology to describe and analyze social life should not hide from us the dynamic and changing characteristics of social structure. A university is not some stable organism that, after its creation, continues to function continuously and monotonously. All social order must be constantly created and reproduced through the interweaving and stabilization of social relations. Therefore, organized social life always undergoes modifications and changes.


1) the answer to the first question:

Interweaving human relationships in repetitive and sustainable forms;

2) the answer to the second question:

University, family, rock band, army, commercial company, religious community, nation.

Answers to questions can be given in other, similar formulations.

What are the three functions of the social structure named in the text? Based on social science knowledge, explain the meaning of the concept of "social group".


The correct answer should contain the following elements:

1) the following functions are indicated:

Gives our group experience focus and organization;

Gives a feeling that life is organized and stable;

Limits our behavior and directs our actions in a certain direction.

2) an explanation of the concept is given, for example:

Social group - a set of people united by joint activities, interests or other socially significant feature.

Functions can be given in other, similar formulations

Using the facts of public life and personal social experience, illustrate with three examples the dynamism of social structure.


The following examples can be given:

1) since the beginning of the history of the United States, a significant number of emigrants have arrived in the country - the ethnic structure of society has changed;

2) as a result of the economic crisis in the state of Kh. A significant number of people lost their jobs;

3) in a post-industrial society, the need for people to receive vocational education; accordingly, the share of unskilled workers has decreased.

Other examples may be given


The following arguments can be given:

1) in the process of socialization, cultural achievements are preserved and transmitted;

2) in the process of socialization, social norms are assimilated, deviant behavior is minimized;

3) in the process of socialization techniques are learned economic activity, interaction and communication in the labor process.

Other arguments could be given

The charter of the RSDLP adopted in 1903 stated: “Anyone who accepts its program, supports the party with material resources and provides it with regular personal assistance under the leadership of one of its organizations is considered a member of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party ... any business with the party, has the right to demand that his statement in its original form be delivered to the Central Committee or to the editorial office of the Central Organ, or to the party congress. "

What sphere of public life is reflected in this document?

What type of social norms do the provisions of the document refer to?

Using social science knowledge, list any other three types of social norms.

The correct answer must include the following elements:

1) the sphere of public life is political;

2) type of social norms - corporate norms;

3) types of social norms:

- moral;

- customs;

- legal;

- religious;

- political.

Explain what Johannes Becher meant when he said, "A person becomes a person only among people." (Give three explanatory judgments.)


The correct answer must contain three explanatory judgments.

1. The person is biosocial being and his formation as a person is possible only in a society of people.

2. A person has thinking, articulate speech, but he can get and develop these skills only in society.

3. A person in the process of his activity transforms the surrounding reality, creating a "second nature" - culture, but the creation and cognition of culture is impossible without the participation of other people.

In one of the textbooks on social studies, the opinion is expressed that socialization is the "cultivation" of a person. Explain the meaning of this statement and provide three arguments to support it.

The meaning of this statement lies in the fact that in the process of socialization, a person assimilates basic values ​​and socially significant norms, he assimilates existing cultural norms and aesthetic ideas, thereby he assimilates the culture of society.

Socialization is understood as the process of familiarizing an individual with culture, mastering social norms and roles necessary for life in society.

arguments, for example, in the process of socialization:

- the individual is included in certain social relations, that is, in the cultural environment, turns from a biological being into a social being;

- the individual forms knowledge about the world, an idea of ​​himself, the type of relationship with other people, needs and ways to satisfy them, goals and ideals;

- the individual masters cultural norms of behavior (customs, traditions, morality, laws, values) in the process of joint life in society;

- the individual masters social roles in a variety of relationships, realizing the type of behavior in accordance with the social status, rights and responsibilities of the individual.


You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Social control". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

The wording of the points of the plan, which are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic, are not counted in the assessment

2. Functions of social control:

a) regulation and consolidation of society;

6) ensuring the stability of society;

c) elimination (minimization) of deviations, etc.

3. Self-control as one of the mechanisms of social control.

4. External control as a set of social sanctions. Types of social sanctions:

a) formal and informal;

b) positive and negative.

You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “ Law in the system of social norms". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1. The concept of law.

2. Signs of law:

a) established by the state;

b) written form;

c) provided by the mechanism of legal responsibility.

3. Differences between law and other types of social norms.

4. System of law:

a) branches of law;

6) institutions of law;

c) regulatory legal acts.

5. Sources of law:

a) legal custom;

b) legal precedent;

c) regulatory legal act, etc.

You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Social group". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic.

1. The concept of a social group / Social groups are stable aggregates of people that have different, only inherent characteristics.

2. Grounds for the classification of social groups:

a) the number (small and large);

b) by the nature of the interaction (primary and secondary);

c) upon existence (nominal and real);

d) by the way of organizing and regulating interactions (formal and informal);

3. Signs of a small social group;

a) the presence of stable, long-term emotionally rich connections

b) the presence of a common goal or interest;

c) the presence of common intragroup norms and rules;

d) the presence of an intragroup status-role structure;

4. Impact of a small group on a person:

a) negative

b) positive

5. The large number of social groups.

You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Socialization of the individual". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


1. Socialization as a process of assimilation by an individual of patterns of behavior, social norms and values ​​necessary for his successful functioning in a given society.

2. Stages of socialization according to D. Smelzer:

a) the stage of imitation and copying of adult behavior by children;

b) play stage, when children perceive behavior as playing a role;

c) the stage of group games, at which children learn to understand what a whole group of people expects of them.

3. Stages of socialization according to the theory of roles (J.G. Mead):

a) imitation (children copy the behavior of adults);

b) play stage (children understand behavior as the performance of certain roles);

c) collective play (children learn to be aware of the expectations not only of a single person, but also of a whole group).

4. Agents (institutions) of socialization:

a) agents of primary socialization are an environment that has a direct impact on the individual (parents, relatives, family, friends, peers, etc.);

b) agents of secondary socialization: administration of a school, university, enterprise; army, court, church, etc.

5. Differences between the content of the process of socialization of adults from the process of socialization of children.

You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The role of social control in the development of society." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


1. The concept of "social control".

2. Elements of social control:

a) social norms;

b) formal and informal, positive and negative sanctions.

3. Social control as a condition for social stability:

a) socialization of individuals - the main goal and function of social control;

b) social control as a way to ensure the interaction of people.

4. Flexibility of social control - necessary condition changes in the social system.

5. Deviant and delinquent behavior.


“The process of socialization is entering the social environment, adapting to it, mastering certain roles and functions, which, following its predecessors, is repeated by each individual individual throughout the history of his formation and development” (BD Parygin).

“The process of socialization in simple and complex societies is not the same” (I. Robertson).

"The values ​​of each group are formed on the basis of the development of a certain attitude to social phenomena, dictated by the place of this group in the system of social relations." (G. M. Andreeva)

Kuznetsova E.M.

Changing social reality (practice) generates interest social theory to actualized social processes, phenomena. The growing interest in the problem of extremism in the modern world is caused by quite objective reasons. This is not so much an increase in the number of manifestations of extremism as a change in the methods, means and scale of its consequences, as well as the level of its organization.

Today the concept of "extremism" is not a philosophical, sociological or legal category. The definition of this term can be found only in a dictionary of foreign words or an explanatory dictionary, where it is interpreted as "adherence to extreme views and methods." At the same time, comprehension and comprehensive theoretical development of this concept is necessary for research, analysis and forecasting of social changes.

At the heart of social change is the contradiction between the interests and needs of the participants (subjects and objects) of social relations. The essence of extremism lies in the fact that an extremist is an object of social relations seeking to become a subject, but using measures not of an evolutionary but of a revolutionary nature as a means of achieving this status. Extremists are focused on changing the social order, and not taking legitimate means of a dominant position in the existing system of social relations.

Modern social systems strive to maintain social stability, but often deal with the consequences of extremism. However, as you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with its consequences. To date, the most effective way the implementation of preventive measures to achieve social stability and neutralize extremist sentiments in society is socialization as one of the methods social management... Socialization is a governing influence on society in order to form the desired models of behavior, worldview and moral guidelines among its members, carried out within the framework of social relations.

Methods for implementing socialization are methods of social management and regulation used by subjects of social relations to achieve their goals. All methods of socialization imply outside interference in the activity of the object of socialization in order to correct it in the right direction. Three groups of factors should be distinguished that determine the parameters of the conditions necessary for the implementation of socialization:

1. Resources - the availability of resource opportunities to ensure the implementation of socializing impact in the process of social management.

2. Organization - optimal distribution of functional responsibilities in the internal environment of a social institution and its organizational structure, which allows to adequately and effectively interact with the environment.

3. Information - availability of information about the processes that determine the needs, behavior and capabilities of participants in social relations.

There is a direct relationship between the types of socialization and the essence of the methods used. This dependence is explained by the use of the most accessible opportunities by the subjects of socialization in the process of social relations, which leads to the unification of methods of socialization. All types of socialization can be divided into three groups: resource, organizational and informational.

I. Resource socialization- based on the use of resource opportunities and needs of participants in social relations as a tool of socializing impact. Resource socialization methods are equally effective in relation to all types of socialization objects.

The main methods of resource socialization of society are the seizure and appropriation of social resources by the subjects of social relations with the subsequent redistribution of a part of the seized in the form of social payments. In turn, the administrative apparatus as an object of socialization is socialized by methods of regulating the size of wages, providing special benefits, bonuses and social security in old age, and elite communities - by methods of elite assimilation with such inclusion in the structure social institutions, which guarantees members of elite communities a sufficient level of realization of their individual interests. As for social institutions, their socialization is carried out by the methods of budgeting activities, treasury control and a clear definition by the subject of socialization of the range of resource powers.

II... Organizational socialization- based on the use of organizational capabilities of subjects of social relations and agents of socialization. In contrast to resource relations, organizational relations are a more multifaceted phenomenon of social reality. Organizational socialization presupposes the presence of several spheres of social regulation and control, represented by various types of socialization with their specific methods:

1. Managerial socialization- based on the use of the possibilities of social management, regulation and control available to the subjects of socialization. The methods of managerial socialization are equally effective in relation to those types of objects of socialization, the activities of which are subject to the social powers of the subjects of socialization.

Managerial socialization in relation to society is carried out by the methods of normative regulation by the subjects of socialization of the process of social relations. The main method of managerial socialization of the administrative apparatus is the normative regulation of the process of performing functional duties.

The object of managerial socialization is also elite communities, socialized by methods of integration into the structure of institutionalized social elites with the allocation of spheres for the realization of elite interests, supported by organizational capabilities.

Within the framework of managerial socialization, social institutions of regional and municipal management are socialized by methods of normative consolidation of organizational dependence, limitation of managerial independence and delegation of powers. Whereas the methods of economic regulation (concessions, rent, taxes, etc.), as well as methods of direct management influence (control checks, product certification, contractual relations, etc.) are applicable to economic institutions.

2. Legal socialization- based on the use of generally binding norms of social law, secured by the mechanism of social coercion. Methods of legal socialization are effective for all types of social relations, with the exception of the socialization of elite communities, whose activities go beyond legal regulation.

Society is socialized by methods of legal regulation (normative acts) and methods of social coercion (penitentiary system, courts, etc.); methods of internal rule-making within the framework of the activities of social institutions - the administrative apparatus; social institutions are socialized by methods of legal regulation of the foundations and directions of social activity.

A characteristic feature of legal socialization is the gradual weakening of the legal "pressure" on the objects of socialization as they increase. social role and significance. Society experiences the maximum impact on itself as the least organized object of legal socialization. Social institutions, including their elites and administrative apparatus, experience minimal impact.

3. Political socialization- formally based on the regulation of participation in political activities, both objects of political socialization and its subjects. At the same time, informal socialization is carried out through the creation (funding and organizational support) of puppet political parties(parties and movements). The application of methods of political socialization is limited to the sphere of political relations. Within the framework of political socialization, society is socialized by methods based on the proposal of socially demanded programs of political parties. In turn, the socialization of elite communities is carried out by methods of providing an opportunity for political self-realization and inclusion in the existing system of social relations.

There are two types of subjects of socialization: the actual subjects of socialization, realizing their interests, and agents of socialization, realizing the interests of the main subjects of socialization in the process of socialization. A feature of political socialization is its focus not on achieving the declared goals of political agents of socialization (parties and movements), but on ensuring social stability or mobilizing public sentiments. In any case, society and various social formations act as an unorganized environment to which the organizing influence of the subject (agent) of political socialization is directed.

4. Performing social functions- based on ensuring the legitimacy of social relations through meeting the minimum living standards of society. The methods inherent in this type of socialization are applicable both in relation to society and in relation to socialized communities (for example, to the administrative apparatus or to privileged categories of citizens).

Within the framework of this type of socialization, the methods of regulation of the order of assignment of social status by the subject of socialization are applicable to society. The administrative apparatus, in turn, is socialized by the methods of providing additional benefits and privileges, as well as by a simplified procedure for assigning a privileged social status.

It should be noted that the most important factor in any type of organizational socialization is its public legitimacy. The object of socialization should perceive social relations as the only possible, natural relations in society. Therefore, it is possible to talk about organizational socialization only when the objects of socialization do not have and do not see more attractive alternative ways of social behavior.

III... Information socialization- based on the use of information capabilities of subjects of social relations and agents of socialization. In contrast to organizational socialization, informational socialization is designed to influence not so much the external manifestations of the behavior of objects of socialization, but rather the internal psychological motives that determine this behavior. In this case, the criterion for assessing the effectiveness of information socialization is the conscious behavior of its objects. Information socialization methods vary depending on its types:

1. Religious socialization- based on the use of religious dogmas and beliefs to form the desired models of behavior of objects of socialization. Religious socialization techniques are especially effective in societies where religious traditions are strong.

The objects of religious socialization are society, which is socialized by the methods of sanctifying the existing social relations and forming the image of God-chosen (God-pleasing) social elite; elite (ethnic) communities, socialized by methods that imply, along with the acquisition of social legitimacy, the acquisition of religious legitimacy; religious institutions, socialized by the methods of organizational and resource socialization in order to use them as agents of socialization.

2. Cultural socialization- based on the use of social traditions and material values ​​to identify social and ethnic relations. Cultural socialization methods are especially effective in relation to societies with strong ethno-cultural traditions.

Cultural socialization in relation to society is carried out by methods of extending social relations to the sphere cultural activities, in relation to the administrative apparatus - by methods of forming an intra-institutional (corporate) culture, while in relation to elite communities, cultural socialization is carried out by methods of institutionalization and delegation of social powers to perform the functions of an agent of socialization.

3. Educational socialization- based on the unification of educational standards with the obligatory inclusion of a socializing component in them. The methods of educational socialization are most effective in relation to the objects of socialization, the worldview and social positions of which are in the stage of formation.

Educational socialization of society is carried out by methods of teaching skills social activities and fostering loyalty to the subject of socialization and the social relations personified by him, the administrative apparatus is socialized by methods special education the skills of administrative activities and the education of corporate stereotypes of consciousness. As for elite communities, the main methods used here are social recognition of the individual status of educational elites and the delegation of social powers in the field of educational socialization.

4. Ideological socialization- based on the introduction into public consciousness of views and ideas that express the interests of the subject of socialization. The term "ideology" introduced in early XIX century by the French philosopher A. Destut de Tracy, originally denoted a false consciousness, an illusory social thinking... The methods of ideological socialization are especially effective in cases when the above methods of informational socialization do not work (during the formation of social relations).

Within the framework of ideological socialization, society is socialized by methods based on the mythologization of social reality and the formation of an illusory perception of the world. Whereas elite communities are socialized by the methods of institutionalization and delegation of social powers to perform the functions of an agent of socialization.

The social status and capabilities of socialization agents are determined depending on the effectiveness of their social activities as a conductor of ideological socialization. As a result, the institutionalized agents of ideological socialization are executors of the social order initiated by the subject of socialization. It should be noted that the most important factor in any type of informational socialization is its demand by society.

As you can see, all methods of socialization are aimed at social regulation of the activity and (or) behavior of objects of social relations. Subjects of social relations, using more effective methods and forms of social influence, historically achieve more significant results. The degree of effectiveness of socialization directly affects the social stability of society. Socialization of extremist-minded participants in social relations allows them to neutralize their activity or direct it to the implementation of socially useful activities.


1. Modern vocabulary foreign words... - SPb., 1994.

2. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language. - M., 1997.

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"Help with social studies ... = *". "Political science studies a) the general laws of the development of nature, community and thinking, b) the laws of the development of power relationships in societies, the laws of the formation and development of a community as a whole, d) the laws of personality development." Alexey Vladimirovich notes: "Political science, or political science is the science of politics, in other words, about the special sphere of life of citizens associated with power relationships, with the state-political organization of the community, political colleges, principles, norms, the action of which is designed to ensure the functioning of the community , relations between people, community and country. scientific knowledge in the late 1940s; before that it was considered as one of the directions in philosophy. "

Anastasia Zheltysheva asks the question: "Socialization is the cultivation of a person." "How to explain the meaning of this axiom? And three arguments." Lega assures: "Socialization is the process of becoming a personality and acquiring one's" I "." Ra Zoryan asks: "On earth, Russia is that place ... Where evolution goes in the opposite direction !!! Isn't that so ???". Lena Ananyeva explains: "I believe that each country has its own path of development .... And in general, that a Russian is excellent - a German is death)))))." The most humble And the greatest =))) explains: "No. Come to Russia and you will be Happiness. =)". Alexey Anikin explains: "Well, of course, and Ukraine is in front of the entire planet." E. M. explains: "Evolution in Russia is following its own path, which is not clear to other peoples."

Petr Petrov explains: "History will answer your question! It would be unforgivable if we did not note that it is extremely difficult at the moment to judge something, even 20 years ahead (the world has become a million times more dynamic than the Middle Ages) It would be bad if we did not say that what is happening now in the Russian Federation is completely unacceptable for me (the development of fascism, in the first place). However, everything can RADICALLY change in 5 years! The current 5 years = 50 years. 19-20 centuries and = 500 years of the Middle Ages! " Natalia notes: "I would not draw such conclusions, looking at individuals! Each country has its own development, as well as each individual, individually ..". Lenusya is curious: "Help plizz The role of thinking in human life ???".

Larisa notes: Serega asks the question: "What is social maturity." Kirill Churakov explains: “SOCIAL MATURITY is a socially and psychologically determined period of personality development (see I would like to note that), which is usually characterized by the acquisition of parameters of independence and self-sufficiency by a person (see Socialization). only to understand their own economic and civil rights and obligations, not only to perfectly assimilate group and public norms, but also to be critical of the current state of affairs within society. time accompanied by a series of social and moral choices. ideally) the starting abilities of citizens, on the one hand, and not the same results of their activities - on the other. S. Z. It is no longer a secret to anyone that the individual is especially clearly manifested in the actions of a person's necessary change in the sphere of basic activity (former athletes, demobilized military men, etc.). "

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