My passion reading. Topic "My Hobby - Reading" (My Hobby is Reading)

All people spend differently free time. Each person has some addiction. Someone loves sports, someone - dancing, someone found their calling in cooking, and I love to read. I like to spend time alone with books. Most likely, because I am a dreamy and intensive person.

When I was quite a baby, my mother read me a fairy tale for the night. I myself learned to read when I went to kindergarten. Then I liked the stories about the Indians, the seekers of adventure and jewelry. Books teach many useful things, now I will try to list everything that they have taught me.

Thanks to the books, we are immersed in different epochs, traveling by different countries and planets. For example, reading the story of J. Verne "around the world for eighty days", together with the main character we travel around many countries. And thanks to the novel "Aelita" readers together with A. N. Tolstoy fall on Mars.

Reading gives us food for reflection. We are developing soulful. Immersing in the book, we are experiencing for some heroes, sympathize with one, hating others.

We learn from books new information about the world, people, animals, which can then be used in everyday life.

We plunge into different historical eventsFor example, from the works of E. M. Remarik we learn about the situation in Europe during the First World War and after it. And in the Roman-Epopea L. N. Tolstoy, we get acquainted with the situation in Russia during the war with Napoleon.

I especially like in the books that they create you have a different mood. For example, reading the comedy Shakespeare, I cried from laughter and was amazed how funny them. But the tragedies of the same author are full of sadness and problems that you can reflect for a long time.

It seems to me that reading will remain my favorite exercise to the end of life. Ahead of me is waiting for many unexplored books and knowledge.

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1. Our free time.

2. I and the world of my interests:

a) Favorite lesson - reading;

b) Flowers are joy and care;

c) My favorite flowers.

3. Take care and appreciate your time.

Being busy - it means to be happy. T. Gray, English poet

Every person has free from studying or work time he can manage at his request. True, some say that they do not have free time at all. Dancing, sections, mugs, and even time to study the time. And others do not know what to do, and thoughtlessly sit at the computer or talk to friends with friends by phone. But you can always find some interesting thing, you can get carried away.

After all, how much interesting around! The main thing is not to be lazy, to do something in the soul, then life will become more interesting, and there will be no questions about how to spend your free time.

The world of our hobbies. This is huge interesting world. It reflects spiritual wealth Human, the latitude of his interests, the desire to complete the satisfaction of spiritual needs. Many say that read is unlikely to read. Here is a computer - it is cool. Indeed, computer, Internet is a favorite passion for many young people who often develop into dependence. I also often appeal to the computer and understand that in the future without the Internet and the computer can not do. But my favorite hobby was reading books. Reading a book, I, on the one hand, rest. On the other hand, I recognize a lot of new and interesting. I love reading both Russian and foreign writers. I am pleased to read Garcia Marquez. My favorite work is the novel Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". If I do not find the book you need, in the library or from acquaintances, I appeal to the Internet. But the book you read, lying on the sofa seems warmer. It can be hungry, hold in hand, and if your book, you can make some marks. Some like read electronic book. But this, as they say, the case of taste. Sometimes the question arises: "Reading is a hobby or work?" I believe that this is a hobby, and at the same time work. After all, reading a book, we are not only resting, but also work mentally, we think about various issues set in the work.

Love for books I put my parents. We are constantly discussing the books liked. Often we argue, but often come to some unclear. Many attention in our family is given poetry. Our favorite poet is Yuri Vizbor, the first bard, singing the poet of our time. His songs know many: they sing in student hostels, by the fire. When friends of the parents come to visit, we, too, often under the guitar, we sing songs Yuri Victor.

I love to listen to different songs - depending on the mood. They say music soothes man, improves well-being, relieves stress. I agree with that. But when I am sad or when I have a wonderful mood, I appeal to my favorite colors. Floriculture for several years is also my hobby. Look more room plants. They are all so different. Each flower is individual, like a person, and requires a special approach and attention. I constantly read literature connected with indoor plants. Often I appeal to the Internet. As an amateur-flower, I can confidently say: so that the plants please us with their beauty and blossom, you need not only to provide them with everything you need for growth and development. Flowers need to love and constantly care for them. With my colors, I constantly speak, and they answer me with their beauty. By the way, the amazing discovery made representatives of the English royal society of gardeners. Their studies have shown that communication with plants affects their growth. It turned out that if talking with a tender, pleasant, friendly tone, then they start growing faster. Moreover, the female voice acts on the growth of plants is better than male.

My favorite flowers are ficuses and cacti. Ficus is unpretentious, loves a well-lit place, but the drafts are afraid. Summer prefers to live on the balcony. Loves a warm shower. As you can see, he gives a minimum of hassle, but if you take care of him, you will have a gorgeous tree right in the apartment. Recently, cacti becomes among lovers-flower water. I have a whole collection of cacti in my apartment. My plants are placed not only on the windowsill. Well they look at the special shelves on the wall near the windows. Also beautiful look in the room

curly plants suspended in front of the window in a specially manufactured chest, which can be weave from rope or cord.

My hobbies always bring me joy and pleasure. I can devote much time to my favorite classes. But I always try to distribute everything rationally. Not in vain they say that everything has its time. Our life is worn out of hours, minutes and seconds. Truly invaluable wealth! Just do not always know how to manage this wealth. We do not always think about how we spend our free time. Free time for a person should be the holiday of the soul, and the soul feast includes any passion.

The hobby is a hobby that a person receives from childhood. It may appear at any age, but best to get since childhood. We all do some work in accordance with our interests that can give us happiness and joy that are called a hobby.

My hobby is watching TV. I really like watching TV in my free time. Viewing TV is my hobby, but it never prevents study. First I prefer to do homework, and then watch TV. I think I have a good hobby, because the TV viewing gives me good knowledge in many areas.

What can be said about my hobby? This is most likely what I am doing with great pleasure in your free time and domestic times. It's all different, for example, my mom loves to embroider, dad - go fishing and hunting. This is their hobbies.

I have a lot of favorite hobbies. I love to read, I love to ride a bike, and I really like the story. But my most important hobby is drawing. I began to draw when was still small. Mom with dad very often gave me felt-tumbers most different colors, Color pencils and beautiful, snow-white paper for drawing.

The hobbies differ like flavors. If you chose a hobby according to your character, and taste - you are lucky, because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: do things, produce things, collecting things and study things. The most popular group of hobby is to do things.

Every person has a hobby and a bit of free time in order to do what we love most. I also have a hobby. And since I am a student, I have no time on school days. When I study in the Russian school, so I have a day off only one - Sunday.

Many people have a hobby. They make our life more interesting. Chubby is what people would like to do when they have free time. Each chooses a hobby according to its character and taste. Some people love music, others love to read books. Some people love to collect brands, coins or badges, others prefer landscaping or hiking or photograph.

Life is so arranged that every person has its own interests and talents for something. Someone knows how to draw well, someone collects brands and rare coins, someone loves fishing and hunting.
All of these it turns out better than everyone else, since they, as they speak in the people, lies with this heart.

In my opinion, the world is filled with various types of classes and hobbies for people. Many of them are quite ordinary and common. For example, such as fishing, reading and drawing. But there are also such unusual and exotic, as the search for aliens, a snowy person, a raidness of the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.

Irina Grigorieva
"My hobby, my love: books." Essay

My hobby, my love: books.

I really love to read. From childhood in our family, it is customary to love reading. And not just read, but also to collect books, Bear them, treat them as expensive and carefully stored friends. The most welcome gift in our family was books.

In our speed century, in which there are huge cognitive opportunities in addition to the literature, for me and my family book Not lost its value. Of course, you can open the site on the Internet and read the necessary information, watch the movie on the topic you need. However, for me there is no greater pleasure than sitting on the sofa, wrapped in the plaid and read an interesting book. Of course, with age interests, including books change. At ten years - these were fairy tales of the peoples of the world, the story of Oseva, Rybakov, Vasilenko. In fourteen is R. Sabatini, Duma, Conan Doyle, Jules Verne. At the age of twenty - it is Bulgakov. And thirty - it is Ustinova, Maknot, Belyaev, Gromyko. And Chekhov and Ostrovsky, M. Semenova. Sometimes I think herself, why did the book interests suddenly changed for me? Why I was indifferent to the classics at school, and then I loved them so much that it became not only to buy literature, but also began to try to find theatrical productions on the video of these works. Why I read the works of Schwartz, Gogol, Gorina and at the same time love romanceWhat to hide, far from the top of literary art?

I had one friend who told me "This is a base, waste paper, dull from it!". And I remember the case from my institute life: On the exam on psychology, I didn't fully fully revealed the question; and the examiner hesitated between rating: Five and four. I was asked question: "What is the condition "Frustation"? And imagine, I remembered one love The romance in the text of which was mentioned this term and was his explanation. I answered the question and got "five"! After all, it turns out that small « love romance» helped me finish the institute with a red diploma! After listening to the girlfriend, I remembered this case, and thought: Who we are such to allow the writer to judge, put a stamp on book: Good, bad, base, chiculate, highly artistic. For me, the main criterion - this is: like, I enjoyed reading, I remember bookI want to re-read it again.

Perhaps only it is necessary to evaluate book. Therefore, I can be proud of my rich library, the history of its creation. After all, collect books My grandmother began again. We even lived in Kolomna and with her collected waste paper, went to furniture stores, collected cardboard. Then he drove on the train for two hours to Moscow, where it was walking first to the point of reception of the waste paper, and then in the bookstore, where we have redeemed another on the coupon book. I remember the severity of these waste bags, I remember how the ropes cut their hands, I remember to be thrown in trainers and a long road in Moscow. But even more I remember the joy of my grandmother when we got a new bookHow happy mom was happy when she received me as a gift of Tomik Bairon, or a drivester. Now the owner of the library is me and my family. And continuing a family tradition, my husband and I continue to collect books Already for our two-year-old son.

Nevertheless, I want to tell about one book in my library, book which became not only my assistant in my pedagogical career, but also became a talisman of my family.

By profession, I am an educator kindergarten. And therefore, coming to large cities, always go through the bukinistic stores and I am looking for interesting and necessary literature. Of course, I buy and children's books For son and fiction for her husband. But this time I was lucky. IN Nizhny Novgorod in an antique store "Nizhny Novgorod Starina" I found

in truth, jewel book Maria Montessori."Baby House".1913 Must admit that book Methods of scientific pedagogy School M. Montessori I have been looking for a long time ago, but on sale I books did not meet. And in the buckinist store, I suddenly see it just a striking old edition. Very surprisingly reading this book with letter"Kommersant". Especially it touches me that in the text of Henry Holms, Professor Harvard University writes about this amazing woman, calling her: Mrs. Montessori. And I, after reading this booksI caught myself that in a conversation with teachers I am talking about M. Montessori as about Mrs., giving tribute to this amazing woman who created a whole system of learning children, the system is relevant and necessary and in our time. When I arrived in the city, then the first thing praised the purchase books before girlfriend, the same child teacher. Girlfriend Seeing book, ash, asked read book. At home she was very successful with his son on this technique, reached with him good success and, with great reluctance returned her back. At this time, I myself had problems with my baby. Vanechka often sick and sits at home. At the meeting in kindergarten, I was told that he lags behind some sections pedagogical programAnd the worst thing is worse with his speech. At home we sat with my husband, thought, I swore, and decided to seek help "Mrs. Montessori". I read all the book embarkedWhat benefits on its recommendations I have in stock that I can do myself that I can take temporarily in kindergarten, and began to do with my son at home. The more I read book, the more surprised, because Maria M. lived in the last century, however, her ability, knowledge was so amazing, so modern. And methods of work seemed not completely difficult. I was engaged in the son of two months, and mine "Molchun" He spoke, so so that I now sometimes get tired of his chatter. So old book helped modern "Young man".

I catch myself thinking that I could infinitely talk about my books remember, as I read and recognized from them a new one, as badly slept surviving for new heroes, how knowledge gained from them helped me in life as love and knowledge of the literature struck my then still the future husband, helped decent to come out of a delicate situation as reading English ballad gave me good friend, and permanent trips to the bookstore - a wonderful girlfriend.

My son will grow up and I look forward to when I can introduce him to my friends childhood: Ellie and Totem, Chipollino and Dink Oseva, Vaska Trubachev, Misha, Genkoy and Slava from the trilogy of Rybakov. I anticipating how my son will worry about the little flour, laugh at the admission of restless Carlson, surprised by the striking world of the mums of trolls. I hope these books will be large assistants in the education of my Vanya and he will continue a family tradition - reading books and creating a big and interesting library.

Each of us is important to learn how to talk about your hobbies. This is especially necessary in school yearsWhen we bring friends for the rest of your life. Therefore, if you doubt that write an essay on the topic "My hobby", it is better to see samples and inspire your own story of which you are interested in. Under each title you are waiting for two essay options: for the girl and for the boy.

For a girl (114 words). My passion is drawing. I gladly depict what I see. I love to draw markers and paints. I want to become a talented artist. For this I exercise every day.

Most of all I like to draw nature and flowers. In the lessons, I do not always have time to do what I want. But at home I always sit down and finishing the drawing. I have a beautiful view from the window, and I can constantly look at it. But I still love the lessons from. There we show pictures of famous artists and teach to draw correctly.

I want to go to art school to draw everything better and better. Someday I would like to become a famous artist. My paintings could deliver joy to people. I aspire to this.

For a boy (103 words). My passion is football. I love moving games on the street. I especially like to play with friends when warm. We would chase the ball standby, there is no more fun classes.

It's nice when the game is of interest. At the weekend, our games are watching close and just passersby people and are sick. I feel then a real athlete. Only it seems that football is simple. This is not true. The game requires attention, strength and dexterity. It is not given to the weak and cowardly. I try to play well, so that I was respected on the field. I would like to succeed in sports.

Football, according to parents, temper the character. I agree with them. Sport makes a person better and teaches him to win.

Grade 2.

For a girl (132 words). This hobby is something that is always pleasant. I, for example, like singing and dance. I love to move to the music and singing to her. At such moments I am very fun. It is hard for me to stop in place when I hear the melody.

Dances are different. I like how hip-hop is dancing. This is a very fast and challenging dance. It requires agility and natural talent. Each movement must be remembered and repeated as accuracy as shown. When I grow up, I will definitely learn this art. While I'm just starting, but I believe in my senses.

I also like Latin American dances, but they are more adults. In their performance it looks very beautiful! Probably it is difficult to move so equally. This is given with great difficulty and after many workouts.

I would like to move as beautiful as professional dancers. Movement, as they say, express the soul.

For a boy (129 words). I love to collect Lego Designer. I am given new details for every holiday. I like to create your own inventions. It is very interesting. I try to do something every day.

I collect designers slowly, so as not to imagine. I feel sorry to ruin the details. Therefore, I first lay out them, then I do everything according to the instructions. Sometimes I ask dad to help, he has golden hands. I really like to deal with him, I find out a lot of new things. He says that someday I can collect computers or cars, and maybe robots.

My holidays always take place interesting thanks to my hobby. Dad calls me to the garage and shows the details of the car. I would like to be able to understand them yourself, but it is still difficult. Although the designers also appeared complicated first, but then it became easier.

I am glad that I have such an interesting hobby.

3-4 Class

For a girl (135 words). My passion - needlework. I often something like a master: snowflakes and garlands on new Year, crafts for all close as a gift, decorations for dolls. I like to create beautiful things with your own hands.

In my table, all drawers are packed with different cuts, flaps and beads. I collect everything beautiful for crafts. When I see something in the store, I think how to do it yourself. I love when everything around is decorated and bright, I like to make a holiday every day. I recently painted and glued to all your relatives postcards. They were very nice.

My parents often make me pleasant gifts for my hobby. Recently, grandmother brought sparkles with which I decorate a lot of things. Each such item inspires me. Family supports me. Mom I have not helped with my fantasies.

I believe that a favorite thing should bring joy to the whole family. So it turns out.

For boys (137 words). A real man should be strong. So I love sports. I would also wanted to distinguish between the Olympics or in some contest.

In the yard I often play football, basketball and volleyball. I like Movable Games such as Malok, but it is only entertainment. Swimming or hockey is much harder and more interesting, but I can not yet do it every day. I would like to go on a circle of struggle. Parents say that soon I will start doing professionally.

I already watched boxing fights along with dad. I also want to be the same hardy and persistent. Sport develops these qualities, and they will use everywhere. I would like to know how to fight correctly to be able to stand up for myself.

I have not yet decided what sport I want to do all my life. As long as many I like. I choose between the Greek-Roman struggle, swimming and football. I hope I will become a champion!

5-6 class

For girls (155 words). I really like to cook. When mom or grandmother cook, I always help and learn from them. My passion is not only to do food, but also to decorate it. I always love there is not only tasty, but also beautiful. My dishes are characterized by an interesting appearance.

In the future, I would like to become a confectioner, because I like sweets to do the most. Desserts require special art: their amateurs need to be able to surprise. Sweet itself is harmful, so the person will think three times before take it. But the talented culinary will always force him to forget about everything in the world. His work will look so that no one can resist. I want to become the same gifted confectioner.

While I'm just learning to cook, but I already have corona dishes. For example, I do a very tasty charlotte. The secret is to add chopped nuts and brand into the dough. Then the cake acquires a completely different taste. I read this recipe on the Internet. Now it is a favorite delicacy of the whole family.

For a boy (155 words). My passion is video games. I do not just play them, I dream of doing them. To do this, learn how and why a particular game works. I already know a lot about them and willingly share knowledge with friends on the game. In my team, my skills are very appreciated. I think my whole life will be associated with new technologies.

Many condemn this occupation, but in vain. It does not differ at all from other harmless forms of leisure. It can even become useful: on games it is easy and fun to study history. You can become a Caesar or Napoleon, change the course of the history of the whole world or to go in the footsteps of the commander and emperors. You can continue your favorite book, because there are a lot of games on the basis of literary plots.

I especially love historical games, but I also really like fantastic. It all depends on mood and purpose. Something suitable for entertainment and communicating with the guys, something is not a joke loading the brain. However, all these games deserve attention, because in their own way enriches the inner world of man.

7th grade

For girls (158 words). My passion is reading. I like to dive into literary scenes And find there exciting descriptions of the surrounding world. With the help of books you can know, see and feel much more than a person has time for one life.

I read every day, most often in the evenings, when all things are made. Then the book gives the desired vacation for the body, but the brain works actively, helping to invent images of heroes. Literature develops fantasy, because a person presents what he reads about. I like lying in silence and dream about how the author wrote is. So I get His partner.

I also like a literary language. He is richer than our speech. With it, it is possible to express your thoughts much more interesting, to become an outstanding interlocutor. I even write down some phrases to remember. In them, I find an explanation for many incomprehensible things that occur around.

In the future, I want to choose a profession associated with literature. I like working with the word, perhaps I will write my book. In the meantime, I'm just a reader, but thoughtful and attentive.

For a boy (163 words). I am a kinoman. My hobby is not only watching movies, but also reading reviews and reviews. I like to find out about the world of movies more and more, because this sphere is now very rapidly developing. Novelties do not cease to delight me every year.

Cinema is a whole world in art. The success of the film depends on a variety of details that are not noticeable at first glance. In a good film, each frame is a painting, thoughtful and finished. Sometimes all the impression of the viewer depends on the color of the decorations or from changing plans. And the script is generally a very difficult thing, everyone can not please. Therefore, a qualitative film is an amazing achievement of a huge number of people.

When I look at the film, I immerse yourself in other lives. The video gives me a chance to see the world in all its diversity. I see what I would never see without a movie. I recognize more and more, although I do not sit behind the textbooks.

I would like to make this hobby profession: become a film critic or even a director. I would also like to do so that people recognize the world From my work.

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