Development of an optional lesson on the topic of children's lies. Formation of the moral concepts "truth" and "lie" in older preschoolers

Irina Mukhina
Formation of the moral concepts "truth" and "lie" in older preschoolers. Open class v preparatory group

Target: Introduce concepts« truth» and « Lying» ; improve communication culture skills through speech exercises, tongue twisters, proverbs; cultivate qualities such as honesty and Justice.

Educator: Dear Guys! Listen to a poem called "Lies".

The lion and the tiger have claws like sharp blades.

The lion and the tiger have terrible fangs in their mouths.

And lies have no mouth, no hidden claws,

But in the whole wide world there is nothing worse.

What does the poem say?

Children: The worst thing in the world is lies, deception.

Educator: And today guys, we'll talk about truth and lies... But before we start talking, I suggest you listen to a fairy tale.

Behind the high mountains, behind the green forests, lived two sisters. One was called Truth, another - Lie. The truth was beautiful, strong, kind; Lies are tricky, quirky. People Loved the truth, a Lies bypassed, since it interfered with honestly living and working. So, let's say, they begin sowing grain in order to grow a crop, and The lie is right there: "Why should you work and bend your back, throw the grains, the wind will blow them apart".

An honest person does not listen to her, know he is working, and such advice to a lazy to the liking: will lie under the bush, and fall asleep. The work is done somehow, deceives himself, the harvest and not to be on the field. And this is hunger for the people.

People began to think how to get rid of the Lie. And The truth reproached and shamed her, but at least she should know that she is lying to herself and deceiving. The people decided to drive her out. Wanders ever since Lie around the world and does his dark deeds. She still lives with us, and no one knows how to get rid of her from the earth. People try to be friends only with Truth... But if a person at least once opens his heart for Lie, then it will settle there, and it will be very difficult to get rid of it then.

How do you understand what is Lying?

A truth?

How to protect yourself from lies?

What do you imagine the truth, Which one then - Lying?

Playing out the situation.

Educator: Guys prepared the situation, and now they will introduce it to you.

“Send three boys to the forest. There are mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys took a walk. Didn't notice how the day went by. Going home - fear:

Will hit us at home!

So they stopped on the road and think what's better: lie or tell the truth?

I will say, - says the first, - as if a wolf attacked me in the forest. The father will be frightened and will not scold.

I will say, - says the second, - that I met my grandfather. Mother will be delighted and will not scold me.

And I I'll tell the truth, says the third. - The truth it's always easier to say because she truth and you don't need to invent anything.

So they all went home. As soon as the first boy told his father about the wolf, lo and behold, the forest watchman was coming.

No, - he says, - there is a wolf in these places.

The father got angry. For the first blame he got angry, but for lie - twice.

The second boy told about his grandfather. And the grandfather was right there - he was visiting. Recognized mother the truth... For the first blame she got angry, but for lie - twice.

And the third boy, as soon as he came, obeyed everything from the doorway. My aunt grumbled at him and forgave him. "

- Right did the boys enroll?

What would you do?

What's better truth or lie?

Educator: Guys, a correspondent came to us today and also wants to ask each of you his own comic questions regarding our topic about truth and lies.

Correspondent: Hello guys! Now I will ask you questions, and your task is to distinguish « correct» story from « wrong» .

Snow and ice melted in March -

This winter is coming to us.

Answer me is it true? What's going on in March?

Likes a cat for lunch

Grapes and vinaigrette.

Answer me is it true? What does a cat like?

At night in the rain, like a shepherd,

The rooster took the chickens for a walk.

Answer me is it true? Whom does the shepherd graze?

The swan swims in the pond

Sleeps on an apple tree in the garden.

Answer me is it true? Where does the swan sleep?

We wound the wool into a skein,

A silk scarf will come out.

Answer me is it true? What kind of scarf will come out?

Although the snail is small

She took away the whole house.

Answer me is it true?

Dog Cluck Watchdog

And in the nest he laid an egg.

Answer me is it true? Does the dog cackle and lay eggs?

Paw grab, teeth snap,

The predator is the tiger and the predator is the wolf.

Answer me is it true?

Correspondent: Thanks guys! All of you are just great. Well, it's time for me to get back to work.

Educator: Guys, I see you stayed too long. I propose to spend a physical education.

The wind sways the maple softly,

To the right, tilts to the left.

One - tilt, two - tilt,

Maple foliage rustled.

We're kicking top - top! We clap - clap with our hands!

We eyes a moment - a moment, we shoulders chik - chick,

One - here, two - there, turn around.

Once - sat down, twice - got up.

Everyone raised their hands up.

One - two, one - two, it's time for us to study.

Educator: And now I want you to answer the questions that you see on the screen.

What fairytale hero often resorts to lies and deceit? Give examples. (Fox. Fairy tales "The Fox and the Wolf", "Chanterelle with a rolling pin", "The Fox and the Hare").

How would you behave if you were late for class?

How would you behave if you smashed a window with a ball?

How would you behave if you got a deuce?

How would you behave if you broke your mother's favorite vase? What words do you need to find to tell your mom what happened?

Have you ever had a situation where you cheated?

Educator: There are many proverbs and sayings about truth and lies.

Small Lying leads the big one.

I lied in my youth, they will not believe in old age.

If you don't like it, don't listen, but don't bother lying.

Lies, what bakes pancakes: only hisses.

Educator: Our class is coming to an end.

What did we talk about today?

What conclusion did you draw from all of the above?

Guys, truth and lie, as well as good and evil, walk side by side. While you are not yet fully grown up and do not fully comprehend these concepts... The good thing is What do you understand: don't be afraid to speak the truth, a lie to bypass.

And finish our classI want a poem:

It happens in the world sometimes you can't tell:

With you truth near il insinuating Lying?

How to figure it out? How to learn to live

So only with true near,

And with not to be friends with a lie?

It happens lies are beautiful, a the truth is so bitter,

But for an honest man, that bitterness is not terrible!

Let us guys live honestly in the world,

Let's not lie, but only tell the truth!

Topic: "True and False"

The purpose of the lesson: to give the concept of truth and lies, to teach children to tell the truth.


Educational: formation of ideas about the concepts of "truth" and "lie"

Developmental: building skills cognitive activities, the ability to observe, listen, draw independent conclusions, develop the communication skills of children, develop logical thinking

Educational: education of moral qualities: honesty and justice.



The bell has already rung!

Lesson begins!

Now everybody turn around

And smile at each other!

Smile at me, guests

And take your seats!


Guys, today we have very interesting topic, I think you will help me to identify it after I read you a story about two sisters called True and False.

Behind the high mountains, behind the green forests, lived two sisters. One was called True, the other was False. The truth was beautiful, strong, kind; Lies are cunning, dodgy. The people loved the truth, but avoided the Lie, as it prevented them from living and working honestly.

For example, the people start sowing grain in order to grow the harvest, and the Lie is right there: "Why should you work and bend your backs, throw the grains, the wind will blow them away." An honest person does not listen to her, know for yourself, he works,

and the lazy one - such advice to his liking: he will lie under the bush, and he will fall asleep. The work is done somehow, deceives himself, the harvest and not to be on his field.And this is hunger for the people ... People began to think how to get rid of the Lie. Indeed, she really reproached and shamed her, but at least that, you know, she is lying to herself and deceiving. The people decided to drive her out.

Since then, Lies have been wandering around the world and doing their dark deeds. She still lives with us and no one knows how to get rid of her from the earth. People try to be friends only with Truth. But if a person at least once opens his heart for Lie, then it will settle there and it will be very difficult to get rid of it.


What is this tale about? (About two sisters: Truth and Lies)

What did you like the most about this tale? (Truth)


What do you think is the topic of our lesson?

Indeed, today we will talk about truth and lies (slide 1)

In the most distant times, these concepts worried the people, great sages thought about their meanings. Let us and you and I try to figure out what is truth and what is a lie?

THE GAME : Select words from the list, Close in meaning. Students take turns going to the blackboard and sorting words into two columns.


So let's try to define what truth is.

Truth is what corresponds to reality, truth.

What is a lie?

Lying is a deliberate distortion of the truth, not true.

“Be true to your nature! Shakespeare exclaimed. "Don't lie, say what you think and feel." This is the basic principle of honesty, but often people violate it. Each of you has probably heard from your parents and teachers that lying is bad.

But do you know why it is not good to do this? Have you tried to figure out why people start to lie? For what purpose are they doing this?

The reasoning of children : with the best of intentions, so as not to upset the parents;

out of cowardice, fearing the consequences;

from selfish calculations, trying to gain something for themselves;

through frivolity, inadvertently, without thinking why they are doing it.

    WORK WITH PROVERSE. Now let's work in pairs.

You have words, glue, and a scrapbook on your tables. You need to collect a proverb from these words, and stick it on the album sheet.

One time he lied, the other time they won’t believe.

Whoever lies himself does not trust others.

The world is holding on to the truth.

Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie

You can't hide an awl in a bag

    Discussion of situations

1 Now I am going to read you L. Tolstoy's story "The Boy and the Wolf"

The boy guarded the sheep and, as if seeing a wolf, began to shout: “Help, wolf! Wolf!" The men came running and saw: WRONG! As he did two and three times - Indeed, a wolf came running. The boy began to shout: “here, here soon! Wolf!" The peasants thought that they were deceiving the everlasting one - they did not listen to him. The wolf sees, there is nothing to fear: in the open, he cut the whole herd.


What is this story about?

Why do you think the boy lied to everyone?

Why, when the wolf actually came running, no one came to the boy's aid?

How did the boy's deception affect the fate of the herd?

WHICH PROVERSE FROM OUR LIST FITS THIS SITUATION? (Whoever lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow either).

-№2 (Video) Listen to the verse of J. POLONSKY. attention to the screen.

That's it! Broke the cup!

Who would I lie to-

On Valerka or on Masha?

Or just run away?

Lie, cheat and lock up

They say it badly.

No, I'd rather confess

Let them scold me a little.


What happened?

What did the girl want to do?

Why did the girl change her mind?

Did she do the right thing?

WHAT PROVERSE IS SUITABLE? (Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie)

3 "Which is easier?" V.A. Oseeva A story for children about a lie

(I include a video)

Send three boys into the forest. There are mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys took a walk. Didn't notice how the day passed.

They go home - they are afraid:

- Will get to us at home!

So they stopped on the road and think what is better: lie or tell the truth?

“I’ll say,” says the first, “as if a wolf attacked me in the forest. The father will be frightened and will not scold.

- I will say, - says the second, - that I met my grandfather. Mother will be delighted and will not scold me.

“And I’ll tell the truth,” says the third. “The truth is always easier to tell, because it’s true and you don’t need to invent anything.

So they all went home. Only the first boy told his father about the wolf - lo and behold, the forest watchman is coming.

- No, - he says, - there is a wolf in these places.

The father got angry. For the first blame he got angry, and for the lie - twice.

The second boy told about his grandfather. And the grandfather is right there - he goes to visit.

Mother learned the truth. For the first blame she got angry, and for the lie - twice.

And the third boy, as soon as he came, obeyed everything from the doorway. Mom grumbled at him and forgave him.

Which proverb fits?

What does this proverb teach us?

Indeed, it is easier to tell the truth, and if you do not lie, then your conscience will not torment

Game "True or False" (Physics Minute)

Children go to the blackboard, take turns reading the statements (true or false) and distributing them into the "truth and false" baskets.

Cones grow on a birch.

A wolf can sit in a tree.

There is snow in the winter.

If the fish good mood, she sings.

If a boy is in a good mood, he wags his tail.

If the house gets bored, he goes for a walk.

ZhI, SHI write with the letter I.

CHU, SHU, write with the letter Yu.

Yesterday was Thursday.

Elephants can fly

Our earth is flat.

Writers write books.

The rooster plays the piano.

Apples barely grow on them.

Lies are usually used for selfish purposes.

Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie.

Lying can be harmful to others.

4 Situation

Yasha was too lazy to learn a poem for the holiday. When asked to read, he could not read a single line.

In order not to be scolded, Yasha lied that he had lost a leaflet with a poem on the street. But when the children went out into the street, a piece of paper fell out of the pocket of Yasha's jacket. The girl Valya noticed him.

- So here's a leaflet with a verse! - she exclaimed.

-- No! This is a note from my grandmother, ”Yasha lied again, hiding the sheet in his pocket.

Which proverb fits this situation,

A little lie leads a big one

Scene include video

What do you guys think, was Vasya justly called a snitch? After all, he told the truth.

And what should he have done?

What would you do if Sasha smashed the pot?

4. Anchoring

(Drawing up rules of honest behavior)

I suggest that you draw up rules of honest behavior.

1) He said - do it.

2) Not sure - don't promise.

3) Make a mistake - admit it.

4) Say only what you think.

5) If you can't tell the truth - explain why.

6) Be honest.

If you follow the rules that we have drawn up in dealing with other people, then you can really be considered honest guys.

The truth becomes apparent, no matter how a person tries to hide it. Only when everyone knows about her, the person who lied becomes doubly ashamed and more unpleasant. Therefore, you always need to tell the truth. Hiding the truth once, we only make it worse for ourselves and others. Having told the truth, we feel relief in our souls.


Guys, thank you so much for your work. I would like to believe that our conversation touched each of you, left its mark. I wish you continued success.

Ethical conversations with children 4-7 years old: Moral education v kindergarten... A guide for teachers and methodologists Petrova Vera Ivanovna

Truth is not true

Truth is not true

Elder children preschool age they know that you cannot deceive others, that you always need to tell the truth. But the fear of punishment, a sense of shame makes children sometimes hide their wrongdoings. A strong emotional experience dulls the knowledge that you cannot lie.

The teacher tries to show children by examples that truthfulness, honesty always please adults, that these qualities are highly valued in a person. The teacher explains to the children that shifting the blame onto another, innocent person deserves special condemnation.

During conversations on this topic, preschoolers master such concepts as: "truth", "honesty", and their opposites: "untruth", "dishonesty", "lie", "deception".

It is a good deed to speak the truth boldly (4-5 years)

The teacher reminds children that it is always necessary to tell the truth, that truthfulness, honesty always please adults.

The teacher begins the conversation with the proverb "A good deed - speak the truth boldly", explains to the children its meaning. Then he reads S. Baruzdin's story "At Dinner".

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Why Do Children Lie? [Where is the lie, and where is the fantasy] the author Orlova Ekaterina Markovna

Chapter 2 What is the truth behind childish lies? Let's start with ourselves. Let's dream a little with you. Let's imagine for a moment that our dream has come true and our beloved child not only does not stoop to outright lies, but also does not allow himself the slightest dishonesty. And ... "Baby, come here,

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Chapter 1 The baby that the stork brought you turned out to be an introvert? Introversion: Truth and Fiction In the soul of ten-year-old Matthew, two different children peacefully coexist. He loves his home, his dogs, is interested in a lot of things, he especially likes everything that is connected with nature and

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The truth of the questionnaire and the truth of a person Yes, years went by, and Makarenko remained inside the “system”. This, mind you, over the years aroused the suspicion of some descendants, who already in our time began to pry: why? Those who are looking for the "whole truth" about

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What to do when they say or write in the newspapers that the world will end soon ?! Friends say it's true, dad and mom say it's stupid, but I can't get it out of my head! What do i do? In order to understand how to relate to newspaper "horror stories" (and not only newspaper)

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Truth “This doesn’t concern you. Let the adults talk calmly. " The French parenting system insists that children should only know what directly concerns them. Françoise Dolto, a famous psychoanalyst, believes that even newborns understand everything that happens.

Topic: "True and False"

Target:To form in children the concept of truth and lies.
1. Teach children to tell the truth.
2. Develop speech, thinking.
3. To educate moral qualities- honesty, fairness.
Help children understand - you need to tell the truth without fear, but a lie

1.Org. moment - I invite everyone to join hands, look at each other, while meeting their eyes.- The circle is a symbol of unification, kinship of souls. When a person looks into the eyes of another person, it is very difficult for him to tell a lie. Let's all try today to be open, honest, not dissemble and of course we will smile at each other.2. Topic message

Guys, please listen to the poem.

It happens in the world, sometimes you can't tell:

Truth is next to you or an insinuating lie.

How to figure it out? How to learn to live

So that only next to the truth, and not be friends with lies?

Sometimes lies are beautiful, but the truth is so bitter

But for an honest man, that bitterness is not terrible!

Let us guys live honestly in the world,

Let's not lie, but only tell the truth!

- What do you guys think we're going to talk about in today's class? (approximate children's answers)

- That lying is bad;

That we must try to tell the truth;

That's right guys. The topic of our lesson is "Truth and Lie".

    Learning new material

1. Discussion of the concepts "truth", "lie".

Guys, how do you understand the word "lie"? (Deliberate distortion of the truth.)

- And when does a person lie? Why is he doing this?

2. Reading a fable

Guys, on Earth for a long time, good and evil, truth and lies walk side by side. Sometimes it is very difficult to tell the truth. But if a person lied at least once, it is very difficult for him to get rid of it later. An example of this is Leo Tolstoy's fable "The Liar". Guys, now I will read you a fable, and you listen carefully, and answer, who is a liar ?.

The teacher reads out a fable by L.N. Tolstoy "Liar" and asks the guys to answer the questions:

“The boy guarded the sheep and, as if seeing a wolf, began to call:- Help, wolf! Wolf!The men came running and saw: not true. He did this two and three times, it happened - and indeed the wolf came running.The boy began to shout:- Here, here, rather, the wolf!The peasants thought that they were deceiving again as usual - they did not listen to him.The wolf sees, there is nothing to be afraid of: in the open, he cut the whole herd. "L. N. Tolstoy- Who is a liar?
- Why didn't people come running to help?
- Have you found yourself in similar situations?
- Have you ever told a lie? If so, please provide examples.

- What does a lie lead to?

- And what needs to be done in order to be trusted, there were loyal and good friends nearby.

Listen to the tale "Two Sisters".

“There were two sisters behind the high mountains, behind the green forests. One was called True, and the other was False. The Truth was beautiful and strong, and the Lie was dodgy and cunning. The people loved the Truth, and avoided the Lie aside, tk. it prevented them from living and working. So, let's say the people started sowing grain in order to grow the harvest, but a lie is right there: "Why should you work and bend your backs, throw the grains, the wind will blow them away."

An honest person does not listen to her, know he is working, and a lazy person likes this advice: he will lie under a bush and fall asleep. The work will be done somehow, deceived himself, the harvest will not be in its field. And this is hunger for his people.

People began to think how to get rid of the lie. True, she was ashamed of her, and at least she could, if she knew she was lying and deceiving. The people decided to drive her out. since then the Lie wanders the world and does its black deeds, she still lives with us and no one knows how to get rid of her from the world, people try to be friends only with the Truth. But if a person at least once opens his heart for Lie, then it will settle there, and it will be very difficult to get rid of it then. "

Maybe you guys know how to keep yourself from lying?

How do you imagine the Truth? Lie? (children paint a verbal portrait)

Game "Truth" and "Lies".

The teacher names the children who come to the blackboard (3-5 people). One group is called "Truth" and the other "Lies". In turn, each group names the words that they would like to see the children. For example, "Pravda" - glorious, cheerful ... "Lies" - evil, greedy ...

4. Discussion of proverbs.

Demonstration of a card with a proverb (the teacher attaches it to a magnetic board or to an interactive whiteboard).

"Truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water."

- Guys, now pay attention to the proverb on the board. Let's read it out loud.

How do you understand its meaning? (children's answers)

Demonstration of a card with a proverb

"Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie."

- Let's read it out loud. How do you understand its meaning? (children's answers)

- But the Russian people have one more wisdom: "Lies for salvation." How can you explain such a phrase? When can a person resort to this?(Working with proverbs)- There are many proverbs about truth and lies. I think you have already worked with them.- I suggest you compose three proverbs and explain their meaning.(Each row is given words from proverbs, you need to make them up)The lies are beautiful, but you can't get away from the truth.Every joke is just a fraction of a joke, and the rest is true.Where there is no good, there do not seek the truth.- What proverbs did you get? Read it. Explain their meaning.

5. Reading a story.

Guys, now I will read you the story of V. Oseeva "Which is easier." Listen to it and think about which of the proposed proverbs is more suitable for the content.

"Which is easier?" V.A. Oseeva

A story for children about a lie

Send three boys into the forest. There are mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys took a walk. Didn't notice how the day passed.

They go home - they are afraid:

Will get to us at home!

So they stopped on the road and think what is better: lie or tell the truth?

I will say, - says the first, - as if a wolf attacked me in the forest. The father will be frightened and will not scold.

I will say, - says the second, - that I met my grandfather. Mother will be delighted and will not scold me.

And I’ll tell the truth, ”says the third.“ The truth is always easier to tell, because it’s true and you don’t need to invent anything.

So they all went home. Only the first boy told his father about the wolf - lo and behold, the forest watchman is coming.

No, - he says, - there is a wolf in these places.

The father got angry. For the first blame he got angry, and for the lie - twice.

The second boy told about his grandfather. And the grandfather is right there - he goes to visit.

Mother learned the truth. For the first blame she got angry, and for the lie - twice.

And the third boy, as soon as he came, obeyed everything from the doorway. His aunt grumbled at him and forgave him.

- So what proverb fits this story?

That's right guys. You can always understand and forgive for telling the truth, even if it is bitter.

Guys, let's remember Russian folk tales.

What kind fairy-tale heroes often resort to lies and deception?

Are they doing the right thing when they lie? What happens to them for this?

Do you know what punishment for lying was received by the heroes in the tales of K. Collodi "The Adventures of Pinocchio" and N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno ..."?

(Pinocchio's nose grows; and in N. Nosov's fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno ..." the boys turned into donkeys)

- Guys, what can we conclude? Is lying a good thing?

Are there situations when you have to tell a lie?

Have you heard this phrase: "A lie for salvation." How do you understand it?

(Situations from school life.)

Let's talk about situations from school life.

What do you do if:

Received a deuce;

Lost removable shoes;

We were late for the lesson;

Walked, did not have time to clean the room before mom came?

Have you smashed a beautiful vase?

Have you had any situations when you used deception?

9. The result of the work. (Drawing up rules of honest behavior.)- I suggest you help draw up the rules of honest behavior.1) He said - do it.2) Not sure - don't promise.3) Make a mistake - admit it.4) Say only what you think.5) If you can't tell the truth - explain why.6) Be honest.-If you follow the rules that we have drawn up in dealing with other people, then you really can be considered honest guys.- Now you know that lies are different, that you should not use false statements. It is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who speaks the truth than with a liar. And besides, how can you trust a person who constantly deceives you? Therefore, it is best to be honest, and then other people will be honest with you.- Guys, thank you so much for your work. I would like to believe that our conversation touched each of you, left its mark. I wish you continued success.

But remember, guys, your behavior is a little mirror that grimaces or just gets dirty if you do bad things.

Educational hour:"Truth and lie"

Target: Explain to the pupils how fantasy differs from lies;

How is fantasy different from truth; why lying is bad.

Tasks: Find out what fantasy is closer to - to the truth or to a lie; consider the types of lies, the reasons for the desire to lie.

Preparatory stage:

Prepare in advance leaflets with false and true statements.

(Children are not sitting at their desks.)

1.Organizational moment

I invite everyone to join hands, look at each other, while meeting their eyes.

The circle is a symbol of unification, kinship of souls. When a person looks into the eyes of another person, it is very difficult for him to tell a lie. Let's all try today to be open, honest, not dissemble and of course we will smile at each other.

2. Definition of the topic.

We start our conversation with a fairy tale:

Behind the high mountains, behind the green forests, lived two sisters. One was called True, the other was False. The truth was beautiful, strong, kind; Lies are cunning, dodgy. The people loved the truth, but avoided the Lie, as it prevented them from living and working honestly. For example, the people start sowing grain in order to grow the harvest, and the Lie is right there: "Why should you work and bend your backs, throw the grains, the wind will blow them away." An honest person does not listen to her, know for yourself, he works, but a lazy person likes this advice: he will lie under a bush, and he will fall asleep. The work is done somehow, deceives himself, the harvest and not to be on his field. And this is hunger for the people. People began to think how to get rid of the Lie. Indeed, she really reproached and shamed her, but at least that, you know, she is lying to herself and deceiving. The people decided to drive her out. Since then, Lies have been wandering around the world and doing their dark deeds. She still lives with us and no one knows how to get rid of her from the earth. People try to be friends only with Truth. But if a person at least once opens his heart for Lie, then it will settle there and it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

What we're going to talk?

The topic of our conversation is "Truth and Lie"

(Discussion of the definitions of "true" and "false")

Let's try to define these concepts.

It happens in the world

Sometimes you can't tell:

True, next to you

Or an insinuating lie.

How to figure it out?

How to learn to live.

So that only next to the truth,

And not to be friends with a lie?

3. Disclosure of the topic.

Discuss and select from the list for each word synonyms close in meaning.

What did you get.

What is truth? Lie?

V explanatory dictionary Ozhegov, these concepts are defined as follows:

Truth - this is what corresponds to reality, the truth.

Lie - this is a deliberate distortion of the truth, not true.

Game "True or False"

Children go to the blackboard, take turns reading the statements (true or false) and distributing them into the "truth and false" baskets.

* Cones grow on a birch.

* The wolf can sit on the tree.

* There is snow in the winter.

* Spruce needles - modified leaves.

* If the fish is in a good mood, it sings.

* If the boy is in a good mood, he wags his tail.

* If the house gets bored, he goes for a walk.

* ZhI, SHI write with the letter I.

* CHU, SHU, write with the letter Yu.

* Yesterday was Thursday.

* Our earth is flat.

* Writers write books.

* The rooster plays the piano.

* Apples grow on the tree.

* Lies are usually used for selfish purposes.

* Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie.

* Lying can harm others.

(The poetic character Zhenya asks to understand):

And Fantasy? Is this true or false?

The teacher invites the children to take a piece of paper on which the word "fantasy" is written. Children should think about what this word is closer to - to the truth or to a lie.

(Questions for conversation :)

* How is fantasy different from the truth?

* How is fantasy different from lying?

Some people confuse fantasy and lies

What is the difference between fantasy and lies?

* Who is more pleasant to people: a dreamer or a liar, and why?

* Do you need to learn to lie?

* Do I need to learn to fantasize? * Is it always necessary to speak the truth in the face?

* How do you understand the statement: “The most dangerous man- Lier"?

Do you think it is good or bad to fantasize all your life?(Answers of children)

Not all people retain the ability to fantasize for life. Many are so busy with their own problems and troubles that they simply do not have time for such a thing as fantasy. And people who have managed to retain the ability to fantasize usually engage in creative professions: artists, musicians, writers. Their job is to create fantasy illusions, and many do their favorite thing all their lives.

Each of you has heard from your parents, educators, and teachers that lying is bad.

But did they explain to you why it is not good to do it? Have you tried to figure out why people start to lie?

(Situations from school life.)

Let's talk about situations from school life. What do you do if:

  • got a deuce;
  • have lost removable shoes;
  • late for class;
  • walked, did not have time to clean the room before mom came?
  • smashed a beautiful vase?

Have you had any situations when you used deception?

But the Russian people have one more wisdom: "Lies for salvation." How can you explain such a phrase? When can a person resort to this?

(Working with proverbs)

There are many proverbs about truth and lies. I think you have already worked with them.

I suggest that you compose two proverbs and explain their meaning.

(Each group is given two of the same proverb)

The lies are beautiful, but you can't get away from the truth.

Truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.

What proverbs did you get? Read it. Explain their meaning.

Do you know proverbs about truth and lies?

4. Summing up

Now you know that lies are different, that you should not use false statements. It is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who speaks the truth than with a liar. And besides, how can you trust a person who constantly deceives you? Therefore, it is best to be honest, and then other people will be honest with you.

5. The result of the work.

(Drawing up rules of honest behavior.)

I invite you to help formulate rules of honest behavior.

1) He said - do it.

2) Not sure - don't promise.

3) Make a mistake - admit it.

4) Say only what you think.

5) If you can't tell the truth - explain why.

6) Be honest.

If you follow the rules that we have drawn up in dealing with other people, then you can really be considered honest guys.

It happens in the world

Sometimes you can't tell:

True, next to you

Or an insinuating lie.

Let us guys

To live honestly in the world

We will not lie, but we will only

Tell the truth!

Guys, thank you so much for your work. I would like to believe that our conversation touched each of you, left its mark. I wish you continued success.

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