Analysis of an open lesson on famp. Observing Nodes: Cognition (Femp)

Romanova Vitalina Anatolyevna, educator,

MBDOU DS No. 10 "Lazorik" of the city of Donetsk, Rostov region

Self-analysis of the FEMP lesson "Journey in Mathematics".

Your attention was offered a lesson - on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children of the preparatory group.

In my lesson, I set myself the following educational tasks:

Exercise children in a forward, reverse, ordinal count.

Composition of a number of two smaller ones, the previous and subsequent numbers, whichever number is greater, less.

Ability to make up the sum of two lesser ones.

Measuring length with a ruler.

Solving the problem using numbers and signs on "-" and "+".

Develop logical thinking.

Raise the desire to show the knowledge gained, interest in the lesson.

The topic of the lesson was communicated to the children. The structure of the lesson corresponded to the assigned tasks. It is built in a logical sequence and interconnection of the parts of the lesson. The pace of the session is optimal. The rate of speech is moderate. She presented the material emotionally. I have selected the necessary visual aids and handouts.

When planning open class the age characteristics of children were taken into account. The material is selected at a level accessible to children. Taking into account the age characteristics, the children answered the questions of the teacher, kept up the conversation, watched with interest, examined, willingly took on the tasks. The children were quite active, felt comfortable, willingly took part in the lesson.

All elements of an open lesson are combined with each other common theme... The content of the lesson corresponded to the set goals.

During the open lesson, the following methods of work were used: verbal (questions, clarification, reminder, encouragement); visual demonstration (pictures and illustrations); game.

The main part of the lesson is aimed at the development of cognitive activity, at the formation of mental and practical actions. Putting in front of the children specific tasks, sought from each child (depending on his capabilities) their implementation, monitored the performance of tasks, made adjustments to their knowledge, provided help needed, encouraged even minimal success. Volume teaching material ensured the activity of children and the pace of work during the lesson. Its content corresponded to the purpose of the lesson, was scientific and at the same time accessible to children. To relieve general fatigue, a ball game was performed.

In the final part, the lesson was summed up.

I believe that the chosen form of organization of the lesson for children was quite effective. I tried to comply with the norms of pedagogical ethics and tactics. I believe that the tasks set in the lesson have been completed.

Direct educational activities were carried out with children of the middle group, aged from 4 to 5 years. In the amount of 11 children. Duration 20 minutes, which corresponds to the SanPin standards

Organization of GCD.

1 Integration: GCD is built taking into account an integrative approach, involving the implementation of tasks educational areas"Cognition", "Communication", "Health" "Safety", "Artistic creation".

Developing this outline educational activities, I first of all took into account: age, mental and individual characteristics of children in the middle group. Taking all this into account, I have determined: goals, objectives, content, form of educational activities, methods, techniques and means necessary for positive results.

I set the tasks:

Develop cognitive ability children: the ability to independently find answers to problematic questions. To consolidate skills according to previously passed material: exercise in naming geometric shapes, consolidate the knowledge of color, exercise in comparing the size of objects that differ in height, continue to use the words: "highest", "lower", "even lower", "lower than", "lowest"; continue to learn to count and count objects by touch.

Exercise in determining the direction of the location of objects from oneself (in front, behind, left, right).

Continue to teach children to establish relationships between three objects in length and lay them out in ascending order of length, focusing on the sample; activate words and expressions in the speech of children: "short", "longer", "longest". Develop an eye.

Train children to listen to assignments to the end.
Develop visual-active thinking by teaching the techniques of mental actions (comparison, analysis, etc.).
Develop memory, attention. Cultivate an interest in mathematics.

To form the ability to accept a game task; to perform actions in a certain sequence, to act according to the model in accordance with the game task; to form the ability to comply with certain norms and rules of behavior in the process of direct educational activities. Promote subgroup skills.

Develop free communication with adults and with peers; foster a desire to work in a team.

Monitor posture when working at the table (do not hunch over, do not bend low).

Musical accompaniment of educational and artistic activities.

"Artistic creation"
Form skills: press the pencil with equal force, apply strokes
close to each other, without interruption, without going beyond the contour line.

Form the ability to cook and clean up the workplace.


1 enrich vocabulary children.
(short, long; highest, lowest)
Monitor the speech of children, provide assistance in answering questions. Fix the account within 5 with Alina.

reminder, indication, questions, individual answers of children,
encouragement, analysis of the lesson;
visual: examining stripes, geometric shapes, numbers;
game: didactic games, m.p. game, the use of surprise moments.
Performing game actions.
practical - independent activity of children


Surprising and playful moments.
Creation of a problematic situation.
Displaying and viewing illustrations.
Artistic word

2. Organization of GCD.
I prepared the premises in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, thought over the location of the demonstration and visual material for the GCD.
2.Equipment. Blackboard, fairy-tale characters, geometric shapes, bags with pebbles, sheets of green and white cardboard, strips of different lengths, green balls, colored pencils.
3.Preliminary work:
1Board-printed games "Figures".
Role-playing game "Bus".
An outdoor game "Find an owl house" (geometric shapes).
Didactic games "Who will bring more", "What has changed?"
Learning mathematical physics minutes, counting rhymes, finger gymnastics
work in notebooks in mathematics.

3. The structure of the GCD.
GCD consists of 8 stages.
Stage 1 - ... Introductory part (3v.)
Children welcome guests. Surprise moment.
2. Stage - II. Main part (12m)
Laid out fairytale heroes in order, starting with the highest and ending with the lowest;
3. Stage - they counted to five, repeated the colors;
4. Stage - played with a fabulous "pea";
M.p. ball game "Tricky Questions".
6. Stage - dynamic pause gymnastics for the eyes.
7. Stage - the strips were laid out from the shortest to the longest;
8 Stage - III. Total. (5m)

We painted over geometric shapes. Reflection - an exhibition of drawings.

All stages are interconnected, built in one storyline, transitions from one stage to another are clear and consistent.
The duration of the GCD is 20 minutes.

4 Methods and techniques of teaching.
Traveling with Masha brought play motivation into educational activities. Education was built as an exciting, playful activity.

The implementation of various game tasks created a positive, emotional background for the learning process, increased the speech activity of children and maintained interest throughout the educational activity.

I used the following methods in my work:
Verbal - was used throughout all educational activities (when creating game motivation, when solving a problem situation)
Practical - when performing a problem situation (hatching geometric shapes)
The method of control and stimulation is in the form of approval and praise.

The methods used correspond to the studied material and the ways of organizing the activities of children in accordance with the level of the group.

The proposed tasks were given to children in a playful way, which contributed to the solution of the set development tasks: memory, speech, imagination, attention, artistic and aesthetic perception.

Throughout the activity, the children were responsive, benevolent and with great pleasure they completed all the tasks.

The type of educational activity is integrated, which contributes to the solution of the assigned tasks in a complex. All stages were interconnected, subordinated to a given theme and goals of educational activities. Changing the type of activity at each stage made it possible to prevent fatigue and satiety, with some one type of activity. Children dynamically switched from word games to games with objects and drawing.

I paid attention to the posture of children while working at the tables, skillfully and with knowledge of the methodology organized a dynamic pause and a smooth transition from one position to another (sitting at the tables, standing at the easel, constantly moving from one task to another), etc.

There was consistency in the work and a lot of preliminary preparation.

Analyzing the activities of children, I would like to note that they showed cognitive activity, reacted emotionally, used the existing knowledge and skills. They were interested, attentive, organized. Encouraged indecisive and shy children to speak out.

Analyzing the educational activities carried out, we can say that the tasks have been successfully completed. I believe that the activity is structured logically, and the stages are interrelated.

I think that the play motivation aroused the interest of the children and the activity was quite high. However, several children worked at their own pace; the creative task was completed a little later, not because of slowness, but because of their individual capabilities. Although this does not mean that they have less skills and knowledge.

The children made me happy with the fact that the kindness of a child's soul, their curiosity was felt throughout the educational activity.

Nominated: Kindergarten›Certification of preschool educational staff / Self-analysis, middle group
Title: Self-analysis of a kindergarten teacher of an open NOD "Cognition: FEMP" for children 4-5 years old "Magic journey"

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten number 11 "Mashenka"
Location: Surgut

Analysis of directly organized educational activities in the second junior group "A" cognitive development(mathematical development)

"Forest Guest"

Location: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 44"

The date of the: May 2017

Educator: Atenyaeva A.N.

The program content of the lesson and the volume of educational material correspond to the level of development of children in this group. When developing this synopsis, I first of all took into account the age and mental individual characteristics of the children of the second junior group... Taking all this into account, I outlined the goal, objectives, content, determined the form of implementation, methods, techniques and means necessary for positive results.

The purpose of the lesson: to summarize the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the year.

I set the following tasks:

Educational: continue to form elementary mathematical concepts: - to distinguish the shape, color, size of objects and objects;

Mastering simple connections and relationships: more (less) in size, the same, more (less) in quantity, the same, the same and different in color and size;

To consolidate the ability to compose an image of an object from parts;

The ability to navigate in a small space: in front (back), top (bottom), right (left).


To develop speech and cognitive activity, attention, memory, thinking, ingenuity, imagination; development of sensory culture.


To cultivate interest in the occupation, hard work, accuracy, friendly relations.

Throughout the lesson, the training was built as an exciting game activity. Such activities created a positive, emotional background for the learning process, increased the cognitive activity of children and maintained interest throughout the lesson.

At the organizational stage, I created a positive and favorable mood among the pupils for their inclusion in educational activities, using the psychological technique "Smile".

Making the transition to the main stage of the NODA, I used a surprise moment - a letter from Belochka, who asked for help. She introduced a playful situation into her activity: the children, having named geometric figures on the tickets, find their places in the trailers. The content of the main part of educational activity corresponded to the age and knowledge of the children of the second junior group.

At the main stage of the NODA, the following tasks were solved:

Tasks: "On the forest edge", "Three bears", "Strawberry for bears", "Teremok", were aimed at addressing the previously accumulated experience, the development of memory, intelligence, knowledge of mathematical concepts, ideas about geometric shapes.

During the lesson, the children were engaged productive activities, which was aimed at the ability to compose an image of an object from parts. (Houses for animals).

In order to improve the health of children, I used gymnastics (physical education).

Educational activity for 15 minutes was dynamic, provided for a quick change in children's activities, which made it possible to avoid children's fatigue.

Children performed all tasks and exercises with pleasure and interest; throughout their educational activities they were active and inquisitive. The atmosphere in the class was friendly.

In the course of educational activities, I used the method of control and stimulation in the form of approval, praise, encouragement. The relationship between me and the children was built on the principle of cooperation.

In order to secure the material on the final stage the children were asked to remember which tasks they performed, what they were interested in and remembered most of all.

Include in directly organized educational activities for cognitive development: didactic games or complicate tasks by offering children other ways to solve the problem.

Tatiana Kozlova
Analysis of the open class of GCD on FEMP in middle group"In search of the treasure"

In my work, I have always tried to please children with mathematics, and the program "Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations", edited by I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina, helps me in this. The essence of the idea- motivation of children through active mental activity aimed at finding ways to solve the assigned tasks.

The purpose of this lesson was: promote the assimilation of mathematical knowledge in game practice; to satisfy the need of children for emotional and motor self-expression with the help of elementary mathematical concepts.

In the lesson, the main

educational tasks:

1.exercise children in distinguishing geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a triangle;

2. exercise in the construction of serial series;

3. exercise in comparison of two groups of objects;

4. to fix the quantitative and ordinal account within 5;

5. to consolidate knowledge of quantities (long - short, large - small);

6. to consolidate the ability to navigate in space;

7. to fix the establishment of the equality of groups of objects by means of superposition.

educational tasks:

1. to foster a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance;

2. to develop the ability to understand the task at hand and perform it independently.

developmental tasks:

1. develop logical thinking;

2. develop an interest in mathematics.

The above tasks in the lesson were solved in a complex and closely interrelated, due to the fact that the lesson had a plot course - a plot, a climax and a denouement. When planning, I tried to take into account the peculiarities and capabilities of children: to show the level of formation of elementary mathematical concepts, the culture of listening to each other, the ability and desire to understand and solve the problem, children's interest in mathematics.

The following was carried out with the children. preparatory work:

training in quantitative and ordinal counting within 5;

acquaintance with geometric shapes;

solving tasks on orientation on a sheet of paper, in space;

didactic games: "Arrange in order", "What account", "Walk along the long and short path", "Atelier", "Find a pair";

individual sessions.

Lesson structure:

1. Greetings, psycho-gymnastics - an exercise for the development of arbitrariness, activation of interhemispheric connections - to set children up for a positive perception of what is happening.

2. Game situation: search for treasure.

3. An outdoor game "Garages".

4. Glade.

5. Outdoor game: "Pathfinder".

6. Surprise moment. The result of the lesson.

Methodical techniques:

1. Exercise for the development of arbitrariness, activation of interhemispheric connections.

2. Play (using surprises).

3. Visual (use of illustrations, layouts).

4. Verbal (instruction, questions, oral answers of children).

5. Encouragement, analysis of the lesson.

The lesson was held in the group room of group 11 in the morning. The lesson was attended by 6 children, educator, manager, methodologist, pedagogical team. For the lesson, the group was divided into zones:

winter forest - a game situation;

zone for games - satisfying children's needs for emotional and motor self-expression with the help of elementary mathematical concepts;

area of ​​practical action - work with handouts.

This zoning helped children move from one activity to another continuously. Great importance for solving problems of cognitive and speech development, I assign to the selection of a subject-developing environment. The main criterion of significance is its content side, accessible to the understanding of children. The strength of the emotional and cognitive impact of didactic games largely depends on how we are able to present them, how we direct the attention of children to arouse interest, to activate mental activity to perform the assigned tasks.

I structured the lesson so that all types of activities replace each other to ensure the efficiency, interest of children throughout the lesson.

So communicative activity(conversation with children in " winter forest") Was replaced by a game (didactic games, cognitive-research (work with handouts) was replaced by a motor-game (the" Pathfinder "outdoor game, which in turn was replaced by a communicative one (the result of the lesson).

When preparing the lesson, the methodologist and educator worked closely, interacted with each other, as a result of which the lesson turned out to be rich in different types of activities. During it, the teacher played the role of not only a mentor, but also a direct participant: together with the children he performed an exercise on the development of arbitrariness, activation of interhemispheric connections, played, communicated with children in a democratic style. This allowed children to feel on a par with adults, to be co-authors of what was happening.

Children showed a keen interest in what they saw and heard in the lesson, expressed their opinion, emotional reactions were positive. They were given individual work with handouts, where everyone independently performed the work and showed their skills and knowledge.

I believe that I have managed to achieve my goals. The children were happy to carry out the tasks offered to them, they were attentive and proactive. Such classes have a positive effect on cognitive and speech development.

MKDOU Mirny kindergarten


open display of directly educational activities on cognitive development

(formation of elementary mathematical concepts)

"Journey to the Kingdom of Time"

(with children of the older group of different ages)

Target:Expand and organize the concept of watches.


Educational :

1. To generalize and consolidate the knowledge of children about watches, their purpose, the arrangement of numbers in order up to 12 (on the dial);

continue to form the ability: to navigate in parts of the day.


2. To develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to quickly navigate the situation.


3. To promote the development of friendly relations, communication skills through teamwork. Fostering a respect for time.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with different types of watches.

Throughout the activity, integration such educational areas , how:

Social and communicative development (communication, play),

Artistic and aesthetic development (music),

Speech development,

Cognitive development (formation of a holistic picture of the world)

Preliminary work directly on the eve of organized educational activities consisted only of getting to know different types of watches. Other techniques for getting to know time representations: seasons, days of the week, names of months, clock dials, learning dynamic pause"And the clock goes, goes ..." and so on. carried out throughout the year, taking into account thematic planning, as well as in the organization of regime moments and joint activities of an adult and children.

When building this type of activity, a game was used educational technology... The course of educational activity itself was presented as a game-journey: "Travel to the kingdom of time." Which allows you to take into account the basic principles preschool education: the principle of the intrinsic value of childhood, the zone of proximal development, the implementation of an activity approach based on the leading type of activity of the preschooler - play. Object play was used, such as manipulating a toy (an interactive clock toy). Game forms work allowed to diversify the activity, make it interesting and entertaining.

The methods of problem learning were applied, partly the search method, the method of analyzing specific situations, research, interactive methods, brainstorming specific problem, accompanied by the exchange of ideas, judgments, opinions in groups.

The motivational moment of the beginning of the NOD was a surprise for the children of the appearance of the toy "Clock" as a gift from the guests with a note-instruction about the misfortune in the Kingdom of Time and a request for help from his friends. Key phrase of the note: “Help, guys, to dispel the evil spell of the wizard, save my friends! And for this you need to find all the clocks and complete the tasks that are hidden under them! ”Served as an incentive to search activity with the designated task. To activate thought processes, develop decision-making skills, this problematic situation was created. Following the play motivation, during the course of the GCD, it maintained the children's interest in the result. Each child was actively involved in the activity.

The creation of a route map by children of the Travel Games allows you to practice the skills of organizing the material and the ability to plan your actions. Throughout the activity, the children turned to the plan-route, which contributes to the development of skills to act according to the scheme. This is indeed practical task contributed to the development of visual-figurative and logical thinking, where the children, according to certain signs of watches, had to guess what kind of watch they were talking about and correlate them with the picture. In addition, at this stage, the creation of a map - the route of the trip, I started to make a new visual aid "Types of watches", which can be used in the future.

Tasks of the main part of the GCD: "tasks from different types hours ”were aimed at developing:

1) - phonemic hearing, ("Guess the clock by sound")

2) - cognitive abilities, repetition and systematization of knowledge according to the "temporary ideas of children", the development of memory ("Bag of questions")

3) - skills of experimental research activities, the development of skills of interaction with adults, the ability to make a request, find a way out of the current situation ("Experiment with an hourglass")

4) - the development of speech and logical thinking (Task from the alarm clock "Riddle" and the Task from the wristwatch "Poem")

5) - mathematical representations: knowledge of numbers, the ability to correlate real life situations with temporary representations ("What time is it?)

6) - consolidation of knowledge about the seasons, days of the week, the development of elementary skills of interaction with a computer, attention and thinking (tasks from the chimes: a multimedia game)

The use of information and computer technology with the use of the multimedia game “Year. Season. Week ”was introduced taking into account the fact that presentation of information on a computer screen in a playful manner arouses great interest in children; carries a figurative type of information, understandable to preschoolers; movement, sound, animation attracts the child's attention for a long time; has an incentive cognitive activity children; provides an opportunity for individualization of training; in the course of his activities at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence, and this also allows him to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life.

In the course of the activity, it was used play exercise"And the clock is running, running" to relieve muscle fatigue and as one of the completed tasks.

The result was summed up with the use of reflection, the children managed to fulfill the request of TIK-TAK and help his friends. While summing up, I have introduced a technique of disclosing the meaning of the proverb "Business is time, and fun is an hour!" with the aim of familiarizing preschoolers with small genres of folklore, which allows to partially implement the principle of cultural conformity, and also has the educational value of a careful attitude to time.

The change in activities helped to maintain the attention and performance of children throughout the GCD. The forms of work were used: collective, individual. Communication was based on partnership and an individual approach. The children were active, answered questions, participated in conversations. The chosen methods and forms of work ensured the activity and independence of the pupils' thinking. Children showed their ability to maintain a conversation, answer questions. The children were emotional, there was an acceptable ratio of rational and emotional in working with children. A verbal system of encouraging children by the educator was used, which contributed to the creation of an emotionally comfortable environment. The sanitary and hygienic requirements, the alternation of types of activities, the setting for maintaining the posture of children, the duration of the GCD, the air-thermal regime, and lighting were observed.

I believe that as a result of organized educational activities, the implementation of the planned plan, educational, developmental and educational goals and objectives has been achieved; the planned result of children's activities showed a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities, which proves the formation of children's ideas about time, about hours.

Educator: Chuvashova A.V.

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