The bridge in China is the longest. In China, opened the longest sea bridge in the world

Officially opened the longest bridge in the world in the south of the country. At the ceremony, which took place in the city of Zhuhai, there were leaders of Hong Kong and Macau. For a regular movement, one of the sections of the bridge will open on Wednesday, October 24. However, the entire crossing will be put into operation only next year.

The total length of the bridge is 55 km. It connects three coastal cities: two autonomous self-managed territories of Hong Kong and Macau with the mainland city of Zhuhai.

According to the creators of the bridge, it was built using 400 thousand tons of steel and is able to withstand earthquakes by force of up to 8 points and typhoon. The bridge should serve at least 120 years.

About 30 km of the total length of the bridge are located in the Delta of the Zhujiang River. In order for the ships to swim and do not hurt the bridge, a stretch of 6.7 km in the middle goes to the tunnel located between two artificial islands.

Built the crossing of nine years. Its cost amounted to about 20 billion dollars. It was assumed that all the work would be completed in 2016, but they were delayed. The cause of the protests of the Hong Kong authorities against the destruction of the bay ecosystem, which would be inevitable, if the company built the bridge was used for traditional technology islands. It involves lifting from the bottom of the sea of \u200b\u200bsoil and rash it in the specified place to form artificial islands. Instead, it was necessary to apply the technology of driving into the marine bottom of the hollow metal piles, which were then filled with inert material for stability.

However, despite such a compromise, according to the Hong Kong branch of the World Foundation of Nature (WWF), the bridge can cause serious harm to marine life in the area, including a critical Rare Chinese White Dolphin. Their number over the past 10 years has decreased from 148 to 47 individuals. In addition, dolphins now do not swim to the bridge.

In 2015, it was planned to open the bridge only in 2021. However, subsequently, the crossing decided to build strengthened pace to the detriment of security.

So, since 2010, according to BBC. During construction, 18 workers were killed, about 600 people were injured. Because of this, some local media overfeds were called the "bridge of death". In addition, 21 employees of the company responsible for compliance with the security of safety standards were arrested for a data fake.

Previously, the way from the city of Zhuhai to Hong Kong was about four hours, now this distance can be overcome by the bridge in just half an hour. However, not everyone will be able to drive through the crossing. To do this, it is necessary to obtain a special resolution that will stand out on the quota system.

In addition, travel on the bridge will be paid. It will not run routes public transport - Only private buses.

In China, the construction of such a project some criticized and stated that it would not bring any economic return.

Chinese officials declare that the bridge will bring about $ 145 billion annually to the budget, but this figure is doubtful in some politicians.

According to the adviser, the legislator Tanya Chan, representing the Island of Hong Kong, the bridge will not be able to bring such money if they will only enjoy the small number of motorists.

Recall how I previously told "Gazeta.Ru", August 14th. Then the 200-meter portion of the Morandi bridge was collapsed, which was at an altitude of about 45 meters. All cars, and this is 35 cars and three trucks, fell down with a huge height. Many cars were literally "crowded in a cake." 43 people were victims of the collapse of the collapse, four of whom children.

Viaduct's collapse occurred including residential buildings. Due to the threat of collapsions of 311 families, and this is 632 people, were forced to leave their homes.

The company "AUTOSTRADE PER L" ITALIA ", in charge of which was the collapsed bridge, was notified in February, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Italy was notified that the supports of the bridge were 20% lost their strength, and therefore the construction was required to overhaul . However, no action for repairs followed.

Bridge RAS Yang is located in China, its construction was completed in 2005. This is the tenth the longest bridge of the world, with a length of 35.660 meters.

9. Hangzhou Bay Bridge. 35.673 meters, China

35.673 km in length, Hangzhou Bridge - one of the longest ocean bridges in the world.

8. Bridge Yansun, 35.812 meters, China

This beautiful bridge was created on the Yangtze River.

7. Manchac swamp bridge. Bridge Manchac SVMP, 36.710 meters, USA

The first bridge in our list, built not in the subnet. The total length is 36.710 meters. Built in 1970.

6. Bridge Dumble on Lake Ponchartrayin, 38,442 meters, USA

Bridge Dumble on Lake Ponchartrayin consists of two parallel bridges crossing Lake Plitrene in South Louisiana, USA. A longer of two bridges reaches 38.35 km long. This is the longest bridge in the world, which is built exclusively above the water. Built in 1969.

5. Zindaosky bridge over the bay, 42.5 km China.

Crossing northern part Jiaozhou Bay, connecting the city of Qingdao with the suburban industrial area of \u200b\u200bHuangdao. Built in 2011.

4. Mainbong Bang by 54,000 meters, Thailand.

The total length of the bridge is 54 km, the width of the bridge, according to which movement on six strips is 27.2 meters.
Opened on February 7, 2000.

3. Bridge over Wei (Vainan's Great Bridge), 79,732 meters, China.

Is part of the current Zhengzhou high-speed railway linewhich connects the cities of Zhengzhou and Xi'an in the People's Republic of China. Opened in 2010.

2. Great Bridge Tianjin, 113,700 meters, China.

The second largest bridge in the world. Opened in 2011
Erected as part of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway and Beijing Tianjin Long-Term Railway.
It begins a little southeastnepekinsky southern railway StationThen crosses two districts (Anzie and Guangäyan) of the city district Lanfan and ends in the north of the central part of Tianjin.

1. Danyan Kunshhan, 164,800 meters, China.

The longest bridge in the world. Erected as part of Beijing-Shanghai High Speed \u200b\u200bRailway. Also, in several bridge bands, road transport is carried out. The construction lasted a record short four years from 2008 to 2011. 10,000 people were involved in construction. And the total cost amounted to $ 8.5 billion. Approximately 9 km bridge is laid above water surface. Danyan Kunshhan is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
Located Bridge B. Eastern China In the province of Jiangsu, between the cities of Shanghai and Nanjing.

Finally waited, China froze on the eve of the official opening of the longest sea bridge in the world. This is a truly giant construction with a length of 55 km made it possible to connect the three most important cities of the country - Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau. On the solemn ceremony The opening of such a large-scale project is expected to also be the head of the state of Jinping, which initiated the creation of this grandiose and significant transport artery. But this is not the first such ambitious creation great country, Plugged the whole world in shock and admiration at the same time.

It has already happened that when it comes to the most-largest and striking superdity in any industry, be it science, technology, art or high techMiddlely always seeks to take their honorable first place. Bridge buildings did not exception. After all, all the longest, the highest, most or most ... Created Chinese engineers and builders to not only make life easier, but also to strive the whole world with records.

In this review, we collected the most famous of their creations, who surprise their greatness and originality.

1. The longest sea bridge in the world connects Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau

It happened! Finally, the official opening ceremony of the most incredible to date, the marine engineering design, which connects three metropolis on the shores of the South China Sea.

This grand project includes the world's longest underwater tunnel, three artificially created islands and the bridge itself extending over the sea. The total length of the entire structure is 55 km!

According to the constructors themselves, such a large-scale structure can withstand even powerful earthquake Magnid to 8 points, and the service life can be 120 years. Well, of course, he will fulfill its main purpose - to significantly reduce the time on the way between Hong Kong and Zhuham from three hours to 30 minutes.

2. Danyan-Kunshan Viaduct - the longest railway bridge in the world

Danyan-Kunshan Viaduct is the longest railway bridge.

Danyan-Kunshan Viaduct (this is a bridge building, which passes above the attic or large gorge) is located in East China between the cities of Nanjing and Shanghai and is part of the high-speed Beijing-Shanghai Railway.

This large-scale structure is listed in the Guinness Book of Records Thanks to a record extent - 164.8 kilometers. The builders conducted a colossal job, creating a bridge both on land, overcoming all types of complex relief, and above the water - towering over canals, rivers and lakes.

More than 10 thousand people worked on the grand project, and such a large-scale creation was erected only for four years (2008-2011).

3. Baipanjiang - the highest pendant cable bridge in the world

Bridge Baipanjiang - at the moment the highest suspension bridge in the world.

In order to combine the provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou among themselves, one of the most incredible bridges in the world was created. Due to the complex relief conditions of the terrain of the major builders, it was necessary to raise the bridge to a height of 570 meters, and its length is 1341 m.

4. Over-Water Highway - the world's first bridge, which is built by the river bed

In the Chinese province, Hubei was put into operation a very unusual motorway. Her the main feature It became a completely non-standard location - the highway was built directly in the direction of the river. And the reason for such an extraordinary solution is completely banal - the locals and environmental organizations were against the construction of the high-speed road and the landscape of their locality (it was necessary to demolish part of the mountain and do the tunnel in it). Thus, a compromise was found.

Chinese engineers designed the original 4-kilometer Viaduct, which significantly facilitated the life of motorists. Now this place has become a tourist attraction of the entire province.

5. Zhangzyzzie - the longest and high glass bridge in the world

In the south of China, created the longest glass bridge in the world called "Walk in Heaven", which is the most fantastic creation of human genius.

Although I recently passed the information that the upper layer of glass cracked only from the fact that one of the tourists dropped a metal mug. Visitors who are at that moment on the bridge did not threaten anything, but the stir was ambitious.

Beijing, 23 Oct - RIA Novosti. In the south of China, opened the longest in the world sea bridge With a length of 55 kilometers, the central television of the PRC reports. He connected Hong Kong, Macau and the city of Zhuhai Guangdong Province.

The ceremony was held in Zhuhae. Her chairman of the PRC Si Jinpin, head of the Hong Kong Administration Carry Lam, Deputy Prime Minister Han Zheng, Secretary of Parcoma Guangdong Province Lee Si and about 700 guests.

Now the trip from Hong Kong to Zhuhai will take half an hour instead of three hours. Free traffic will be opened on October 24th.

According to preliminary estimates, by 2030, more than 29 thousand vehicles and over 120 thousand passengers per day will pass along the bridge. It is expected to largely contribute to the economic integration and development of the three most important cities of the economic zone of the pearl river delta, as well as tourism in Hong Kong and Macau.

© AP Photo / Andy Wong

© AP Photo / Andy Wong

The bridge consists of several surface parts with a total length of 22.9 kilometers, an underwater tunnel of 6.7 kilometers long, several artificial islands, as well as special border gearboxes between mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.

The weight of the bridge exceeds 400 thousand tons. It should stop up to 120 years old and is designed to withstand the strongest typhoon at a wind speed over 300 kilometers per hour, as well as an earthquake of magnitude eight.

When designing, this area is taken into account by one of the most shipping in China. So, the spans of the bridge are located at the proper height, and the distance between the supports is enough in order not to disturb the movement of the courts.

Construction history

The idea to connect the Hong Kong bridge and Guangdong Province appeared in the late 1980s. In 2003, the Central Government of China ordered to proceed with the preliminary estimates and development of the project. Hundreds of research organizations attracted the design. The number of registered patents involved in construction exceeded a thousand.

Hong Kong and Macau - special administrative districts that have entered into China in 1997 and 1999 on the principle of "one country - two systems". Each of the three governments agreed to build the necessary infrastructure on its territory, but they could not agree on the financing of the main part of the bridge for a long time.

Construction began in December 2009 and should have completed in 2016. But the discovery was postponed due to corruption, budget revisions, accidents, accidents and adverse weather conditions.

In addition, the project criticized the defenders of ecology, primarily due to the reduction of the population of Chinese White Dolphins - Hong Kong characters. According to the government of the district, from April 2007 to March 2018, in the Water area, the Hong Kong recorded only about 50 individuals.

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