A powerful earthquake in Mexico "woke up" the volcano Popochettel. Powerful earthquake in the capital Mexico, a volcano woke up Popochetle earthquake in Mexico Volcano woke up

After a powerful earthquake in Mexico, which raised Mexico, there was an eruption located near the capital of the Volcano Popochetetet. Volcano threw a huge pillars of smoke.

According to Mexican seismologists, the situation on the volcano is estimated by "Red Anxiety" - one of higher levels.

Several Russian diplomats and their families lost housing. We are talking about employees who shot apartments in Mexico City. None of them suffered, but after their homes were damaged, they were forced to leave. Everywhere there are interruptions with power supply. Without light, more than 4.5 million people remained. The supply of electricity was restored by more than 70%.

The earthquake of magnitude 7.1 occurred on the eve. Powerful shocks were fixed in southern Mexico and felt in the capital. The affected areas introduced a state of emergency. 3 thousand military personnel, who assist the population were displayed on Mexico City Streets.

The powerful earthquake, which was the second in the early autumn, happened in Mexico on Tuesday, September 19, his magnitude was from 7.1 to 7.4 points from 7.1 to 7.4 points. The focus of underground jolts lit up at a depth of 57 kilometers. With all this in the capital of the country, Mexico City as a result of the earthquake killed 117 people.

Hundreds of houses, power lines, trampled roads. Without electricity, at least 4 million people remained. Evacquicing even the congress. Note according to preliminary information, embassy Russian Federation In Mexico, did not receive information about the affected Russians. The structure of the Russian Embassy in Mexico City also survived.

It is reported that the dead are in several Mexican states. In addition, as a result of the earthquake, the volcano of Popochetetet was woken up, located 60 kilometers from Mexico City, the eruption has already begun.

On January 22, 2003, an earthquake of the magnitude of 7.6 occurred. Then 29 people died, more than 300 were injured. The state of Colima suffered stronger than others, and in the capital, millions of people left their homes. April 4, 2010 The earthquake of magnitude 7.2 shocked the lower California. 2 people died, 233 were injured.

Residential buildings collapsed, the power systems and telephone communications were damaged. December 11, 2011 An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 in Germero happened. Then more than 82 thousand people remained without light. 2 people died. March 20, 2012 In the same state, an earthquake of magnitude 7.4 occurred. The victims were two people, 11 were injured. About 600 buildings were damaged. President Mexico called the earthquake "One of the most powerful for last years».

On September 7, 2017, in the territory of several states at once, an earthquake of magnitude 8.2 was recorded, during which 1060 repeated jokes were noted. Immediately in several states killed 95 people. President Mexico called the earthquake the most powerful over the past 100 years.

The world's largest earthquake in Mexico happened exactly 22 years ago - September 19, 1985. The epicenter of the Cataclysm Magnoud 8 was located on the territory of Michoacan, died, according to various sources, from 7 to 35 thousand people. More than 30 thousand were injured, over a quarter of a million mexicans were left without bed. 412 buildings collapsed, more than 3 thousand buildings were damaged.

One of the most affected by the impetus was the prestigious area of \u200b\u200bthe Mexican capital of Kondes, at home in which mostly low-rise and old. Many of them were built in the 20-30 years of the last century and, of course, do not meet the requirements of seismic security.

With the development of the territory of Mexico City, some features were not taken into account. The city is located on the plateau located at an altitude of 2234 meters above sea level. It is surrounded by the mountains of volcanic origin, that is, the territory of Mexico City aprici seismically dangerous. It is also important that the city lies in the hood of still during the times of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs of Lake Teskokoco.

There is another reason explaining a large number of The victims of the earthquake. Mexico City is included in the thirty of the most densely populated cities in the world. Now almost 9 million people live in the capital. At the same time, the population density is 5 thousand 900 people per square kilometer. For comparison: in Moscow with a total number of residents over 12 million, the population density is almost 1100 less - only 4833 people per square kilometer.

Unlike the earthquake on September 7, this time the hearth was not in the ocean, but under the surface of the sushi - 135 kilometers south of Mexico City, in the province of Puebla. This map indicates the zones of the maximum exposure to earthquakes. Underground shocks felt in the radius of a seven kilometers from the epicenter. The maximum destructive power they reached in the vicinity of Mexico City - this zone is indicated burgundy, and further the intensity of the jokes gradually declined to two points.

It is necessary to add that Mexico is one of the most seismically active areas on the planet. The territory of the country is at the junction of three large lithospheric plates. Their movements lead to earthquakes and eruptions of volcanoes.

On Tuesday, September 19, a powerful earthquake of 7.1 occurred in the central part of Mexico. The strongest push happened at 13:14 local time (18:14 Greenwich).

Under the impact of the underground element, including the capital of this Central American state is the city of Mexico City, the population of the agglomeration of which is about 20 million people. The epicenter of underground jokes, according to the US Geological Service, was 120 kilometers from Mexico City at a depth of 51 kilometers.

According to 03:00 Moscow time on September 20, the number of dead is approaching 140. Most of the victims are registered in Morales (south of Mexico City) - more than 50 people. In the capital itself it is known about 4 victims of underground elements. However, these figures are certainly not final, because there may be alive and dead under the rubble. Local residents, without waiting for rescuers, manually disassemble the ruins of buildings where people could be. The affected areas introduced a state of emergency.

For the streets of Mexico, more than 3 thousand servicemen are derived, which help rescuers get to destroyed objects. According to the latest data, 44 buildings were completely destroyed in the city, some of them were in densely built and populated areas. From time to time, rescuers declare a minute of silence to hear the voices of people survived under the rubble. From damaged houses, the urgent evacuation of residents and employees of companies is carried out. According to Mayor Mexico City Miguel Angel Mansero, at least 30 people died in the city.

According to official data, 3.8 million people remained without electricity. In many areas, fixed and mobile communications. Mexico City Airport is closed.

After underground jolts, Popochettel volcano came to life, located next to the capital of Mexico. The pillars of smoke emitted by a volcano are clearly visible from the city. Seismologists assess the situation at the level of "red alarm" - one of the highest levels. IN last time The 5.5-kilometer Popochettel showed activity a month ago, August 22, when the smoke pole rose to a height of 4 kilometers.

Many Mexicans covered mystical horror, because the day a day is 32 years ago, on September 19, 1985, the country has happened in the country newest Story The countries of the earthquake, which claimed the lives of more than 10 thousand people.

After the most powerful earthquake in Mexico "Roil came to life" Volcano Popochettel. The eruption occurred on the night of September 20. Volcano, located near the capital, threw a pillars of smoke. Previously, he was active on August 22.

Seismologists announced on the territory of the volcano the so-called "red alarm" is one of their highest levels of danger. Volcanoes have repeatedly wake up after earthquakes in Mexico, reminds the channel "Russia 24". At the same time, only in 2000 in Mexico, 10 destructive earthquakes were recorded.

On January 22, 2003, an earthquake of the magnitude of 7.6 occurred. Then 29 people died, more than 300 were injured. The state of Colima suffered stronger than others, and in the capital, millions of people left their homes. April 4, 2010 The earthquake of magnitude 7.2 shocked the lower California. 2 people died, 233 were injured. Residential buildings collapsed, the power systems and telephone communications were damaged. December 11, 2011 An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 in Germero happened. Then more than 82 thousand people remained without light. 2 people died. March 20, 2012 In the same state, an earthquake of magnitude 7.4 occurred. The victims were two people, 11 were injured. About 600 buildings were damaged. President Mexico called the earthquake "one of the strongest in recent years." On September 7, 2017, in the territory of several states at once, an earthquake of magnitude 8.2 was recorded, during which 1060 repeated jokes were noted. Immediately in several states killed 95 people. President Mexico called the earthquake the most powerful over the past 100 years.

The world's largest earthquake in Mexico happened exactly 22 years ago - September 19, 1985. The epicenter of the Cataclysm Magnoud 8 was located on the territory of Michoacan, died, according to various sources, from 7 to 35 thousand people. More than 30 thousand were injured, over a quarter of a million mexicans were left without bed. 412 buildings collapsed, more than 3 thousand buildings were damaged.

One of the most affected by the impetus was the prestigious area of \u200b\u200bthe Mexican capital of Kondes, at home in which mostly low-rise and old. Many of them were built in the 20-30 years of the last century and, of course, do not meet the requirements of seismic security.

With the development of the territory of Mexico City, some features were not taken into account. The city is located on the plateau located at an altitude of 2234 meters above sea level. It is surrounded by the mountains of volcanic origin, that is, the territory of Mexico City aprici seismically dangerous. It is also important that the city lies in the hood of still during the times of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs of Lake Teskokoco.

There is another reason explaining a large number of earthquake victims. Mexico City is included in the thirty of the most densely populated cities in the world. Now almost 9 million people live in the capital. At the same time, the population density is 5 thousand 900 people per square kilometer. For comparison: in Moscow with a total number of residents over 12 million, the population density is almost 1100 less - only 4833 people per square kilometer.

Unlike the earthquake on September 7, this time the hearth was not in the ocean, but under the surface of the sushi - 135 kilometers south of Mexico City, in the province of Puebla. This map indicates the zones of the maximum exposure to earthquakes. Underground shocks felt in the radius of a seven kilometers from the epicenter. The maximum destructive strength they reached in the vicinity of Mexico City - this zone is marked by burgundy, and further the intensity of the impetus gradually declined to two points.

It is necessary to add that Mexico is one of the most seismically active areas on the planet. The territory of the country is at the junction of three large lithospheric plates. Their movements lead to earthquakes and eruptions of volcanoes.

The North American stove, on which most Mexico is located, is moving in the western direction. Bottom Pacific Ocean South of Mexico lies on the coke plate and moves to the north. As a result of these movements, earthquakes occur.

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