What was the reason for the formation of the Mongoloid race. Mongoloid race

The structure of the face of the Mongoloids is very peculiar. Their hair is straight, bluish-black, thick and stiff, like a horse's mane. Unlike other races, the Mongoloids have round hair in diameter, while the rest of the races have oval hair. That is why Mongoloids have only straight hair. Mongoloids have wide faces with strongly protruding cheekbones, flat noses, black or dark brown eyes, and dark skin. Men have sparse mustaches and beards on their faces. The structure of the eyes of the Mongoloids is especially unusual and peculiar: they are narrow and their inner corners are located lower than the outer ones, which creates the impression of slanting. The upper eyelid is heavy and swollen, cut by a longitudinal fold, often overhanging the eyes. In the inner corner of the eye is the epicanthus, the so-called third eyelid. The teeth of the Mongoloids are no less peculiar. The front incisors are wide, in the form of a shovel; this trait is rare in people of other races.

The Mongoloid race is divided into a number of types: Central-East Asian (classical Mongoloids), Tibetan, Northeast (Arctic), Northern, Southern, Pri-Tien Shan, Pamir-Fergana, West Siberian, Ural and Lapland types. The Ural and Lapland types are mestizo, transitional types between Mongoloids and northern Caucasians. In the West Siberian type, there is an East European admixture of Caucasians. And in the Pamir-Fergana type, there is a Front-Asian admixture of Caucasians. The Southern type has an Australoid admixture.

The Pacific Mongoloids include two minor races: the Far Eastern and the South Asian. The main area of ​​this group of options is limited in the west by Hindustan and Tibet, in the north by the Central Asian deserts and mountain systems Khingan and Stanovoy Ridge, in the south - the Wallace Line, drawn between the Sunda Islands and the so-called Greater Australia, which includes New Guinea and Australia.

Far Eastern small race. Skin color is dark. The eyes are dark, like those of other Mongoloids. The hair is straight, coarse and very dark. In adults, epicanthus occurs in 70 to 95% of cases. Tertiary hairline is poorly developed. Body length is average or above average. The face is narrow, of medium width, high, and flat. The cranial skull is small, but high in horizontal section. The nose is rather long, with a straight back, slightly or moderately prominent. A significant percentage of the population of China, Korea, Japan has clearly expressed features of the Far Eastern race.

South Asian small race. The skin color is darker than that of the Far Eastern race. There is a certain percentage of wavy hair. Epicanthus is less common (20-50%). The face is less flattened and relatively lower. The lips are thicker and the nose is relatively wider. The cranial skull is also small and relatively wide. The forehead is often convex. The body length is short. The race is widespread in the countries of the South and South-East Asia.

Northern Mongoloids. Their modern western border runs approximately along the Yenisei, the southern border corresponds to the northern one for the Far Eastern race, the northern and eastern borders are oceanic.

North Asian minor race. The skin color is lighter than that of the previous ones, in some groups a significant percentage of fair-skinned people. The hair is dark and dark blond, usually straight and coarse, but there are populations (for example, the Evenks), which quite often have soft hair. Light brown shades of rainbow color are also common. The face is usually tall and wide, and very flat. There are relatively low-faced options. Cerebral skull with large horizontal diameters and small height. This is one of the important distinguishing features of the northern and Pacific Mongoloids. The nose varies in size and protrusion. There are groups with very flat nose. Epicanthus is common. The eye slit is very small. Body length is average and below average. This small race is quite clearly subdivided into two morphotypes - Baikal and Central Asian. Baikal has a peculiar combination: a maximum of Mongoloid in the face morphology (maximum flattening) and a minimum in pigmentation (the lightest among Mongoloids). The features of the North Asian race underlie the anthropological type of many indigenous peoples of Siberia: Evenks, Yakuts, Buryats, etc.

Arctic small race. The distribution area is approximately from the Verkhoyansk Range in the west to Greenland. The southern border runs approximately 60 ° north. lat. The pigmentation is darker than that of the North Asian race (closer to the Pacific). Hair is straight and coarse, epicanthus - from 30 to 50%. Protrusion of the nose is moderately weak. The face is less flattened, but more prognosis than that of the North Asian race. The face is often pentagonoid due to the large distance between the corners of the lower jaw. The O-shape of the legs, characteristic of many Mongoloid populations, is poorly expressed in the Arctic race. In some proportions of the body, these Mongoloids differ significantly from the continental ones (the body and arm are relatively shorter, the leg is longer, the chest is more rounded). With a highly developed skeleton and muscles, subcutaneous fat is poorly developed, which also significantly distinguishes the Arctic groups from other Mongoloids. This anthropological type is found among the Eskimos, Chukchi, American Indians, Koryaks, but is most clearly expressed among the Eskimos.

American race. Occupies a vast territory of the American continent with a wide variety of environmental conditions. Despite the fact that several morphotypes are distinguished within the race, it is quite uniform in its basic features. At the same time, the differences from other Mongoloids are quite significant, which gives some researchers reason to distinguish it as a separate large race. Most populations and morphotypes of American Indians are characterized by a large nose, sometimes with a convex back. Facial flattening is often moderate or even slight. Epicanthus is rare. The total dimensions of the face and head are often large. The body length is medium and large. Most populations are characterized by increased massiveness (with adequate nutrition). Some "atypical" American Indians are often viewed as the preservation of the morphological features of the ancient Mongoloids.

It is easy to see that in countries with hot climates, people's skin color is noticeably darker than in countries with cold climates. Also, closer to the equator, the width of the nose increases, the thickness of the lips, and the protrusion of the face forward. This spread of signs is explained as follows.

In deep antiquity, probably in the Upper Paleolithic, biological adaptation to conditions environment was very important. The man was not yet sufficiently equipped technically to effectively protect himself from the elements. Under these conditions, skin color, for example, played a vital role in heat transfer. The dark pigment of the skin absorbs significantly more ultraviolet radiation, protecting the body from the danger of cancer. Although dark skin is warmed up by the sun's rays, the more efficient work of the skin glands saves from overheating. The skin temperature of a Negroid under the same conditions is less than that of a European or Asian. Light skin is more susceptible to UV radiation. This can be useful in the northern hemisphere, since in conditions of relatively low insolation - sunlight - there is a problem of rickets - lack of D. Thus, in northern latitudes, an increase in the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light saves children from rickets. Curly hair and elongated tall form heads of equatorial populations. Curly hair creates an air cushion on the head, and air is one of the best heat insulators. In addition, the black hair contains more air bubbles than the hair of a Mongoloid or Caucasian. The elongated, narrow and high head of the equatorial groups has a smaller upper area with the same volume as the low broad head of the northern peoples. This saves it from excessive overheating in the sun.

The large width of the mouth and the considerable width of the mucous membrane of the lips of Negroids are useful in hot climates, since they increase the surface of evaporation of moisture, cooling the body. A flattened wide nose has a similar meaning. At the same time, the small size of the nasal cavity does not allow the air to be additionally heated during inhalation.

The high, long nose of the Caucasians and Northern Mongoloids has the opposite meaning. The air passing through the long nasal passage has time to heat up and enters the lungs warm. Orthognathism of the northern races - shortening of the face - increases the bend of the nasal passage and protects the nasopharynx from hypothermia.

The width of the palpebral fissure differs markedly in representatives different races... The narrow cut of the eyes of Mongoloids, Bushmen and Tuaregs protects the eyeball from dust, wind and too bright sun in open spaces. At the same time, the Mongoloid eye is significantly distinguished by a large amount of subcutaneous tissue designed to retain heat.

A more exotic example of the adaptive meaning of racial traits is the steatopygia of the Bushmen, Hottentots, and Andamans. Fat deposits on the buttocks and thighs serve as a reserve of nutrients in conditions of their sharp lack. Thanks to the sculptures of the Upper Paleolithic, we know that steatopygia was a common occurrence in Europe about 25-20 thousand years ago, during the formation of racial complexes

Classic racial traits include physical traits - the color and shape of the eyes, lips, nose, hair, skin color, overall facial structure, and head shape.

MONGOLOID, or the Asian-American, large race, which is sometimes called "yellow" according to outdated terminology, covers about 50% of the world's population, that is, 1.3 billion. Of this number, almost half are Chinese - about 600 million people. The main mass of representatives of the "yellow" race occupies vast areas of Asia, especially its northern, eastern, central and southeastern regions. The Mongoloid race also spread to Oceania and the American mainland. Many Mongoloid groups are part of the population of the USSR, mainly its Asian part, where their typical representatives are Yakuts, Buryats, Tungus (Evenks), Chukchi, Tuvinians, Altaians, Gilyaks (Nivkhs), Aleuts, Asian Eskimos and many others. In the European part of the USSR, Mongoloid anthropological types are part of the Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvashes and some other peoples. The large Mongoloid race is characterized by the following signs: the skin is light or dark, with a yellowish or yellowish-brown tint; the hair on the head of almost everyone is straight and coarse (tight), usually black; beard and mustache, as a rule, develop late and poorly; the hair of the tertiary integument on the body is almost absent. Representatives of many anthropological types of this race, especially the northern Mongoloids, have a large face, protrude forward medium (mesognathism); due to the growth and protrusion of the cheekbones to the sides, it is significantly flattened; the eyes are brown, their cut is medium in most, but in many it is narrow, and the outer corner of the palpebral fissure is often located above the inner one; the fold of the upper eyelid is highly developed, in very many it almost reaches the eyelashes, passes to the lower eyelid and completely or partially covers the inner corner of the eye, capturing the lacrimal tubercle: here a special fold is formed - the epicanthus; the nose is of medium width, weakly protrudes, usually with a low nose bridge (in the Indians it protrudes strongly, the nose bridge is high, in the Eskimos it is very low); the position of the nostrils is average in most; the lips are thin or of medium thickness, the upper one is proheilic; the chin protrusion is moderately developed; the head of many is mesocephalic. The Mongoloid large race is divided into three minor races. The first of them is the northern Mongoloid, or Asian continental; the second is the southern Mongoloid, or Asia-Pacific; the third is American (Indian). Representatives of the northern Mongoloid, or, as it is also called, the Central Asian, small race are, for example, the Buryats and Mongols. These are rather typical Mongoloids, which, however, differ in somewhat weakened features, since their skin, hair and eye color is lighter, their hair is not always tight; but the beard hardly grows, the lips are thin, the face is large and flat. In the southeast of Asia, the southern Mongoloid race predominates, most of which - Malays, Javanese, Probes - have a darker skin; the face is narrower and lower; lips of medium thickness going thick; wide nose; epicanthus is less common than in northern Mongoloids; the beard develops, although not much; some have wavy hair on their heads; growth is slightly lower than that of the northern Mongoloids, and significantly lower than that of the Chinese. The third Mongoloid race, the American (Indian), shows a transitional character, since it has less pronounced Mongoloid features and at the same time some features that bring it closer to the Caucasian type. The Indians' hair is usually straight and tight, black in color; beard, mustache, tertiary hairline of the body are poorly developed; the skin is yellowish-brown, the eyes are dark, brown; many have a wide face. According to these characteristics, the Indians are similar to the typical Mongoloids. However, along the fold of the upper eyelid (which, although it is strongly developed, usually does not form an epicanthus), along a strongly protruding nose, often with a convex back, along a medium or high nose bridge, as well as in the general type of face, the Indians resemble Caucasians. Some tribes have wavy hair on the head.

Conduct. Lecture number 9. Mongoloids
Anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky on transitional variants, characteristic signs and variability of representatives of the Mongoloid race / Course "Racology": 10 lectures by anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky on the racial variability of mankind

How did the transitional variants of the Mongoloid race come about? What signs are most typical for its representatives? What is the most numerous race of Mongoloids? The candidate talks about it biological sciences Stanislav Drobyshevsky. Also in

Stanislav Drobyshevsky- Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, scientific editor of the portal "Antropogenesis.ru". Course "Race Studies" - 10 lectures by anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky on the racial variability of mankind.

Mongoloids - Stanislav Drobyshevsky

- The Mongoloid race - it is also called the Asian race - is a race, on the one hand, with a huge area, roughly half of Asia, a mass of all islands, with a huge number. As everyone knows, some Chinese more than a billion... On the other hand, it is surprisingly monotonous - from north to south and from west to east. Among all the so-called great races, she is probably one of the most homogeneous.

Which does not exclude, of course, the presence of some options. Moreover, the Mongoloid race, since it comes into contact with other races along the edges, has transitional options. Transitional groups between Caucasians and Mongoloids make up as many as two races. This is the Ural race - representatives living in the Volga region, in the Urals, in the Trans-Urals, in Western Siberia Khanty and Mansi are often called such super-exemplary representatives. Naturally, not only they are included there, because the Ural, or uraloid, features are found among the Tatars, the Chuvash, the Mordovians, the Mari, the Kets in Western Siberia and many others.

The Uralic race is averaged between Mongoloids and Caucasians. From a Caucasian point of view, they may seem like Mongoloids, but from a Mongoloid point of view, they will appear to be Caucasian. This is expressed in the shape and color of the hair, and in the shape of the eyes, and in anything else. True, there is a big question: the Uralic race arose here due to isolation or due to a mixture of Mongoloids and Caucasians? Most likely, both factors mattered.

Representatives of the South Siberian race live to the south. Representatives of many peoples are also included there, but two main peoples are considered typical representatives - these are Kazakhs and Kyrgyz.

More is known about the origin of the South Siberian race, probably than about the origin of any other race, since they were nomads, not so long ago they formed there in the form of the South Siberian race, this region is well studied archaeologically and paleoanthropologically. Therefore, the addition of the South Siberian race is like a mixture of Caucasians who lived here earlier, in the Bronze Age, with Mongoloids, who from the early Iron Age began to come here, somewhere to XVI century all these movements are over - described and studied very well. There are also transitions between the Mongoloids and the equatorials in Southeast Asia, but there is a scientific problem, because these transitions are practically not described by anyone.

Mongoloids are characterized by a whole set of rather striking features. Their skin color is fairly light on a global scale, some of the northern ones are very light, but, say, in Indonesia there are rather dark skin tones, although they never reach equatorial ones.

Almost all Mongoloids have the same hair - straight and black. And not only straight lines. They are also so-called tight.

The diameter of the hair is large, which is how it differs from straight hair, say, of northern Caucasians, whose hair is also straight, but soft, thin.

This feature in Mongoloids is extremely monotonous, and any options are practically the same type. Although there are options. For example, in some groups of Yakuts and Evenks - up to 40% with light brown hair, sometimes with very light hair. Some believe that this is the influence of an admixture of Russians, but, most likely, this is their own, native state, because they lived in isolation, and in isolation such signs often appear on their own. In the very south of the settlement of the Mongoloids, sometimes very wavy, even almost curly hair is found due to mixing with the equatorials - for example, in the Philippines, this is far from uncommon.

The most characteristic feature of the Mongoloids is a small section of the eyes and the presence of an epicanthus. Epicanthus is a fold in the inner corner of the eye that covers the lacrimal tubercle, and in most groups of Mongoloids, the frequency of this epicanthus is from 98 to 100%. It is slightly smaller in the very south - say, in the same Indonesia, in the Philippines. Due to mixing with the equatorials, the frequency of the epicanthus there may decrease.

It is characteristic that epicanthus is present not only in Mongoloids. Regardless, apparently, it originated among the Bushmen in South Africa, among the representatives of the South African race, and epicanthus is found, naturally, among the Indians in America, but they are related to the Mongoloids in any way, and is found among the Caucasians. 50% of Caucasian children also have epicanthus. But in Caucasians, by the age of three or four, it usually disappears if it was at birth, and in Mongoloids it remains for life. Although I must say that in old age Mongoloids, the frequency of epicanthus decreases.

A typical feature of Mongoloids is a reduced beard and mustache. Minimum in the world, less than theirs, no. Some people - men, naturally - practically never grow a beard or a mustache in their entire life. What is the reason for the biased perception of this sign by the Mongoloids themselves: for them, such a beard, as now, for example, for me, will be a sign of incredible old age. What I personally encountered a couple of times when the Mongoloids perceived me as a very old person. The Chinese, for example. It is not for nothing that they depict, say, Confucius all the time with a long beard. But if you look closely, it is long, but it still goes along the very bottom edge of the face, because it is almost impossible for them to imagine that a beard can be at least the same as I have now, because they do not have such a thing.

Also, for Mongoloids, a flattened face is very characteristic: in the horizontal plane, the face is extremely flat. Although it is sometimes exaggerated in descriptions, exaggerated, it is nevertheless a fact that there are individual individuals whose nose will not touch the pencil if it is put on the cheekbones. It turns out that the face is not only flat - it is actually depressed inward. These, of course, are some kind of extreme options, they are very rare, but the fact is that in other races this never happens, and the flatness of the face is great.

But the shape and size of the face of the Mongoloids is very changeable, as well as the shape of the nose. It often seems to the inhabitants of Russia that the Mongoloids must necessarily have some kind of small, concave nose, but this idea is drawn from communication with our Mongoloids - northern, Siberian. And more southerly ones can have completely different nose shapes. Mongoloid lips can be different. As a rule, thicker than that of Caucasians, but thinner than that of the equatorials. Something more or less average.

Mongoloids are very monotonous in fact, but nevertheless, variants can be distinguished. In the south, there is the southern Mongoloid race, or the South Asian race, which is the same thing. There is a term "Malay", some other, but they are less used. This race is the most equatorial. They have the darkest skin among the Mongoloids, the most protruding jaws - up to developed prognathism.

In some groups, the lips reach equatorial values: very thick, wide, unfolded.

In the Philippines, in Southeast Asia, some places may have wavy, almost curly hair, and so on and so forth.

Obviously, this is the result of mixing with the equatorials. Although not so ancient, because paleoanthropology shows that the Mongoloids appeared here about 2-3 thousand years ago. Before that, a completely different, proto-Australoid, Melanesian - differently called - but in fact the eastern equatorial population lived here.

In terms of numbers, most of the Mongoloids belong to the East Asian race. This is most of China, except for the very north and very south, Korea and Japan. Considering that China has a billion people - minus the very north and the very south, but still the same billion remains. Representatives of this East Asian, Far Eastern race, as it is called in another way, have an intermediate state between the southern Mongoloids and the northern ones. Their skin is rather light, but still darker than in the north, but lighter than in the south. They have a narrow but tall face. In the south, the face is small, in principle, but here it is narrow, high, but also flattened. What is characteristic - the nose is most often convex. In the Chinese, for example, according to statistics, 60% of the convex nasal dorsum. The Japanese also have something like that exact figure I will not name it, but about the same. The nose is usually quite narrow. The Japanese are especially narrow in the nose.

Within this Far Eastern or East Asian race, there are sometimes types, variants: the Japanese type, the Korean type, several types in China. But there is not so much data, because, for example, they studied mainly Koreans living in Kazakhstan. Almost no one has studied Koreans in Korea itself anthropologically, oddly enough.

Even further north live representatives of the North Asian race, which is divided into two types. This is Central Asian: Mongols, Buryats, partly Yakuts - they are the largest among the Mongoloids, the most massive, with a large flat face, with a very high frequency of epicanthus. And the second option is the Baikal race, or the East Siberian race, as Bunak, for example, called it. These are, for example, the Evenks. Not only Evenki, there are many peoples in Siberia, and most of them also belong there. They are slightly smaller than the Central Asian race, and differ from all other Mongoloids in a relatively large frequency of light brown hair and light eyes, sometimes even blue eyes. At the same time, their face shape is as Mongoloid as possible, that is, the flattest face, the most concave back of the nose and the largest face sizes - their face is both very high and very wide.

This is an example of race being a convention. For example, the Evenks are the most Mongoloid in face shape, and the least Mongoloid in eye and hair color. This suggests that the concept of "Mongoloid" is our construct, which was created for convenience, but we should not try to cram real people into it. Actually real people- are primary, and ideas are secondary.

Most characteristic feature Mongoloids are a combination of very dark, coarse hair and a special cut of the eyes, in which the upper eyelid hangs over the inner corner, making the eyes narrow and slanted. Most often, representatives of this race are recognized precisely by these features. It should also be noted that they are characterized by brown, sometimes almost black tint of the eyes and a yellowish or brownish complexion.

Looking more closely at the representatives of the Mongoloid race, you can see other signs. The nose of such people is usually either thin or moderately wide. Its lines are clearly defined, and the bridge of the nose is slightly displaced downward. The lips of the Mongoloids are not too thin, but not too thin. Another feature is prominent, very well-defined cheekbones.

Representatives of the Mongoloid race are also distinguished by poorly developed hair on the body. So, - Mongoloids rarely see hair growing on the chest or in the lower abdomen. Facial vegetation is also quite rare, which becomes especially noticeable when comparing the appearance of the representatives of this race with the appearance of Caucasians.

Different options for the appearance of representatives of the Mongoloid race

All representatives of the Mongoloid race are usually divided into two types. The first - continental - includes people with more dark shade skin, thin lips. The features of the representatives of the second type - the Pacific - are a relatively light face, a medium-sized head, thickened lips. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the second type is characterized by a very insignificant, almost imperceptible protrusion of the upper jaw over the lower, while in the representatives of the first type, the jaw does not stand out in comparison with the general outlines of the face.

Geographically, Mongoloids are divided into northern and southern. Representatives of the first type are Kalmyks, Tuvinians, Tatars, Buryats, Yakuts. They tend to have fairly fair skin and round, somewhat flat faces. The second type includes the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. They are often distinguished by lower stature, refined, medium-sized facial features, and a special eye shape. It should be borne in mind that many representatives of the second type have clear signs of mixing with Australoids. Thanks to this, the features of their appearance become more diverse, therefore, it is somewhat difficult to determine exactly their belonging to the Mongoloid race.

Race is a historically formed human population that is distinguished by certain physical and biological characteristics. Differences can be observed in the section of the eyes, hair structure, physique, skin tone. In due time on these criteria of people they were divided into three main races: Mongoloid, Negroid, Caucasoid.

In contact with

The emergence of the term "Mongoloids"

A little more than two hundred years ago, scientists began to seriously study the anatomical features of representatives of various peoples and nationalities. In particular, the Mongols attracted considerable interest of researchers. There is an opinion that these are the descendants of the Mongols who conquered most of Eurasia in the 13th century and created The great Mongol Empire ... Nations are diverse and multifaceted, differ in some characteristic features and are subdivided according to the following factors:

  • continent, country, region, area of ​​residence;
  • beliefs, religion, customs and traditions;
  • political and socio-social structure.

They all make up the most a large group. The emergence of the term "Mongoloid race" is associated with the research of Christoph Meiners, who created a binary racial scheme.

In his opinion, the Tatar-Caucasians consisted of the Celtic - Western and Slavic - Eastern groups, and a separate Asian branch of the Mongols.

Later, the German anthropologist Johann Blumenbach called the Mongols the second race living in Asian territories, in the basin of the Ganges and Amur rivers, as well as inhabiting the Pacific islands and the Australian.

  • 1861, to the Mongoloids the Australian subrace belongs;
  • late 19th century Georges Cuvier refers to the Mongols as American Indians who, in his opinion, have a similar type of face;
  • Arthur de Gobino studies the Altai, Finnish, Mongolian and Tatar branches;
  • Thomas Huxley includes the Arctic indigenous population North America;
  • 1882 August Henry Keane made a statement that the Mongoloids were Tibetans, Burmese, Thais, Koreans, Japanese, Malays. In his opinion, the classical representatives are the Buryats. .

Attention! Today, on the basis of many years of research, genetics have determined that the white population of the northern regions of Europe and Russia has at least 47.5% of Mongolian genes and 52.5% of European ones.

Modern vision

Ethnic Mongols are considered prominent representatives. Anthropologists today subdivide two branches:

  • northern Mongoloids - peoples and nationalities of Kalmykia, Tuva, Yakutia, Buryatia. Special type represent the Tatars inhabiting Siberia, over the centuries mixed with the West Siberian Mongoloids;
  • the southern peoples have some genetic characteristics of mixing with the indigenous population of Australia. The most prominent representatives of this trend modern science names the indigenous people of the South of China, Japan, representatives of some peoples of the Korean Peninsula.

Not everyone knows some Interesting Facts... The peoples of the Asian Southeast are the most closely related to the aborigines of Australia. Clinical medicine, physiology and genetics define Mongoloids as a racial type, characterized by the strongest immunity and high adaptability to a radical change in climatic living conditions. The origin of the Mongoloid group is not fully disclosed. According to one of the hypotheses, the formation of the nationality took place in the central part of the Asian continent (Gobi Desert), which is characterized by a harsh, sharply continental climate.

Specific traits

At the mention of the Mongols, Europeans immediately imagine the refined appearance of a miniature Japanese geisha, a figurine Chinese emperor or a sculptural image of Buddha. Despite the fact that the impression is a minimal characteristic, it has a certain value to the researcher. Objective signs of Mongolian representatives:

  1. Dark, sleek, coarse hair.
  2. A special cut of the eyes with overhanging upper eyelids and a characteristic curve over the inner corners, making the eyes slanting and narrow. The color of the iris can be brown or black, the skin of the face is yellowish or deep tan, sometimes even brown.
  3. Facial features also have specific forms: a thin or moderately widened nose with clearly defined lines, a low bridge of the nose or the presence of a hump is characteristic. Usually bright lips of medium size, there are sharp outlines of high cheekbones, which can be noticed even with a distant relationship with the Mongols.
  4. Another special feature is the poor development of hair on the body, both in men and women. A male torso is extremely rarely covered with sparse hair, and it is generally a rarity to meet a Chinese, Japanese or Korean with lush curls on the skin of the chest or lower abdomen. In adulthood, men also do not differ in pronounced vegetation, in some it is completely absent.

Most Mongoloids are different strong physique, have an average height or below average, men are stocky, this is especially true for representatives of the northern branch.

Important! If we take into account the statistics, which confirm that more than 20% of the population of our planet are in different ways similar to the Mongoloids, then this gives us the right to call them the prevailing race.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, racial characteristics are weakly expressed, since over the centuries there has been a mixing of the blood of various peoples and tribes.

When making a comparison, this fact must be taken into account. This is called hybridization and heterosis.

It is extremely difficult to find classical representatives in the industrial regions of the countries of East Asia, mainly, they live in the mountainous regions of Tibet, Mongolia, China, Korea and Japan.

Territorial interracial contacts

Population since prehistoric times Earth has actively migrated over considerable distances. Today they find confirmation of the hypothesis of the resettlement of entire tribes and nationalities from continent to continent. Overcoming giant distances, rivers, seas and oceans, people were looking for places with better living conditions, rich in animals, fish, where they can gather and grow crops, without being harassed by neighbors, raids and destruction. The most actively migrated peoples belonging to the Mongoloids.

Where do these people live today and which territories he occupied earlier:

  • first of all, the Mongols developed significant continental territories - Central Asia, Siberia, Kazakhstan. Initially, the tribes of the Scythians - Caucasians lived here, but already in the middle of the 5th century the vast expanses of the Great Steppe were inhabited by Mongoloids;
  • the same great migration was the penetration of the latter into the regions of Southeast Asia and the displacement of the fellow Australoids further to the South.

Thus, according to anthropometric parameters, the Mongoloids were divided into five types. Today they are the North Asian, South Asian, Arctic, Far Eastern and American subraces.

The main differences developed in the phenotypes of subraces by habitat, cultural traditions, and other indirect signs.

According to a more careful classification, it is diversity of peoples and nationalities has small races, which were hypothetically formed in several ways:

  • based on poorly differentiated populations living on the borders of geographic zones;
  • as a result of contacts between representatives of different races, mixed small races appeared;
  • distant migrations to places with qualitatively different living conditions influenced. The natural process of adaptation made it possible to develop new specific traits and a complex of features.

As a result, significantly different between each other types... However, interracial mixing allowed the Mongoloids to be classified according to various indicators, in particular, the population of coastal regions and the inhabitants of the depths of the continent.

Variety of appearance options

Modern science, based on the analysis of many years of research by ascetic anthropologists, data from specialists who have devoted themselves to the study of the population of our planet, the achievements of modern high-tech research, has come to the conclusion that all Mongols are subdivided into types ... There are two types of Mongoloid race:

  • continental - characterized by a dark skin tone, thin sharply defined lips, a flat face without sharp profile lines, not particularly prominent jaws. The head is large, with pronounced temporomandibular joints;
  • pacific - it is distinguished by a thin bone structure, light skin of the face, a small head, a slight protrusion of the upper jaw, full bright lips.

According to the territory of residence, Mongoloids differ in the northern ones - with fair skin, round flat faces and the southern ones - with refined features of medium-sized faces, a miniature figure, short stature and a special cut of the eyes. The famous Mongoloid eye shape highly appreciated by artists and poets, singing in painting and poetry. Thanks to centuries of migrations, mankind has received such a variety of external data of the inhabitants of Asia that it is quite problematic to determine whether a person belongs to the Mongoloids.

Mongoloid race from the point of view of anthropogenesis

Ethnogenesis of Mongoloids


Whatever race or racial branch an individual belongs to, first of all, it is a person whose rights and freedoms must be guaranteed by the world community, striving to create equal conditions for the life and development of all peoples.

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