Presentation "Movement of a body during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Without initial speed"


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Uniformly accelerated motion is a motion in which the speed of a body changes in equal intervals of time in the same way.

Acceleration is a value equal to the ratio of the change in speed to the time interval during which this change occurred.

S x

S x

Task number 1. With what acceleration does a racing car move if its speed increases from 144 to 216 km/h in 6 seconds?

Task No. 2 How long does it take for a rocket to acquire a first space velocity of 7.9 km/s if it moves with an acceleration of 50 m/s 2 ?

Task #3 Calculate the length of the runway if the aircraft speed is 300 km/h and the acceleration time is 40 s.

Task #4

The speed of the racing car at the time of the start of acceleration 10 m/s, acceleration 5 m/s 2 . Determine the distance traveled by the car in 10 seconds after the start of movement. What is the speed of the car at the end of the tenth second of acceleration?

Task No. 5 The braking distance of a car moving at a speed of 50 km/h is 10 m. What is the braking distance of the same car at a speed of 100 km/h?

Task No. 6 What is the length of the aircraft run during landing, if its landing speed is 140 km / h, and acceleration during braking is 2 m / s 2 ?

Task No. 7 With uniformly accelerated movement with an initial speed of 5 m / s, the body traveled 20 m in 3 s. With what acceleration did the body move? What is its speed at the end of the third second?

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Slides captions:

Movement with rectilinear uniformly accelerated movement 9 class

What types of movement do you know? Define each of them. What quantities characterize these types of movement? What is called acceleration of uniformly accelerated motion? What is uniformly accelerated motion? What does the acceleration module show? The train leaves the station. What is the direction of its acceleration? The train starts to slow down. What is the direction of its speed and acceleration? Frontal poll Think and answer!

v x t v x - v x 2 1 Describe the movements of material points, the graphs of v x (t) dependence of which (1 and 2) are shown in the figure. How to determine from these graphs the projection of the point movement on the x-axis, its module and the distance traveled? № 1. A O S x S x Solve orally Pic. 1

Solve orally t O 2 1 No. 2. Figure 2 schematically shows the graphs of the dependence of the speed of bodies on time. What do these movements have in common, how do they differ? v x Fig. 2

Decide orally Which of the sections of the graph of the dependence of speed on time (Fig. 3) corresponds to uniform motion, uniformly accelerated with increasing speed, uniformly accelerated with decreasing speed? No. 3 . v x A B C D t O v x v x 3

Figure 4 schematically shows the graphs of the dependence of the speed of bodies on time. What do all movements have in common, how do they differ? v x t O 1 2 3 4 A t No. 4 . Solve orally Fig. 4

Graph of the projection of the velocity vector of a body moving with constant acceleration t v x v ox a x t D C M B O Therefore, the area of ​​the trapezoid is numerically equal to the displacement. Graph of the projection of the velocity vector of a body moving with constant acceleration Fig. 5

Remember! Equations for determining the projection of the displacement vector of the body during its rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion (1) (2) (3) ! ! (1)

Movement of a body during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion without initial velocity. (1) (2) (3)

S x S x t t O O Graph of the dependence of the projection of the displacement vector of the body on time (Fig. 6), if the body moves with constant acceleration. Remember! ! Rice. 6

x t - x 0 O Remember! Graph of the dependence of the coordinates of a body moving with constant acceleration on time (Fig. 7). ! Rice. 7 Remember!

What is the displacement of the body if the graph of the change in its speed over time is shown schematically in Figure 8? v x O t a x t t v x Think and answer! No. 5. No. 5. Fig. 8

x 0 x x t t 0 Remember! ! x 0 - x 0 a x >0 a x

Tasks (at the blackboard) The kinematic law of train movement along the Ox axis has the form: x= 0 ,2 t 2 . Is the train accelerating or slowing down? Determine the projection of the initial velocity and acceleration. Write down the equation for the projection of velocity on the Ox axis. Plot graphs of acceleration and velocity projections. No. 8. The position of a soccer ball rolling along the Ox axis across the field is given by the equation x=10 + 5t - 0.2t 2 . Determine the projection of the initial velocity and acceleration. What is the coordinate of the ball and the projection of its speed at the end of the 5th second? No. 9.

Uniformly accelerated motion Physical value Graph Velocity 1 - 5 - Acceleration 2 - 6 - Displacement 3 - 7 - Coordinate 4 - 8 - В А С D E F G H Think and find the correspondence 1 2 3 6 8 7 4 5 № 7 . x Fig. 10

Reflection Last name, first name What did you know? What did you find out? What do you disagree with? What's not clear? (filling in the conceptual table) Exchange of opinions, quotations from tables with reflection.

Thank you for your work! Homework § 7-8, pp. 28-33. Exercise 7 (1), ex. 8 (2) (Peryshkin A.V., Gutnik E.M. Physics. Grade 9. - M .: Bustard, 2007). Thank you for the lesson!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation with animation for a lesson in grade 9. Laboratory work №1. Study of uniformly accelerated motion without initial speed

This presentation, pptx format, consists of 16 slides, contains an animation of the experiment; detailed progress of the work; contains control questions; issues of updating knowledge, homework ...

Movement of a body during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Without initial speed

Movement of a body during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Without initial speedThe movement of the body in a rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. No starting speed...

"Solving acceleration problems" - Traveling with acceleration beyond the Arctic Circle. Calculate the acceleration of the body using the formula. Journey to the Far North. Graph of velocity projection versus time. Testing. Knowledge of acceleration and movement with constant acceleration. What is the acceleration of a body in uniformly accelerated motion.

"Acceleration with uniformly accelerated motion" - Graph. Dependencies between quantities. Starting speed. Graphical representation of movement. Speeds. body speed. Uniform movement. Movement. Acceleration. Body. Uneven movement. Movement with uniformly accelerated motion. Vectors.

"Instant speed" - Instant speed. Slow motion. Graphical representation. Projection dependency graph. acceleration module. The speed of the body at a given point. Speed ​​in uniform motion. Velocity vector modulus. Velocity vector projections. Acceleration. Accelerated movement. Body. Displacement ratio limit.

""Uniformly accelerated movement" Grade 9" - Describe the nature of the movement of the body. Construction of graphs. We investigate uniformly accelerated motion by changing the initial data. Repeated and consolidated knowledge from the course of physics. Model study. Solution in spreadsheets. We build the axis of time. Path calculation. Speed ​​calculation. Simulation of uniformly accelerated motion in spreadsheets.

"Free fall class 9" - Definition: A body is thrown vertically upwards with an initial speed of 30 m/s. What formulas describe the free fall of bodies? Movement of a body vertically upwards: Acceleration of gravity at different latitudes: How long would it take for a load to fall from the height of the Ostankino TV tower (540 m)? What movement is called free fall?

"Displacement with uniformly accelerated movement" - The car increased the speed from 20 m/s to 30 m/s Determine the movement of the car in 10 s. A car is moving along a highway at a speed of 20 m/s Determine the movement of the car in 10 s. Uniform movement. Movement with uniformly accelerated motion. To get off the ground, the aircraft must gain a speed of 180 m/s.

slide 2

Learning to solve problems

At x0 =0, x=s, v0x=0, ax=a n (c) we get s1: s2: s3… = 1:4: 6… Where s1, s2, s3 is the path traveled in one second, in two seconds, etc. 1.

slide 3

Let s(1) be the path traveled by the body in one second, s (2) be the path traveled by the body in the second second, the third, and so on. s (1): s (2): s (3)… = 1: 3: 5… Remember: s1 = s(1) The formula 2t -1 allows you to determine any odd number that corresponds to the modulus of the displacement vector in n-second movement, So for s (5) corresponds to an odd number: 2 5 -1 =9

slide 4

Task No. 1 (A.V. Peryshkin) A car, moving uniformly accelerated from a state of rest, travels 6.3 m in the fifth second of acceleration. What speed has the car developed by the end of the fifth second from the start of movement? We draw up the standard: Given: SI Solution: "Given" and "SI" write down yourself

slide 5


We deal with the term: “in the fifth second”, “by the end of the fifth second”. The first means the path traveled by the car in the fifth second of movement s(5), and the second is the path traveled by the car in five seconds of movement s 5 : s1: s (5) = 1: 9 or s1: 6.3 = 1: 9, we get that s1 = 6.3: 9 = 0.7m. We apply formula 1. we get: . 5. Substitute in the formula the values ​​s1 = 0.7 m, we get that a = 1.4 m/s2.

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