Soviet rear during the war. Why did the Soviet rear stand the test of the war? Which, perhaps, did not dream of fathers

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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From the history of creation Logistic support of the troops arose with the birth of the armies of the slave-owning states. It received its first organizational forms in the army of Ancient Rome, which had special bodies that paid salaries to soldiers, supplied them with weapons, clothing, etc. There were special camp workshops for the manufacture and repair of weapons and military equipment.

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Food was purchased from the population or collected as a tribute from the conquered peoples. Small stocks of weapons, food, clothing and footwear were transported behind the troops in carts. For this, pack animals, wagons, and water vehicles allocated by the population at the request of military leaders were used. Great importance was attached to the construction of roads, bridges, and the search for water sources on the routes of movement of troops. For the first time, treasurers, commissaries, persons in charge of road and fortification work, setting up camps and quartering troops appeared in the armies of slave-owning states.

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In this regard, in the second half of the 17th century. in the French, and then in other European armies, the store supply system was adopted, and later mobile stores were introduced, which, although they were state-owned, were not subordinate to the armed forces. With the increase in the size of armies and the development of their organization (18-19 centuries), full-time subdivisions gradually began to be created in the composition of units and formations, intended for centralized logistic support of troops and fleets.

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Since then, T. century began to take shape organizationally. With. in the modern sense. With the appearance in the 2nd half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. mass armed forces, built on the principles of a cadre army and navy, equipping the troops and navy with new military equipment of military technology. With. becomes more and more complex and diverse.

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in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. with the creation of a regular army, Peter I formed two services: provisioning - to provide troops with food and fodder, and commissariat - to finance, provide clothing, baggage, hand weapons. There were economic divisions in the regiments - permanent convoys with stocks of material resources: bread baking, drying of crackers, meat harvesting, tailoring and repair of uniforms and shoes were carried out. In the 18th century infirmaries and hospitals were established.

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From the beginning of the 19th century The War Ministry had a commissariat and provisions departments that became part of the Main Quartermaster Directorate, which was formed in 1864. It was entrusted with functions that were previously performed by the troops themselves (supplying all types of materiel, organizing the tailoring of uniforms, etc.): positions of quartermasters were established from chief to divisional. In 1900, quartermaster courses were created in St. Petersburg (in 1911 they were transformed into the quartermaster's academy).

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The use of tanks, aircraft, and road transport during World War I required the creation of forces and means of technical, road, engineering, airfield, and airfield technical support, the supply of fuel, tools, and other new property. The advent of chemical weapons made it necessary to supply troops with means of protection against poisonous substances. The difficulty of meeting the needs of the multimillion-strong armed forces during the war in a variety of military equipment led to a significant expansion of the communications of military equipment. With. with the state economy.

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Since 1918, the supply of troops with material resources was in charge of the supply chief of the corresponding front, army, division, brigade, to whom various services were subordinate. Important measures for the organization of T. century. With. were adopted as a result of the Military Reform of 1924-25 (See Military Reform of 1924-25); material support is concentrated in a single body - the Office of the Chief of Supply of the Red Army; the order of mutual relations of bodies of T. of century is established. With. with national economic bodies; a supply scheme was adopted - center - district - part; reorganized the military bodies of logistic support.

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By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 T. century. s., in addition to rear units, units and institutions that were part of units, formations and associations of military branches and types of armed forces, it also had bases and warehouses with stocks of materiel, automobile, railway, road, evacuation, repair, engineering and airfield, aviation technical, medical, veterinary and other rear units and institutions of central subordination.

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The modern rear of the Armed Forces includes: arsenals, bases and warehouses with stocks of materiel; special troops - automobile, railway, road and pipeline; auxiliary fleet; units, institutions and subdivisions - engineering and airfield, aviation technical, emergency rescue, evacuation, repair, construction, medical, veterinary, etc.

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The strategic rear includes the rear of the center (arsenals, bases and warehouses with stocks of materiel, units of special rear forces, and other rear units and institutions that are at the constant direct disposal of the Ministry of Defense and the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the armed forces).

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The operational rear consists of bases and warehouses with stocks of materiel, units of special rear forces, and other rear units and institutions that are part of all branches of the armed forces.

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The military rear is formed by warehouses with stocks of material resources, motor transport, repair, medical and other units and subunits intended for direct rear support of formations, units, ships and subunits. Each military unit, unit (ship) and subunit has its own rear, the composition of which is determined by the states.

Rear in

war years

German troops quickly advanced deep into the territory of the Soviet Union, capturing the most developed industrial regions of the country, where there were 31,850 enterprises, 1,135 mines, over 3,000 oil wells, 61 power plants, hundreds of textile, food and other enterprises.

The goals of the Soviet leadership :

  • Save valuable equipment, take it out and create new enterprises in remote areas of the Urals, Siberia and Kazakhstan.
  • Reorganize the national economy to serve the needs of the front.

1.Restructuring the economy on a war footing

Mass evacuation transportation was not provided for in the pre-war mobilization plan, so the leaders of various levels faced the most difficult questions that required prompt action.

1.Restructuring the economy on a war footing

During 1941-42, 2.5 thousand industrial enterprises were relocated and 17 million people were evacuated.

1.Restructuring the economy on a war footing

Gross industrial output

June-November 1941

A fall




1.Restructuring the economy on a war footing

  • In the second half of 1941, 360 thousand students in grades 8-10 .
  • Already in the third year of the war, the proportion of workers and employees aged under 18 in various industries ranged from 40 to 60%

The boys were masculine.

The boys grew up

They just have to start to live tomboys

How such blizzards swirled them,

Which, perhaps, did not dream of fathers.

S. Narovchatov

The voluntary assistance of the workers made it possible to send to the front:

  • More than 2.5 thousand aircraft
  • Over 5 thousand tanks
  • For loans and lotteries over 118 billion rubles.

80% of the entire labor force in the village was - women, old people and children

For 1941-1944 collective farms and state farms gave the country

4.3 billion poods of grain

Members of the Borba collective farm contribute savings for the construction of an air squadron

"New order" - the terrorist regime of the Nazis in the occupied territories.

  • The "Decree on Special Jurisdiction in the Barbarossa Region and on Special Measures of the Troops" dated May 13, 1941, provided for the mass extermination of the Soviet civilian population;
  • the "Oldenburg Plan" and Goering's "Green Folder" defined the rules for conducting economic warfare in the occupied territory, which meant robbing the occupied areas and destroying their industrial potential;
  • the OKB directive of May 12, 1941 ordered the destruction of Soviet political workers and commissars in the troops, etc.

Hitler, in conversations with Rauschning, defined the goal of such a policy as follows: "We must develop a depopulation technique. If you ask me what I mean by depopulation, I will say that I mean the elimination of entire racial units. And this is what I intend to accomplish, this is, roughly speaking, my task ... One of the main tasks of German state activity for all time is to prevent, by all means at our disposal, a further increase in the Slavic race. .

In 1933, the construction of a concentration camp began. Buchenwald .

The camp had 52 main barracks.

750 people lived in a barrack measuring 40 by 50 meters.

50-100 of them died daily.

Buchenwald was a men's camp. The prisoner had to learn his number in German during the first day.

A set of numbers replaced the name.

The concentration camps were entwined with a dense network of high voltage barbed wire and surrounded by deep ditches filled with water.

The hair of women burned in the crematorium, in bales, with numbers and weights, was sent to Germany ...

"The 18th schutzmanschaft battalion in the amount of 395 people arrived in Belarus in May 1942 from Riga ... In the summer of 1942, the battalion under the command of Major Rubenis took part in the destruction of the ghetto in the city of Slonim, Baranovichi region. Before executions, people were stripped naked. Seized valuables, tore gold teeth. Corporal Edgar Vulnis photographed scenes of massacres and later sold photographs for five marks apiece. In between executions, Lieutenant Eglas boasted of his ability to accurately shoot ... "From 30 meters straight to the head - for me it's easy" By order of the commander of the order police of Belarus, Colonel Krepsch, the captain and commander of the battalion Friedrich Rubenis was thanked. "

"During the operation "Winter Magic", directed against the partisans and the population of the Rosson-Osvei zone, carried out in February-March 1943 ... 15,000 local residents were destroyed and burned alive, 2,000 were driven to Germany, more than 1,000 children were placed in the Salaspils camp death in Latvia. Looted and burned 158 settlements. "


“When the German units that occupied these villages and were quite tolerant of the population left, they were replaced by units of the Latvian SES. And immediately a terrible causeless terror began ... I arrived in the village of Morochkovo. "I managed to talk to some SS men. I asked one of them why the unburied corpses of women, old people and children, as well as dead horses, were lying around the village. There was a strong cadaverous smell in the air. The answer was: more Russians "... After the departure of this unit, with the help of several people, I dug up the straw and ashes in the burnt hut and removed half-burned corpses from there. There were 7 of them, all were female and all had a wire tied to their leg, nailed to the other end to I don't remember the name of the village, where a cloud of flies circling over a wooden barrel attracted my attention. Looking into the barrel, I saw severed male heads in it. Some had mustaches and beards... Latvian SS men who showed their courage and fearlessness in reprisals against the defenseless population ... For the "brave actions" of the Latvian SS units, General Bangerskis received from Hitler the rank of lieutenant general and the German iron cross.

4. Fight behind enemy lines

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. November 2, 1942 An Extraordinary State Commission was formed to establish and investigate the atrocities of the Nazi invaders and their accomplices and the damage they caused to citizens, collective farms, public organizations, state enterprises and institutions of the USSR. The secretary of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions N.M. was appointed chairman of the commission. Shvernik, its members - A.A. Zhdanov, writer A.N. Tolstoy, Academicians E.V. Tarle, N.N. Burdenko, B.E. Vedeneev, I.P. Trainin, pilot V.S. Grizodubov, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia Nicholas.

4. Fight behind enemy lines

June 29, 1941 The Directive of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks issued a Directive to party and Soviet organizations in the front-line regions, where the task was set to organize "partisan detachments and sabotage groups" in areas occupied by the enemy to fight against parts of the enemy army, to incite partisan war everywhere and everywhere, for blowing up bridges, roads, damaging telephone and telegraph communications, setting fire to warehouses", creating "unbearable conditions for the enemy and all his accomplices, pursuing and destroying them at every step, disrupting all their activities"

4. Fight behind enemy lines

The popular struggle in the territory occupied by the enemy was carried out in two ways - in the form of a partisan and underground movement. The struggle behind enemy lines solved two main tasks - reconnaissance and destruction of enemy manpower, his accomplices and military equipment.

4. Fight behind enemy lines

Stage I - summer 1941 - summer 1942

  • Spontaneous actions of small armed groups
  • Bad weaponry
  • No coherence, fragmentation
  • July 18, 1941 - Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the organization of the struggle in the rear of the German troops"
  • the task is to create a network of underground party organizations
  • on the ground the role was specified

4. Fight behind enemy lines

Stage II - summer 1942 - summer 1943.

  • May 30, 1942 –The Central Headquarters of the partisan movement was created (headed by Panteleimon Kondratievich Ponomarenko)
  • Carried out radio communication between headquarters
  • Engaged in the transfer of ammunition, medicines, food to the territory occupied by the enemy
  • Trained organizers of the underground, radio operators, intelligence officers, attracted military specialists

4. Fight behind enemy lines

Stage III – summer 1943-1944

  • Joint actions of partisans with units of the Red Army
  • They disrupted the supply of weapons to the Nazi troops
  • Undermined communications
  • Conducted operations "Rail War", "Concert"

4. Fight behind enemy lines

rail war

It was carried out jointly with units of the Red Army near Kursk with August 3 to September 15, 1943 167 partisan formations participated in it. The partisans of Belarus derailed 761 enemy echelons, Ukraine - 349, Smolensk region - 102. As a result of the operation, the Mogilev-Krichev, Polotsk-Dvinsk, Mogilev-Zhlobin highways did not operate throughout August. On other railways, traffic was often delayed for 3-15 days. The actions of the partisans significantly hampered the regrouping and supply of the retreating enemy troops.

4. Fight behind enemy lines

Continuation of Operation Rail War » from 19 sept. – by Oct. 1943 193 partisan formations from Belarus, the Baltic States, Karelia, Crimea, Leningrad and Kalinin regions participated. The length of the operation along the front is about 900 kilometers (excluding Karelia and the Crimea) and over 400 kilometers in depth.

This operation was closely

associated with the upcoming offensive of the Soviet troops in the Smolensk and Gomel directions and the Battle of the Dnieper. The leadership was carried out by the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement.

Operation "Concert"

4. Fight behind enemy lines

By the end of 1943, the partisans were:

  • in Belarus 122 thousand,
  • in Ukraine - 43.5 thousand,
  • in the Leningrad region - 35 thousand,
  • in the Oryol region - more than 25 thousand,
  • in Crimea - more than 11 thousand,
  • in Lithuania - about 10 thousand,
  • in Estonia - 3 thousand.

The partisan army reached its maximum strength by the summer of 1944. - 280 thousand people. Then most of the partisans became part of the active army. More than 230 partisans and underground workers were awarded titles

Heroes of the Soviet Union.

4. Fight behind enemy lines

Underground during the war

On the territory occupied by the enemy, underground organizations headed by party and Komsomol leaders operated.

The main forms of struggle:

  • They put up leaflets in which they called for struggle, covered the current state of affairs at the front.
  • They disrupted the supply of weapons to German troops for the conduct of hostilities
  • They hid those who fled from captivity, from being sent to Germany
  • Reported to the Soviet command important information about the enemy

4. Fight behind enemy lines

In October 1941 he was sent behind enemy lines as part of a group of railroad workers. The partisan pseudonym is "Uncle Kostya". He created an underground group, whose members blew up 93 German locomotives in 3 months by using "coal mines". He acted with a group in the Vitebsk-Orsha-Smolensk region. Killed in 1942 in battle with the punishers.


Konstantin Sergeevich

4. Fight behind enemy lines

Legendary reconnaissance partisan, Hero of the Soviet Union.

In August 1942 he was sent for reconnaissance work behind enemy lines. He acted in Rovno under the guise of a Nazi officer Paul Siebert. Thanks to his information, an attempt on the "big three" in Tehran was prevented, the executioner of Galicia Bauer, the chief judge of Ukraine Funke, and the imperial adviser Gel were destroyed. Killed by Bandera in Lvov.

Nikolai Kuznetsov

4. Fight behind enemy lines

The underground anti-fascist Komsomol organization in the city of Krasnodon, Lugansk region, was established on July 20, 1942, and consisted of about 110 people - boys and girls.

Ivan Turkenich, Oleg Koshevoy, Sergei Tyulenin, Ivan Zemnukhov, Ulyana Gromova and Lyubov Shevtsova are active members of the Young Guard. They distributed leaflets, carried out sabotage, set fire to the building of the labor exchange, where lists of people intended for export to Germany were stored. Thrown alive into a mine shaft.

"Young guard"

4. Fight behind enemy lines

Remember this name - Alexandra Fedorovna Peregonets. Honored Artist of the Republic. When the Nazis occupied Simferopol, the favorite of the public, Shurochka Peregonets, together with her colleagues in the Simferopol Drama Theater, entered the underground group "Falcons". She played on the stage, she sang in front of the German officers at home, in the "salon" she created, and at night she prepared dressing materials for the partisans, delivered medicines. For three whole years, the Falcons supplied the mainland with the most important information about the actions of the Nazis, helped the partisans, and under the pretext of creating a theater studio, saved young people from being deported to Germany. And on April 10, 1944, the Nazis shot them on the outskirts of Simferopol. They died three days before the liberation of Simferopol.

4. Fight behind enemy lines

Let you die!

But in the song of the brave and strong in spirit

You will always be a living example

a proud call to freedom, to light!

Maksim Gorky

“I swear that no torture will force me to divulge the secret of our organization. I swear that if I have to die at the hands of the enemy, I will die proudly and honestly, without asking him for mercy and without betraying my comrades.

Omsk city. Placement of evacuated enterprises. Omsk region during the Great Patriotic War. The Great Patriotic War. Omsk industry during the Great Patriotic War. Stream method. The problem of industrial personnel. Monument to the home front workers. Growth of production of the Omsk industry during the war years. Omsk region. All for the front, all for victory. Providing the front with everything necessary.

"Soviet aircraft" - Simplicity and accessibility in management. Air Marshal (May 6, 1985). IL-2. Kozhedub, Ivan Nikitovich. I-16 (above) I-15 (below). Aircraft Kozhedub. Shot down 59 enemy aircraft personally and 6 - in the group. Air Marshal (1972). Time does not wait. High maneuverability and strong armament. The pilot is one of the most romantic and at the same time dangerous military professions. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1942. MiG-3. Yak-1b - the result of phased work to improve the Yak-1 in 1942

"Military equipment of the Second World War" - Tiger. Tula Tokarev. Tank gun. Mosin rifle. DP. MG-08. Reich Minister for Armaments. Machine gun "Maxim". Machine gun of the Second World War. Soviet single-engine fighter aircraft. Factory. KOR-2. Science and technology in the Second World War. Pe-2. Simonov automatic rifle. Tank Pz.Kpfw.V "Panther". Faustpatron. Technical characteristics of the heavy tank IS-3. PPD-34/38/40. Fast tanks. Tank T-70. Government of Germany.

"Clothes of the Great Patriotic War" - About the military uniform. What did WWII uniforms look like? Clothing of that era. Illustrations for "Vasily Terkin" by A. Tvardovsky. Stills from films about the Great Patriotic War. Photo of Dasha Veselova's relatives who fought in the Second World War. Interview processing. Types of military uniform. WWII warrior clothes. Stages of work on the project. Illustrations for the book by V. Kataev "Son of the Regiment".

"Kazakhstan in the Great Patriotic War" - The famous 316th Rifle Division under the command of Major General I.V. Panfilov and Regimental Commissar A.S. Yegorov played a big role here. Baurzhan Momyshuly. The production of liquid fuel at the enterprises of the Ural-Emba oil-producing region increased by 39%, and electricity generation almost doubled. "Two-thirds of the casualties are among the civilian population. The victory aroused a sense of national pride and self-confidence among the people.

"Soviet rear during the war" - Labor feat of the Trans-Urals. CD-ROM. Write a cinquain. From the Kremlin to the Reichstag. Intelligence. V.L. Komarov. Soviet rear during the war. Workers. Everything for the front. Poster by V. Koretsky. Brothers and sisters. M.I. Toidze. K.M. Simonov. Write a short note. Kukryniksy. Illustrations. Science and artistic culture during the war. We know from the confused and difficult stories about the bitter victorious path. Write a miniature essay.

Soviet T yyl during the war

Done by: 11th grade student

Ivleva Irina

Teacher: Yushechkina E.G.

The unity of the front and rear - pledge of victory

The war radically changed people's lives. At first, there was hope that the fighting would move to enemy territory, but it soon became clear that the fate of the country itself was being decided during the war. The atrocities of the fascists led the Soviet people to the need for a merciless struggle against the aggressor. In his speech on July 3, Stalin unexpectedly said: “Brothers and sisters!” People understood the need for unity and selflessness in the struggle, and this became a prerequisite for the partisan movement.

N.M. Shvernik

A. N. Kosygin

The threat of occupation of the frontline areas forced the export of all the most valuable equipment, raw materials, people, etc. from there. this activity was headed by the Evacuation Council. In a short time, a huge amount of cargo was transferred to the East. In 5 months, 1,500 large enterprises and 10 million people were evacuated. In a new place, new production facilities were erected for them, or they were merged with existing enterprises (Tankograd).

Chelyabinsk "Tankograd"

Assembling tanks in Chelyabinsk

tractor factory

In December 1941, the decline in production stopped and its growth began. In the middle of 1942, the restructuring of the country's life for a military one was successfully completed, although Western experts believed that we would need at least 5 years for this. The Soviet economy eventually won the competition against the economy of Nazi Germany and this was one of the reasons for our victory in the war.

By the autumn of 1942, more than 830 evacuated enterprises were operating in the Urals.

Transferring the economy to war footing

Work at evacuated enterprises

Military school

The war dealt a heavy blow to the education system. Thousands of schools were destroyed, there were not enough textbooks and notebooks. But the work of schools continued even in the besieged Sevastopol, Leningrad, Stalingrad and other cities. In the occupied regions, the education of children has ceased. Scientific centers during the war moved to the East. Research institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences were evacuated here

Scientists: contribution to victory

During the war years, Soviet scientists worked for the needs of the army. Academician E. Paton developed a new method of steel welding, which made it possible to obtain heavy-duty tank hulls.

Evgeny Oskarovich Paton

Scientific research in medicine

Doctors developed a technique for blood transfusion and for the first time began to use penicillin.

Zinaida Ermolyeva -


Nikolai Burdenko - developer of new

wound healing methods

Development of new weapons

In 1943, the development of Soviet nuclear weapons began. The designers worked on the creation of new types of weapons.

Mikhail Timofeevich


Life goes on…

movie posters,

taken during the war

Art and war

From the first days of the war, thousands of figures of Soviet culture went to the front. A. Gaidar and E. Petrov died defending their homeland. M. Sholokhov, K. Simonov, A. Fadeev and others worked as front-line correspondents. O. Bergolts, V. Inber, D. Shostakovich continued to work in besieged Leningrad. The events of those days were reflected in the "Front Diaries" of K. Simonov, N. Tikhonov and others.

Writer A. Tolstoy

speaking to the soldiers


The creation of a strong economic base in the east of the country, the unity of the front and rear, the moral and political unity of Soviet society became one of the most important prerequisites for a radical change and victory in the war.

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