Psychology presentation on memory. Presentation "What is memory?" Presentation what kind of memory is

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Memory is a reflection of what was previously perceived, experienced, accomplished and comprehended by a person. It is characterized by such processes as capturing, preserving, reproducing and processing various information by a person.

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Memory is necessary for a person. It allows him to accumulate, save and subsequently use personal life experience. Human memory is not just some single function. It involves many different processes.

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There are three completely different types of memory: 1) as a "direct imprint" of sensory information; 2) short-term memory; 3) long-term memory.

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Immediate imprint of sensory information This system retains a fairly accurate and complete picture of the world, perceived by the senses. The duration of saving the picture is very short - 0.1-0.5 s. Close your eyes, then open them for a moment and close them again. Watch how the sharp, clear picture you see lasts for a while, and then slowly disappears.

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Short-term memory retains a different type of material In this case, the information retained is not a complete reflection of the events that occurred at the sensory level, but a direct interpretation of these events. For example, if a phrase was uttered in front of you, you will remember not so much the sounds that make it up as the words. Usually only 5-6 words are remembered.

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By making a conscious effort to repeat the material over and over again, you can keep it in short-term memory for an indefinitely long time. Direct sensory memory imprints cannot be repeated, they last only a few tenths of a second and there is no way to extend them.

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Long-term memory There is a clear and compelling difference between the memory of an event that has just happened and the memory of events in the distant past. Long-term memory is the most important and most complex of the memory systems.

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There are three processes in memory: - memorization (input of information into memory); - preservation (retention); - reproduction.

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The memorization process can proceed as instant imprinting - imprinting. The state of imprinting in a person occurs at a time of high emotional stress. Its connection with the periods of sensitive development of mental functions is probable. With repeated repetition of the same stimulus, it is imprinted without a conscious attitude to it. The intention to keep the material in memory characterizes arbitrary memorization.

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The organized repetition of material in order to memorize it is called memorization. A significant increase in the ability to memorize falls at the age of 8 to 10 years and especially increases from 11 to 13 years. From the age of 13 there is a relative decrease in the rate of memory development. New growth begins at age 16. At the age of 20-25, the memory of a person engaged in mental work reaches the highest level.

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What is best remembered is what arises as an obstacle, difficulty in activity. The memorization of material given in finished form is carried out with less success than the memorization of material found independently in the course of vigorous activity. What is remembered, even if involuntarily, but in the process of active intellectual activity, is retained in memory more firmly than what is remembered arbitrarily.

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The result of memorization is higher when relying on visual, figurative material. However, the productivity of memorization when relying on words increases with age than when relying on pictures. Therefore, the difference in the use of these and other supports decreases with age. With independent inventing, verbal supports become a more effective means of memorization than ready-made pictures.

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Why does a person forget? There are several reasons why a person forgets information: 1. Lack or loss of interest (needs, motivation) 2. Lack or decrease in concentration (concentration) 3. When the information is not comprehended.

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Factors that prevent concentration of memory stress; absent-mindedness; overexcitation or apathy; self-absorption, etc. Also, the possibilities of memory are reduced due to: fatigue; the effect of alcohol and other drugs; illness.

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"DO YOU HAVE A GOOD MEMORY?" (Psychological test) Elderly people are said to become distracted and forgetful due to increasing sclerosis. In fact, forgetfulness is not a "privilege" only for the elderly. Alas, "leaky" memory can be in people of different ages. What is your memory?

7-12 points. Your memory is not so bad, but you apparently do not know how to concentrate, and this always interferes with memorization. 13-17 points. Your results are quite decent, and you can count on your memory to be good in most cases.

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18-21 points. An excellent result, which proves that you have an outstanding memory. You can force yourself to focus, therefore, you have sufficient will. Don't worry about your memory. Over 22 points. You have a wonderful, if not phenomenal, memory!

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Types of memory: Involuntary and arbitrary Verbal logical immediate Instantaneous Long-term figurative Operative Auditory Short-term Visual Motor Emotional

Instantaneous memory is determined by the processes occurring in the peripheral section of the analyzer (in receptors). Information is stored there for a very short time - from fractions to several seconds.

Operational memory is called memory, designed to store information for a certain, predetermined period, in the range from several seconds to several days.

When characterizing figurative memory, one should keep in mind all the features that are characteristic of representations, and, above all, their paleness, fragmentation and instability. These characteristics are also inherent in this type of memory, so the reproduction of what was previously perceived often diverges from its original.

Auditory memory is a good memorization and accurate reproduction of various sounds, such as musical, speech.

Emotional memory is the memory of experiences. It is involved in the work of all types of memory, but it is especially manifested in human relationships.

involuntary, characterized by the fact that a person remembers and reproduces images without setting any goal to remember it and reproduce it. Arbitrary (intentional), meaningful, thought out with a specific goal and task to learn and reproduce the material using certain techniques.

THE MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF MEMORY ARE: speed of imprinting volume accuracy of reproduction duration of storage readiness for use of the stored information

To improve and develop memory, you can use the following techniques: Repetition of what you have learned. The leader must periodically refresh everything remembered (reread, think through, leaf through, etc.).

Observation training. To remember what you see, you need to develop observation. Observation contributes to the improvement of involuntary memorization. For this purpose, regular exercises to reflect on what happened during the day, week, month, etc. can be recommended.

memory hygiene. Memory is the most important function of the intellect. One can say quite confidently: if there is a memory, there is a person; if there is no memory, there is no person. Therefore, each person must observe the hygiene of memory.

INDIVIDUAL FEATURES OF MEMORY 1) Individual features of memory are associated with personality traits. Even people with a good memory do not remember everything, and people with a bad memory do not forget everything. 2) Individual differences are found in the qualities of memory. It is possible to characterize a person's memory depending on how developed his individual memory processes are.

Lesson number 8 Lesson number 8 Theme of the lesson: Memory as Memory as a mental mental cognitive cognitive process process

PlanPlan General characteristics of memory 1.1. General characteristics of memory Physiological basis of memory 2.2. Physiological basis of memory Basic types of memory 3.3. Basic types of memory Basic processes and mechanisms of memory 4.4. Main processes and mechanisms of memory Peculiarities of mnestic processes 5.5. Features of mnestic processes

What did they think about memory What did most thinkers of antiquity think about memory in one way or another before? earlier? addressed the question of what is.1. .1. memory. 1. In what place of the human body 2. Why do some people have more of it, but is it located? others less?

Ancient Greeks about Ancient Greeks about memory Parmenides about memory. Memory is an organized mixture of light and dark, heat and cold. Forgetting is the result of "churning". He believed that if these states are not "mixed", it will be beautiful. memory then Plato about memory: platinum. Wax Hypothesis The mind accepts impressions like wax, on the surface of which something is drawn with a pointed stick. Forgetting - when the inscriptions are erased at the end of the

Scientists of ancient Greece Scientists of ancient Greece considered: considered: Diogenes of Sinop, who lived in the 5th century BC. considered memory as a process that is determined by the uniform distribution of air in the body. And, therefore, forgetting is nothing but a change in this distribution. Aristotle on memory: Memory is based on the movement of blood in the body. Forgetting, the result of a gradual slowdown in blood circulation is

General characteristics General characteristics of memory memory Memory is a form of mental reflection, which consists in fixing, preserving and subsequent reproduction of traces of past experience. Many scientists characterize memory as a “cross-cutting” process that ensures the continuity of mental processes, uniting all cognitive processes into a single whole. Memory is the basis of mental activity. Without it, it is impossible to understand the foundations of the formation of behavior, thinking, consciousness, subconsciousness. memory Memory allows a person to accumulate and subsequently use personal life experience, it stores knowledge and skills

Physiological basis Physiological basis of memory memory The physiological basis of memory is the plasticity of the nervous system. The plasticity of the nervous system is expressed in the fact that each neuro-cerebral process leaves behind a trace that changes the nature of further processes and makes it possible for them to reappear when the stimulus acting on the sense organs

The main types of memory The main types of memory There are several main approaches to the classification of memory (according to criteria) By the nature of mental activity that prevails in activity By the method of activity - into involuntary and arbitrary By the duration and consolidation and preservation of material - into short-term, long-term and operational

motor memory Motor memory is the basis for the formation of various practical and labor skills, as well as walking skills, writing, etc. Emotional memory is a memory for feelings. This type of memory lies in our ability to remember and reproduce feelings. Figurative memory is a memory for ideas, pictures of nature and life, as well as for sounds, smells, tastes, etc. Types of memory Types of memory Verbal-logical memory This is memory for concepts, formulas, signs , thoughts. A feature of this type of memory is that thoughts do not exist without language, therefore memory for them is called not just logical, but verbal-logical.

According to the method of memorization, memory is divided: memorization is carried out. Much of what a person encounters in life is involuntarily remembered. Arbitrary memorization is accompanied by arbitrary attention, has a purposeful character, it is selective. Memorization includes logical methods of organizing material, comprehension of the memorized material.

Memory underpins abilities
man, is a condition of teaching,
acquisition of knowledge, formation
skills and abilities. Without memory
impossible normal
the functioning of neither personality nor
society. Thanks to her memory, her
perfection man stood out
from the animal kingdom and reached those
the heights at which he is now
located. Yes, more progress
humanity without a permanent
improvements to this feature are unthinkable.
The most detailed questions of memory
human developed in the works of scientists
past and present: A. Binet, G.
Ebbinghaus, K. Buhler, T. Ribot, Z. Freud, P.
Janet, L.S. Vygotsky, P.I. Zinchenko,
A.A. Smirnov, etc.

Everyone has a memory
beings, but the highest
level of its development
reaches a person. Such
mnemonic possibilities,
what he has,
has no other
living being in the world. Do to
human organisms are
only two kinds
memory: genetic and mechani
chesky. The first appears in
transmission through genetics
from generation to generation
biological, psychological
and behavioral properties.
The second is in the form
learning ability,
acquisition of life
experience, which otherwise than in
the body itself, nowhere
cannot be saved and
disappears with his departure
from life.

Understanding Memory

Impressions that a person receives about the world around him,
leave a certain
trace, are saved, fixed, and, if necessary,
possibilities -
are reproduced. These processes are called memory. “Without memory,” wrote S. L. Rubinshtein, “we would be creatures of the moment. Is our
the past would be without a future. The present, as it
leaks would irrevocably disappear into the past.

Types of memory and their features:

There are several reasons for classifying human species.
One of them is the division of memory according to the time of saving the material, the other - according to
prevailing in the processes of memorization, preservation and reproduction
material to the analyzer.

So, the types of memory:

1) Instantaneous, or iconic, memory is related
maintaining an accurate and complete picture
just perceived by the senses,
without any processing
received information. This memory is
direct reflection of information
sense organs. Its duration is from 0.1 to
0.5 s Instant Memory Represents
a complete afterimage,
which comes from direct
perception of stimuli. This is a memory
2) Short-term memory represents
is a way of storing information in
within a short period of time.
Mnemic hold duration
traces here does not exceed a few
tens of seconds, on average about 20 (without
repetitions). In short term memory
not complete, but only a generalized
image of the perceived, its most
essential elements. This memory
works without prior
conscious mindset, but
but with the installation for the next
material reproduction.
Short-term memory characterizes
indicator such as volume. He is average
is equal to 5 to 9 units of information and
determined by the number of units of information,
which a person is able to accurately
reproduce after a few decades
seconds after a single presentation
him this information.

3) RAM is called memory, designed for storage
information within a certain, predetermined period, in
range from a few seconds to several days. Term
storage of information in this memory is determined by the task that has arisen
in front of a person, and is designed only for solving this problem.
After that, the information may disappear from the operational
memory. This type of memory according to the duration of storage
information and its properties occupies an intermediate
position between the short term and the long term.
4) Long-term memory is a memory capable of storing information in
for a virtually unlimited period. Information,
trapped in long-term memory storage
be reproduced by a person as many times as desired without loss.
Moreover, repeated and systematic reproduction
this information only reinforces its traces in
long-term memory. The latter implies the ability
a person at any necessary moment to recall what once
they remembered.

5) Auditory memory is a good memorization and accurate reproduction
a variety of sounds, such as music, speech. She is necessary
philologists, people studying foreign languages, acousticians, musicians.
A special kind of speech memory is verbal-logical,
which is closely connected with the word, thought and logic. This type of memory
characterized by the fact that a person who possesses it can quickly and accurately
remember the meaning of events, the logic of reasoning or any evidence,
the meaning of the text being read, etc. He can convey this meaning with his own
words, and quite accurately. This type of memory is possessed by scientists,
experienced lecturers, university professors and school teachers.
6) Motor memory - is memorization and preservation, and when
necessary and reproduction with sufficient accuracy of diverse complex
movements. It participates in the formation of motor, in particular labor and
sports, skills and abilities. Improving human hand movements
directly related to this type of memory.

7) Emotional memory is the memory of experiences. She
participates in the work of all types of memory, but especially
manifests itself in human relationships. On
emotional memory is directly based
memory strength of the material: what a person has
evokes emotional experiences, is remembered by them
without much effort and for a longer
term. Tactile, olfactory, gustatory and other types
memory does not play a special role in human life, and their
capabilities compared to visual, auditory,
motor and emotional memory are limited. Their
role is mainly reduced to the satisfaction of biological
security needs and
self-preservation of the organism.


People's memory differs in many ways: speed,
strength, duration, accuracy and memorization volume.
All these are quantitative characteristics of memory. But
there are also qualitative differences. They relate to how
dominance of certain types of visual memory,
auditory, emotional, motor, etc., and their
functioning. According to which sensory
areas dominate, distinguish the following individual
types of memory: visual, auditory, motor,
emotional and their various combinations. One man
in order to better remember the material, be sure to
should read it, because when remembering about
reproduction it is easiest for him to rely on visual
images, it is better for him to hear once than several times
see. The third one remembers the material most easily or
accompany his memorization with any movements.
“Pure” types of memory in the sense of unconditional dominance
one of these is extremely rare. Most often in practice
we are faced with various combinations of visual,
auditory and motor memory. Their typical mixtures
are visual-motor, visual-auditory and
motor-auditory memory. However, in most people
yet the dominant is the visual
memory. The greatest development in humans is usually achieved
those types of memory that are most often used.


Memory research is currently occupied by representatives of various sciences: psychology,
biology, medicine, genetics, cybernetics and a number of others. In each of these sciences
have their own questions, by virtue of which they turn to the problems of memory, their own
system of concepts and, accordingly, their theories of memory. But all these sciences, together
taken, expand our knowledge of human memory, mutually complement each other,
allow you to look deeper into this, one of the most important and mysterious phenomena
human psychology. Representatives of these sciences began to show increased
interest in the psychological study of memory itself, because it
opened up opportunities for improving programming languages, its
technology and memory machines. This mutual interest led to the fact that in psychology
began to develop a new theory of memory, which is called informational -
cybernetic. At present, she only makes the first, but very
promising steps towards a deeper understanding of human memory with
using the achievements of cybernetics and informatics. After all, the human brain is
it is also a kind of complex electronic computer and analog machine.

The German scientist G. Ebbinghaus was one of those who, in the last century, guided by the associative theory of memory, received a series

interesting data. He,
in particular, he deduced the following patterns of memorization, established in
studies where meaningless syllables were used for memorization and other weak
semantically organized material.
1. Relatively simple events in life that produce a particularly strong
impression on a person, can be remembered immediately firmly and for a long time, and
after many years since the first and only meeting with them,
appear in the mind with distinctness and clarity.
2. More complex and less interesting events a person can experience dozens
times, but they are not imprinted in memory for a long time.
3. With close attention to the event, it is enough to have it once
experiences, in order to accurately and in the right order reproduce according to
memory of its highlights.
4. A person can objectively correctly reproduce events, but not realize
this and, conversely, make mistakes, but be sure that reproduces them
Right. Between the accuracy of reproduction of events and confidence in this
there is not always a one-to-one relationship between accuracy.
5. If you increase the number of members of the memorized series to a number exceeding
maximum short-term memory, then the number is correct
reproduced members of this series after - a single presentation of it
decreases compared to the case when the number of units in
memorized series is exactly equal to the amount of short-term memory.
At the same time, with an increase in such a series, the number of necessary
for his memorization of repetitions.

6. Preliminary repetition of the material to be memorized (repetition without
memorization), saves time for its assimilation in the event that the number of such
preliminary repetitions does not exceed their number required for complete
learning material by heart.
7. When memorizing a long row, its beginning and end are best reproduced from memory
(“edge effect”).
8. For the associative connection of impressions and their subsequent reproduction, it is especially important
is whether they are separate or constitute a logically connected
9. Repeating the material being memorized in a row is less productive for memorizing it than
the distribution of such repetitions over a certain period of time, for example in
within a few hours or days.
10. New repetition contributes to a better memorization of what has been learned before.
11. With increased attention to the memorized material, the number of repetitions required for
learning it by heart, can be reduced, and the lack of sufficient
attention cannot be compensated by increasing the number of repetitions.
12. What a person is especially interested in is remembered without any difficulty. Especially
this pattern is clearly manifested in mature years.
13. Rare, strange, unusual impressions are remembered better than usual, often
14. Any new impression received by a person does not remain in his memory
isolated. Being remembered in one form, over time it can be several
change by entering into an associative relationship with other impressions, exerting on them
influence and, in turn, changed under their influence.


From early childhood, the process of developing a child's memory goes
in several directions. First, mechanical
memory is gradually supplemented and replaced
logical. Secondly, direct memorization
over time, becoming indirect, associated with
active and conscious use for memorization
and reproduction of various mnemonic devices and
funds. Thirdly, involuntary memorization,
dominant in childhood, in adults
becomes arbitrary. In the development of memory
In general, two genetic lines can be distinguished: its
perfection in all, without exception, civilized
people as social progress and its gradual
improvement in a single individual in the course of his
socialization, familiarization with material and cultural
the achievements of mankind.

memory records.

Napoleon had an exceptional memory. Once, while still a lieutenant, he was
placed in a guardhouse and found in the room a book on Roman law, which
read. Two decades later, he could still quote excerpts from it. He knew
many soldiers of his army, not only in person, but also remembered who is brave, who is steadfast, who
drunkard who is quick-witted. Academician A.F. Ioffe used a table of logarithms
from memory, and the great Russian chess player A. A. Alekhin could play blindly from memory
with 30-40 partners at the same time. Brother A.S. had a phenomenal memory.
Pushkin - Lev Sergeevich. His memory played a saving role in the fate of the fifth chapter
poem "Eugene Onegin". Eira Colbury, a native of the United States, gave a performance in 1814
in London. At the age of 10, he could instantly raise not very large numbers to the 16th power
and extract the roots. However, as the ego grew up and received an education, these
abilities declined and settled at a level slightly above normal. In a different
case of Jacques Inaudi, who was born in 1877 and remained illiterate until the age of 20, from 7
gave public performances for years, extracting the roots of the 3rd and 5th degrees from 21-digit
numbers. He differed in that he did not see the answers, but heard them. Inhabitant of India
Shakutani Devi competed with a computer in extracting roots from numbers. She
instantly extracted the roots of the 6th degree from 9-digit numbers, which, however, did not
testified to her general level of intelligence: she failed twice on
intermediate examination for a bachelor's degree. Several years ago in France, in
the city of Lille, in the presence of an authoritative jury, a teacher of mathematics
Maurice Dabert competed with a computer. He declared himself to be
defeated if the machine solves 7 arithmetic problems before he does 10. Daber
solved 10 problems in 3 minutes 43 seconds, and the computer solved 7 problems in 5 minutes 18 seconds.
Our contemporary, the phenomenal Chikashvili counter, easily calculates, for example,
how many words and letters are spoken in a certain period of time.


In this work, we gave a general description of theories and the law of memory.
The most detailed questions of human memory are presented in the works of scientists of the past.
and modernity: A. Binet, G. Ebbinghaus, K. Buhler, T. Ribot, Z. Freud, P. Janet, L.S.
Vygotsky, P.I. Zinchenko, A.A. Smirnov, etc. In our work, two
basic type of memory classification. In the first, instantaneous
short-term, short-term, long-term and genetic memory. In the second, motor, visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile and
emotional. When considering the work of the main processes and mechanisms of memory,
we, based on the concepts: volume, speed of imprinting, fidelity,
duration of storage, readiness for use of the stored
information, analyzed such processes as: memorization, preservation,
reproduction, recognition and forgetting. Touched on issues of disorder
memory. By analyzing the individual differences in memory in people, you can make
the conclusion that to study a person, especially when it comes to his psyche, you need
approach with a sufficient degree of humility and awareness that each person
individual and very complex. It is important to realize that even after years of
studies, the mechanisms of memory are not yet sufficiently studied, and even those
patterns that have been derived are not always acceptable to the absolute
most people.

List of used literature:

1. Luria A. R. Attention and memory. 1975
2. Maklakov A. G. General psychology. 2001
3. Nemov R. S. Psychology. 1995
4. General psychology. 1986
5. Rubinshtein S. L. Fundamentals of the general
psychology: 2 v. 1989
6. Blonsky P. P. Memory and thinking. 1979

Memory characteristic

The main characteristic of memory in psychology is its reflection as a brain function capable of assimilating, retaining and subsequently using information received from all five basic human senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. This is a kind of matrix, which contains a complete database of all the available life experience of an individual, linking his past and present, without which humanity would hardly be able to survive and develop as a biological species. Psychology, as a science, unlike medicine, works mainly with the lifetime type of memory, although its genetic variety is also taken into account, in particular, when determining the hereditary component in the organization of a person’s mental states and assessing the degree of their deviations from the norm.

Forget or remember?

If we talk about the mechanisms of memory, then in psychology they are divided according to their main functions: the need to remember the information received, save it, reproduce it if necessary and forget it if it is of little significance. By the way, forgetting does not mean the complete erasure of unnecessary files. They are simply stored in deeper "archives" and extracted from there at the impulse request of that part of our consciousness that is responsible for the current life experience and filtering it in order of importance.

Forget or remember?

The key to success in any kind of human activity is the development of memory, and psychology offers a lot of techniques that can help you remember and store the information you receive for a long time in the smallest detail. Naturally, the foundations for the development of attention and memory in human psychology are laid in childhood, and it is better to start building a solid foundation for the “library of accumulated knowledge about the outside world” in the first decade of a child’s life, since children’s memory is more flexible and tenacious, although at a later age , if desired and using various memorization techniques, it is possible to learn how to quickly extract from the "storerooms of the thinking process" all the information necessary at the moment.

One step, two steps...

The structure of memory in human psychology is usually a three-level ladder, the steps of which are arranged according to the hierarchy of their temporal component.

sensory memory

The shortest in duration is sensory memory, the data retention period of which is, at most, half a second. It processes information coming from the sense organs, and if the "higher authorities" in the form of specific centers of the brain did not show due attention to it, then the sensory component of our memory safely removes unnecessary material from its "basket" and fills the cells with new information receipts.

short term memory

The next level on our ladder is short-term memory, which is longer than sensory memory but still has its limits. For example, the amount of memorized material is reduced to 5-7 information units. Moreover, 7 is the limit, and if you need to learn more information, then the brain has to rearrange the symbols in order to fit them into the 7 cells allocated to it by short-term memory.

long term memory

For longer storage and subsequent replay of memories, there is a long-term memory, which also has its drawbacks, in particular the time spent searching for the necessary information. But nevertheless, the whole machine works quite quickly and smoothly, so that the vast majority of the requested data is “served to the table” on time and with little or no distortion.

Nature has thought of everything for us and we can only be infinitely grateful to her for all the wonderful moments of our lives, which we remember and for those negative memories on which we have the opportunity to learn, drawing lessons.

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