Presentation on the theme of the battle of Borodino in 1812. Battle of Borodino

Plotnikova O. A, primary school teacher, MOU "OSOSh No. 3", Ocher

Perm region

KUTUZOV Mikhail Illarionovich

Most Serene Prince Smolensky (1812),

Russian commander,

field marshal general (1812)



Kutuzov was appointed commander-in-chief of all armies operating against


Napoleon Bonoparte - Emperor of France

old style) 1812 of the year

French troops entered

Russian city of Kovno

(modern Kaunas


river Neman

general battle


campaigns of 1812 between Russian and Napoleonic troops August, 26th(September 7) in the area With. Borodin, 124 km west of Moscow

Side forces

130-135 thousand people 587 guns

110-120 thousand people 630-640 guns


on Borodino

M. I. Kutuzov at the command post

on the day of the Battle of Borodino

The beginning of the battle

The battle began at 5 o'clock. in the morning by the attack of parts of the corps of the Viceroy of Italy E. Beauharnais on the position of the Life Guards of the Jaeger Regiment near the village. Borodin. The French took possession of this point, but it was their red herring.

At 5 o'clock. 30 min.


brought down his

main blow

against 2nd


BAGRATION Petr Ivanovich

prince, Russian general.

In the battle of Borodino

his troops defended the left

flank of the Russian position and

took over at the beginning of the battle

the main blow of the superior forces of Napoleon.

Steadfastly defending the occupied lines, Bagration personally led his units in counterattacks, in one of which he received a severe wound from a grenade fragment.

After the capture of the flushes (fortifications), the main struggle unfolded for the center of the Russian position - the battery Rayevsky, which at 9 and 11 o'clock in the morning was subjected to two strong attacks of the enemy

main monument

Russian soldiers, Heroes of the Battle of Borodino, on the Raevsky battery

Raevsky's battery, which, after the fall of the flashes, became open not only for a frontal, but also for a flank attack. Napoleon concentrated fire against her with about 300 guns (half of all French artillery operating in the battle)

Tuchkov Nikolai Alekseevich

lieutenant general

Tuchkov, seeking to eliminate

danger, took decisive

measures for the return of the mound.

He personally organized

counterattack at the head of a regiment of Pavlovsky grenadiers. The mound was returned, but the lieutenant general himself

received a fatal

Place of death of Major General A.A. Tuchkova

Likhachev Petr Gavrilovich

major general

In the battle of Borodino, Likhachev's infantry division defended the Raevsky battery (the center of the Russian position). When the enemy broke into the battery, Likhachev (he was seriously ill) rushed to meet him with a sword in his hand, was stabbed with bayonets and captured; died of wounds

Russian troops under the command of General M. I. Kutuzova stubborn heroic defense and skillful actions thwarted Napoleon's plan to defeat the Russian army in a pitched battle

This battle is called "Battle of the Generals" the Russians had 6 killed and 23 wounded generals, the French even more - 12 killed and 38 wounded

According to the memoirs of the French General Pele, a participant in the Battle of Borodino, Napoleon often repeated a similar phrase: “The battle of Borodino was the most beautiful and most formidable, the French showed themselves worthy of victory, and the Russians deserved to be invincible”

End of the Battle of Borodino


30-60 thousand people

39-45 thousand people

Alexander I

about Borodino

battle like

Kutuzov was forced to continue the retreat strategy. But, yielding to the demands of the army and society, he gave the battle of Borodino and at the military council in Fili made a difficult decision to leave Moscow.

French army

resumed retreat

to Smolensk

the road along which

attacked Moscow

The French army ceased to exist, and the entire campaign ended with the complete success of the Russians, with the exception of the fact that they failed to capture Napoleon himself and his closest employees.



Electronic encyclopedia

"Cyril and Methodius"

slide 2

Historical reference

  • slide 3

    In this battle, the French gained fame for being victorious, and the Russians for being invincible.

    Napoleon Bonaparte.

    slide 4

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    Napoleon Bonaparte

  • slide 6


  • Slide 7

    Napoleon's invasion of Russia

    Slide 8

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    Slide 10

    Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov gave battle to the French.

    slide 11

    KUTUZOV Mikhail Illarionovich (1745-1813), His Serene Highness Prince Smolensky, Russian commander, Field Marshal General

    Kutuzov was appointed commander-in-chief of all armies operating against Napoleon

    Student of Alexander Suvorov

    slide 12

    • prevent the connection of the Russian armies and defeat their main forces already near the border;
    • take Moscow;
    • having taken Russia out of the war, turn it into a dependent state;
    • through the territory of Russia to strike at England, depriving her of India
    • It was assumed that Napoleon would advance on St. Petersburg and therefore the general battle was planned to be fought near the border by the forces of the 1st Army with the support of Bagration's army

    The plans of the belligerents

    slide 13

    The forces of the belligerents

  • Slide 14

    slide 15

    All day cannon cannonade thundered over the field, cavalry attacks succeeded one another, more and more infantry regiments went on the attack. Both armies suffered huge losses, but neither side could win. By the end of the day, the armies remained in their original positions.

    slide 16

    Slide 17

    Napoleon directed the main blow to earthen fortifications - flushes. They were defended by soldiers under the command of General Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration.

    Napoleon's plan provided for a breakthrough in the defense of the Russians in the area of ​​Bagration's flashes and the encirclement of Kutuzov's army, and when it was pressed against the Koloch River, its complete defeat.

    Slide 18

    For about 6 hours, the soldiers held back the onslaught of the enemy. 7 times the French army attacked Bagration's flushes. Napoleon sent his best regiments against Bagration, hardened in dozens of battles.

    During the battle, P.I.Bagration was wounded by a fragment of buckshot. The mortally wounded commander was taken to the Vladimir province, to the village of Simy. On September 24 he passed away.

    Slide 19

    Fragments of the panorama "Battle of Borodino"

    Slide 20

    The 12-hour battle, during which the French managed to capture the positions of the Russian army in the center and on the left wing, ended with the withdrawal of the French army after the cessation of hostilities to their original positions. The next day, the Russian army resumed its retreat

    slide 21

    The Russian army retreated, but retained its combat capability ....

    slide 22

    Russian troops under the command of General M. I. Kutuzov thwarted the Napoleonic plan to defeat the Russian army in a general battle with stubborn heroic defense and skillful actions

    It was not for nothing that this battle was called the “battle of the generals”: ​​the Russians killed 6 and wounded 23 generals, the French had even more - 12 were killed and 38 were wounded.

    slide 23

    End of the Battle of Borodino

    slide 24

    The French entered Moscow, but did not feel like winners. A few days later, fires broke out in the city.

    Slide 25

    Death and thunder fly under the sky with a howl, with brilliance Through menacing clouds, and pour flames with a crash On every temple, on every house. Terrible lightning gapes Above the heights of the entire capital, And Moscow lights up.

    slide 26

    Unfortunate Moscow burns, Moscow burns for twelve days; Under a noisy flame scatters Countless wealth in it: All the temple decorations, Their age-old treasures, Splendors of palaces ... ..

    Slide 27

    So without waiting for proposals for a peace treaty, Napoleon decided to leave Moscow. The retreat of his army from Russia began.

    Lesson objectives
    Form at
    students understanding
    deeply popular,
    nature of the war of 1812
    of the year;
    education in students
    feelings of pride in
    our history, feelings
    high patriotism
    students with
    military history,
    military strategy,
    era under study

    Basic concepts
    The nature of war
    Causes of the war
    Reason for war
    Patriotic War
    Partisan movement

    Tasks that prepare
    to learning new material
    What was the international situation
    in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century?
    What are the main goals and directions
    foreign policy of Russia at the beginning of the XIX
    How did Russian-French
    relations at the beginning of the 19th century?

    Memo - algorithm
    to the study of the material
    about wars
    Causes and nature of the war:
    1. main contradictions that led to the war;
    2.preparation for war, the balance of power;
    3. pretext for war and its beginning;
    The course of the war:
    1.plans of the parties;
    2. main stages and main battles;
    3. end of the war, peace conditions, results.
    The meaning of war.

    The course of hostilities
    On the night of June 12, 1812, Napoleon's troops
    numbering 608 thousand people invaded
    limits of Russia. They were led by
    the emperor and his illustrious generals,
    conquered all of Europe.
    The Russian army consisted of only 210 thousand
    soldiers and officers. Besides, she was
    divided into three parts and dispersed
    along the western border.

    Napoleon's invasion of Russia

    The plans of the belligerents
    Russian connections
    armies and smash them
    the main forces
    near the border;
    take Moscow;
    taking Russia out of the war
    turn it into
    dependent state;
    through the territory
    Russia to strike at
    England, depriving her of India
    It was assumed that
    Napoleon will
    step on
    Petersburg and therefore
    pitched battle
    planned to give
    near the border
    1st Army at
    army support

    However, the plans of the Russian
    general staff
    failed to implement. IN
    enemy advance was
    the only one chosen
    course of action - at any cost
    save the troops and without joining
    in a general battle
    combine the forces of the 1st and 2nd
    armies. With great difficulty
    managed to implement
    connection of troops.
    But the failures of the first weeks
    wars spawned in society
    deep sadness. On this
    background were increasingly heard
    calls for appointment
    commander in chief of the Russian
    army of the most illustrious prince
    M.I. Kutuzov.

    Taking command
    army in August, Kutuzov
    announced that his actions
    predecessor were
    quite true, and
    retreated closer to
    Moscow. Only 110 km. from
    ancient capital,
    not far from the village
    Borodino, he decided to give
    pitched battle
    The forces of the parties were
    approximately equal:
    France - 135 thousand.
    man and 587 guns
    Russia-132 thousand people
    and 640 guns.

    And here we found a large field:
    There is a roam where at will!
    They built a redoubt.
    Our ears are on top!
    A little morning lit up the guns
    And forests blue tops The French are right there.

    For two days we were
    in a shootout.
    What is the use of such
    We were waiting for the third
    Steel everywhere
    words are heard:
    "It's time to get
    to the buckshot!
    And here on the field
    formidable battle
    The night shadow fell.

    Well, it was a day! Through
    volatile smoke
    The French moved
    like clouds
    And all to our redoubt,
    Lancers with variegated
    Dragoons with horse
    All flashed
    in front of us
    Everyone has been here.

    You will not see such battles!
    Worn banners like shadows
    Fire gleamed in the smoke.
    Damask steel sounded, buckshot screeched,
    The hand of the fighters is tired of stabbing,
    And prevented the nuclei from flying
    A mountain of bloody bodies.

    The enemy tasted that day
    a lot
    What does Russian fight mean
    Our hand-to-hand combat!
    The earth was shaking - like ours
    Mixed together in a bunch of horses
    And the volleys of a thousand guns
    Merged into a lingering

    Here it is dark.
    Were all
    Fight in the morning
    make a new one.
    Here crackled
    drums -
    And retreated
    Then count
    we have become

    - Yes, there were people
    - Not that
    Bogatyrs - not
    - bad im
    got a share:
    - Few
    returned from
    - don't be on it
    god's will
    Wouldn't give

    battle of Borodino
    lasted 12 hours.
    French commander
    did not solve any
    from the assigned tasks.
    Covering the battlefield with thousands
    corpses, he captured
    main strongholds
    Russian position -
    Semyonov height
    (Bagration flushes) and
    Kurgan height
    (Raevsky's battery), but not
    was able to develop success.
    History of all his battles
    did not know such

    Read §4 and answer the questions:
    How to explain the retreat of the Russian army in the first months
    Prepare reports on the generals of the Russian army of the period
    Patriotic War of 1812 (individually)
    Using the battle plan, illustrations and additional
    materials, imagine yourself a military journalist and

    slide 1

    slide 2

    Patriotic War of 1812. Battle of Borodino. “In this battle, the French gained fame for being victorious, and the Russians for being invincible.” Napoleon Bonaparte.

    slide 3

    To form in students an understanding of the deeply popular, domestic nature of the war of 1812; To promote instilling in students a sense of pride in our history, a sense of high patriotism To acquaint students with the elements of military history, the features of military strategy, tactics, the state of weapons of the era under study Objectives of the lesson

    slide 4

    The nature of war Causes of war Reason for war Patriotic war Partisan movement Strategy Tactics Basic concepts

    slide 5

    What was the international situation in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century? What were the main goals and directions of Russia's foreign policy at the beginning of the 19th century? How did Russian-French relations develop at the beginning of the 19th century? Tasks that prepare for the study of new material

    slide 6

    Memo-algorithm for studying material about wars Causes and nature of the war: 1. main contradictions that led to the war; 2.preparation for war, the balance of power; 3. pretext for war and its beginning; The course of the war: 1.plans of the parties; 2. main stages and main battles; 3. end of the war, peace conditions, results. The meaning of war.

    Slide 7

    On the night of June 12, 1812, Napoleon's troops numbering 608 thousand people invaded Russia. They were led by the emperor himself and his illustrious generals, who conquered all of Europe. The Russian army consisted of only 210 thousand soldiers and officers. In addition, it was divided into three parts and dispersed along the western border. The course of hostilities

    Slide 8

    Slide 9

    France to prevent the connection of the Russian armies and to defeat their main forces already near the border; take Moscow; having taken Russia out of the war, turn it into a dependent state; through the territory of Russia to strike at England, depriving it of India Russia It was assumed that Napoleon would attack St. Petersburg and therefore it was planned to fight a general battle near the border with the forces of the 1st Army with the support of Bagration's army Plans of the warring parties

    slide 10

    However, the plans of the Russian General Staff failed to materialize. In the conditions of the enemy's rapid advance, the only correct course of action was chosen - to save the troops at any cost and, without entering into a general battle, to unite the forces of the 1st and 2nd armies. With great difficulty it was possible to carry out the connection of troops. But the failures of the first weeks of the war gave rise to deep despondency in society. Against this background, calls were increasingly heard for the appointment of the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, His Serene Highness Prince M.I. Kutuzov.

    slide 11

    Taking command of the army in August, Kutuzov announced that his predecessor's actions were quite correct, and retreated even closer to Moscow. Only 110 km. from the ancient capital, not far from the village of Borodino, he decided to give a general battle to Napoleon. The forces of the parties were approximately equal: France - 135 thousand people and 587 guns Russia - 132 thousand people and 640 guns.

    slide 12

    And then we found a large field: There is a roam where in the wild! They built a redoubt. Our ears are on top! A little morning lit up the guns And forests blue tops - The French are right there.

    slide 13

    For two days we were in a skirmish. What's the use of such nonsense? We waited the third day. Speech began to be heard everywhere: "It's time to get to the buckshot!" And now a shadow fell on the field of the formidable Night Sich.

    slide 14

    Well, it was a day! Through the flying smoke, the French moved like clouds, And all to our redoubt, Lancers with colorful badges, Dragoons with horse tails, All flashed before us, All were here.

    slide 15

    You will not see such battles! Banners were worn like shadows, Fire shone in the smoke. Damask steel sounded, buckshot screeched, The hand of the fighters was tired of stabbing, And the mountain of bloody bodies prevented the balls from flying.

    slide 16

    The enemy experienced a lot that day, What does Russian combat mean, our hand-to-hand combat! .. The earth shook - like our breasts; Horses and people mingled in a heap, And the volleys of a thousand guns Merged into a drawn-out howl... summary of presentations

    Borodin Day

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    No wonder the whole of Russia remembers the day of Borodin. Battle of Borodino. Deadly danger. Russian army. List of special dates. Virtual exhibition. Motherland. Soldiers. Young guard. Life of wonderful people. Memoirs of soldiers of the Russian army. Bibliography. Moscow worker. The main milestones of the war. Field Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. From Austerlitz to Paris. Cup for the Motherland. Fragments of the book. Courage will last forever. Novel. Unique interactive edition. Stories about the Patriotic War. Denis Davydov. Poems and prose. Excellent syllable. 1812 in Russian poetry. Mysterious Monk. - Day of Borodin.ppt

    Battle of Borodino

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    Prayer on the eve of the Battle of Borodino. Color lithograph from a drawing by N. Samokish. Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps. I. Kutuzov at the command post on the day of the Battle of Borodino” Artist A. Shepelyuk. 1951 "Napoleon I on the Borodino Heights" V.V. Vereshchagin. "Battle of Borodino August 26, 1812" Engraving by S. Fedorov St. Petersburg. 1814 Artist M. Grekov. 1912-1913 "The Battle for the Shevardino Redoubt". Artist A.Yu. Averyanov. 2002 Canvas. "Attack of the Shevardino redoubt" Lithograph after N. Samokish's drawing. 1910 "The mortal wound of General Bagration on the Borodino field." - Borodino fight.ppt

    Battle of Borodino 1812

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    Battle of Borodino. The field on which the general battle of the Patriotic War took place. Before the battle. Giant eagle. The forces of the opposing sides. Generals of the Russian army. Generals of the French army. Battle of Borodino. Map of the Battle of Borodino. Two French attacks on Raevsky's battery were repulsed. Losses of the Russian army. Council in Fili. Results of the Battle of Borodino. - Battle of Borodino 1812.pptx

    Battle of Borodino 1812

    Slides: 7 Words: 330 Sounds: 0 Effects: 61

    Battle of Borodino (August 26, 1812). On August 22 (September 3), 1812, Russian troops approached Borodino. Here, 12 km west of Mozhaisk, 120 km from Moscow, across the river. Koloch. position was chosen. Maslow's flashes. Small. Right wing. Rayevsky battery. Gorki. Borodino. Reserve. Center. Semenovskoe. Left flank. Shevardinsky redoubt. Bagration flashes. The left wing, which consisted of formations of the 2nd Army, was commanded by Bagration. The general reserve stood behind the center, in the area of ​​​​the village of Knyazkovo. Old Smolensk road. New Smolensk road. - Battle of Borodino 1812.ppt

    Battle of Borodino 1812

    Slides: 54 Words: 1449 Sounds: 0 Effects: 10

    Field of Russian glory. Battle of Borodino during the Patriotic War of 1812. The disposition of forces at Borodino by the morning of August 26 (September 7), 1812. Cudgel of the People's War. M. B. Barclay de Tolly (1757-1818). The most interesting. He tried to concentrate the Russians. Portrait of Kutuzov M.I. (1745-1813). The name of the great Russian commander Mikhail Illarionovich. In 1793 Kutuzov was ambassador to Constantinople. Portrait of Krylov I.A. (1769-1844). "The Crow and the Chicken". "Wolf in the kennel". "Wolf in the kennel". They came with fire. Historians. What temple was built in Moscow in honor of the victory over Napoleon's army. - Battle of Borodino 1812.ppt

    Battle of Borodino

    Slides: 13 Words: 449 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    To the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. Purpose: generalization and systematization of knowledge about the Battle of Borodino. The Patriotic War of 1812 is one of the brightest pages in history. Borodino. At the beginning of the war, M.I. Kutuzov was elected chief. M. I. Kutuzov at the command post on the day of the Battle of Borodino. M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino". The fate of the ancient capital. Napoleon expected the Russians to sue for peace. The French entered the almost deserted Moscow. We retreated silently for a long time, it was annoying, we were waiting for the battle. I hammered the charge into the cannon tightly and thought: I will treat my friend. The Russians remained undefeated. - Battle of Borodino.pptx

    Day of the Battle of Borodino

    Slides: 45 Words: 5195 Sounds: 15 Effects: 15

    Day of the Battle of Borodino. Representation of the Battle of Borodino. Characteristics of the Russian and French army. Generals. Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov. Patriotic War. Russian army. Russian infantry. Russian cavalry. Organization. 1st Western Army. Western army. Great army. French infantry. French cavalry. Organization of the "Great Army". Imperial Guard. French army. Position selection. Battle for Shevardino. French people. Reinforcement. The meaning of the fight. Banners. Troop disposition. Battle of Borodino. French attack. Bagration. Tuchkov Corps. High mound. - Day of the Battle of Borodino.ppt

    Day of the Battle of Borodino

    Slides: 19 Words: 1759 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

    200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. Battle of Borodino. Russian people. Kutuzov and the Russian army. Day of the Battle of Borodino. Army command. Tense fights. Battle for the village of Borodino. Big field. For two days we were in a skirmish. Flying smoke. You will not see such battles. Enemy. Drums. Bogatyrs. The Battle of Borodino lasted 12 hours. Fights for the Bagration flushes. Napoleon. Thank you for your attention. - Day of the Battle of Borodino.ppt

    Battle of Borodino 1812

    Slides: 16 Words: 699 Sounds: 0 Effects: 50

    Patriotic War of 1812. Basic concepts. A reminder is an algorithm for studying material about wars. The course of military operations. The invasion of Napoleon's army in Russia. Warring plans. Plans of the Russian General Staff. Kutuzov announced that the actions of his predecessor were quite correct. And then we found a large field: there is a roam where in the wild. For two days we were in a skirmish. Through the flying smoke the French moved like clouds. You will not see such battles. The enemy experienced a lot that day, which means a Russian battle is remote. Everyone was ready to start a new battle in the morning. Yes, there were people in our time, not like the current tribe. - Battle of Borodino 1812.ppt

    History of the Battle of Borodino

    Slides: 19 Words: 842 Sounds: 0 Effects: 62

    Patriotic War of 1812. Understanding. Basic concepts. Tasks. Memo. The course of military operations. The invasion of Napoleon's army. Warring plans. Plans of the Russian General Staff. Army command. Big field. For two days we were in a skirmish. Day. You will not see such battles. Enemy. The battle. People. Battle of Borodino. Homework. - History of the Battle of Borodino.ppt

    Borodino 200 years

    Slides: 24 Words: 715 Sounds: 0 Effects: 45

    200 years since the Battle of Borodino. Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. The poem "Borodino" is dedicated to the historical events of 1812. Napoleon Bonoparte - Emperor of France. Who is a patriot. Borodino 200 years old. Yes, there were people in our time, not like the current tribe. Borodino 200 years old. Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich Napoleon on the Borodino Heights. General battle. Kutuzov ordered to carry the icon of the Smolensk Mother of God through the troops. You will not see such battles. The enemy experienced a lot that day, which means a Russian battle is remote. Damask steel sounded, buckshot screeched. Bagration Petr Ivanovich The main struggle unfolded for the center of the Russian position. - Borodino 200 years.ppt

    200 years of the Battle of Borodino

    Slides: 11 Words: 758 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. Patriotic War of 1812. Battle of Borodino. The right flank of the Russian position. The ratio of forces. Borodino. M.I. Kutuzov undertook a cavalry raid. Summary of the battle. Side losses. Results of the Battle of Borodino. Loud deeds done. - 200 years of the Battle of Borodino.ppt

    Field of the battle of Borodino

    Slides: 22 Words: 445 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Borodino field. Problem question. Purpose of the study. Research progress. Russian army. The field is located near the city of Mozhaisk. Endless firing. M.I. Kutuzov. Borodino. Hitler's troops. Fighters and commanders. An occupation. The courage of the defenders. Borodino land. Monument to the cavalry guards. Monument at the command post of Kutuzov. Monument to the heroes of the Borodino battle. Monument to the 3rd Infantry Division. Monument to the 12th company on the Shevardinsky redoubt. Monument on the Raevsky battery. Memorial sign on the border of the Borodino field. Conclusions. -

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