English nouns on the topic "Physical phenomena, characteristics". A selection of scientific terms in English Physical terms in English with translation

force power
power [ˈPaʊə] energy
strength power
speed speed
size the size
length length
color (color) [ˈKʌlə] Colour
shape (form) [ʃeɪp] form
temperature [ˈTɛmprɪʧə] temperature
capacity capacity
volume [ˈVɒljʊm] volume
mass weight
weight weight
smell smell
pace pace
contrast [ˈKɒntrɑːst] contrast
absence [ˈÆbsəns] absence
presence [ˈPrɛzns] presence
state condition (e.g. substance)
noise noise
resistance resistance
tension [ˈTɛnʃən] tension, tension
kilogram [ˈKɪləʊgræm] kilogram
meter [ˈMiːtə] meter
inch [ɪnʧ] inch
mile mile
pound lb.
foot foot


The examples do not show all possible meanings of words, but only one or two main ones related to this part of speech and topic. For more meanings and examples, check out online dictionaries and translators.

  • force- power

physical force - physical strength

May the Force be with you - May the Force be with you

  • power- energy

nuclear power - nuclear energy

The power is low - The energy (charge) level is low

  • strength- power

to develop strength - to develop strength

  • speed- speed

to increase speed - increase speed

to decrease speed - decrease speed

  • size- the size

What is your size? - What is your size?

  • length- length

The plank is two meters in length - Board length - two meters

  • color (color)- Colour

What color are your eyes? - What color are your eyes?

  • shape(form) - form

The room is oval in shape - Oval shaped room

The cake is in the shape of a hedgehog - The cake is made in the shape of a hedgehog

  • temperature- temperature

The doctor took my temperature - The doctor took my temperature

  • capacity- capacity

What is the capacity of the elevator? - What is the capacity of the elevator?

  • volume- volume

These two vessels are equal in volume - These two vessels are equal in volume

  • mass- weight

sticky shapeless mass - sticky shapeless mass

mass of the body - body mass (physical)

  • weight- weight

excessive weight - overweight

to lose \ gain weight - to lose \ gain weight

  • smell- smell

I love the smell of oranges - I love the smell of oranges

  • pace- pace

She is running at a slow \ fast pace - She runs at a slow \ fast pace

The pace of modern life - Pace modern life

  • contrast- contrast

The artist uses contrast between light and darkness - The artist uses contrast between light and shadow

  • absence- absence

The teacher was surprised by my absence - The teacher was surprised by my absence

  • presence- presence

Watch your language in the presence of adults - Watch your speech in the presence of adults

  • state- state (e.g. substance)

to be in a state of readiness - to be in a state of readiness

  • noise- noise

to make noise - make noise

  • resistance- resistance

The squad met heavy resistance - The squad met heavy resistance

Copper has low resistance - Copper has low resistance

  • tension- tension, tension

We could feel the tension in the room - Tension was felt in the room

the tension of a rope - rope tension

  • kilogram- kilogram

A kilogram is equal to one grams thousand - A kilogram is equal to a thousand grams.

  • meter- meter

The house is about five meters tall - The height of the house is about five meters

  • inch- inch

One inch is approximately two point five centimeters - An inch is approximately two and five tenths of a centimeters

  • mile- mile

We traveled over miles of dirt road - We drove miles of dirt road

  • pound- pound

My cat is seven pounds - My cat weighs seven pounds

  • foot- foot

One foot is twelve inches - One foot equals twelve inches


  1. Beyond the noun smell(smell) there is also a verb to smell, which means 1) smell, 2) smell.
  2. Word tension can mean not only "tension" in physical sense, but also "tension" in a figurative sense (difficult relationship): There is some serious tension between them. - There is serious tension between them.

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Hello. Today in our blog - Research Article... More precisely, a scientific selection. In general, we have collected for you several hundred terms from chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology and other sciences. At the end of each set there will be a link where you can add it to study. Ready? Then let's start without further ado.


algebra- algebra
geometry- geometry
point- dot
circle- a circle
square- square
triangle- triangle
diagonal- diagonal
diameter- diameter
radius- radius
angle- injection
parallel- parallel
area- square
perimeter- perimeter
plane- plane
difference- difference
quantity- value
infinity- Infinity
line- line
segment- line segment
mathematical single- mathematical sign
fraction- fraction
root- root
power- degree
equation- the equation
solve- solve

Math I (25 words), Math II (25 words), Mathematics III (25 words) .


analysis- analysis
study- study
assumption- assumption
energy- energy
atom- atom
particle- particle
electron- electron
neutron- neutron
proton- proton
charge- charge
electric- electric
current- current
direct- constant
direction- direction
inertia- inertia
mass- weight
power- power
resistance- resistance
stress- voltage
acceleration- acceleration
frequency- frequency
properties- properties
relative- relative
nuclear- nuclear
radiation- radiation

Save sets for study: Physics I (25 words), Physics II (25 words) , Physics III (25 words) .


space- space
asteroid- asteroid
meteorite- meteorite
comet- comet
flare- flash
planet- planet
planetoid- minor planet
satellite- satellite
star- star
constellation- constellation
cluster- star cluster
galaxy- galaxy
local group- local group of galaxies
black hole- black hole
nebula- nebula
pulsar- pulsar
quasar- quasar
orbit- orbit
eclipse- eclipse
astronaut- astronaut
observatory- observatory
telescope- telescope
space exploration- space exploration
escape velocity- space speed
light-year- light year

Save sets for study: Astronomy I (40 words), Astronomy II (40 words).


map- map
city- city
country- country
continent- continent
ocean- Ocean
sea- sea
lake- Lake
river- river
island- Island
north- north
south- south
east- East
west- west
degree of latitude- degree of latitude
degree of longitude- degree of longitude
time zone- Timezone
hemisphere- hemisphere
equator- equator
landform- relief form
coast- coast
bay- bay
canyon- canyon
desert- desert
dale- valley
cliff- cliff

Save sets for study: Geography I (40 words), Geography II (42 words), Geography III (19 words).


age- century
period- period
frontier- the border
troops- military establishment
battle- battle
war- war
peace- peace
alliance- union
expansion- expansion
covenant- agreement
treason- betrayal
colony- the colony
empire- empire
secession- split
independence- independence
settle- settle
rule- edit
overthrow- to overthrow
civilization- civilization
prosperous- prosperous
origin- origin
legend- legend
myth- myth
custom- tradition
censorship- censorship

Save sets for study: Story I (37 words), History II (41 words), History III (30 words) .


biosphere- biosphere
ecosystem- ecosystem
diversity- variety
species- view
bacteria- bacteria
virus- virus
embryo- embryo
cell- cell
dermis- dermis
tissue- the cloth
genome- genome
receptor- receptor
plasma- plasma
organelle- organelle
chromosome- chromosome
absorption- absorption
excretion- selection
respiration- breathing
atrophy- atrophy
life cycle- life cycle
instinct- instinct
evolution- evolution
mutation- mutation
extermination- destruction


chemistry- chemistry
science- the science
analysis- analysis
aggregate state- state of aggregation
relative atomic mass- relative atomic mass
valency- valence
ion- and he
metal- metal
nonmetal- non-metal
atom- atom
molecule- molecule
symbol of element- element symbol
chemical bond- chemical bond
chemical equation- chemical equation
chemical equilibrium- chemical equilibrium
chemical element- chemical element
chemical properties- Chemical properties
chemical reaction- chemical reaction
chemical formula- chemical formula
substance- substance
simple substance- simple substance
complex substance- complex substance
synthesis- synthesis
periodic law- periodic law
periodic table- periodic table


behavioural- behavioral
class consciousness- class consciousness
social- public
ideology- ideology
capitalism- capitalism
communism- communism
evolutionism- evolutionism
globalization- globalization
multiculturalism- multiculturalism
secularization- secularization
modernity- modernity
conflict- conflict
social inequality- social inequality
solidarity- solidarity
invariant- constant
contextual- contextual
empirical- based on experience
ethnicity- ethnicity
culture shock- culture shock
deviance- deviation from the norm
dysfunction- dysfunction
alienation- alienation
probably sampling- random sampling
quantitative- quantitative
qualitative- qualitative


accommodation- adaptation
addiction- addiction
aggression- aggression
altruism- altruism
critical thinking- critical thinking
creativity- creation
displacement- sublimation
memory- memory
perception- perception
imagery- images
motivation- motivation
emotion- emotion
ecstasy- ecstasy
epinephrine- adrenaline
rehearsal- repetition
habit- habit
unconscious- subconscious
hypnosis- hypnosis
antianxiety drugs- anti-anxiety medications
burnout- exhaustion
stress- stress
insomnia- insomnia
maturation- ripening
temperament- temperament
self-esteem- self-esteem


noun- noun
verb- verb
adjective- adjective
adverb- adverb
number- numeral
preposition- preposition
conjunction- union
interjection- inter-house
collocation- phrase
phrase- phrase
idiomatic expression- idiom
phonetic- phonetics
consonant- consonant
schwa- neutral vowel
interlanguage- interlanguage
accent- accent
dialect- dialect
jargon- jargon
slang- slang
diphthong- diphthong
homonym- homonym
morpheme- morpheme
phoneme- phoneme
pidgin- pidgin
polysemy- multi-function

Art history

abstract art- abstractionism
antique art- antique art
applied art- applied arts
classical art- classical art
folk art- folk art
express- to express
communicate- transfer
interpret- interpret
impression- impression
influence- influence
intention- intention
content- content
style- style
trend- trend
sketchy- sketch
great- great
brilliant- brilliant
astonishing- amazing
outstanding- outstanding
remarkable- significant
crude- raw
pathetic- pathetic
poor- Low quality
revolting- disgusting
second-rate- second-rate

Save sets for study: Art I (39 words), Art II (39 words).

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autoregression mat. autoregression
autoadjustment w. automatic control
autoresonance m. autoresonance
M. author's abstract (of scientific paper)
autorotation w. autorotation ~ rotor autorotation of a rotor
auto sync self-synchronization of waves
autosoliton m. autosoliton ~ Rossby Rossby autosoliton
autostereoscopy autostereoscopy
autostructure autostructure, self-sustained dissipative structure
agglomerate m. agglomerate, sinter
agglomeration agglomeration.

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  • The English-Russian Explanatory Dictionary, Mazurin O.B., 2013 - This English-Russian dictionary contains 1500 vase terms and concepts collected within the specialties of the secondary vocational education in the service sector - ...
  • English Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, English-Russian Dictionary of Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Shitova L.F., Bruskina T.L., 2012 - This publication is an experience of compiling a dictionary of phraseological correspondences of figurative words and expressions in English and Russian languages. For the first time under one ... Anglo-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Dictionary-minimum in English, Kissin T.S., Aizenstadt G.N., 1963 - This dictionary-minimum is study guide for students of technical universities and has its whole purpose to help students read and translate general scientific and ... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Dictionary of the Difficulties of the English Language, S. Greenbaum, J. Whitcutt, 1990 - This dictionary is a reprint of the Dictionary of the Difficulties of the English Language, published in 1988 by the Longman Publishing House (Great Britain). The dictionary contains 5000 entries, where ... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
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