Scientific article on physics. Physics list of scientific articles



Physics is called experimental science. Many laws of physics are discovered thanks to observations of natural phenomena or specially designed experiments. Experience either confirms or refutes physical theories. And the sooner a person learns to conduct physical experiments, the sooner he can hope to become a skilled experimental physicist.

The teaching of physics, due to the peculiarities of the subject itself, is a favorable environment for the application of a system-activity approach, since the course of physics high school includes sections, the study and understanding of which requires a developed figurative thinking, the ability to analyze and compare.

Especially effective methods works areelements of modern educational technologies, such as experimental and project activity, problem learning, the use of new information technologies. These technologies make it possible to adapt educational process to the individual characteristics of students, the content of training of varying complexity, create the prerequisites for the child to participate in the regulation of their own educational activities.

It is possible to increase the level of a student's motivation only by involving him in the process of scientific knowledge in the field of educational physics. One of the important ways to increase student motivation is experimental work.After all, the ability to experiment is the most important skill. This is the pinnacle of physical education.

The physical experiment allows you to link the practical and theoretical problems of the course into a single whole. When listening educational material schoolchildren begin to get tired, and their interest in the story decreases. A physical experiment, especially an independent one, well removes the inhibitory state of the brain in children. During the experiment, students take an active part in the work. This contributes to the development of students' skills to observe, compare, generalize, analyze and draw conclusions.

Student physical experiment is a method of general educational and polytechnical training of schoolchildren. It should be short in time, easy to set up and aimed at mastering and working out specific educational material.

The experiment allows organizing independent activities of students, as well as developing practical skills. In my methodical piggy bank contains 43 frontal experimental tasks only for the seventh grade, not counting the program laboratory work.

During one lesson, the vast majority of students manage to complete and complete only one experimental task. Therefore, I selected small experimental tasks, which in time take no more than 5 - 10 minutes.

Experience shows that conducting frontal laboratory work, solving experimental tasks, performing a short-term physical experiment is several times more effective than answering questions or working on textbook exercises.

But, unfortunately, many phenomena cannot be demonstrated in the conditions of a school physics laboratory. For example, these are phenomena of the microworld, or fast processes, or experiments with devices that are not available in the laboratory. As a result, studentsexperience difficulties in studying them, as they are not able to mentally imagine them. In this case, a computer comes to the rescue, which can not only create a model of such phenomena, but also allows

Modern educational process is unthinkable without the search for new, more effective technologies designed to promote the formation of skills for self-development and self-education. These requirements are fully met by the project activity. IN project work the goal of training is the development of independent activity among students, aimed at mastering new experience. It is the involvement of children in the research process that activates their cognitive activity.

A qualitative consideration of phenomena and laws is an important feature of the study of physics. It's no secret that not everyone is able to think mathematically. When a new physical concept is presented to a child first as a result of mathematical transformations, and then a search for it takes place. physical sense, many children have both an elementary misunderstanding and a bizarre "worldview" that in reality there are formulas, and phenomena are needed only to illustrate them.

The study of physics with the help of an experiment makes it possible to learn the world of physical phenomena, observe phenomena, obtain experimental data for analyzing the observed, establish a connection between a given phenomenon and a previously studied phenomenon, introduce physical quantities, and measure them.

The new task of the school was the formation of a system for schoolchildren universal action, as well as the experience of experimental, research, organizational independent activity and personal responsibility of students, the acceptance of learning goals as personally significant, i.e. competencies that determine the new content of education.

The purpose of the article is to study the possibility of using the Vernier digital laboratory to develop research skills in schoolchildren.

Research activity includes several stages, ranging from setting the goal and objectives of the study, putting forward a hypothesis, ending with the experiment and its presentation.

Research can be both short-term and long-term. But in any case, its implementation mobilizes a number of skills in students and allows the formation and development of the following universal learning activities:

  • systematization and generalization of experience in the use of ICT in the learning process;
  • assessment (measurement) of the influence of individual factors on the performance result;
  • planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result
  • control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;
  • compliance with safety regulations, the optimal combination of forms and methods of activity.
  • communication skills when working in a group;
  • the ability to present the results of their activities to the audience;
  • development of algorithmic thinking necessary for professional activities in modern society. .

Vernier digital laboratories are equipment for conducting a wide range of research, demonstrations, laboratory work in physics, biology and chemistry, design and research activities students. The laboratory includes:

  • Distance Sensor Vernier Go! Motion
  • Temperature sensor Vernier Go! Temp
  • Adapter Vernier Go! Link
  • Vernier Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor
  • Light sensorVernier TI/TI Light Probe
  • A set of educational and methodological materials
  • CosView Interactive USB Microscope.

With Logger Lite 1.6.1 software you can:

  • collect data and display it during the experiment
  • choose various ways data display - in the form of graphs, tables, scoreboards of measuring instruments
  • process and analyze data
  • import/export text format data.
  • view video recordings of pre-recorded experiments.

The laboratory has a number of advantages: it allows obtaining data that is not available in traditional educational experiments, and makes it possible to conveniently process the results. The mobility of the digital laboratory allows you to conduct research beyond classroom. The use of the laboratory makes it possible to implement a system-activity approach in lessons and classes. The experiments carried out with the help of the digital laboratory "Vernier" are visual and effective, which allows for a deeper understanding of the top of the head by students.

Applying research approach to learning, it is possible to create conditions for students to acquire the skills of scientific experimentation and analysis. In addition, learning motivation is increased through active participation during a lesson or class. Each student gets the opportunity to conduct their own experiment, get the result, tell others about it.

Thus, we can conclude that the use of the Vernier digital laboratory in the classroom allows students to develop research skills, which increases the effectiveness of learning and contributes to the achievement of modern educational goals.

List of components:
interface for data processing and registration;
special software on a CD-ROM for working with data on a computer;
special software on a CD-ROM for Wi-Fi operation of all laboratory equipment;
sensors for conducting experiments;
additional accessories for sensors;

Purpose of the laboratory:
creation of conditions for a deeper study of physics, chemistry and biology using modern technical means;
increasing the activity of students in cognitive activity and increasing interest in the disciplines studied;
development of creative and personal qualities;
creating conditions for the limited budget for the simultaneous work of all students on the topic under study using modern technical means;
research and scientific work.

Laboratory capabilities:
work in one wireless network of all components of the proposed laboratory, interactive whiteboard, projector, document camera, personal tablets and mobile devices of students;
the possibility of using tablets of different operating systems;
conducting more than 200 experiments throughout the course of elementary and secondary schools;
creation and demonstration of own experiments;
student testing;
the ability to transfer data to homework on the student's mobile device;
the ability to view any student's tablet on an interactive whiteboard to demonstrate the completed task;
the ability to work separately with each of the components of the laboratory;
the ability to collect data and conduct experiments outside the classroom.
laboratory equipment for experiments with sensors;
guidelines With detailed description experiences for the teacher;
plastic containers for packaging and laboratory storage.

Digital labs are the next generation of school science labs. They provide the opportunity to:

  • reduce the time spent on preparing and conducting a frontal or demonstration experiment;
  • increase the visibility of the experiment and visualization of its results, expand the list of experiments;
  • carry out measurements in the field;
  • to modernize already familiar experiments.
  • With the help of a digital microscope, each student can be immersed in a mysterious and fascinating world where they learn a lot of new and interesting things. The guys, thanks to the microscope, better understand that everything living is so fragile and therefore you need to be very careful with everything that surrounds you. The digital microscope is a bridge between the real ordinary world and the microcosm, which is mysterious, unusual and therefore surprising. And everything amazing strongly attracts attention, affects the mind of the child, develops creativity, love for the subject. A digital microscope allows you to see various objects at magnifications of 10, 60 and 200 times. With it, you can not only examine the object of interest, but also take a digital photo of it. You can also use a microscope to record objects on video and create short films.
  • The set of digital laboratory includes a set of sensors with the help of which I carry out simple visual experiments and experiments (temperature sensor, CO2 content sensor, light sensor, distance sensor, heart rate sensor). Students put forward hypotheses, collect data using sensors, analyze the received data to determine the correctness of the hypothesis. Use in conducting scientific experiments in the class of computer and sensors, it ensures the accuracy of measurements and allows you to continuously monitor the process, as well as save, display, analyze and reproduce data and build graphics based on them. The use of Vernier sensors contributes to safety in science classes. Temperature sensors connected to computers prevent students from using mercury or other glass thermometers that can break. I use the equipment both in the lessons of physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and extracurricular activities when working on projects. Students master the methods of the following activities: cognitive, practical, organizational, evaluation and self-control activities. When using digital laboratories, the following positive effects are observed: an increase in the intellectual potential of schoolchildren; the percentage of students participating in various subject, creative competitions, design and research activities increases and their effectiveness increases.
  • Application electronic educational resources should provide a significantinfluence on the change in the activities of the teacher, his professional and personal development, initiate dissemination of non-traditional models of lessons and forms of interaction between teachers and studentsbased on cooperation, andemergence of new learning models, which are based onactive independent activity of students.
  • This is in line with the main ideas of GEF LLC, methodological basis which issystem-activity approach, according to which "the development of the student's personality on the basis ofassimilation of universal learning activities cognition and development of the world is the goal and main result of education.
  • The use of electronic educational resources in the learning process provides great opportunities and prospects for independent creative and research activities of students.
  • Concerning research work– ESM allow not only to independently study the descriptions of objects, processes, phenomena, but also to work with them in an interactive mode, to solve problem situations and connect the acquired knowledge with phenomena from life.

Physics as a science

Having 20 years of experience in teaching physics, I was faced with the fact that many students and not only, having completed the course of studying the subject, cannot answer the question: “what kind of science is physics after all?” All further material presented in this article will help to look at physics as an ideological, philosophical science.

What is physics and what is its subject of study?

A.M. Prokhorov: "Physics is a science that studies the simplest and at the same time the most general laws of natural phenomena, the properties and structure of matter and the laws of its motion."

M.V. Wolkenstein: "Today, physics is the science of the fundamental structures of matter, of matter and field, the science of the forms of existence of matter - of space and time."

W. Weiskopf: “…Science is trying to discover the fundamental laws of nature that govern the world. She seeks the absolute and unchanging in the flow of events.

L.A. Artsimovich: “... Modern physics is a kind of two-faced Janus. On the one hand, it is a science with a burning eye, which seeks to penetrate deep into the great laws of the material world. On the other hand, it is the foundation of new technology, a workshop for bold technical ideas, a pillar of defense and driving force continuous industrial progress.

So physics is natural Science studying the fundamental laws of nature. At the same time, physics serves as the basis of modern scientific and technological progress.

What are the goals and objectives of physical science?

I. Newton: “... The main duty natural philosophy- to draw conclusions from phenomena without inventing hypotheses, and to deduce causes from actions until we come to the very first cause, of course, not mechanical, and not only to reveal the mechanism of the world, but mainly to resolve the following and similar questions. What is in places almost devoid of matter and whyThe sun and planets gravitatefriend,Althoughthere is no between themmatter? Why doesn't naturenothing in vain, and where did it come fromall the order and beauty that wesee in the world?

And although every right step on the waythis philosophy does not lead usmeans to the knowledge of the firstranks, but it brings us closer to herand therefore should be highly valued."

M. Plank: "Since ancient times, fromas long as there is a studychildbirth, it had before it asthe ideal of the final, highest task:unite the motley variety of physicalphysical phenomena into a single system, andif possible, in oneformula."

L. Boltzmann: "The main goalnatural sciences - reveal unityforces of nature."

G. Helmholtz: "The target is indicatedsciences- is to findlaws by which individualprocesses in nature can be reducedTo general rules and may be againderived from these latter."

P. Langevin: "Physics relatea very young science. Only inXVIIIV. she is fully aware of herself andbegan to develop firmly, by twonoah - experimental and theoreticalskoy - basis, striving for a highideal set before her inancient times by greek philosophermi: free a person from fear by givinghim an understanding of the forces around him and the consciousness that he lives in the world,subject to laws."

Thus, physics in itsactivities seeks to createsuch a system of knowledge (better - theory, even better - one mathematicalformula) that will combine and, onceplease explain everything as much as possiblevariety of observed physical phenomena.

How does physics decide your tasks?

I. Newton: "As in mathematics,and in natural philosophy researchteaching difficult subjects by the methodanalysis must always precede the join method. Such an analysis isIT in the production of experiments and observationny, drawing general conclusions fromthem by induction and inadmissibleother objections to the conclusionknowledge other than those derived from experience orother reliable truths. For hypothesPS should not be considered in the exprimental philosophy. And although argumentation on the basis of experience and observation by means of induction is not a proof of general conclusions, however, this is the best way of argumentation allowed by the nature of things, and can be considered all the more powerful than general induction.

M.V.Lomonosov:"... Now scientists, and especially testersnatural things, look little at the inventions born in one head andempty speeches, but are more approved onauthentic art. The mainpart of natural science, physics, nowalready has its foundation on only one of them. mental reasoningare made from reliable andrepeated experiments many times. Forfor beginners to learn physicsoffered in advance now commonbut the most necessary physical experiments,coupled with the reasoning thatof these directly and almost obviouslyfollow".

A. M. Amper: "Start with observationfacts, change, if possiblesti, accompanying conditions, resistleading this initial workprecise measurements to infergeneral laws based entirely onexperience, and in turn derive fromthese laws, regardless of anyassumptions about the nature of forces, challengesthat describe these phenomena, mathematicalexpressions of these forces, i.e., deduce beforeformulating them, this is the way,followed by Newton. ... I was guided by the same path in all myelectrodynamic researchphenomena."

M. Born: "He (physicist - R. Shch.)sets up an experiment, observes regularity, formulates it in mathematicslaws, predicts newphenomena based on these laws,establishes various empirical lawsinto connected theories satisfyingour need for harmony and logicbeauty, and finally check againemulate these theories through scientificforesight."

A. G. Stoletov: "... The maintools are intentional experienceAnd mathematical analysis. Only thenturns out to be full, truescientific coverage of the subject".

So that received inprogress scientific research physicallyscientific knowledge turned out to be objective,they must be justified theoreticallycal reasoning and experimenttami. Latest in the learning processoccupy a special place.

What is the role of experiment in physics research?

E. Mach: "Man accumulatesexperience through observation in the environmentenvironment. But the most interesting and teachthose changes are beneficial for himon which he can give noticedirect influence by its intervention,with their voluntary movements.Such changes can benot only passively, but actively adapt them to your needsstym; they have greatness for himneck economic, practical andmental meaning. Based on thisvalue of the experiment.

A. Einstein: “What wecall physics, covers the groupnatural sciences, basing theirconcepts on dimensions...".

M. V. Lomonosov: "One experimentI put higher than a thousand opinionsborn only of the imagination."

N. Bor: "Under the word" experimentment" we can only understand the procedure, about which we canlet others know what we've doneand what we learned."

L. de Broglie: "Experiment,essential basis for any progress in these sciences, an experiment from which we always start and towards which we alwayswe return, - only he canserve as a source of knowledge for usreal facts that stand aboveany theoretical concept orpreconceived theory.

P.L. Kapitsa: "I think thatwe scientists can say: theory -This a good thing but correctThe experiment stays forever."

Indeed, correctlylenny experiment allows the discoverylive new facts and phenomena, exactlymeasure very important for everythingnatural science fundamental constunts (speed of light, electron chargeetc.) and determine the future fateany existing or onlydeveloped theoretical postswarming. The most important elements of the floorthe knowledge sought in this case islaw and theory.

What is the purpose of law and theory in the system of knowledge?

R. Feynman: "... In phenomenanature has forms and rhythms, underfeet to the beholder's eye, but openthe eye of the analyst. These shapes and rhythmswe call physical laws".

Yu Wigner: "All laws of naturedy are conditional statements, letto predict somethingtiya in the future on the basis of the fact thatcurrently known..."

S. I. Vavilov: "... Experience really used as scientific result... has no value,if it is not related to some theorytic prerequisites and presumptivezhenii. physical experience putjust to confirmor disprove the theory, and reThe result can completely refutethis or that conclusion, but nevercan serve as an absolute statement of the validity of the theory."

L. deBroil:"Concerningtheory, then its task is to classifyfication and synthesis of the obtained resultstatov, arranging them in a reasonablesystem that not only allowsinterpret what is known, but alsoto the best of our ability to foreseeknown".


"... Any physical theory consistsof two complementarystay...

The first part teaches how rationalattributed to objects of naturedy certain values ​​​​- greaterpart as numbers. Second partestablishes mathematical ratiosbetween these values. Temmost, in view of the relationship of these quantities withreal objects, are formulatedrelationships between thesewhich is the ultimate goal of the theory.

Without the first part, the theory is illusory,empty. Without the second, there is no theory at all.Only the combination of the twosides gives a physical theory".

A. Einstein: "In the creationIn physical theory, fundamental ideas play an essential role.Physical books are full of complex mathematical formulas. But the beginningeach physical theory arethoughts and ideas, not formulas. Ideasmust later accept mathematicalform of quantitative theory,do possible comparison with expriment".

L. Boltzmann: "You can almostargue that the theory, in spite of itsintellectual mission ismost practical thingin some way, quintessentialpractices; no hands-on experienceness is not able to reach accuratelyinference in the field of assessments or teststanium; but with the secrecy of the waystheory, its conclusions are accessible only to those who own it quite confidently.

R. Feynman: "They (physicists -R. Shch.) understood that they liked the theoryor not, it doesn't matter. Something else is important -Does the theory make predictions thatagree with experiment. It's not heredoes it matter if the theory is good withphilosophical point of view, is it easyto understand whether it is impeccable from the point of view of common sense.

E. Mach: "It is this continuouschange of experiment and deduction, introducingmaking constant adjustments, this is a closetheir contact with each other,so characteristic of Galileo in hisdialogues and for Newton in his optics,constitute the cornerstone, the cause of the extraordinary fruitfulnessmodern natural science in comparison with ancient, in which subtleobservation and strong thinking existsometimes stood side by side, almost alieneach other".

Scientists talk about physicaltheory and its relationship with experimentvolume was interesting enoughintense and deep. Let's just addthat, since the possession of different methodsladies research demands today fromscientists of thorough professionalismma, modern physics is divided intotheoretical and experimental.And it is quite obvious that the subject of researchthey have one thing - nature, butapproaches and methods are different.

There are theoretical physicists But there are experimenters...

P. L. Kapitsa: "From the historydevelopment of physics is well known thatdivision of physicists into theorists and expertsmentors happened quite recentlyBut. In the old days, not only Newtone and Huygens, but also theoristslike Maxwell, usually the experiments themselvesmentally tested their theoriessky conclusions and constructions".

But with the growth of physical knowledge,increase and complication of solvedscientific problems, andWith complicateunderstanding of the technique of experiment, scientists,due to their inclinations, talent andeducation, are engaged in theoreticalmi or experimental researchvanities. So, P. N. Lebedev, K. Reit-gene, E. Rutherford, P. L. Kapitsa wereexperimenters, and L. Boltzmann,A. Einstein, N. Bohr, R. Feynman,L. D. Landau - theorists. What isdifference between their activities?

A.B. Migdal: "Physics-expmentors investigate the relationships between physical quantities, or, to put it more solemnly, discover the laws of nature, using experimental setups, that is, by making measurements physical quantities with the help of instruments.

Theoretical physicists study nature,using only paper and pencilshom, derive new relationships betweenby the observed quantities, based onbased on previously found experimentstheoretically and theoretically the laws of naturedy".

And further here the scientist underlinesthat each of these physicalprofessions "requires special knowledgeniya - knowledge of measurement methods inin one case and possession of a mathematical apparatus - in another ... differentdifferent types of thinking and differentforms of intuition.

Is physics really Do you need your own language?

A. Poincaré: "So, everything iswe are derived from experience. But for expressThey need a special language to express them.Everyday language is too poor, exceptMoreover, it is too vague forexpressions so rich in contentexact and subtle ratios.

A. Einstein: "Scientific poniestiya often begin with concepts, upotspoken in ordinary language Everyday life, but they developquite differently. They are transformed andlose the ambiguity associated withcommon language, they acquirerigor that allows them to be usedin scientific thinking.

IN.Heisenberg:"... Our naturenatural language has been formed in the worldordinary sensory experience, thenHow modern science enjoysunique technology, equipmenthighest subtlety and complexity andpenetrates with its help into the spheres, underfeet of feeling."

W. Heisenberg: "In historyscience has often proved expedientnym, and sometimes necessary introduction toadditional artificial languagewords suitable for earlierunknown objects or relationshipszey, and this one artificial language in aboutgenerally satisfactorily describeda wave of newly discovered patternsnature."

So, physics has its own specialty.language, in which, however, there are manywords familiar to us, having, asusually more specific.It is also obvious that the language of science, underknowledge of foreign languages, requiresyour study. That's why the conversationprofessional non-specialist scientistsstu is incomprehensible. In turn, languageclassical physics stops working when describing quantum phenomena.And this is natural, because here, according tothe words of the same W. Heisenberg,"We are leaving not only the sphere ofmeans of sensory experience, wewe leave the world in which we formedfor which ourordinary language". And further: "Newlanguage is new way thinking"

Moreover, in search of clarity anddependency expression accuracyphysics inverts between quantitiesto mathematics. G. Galileo already consideredthat only he can understand nature"who first learns to comprehend itlanguage and interpret the signs with which shewritten. Is it written in the languagemathematics, and its signs are triangles,circles and other geometric shapes,without which one would not be able to understandthere is not a single word in it; without them he waswould be doomed to wander in the darklabyrinth."

What are the functions of mathematics Vmodern physics?

Dand. K. M a x w e l l: "The firststage in the development of physical scienceconsists in finding a system of quantities with respect to which one can assumeto live that phenomena depend on them,considered by this science. wtoswarm step is to find a matemathematical form of the relationship betweenthese quantities. After that you canconsider this science as a sciencemathematical".

Yu. V and g and e r: "In his dailyin some work, a physicist uses mathematicsku to get the results, youfrom the laws of nature, and forverification of the applicability of conditionalstatements of these laws to the mostfrequently encountered or interestedgiven its particular circumstances.To make this possible, lawsnature must be formulated in mathematical language. However, geting results based on already existingemerging theories - by no means the mostimportant role of mathematics in physics.In fulfilling this function, mathematics,or, more precisely, applied mathematics, is not so much the master of the situation as a means to achievespecific purpose."

F. Dyson: “The physicist builds his theories on mathematical material,because mathematics allows himachieve more than without it. artThe essence of physics lies in the ability totake the necessary mathematicalmaterial and use it to buildmodel of a natural phenomenondy. Moreover, it does not come from the rationalreal considerations, but rather decidesintuitively, whether the given matrial for his purposes. When buildingtheory completed, consistentrationalistic and criticalanalysis along with the experimentaltest will show whether this theory can be recognized as reasonable.

P. A. M. Dirac: "It may wellturn out to be the next decisivesuccess in physics will come like this:first manage to open the equations, andonly a few years later it becomes clearphysical ideas underlyingthese equations.

A. Einstein: "The wholeexperience convinces us thatnature is the realizationexpression of the simplest mathematical thoughtmy elements. I am convinced that thedue to mathematical constructions, wewe can find those concepts and regular connections between them that will giveus the key to understanding natural phenomenady ... Of course, experience remains the only criterion for the suitability of mathematicscal constructions of physics. But onworthwhile creativity is inherentjust mathematics."

Of these statements, prominentscientists it follows that at presentmathematics serves simultaneously as a languagecom and highly effective toolvolume of knowledge of the world of physical phenomenany.

What is the development of physical science?

P.A.M. Dirac: "The development of physics in the past is presented as a continuous process, consisting of many small steps, which were superimposed by several large leaps. Of course, it is precisely these jumps thatare of most interestnew features in the development of science ...Such large jumps usually come downto overcome prejudice. Some idea may exist with usfrom time immemorial; it is completelyAccepted and does not raise questions, as it seems obvious. And here's some-someday the physicist discovers the doubt,he seeks to replaceprejudice with something more precise, andthis leads to a new idea ofNature."

P. L. Kapitsa: "... Developmentscience lies in the fact thattime as properly installedfacts remain unshakable, theories are constantly changing, expanding,improved and refined. In the process of this development, we are steadilygetting closer to the real picturethe nature around us...

A. Einstein; "Almost everygreat success in science comes fromcrisis of the old theory as a resultattempts to find a way out of the createddifficulties. We must checkold ideas, old theories, although theybelong to the past, because it isthe only means of understanding the significance of new ideas and their limitsjustice."

I. E. T amm: “... With each newstep, the limits of applicability of those concepts and those laws that were previously considered universal are revealed, andmore regularities are revealedof a general nature. Requirements for eachnow and again theories are becoming more and moretough - after all, she not only mustexplain newly discovered facts, but alsoinclude as privatecase all previously discovered lawsness, indicating the exact boundaries of theirapplicability. So all the basics are classycal physics are contained in more thangeneral laws of relativityand quantum theory...

E. B. Alexandrov: "Anynew ideas and discoveries mustfit neatly into the frame,already accumulated, reliablyestablished ratios, factmi, magnitudes. As thescience, its frame grows with new connections and becomes more and more rigid ...Fundamental discoveries are veryit's hard to find a place inside the unshakableframework of science formed by the accumulatedknowledge. It's natural to look for themoutside - outside the conditions, foreworldling the experience of modern science".

So physical science is incontinuous development and therefore represents a generally progressivenew science. At the same time, no matter howparadoxically, physicists themselves in their own wayconservative because they know the truththe price of mined in scientific researchknowledge.

Ya. I. Frenkel: "... Scientificconsciousness is always tormented by twovoluble tendencies: progressivenoah, or revolutionary, trenddiscover new facts and conservativenoah, or reactionary, trendreduce them to familiar, familiarrepresentations, that is, to explain them inunder the old scheme.

M. Bern: "Physicists are not a revolutionthey are rather conservative, andonly compelling circumstancesencourage them to donate well earlierreasonable notions."

So, physicists are very careful inprediction of the new, especiallyif this new refutes the earlier mouthupdated laws. Moreover, theyare skeptical of those "opentiya", the authors of which are amateurs in science.

Why physical science is needed man and humanity generally?

Already from that short story aboutphysics and physical knowledge, which was formed on the material of the statementof eminent scientists, put onny question can be answered approximatelyin the following way.

Firstly, learning the basics of schoolphysics allows us to understand howand how the world functions in whichrum we live.

N. A. Umov: "Physical sciences andcontent, and customs highly underrise above the ordinary level of thoughtin so touched by essentialsny interests of mankind, that forthem aphorism "science for science" potemade sense. No matter how specialwe are ideas, experiment and measurement, they are beyond the intentions of the knowledge workerwill serve either understanding of the world, ormaterial success."

W. Weiskopf: "Science demonstrationupholds the justice of the laws of naturedy, which obeys the entire universenaya. She gets to the bottom and findsorder in previously obscure things. Shecreates a great collection of things, goodgiving which the surrounding naturebecomes understandable and filled with meaning in its development from gaseous chaos to the living world.

J.K. Maxwell:" Science appears to us in a completely different way when we discover that we can see physical phenomena not only in the auditorium projected by means of electric light on a screen, but we can find an illustration of the highest areas of science in games and gymnastics, in marine and overland travel, in storms on land and sea, and wherever there is matter in motion."

Secondly , mastering the basic laws of physics makes it possible to use them for the creation and subsequent operation of various technical devices.

A.F. Ioffe: "Physics is the basis of technical progress, physics is a reservoir from which new technical ideas are drawn, and new technology. At a certain stage of its development, physical research ceases to be the greatest achievement of technology.

S. I. Vavilov: "Applicationphysical facts and laws fortechnical purposes are countless. Sovrechanging technique to its most effectiveactive and important part with full rightcan be called a practical implementationresults of physics (mechanics,electrical engineering, heat engineering, lighting engineeringnickname, etc.) ... The conclusions of physics are necessarytea facilitate and rationalizework of inventive thought, givepossibility of calculation and maximumeasy implementation."

Third, learning physicswhoever knows it also scientific method. Through it, the student begins to understandwhat value scientific knowledge- Vobjectivity, universality, clear certainty and the possibility of usingcalling everyone. Then it comesawareness of the need to ownby the very methods of science.

M. Faradey: "... In ourknowledge about knowledge, I would dare

skawell, it is much more important to know howto gain knowledge than to know what knowledge isnie".

S. P. Kapitsa: "We believe thatone of the most valuable lessons in physicski is her method based onobservation and experience leading to inductionsynthesis... This approach savesis also observed in the implementation of achievementsphysics in technology, while transferring itmethods in other areas of science. In himwe see the core value of ourbranches of knowledge and usefulness of experiencephysics for other areas (besidesthat positive content beforeideas about nature, which she yesem)".

Fourth, there is another happybut a significant side of the impactphysical science on personalityka - admiration for the beauty of zakonew nature, which is manifested inall who are deeply immersed in the studyphysics. Emotions awakened by herare often so powerfulmi and sustainable that their ownerready to forever tie his distantour fate with science, with scientific creativityhonor. And then his life from thatmoment is filled with the highestsense of service to the truth.

A. Poincare: "The one who...I saw at least from a distance "luxuriousharmony of the laws of naturemore disposed to neglect one's ownsmall selfish interestsmi than any other. He will getthe ideal that will love moreoneself, and this is the only ground upon which morality can be built. for the sake ofthis ideal it will work, nottrading their labor and not expecting a nicknamesome of those gross rewardswho are everything to someof people. And when selflessness becomes hishabit, this habit will followfollow him everywhere; his whole life will becolorful - Especially since the passion,inspiring him, there is love fortruth, and such love is notmorality itself?"

These wonderful words aboutscience (in many respects our science too, forwho, if not school teachers, stand atthe origins of the creative attitude of young people to life) we will end the conversation withscientists and try to comprehendshare your impressions of what you read.

In conclusion, we emphasize once againthat the brief ideas presented hereopinions about physics as a science and scientificknowledge is just a collectionthose methodological ideas thatthe process of the teacher's work shouldbe specific and justified.relevant learning material.


1. Prokhorov A. M. Physics // TSB,3rd ed. - T. 27. - S. 337.

2. Wolkenstein M. V. PhysicsHow theoretical basis natural sciences //Physical theory. - M.: Nauka, 1980. - S. 36,

3. Weiskopf V. physics in the twentiethcentury. - M.: Atomizdat, 1977. - S. 2-10.

4. Memories of Academician L. A. Artsimoviche. - M.: Nauka, 1988. - S. 239.

5. Newton I. Optics. - M.: Gostekhizdates, 1954. - S. 280, 281, 306.

6. Plank M. Unity of the physicalpictures of the world. - M.: Nauka, 1966. - S. 23.

7. BoltzmannL. Articles and speeches. - M.:Science, 1970. - S. 35, 56.

8. Life of science.- M.:Science, 1973. -pp. 180, 198.

9. Langevin P. Selected Works. -Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1960. - S. 658.

10. Lomonosov M.V. Favoritesworks. - M.: Nauka, 1986. - T. G. S. 33,

11. Amper A.M. Electrodynamics. - M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the SSR, 1954 - p. 10.

12. Born M. Physics in the life of my generation. - M., 1963 - p. 84, 190.
13. Public Lectures and Speeches by A. G. Stosummer.- M.,1902. - S. 236.

    Mach E. Cognition and delusion:Essays on the psychology of research. - M.,1909. - S. 188.

    Einstein A, Collection of scientific papersdov. - M.: Nauka, 1967. - T.IV. S. Sh, Sh, 229,367, 405, 530.

    Bor N. Atomic physics and humanknowledge;- M., 1961. - S.142.

    B ro il Louis d e. Along the pathsSciences.- M:IIL, 1962. - S. 162, 294, 295.

    Capitsa P. L. Experiment. Theory. Practice, - M.g. Science, 1981. - S.24, 190, 196.

    F einman R. Character physically "laws. - M.: Mir, 1968. - S. 9.

    Vigner Yu - Etudes on Symmetry. -M.; Mir, 1971. - S. 187, 188.

    Vavilov S. I. Sobr. op. - M.:Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1956, - ​​T.III. S. 154.

    MandelstamL.I. Lectures onphysics, relativity theory and quantummechanics. - M.: Nauka, 1972. - S. 326, 327.

23. Feynman R. QAD - strangetheory of light and matter. M.: Nauka, 1988. -C-13,

    Mach E. Popular scientific essays. - SPb.. 1309. - S. 211.

    M and g d a l A. B. Searches for truth. - M.:Young Guard, 1983. - S. 153, 154,

26. Poincare A. About science. - M.;Science, 1983. - S. 219.

    HeisenbergB. Steps for the burnumbrella. - M.: Progress, 1937. - S. 114, 208, 225.

    Galileo Galilei. Assay cases master. - M.: Nauka, 1987. - S.41.

    Maxwell J.K. Articles andspeech. - M.: Science. 1968. - S. 22, 37.

    D aison F. Mathematics in physicalSciences // Mathematics in modern world. - M.:Mir, 1967. - S. 117.

    Paul Dirac and physicsXXcentury - M.:Science, 1990. - S. 97.

32. Kitaygorodsky A.I.Physics is my profession. - M.: "Youngguard. 1965. - S. 165.

    SchrödingerE.New paths to physics. - M.: Nauka, 1971. - S. 22, 23.

    Frisch S. E. Through the lens of timeneither. - M.: IPL, 1992. - S. 371, 426.

    Streltsova G. Ya. Blaise Pazcal. - M.; Thought. 1979. - S. 120.

    Feinberg B. L. Two cultures:Intuition and logic in art and science. - M.:Science, 1992. - S, 80.

    Dirac P.A.M. Memories ofextraordinary era.- M.: Nauka, 1990. - S. 66.

    T and m m I. E. Sobr. scientific works. - M.; Science, 1975.- T.II. S. 428.

    A leksandrov E. B. Shadow science// Science and life. - 1991. - No. 1. - P.58.

    F renkel Ya. I. At dawn new physics. - L .: Nauka, 1969. - S. 261.

    Um o v N. A. The cultural role of the physical sciences// Journal of Russian Physical Thought. - No. 1, no.I. - Reutov, 1991. - P. 9.

    And about ffe A. F. shch physics and physicists. - L .: Nauka, 1985. - S. 394.

    Modern Historical and Scientific Research (Great Britain). Ref. Sat. - M., 1983. - S. 68

    Kapitsa S.P. education in the field of physics and general culture// Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1982. - No. 4. - P. 85.

Other articles are devoted to questions that lie within physics. What is mass, what is Ohm's law, how does an accelerator work - these are internal questions of physics. But as soon as we ask a question about physics in general or about the interaction of physics with the rest of the world, we have to go beyond it. To look at her from the outside, to see her precisely "as a whole." And now we will do it.

How physics is arranged and works

Imagine that your goal is to build bridges. What do we have to do? Mining iron ore, smelting steel, making nails, felling timber, sawing logs, driving piles, laying decking, and so on. Learn to make bridge calculations, and learn by yourself and teach others - and count, and build. It is not bad to exchange experience with other bridge builders, you can start publishing the magazine "Across the River" or the newspaper "Our Svay". What's important is that it's a process, and at every step we can tell you exactly what to do; you can feel a nail, you can sit on a hammered pile and fish. The results of the bridge calculation can be compared and verified, a model of the bridge can be built and tested. In addition, in the course of all this activity, a skill, ability, construction technology and a special language for describing bridges arise. Builders use their own terms, understandable only to them - console, caisson, diagram, etc.

This is how physics works. Those who do it create accelerators, microscopes, telescopes and many other devices, write and solve equations that describe the relationship between various parameters of our world (for example, the relationship between pressure, temperature and wind speed in the atmosphere). Like bridge builders, physicists create their own language and system for teaching future physicists. The experience of solving problems is accumulating, the technology of cognition is emerging.

All this does not fall from the tree by itself, like a mythical apple. Instruments are expensive and do not always work well, not everything can be understood, not all equations can be solved, and it is often unclear how to write them down, not all students study well, etc. But in the end, the understanding of the world improves - i.e. Today we know more than yesterday. And since we know from books that the day before yesterday we knew even less, we conclude that tomorrow we will know even more.

This is physics - the known world, the process of knowing the world, the process of creating the technology of knowing, the description of the world in a special "physical language". This language partially overlaps with the regular language. The words "weight", "speed", "volume", etc. exists both in physical language and in ordinary language. Many words exist only in physical language (exciton, gravity wave, tensor, etc.). Common language words and words physical language can be distinguished: you can explain to any person - so that he says "understood" - what weight and speed are, but you will not be able to explain to almost anyone what a "tensor" is. By the way, professional languages intersect: for example, the word "tensor" is also found in the language of bridge builders.

How physics is related to society

Physics, as well as the construction of bridges, is connected with the outside world. The first connection is that being a physicist (as well as a builder) is pleasant. Man survived because he learned new things and did new things. Mammoths had warmer wool, saber-toothed tigers jumped better, but the two-legged one reached the final. Therefore, as an adaptive feature, as support for the correct way of action that improves survival, the joy of recognition and the joy of creativity are laid in a person. Just like the joy of love or friendship.

The second connection between physics and society is that being a physicist (as well as a builder of bridges) is prestigious. Society respects those who do good for it. Respect is manifested in salary, in ranks and orders, admiration of girlfriends and friends. The degree of this respect and its form on different stages development of society can, of course, be different. And they depend on general condition of this society - in a country that wages many wars, the military is respected, in a country that develops science - scientists, in a country that builds - builders.

Everything that is written above applies not only to physics, but also to science in general - despite the fact that although biology and chemistry have many of their own characteristics, the scientific method itself is the same as in physics.

Where does pseudoscience come from?

A person seeks pleasure and does not seek - if this in itself does not give him pleasure - to work. Therefore, it is quite natural that next to physics, in which one has to work hard to get pleasure from the knowledge of truth and recognition by society, there is some other area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity, called, to put it politely, "parascience" or "pseudoscience".

Sometimes they say "pseudoscience", but this expression is inaccurate - it is customary to call a conscious and purposeful deception a lie, and among the figures of pseudoscience there are quite a lot of sincerely mistaken people. We will mainly talk about pseudophysics, although recently, for example, pseudohistory and pseudomedicine are very popular. In accordance with the properties of physics listed above, pseudophysics can be of several types.

Type 1- designed primarily to receive money and honor from the state. The traditional theme is "superweapon". For example, shooting down enemy missiles with "plasma clots". Similar ideas were successfully used to pump money out of the budget in Soviet times, and they were used on the other side of the ocean. For example, the use of telepathy to communicate with submarines. True, the system of independent expertise and less corruption prevent the development of this type of pseudoscience in other countries.

Type 2- designed mainly to satisfy their own ambitions. Traditional topics - the solution of the most complex, fundamental and global problems. Proof of Fermat's theorem, trisection of an angle and squaring of a circle, perpetuum mobile and an internal combustion engine on water, elucidation of the nature of gravity, construction of a "theory of everything", etc. Unlike Type 1 papers, some of these papers cost next to nothing, except for publication money.

In general, pseudoscience is based on two psychological characteristics people - the desire to get something (money, honor), without making an effort or to learn something, also without making an effort ("the theory of everything"). People are especially willing to believe in all sorts of miracles (UFOs, instant heals, miracle weapons) during a period of failure - either personal or public. When the complexity of the tasks facing a person or society turns out to be higher than usual and many people feel bad. A person in such a situation turns either to religion (as a rule, to its external paraphernalia), or to pseudoscience, or to mysticism. For example, today, in terms of the degree of interest in mysticism, Russia occupies one of the first places in the world, far ahead of Western societies living a normal life.

Is there any harm from pseudoscience

There is no particular harm, however, directly from the belief in UFOs and plants that feel at a distance that they are about to be plucked. Worse than the other - a person who has learned to perceive everything uncritically, who has unlearned to think with his own head, becomes an easy prey for all sorts of crooks. And those who promise to make untold money out of thin air, and those who promise to build a paradise tomorrow and solve all problems, and those who undertake to teach him everything in thirty hours - at least foreign language, even karate, even management.

Pseudo-science brings direct harm, perhaps, only in one case - when it is pseudo-medicine. Those who were treated by healers, sorcerers and hereditary fortune-tellers usually can no longer be saved by doctors. It is sometimes said that healers and sorcerers heal by suggestion, hypnosis, etc. It is possible, but, firstly, it has not been proven, and, secondly, a short-term improvement is usually achieved by suggestion, and the disease goes on as usual and leads to a natural outcome.

How to distinguish between science and pseudoscience?

Or, at least, physics and pseudophysics? Let us recall the main features of physics (and science in general) listed above.

First. Physics creates knowledge about the world that increases with time. And not in the form of individual revelations, but in the form of a system related statements, and the reliability of each is a consequence and cause of the reliability of others. Any physical labor develops some results of previously completed work (either using or challenging). Previous results in the same area cannot be ignored.

Second. Physics allows you to do "things" (for example, build bridges - through the study of the properties of materials and the development of new ones). Therefore, reliability modern physics we check every day a hundred times - without it there would be no radio and television, without it there would be no car and subway, without it neither a cell phone nor an iron would work.

Physics accumulates skill, technology, apparatus of cognition, builds its own language in which this experience is realized, and an education system - both for those who will work in physics and for those who will not.

Pseudoscience, which satisfies the ambitions of its creators and people's desire for a simple "explanation" of everything in the world, differs from science in all these points. She doesn't do anything on that list.

And in one aspect it imitates science. What is "science" for a person? First of all, it's a lot incomprehensible words, some of which (holography, proton, electron, magnetic field, vacuum) are often repeated in newspapers. In addition, science means ranks: academician, corresponding member, vice president, and so on. Therefore, pseudoscience uses a lot of "scientific words", and completely out of place, and usually walks hung from neck to knees with titles. Today, every ten honest lunatics and five normal crooks, having gathered together, declare themselves an academy.

Why physicists don't like this topic

People who want to understand the issue and understand whether there are "solar-terrestrial connections" or is it just incorrect data processing turn to physicists with questions, and physicists usually evade answers. On which the press flourishes, publishing millions of copies of photographs of the “soul leaving the body” (in the picture, the soul looks a bit like a ghost - a cartoon Casper, only translucent). Let's try to understand the psychology of physicists who, in violation of the traditions of their science, evade a clear answer and, lowering their eyes, mutter something like "maybe there is something there."

First and main reason such behavior - it is much more interesting for a physicist to study nature than to deal with madmen, swindlers and people fooled by them.

The second reason is that if a person is hopelessly ill, then (in Russian culture, but not in the Western) it is customary to tell him a lie and, thereby, console him. If people feel bad and they turn to faith in a lapel, a love spell and the strongest sorcerers in the third generation, then it’s somehow not good to take it away from them.

Third reason. Unwillingness to go into conflict because of "nonsense". Will you tell him that mice do not emit gravitational signals at the moment of death, or that there are no holes in the aura simply because there is no aura, and he will begin to accuse you of pursuing and suppressing the sprouts of new knowledge?

Fourth reason. Unwillingness to pass for a retrograde, censor, Cerberus, despot, etc. Physicists remember Soviet times when not a single word could be published without permission - and therefore do not want to even remotely look like censors.

The fifth reason is a bad conscience. The cutting edge of science goes deep into nature like a mining machine. The length of the tunnels is growing, society is breaking away from science, and shamans are filling the gap. And this happens not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Maybe scientists should be more involved in the popularization of science and educational activities? Then there would be less shamanism.

sixth and last reason- What if there really is something there? Let's consider this situation in more detail.

And suddenly there really is something

Of course, when the stories about levitating frogs begin, everything becomes clear. But in physics it often happens that the data of new measurements "do not fit" into the old theory. The question is what kind of theory and how far they do not climb. If they do not get into the theory of relativity, which has been repeatedly confirmed experimentally (suffice it to say that without it there would be no television and radar), then there is nothing to talk about. When it comes to unusual magnetic properties or about the abnormally low resistance of a sample made of oxides of copper and lanthanum, then this is strange and it would be necessary to sort it out carefully and measure it seven times. And those who figured it out (rather than passed by) discovered high-temperature superconductivity. And information about a substance twice as hard as diamond should be rechecked not 7, but 77 times, since this, as it seems to us, contradicts other, reliably established things.

Agree that the information that a neighbor or a roommate has fallen in love with you will surprise you less than the information that Chuck Norris or Sharon Stone has fallen in love with you. You will check such information much more carefully. As already mentioned, physics is not a list of revelations, but a system of knowledge in which each statement is connected with others and with practice.

The second important property is the controllability of the effect. If a cat meowed in the yard, and my voltmeter went off scale, then this is an accident. When this was repeated seven times, then this is a reason to think. But here I go down into the yard, make her meow and record the time of meows, another person, who does not know that I am doing this, records the readings of the device, and the third, who does not communicate with the two of us, analyzes the records, sees matches and says - Yes, we've made a discovery! If this and that coincided seven times with an accuracy of 0.1 seconds, and not a single meow without a twitch of the arrow and not a single twitch without a meow, this will be a discovery. Note that the controllability of the effect makes it possible to increase the reliability of observations and the accuracy of measurements. For example, there may not be coincidences in all cases, and all this will have to be studied for a long time and carefully.

Thus, we see that physics - like all science, by the way - is work; lots and lots of work. The pleasure of knowing how the world works is not given for free. And especially not given in vain is the amazing feeling experienced by a researcher who has just learned something new about the world - something that no one knows yet. Except him.

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