City in California 7. California

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Tanya Marchant

California State

In original: California
Capital: Sacramento ( Sacramento)
Joined the United States: September 9, 1850
Area: 411.1 thousand sq. Km
Population: 36.961 thousand people (July 2009)
Largest cities: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Long Beach, Fresno, Sacramento, Oakland, Santa Ana, Anaheim

California is a state located in western North America, on the coast The Pacific... It is the third largest state in the United States (after Alaska and Texas).

The California landscape is rich and varied.

With mountains, hills, canyons and sky-high peaks towering 4,600 meters above sea level, the Sierra Nevada mountains surround the Central Valley, separating it from the hot desert winds.

California has the lowest geographic level in Death Valley and the highest peak in the United States, Mount Whitney.

The state of California is characterized by moderately hot summers, warm winters and an abundance of sunny days in all months of the year. It is a fertile land with sea coast, mountain landscapes, orange groves and vineyards.

But California is now far more than the all-American orchard and movie kingdom it was at the turn of the century. Today, the names of the East and West coasts are not easy geographic concepts... These words reflect a whole complex of problems that characterize the trends in the development of the country's economic and political life.

The East Coast is the part of the United States where big business started and where the American establishment was born. The East has long dictated its will to the country, directing its political and economic life. However, today California - America's most populous state - often supplies Congress with more MPs than any other. This process is called the "californization of America."

The very concept of the "far west" has changed. Now the West is associated not only with the "gold rush" of the middle of the last century, but also with oil, and in our time - with the nuclear and space business, with computers. Comparing the West and East coasts, the main thing should be noted: California today really pulled ahead.

The name "California" was first given to these lands by the Spanish explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, who explored this North American Pacific coast in 1542. It is possible that the name Cabrillo gave to this coast comes from a popular Spanish novel published in 1510, which recounted a fictional island paradise called "California."

California is traditionally called the "Golden State", meaning both its wonderful climate and flourishing nature, as well as the gold found here.

Now this definition has been supplemented with a new meaning. California is truly a "golden state" for the military-industrial complex. Here in "Rockwell International", "Lockheed", "General Dynamics" and other corporations are placed the largest orders (contracts, orders) of the Pentagon. Most Californian firms work for the US military. California is therefore called the "state within the state" and the "electronic brain of the nation".

However, the California panorama will be incomplete if not to say that it was here that the widespread anti-war movement for a nuclear freeze was born. There are many Californians who were the first to support the establishment of a lasting peace on our planet.


Back in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Franciscan monks began to teach local Indians the art of crafts and agriculture. At that time, the first small schools were also established. However, most of the children of the local colonists were taught by private, home teachers.

The first school, financially supported by the public and city administration, was opened in 1850 in San Francisco. Since 1849, the California Constitution has proclaimed the right to education. Therefore, all public schools in the state are funded by the California administration.

The state's educational system, made up of many colleges and universities, is the largest in the United States. In the system of California State University alone, there are more than 20 colleges and higher schools, in which 300 thousand people are trained. More than 165 thousand students live on nine campuses of the university. University "California State University" is the largest in the United States.

California economy

The size of the state, its multilateral economy and economic productivity, as well as its characteristics geographic relief characterize California as a hyper-category state.

Among the fifty American states, California is the leader in the number of national parks and reserves. It is the only state with unique giant sequoia trees.

Despite the vast mountainous territories of California, the economic life of the state is concentrated in the lower valley, where four out of twenty largest cities USA: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose and San Francisco. California's wealth is based on the state's diversity of natural resources, excellent climate and large local population.

The richest agricultural region of the state - the Central Valley occupies 720 km of productive land in the center of California. It is here that the largest number fruits, nuts and vegetables - nationwide. In addition, cotton, rice and wheat are grown in the Valley. Farmers in the Central California Valley are also involved in the sheep and meat and dairy industries.

California farmers have yields higher than other states in their fields and orchards, making the state's agricultural industry a leader in many agricultural sectors nationwide.

California also ranks first in terms of annual construction of production facilities. The largest Californian cities are home to manufacturing and laboratories for computer companies and the engineering industry, which are centered around the universities located in these metropolitan areas.

In addition, this state has the largest population, the largest number of vehicles, civil aircraft and - the largest number of university and college students of any state in the United States.

Plants in the southern and central regions of the state produce aerospace and electronic equipment. California's oil and natural gas deposits produce thousands of barrels of fuel a day, making it the leading mining state in the United States.

California nature

The Coast Ranges stretches along the Pacific coast from the Klamath Mountains to Santa Barbara County.

Each of the mountains in this chain has its own name. Diablo, Santa Cruz and Santa Lucia. At the foot of the mountain range there are gardens, ranches, vineyards, the prosperity of which is facilitated by the wonderful micro-climate created and protected by the mountains of the ridge.

This fertile area includes the Napa Valley in northern San Francisco and the southern valleys of Santa Clara and Salina. The famous California "red forest" grows on the slopes of the Coast Ranges.

In this protected forest you can see the world's largest tree - a giant sequoia called the General Sherman Tree and it is the largest living tree in the world. Its height is 84 m.

Central California Valley (The Central Valley). It is also called the Great Valley - it lies between the Coast Ranges mountain range and the Sierra Nevada desert. The valley is home to two of California's most important river systems: Sacramento to the north and San Joaquin to the south. The valley stretches for 720 km from northwest to southeast.

It is here that the most important and largest agricultural area in the west of the Rocky Mountains is located. Three-fifths of the state's agricultural production comes from the Great Valley.

To the east of the Central Valley lies the Sierra Nevada. A pile of huge mountains stretching for 640 km in length and towering from 64 to 110 km in height.

The highest peak of the Sierra Nevada is located more than 4,270 m above sea level, as well as Mount Whitney, which is 4,418 km high. It is the highest point in the United States in southern Alaska.

In the western part of the Sierra - the deepest canyons and abysses The largest is the Yosemite Valley, which arose initially as a river bed, then this ancient river turned into a glacier and gradually it slid into the valley, eroding the foot of the rocks.

Thus, the Yosemite Valley was created by ancient glaciers of the prehistoric period, millions of years before our era. In this valley is the Yosemite National Park, which is the highest mountain reserve in the United States.

There are about 8 thousand lakes in California. The deepest is Lake Tahoe, reaching 427 m depth.

Lake Tahoe lies in the Sierra region, on the California-Nevada border, and is filled with water from the snow mantles of the surrounding mountains. Like many of the desert lakes of the eastern Sierra, it contains salty minerals. And therefore, the water of Lake Tahoe tastes salty.

Industrial salt is mined from many of the region's lakes - Owens Lake, Searles Lake, Lake Tahoe and others.

Lake Tahoe is the largest lake in the region. It stretches for 1,897 m and is considered the widest alpine lake in the United States. On the southwest coast of the lake is the stunning beauty of the Emerald Bay.

In southern California, Santa Catalina Island is located, which is called a favorite and one of the most popular resorts in the tourism industry of the state.

The only city on the island is called Avalon, located on the coast of the magnificent bay of the same name (Avalon Harbor).

The highway freeway runs amidst the lands of the "big space" - Big Sur, located south of the city Monterey.

Big Sur covers a vast area of ​​the Pacific Coast, which is home to beautiful forests, mountain peaks and breathtaking scenery of the California coastline.

Population and cities

Between 1940 and 1980, California experienced phenomenal population growth and economic recovery compared to other states in America. Naturally, such a giant leap in population has given rise to many social problems that are currently the most pressing concerns of the state government.

Most of the new residents of the state are settled in the dry lands of the south, where the most important problem is water scarcity. Therefore, the California administration is currently considering irrigation projects for the southern lands by linking their agrigation systems with the wet northern regions of the state.

The urbanization of the central region, the growth of urban megalopolises spread to lands that for a long time were agricultural, farming areas that fed the state. Now the fertile lands are rolled into the concrete of the cities and the asphalt of the freeways.

Since the state's population began to grow at an unprecedented rate, California has faced a host of social challenges: the state still requires more schools, hospitals, highways, community services, and water to supply booming manufacturing.

Since 1990, California has been the most populous state in America. The largest ethnic group in California is the Mexicans, and the state is also home to a huge number of Chinese and Japanese, whose diasporas are mainly concentrated in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

San Francisco's Chinatown is also large, with about 30,000 inhabitants, making it the largest Chinese diaspora outside Asia. In addition, California is home to about 242,000 American Indians - more than any other state in America with the exception of Oklahoma.

Many tourists travel to California to see the unique red forest of giant sequoias and the vents of active volcanoes. In addition, guests of the state are attracted by its hotels, seaside and ski resorts, golf courses, beaches and many other entertainment facilities in California.

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Official name: State of California (CA)

Capital of California: Sacramento

Largest city: Los Angeles

Others big cities: Anaheim, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Orange, Santa Ana, Santa Monica, Fresno, Beverly Hills, Sunnyvale, Riverside, Stockton, Fremont, San Bernardino, Glendale, Pasadena, Berkeley.

State nicknames: the golden state, the land of the heavens, the Sierra state, the grape state.

State motto: Eureka

State formation date: 1850 (31st in order)

The name "California" comes from the province of Las Californias of the Viceroyalty of New Spain, a Spanish colony in North America, part of which is the modern US state of California (as well as the states of Nevada, Arizona, Utah and Wyoming). And the name of the province, Las Californias, comes from a knightly novel that was published in 1510.
It told about a paradise island located near India, where the beautiful Queen Calithia ruled a country of beautiful black Amazons with lots of pearls and gold. The people of Cortez in 1535 thought they had found this island because pearls were found there. It was later revealed that the island was in fact a peninsula.
There is also a version about the origin of the name of the state of California from the Catalan (one of the languages ​​of Spain) words (hot) and (oven), that is, "a place where it is hot, like in an oven."
The state of California is located in the Western United States and belongs to the Pacific states of the United States. The territory of the state is 423 970 km 2, California occupies the third largest area among the states of the United States (after Alaska and Texas). California is bordered by the states of Oregon to the north, Nevada to the east and Arizona to the southeast, Mexico to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.
California's natural conditions are extremely diverse, with high mountains and vast valleys, dense forests and desert salt marshes, turbulent rivers and dry lakes. Most of the state has a Mediterranean climate, with rainy winters and dry summers.
California is considered the richest state in the United States, which is why it is also called the Golden State. California is like a separate country, sunny, warm, a little fabulous. Feelings of another world - the world of cinema. The streets, houses, and the atmosphere itself are reminiscent of films that were revised many times in childhood.

State population

California ranks first in the number of residents among the states of the United States, with more than 37,250,000 people living here. If California were a separate state, it would be the thirty-fourth largest in the world in terms of population. Los Angeles County alone, the most populous of all the counties in the United States, has more than 9.8 million people (the United States has forty-two states with a smaller population).

Racial composition of the population of California

  • Whites - 57.6%
  • Asians - 13%
  • Blacks (African American) - 6.2%
  • Native Americans (Indians or Eskimos of Alaska) - about 1%
  • Indigenous people of Hawaii or Oceania - 0.4%
  • Other races - 17%
  • Two or more races - 4.9%
  • Hispanic or Latino (any race) - 37.6%

The ethnic composition of California is extremely diverse, and although the population of the state is dominated by immigrants from countries Latin America(the Mexican community of Los Angeles is the largest in the United States) and Nordic countries Europe (as well as the general population of the United States), people of many other nationalities can be found in the state. More than a million descendants of immigrants from the Iberian Peninsula (Spaniards and Portuguese) live in California, about six hundred thousand Armenians, more than half a million Iranians, many Arabs, Russians, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Greeks, Koreans, immigrants from the Balkan and Scandinavian countries.

The largest ethnic (national) groups among the population of the state of California

  • Mexicans - about 25%
  • Germans - about 9%
  • Irish - about 8%
  • British - about 7.5%

California State History

Before the appearance of Europeans, more than seventy American Indian peoples lived on the territory of the modern state of California - Modoca, Mojave, Oloni, Pomo, Chumash and many others. The Indians of California were mainly engaged in gathering, hunting and fishing, only a few tribes living in the Colorado River region were engaged in agriculture.

In the 18th century, at the beginning of the European colonization of the region, about three hundred thousand Indians lived in California. The first Europeans to explore these shores were Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo in 1542 and Sir Francis Drake in 1579. Until the 1730s, California was considered an island.

Beginning in the late 1700s, Spanish missionaries built small settlements on vast tracts of land in empty land north of Baja California. After the proclamation of Mexico's independence, the entire chain of such settlements (missions) was declared the property of the Mexican government and they were abandoned.

In the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries, America was actively explored by Russian pioneers and merchants. In 1799, a Russian-American company was created for the development of Alaska; in 1806, one of its founders, Nikolai Rezanov, organized an expedition to California on the ships "Juno" and "Avos".

Rezanov's goal was to reach agreements with the Spaniards on the supply of food to the Russian settlements in Alaska. The Spaniards at that time were allies of Napoleon, and Rezanov's mission could have ended in failure if a romantic relationship had not developed between the Russian diplomat and the daughter of the commandant of the Spanish fortress in San Francisco Concepcion (Conchita) Arguello. Nikolai and Conchita got engaged, and "Juno" and "Avos" went to Alaska loaded with food.

Nikolai Rezanov died a year later, not having time to implement his plans to colonize America. The love story of Rezanov and Conchita Arguello served as the basis for the creation of the ballad of the American writer Francis Bret Garth "Concepcion de Arguello", the poem "Avos" by Andrei Voznesensky and other literary and musical works.

Already in the twenties and thirties years XIX century the territory of California began to be explored by the Americans. At first, these were mainly hunters and fur traders, including such famous pioneers of the US West as Joseph Walker, Jedediah Smith, Keith Carson and others. In May 1846, war broke out between the United States of America and Mexico.

On June 14 of the same year, several American settlers in the Californian city of Sonoma, who did not know about the outbreak of hostilities, seized the Mexican military garrison, arrested the commandant and announced the creation of a new state, independent from Mexico, - the California Republic.

On January 24, 1848, James Marshall, who was building a sawmill for John Sutter on the American River ("American River") in Coloma, California, discovered the nuggets. After the discovery of gold, the so-called "Gold Rush" began. The population of California is growing exponentially.

At the same time, the Republic of California is proclaimed, whose existence quickly ended after the Commander of the US Navy Slote landed in the San Francisco Bay and declared this territory to be owned by the United States. In 1850, California was admitted to the Union of States.

California landmarks

In the east of California, the Sierra Nevada mountain range stretches. It is here that the highest point among the continental states of the United States is located - Mount Whitney.

In the Sierra Nevada mountains, in the Yosemite Valley, is located world famous and attracts many tourists National park Yosemite. Here, in Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park, you can see the largest trees on Earth - giant sequoias

Modoc National Forest, California

At an altitude of about 1,900 meters above sea level in the Sierra Nevada mountains, on the border between California and Nevada, is another of California's most famous tourist attractions - Lake Tahoe. This is the largest mountain lake in the United States.

Redwood National Park

Southeast California is occupied by the Mojave Desert, while the northeast of the Mojave is Death Valley National Park, the largest in area in the continental United States. There is a unique natural site, the dried-up Lake Racetrack Playa. It is known for its "sailing stones" that move on the surface without the help of humans (or animals), leaving clearly visible traces. It is believed that the stones are moved by the strongest (up to 150 km / h) winter winds, but no one has yet managed to photograph this phenomenon.

At Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, California

The prestigious city of Los Angeles, built up with fashionable houses, with alleys, lined with palm trees, has long been a true symbol of the "American Dream"

Hollywood is a Los Angeles, California area located northwest of downtown. Traditionally, Hollywood is associated with the American film industry, as there are many film studios in the area and many famous film actors live. But we should not forget that Hollywood is primarily an area in which life is in full swing.

The famous Walk of Fame is lined with over 2000 slabs of polished marble, each marked with a star and a name. Here you can "meet" stars of cinema, radio, television, music, since 1960. Earning the status of a star worthy of your own slab on the Walk of Fame is not easy. For this, the candidate must be nominated for the appropriate title. His candidacy must be approved by the Chamber of Commerce, in addition, it costs $ 7,500 to install each slab on the Alley.

The legendary amusement park, the kingdom of Disney characters is located in the town of Anaheim. Today, the original Disneyland Park, created in 1955, is only part of a complex that includes Disney's California Adventure Park, Disney's Downtown and three large hotels.

George C. Page Museum, which displays over a million of the oldest fossils found in the marshes near La Brea

The area of ​​Universal Studios Hollywood, the largest film and television studio in the world, together with an adjoining park, covers 168 hectares.

State capital of California - Sacramento

In 1854, Sacramento paid the state government $ 1 million to become the state capital. A notable part of the capital is the old town. The pavement, old houses, which are currently occupied by shops and restaurants, have been preserved here. Horse-drawn carts can be used for a reasonable fee.

Sacramento is the capital of California with over a million inhabitants. One of the city's main attractions is the Capitol.

Curious facts

  • This state is home to the famous Hollywood studio and the headquarters of the largest corporations Google and Yahoo, located in Silicon Valley.
  • Due to the sunny climate and the discovery of gold deposits, California has long been called the "Golden State".
  • California, with an area of ​​411,000 square kilometers, is the third largest state in the United States.
  • California is the most populous state in the United States and therefore has the highest population.
  • The flag and coat of arms of California feature a bear.
  • San Francisco has featured in over 380 Hollywood films.
  • The four largest cities in California are Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose and San Francisco.
  • The state of California is divided into 58 counties. It unites 480 cities and towns.
  • In 1910, the first film was shot in Hollywood. At the same time, the Californian authorities prohibited the appearance on city streets of herds of cattle numbering more than 200.
  • The California Central Plains, which is located in the center of the state, is its agricultural center, where one third of the country's total production is produced.
  • Sequoia National Park, located in California, is home to the famous giant sequoia trees, which are considered the tallest trees on the planet.
  • The White Mountains, towering in the east of the central part of California, are considered to be home to the oldest trees in the world.
  • California system public universities with over 400,000 students, it is the largest university system in the United States of America.
  • The state of California is prone to earthquakes due to the presence of a large number of geological faults.
  • California has tsunamis, droughts, floods, fires, landslides, Santa Ana winds, and there are also several dormant volcanoes.
  • California is home to the highest and lowest point in the United States of America: the highest point is Mount Whitney at 4,421 meters above sea level, and the lowest is Death Valley at 85 meters. below sea level.
  • Alcatraz Island, located in the center of California's San Francisco Bay, is a popular historic site. Previously, it was a military fortification, and for some time also a military and federal prison.
  • California is home to the Golden Gate Bridge, a suspension bridge across the Golden Gate Strait that connects the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean.
  • Anaheim, located in Orange County, California, is home to one of Disneyland's theme parks, which becomes a major attraction during the holiday season.

California's ridiculous and ridiculous laws

  • It is illegal to stop a child jumping over puddles.
  • Sunshine is guaranteed for people.
  • Animals are not allowed to mate within 1,500 feet of a cafe, school or place of worship.
  • Women cannot drive while wearing home clothes.
  • No driverless car can travel more than 60 miles per hour.
  • It is illegal to keep a ferret or hamster.
  • Peacock has the priority right of passage across the road, even the highway.
  • You cannot leave your car on the street overnight without special permission.
  • It is forbidden to ride a bike in the swimming pool.
  • The order of the city council says: "No dog should be in a public place without an owner on a leash."
  • You are not allowed to wear cowboy boots unless you own at least 2 cows.
  • It is illegal to spit (only allowed on the baseball field).
  • Women are not allowed to wear high-heeled shoes in the city.
  • The explosion of a nuclear charge within the city is punishable by a fine of $ 500.
  • It is illegal to wash your car on the street.
  • It is illegal to drive more than 2,000 sheep through Hollywood Boulevard.
  • Do not spit on the ground if another person is within 5 feet of the spitting area.
  • It is illegal to own or raise roosters. This is considered a public order violation.
  • The car is the only item that can be in the garage.
  • It is forbidden to swear on the mini golf course.
  • A husband has no right to beat his wife without her consent with a belt wider than 2 feet.
  • You cannot bathe two children in the same bath at the same time.
  • You can't try to kill gnats by streetlights.
  • You can't cry as a witness in court.
  • Do not lick toads (toads produce a poisonous substance that some have licked to achieve an effect similar to the effects of heroin).
  • Dogs are not allowed to mate within 500 yards of the church.
  • Roosters cannot crow in the city.
  • For harassing butterflies, you can be fined $ 500.
  • The secretary is prohibited from being in a room alone with the boss.
  • You cannot ride a motorcycle around the city. This is only possible if a person with a flashlight is walking in front of the motorcycle.
  • You cannot shoot rabbits from the back seat of a car.
  • If you haven't removed the New Year's lights from your home after March, you can be fined $ 250.
  • You cannot lead elephants off a leash on the main street.
  • Do not dry the machine with old underwear.
  • A person who falls under the definition of "freak" cannot walk the streets.
  • Oral sex is prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to have more than two cats or dogs.

The settlements of the Pacific coast of the United States appeared much later than all others in the country. Once upon a time, people came to this territory from Europe in search of a good fortune. Cities in California then and now are in great demand. Now agglomerations have grown, are developing and in terms of living standards are significantly superior to other settlements in the world. Let's consider the largest of them. This article will help students make a presentation or essay on a related topic.

Los Angeles

The settlement is a large urban agglomeration (area - about 1300 sq. Km). This metropolis, numbering more than 17 million people (at the core - about 4 million), is the center of the southern state of California. The city is conveniently located on a plain in the foothills of the Cordillera, washed by the Pacific Ocean. there is little precipitation, the temperature is positive throughout the year, the dry period is in May-October. The metropolis is located in the area of ​​seismic activity.

Los Angeles is a city where industry is actively developing. A transport hub has been formed, metallurgy, mechanical engineering (electronics, computer technology), food, printing, and oil refining industries are developing. The entertainment and tourist complexes are moving forward on a large scale. The Hollywood film industry area and the Walk of Fame are widely known.

The tourist flow is increasing every year. Travelers come here to visit exhibition halls, galleries, beaches, and take part in shopping on Wilshire Boulevard (the longest street, more than 24 km). The sandy places of Malibu, the Downtown area and Beverly Hills are especially attractive for tourists.

San Diego

The city of San Diego (California) is located in the USA (area - 963 sq. Km), in the south of the state and on the Pacific coast, closer to the Mexican border. The mountains stretch on the east side. The third largest settlement (more than 1 million 300 thousand people). Lies in a dry mild climate. The US naval base is located here, such sectors of the economy as mechanical engineering and metalworking, missile, aviation are developing, the largest international airport is based, sea ​​port... Locals prefer bicycles to all other forms of transport.


Anaheim is known as a large resort complex with an area of ​​130 sq. km, located in the metropolitan area of ​​Los Angeles, 45 kilometers from the center. In terms of population, it ranks 10th in the state (more than 300 thousand people). Anaheim and other central cities in California are similar in climatic conditions and topography. The infrastructure is widely represented by popular sports teams (hockey Anaheim-Ducks and baseball clubs) and playgrounds, courts, stadiums. The entertainment industry consists of Anaheim Hills (golf), a Disneyland center and arcade machines, a race track, a history museum, concert halls and numerous sports complexes, shops, restaurants.

Long beach

Long Beach is the sixth most populous city in California, located 30 km from the center of Los Angeles (area - 133 sq. Km). The largest international seaport. The oil refining, aviation, machine-building (electronics, radio engineering) industries are developing. Here is the headquarters of the largest company EPSON, a manufacturer of office equipment, cameras, watches. The development of this city in California was influenced by the emergence of the aerospace industry, as well as the sphere high tech... The race track laid out in the city was used for international competitions.


Bakersfield is located northeast of Los Angeles (area - 339 sq. Km), home to more than 300 thousand people. The climate is dry desert. The weather conditions were formed due to the location too far from the ocean. Oil and gas pipelines pass through the settlement. On the basis of them, the oil refining industry is developing. The priority is the food sector. The peculiarity of this city in California is that the leader of the musical group KORN was born here, large basketball clubs are based here.


Fresno has been a city since 1885 (area - 271 sq. Km), the population of the metropolitan area is about 1 million people, located in the center of California, far from the Pacific Ocean. The climate is subtropical, hot, desert. Average minimum temperature + 10 ° С.

The city is large, sufficiently developed in many areas. The food, woodworking and metalworking industries became the leaders in the economy. A major railroad runs through Fresno, California, transporting large volumes of goods north and south. In the suburbs of the settlement there are National parks USA Kings Canyon and Sierra Forest.

4th most populous city in California

San Francisco is the largest urban metropolitan area in the United States (area - 600 sq. Km). It was founded in 1776, located in the north of California, washed by the Pacific Ocean. A little more than 800 thousand people live here (2014). The emergence of the settlement was facilitated by the development of the Wild West, the search for minerals (oil, gold). Due to its convenient location by the sea and mild climate, it has won the love of travelers. The relief is hilly. The city is developing chemical, petrochemical, food, electrical industries. San Francisco is part of the largest technology park for the development of computer technology. The development of the tourism industry is at its best. The main attractions are the Golden Gate Bridge, Ocean Beach, Lake Merced, and the Museum of Modern Art. The locality is distinguished by a high standard of living, a large percentage of the population with higher education and rich people.


Sacramento (California) is located on a plain at the confluence of the river of the same name and the American reservoir. Located west of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in northern California. Covers an area of ​​259 sq. km. During the existence of the city, the population has grown to 500 thousand people. During the development of the western lands of the United States, the city of Sacramento (California) played the role of a mining center. The climate is Mediterranean, the summers are dry, the winters are cool, rainy, sometimes it snows. The economy of the settlement is based on the development of the administrative apparatus, social sphere since Sacramento is the capital of the state of California. The food, machine-building, aviation branches of the economy operate.

San Jose

This locality - the capital of Silicon Valley, a large city located south of the largest metropolitan area of ​​the United States (area - 466 sq. km). The population is over 2 million people. The capital was founded by the Spaniards as a religious mission in 1777. Initially, only agriculture and food industry developed in the city and nearby centers. In the 50s, the demand for semiconductor products began to grow rapidly, and the economy began to focus on computer technology. San Jose is a city of a highly educated, highly skilled workforce. The world famous companies IBM, ADOBE, CISKO SYSTEMS are located here.


Auckland is washed by the waters of the bay (area - 202 sq. Km). Lake Merritt salt lake is located on the territory. The climate is Mediterranean, fogs are often formed. The relief is flat. A third of the population are representatives. The city is part of the urban agglomeration of San Francisco, home to about 400 thousand people. A large transport hub has been formed here, through which a large volume of cargo passes to the north of the country. In the economy, stable results are shown by the chemical, oil refining, food, metallurgical, machine-building industries. This city is considered the center of many industries, since a fairly large amount of materials are produced here.

Useful information for tourists about California in the USA - geographical position, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

California is a state located in the western part of the United States, on the Pacific coast. California became part of the United States in the middle of the 19th century, and before that it belonged to either Spain or Mexico.

Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Fort Ross - perhaps California remains the most desirable state for travelers. Los Angeles, "City of Angels" is the largest city in the state. The population of this metropolis is striving for four million people. The capital is Sacramento. The state of California ranks in the top three states in terms of population (1st place) and area (3rd), and in the order of joining the United States - 31st. The closest "neighbors" of the state are Oregon in the north, Mexican Baja California in the south, and the states of Nevada and Arizona in the east.

California ski resorts are located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, in the Lake Tahoe region. On its southern coast there are resorts Heavenly, Sierra, Kirkwood, on the north - Nord-Star, Squaw Valley, Alpine.

The first Europeans to set foot on the California coast were the Spaniards in the first half of the 16th century. In the 18th century Russian travelers landed here for the first time. In the early 19th century, they founded Fort Ross, which was the southernmost fortress in Russian America. The settlement was Russian until 1841 when it was sold to a Swiss American. Currently, Fort Ross is a Russian Colony Museum and State Historical Park. Commandant Rotchev's house is the only surviving building early XIX century, the rest of the buildings were restored. Fort Ross is about an hour's drive from San Francisco.

Silicon Valley (also called Silicon Valley) is a metropolitan area near San Francisco that is crammed with high-tech research, development and manufacturing companies. The city of San Jose is called the capital of the valley. Silicon Valley is the largest technology park in the United States, and its residents include Apple, Adobe, eBay, Google, Facebook and others.

Hollywood, which is the center of the American film industry, is the Los Angeles area. Film company offices, studios and celebrity mansions are all located in Hollywood. Its most famous street is Hollywood Boulevard with the Walk of Fame, in the pavement of which five-pointed stars with the names of prominent actors and actresses are mounted. Surprisingly, Hollywood only recently celebrated its centenary: the date of birth of the Hollywood film industry is considered 1910, when the first filming took place in a small village called Hollywood.

Another famous city, Beverly Hills, is located in Los Angeles County. Rodeo Drive, Wilshire and Santa Monica boulevards form the "Golden Triangle" in which boutiques and expensive restaurants and film studios are concentrated. The Getty Museum is dedicated to art, while the Petersen Museum is dedicated to luxury cars.

There are several hundred beaches located on the Pacific coast in California. The best ones include Ocean Beach in San Francisco, the beaches of Santa Barbara, San Diego and Santa Cruz. One of the famous resorts is Palm Springs in the Coachella Desert. American presidents and movie and show business stars spend their holidays here.

The famous Californian wines are produced in the Napa Valley, along which the route of the "Wine Train" is laid - very convenient, you do not need to worry about how to get from one winery of the valley to another.

The most famous and famous state of America - California is fraught with many interesting things. The largest are located here, not only tourists, but also the Americans themselves dream of getting here. And it ceases to seem strange, it is worth learning more about this state.

The state of California has the largest population in the United States, with over 38 million inhabitants. In terms of area, it is also quite extensive: with an area of ​​almost 424 thousand km2, it occupies the third place in the country.

Here are located such large cities as Fresno, San Jose. However, the capital of the state of California, Sacramento, is a fairly calm and relatively small town.

History and modern population

California was first discovered by Europeans in 1542. A great contribution to her research was made by Russian travelers and scientists: Baranov, Kuskov, Shelikhov. For 30 years, there was even the settlement of Fort Ross - the extreme southern outpost of the Russian Empire.

In 1841, Fort Ross was sold to a US citizen. And in 1847 the entire territory was divided into Upper and Lower California. The first is part of America, the second is Mexico. California received its status on September 9, 1850.

Today, the majority of the population is whites of almost all ethnicities. A large proportion (over 30%) are Hispanics, who continue to actively migrate to the United States. The main religion is Christianity.

Geography and climate

The state of California is located on the Pacific coast. On its territory there are mountains and hills, desert areas, forests of various types, dormant volcanoes and geological faults (the most popular is San Andreas).

Closer to the ocean, the climate is Mediterranean. It is good here all year round: the range of temperatures is very small, in summer it is warm, without heat, in winter there is a lot of precipitation, but no frost. Further along the continent, the climate changes: the summer months are hot, the winters are rather cool.


In terms of GDP, California occupies a leading place. Agriculture and winemaking are developed here, but the state is known for its entertainment orientation. This is the territory of show business, where a large number of large television companies are located, the film industry is developed, as well as tourism (California hotels are the largest in the country).

Also in California at high level are modern technologies, aviation industry. Silicon Valley is located in the state. This is the region where the largest companies in the world are based: Adobe, eBay, Google, Intel, Facebook, Apple, etc.


University of California The largest university in the state of California is California. It unites about 10 universities throughout the state. More than 230 thousand students study here. Known for its research centers and laboratories.

Most Outstanding Landmarks

1. Redwood National Park

7. Big Sur Coastline

9. Golden Gate Bridge

10. Yosemite National Park

California is a real concentration of elite and bohemians. The famous Hollywood is located here, the world famous film and television stars live. California hotels are striking in their size and luxury.

It is also recommended to visit numerous museums here. railroad with active exhibits. Fort Ross Museum Reserve, where buildings from the time of the settlement of the Russian Empire are still preserved. Inio National Park, where the oldest tree on Earth grows - Methuselah.

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