Flora and fauna National Park Russian Arctic. Russian Arctic National Park

Russian Arctic - National Park in the Arkhangelsk region. Located in the northern part of the archipelago New Earth. Created on June 15, 2009. The National Park included land lands with a total area of \u200b\u200b1,426,000 hectares, of which sushi - 632,090 hectares, marine water areas - 793 910 hectares.

Causes and goals of the park

In this region, the largest birds in the northern hemisphere "Bird Bazaars" (Cayra and Gaga), walrus fools, beautiful bears, greenland whale, sands, greenland seals and nerves live. Vegetation is represented by some kinds of moss, lichens and small number of flowering. The park is created to preserve the unique nature of the Arctic.

The territory of the National Park is interesting not only by its nature. Uniquely and cultural heritage of the National Park: there are places and objects related to the history of the opening and development of the Russian Arctic from the XVI century, in particular, related to the activities of Russian polar researchers Rusanov and Sedov, as well as the parking lot of the Dutch navigator Villem Barents, who opened these lands for Western Europeans, and Russian Pomorov, who were there long before him.

Thus, this region is a great interest for the development of environmental scientific and educational tourism. In 2009, Vladimir Putin offered the ministers to hold his next vacation in this park or in other similar places.

FGBU " National Park Russian Arctic also protects the territory of the state natural reserve of the federal importance "Land Franz-Joseph", as well as measures to preserve biological diversity and maintaining protected natural complexes in the territory of this reserve.


The significance of the archipelago Land Franz Joseph to maintain populations of birds and mammals

Land Franza Joseph and the water area adjacent to it plays an exceptional role to ensure the reproduction and sustainable existence of many populations of arctic species.

First, Franz Joseph's land is the most important from an environmental point of view by the area of \u200b\u200bthe western sector of the Arctic, five species listed here in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the International Red Book.

The archipelago presents a significant part of the Russian and world populations of white seagull, a rare aboriginal arctic species; On the islands are known the largest colonies of this seagull in the Barents Sea.

The water area of \u200b\u200bFranz Joseph is the key area of \u200b\u200bthe modern area of \u200b\u200bthe Spirbarden population of Greenlandic China, the rarest marine mammal of the North Atlantic. Land Franz Joseph - the area most frequent meetings whales and place of their year-round habitat. Thanks to the animal preserved here, the Spitsbard population began to slowly restore its number and the range.

The water area of \u200b\u200bFranz Joseph is the place of the most regular meetings of Narvalov in the Russian Arctic.

Land Franz Joseph is the most important area for maintaining and reproducing the Atlantic Walrus, which, due to the presence of stationary worn, lives on the archipelago year-round.
Here is a significant part of the Easternatilant subpopulation subspecies. As in the case of a white bear, the north of the Barents Sea inhabits a single molding population, and, thanks to the advanced reproduction of Franza-Joseph, a grouping of walrus, in recent decades, there is a recovery and recolonization of the beast of Spitsbergen Islands.

On the islands there is an important focus of the reproduction of the White Bear of the Karsko-Barentsomo Corporation. In summer, there is an increased, compared with neighboring areas, the population density of the White Bear. Secondly, the archipelago plays an important role to preserve and maintain the ornithological diversity of the Russian Arctic.

Most of the Russian nesting population of the Atlantic subspecies of the lure and the polar subspecies are focused here.

On the Earth, Franz Joseph are located the most northern of the world's famous nesting colonies of the Tolstoculus Cayra.

On the archipelago there are the only proved nesting sites of the Atlantic subspecies of the black barrock, the main nesting sites of the Greenland subspecies of ordinary gaga, as well as the place of the periodic stay of a short-frozen humor.

The Arctic is mysterious and long-staying romantics and researchers Territory. Bescraine and, at first glance, deserted and lifeless spaces are actually full of the most diverse life. And it is this that can be seen by visiting the National Park "Russian Arctic" - the most northern of the protected land of the Russian Federation, the third in the area and the most young park of Russia.

How it all began

The Russian Arctic National Park in Russia has a rather long history. By its creation, he owes Peter Vladimirovich Boyarsky, a well-known majority as a writer and publicist. But Peter Vladimirovich is Soviet, and after the Russian geographer, historian, physicist and professional equal sport. The enthusiastic researcher of Arctic expanses, it was he who in 1986 was the first to voiced the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for integrated preservation and studying those northern expanses that many consider lifeless.

It was thanks to him in 1994, the Federal Reserve "Land Franz Yosifa" was formed, which later (in 2016) will be part of the Russian Arctic National Park.

The northernmost and the youngest

The Federal State Budgetary Institution The Russian Arctic National Park was formed by order of the Government of Russia Summer June Day 2009. Russian President Vladimir Putin at the same time advised to all ministers to spend their holidays on these endless expanses surrounded by landscapes, which are fascinated forever. In 2011, the FGBU National Park "Russian Arctic" Inn received the place of reference in the Northern capital of Russia - Arkhangelsk.

Breakless expanses

FSBI National Park "Russian Arctic" is 793,910 hectares of marine aquatorium and 632,090 hectares of sushi. This is the northern part of the Northern Island, all the islands of the archipelago New Earth (large and small orange, Gemuskerk and others) and 192 Islands of the Olsi Sushi itself of our part of the Arctic - the archipelago of the land of Franz Yosif. For information, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Arctic National Park with the land of the reserve, which has already been mentioned, is more than 8.8 hectares of protected territories.

What for

Save and restore, as needed, the unique nature of these territories is the main goal of the Russian Arctic National Park. Flora and the fauna of these ice spaces, with the form of such lifeless, mostly represented by red-like species.

And the first on the list it is worth Narval - a single-legged whale, or a sea unicorn, which became the emblem of the park. And here there are white bears, rare Atlantic wals, Greenland whales and white seagulls. But on this list of the inhabitants of the earth of multicolored icebergs, turquoise marine stroy and the unfounded polar sun ends. It is here that fifteen bird species arrive for the withdrawal of their chicks.

Why Park

All subjects of environmental territories are subject to the Ministry natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation. The main document, which regulates the activities of such subjects is the Federal Law of 14.03.1995 No. 33 - FZ "On Specially Protected Natural Territories". And when choosing the status of security territories, it should be considered the main thing - what activity and in what volume will be here. In natural parks, a regime is installed, in which some economic activity is possible, which ensures the existence of the park. And this is I. research, and tourism, and regulated hunting.

Environmental problems of Arctic territories

Today, not only Russia, but also all countries of the Arctic Council established in 1996 are concerned about the state of the ecology of the Arctic. The development of oil and gas on the shelves, oil losses and its spills in the ice-bearing ocean, uncontrolled poaching cause irreparable damage to the most untouched territories.

Do not forget about melting ice as a result of global warming. There are already known cases when, due to the rapid melting of ice, white bears lost their strength and drowned unable to surrend to the nearest ice floes.

The uniqueness of the National Park "Russian Arctic"

A large variety of life is due to these territories due to several factors. From the West, the park is washes by the Barents Sea, which does not freeze under the influence of the north-Atlantic flow. From the east there is an Kara Sea, which is completely covered with ice. And here is the land of Franz-Josifa - the very glaliene part of the sushi. It is a combination geographical location, no shelf developments and not so much remoteness from the main mainland contributors to the presence of a larger diversity of life forms than in other areas of the Arctic.

Features of tourism

One of the types of economic activity of the park is the development of environmental tourism. The first such season was held here in 2011, when there were 900 visitors. But tourism is special here. These are mainly arctic cruises when people watch landscapes, bird bazaars and animals (frying wallets and bears with young) from the side of the icebreaker.

Feel the hardness of lands, sangs in the sagas of Scandinavians and testes, tourists can only after some procedures go: kneading shoes in a special solution, passing by sea on dangerous rubber zodiacs and support of the staff of the park.

The most diverse bird market in the Arctic is located on the Rubini rock. And the cape of the desire first was a cape desirable. This is how Villem Barents called him when I was looking for a passage to India. But they opened it long before him Pomor. They sailed here for catching large fish and called this cape and nearby waters income. Cape Flygeli, which is located in the Land of Franz Yosifa archipelago, is the northernmost point of the Eurasia.

"Arkhangelsk 163100" is the last post office on the way to the north. It is located on the island of Hakes and works from 10 to 11 from Tuesday to Friday. Camp Island - North Easter Island. Only here (and no longer at one of the 190 islands of the land of Franz Yosifa) are strange round stones of completely different sizes. Why they, and who did them, no one knows.

A polar meteorological station is located on the island of Gucker and it is located in that kind, in which it was built in 1929. The era of the Soviet development of the Arctic appears before the tourist in all its glory. On the island of Alexandra during the Second World War, the Germans founded the base "Tretionary" (Schatzgraber), which was discovered after the war. It was so well equipped that Soviet polar explorers were still used for a long time.

From June to September 2017, the park holds 5 expeditions with tourists on the icebreakers "50 years of victory", "Academician Shokalsky" and Sea Spirit. And everyone can witness this wonderful travel. But volunteers from Arkhangelsk in the "Russian Arctic" are more often. Every year, they with employees of the park conduct environmental campaigns on the collection of garbage on the Islands of Franz Josifa Land and New Earth.

In the park there are unique places in Russia, where black chambers of the Atlantic subspecies nest. Here are the main territories of the nesting of the ordinary gaga of the Greenland subspecies, and a short-bull-free manniece periodically nests.

All those who visited the Russian Arctic National Park say that they didn't even assume such beauty and amazing discoveries by going on a journey. And forever, they remain fans of these surprisingly deceptive lifeless expanses, such deserted and so-filled life.

The location of the Russian Arctic National Park is unique - on the meridian between Europe and Asia and between the two polar seas. From the west, its territory is washes by the Barents Sea, not freezing under the influence of the warm north-atlantic flow. East Kara Sea, on the contrary, is almost always covered with ice. A special microclimate causes a rare variety of life forms on these seemingly lifeless expanses. This area is called the pearl of the Arctic. Most of the territory of the National Park is located on the 76th latitude. The park includes the northern tip of the North Archipelago of New Earth and a group of small rocky islands around it - large and small Orange Islands, Golf Stream Islands, Big and Small Unnamed, Gemuskerk and Hoshkina Island. Everyone who fell into this edge is experiencing indescribable feelings of the pioneer.

In India through the North Pole

The discovers of these lands were Pomeranian hunters, which produced fish and marine beast from the XII century and left their parking lots here. Pomeranian native crosses, the remains of fires and logberides found and described in the XVI century the first expeditions of Europeans - the British and Dutch, who were not at all sought to open the northern lands, but were looking for the northeast passage to the countries of the East. The first who managed to get so far to the north, was the commandor V. Barents. The famous Dutchman first managed to go along the north-west coast of the New Earth, and after two years with his team he decided to beat it from the north, but his vessel was wicked by ice from the northeast coast. Commander Barents died, not withstanding reverse Path After wintering. The remains of his wintering in an ice harbor with a memorable slab and a cross - today is one of the main attractions of the "Russian Arctic".

Europeans persistently tried to break into India north up to early XIX. century. But the Russian state trucks were interested in their northern possessions, and the brave meters went on the road. In 1760-1761, S. Hoshkin on his own way for two more than a year, the first in history was reinforced with a new land. Navigator F. Motes, Pomor Ya. Chirakin and their satellites were the first detailed maps and descriptions of mountains, lakes, nature of the islands. Following them, in the 19th century, the ships on the new land led F. Litke, P. Pakhtusov, A. Tsivolka, their expeditions were collected by the materials we use so far.

Fight and search, find and not surrender

The shores of the new land gave the shelter to the participants of the three most famous missing expeditions to the Arctic: Sedov, Brusylov and Rusanov.
All three went on the road in 1912. G. Ya. Sedov, striving to reach the North Pole, held the first wintering on the way on the 76th latitude in Pankratyevskaya Bay and investigated northern part North Islands. The bay quiet on the island of Gucker Archipelago became his last parking lot - it was from there on a dog harness with two satellites, he went to the North Pole, passed only 200 km, died and was buried at Cape Auk Rudolf Island.
In the sea near the shores of Franz Joseph, on the loss of ice, the ship "St. Anna" found his mysterious end and an expedition to G.L. Brusilova.
The last route "Herkules" - the vessel V. A. Rusanova was held here, and the northern shore of the new land keeps the secret of his last wintering. The riddles of the missing expeditions of the three captains are mounted by all new researchers.
Traces of parking, crosses, astronomical signs each year find on these shores, revealing unknown pages of the Arctic's development.

Kingdom of Ice, Stone and Winds

The center of the North New Earth island is covered with a powerful ice dome with a thickness of up to 1 km hiding completely mountain relief. The output languages \u200b\u200bof glaciers go down to the coast of the Barents Sea to the Fjord Valley or break into the open sea, giving the beginning of iceberg. From the board of the ship you can see the high wall of the glacier, playing with shades of blue and gray flowerscovered with waterfalls of melt water and rugged threatening cracks. On them and occurs by the spill of this ice mass, and then gigantic floating blocks fall into the sea with a roar, extremely dangerous for navigators.
Along the western coast, Mount Mentereev and Lomonosov Ridge - chains surrounded by ice of high rocky nunatak peaks. They are very picturesque and belong to the group especially interesting and memorable objects of the Russian Arctic. There are amazing polar scenery among beauty. Coastal plains-terraces, ascending to the foothills, rapid rivers with narrow steep rocky valleys, thresholds and waterfalls form a landscape unique on beauty. Several rivers, such as Grishin Bowl, form even real canyons with the height of the walls up to 100 m. The territory of the "Russian Arctic" is rich in large and small fresh lakes. In particularly successful days of the warmest month, August, the temperature of the water in the shallow water in them can rise to 18 ° C. In winter, rivers and lakes are freezing to the bottom.
New land in literature is sometimes taken to call the country of winds. The weather is famous for its instability. The mountain range, passing along the entire length of the North Island, plays the role of the frontal section of the air flow, which causes frequent changes in cyclones and anticyclones, rapid wind gain to storm values. Winter begins in October, with frosts up to -40 ° C, frequent snowstorms and purphia. Summer short - July and August - with an average temperature of +6 ° C. Between the coasts of Barents and the Karsky seas the difference in the average temperature exceeds five degrees. Less severely in relation to ice than karsa, but is distinguished by a rapid and non-permanent moral, frequent and strong winds, hazardous storms, waves can reach a height of 10-11 m.

Eternal Merzlot Surviving

High Arctic plants are real survival recorders in more than extreme conditions. At a depth of less than a meter there is an eternal Merzlot.
Snow cover comes in just two months a year - and for this short time there should be plants to have all the most important stages of their life cycle: Fuss, leave seeds or disputes, germinate rhizomes, score biomass. After the snow, in early July, Tundra brightly revives the bright stains of lichens, the greens of cereals and the OSK and the gentle colors of the Arctic colors. The vegetation cover of the islands is cut, it takes no more than 5-10% of the sushi surface. On the ripple slopes blooming the flowers of the kraps, stamping, poppies and neopktok. On crubbed plots, scuffed lichens, forming amazing patterns, leafy and bushy lickers are bugged between the stones. Among the moss hide to the shoots of tiny willow polar. In the lowering of the relief between low ridges, in the deepening, where rain and thawed water accumulates, and the swamp communities are developing around the lakes with the participation of Oski, Puffs, and Allory. On the seaside on sand-pebble and clean sands, halophilic (solebral) vegetable groups were formed with the dominance of the Beskilennitsa, some species of sources, frustics and other plants. They stretch along the water riva, above the surge band.

Flying to north

Most birds living in these parts are migratory. At the beginning of the spring, they return to the Arctic of South and Western Europe, North Africa and Mediterranean for nesting. In the "Russian Arctic", only a few species of birds are drought. From terrestrial - Polar owl and tundry partridge, from sea - kayra and polar chicts.
Arctic spring, in June, after the season of the marriage games, small sparrows - Lapland plantain, punch, horned larks, ordinary heater, ordinary check - build their nests under the bodies, in the clusters of dry grass, under the bushes of IV. Pernaya predators - Canyuk-Zimnyak and Polar Owl - have its own nests on the tops of the hills and the slopes of the slopes that are previously exempted from snow. In early August, the majority of chicks grow up, covered with a plumage, and by the middle of the month they already fly and can independently extract food.
Residents freshwater lakes, streams and wetlands - ducks, barracks, geese (manniece, white), swans (small and clikun), crochali, gagars, huts - build nests near the water. They also produce food: herbaceous vegetation, fish, small invertebrates. Representatives of the duck family - 12 species are most diverse. Closer to the fall on the lakes, many broods are fed and feeds, together with parents of preparing for migration. Among the kelits are most commonly swimming, a sandbreaker, ceremony, gerbil.

Birds and sea

Sea species of birds prevail in Ornithofaun Islands, their populations are in a relatively prosperous state. Here they do not threaten hunting, collecting eggs, undermining the marine fodder base, pollution. Everyone who finds himself in these places is affected by the size and wealth of bird bazaars - the largest in the Russian Arctic. Each market is an apartment building for thousands of Kair, Corks, Luriks, Cups.
In the shelters, the crevices of rocks and stony screes nest the polaric life - on the archipelago, most of its Russian nest population focuses. To achieve areas rich in their favorite food - small plankton crustaceans, these birds are able to make flights up to 200 km over the water area - to the zone of the ice edge or the slopes of the continental shelf. In total, about 70 colonies of the lurikov with a total of approximately 0.5 million birds are described on the islands.
His neighbor on the rocks, polar cleaner, - Domosted. He leads a coastal lifestyle, it is quite satisfied with the fish mined by the rocks. It is not even started in winter migration, wintering right here, in breeding and wormies. Fast-frozen (it is shortoking) Kair, of course, the queen of bird bazaars. These birds spend almost all their time in the sea, and they are selected on the rocks, only to grow offspring. Outside the bazaars they will not nest. The bird is similar to a small penguin, but a penguin who knows how to fly well, and in the air, and under water. Cayra is rapidly and lowered over the water, they do not know how to soar or plan, like seagulls. But they dive at 100 m, hunting for petty fish. Cayra, like the numbers, remain wintering in the wormwings of the ice in the archipelago water area. In total, more than 20 colonies are described in the archipelago. At the Cape of the Quince of Jackson Island is the northernmost of famous colonies of thick-fruned kair.
On the archipelago, five types of chaps are registered, four types of arctic perisons - medium, large, long-dead and short-time, but of which only a short-time nest constantly, albeit in very small quantities. Its nests are usually located near the colonies of sea birds serving the predatory torself the main source of feed. In the islands, most of the Russian nesting arole of the Atlantic subspecies of the Supil are concentrated - its northeast limit passes here.

With a bear next door

Fauna mammalian "Russian Arctic" is not a few in composition - only 11 species, but most representatives of this list are very outstanding creatures. Polar bear, Atlantic walrus, Narvar, Greenland whale, Small polysya, Novoemel Northern Deer - All these animals have a red-based status.
In the polar stations there is an unwritten rule: if you want to go into some kind of empty construction, first of all check if there is no white bear there. One of the largest and most dangerous predators of the planet is adjacent to the person, migrating through the islands and ice, close to polar stations and villages, especially in the summer months. In the "Russian Arctic" there is one of the most important foci of reproduction of his Karsko-Barents population. On the Earth, Franz Joseph in different years has been from 150 to 200 burgog.
In Tundra, lemmings are everywhere, their traces are especially noticeable near the water bodies and on raw plots, where in a moss-grass cover, they will have narrow groove-tracks (up to 5-7 cm wide) and run along it. Typically, such paths end in Nor. On the cloudy and sublime dry areas it is satisfied with the sands. One site of the territory is used by animals for N'orn for many decades, the family of the songs brings offspring: from one to several puppies. The sands eat lemming, eggs and chicks of birds, dead animals and sealed fish, sea beasts, not be afraid to get used to the lumps at the villages.

Water territory of life

The sea, like sushi, begins to "blossom in the summer months, when phytoplankton breedfully breeds under the rays of the sun, giving food throughout the trophic chain. The surface migrates and intensively multiplies zooplankton, attracting flocks of planktonoid fish. Bottom fauna is characterized by great quality A variety (over 2500 species) and an abundance, mainly due to bivalve and burglary of mollusks, polychaetes, iglinodes, crustaceans, sponges, hydroedones, msnok and ascdium. The ichthyofauna of the water area is not particularly rich in the species composition (69), but on biomass is quite capable of feeding all the inhabitants of the islands.
In the waters of the coastal bays of the islands, marine mammals are common - marine hare (Lahtak), ringed nerve, Greenland seal (Lysun), Beluha, Atlantic walrus. The water area of \u200b\u200bthe National Park is the key area of \u200b\u200bthe modern area of \u200b\u200bthe Spirbard population of the Greenlandic China - the rarest marine mammal of the North Atlantic. By the beginning of the 20th century, the population was on the verge of disappearance and for some time even considered disappeared. The observations of the last decades indicate the beginning of a very slow recovery. In all the ice-free waterborns in the period of summer feeding - from mid-April to mid-October - there is a small polysya, or a kitmin. In the same waters, one of the most mysterious cetaceans - narrowing. The water area of \u200b\u200bFranz Joseph is the place of the most regular meetings of Narvalov in the Russian Arctic. Animals adhere to drifting ice, not avoiding areas with significant depths.

general information

Total area of \u200b\u200bthe Park "Russian Arctic" - 1,426,000 hectares.

Square of water area -793 910 hectares.

Ecosystem - Arctic desert. There are 64 types of flowering plants, 78 types of lichens and 93 types of moss.

Phytoplankton includes 308 species of algae, zooplankton - about 200 species and forms of invertebrates.

Fauna of bottom invertebrates includes 2499 species, ichthyofauna - at least 69 species of fish. Up to 20 species of birds nest in the park. Fauna mammals -11 species.

Curious facts

■ If you spread the hand to the hand, standing on the caution of desire, high, acute and rippletime rock at the very northern point of the North New Earth island itself, then one of them will be above the Barents, and the other is over the Kara Sea - Cape is considered to be the point of their partition. And Cape Flissing Islands North New Earth is the easternmost point of Europe.
■ For the first time, the age-old glacial domes of the new Earth were discovered and described by the captain Sedov, who conducted the first detailed shooting of these places just on the 76th latitude - exactly where the lands of the National Park are lying.
■ Century Mainland Ice takes over 85% of the surface of the islands. The speed with which he everywhere melts and collapses in the Arctic, is ahead of the rate of annual increment. young ice. Experts believe that the Glaciers of the North are intensively reduced and if such a pace is preserved, then after 300 years, the glaciation of these islands may disappear.
■ A number of adaptation helps in polar latitudes in polar latitudes. Doodles allows to spend the winter under the snow, the formation of pillow forms and bumps saves from moving. Dense cuticle protects the leaves, renal scales - winter kidneys, tissue cells accumulate for summer soluble carbohydrates, which prevent the formation of the destructive cells of ice crystals.

■ In the cold seas, sea ice creates a special habitat. Life goes everywhere: both on its surface, and thicker, and from the bottom side representing for a number of organisms a similarity of an inverted bottom. On the underside of the old packing ice, diatoms of algae form "mats" on which flocks of zooplankton are grazing. For polar bears, sea ice is a hunting place, for seals - a place of rest, birth and growing offspring.

■ Samoking Narvalov, as a rule, there is no tusk and the top teeth remain hidden in the gums. However, in the Hamburg Zoological Museum is stored a skull of females narrowed not even with one, but with two powerful long bevnesses.

National Park "Russian Arctic"

This is the northernmost and first largest protected natural territory Russia. The Square area is 8.8 million hectares. Creation date - June 15, 2009.

The park is located on two polar archipelagoes in the Arkhangelsk region: the new land and the land of Franz Joseph, which can rightly be called the "edge of the earth". There is no permanent population in the "Russian Arctic".

New Earth

The southern cluster of the National Park includes the northern part of the North Archipelago of New Earth, large and small Orange Islands, about. Gemuskerk, about. Hoshkina and a number of others. This is the territory of the municipality of the "New Earth City District".

Many centuries ago, Pomorza called the extreme northernmost point of the new land - the cape of desire - "Revenues": a place further which walking around the sea and to lead fishing and dangerous, and difficult. It was established that in the XI-XII centuries, Novgorod walked to the new land. In 1596, Villem Barents reincuted the northern tip of the North Island and Winter on his east coast. IN soviet years At the cape of desires, a polar meteorological station was operating, a complex of defensive structures of times was preserved to this day. Patriotic War, as well as fishing becoming the first half of the twentieth century.

Cape of the desire, where the field base of the Russian Arctic is located, is the place of merge the seas: Kara and Barentsva. Barents Sea, washing the cape from the West, under the influence of a warm northeatlantic flow completely does not freeze. Kara Sea in the East, on the contrary, covered solid ice For many months.

The group of characteristic and especially memorable objects of the southern part of the National Park belongs to Mount Lomonosov and Mentereev Mountains

A relatively small remoteness of the new land from the mainland and higher winter temperatures cause a greater variety of life forms than in other Arctic territories. On the islands and in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe new land there are 11 species of mammals: white bears, Atlantic walkers, ringed nerves, sea hares (lactocks), Greenland seals, Beluhi, whales - Greenland (Polar) Whale and Kit Minsk (small polysya). All this sea species. Land - only three: Spring, hoofed lemming and reindeer. The islands of the archipelago with their gentle cliffs are a real paradise for 48 species of birds (most of them are marine or voluminous). Of these, 18 species (Moeuc, Burgomyters, stupid, thick-frustrated carts, deadlocks, etc.) here nest, the status is still a dozen species requires clarification

Fish: on the new land within the borders of the park passes the Northern Limit of the Dissemination of the Novoemel Passion Goltz.

During the short Arctic summer, its leaves are turned to the polar Sun, plants are rotated, which there are 87 species (vascular). In this part of the National Park, there are also more than 50 types of fixed lichens, 65 species of moss (leafy and liver), 18 species of algae and 39 types of mushrooms.

Northern Cluster "Russian Arctic" - the archipelago of the Land Franz Joseph (ZPI). This is a group of 192 islands. The archipelago is part of the municipality of the "Talazhskaya" Primorsky district of the Arkhangelsk region.

The length of the archipelago from the west to the east of 375 km, from north to south - 234 km. Hence closer to the North Pole than to the "Big Earth": from the extreme northern point of the northernmost island of the archipelago - Cape Flygeli Islands Rudolf to Makushki Planet only 900 km.

Until August 2016, the Earth's archipelago Franz Josef entered the territory of the eponymous state natural reserve of the federal significance created on April 23, 1994. Since 2010, the reserve was under the control of the FSBI "Russian Arctic National Park". On August 25, 2016, according to the Decree of the Government of Russia, the reserve was liquidated: its territory entered the borders of the National Park.

The archipelago Land Franza Joseph is located in the northeastern part of the Barents Sea and is the very northernmost section of the Sushi Eurasia. According to the administrative and territorial sign, part of Primorsky municipal Area Arkhangelsk region.

The existence of these lands was predicted by the great Pomor M.V. Lomonosov, however, due to their remoteness (the distance to the Kola Peninsula - 1200 km, to the new land - 360 km) and the inaccessibility of the archipelago was opened only in 1873 by the Austro-Hungarian expedition of Charles Waiprecht and Julius Pyer. It was named after the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I.

In the 20th century, a person left a noticeable track on the archipelago: barrels from fuel, scrap, stone coal, household and industrial trash. Therefore, in the 21st century, the Arctic "cleaning" began in the Russian Arctic, the purpose of which is to return the fragile, vulnerable nature of high latitudes.

Archipelago Land Franz Joseph is the most glaced site of the sushi of the Russian Arctic: 85% of the territory of 192 of its islands is covered with glaciers.

It is interesting to note that 71% of the total number of the islands of the archipelago take up only 0.4% of its area. Only 4 islands (Land of George, the land of Willchek, Grem-Bell, the land of Alexandra) have an area superior to 100,000 hectares.

All the islands of the archipelago refer to climatic zone Arctic desert. The average temperature of January - -24 ° C, July - -1,5-0 ° C. In winter, the thermometer column can fall below -50 ° C.

Despite the truly stern climate, the archipelago is not a lifeless space. His nature is unique and in its own way charming. Here, as on the new land, 11 species of mammals live. Among the few other places, these islands choose the hosts of the Arctic - white bears - for the birth and upbringing of their kids. ZPI is the second most important "maternity hospital" of polar bears. Atlantic walles, ringed seas, marine hares (lactocks), Greenland whales, Beluhi, Basic Dolphins - Marine Mammals, who choose Franz Joseph's land and the archipelago water area as a native home. Here you can find a sea unicorn - narrowing - the rarest marine animal, which is the symbol of the "Russian Arctic". On numerous rocks of the archipelago, 18 species of birds are withdrawn, and only 50 species of feathered are registered on ZPI, most of them are maritime birds.

Freshwater fish on the land of Franz Joseph is not.

Flora Franz Joseph Flora is predominantly MCHI and lichens: there are 167 types of lichens, more than 30 types of liver moss, about 120 species of green moss and 94 types of mushrooms.

Vascular plants due to a more severe climate less than in the north of the new land - about 50 species. Representatives of the families of camneur, cruciferous and cloves prevail. Here, as well as on the new land, in the summer, stalks, kruks, polar poppies, etc. have time to flourish.

"Russian Arctic" is the island remote from the continent in the Arctic Ocean. You can visit the hard-to-reach protected area during the sea cruise. Tourists in high latitudes entail untouched unique landscapes - glaciers, snowflies and waterfalls; Famous balls ("Spherolites") of the Islands of the Champ; undisturbed ecosystems; animal worldIt is possible to observe in a natural habitat; As well as a rich historical and cultural heritage, which includes about 200 (!) Monuments and commemorative places of not only national, but also international importance. And it is on the Islands of the "Russian Arctic" - Gucker and Heis (ZPI) - work the most northern post offices in the world!

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