Useful minerals Africa presentation. Presentation on the topic "Relief and minerals of Africa"

It is washed two ocean,

There are many rivers and different countries on it.

Sugar desert spread out there

Through the dunes of the sand goes a caravan.

There - the Atlas Mountains, and Near Algeria.

From the blue lakes begins the Nile.

There Kalahari with color river

Animals move their water.


12. Escavator.

13. Migal.




17. Malloato.

18.Sras Hafun.

19.22.6 million km2.

1. Cylimanjaro.



4. Sourd.

5.D. Livigston.

6.30.3 million km2.

7. Madagascar

8. Bengalsky.

9. Almati.

  • Get acquainted with the peculfles of the mainland, identify the causes of these features.
  • Get acquainted with minerals of Africa.

Relief is ...

Mountains are ...

Plains are ...

a combination of irregularities

ground surface.

sublime relief shape

having clearly pronounced

vertine and slopes.

aligned land

corn having a drop

heights no more than 200 meters.

in height

low mountains distinguish between 500 to 1000

meters, Middle Mountains - from 1000 to 2000

meters, high mountains - over 2000

meters high.

  • Mountain differences in height: ...

Differences of plains in height: ...

in height

eliminate plains - lowlands - up to 200

height meters, elevation - up to 500 meters,

plateau - up to 1000 meters of height.

From 200-1000 meters


  • Atlas Mountains
  • Ethiopian Highlands
  • East African Plateorea
  • PLK. Kilimanjaro
  • PLK. Cameroon
  • Cape Mountains
  • Dragons Mountains

Name and sign the form of the relief of Africa


earth crust


Africa is one of the richest mainlands of the world in stocks and mining of various minerals of rudes of black and especially non-ferrous, noble and rare metals, diamonds, phosphorites and graphite, oil and gas fields. The mainland accounts for: 97% of the reserves of platinoids of the world (South Africa), 95% of chromites (South Africa, Zimbabwe), 92% -92% diamonds (South Africa, Zaire, Guinea, Angola, Tsar, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Lesotho), 81 % manganese ore (South Africa, Gabon), 68% of phosphorites (Morocco), 62% of gold (South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ghana), - 40% of Boxitites (Guinea) -I many other mineral resources.

Stages Education of large fields 1 1. The processes of mineralization on the mainland proceeded mainly in the era of the Precambrian orogenesis with the formation of large deposits mainly in South Africa: gold, uranium and copper (South Africa), chromites, platinum and magnetites (South Africa, Zimbabwe), graphite (South Africa Madagascar); tin and tolfram (Nigeria); manganese and gold (Ghana); iron and copper ores (Mauritania and Algerian sugar); Z-gold, uranium, cobalt, nickel and tungsten (Mount Ahaggar in Algeria) and - and other minerals.

2. Major mineral deposits were formed in the Cambrian period, when the processes of mineralization led to the accumulation: polymetallic ores, ores of ferrous, color and rare metals. Copper Ruds (copper belt area with a unique concentration of high-quality ores stretching almost 500 km from Zaire (area of \u200b\u200bthe Shab) to Zambia), also focused on the cobalt, lead deposits, Tolframa and Uranus. - platinum ores, gold, chromites, - - Titanoagnetites (South Africa).

4. By the end of Paleozoic and the beginning of the Mesozoic include the emergence of very large deposits: oil and natural gas, sedimentary iron and manganese ores (sandstone strata of sugar), stone coal (South Africa and Zimbabwe). Albear-Libean oil and gas area is extended by more than 400 km in length with a medium width of km. Diamonds (indigenous mesozoic kimberl pipes in South Africa and an axized in Zaire). Phosphorites (at the end of the Mesozoic in the naval basin along the northern coast of Africa, Southatlasian-Sugar Phosphoritoneal belt), oil (in chalk and paleogene in the regional lattern pools and the zones of Libya's shelf, Gabon, Nigeria, Angola and other countries).

The mainland is divided into two under the continent: low and high Africa whose distinction is as follows. Low Africa is characteristic: latitude zonality, domination of the zonal types of landscapes in vast territories (often within the limits of whole physico-geographical countries and regions), a slight change in nature inside zones; The boundaries of natural reggion are monitored and zonal, are determined by climate change and are more or less wide transition bands (for example, the border between sugar with its deserted landscapes and Sudan with Savannan domination); but

The morphostructure affects the formation of the natural features of such reggaiions, as the Atlask Mountains, which are the most clearly detached part of the Low Africa. High africa is different: greater heightMore than a variety of relief, the complexity of the latitudinal geographic zonality of Yu (natural reggions coincide with well-pronounced structural and morphological areas, their borders serve orographic frontiers. Landscapes are replaced from north to south and from east to west,

Sugar -Copes of sands (Ergi), -And deserts (Hamada),-and-pesty deserts (reggae, sury), - Vpadin (Sechchi), Sudano-Guinea Country -Sahel - Fat layer of tubes in trees (Carite), Wpadina Congo and its boundary raising - self-valuable equatorial forests (hyilets).

High Africa-Efiopsko-Somali country, -Vasta-African Plateau, -nuzhny Africa. Ethiopian-Somali Country Country Plateau (dams), -Vpaddina Assal (-150 m) The lowest place on the African continent, -VPARDADIN Afar is one of the hottest places of the globe, jar and wet belt belt, -poyed with moderately warm the climate of the War-Deaga, the-rigid belt of Degas,

To form students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe tectonic structure, relief and minerals of Africa - their composition, structure, location. Continue the formation of the ability to establish causal relationships, work with geographic maps and compare them.

What place in Square is Africa? (Second in the world) in how many hemispheres is Africa? (In four) What is Almadi? (Cape) What cape is an extreme southern point of Africa? (Needle) What is the nearest nearest to Africa? (Eurasia) What strait separates Africa from Europe? (Gibraltar) Northern Cape Africa. m. Almadi m. Needle Gibraltar Strait (Benx Skid) m. Benx

Name the name of the famous researcher. He crossed South Africa From the West to the East, he explored the Zambezi River, opened a large beautiful waterfall on it, called Victoria. Who led the expedition, which from 1926 to 1927. In Africa, collected 6000 samples of cultivated plants? David Livingston Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov

Is Africa located on how many lithospheric stoves? Are there any collision areas with other stoves? If there is, then where, and what processes occur when a collision? What is the name of the stove and the platform on which the mainland is located? How old mountains are located on the mainland? In which direction and how fast is the stove moving? (African plate, African platform) (on one lithospheric plate) (African and Eurasian plates face.) (Ancient Mountains: Caps and Dragons; Young Mountains: Atlas) (the slab moves to the northeast)

What is relief? What do you see the dependence of the form of relief from the structure of the mortar crust? Recall the studied sushi relief forms. (The combination of irregularities of the earth's surface, differing in size, origin and age, is called relief) (plains are located on platforms, and the mountains in the areas of folds.) Sushi relief plains of the lowland m Low Mountain M Mountain M Middle Ma high more than 2000 M.

What are the relief forms prevail in Africa? What are the reasons for the range of relief? IN East Africa There is the largest rode of the earth's crust on land. He stretched along the Red Sea through Ethiopian Highlands to the mouth of the Zambezi River. Think something related to his education?

P / Molding form Relpanzing of the highest point Absolute height of the point, M 1G.Tubkal4165 2Naguria Akhhaharg. Tahat 3Efiopic Highlands Plateau Darfur 6Nagorte Tibesti3415 In the Physical Map Africa, bring the missing data to the table.

Minerals of sedimentary origin correspond to the plains, and this is the northern, western and central part of the mainland. Minerals of magmatic origin, correspond to the mining relief, and this is the eastern and southeastern part of the mainland. Consequently, there is a certain connection between the structure of the earth's crust, relief and mineral resources, namely, the platforms correspond to the plains and departure of sedimentary minerals. Minerals of magmatic origin are found on plains, where the crystal foundation of the platform is suitable close to the earth's surface, as well as along the line of faults of the earth's crust. The folded areas correspond to the mountains and minerals of magmatic origin. The sedimentary minerals are found in the mountains whose education occurred on the site of the Ancient Sea.

1. Locked on the junction of two lithospheric plates 1) of the mountain dragons; 2) Caps of Mountains; 3) Atlas Mountains; 2. The highest point of Africa 1) Kilimanjaro volcano; 2) Kenya volcano; 3) Volcano Cameroon. 3. B. North Africa and on the coast of the Guinean Bay found huge reserves 1) copper ores; 2) diamonds; 3) oil. 4. Highlands in the east of Africa 1) Ahaggar; 2) Ethiopian; 3) Tibsty. 5. Mountains in the south-east of Africa 1) Mountain Dragons; 2) Caps of Mountains; 3) Atlas Mountains; 1.3; 2.1; 3.3; 4.2; 5.1. Library of electronic visual benefits "Geography Classes" Nikitin N.A. Pounding developments in geography. 7th grade. - M.: "Vako", africa / tizi% 27n% 27toubkal.jpg africa / tizi% 27n% 27toubkal.jpg g? Uselang \u003d ru g? Uselang \u003d ru highlands_01_mod.jpg / 640px- ethiopian_highlands_01_mod.jpg? UselanG \u003d RU Highlands_01_MOD .jpg / 640px- ethiopian_highlands_01_mod.jpg? UselanG \u003d RU

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Relief and minerals Africa Geography Lesson, Grade 7 Author: Golovan Olga Viktorovna, Geography Teacher Municipal general Education "Lyceum No. 8 of Budennovsk Budennovsky district"

Goals and objectives: to form students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe tectonic structure, relief and minerals of Africa - their composition, structure, location. Continue the formation of the ability to establish causal relationships, work with geographic maps and compare them.

Repeat material passed. What place in Square is Africa? (Second in the world) in how many hemispheres is Africa? (In four) What is Almadi? (Cape) What cape is an extreme southern point of Africa? (Needle) What is the nearest nearest to Africa? (Eurasia) What strait separates Africa from Europe? (Gibraltar) Northern Cape Africa. m. Almadi m. Needle Gibraltar Strait (Benx Skid) m. Benx

Repeat material passed. Specify the traveler's name. This Portuguese navigator opened sea Path In India, having encouraged South Africa, passed along the east coast of the mainland, crossed Indian Ocean and reached the shores of Industan. Vasco da Gama

Repeat material passed. Name the name of the famous researcher. He crossed South Africa from the West to the East, explored the Zambezi River, opened a large beautiful waterfall on it, called Victoria. Who led the expedition, which from 1926 to 1927. In Africa, collected 6000 samples of cultivated plants? David Livingston Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov

Map Analysis: "The structure of the earth's crust". Is Africa located on how many lithospheric stoves? Are there any collision areas with other stoves? If there is, then where, and what processes occur when a collision? What is the name of the stove and the platform on which the mainland is located? How old mountains are located on the mainland? In which direction and how fast is the stove moving? (African plate, African platform) (on one lithospheric plate) (African and Eurasian plates face.) (Ancient Mountains: Caps and Dragons; Young Mountains: Atlas) (the slab moves to the northeast)

Comparison of tectonic and physical cards. What is relief? What do you see the dependence of the form of relief from the structure of the mortar crust? Recall the studied sushi relief forms. (The totality of the irregularities of the earth's surface, differing in size, origin and age, is called relief) (plains are located on platforms, and the mountains in the areas of folds.)

east African faults What kind of relief forms prevail in Africa? What are the reasons for the range of relief? In East Africa, there is the largest rode of earthly crust on land. He stretched along the Red Sea through Ethiopian Highlands to the mouth of the Zambezi River. Think something related to his education?

Relief Where are the young mountains? What are their names? Could young mountains form in the center of the Sahara? Where are the lowlands? What do you see the dependence of the form of relief from the structure of the mortar crust?

Relief plains occupy most of Africa. According to the prevailing height, the mainland can be divided into low Africa and high Africa. Determine the prevailing height of low and high Africa.

Work with the physical card Africa. P / p Name of the relief shape Name of the highest point Absolute height of the point, M 1 Tubkal 4165 2 Highlands Akhhagar G. Tahat 3 Ethiopian Highlands 4 5895 5 Plateau Darfur 6 Highlands Tibesta 3415 on Physical Map Africa Enter the missing data into the table.

Atlas Mountains in the north-west mainland are the mountains of Atlas, the northern young ridges of which are located at the junction of two lithospheric plates.

tubkal is the highest top of the Atlas Mountain Tubkal (4165 m), a favorite place of recreation of fans of skiing tourism.

Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro volcano is one of the largest extinct volcanoes in the world, the highest mountain in Africa.

Ethiopian Highlands Ethiopian Highlands is a huge mountain range with high mountain chains and a variety of individual extinct volcanoes.

The dragons of the mountain dragons of the mountains are similar to the ledge, one slope of which is gentle, and the other cool, and the steep slope is shorter than the commonly two times.

MINERALS. What part of Africa is rich in ore minerals of magmatic origin, and what kind of mineral sedimentary origin? What are the differences in the placement of mineral deposits of different origins?

the output of minerals of sedimentary origin corresponds to the plains, and this is the northern, Western and central part of the mainland. Minerals of magmatic origin, correspond to the mining relief, and this is the eastern and southeastern part of the mainland. Consequently, there is a certain connection between the structure of the earth's crust, relief and mineral resources, namely, the platforms correspond to the plains and departure of sedimentary minerals. Minerals of magmatic origin are found on plains, where the crystal foundation of the platform is suitable close to the earth's surface, as well as along the line of faults of the earth's crust. The folded areas correspond to the mountains and minerals of magmatic origin. The sedimentary minerals are found in the mountains whose education occurred on the site of the Ancient Sea.

Test 1. Located at the junction of two lithospheric plates 1) of the Dragons of the mountain; 2) Caps of Mountains; 3) Atlas Mountains; 2. The highest point of Africa 1) Kilimanjaro volcano; 2) Kenya volcano; 3) Volcano Cameroon. 3. In North Africa and on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, huge reserves 1) of copper ores were found; 2) diamonds; 3) oil. 4. Highlands in the east of Africa 1) Ahaggar; 2) Ethiopian; 3) Tibsty. 5. Mountains in the south-east of Africa 1) Mountain Dragons; 2) Caps of Mountains; 3) Atlas Mountains; 1.3; 2.1; 3.3; 4.2; 5.1.

Homework §25. Lack on the contour map, large form of relief and mineral deposits.

List of sources used electronic visual manuals "Geography 6 -10 classes" Nikitin N.A. Pounding developments in geography. 7th grade. - M.: Vako, 2005\u003dgzl&uid -Africa / Tizi% 27n% 27toubkal.jpg File: tubkal_7.90965w_31.05231n.jpg? UselanG \u003d EU\u003dRU

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