FMP in the preparatory group Abstracts of GEF classes. Abstract integrated NOD on the FMP for the preparatory group on GEF

Purpose: Summarize the mathematical representations of children preparatory group.


Educate personal qualities Each child; stability, interest in mathematical knowledge and skills; purposefulness, focus, curiosity.


1. Develop psychological processes: visual and auditory attention, logical thinking, small motor Hands.

2. Develop social skills: the ability to work in the group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of the partner.


  1. Improve the skills of the score in children within 20.
  2. Fasten the sequence and quantitative account, continue to learn to call the subsequent and previous number.
  3. Call neighbors
  4. Consolidate knowledge about arithmetic signs \u003d, +, -,<,>.
  5. Fasten spatial views, the ability to designate the words "between", "on the right", "left" location of items on a sheet of paper.
  1. Improve the ability of children to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cage.
  2. Continue learning to make and solve simple arithmetic tasks on

Addition and subtraction.

Methods and techniques:

Sluban: questions, conversation, explanations.

Gaming: "In order to become", "instructions"

Practical: solving problems and examples, measurement of the ruler.

Receptions of the goals and motivation of children's activities: a game situation.

Receptions intensifying the activities of children in the Process Node: Tasks for logical thinking.

Receptions of the organization practical activities Children: conversation, show, explanation, modeling.

Takes to maintain interest in children: game, show.

Creating a medium and conducting a node: a ball with a note, cards with numbers from 1 to 20,

Cards with assignments for each child, model of clock with rotating arrows,

Rulers and pencils for each child, cards with letters to solve the rebus (portfolio), briefcase with gifts for children.

Guys, we have an unusual day today. Guests came to us. Let's say hello!

(A balloon appears.)

Oh, guys, where did you get the air ball from? Look, it seems there is something there. Note from whom?

Hello children! Writes to you Queen Mathematics. I watched for a long time.

Rejoiced to your progress. Guys, not only adults came to the lesson today

but another guest. And what is this guest, you will learn if we cope with all the tasks. You are waiting for interesting tasks. And I will observe you with a magic mirror. For each correctly completed task you will receive the letter. Then from all the letters you fold the word, and recognize the guest, I wish you good luck!

So. We go to a wonderful country of numbers, examples, tasks. Therefore, let's try to be attentive and well perform all Queen's tasks.

In order to get on your place, everyone must answer the question correctly.

"Do not yawny, quickly answer questions"

  1. Name the seasons.
  2. If the table is above the chair, then the chair ...
  3. Catch up to 20 quickly.
  4. If the line is longer a pencil, then a pencil ...
  5. Catch from 10 back.
  6. If the rope is thicker thread, then thread ...
  7. Name all the days of the week.
  8. Stool has 4 legs, how many legs in two chairs.
  9. Name the neighbors of the number 19.
  10. How many ends of one stick.
  11. Name which number is greater than 3 but less than 5.
  12. How many horns in three cows.
  13. Name the spring months.
  14. What arithmetic signs you know.
  15. How many months a year.
  16. If the road is wider than a path, then the path ...
  17. How many ears have three mice.
  18. Name what time the day is now.
  19. In which geometric figures there are no angles.
  20. Number 29 neighbors.
  21. On Birch grew 2 pears, then rose more 2. How many pears grew up.

Well done! All coped! Now we can proceed to tasks.

Find the first card. It is necessary to enter the composition of the number in empty cells.

Well done! Deserved the first letter ( L.).

Second task. Get everything to me. The game is called "in order to become"

Everyone takes a digit, and while music is playing, dancing, the music is over, you must quickly stand in order.

.... What are you standing in order

... call a neighbor on the right

... call the neighbors of the number ...

Well done! Get the following letter (ABOUT).

Now we return to the tables. The following task on the card number 2. Guys, what

Do you know comparison signs? In the next task, we need to compare numbers.

Signs argue where whose place

Where here is more, where is equal.

Need to help them guys

I know not all the same.

Count all the numbers

To put the desired sign.

Great! Get the following letter (F.).

Go to me. We fell into the "kingdom of time" tell me:

Which device shows time?

What are the clocks that will be in the morning?

What are the clocks that stand on the floor?

What are the clocks called. What are the walls hang on the wall?

What are the clocks that we wear on your hand?

What are the clock with sand?

Let's remember that the little arrow shows on the clock on the clock, and big?

Sit down for the tables, take the card number 3. Record into empty cells that show the clock. All coped, get the letter (E).

Now a little rest, go out to me, sit on the carpet, shake the tasks.

Listen carefully .... (Tasks on a separate card)

That's what you're well done! All tasks decided! Get a letter (B).

Now we return to the tables. Card number 4. We take the ruler, measuring segments.

Find the shortest, the longest segment. Umnick! Get a letter (P).

Now we take a clean white leaflet, and carefully, listen carefully to me.

Only the most attentive will cope with the task.

  1. Draw a circle and rectangle so that the rectangle is inside
  1. Draw a triangle, inside a triangle sign +.
  2. Draw a triangle and square so that the triangle is inside the square.
  3. Draw two vertical and two horizontal lines.
  4. Draw a square and divide into four parts.

Wonderful! Get a letter (R).

And the last task. Graphic dictation. Take a piece of leafle in the cell.

We listen to me very carefully, without interrupting, if anyone got lost, silently puts a pencil, and waiting for the rest of the guys. From point.

Okay! All coped, what did you do?

(5) I hope for these estimates, you will learn at school. Get the last letter (T).

Go to me. And now let's try to make a word from the found letters,

And find out what the guest was attached among the guests. What word did it work?

PORTFOLIO. Let's see what he brought us.

Note from Queen Mathematics.

I see children not in vain

You went to kindergarten.

Did everything clearly, clear

And pleased us.

For excellent staircase,

For the acquisitions

I am handing gifts.

Outcome: Now our occupation approached the end. Did you like it? Let's remember how we were doing today.

Abstract of organized educational activities in the preparatory to school group on September 18, 2018.

Region: Cognitive development (FMP)

Subject: « Fractional parts»

Purpose: creating conditions for the development of skills to lay out examples, consolidate the sequence account up to 10.


    exercise in the score within 10 in direct order;

    improve the ability to navigate in space on a sheet of paper;

    fasten the ability to spread the number into two smaller within 8, call the neighbors of the given numbers;

    learning to call fractional parts within 8;

    create conditions for logical thinking, intelligence, attention;

    educatemathematical occupations.

Intensification of the dictionary: Fraction, the fourth part, the eighth part.

Used technologies (methods):





Demonstration material: Letter, picture "Country of Mathematics", picture with dark flowers, king of mathematics, picture apple.

Handout: sheets of paper, color pencils, simple pencil, cards for the game "Fruit", numbers from 1OD 10,.

Travel course.

Organizing time.

Educator: - Guys, I am very glad to see you. Stand up, please in the circle.

All children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Tight hands take

And smile to each other!

Educator: - Guys, give each other smile.

Educator: - I came to work in a kindergarten and saw a letter. I wonder who is it from? Let's read it and everything will become clear to us.

The introductory part.

The educator reads a letter: "Dear guys, in the country Mathematics happened trouble. An evil wizard enchanted all residentsof this country- All numbers were confused, and the geometric shapes forgot their names andcountry broke into parts. Only you can remove witchcraft. After performing all the tasks of the evil wizard. Residentscountries of mathematics».

Guys and you want to help residents Countries of mathematicsAre you not afraid of difficulties? How can we help them? Than?

Responses of children.

Educator: - Well done! I know that you will definitely decold the charms of an evil wizard. Each correct task will help save Country from destruction.

Main part.

Educator: - What can we go to the country? (Children's responses). Sit down for the tables, before you leaflets with a task: you need to connect numbers from 1 to 10 pencil and you will find out what we fly. (children perform task).

Educator: - What are we flying with you? What did we do? (Rocket). Well done! But, so that our rocket rose, we need to correctly count from 1 to 10. Sit down straight, fasten the belts. We start counting! (Children take turns to 10).

Educator:- Something flashed behind the portholes of the rocket! This evil wizard found the "meteoric geometric" rain. Let's look at your monitors (sheets of paper) and we define what kind of geometric meteorites fly to us:

In the upper right corner flies blue meteorite(Children draw geometric shape At the direction of the teacher, the teacher on the board) . What is the figure?(square) ;

In the lower left corner of the monitor seemed a yellow color meteorite. What is it forms?(rectangular) .

In the lower right corner, the blue meteorite flies. What is this figure?(trapezium) .

In the upper left corner of the meteorite of the green color. What is it forms(triangular) .

Educator: - Well done! The "meteorite-geometric" rain is over. So, we fulfilled this task correctly.

Fizminutka :

We are with you, children

Let's fly on the rocket.

On socks are climbing

And then hands down.

One two three four-

Here flies a rocket

(1-2 Rack on socks, hands up, palm form "Dome of the rocket; 3-4-main rack).

Educator: - Look, guys, evil wizard, even beautiful flowers painted in a dark color. (The educator draws the attention of children to the picture). From this in the warehouseamatics it became sad, implanially. To remove its charms, you must perform the following tasks. Are you ready to continue the path?

Collective work in pairs.

In order to execute these tasks, you need to decompose the digital number from 1 to 10.

1. Put a sign between the numbers 8 and 9.

2. Find the neighbors of the number 9

3. Find a neighbor numbers 4 and 6

4. Put a sign between the numbers 5 and 5

5. Put a sign between numbers 7 and 6

6. What sign should be put in this example: 7….1=8

Educator: - The evil wizard prepared cunning tasks for you. Are you ready to solve them?

How many ears have two mice?

How many tails are three cats?

Two pots fell: iron and clay. What fragments will be more?

3 apples grew on Birch, 1 apple broke. How many apples are left on birches?

On table 4 carrots and 3 cucumbers. How many fruit on the table?

Educator: Look guys, we meet the king of the country "mathematics"! Why are you so sad?

Educator: Guys, you did not guessed why?

Educator: He wants to treat us with 2 apples, but does not know how to divide. Let us help him!

(Children are suitable for a shared table.)

Educator: Guys, how should we share apples?

(Children's responses.)

(The tutor divides one apple to 4 parts and second on 8 parts.)

Educator: - When I split the apple into 4 parts, these parts are parts of an entire apple. Let's count parts of an entire apple. (children perform task)

Educator: - Each part has its own name. In fact, as people have names, cities - names ... The parts of these circles also have their names.

The tutor writes in the figures a fraction of ¼ with explanations (it was 1 apple, divided into 4 parts it turned out ¼, and the second apple on 8 parts turned out to be 1/8 part).

Educator: Thank you king of the country "Mathematics". And you want you to teach you to compare parts.

The educator shows a circle, explains. Here is half a circle. How to record it? There was 1 circle, divided into 2 parts turned out 1/2. Now I will cut a circle on 4 parts, how will be called 1 part? Yes Quarter or ¼ part. What part is more?

Educator: Guys, what do you think, more ½ or 1/8? 1/2 or 1/3? Let's see.

Independent work of children with "Druly" cards

Educator: Unfortunately, it's time for us to say goodbye. Well done!

Dynamic pause.

Worked out - rest

Stand up, deeply sigh.

Hands to the side, forward,

Left, right turn.

Three tilt, straight up.

Hands down and up lift.

Hands smoothly lowered

All smiles presented.

Final part.

Educator: So all parts connectedcountries of mathematics! We won an evil wizard, residents Countries saved! Attention! From the space centerEarth came a signal about returning home. Crew, take your places! Fasten seat belts! Callout from 10 to 1(Children choose a person account)


Educator: Guys, we landed. Where were we with you? What did we do? What tasks turned out to be the most difficult?

Educator: Residentscountries of mathematicsthank you for help and excellent work, because you have shown not only the smelting and mind, but kindness and responsiveness.

Theme "Travel to the Kingdom of Mathematics"

Software tasks:

Education area "Cognitive Development"

- Exercise in the account within 20. Exercise in the reverse account.

Exercise in the classification of geometric shapes; In the construction of geometric figures from counting sticks.

- Continue to learn to determine the place of the number in a natural row.

To continue to determine the missed number, call the previous and subsequent number.

- Fasten the knowledge of numbers.

The cultivation of children to solve the simplest arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction within 10,allocate in the task condition, question, decision, answer,lay out the solution from numbers.

Fastening consistently call the days of the week, call the "neighbors" of the day.

Forming the ability to distinguish spatial directions and navigate the sheet of paper.

Education area: "Speech Development"

Learn to express and make the simplest conclusions, express your thoughts understandable for others.

To form the ability to conduct a dialogue between the educator and children; Learn to be benevolent and correct interlocutors.

Education area: "Physical Development"

Educating the ability to maintain the right posture in various activities.

Education area: "Socially communicative development»

Educating friendly relationships between children, develop the ability to unite for a joint game, negotiate, help each other.

Materials: 2 letters from the first grader, geometric shapes, countable sticks; Figures cards from 1 to 10; , Three hoops, plane numbers from 1 to 10, "carpet-plane", pencils, sheets with tasks.

Methods and techniques:

Wonderful: questions, conversation, explanations, Reminder, clarification, evaluation of children's activities, anticipating assessment

Visual: Comparison with sample, slides

Gaming: Didactic games« Pick up the patch "», « Live Week ","Name neighbors"," Workshop geometrically figures "

Practical: Solving tasks, graphic dictation, laying out of counting sticks.

Integration educational regions: cognitive development, physical development, socio-communicative development.

Move node


All children in the circle gathered.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Tightly hand
And smile to each other.

Guys, look This morning I received this letter. We sent him Timur Novikov (first grader, he went to school with senior group, kids are familiar ). He is already going to school. Listen to what he writes:

"Hello, dear guys! I study in the first class, in order to learn well at school, you need to know a lot, to be able to think, guess. And also solve unusual tasks, perform tasks for smelting and intelligence. I am interested in learning at school, like to read, write and solve tasks. But I was asked such lessons, I find it difficult to perform them. Help me please".

What are we going to do guys?

Operations to solve tasks?"But to help him, we need to travel in the mathematical kingdom." And today I invite you there.

- "But it's not easy to get into this kingdom. Remember to cope with all difficulties, you must be smart, attentive and observant. But the most important thing is that we can only return if we handle all the tasks. Well, what, did not change my mind? Then way! "

What do you think we get to the mathematical kingdom-state? (by plane, train ...)

Children, but the kingdom of mathematics fabulous, then we can get to the fairytale vestion, what do you think on what?

And let's fly on the carpet -samole (I'll get the carpet).

Guys, he lay down for so long, and his mice shooted, take patches, we will now soak it together.

D \\ and "pick up the patch"

Now you can fly (children get up on the carpet and consider until 20.)

Slide 1. -Well, we flewBut to enter the kingdom of mathematics, you need to remember the password. (Password passing)

Children line up in the column and in turn answers the teacher's questions:

Guys, and password in riddles, listen:

1. How many ears have two cats? (four)

2. How many days in the week? (7)

3. How many eyes from the traffic light? (3)

4. How many fingers on one hand? (five)

5. How many sun on the sky? (one)

6. How many paws have two dogs? (eight)

7. How many fingers on two hands? (10)

8. How many days a week? (2)

9. How many sunshine in the sky at night? (0)

10. What number is greater than 8, but less than 10? (nine).

11. What day is the day of the week?

12. How many months a year? (12)

13. How many colors have a rainbow? (7)

14. How many times of the year?(4)

Educator: Well done, we remembered the password, and now we are with youwe are ingeometric city figs . Slide 2.

And here is the first task: all geometric shapes are confused in this city, you It is necessary to position them so that: inside the blue hoop, all big figures were; inside yellow - all yellow; And inside the green - all round.
Now everyone takes two figures, and put them in a specified circle (let's check, the figures are correctly located)

Well done, now the figures are all in their place. You corrected the task!

D / and "Workshop of geometric shapes"

Guys, we will need to make geometric shapes with counting chopsticks (sit down).The educator gives children a task:

1. Build a figure, which has 3 angle and 3 sides (triangle).

2. Build a figure, which all parties are equal (square).

3. Build a figure, in which 2 sides are long and 2 sides are short (rectangle).

4. Build a figure, which has 2 sharp corners and 2 stupid (rhombus).

5. Build a figure, which has 5 angles and 5 sides (pentagon).

6. Build a figure, which has 6 corners and 6 sides (polygon)

Guys, and now we will solve tasks in the city of numbers. Slide 3.

"Lost figures". We must lay out numbers in order from 1 to 10.

Day "Day-Night"

On the easel in a row there is an error and we need to fix it. (I change the numbers in some places, then the children offer their options for "permutations", children at the board corrected changes.

Tasks on slides:

« What is the number of missing ? - Children call the missed number from the "numerical row".7, 8, 10, 11, 12 slide 4

10, 11, 13, 14, 15 slide 5

13, 14, 16, 17, 18 slide 6

15, 16, 17, 18, 20. Slide 7

"Name the previous, subsequent number" or "Name the neighbors"

8, 11, 15, 17. Slides 8, 9, 10, 11

D \\ and "Live Week",

And now we will go to the city of time. In this city - the days of the week were confused, we need to build them in each other in the desired sequence. To do this, you must share for two teams. Each command has its own table on which the cards with the image are lying down. On the team take on one card, and buildin order according to the number on your card.

Fizkultminutka "We will jump and ride!"

One, two, three, four, five!

We will jump and jump!(Jumping in place.)

Leaning right side.(Tilting torso left-tonds.)

One two Three.

Left left side.

One two Three.

And now raise the handles(Hands up.)

And they will be totding to Tuchka.

Sit on the track,(Sat on the floor.)

Let's dismiss the legs.

I will shine the right leg(Bend legs in the knee.)

One two Three!

I will shine the left leg,

One two Three.

Feet high raised(Raised legs up .)

And a little supersed.

Head shaved(Movement head.)

And everyone together got together.(Stood up.)

According to the team: "Week Stream!", Children run to their tables, take one card on one card and line up in their team.

Task - Questions to children :

Let's remember what is called 1 day of the week (2,3,4,5,6,7)

Name your day of the week!

Call your neighbors.

What day of the week will come next.

What day of the week is the day off. Well done! With the task, everything coped.

Further we will go to the city of tasks (Sit down).In this city We have to solve problems.

Guys, name, what parts is the task? (Condition, question, answer task).

What tasks do you know? (for subtraction and addition).
Lay out a solution with plane digit read record.

10-6 (apples) - there were 10 apples in the vase, 6 apples were eaten. How many apples are left?

2 + 8 (mushrooms) - on the clearing there were 2 fungi, after the rain rose 8 more. How many fungi became?

Guys to get out of the ismeatatic kingdom-state now, each of you will try to draw a map.

Listen carefully task and draw:

In the upper left corner - the sun,

In the lower left corner - the Christmas tree,

in the lower right corner - mushrooms,

in the upper right corner - cloud,

bird flies over the house.

Check - Slide, (I clarify the location of the items)

Well done guys, you were all attentive! You perfectly coped with all the tasks. It's time for us to go home. Come on our carpet. let'scount Time B. reverse orderstarting from 10and back in the d / s.
- Well, here we are already in kindergarten ...

Guys, and now tell me, was it very difficult for you? "(It is not difficult, but even interesting!)

What task liked to perform?Slide 12. (Timur photo) - email.

Who could send a letter!?
Letter from Timur:"Dear friends! Thank you so much for the assistance rendered! You helped me fulfill all tasks. You coped perfectly, performed without errors. You are just well done, I want to tell you that you are boldly, you can go to school! You, my friends, gratitude from me, hand the best school estimates 5 "
- Guys, thanks to the knowledge gained in kindergarten, you assisted Timur. You are all well done!

Irina Aleksandrovna Pomorava, Vera Arnoldna Pozin

Formation of elementary mathematical representations. System of work in the preparatory school group of kindergarten

Library of program "from birth to school"

under general edition N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

Pomorava Irina Aleksandrovna - Methodist of the educational and methodological center for professional education Moscow, teacher of Mathematical Development Methodology Pedagogical College No. 15, Honored Teacher of Russia

Pozin Vera Arnoldna - Methodist, teacher of the methodology of mathematical development of the pedagogical college number 4, an excellent student of folk enlightenment


This manual is addressed to educators working on the approximate main secondary program preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, to organize work on mathematics in the group preparatory for school.

The manual discusses the issues of organizing work on the development of elementary mathematical ideas in children of 6-7 years, taking into account the patterns of the formation and development of their cognitive activity and age capabilities.

The book provides approximate planning of work on mathematics for the year. The structure of classes allows you to combine and successfully solve tasks from different sections of the program. The proposed system of work, including a complex of tasks and exercises, a variety of methods and techniques for working with children (visual-practical, game, verbal), helps preschoolers to master ways and techniques of knowledge, apply the knowledge gained in independent activities. This creates prerequisites for the formation of the right world, it allows to provide a common educational focus, communication with mental, speech development and various activities.

Gaming situations with elements of competitions, reading passages fiction Motivate children and send their mental activity to search for ways to solve the tasks. The technique of work does not imply direct training that can adversely affect the reflection and independent fulfillment by the child of mathematical tasks, but implies the creation of situations of the Commonwealth, seater, provides all children equal to the start, which will allow them to successfully study at school.

The proposed system of work allows teachers to take into account the specifics of activity educational institution And his priorities. The volume of material gives educators the opportunity to realize their creative potential and take into account the features of a particular group of children.

Knowledge obtained during organized educational activities to form elementary mathematical representations must be fixed in everyday life. To this end, special attention should be paid to the enrichment of plot-role-playing games with mathematical content and the creation of an objective environment, which stimulates the development of independent cognitive activity Each child.

In working with children as in preschool institutionAnd at home you can use the workbook "Mathematics for preschoolers: preparatory to school group" (M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2012).

The manual includes: a list of didactic games, additional material, recommendations on the organization of the development environment. They reflect the modern positions of psychologists, teachers and methodologists, allowing to expand the content of working with the children of the seventh year of life.

Further into the manual for convenience of presenting instead of the term "directly educational activities"We will often use the term" occupation "as familiar to teachers. However, the term "occupation" should not enter the teachers in misleading: it does not imply conducting studitions of the urgent type. The task of the teacher is not to turn the classes in mathematics into a lesson, but to use the forms of work with children, corresponding to their age, indicated in the exemplary basic general educational program of pre-school education "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M . A. Vasilyeva.

Software content


Development general representations About the set: skills to form sets on specified bases, to see the components of the sets in which the items are characterized by certain features.

Exercises in combining, add-on, distance from a plurality of part or individual parts.

Fixing the ability to establish relations between individual parts of the set, as well as a whole set and each part of it on the basis of the account, drawing up pairs of objects or connecting objects by arrows.

Improving quantitative skills ordinal account within 10. Acquaintance with the score within 20.

Acquaintance with the numbers of the second ten.

Fastening the understanding of the relationship between the numbers of the natural row (7 is more than 6 per 1, and 6 less than 7 to 1), the ability to increase and decrease each number 1 (within 10).

Fastening the skill to call numbers in direct and reverse order (oral account), subsequent and previous number to the named or designated number, to determine the missed number.

Acquaintance with the composition of numbers from 0 to 10.

The formation of the skill to lay out the number into two smaller and compose from two smaller greater (within 10, on a visual basis).

Acquaintance with coins of dignity 1, 5, 10 kopecks, 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles (distinction, set and exchange of coins).

The formation of the skill on a visual basis is to compile and solve simple arithmetic tasks for addition (smaller speed is added) and for subtraction (subtractable less than the residue); When solving tasks, use the signs of actions: plus (+), minus (-) and the relationship is equal to (\u003d).


Fastening the ability to share an item for 2-8 or more equal parts by flexing the subject (paper, fabric, etc.), as well as using a conditional measure; correctly denote parts of the whole (half, one part of two (one second), two parts of four (two fourth), etc.); set the ratio of the integer and part, size parts; Find parts of the whole and integer according to the known parts.

Formation of initial measuring skills. Fastening the ability to measure the length, width, height of items (segments of direct lines) by means of a conditional measure (paper in a cell).

Fastening the ability of children to measure the volume of liquid and bulk substances by means of a conditional measure.

Formation of ideas about the weight of objects and methods for its measurement. Fixing the ability to compare the weight of objects (heavier - easier) by weighing them on the palms. Acquaintance with weights.

Development of ideas that the measurement result (length, weight, volume of objects) depends on the size of the conditional measure.

The form

Clarification of knowledge of geometric figures, their elements (vertices, angles, parties) and some of their properties.

Formation of representations about a polygon (on the example of a triangle and quadrilateral), about a straight line, a straight line.

Fixing the ability to recognize the figures regardless of their spatial position, depict, place on the plane, arrange in size, classify, group in color, form, sizes.

Consolidation of the skill modeling geometric shapes; Multiple from several triangles, from several small squares - one large rectangle; From parts of the circle - a circle, of four segments - a quadrangle, of two short segments - one long, etc.; construct shapes on the verbal description and transfer of their characteristic properties; Make thematic compositions from figures on their own design.

Consolidation of the ability to analyze the form of objects in general and individual parts; Recreate complicated objects from individual parts by contour samples, by description, representation.

Orientation in space

The formation of the ability to navigate the limited surface (sheet of paper, textbook, notebook page, books, etc.); Positioning objects and their images in the specified direction, reflect their spatial location (at the top below, above, below, on the left, right, to the left, to the right, in the left upper (right-right) corner, before, for, between, near, etc. .).

Acquaintance with the plan, scheme, route, card. Development of modeling ability spatial relationship Between objects in the form of drawing, plan, schemes.

Formation of the ability to "read" the simplest graphical information denoting the spatial relationships of objects and the direction of their movement in space: from left to right, right to left, from the bottom up, downwardly down; Alone to move in space, focusing on the conditional notation (signs and symbols).

Orientation in time

Formation elementary representations About the time: its turnover, periodicity, irreversibility, sequence of weeks of the week, months, seasons.

Fixing the ability to use in speech with words-concepts: at first, then, before, after, earlier, later, water sequel.

Development of the "sense of time", the ability to take time, regulate their activities in accordance with the times; Discern the duration of certain time intervals (1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour).

The formation of the ability to determine the time by the hour up to 1 hour.

Approximate distribution of software for a year

I quarter


Lesson 1.

Lesson 2.

Lesson 3.

Lesson 4.

Maxue with a number 3.

Lesson 5.

Machine with a number 4.

Lesson 6.

Machine with a number 5.


Lesson 1.

Maxue with a number 6.

Develop the ability to move in space in accordance with the symbols.

Lesson 2.

Machine with a number 7.

Lesson 3.

Maxue with a number 8.

Lesson 4.

With the composition of the number 9 from units.

With digit 9.

Develop eyemeter.

Lesson 5.

Lesson 6.

With the composition of the number 10 from units.

With a number 0.

Continue to learn to find .


Lesson 7.

Lesson 8.

Continue acquaintance with numbers from 1 to 9.


Lesson 1.

Teaching the number 4 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.

Consign the skills of the sequence account within 10.

Develop the ability to analyze the form of objects and their individual parts.

Improve the idea of \u200b\u200bthe weight of items and the ability to determine regardless of their appearance equally weighing objects or not.

Fasten the ability to consistently determine and call the days of the week.

Lesson 2.

Teaching the number 5 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.

To acquaint with the formation of the numbers of the second ten within 15.

Improve the ability to build a serial row by weight of items.

Fasten the ability to navigate the sheet of paper and reflect the spatial location of items in the speech with the words: at the top, below, on the left, right.

Lesson 3.

Teaching the number 6 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.

Continue to acquaint with the formation of the numbers of the second ten within 15.

To acquaint measurement of values \u200b\u200bwith the help of a conditional measure.

Develop the ability to navigate in space with the help of symbols and schemes.

Lesson 4.

Teaching the number 7 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.

Continue to acquaint with the formation of the numbers of the second ten within 20.

Lesson 5.

Teaching the number 8 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.

Fasten the account skills in direct and reverse order within 15.

Exercise in measuring the length of the objects with the help of a conditional measure.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cell.

Lesson 6.

Teaching the number 9 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.

Improve account skills within 20.

Exercise in measuring the height of objects with the help of a conditional measure.

Continue to develop the ability to focus on the sheet of paper into the cell.

Lesson 7.

Teaching the number 10 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.

Fasten the ability to determine the previous one, subsequent and missed number to the named or designated number within 10.

Exercise in the ability to measure the length and width of objects with the help of a conditional measure.

Lesson 8.

Consolidate the presentation of the quantitative and order value of the number within 10.

Fasten the ability to form a number 10 of units.

Skills measurement of the value of objects; introduce the dependence of the measurement results from the conditional measure.

Develop the ability to move in space in a given direction.

The ability to simulate objects with the help of familiar geometric shapes.

II quarter


Lesson 1.

To acquaint with coins of dignity 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles and 1, 5, 10 kopecks.

Continue forming orientation skills on a sheet of paper into a cell.

To clarify the views on polygons and methods for their classification and size.

Lesson 2.

Continue to acquaint with coins worth 1, 5, 10 rubles.

To form ideas about the time, introductory with sand clock.

Lesson 3.

Continue to acquaint with coins worth 1, 5, 10 rubles, their set and exchange.

Develop a sense of time, learn to regulate their activities in accordance with the time interval.

Develop the ability to recreate complex objects from individual parts by contour samples.

Lesson 4.

Continue to clarify the ideas about the coins of the dignity of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles, their set and difference.

Learning to measure the volume of bulk substances with the help of a conditional measure.

To acquaint with the clock, learn to set time on the mockup of the clock.

Continue to learn to determine the shape of the objects and their parts.

Lesson 5.

Continue to learn to measure the volume of bulk substances using the conditional measure.

Continue to acquaint with the clock, learn to set time on the mockup of the clock.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cell.

Consolidate ideas about a polygon; To acquaint him with private cases: pentagon and hexagon.

Lesson 6.

To introduce the rules for measuring liquid substances by means of a conditional measure.

Fasten the understanding of the relationship between the numbers of a natural row, the ability to increase (decrease) the number 1 within 10.

Develop a sense of time; Learning to distinguish between time intervals within 5 minutes.

Develop the ability to simulate geometric shapes.

Lesson 7.

Improve the ability to lay the number into two smaller and range from two smaller larger number within 10.

Consolidate ideas about the sequence of times and months of the year.

Develop the ability to design geometric shapes on verbal description and transfer of characteristic properties.

Exercise in the ability to combine parts into a whole set, compare the integer and part of the set.

Lesson 8.

Fasten the ability to lay the number into two smaller numbers and make up two smaller larger numbers within 10.

Develop the ability to call the previous, subsequent and missed number to the named.

Fasten ideas about the sequence of the week.

Develop the ability to modify geometric shapes.


Lesson 1.

Learning to make arithmetic tasks for addition.

Fasten the ability to see geometric shapes in surrounding items.

Lesson 2.

Improve the ability to focus on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 3.

The ability to measure the volume of liquid substances by means of a conditional measure.

The ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 4.

Learning to make and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.

To acquaint with coins of dignity 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles, their set and exchange.

Improve the ability to focus on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Develop attention, logical thinking.

Lesson 5.

Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.

Continue to acquaint with the clock and set time on the mockup of the clock.

Improve the ability to focus on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Lesson 6.

Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.

Improve the ideas about the sequence of numbers within 20.

Develop the ability to share an integer on 8 equal parts and compare the integer and part of it.

Develop the ability to determine the location of items relative to each other.

Lesson 7.

Develop the ideas about geometric shapes and the ability to draw them on a sheet of paper.

Fasten the ability to call the previous, subsequent and skipped number indicated by the number.

Lesson 8.

Continue learning to independently compile and solve problems for addition and subtraction.

Improve the ideas about parts of the day and their sequence.

Exercise in proper use in speech words: first, then, before, after.

Fasten the ability to see in the surrounding subjects of familiar geometric shapes.


Lesson 1.

Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition.

Exercise in the score of items according to the sample.

Learning to measure the length of the segments of straight lines by cells.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 2.

Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.

Fasten the ability to call the winter months.

Improve the ability to make a number of units.

Exercise in the compilation of thematic compositions from geometric shapes.

Lesson 3.

Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.

Fasten the ability to consistently call the days of the week and correctly use in speech words: earlier, later, first, then.

Continue to form the ability to define a straight line segment and measure its length through cells.

Develop ideas about the magnitude of items.

Lesson 4.

Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.

Expand the ideas about the weight of items.

Fasten the ability to modify geometric shapes.

Improve the ability to navigate the notebook into the cell, perform tasks for verbal instructions.

Lesson 5.

Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.

Improve the skills of measuring the height of objects with the help of a conditional measure.

Continue to acquaint with the clock and learn to determine time up to 1 hour.

Lesson 6.

Learning to make and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.

Develop the ideas about geometric shapes and the ability to sketch them on a sheet of paper into the cell.

Develop logical thinking.

Lesson 7.

Improve account skills with changing its foundation.

The ability to move in space in a given direction in accordance with the symbols.

Lesson 8.

Learning to independently draw up and solve problems for addition and subtraction.

Representations of the quantitative and ordinal values \u200b\u200bof the number, the ability to answer questions "How much?", "Which in order?", "On which place?".

Improve the ability to simulate geometric shapes.

Develop attention, imagination.

III quarter


Lesson 1.

Continue to learn independently compile and solve arithmetic tasks within 10.

Improve the ability to share a circle on 8 equal parts, correctly denote parts, compare the integer and part of it.

Exercise in the ability to determine the time by the clock up to 1 hour.

Develop attention.

Lesson 2.

Consolidate understanding of relations nearby numbers within 10.

Improve the ability to focus on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Develop attention.

Lesson 3.

Continue to learn independently make up and solve the tasks for addition and subtraction within 10.

Improve the ability to measure the length of the items with the help of a conditional measure.

Improve the skill in orientation on the sheet of paper into the cage.

Fasten the ability to call consistently times and months of the year.

Lesson 4.

Continue to learn independently make up and solve the tasks for addition and subtraction within 10.

Exercise in the ability to form a number of two smaller numbers and lay the number into two smaller numbers.

Consolidate ideas about coins worth 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles.

Develop skill in orientation on a sheet of paper into a cell.

Exercise in the ability to determine the weight of the items by weight.

Lesson 5.

Continue to learn independently make up and solve the tasks for addition and subtraction within 10.

Develop the ability to combine parts of the set, compare the integer and its part-based part.

Improve the ability to see in the surrounding subjects of the form of familiar geometric shapes.

Lesson 6.

Continue to learn independently make up and solve the tasks for addition and subtraction within 10.

Fasten the skill in the consecutive name of the days of the week.

Develop the ability to model spatial relationships between objects on the plan.

Develop spatial perception Forms.

Lesson 7.

Continue to learn independently make up and solve the tasks for addition and subtraction within 10.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cell.

Improve the ability to design volumetric geometric shapes.

Exercise in the score in direct and reverse order within 20.

Lesson 8.

Exercise in solving arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction within 10.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cell.

Improve the account skills with the change of the foundation of the account within 20.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.


Lesson 1.

Continue to learn independently make up and solve the tasks for addition and subtraction within 10.

Exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Develop the ability to measure the length of the objects with the help of a conditional measure.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 2.

Exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Develop the ability to consistently call the days of the week, months and seasons.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 3.

Continue to learn independently make up and solve the tasks for addition and subtraction within 10.

Exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 4.

Continue learning to independently compose and solve problems for addition within 10.

Exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Develop the ability to create complex objects in the form of separate parts by submission.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 5.

Continue to learn independently make up and solve the tasks for addition and subtraction within 10.

Exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Fasten the ability to form a number of two smaller and lay it into two smaller numbers within 10.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 6.

Continue to learn independently make up and solve the tasks for addition and subtraction within 10.

Exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Consolidate ideas about bulk and flat geometric shapes.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 7.

Continue to learn independently make up and solve the tasks for addition and subtraction within 10.

Exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 8.

Continue to learn independently make up and solve the tasks for addition and subtraction within 10.

Exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Improve the ability to focus in the surrounding space regarding yourself and another person.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.


Work on the consolidation of the material passed.


Lesson 1.

Software content

Exercise in dividing the sets on parts and combining its parts; Improve the ability to establish the relationship between the set and its part.

Skills of the sequence account within 10, the ability to answer questions "How much?", "Which on account?", "On which place?".

Views O. mutual location Objects in space (in series): left, right, before, after, between, before, for, near.

The ability to consistently determine and call the days of the week.

Demonstration material. Cards on which circles are drawn (from 1 to 7), the things are minor (hat, shoes, etc.), doll furniture or room layout, doll, teddy bear, 3 cubes, 3 pyramids.

Methodical instructions

I part. The game "Live Week."

The educator causes seven children to the board and invites them to take cards on which circles are drawn (from 1 to 7). Children under music on the task of the master perform various movements. Upon her end, they are built into the ranks, forming a week: the first is a child who has one circle on the card (Monday), the second - who has two circles on the card (Tuesday), etc. Check is carried out by roll-call with the name of the days of the week .

The game is repeated 2-3 times with the change of participants.

II part. Didactic game "Who left?".

Ten children come to the board and are built in Shan. The rest consider them in order, remember the sequence of construction and close their eyes. At this time, one of the ranks in the rank leaves. Children open their eyes and determine who left and on which the place was stood.

The game is repeated 2-3 times with the change of children in the rank.

III part. Gaming exercise "Let's help me find things."

On the flannelhemph, the layout of the room is minted (you can use doll furniture). Mystery things lie in different places of the room: the hat is near the cabinet, one shoe next to the chair, the other - behind the bed, etc.

The educator reports to children that Dunno gathered to visit a pencil, but can't find his things. The educator offers the guys to help minted. Children call the location of each thing: "The hat lies near the cabinet", etc. Delicar thanks for his help.

IV part.

The teacher says to children that a doll came to visit them, and he offers to play with her. It puts on the table 3 of the cube and 3 pyramids and asks: "How many cubes? How many pyramids? What can be said about the number of pyramids and cubes? "

The educator puts cubes and pyramids together and asks: "How many toys in the doll? (Children consider toys.) Six toys. How many pyramids? What is more: toys or pyramids? How many cubes? What is less: cubes or toys? A group of toys (generalizing gesture) is more than a group of pyramids, its parts (shows). A group of toys is more group of cubes, its parts. "

The teacher offers a doll to play with a teddy bear, and the children row to the toys between them (consider different variants equality). The correct task is valid on the basis of the account.

Lesson 2.

Software content

Exercise in dividing the sets on parts and combining parts into a whole group; Improve the ability to establish the relationship between the set and its part.

The ability to share a circle and square on 2 and 4 equal parts, compare and call them.

The ability to distinguish and call familiar geometric shapes.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Doll, bear, bunny, 3 cubes, 3 pyramids, 3 cars, 5 circles of the same color, 2 baskets, 2 sets building material (with flat and volumetric geometric shapes - in accordance with the software content).

Handout. The envelopes in which are 1/4 pieces of a circle or square, a box with the rest of the figures, the squares of the same color (5 pcs. For each child).

Methodical instructions

I part.

On flannelhephoge 5 circles of the same color. Children determine their number.

Children, together with the educator, consider circles in the reverse order (from 5 to 1). Then the educator asks: "What did we do when they considered five to one?" (Reduced to one.)

II part.

The educator proposes to perform a similar task with the help of squares of the same color. Children consider squares, remove one by one and determine how much it remains. Together with the educator, they call numbers in the reverse order. (Five, four, three, two, one.)

III part. The game-relay "Who will faster decompose the building material?".

Children are divided into two teams by recalculating the first second. The first team should be found in the basket and transfer all flat figures to another basket, and the second is all volumetric figures.

In the process of checking the task, children show and call shapes.

IV part. Didactic game "Make an integer in part".

In children, envelopes with parts of geometric shapes. The educator proposes to make a whole geometric shape by choosing the missing parts from the box.

After completing the task, children determine which figures they turned out and from how many parts they consist.

The teacher then finds out children: "How can I call every part of your figure? What is more: an integer or one second (one fourth) part? What is less: one second (one fourth) part or integer? "

V part. Game exercise "Collect the toys for the doll."

The teacher reports to children that a doll came to visit them, and offers to play with her. It puts three groups of toys on the table (3 cubes, 3 pyramids, 3 cars) and asks: "How many cubes? How many pyramids? How many machines? What can be said about the number of pyramids, cubes and machines? " (Cubes, pyramids, machines equally, three.)

The educator puts cubes, pyramids and cars together and asks: "How many toys have a doll? (Children consider toys.) That's right, nine toys. How many pyramids? What is more: nine toys or three pyramids? What is less: three pyramids or nine toys? " (Similarly, toys and cubes, toys and cars are compared.)

The educator concludes: "A group of toys (a generalizing gesture) is more than a group of pyramids (shows) and more groups of cubes, its parts."

Then the teacher offers a doll to play with a teddy bear and a bunny, and the children equally divided toys between them. The correct task is valid on the basis of the account.

Lesson 3.

Software content

To acquaint with numbers 1 and 2 and learn to designate numbers numbers.

Exercise in the skills of the quantitative account in direct and reverse order within 10.

Fasten the ability to navigate the sheet of paper, determine the sides and corners of the sheet.

Improve the ideas about triangles and quadrangles.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Cards with numbers 1 and 2, Muzzi mushrooms (1 white mushroom and 2 boletus), 10 triangles of the same color, pattern pattern.

Handout. Cards with numbers 1 and 2, rectangles of the same color (10 pcs. For each child), sheets of paper, color pencils.

Methodical instructions

I part. Gaming exercise "Catch up mushrooms."

On the table of the teacher, Mulya Mushrooms: 1 White mushroom and 2 boosaine.

The educator clarifies the names of mushrooms in children, finds out edibles they or not. Then asks: "How many white mushrooms? Who knows which digit can one indicate the number one? "

The tutor shows a card with the image of the figure 1, it has it next to the white mushroom and asks: "What is the number one look like? Find a card with a date one and circle it with your finger. "

Specifies: "The number one indicates the number one".

Similarly, the teacher introduces children with a number 2.

II part. Didactic game "Find the same area."

The tutor shows a digit. Children find the corresponding number of items in the group and justify their choice. (Some watches, two vases, two pictures ...)

The educator clarifies: "One number (two) shows the number one (two)".

The educator calls the number of items, children show the corresponding figure.

III part. Gaming exercise "Catchy Figures".

On the flannelhemph of 10 triangles of the same color. Children determine their number. Then the educator asks: "How many triangles will remain if every time we will remove one triangle?"

Children, together with the educator, consider triangles in the reverse order (from 10 to 1). The teacher clarifies: "What did we do when you thought from ten to one?"

IV part. Work with dispensing material.

In children ten rectangles. The educator proposes to perform a similar task. Children consider rectangles, remove one by one and determine how much it remains. Together with the educator, they call numbers in the reverse order. (Ten, nine, eight ... one.)

V part. Didactic game "Remeasures and executive" (auditory dictation).

In children, paper sheets and color pencils. The educator clarifies the name of the parties and the corners of the sheet.

Then gives children tasks:

1) Along the upper side of the sheet, draw a straight line with a red pencil (along the bottom side - a green pencil, along the left - blue pencil, along the right - yellow pencil);

2) in the upper left corner, draw a circle with a red pencil (in the lower left corner - blue pencil, in the upper right corner - yellow pencil, in the lower right corner - green pencil);

3) Put a point in the middle of the sheet with a red pencil.

The correctness of the task is to be fulfilled by the children check by the tutor.

The teacher clarifies: "What and where did you draw?"

Children call details, their color and location.

Lesson 4.

Software content

Maxue with a number 3.

Learning to call the previous and subsequent number for each number of natural rows within 10.

Improve the ability to compare 10 items (in length, width, height), to have them in an increasing and descending order, denote the results of the comparison with the corresponding words.

Exercise in the ability to move in the specified direction.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Cards with the image of various items (on a card from 1 to 3 items), cards with numbers from 1 to 3, 10 cylinders of different height and 1 cylinder equal to one of the 10 cylinders, a paddle, asterisk.

Handout. Cards with different number of circles, cards with circles (from 1 to 10 circles; see fig. 1), cards with images of labyrinths, pencils, 10 multi-colored strips of different lengths and widths, 1 paper strip (for each child), cards with numbers From 1 to 3 (for each child), asterisks.

Methodical instructions

I part. Game exercise "Count the sounds (objects, movements)".

Before children cards with numbers from 1 to 3. The educator offers to find a card with a number 1 and put it in front of him. Then asks: "What number can be designated by this number? What is only one in the group? "

The educator asks the children to find a card with a number 2 and put it next to the figure 1: "What number indicates the number two? What is a person two? " (Two eyes, two ear ...)

The educator shows a card with the image of three items and finds out in children how many items on the card. Then shows the card with the number 3 and specifies that the number 3 denotes the number 3.

"What is the difference in the number three? - asks children teacher. - Find a card with a number three and circle it. And now put the number three next to the number two and name the numbers in order. "

Then the educator offers children to play: "Mark the number of heard sounds (objects on the card seen)". Each time the teacher clarifies how the number children marked the number of sounds (objects, movements) and why.

II part. Game exercise "Name the previous and subsequent number".

Each child has a circle card (from 1 to 10) and a set of 10 cards with circles (from 1 to 10).

Fig. one

The teacher explains to children: "Each number has two neighbor numbers: younger less than one, it is standing ahead and is called the previous number; Most more on one, it stands after and is called the subsequent number. Consider your cards and define your neighbors. "

Children define the previous and subsequent number to the number of circles depicted on the card and close empty squares with a card with a certain number of circles.

After completing the task, the children explain: what number is the previous (subsequent) to the number designated on the card and why these numbers called neighbors.

III part. Game exercise "Spread and tell about the length and width of the strips."

Children have 10 strips of different lengths, widths and colors. The teacher, together with the children, finds out the differences between them. Gives tasks: "Explodulate strips, starting with the shortest and ending the longest, and name the length of each of them. What can you say about the length of the lying stripes: red and brown? (Red strip is longer brown.)What can you say about the length of brown and green stripes? (Brown strip is longer green.)Brown stripe shorter red, but longer green.

And now decompose the strips of different widths: from the widest to the narrow itself from left to right (see Fig. 2), and tell us how you are located. " (The teacher clarifies the rules of decomposition.)

The educator draws the attention of children to the fact that each subsequent strip decreases on the same value, and offers to check it with a paper strip. Children apply a strip of paper to the first strip on the right, determine how much the width of the strips differs, mark this value of the folding line and cut off the resulting measure. Then they apply the measure to all strips and make sure that the width of each strip is different for the same magnitude.

Fig. 2.

IV part. Gaming exercise "We will put the cylinders in a row."

The cylinders of different height are chaotically placed on the carpet. The educator proposes to arrange columns in a row: from the lowest to the highest. Previously specifies the rules for laying items in height.

Children take turns perform the task: every child, choosing another cylinder, pronounces its actions ("I choose from the remaining cylinders the lowest, compare it with all the cylinders and put it nearby.")

One child gets a cylinder of the same height as the previous one. The teacher notes that the cylinders are the same in height, and checks it with children. Then proposes to remove an extra cylinder.

After completing the task, children talk about the height of each cylinder in the row.

V part. Game exercise "Find a way out of the labyrinth."

The educator proposes to consider the labyrinth, find out the exit and read it with a pencil. In the process of performing the task, the children comment on their actions and correct errors.

Children who have successfully copied with the task receive asterisks.

Lesson 5.

Software content

Machine with a number 4.

Consolidate the views on the quantitative composition of the number 5 of the units.

Fix the ability to compare two objects in size (length, width) with a conditional measure equal to one of the compaable objects.

Develop the ability to designate their location relative to another person in speech.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Dolls (one of them with a pigtail), cards with numbers from 1 to 4, cards with the image of clothing and shoes (on a card from 3 to 5 items), 2 tapes of different lengths, measures (cardboard strip, equal to the length of the short ribbon in the doll , wand, rope, etc.).

Handout. Cards with numbers from 1 to 4 (for each child), pencils of different colors (5 pcs. For each child), cars, bars sets (for each couple of children), paper strips (1 pc. For a couple of children).

Methodical instructions

I part. Gaming exercise "Let's help the doll find numbers."

Dolls are asking children to guess which numbers they show (within 3). Children guess, find the same and lay out the cards on the table. Then call numbers in order.

Dolls show children four cards with a number 1, offer to determine which number they have accounted for, and explain how they made it.

The educator finds out in children what a number of four can be denoted. Dolls help to find a figure and clarify in children, to which it looks like. Children find cards with a number four, put them next to other cards and call numbers in order.

II part. Game exercise "Make a number right."

The educator invites children to make a number using pencils of different colors. It shows kids cards with the image of clothing or shoes, and asks to determine what number it is possible to designate the number of items, and make it a number with the help of pencils.

The game exercise is repeated 3-4 times.

After each task, the teacher asks in children: "What is the number of objects on the card can you designate? How many pencils did you get? How many pencils of what color took? "

III part. Gaming exercise "Build a doll bows."

The tutor shows the children with a doll with one pigtail and suggests to change her hairstyle, making two pigtails with bows. The educator explains: "One ribbon is already there. What needs to be done to cut another ribbon of the same length? "

Children express their suggestions. The educator leads them to the need to use the conditional measure. Children together with the educator are considering conditional measures and choose a cardboard strip. By direct comparison, they check the equality of the length of the cardboard stripes and the ribbon. With the help of a cardboard strip, the called child refuses and cuts off the ribbon of the desired length. Another child compares tapes in length, is convinced of their equality (children denote the equality of ribbons: "The same in length") and together with the educator tie a doll bows.

IV part. Gaming exercise "Build roads for cars."

The educator informs children that dolls want to go to visit the car, but for this you need to build a road. Children perform the task of pairs on the carpet. During the exercise, the teacher sets them questions: "What parts will we build a road from? (From bars.)What width should be the road so that the car can drive it? (A little more width of the car.)How to determine the width of the car? " (Make a strip of paper equal width of the car.)

Children make a sample measure on the width of the car by flexing the paper strip. Then they make the road, they carry the car on it and are convinced of the correctness of the task.

V part. Gaming exercise "Where is the subject?".

The educator offers children to perform the following tasks: "Determine where the cabinet is located (hours, board, doll corner ...) relative to you. Where is the board relative to me? " (The cabinet is to the left of you.)

The exercise can be carried out in the form of a competition between two teams, tasks can give children (presenters) by sample tutor.

Lesson 6.

Software content

To introduce the quantitative composition of the number 6 from units.

Machine with a number 5.

Fasten the ability to consistently call the days of the week.

Continue to form the ability to see in the surrounding items the form of familiar geometric shapes.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Basket with objects: compass, clock, thermos, mug, telephone, club rope, box, flag; Backpack, cards with numbers from 1 to 5, cards depicting various items (from 1 to 5 items).

Handout. Sets of geometric shapes, "leaves" of trees of different colors (8 pcs. For each child), cards with numbers from 1 to 5.

Methodical instructions

The game situation "Hike to the Forest."

I part. Game exercise "What does it look like?".

The educator draws the attention of children to the basket with objects. He alternately pulls them out and asks children to determine which geometric shape is like this or that item. Children show appropriate geometric shapes.

II part. Game exercise "We are going to campaign."

The educator invites children to collect things in a hike and clarifies what you need to take with you.

On the table there are compass, basket, backpack, clock, thermos, mug, computer, telephone. The educator gives children a task to choose six items that they need in the campaign. Then checks out: "How many items take? What number did you make up? How was the number six? "

III part. Gaming exercise "Collect the autumn bouquet."

The teacher makes him a mystery to children:

Came without paints
And without a brush
And repainted all the leaves.


On the floor "Leaflets" trees of different colors. The educator invites children with their help number 6 so that the same color does not repeat twice.

Then the tutor asks in children: "How many leaves in your bouquet? How many leaves of what color? How was the number six? "

IV part. Gaming exercise "Put the numbers in a row."

The educator reads the children a poem. Children show the corresponding cards with numbers and exhibit cards on the board.

Numbers lined up in a row
We consider everything in a row:
Nose - one (Show numbers.)
And the head is one. (Show numbers.)
Eyes - two (Show numbers.)
And ear - two. (Show numbers.)
Threesome are always warriors, (Show numbers.)
And the pig is also three. (Show numbers.)
Four in the room corner (Show numbers.)
Four legs at the table. (Show numbers.)

A. Usachev

The educator asks in children: "How many fingers on one hand?"

The tutor shows a card with a digit 5 \u200b\u200band explains: "This is five digit, it means the number five. Find a five-digit card at your card and circle it with your finger. "

And then went to dance
On paper number five.
Hand to the right extended
Cool bent with a leg.

Children on the instructions of the teacher show the "handle" and "leg" in the figure 5.

The educator complements the digital number of a card with a digit 5. Children call numbers in order. Then they lay out the numbers in order at the table, find similar numbers (figures 5 and 2) and explain what they differ.

The teacher then invites children to find a card on the board with a picture of five items (on the board of the card, which depicts from 1 to 5 items) and says:

Five fingers smoothly on hand
And five - the mark in the diary.

V part.

The educator asks in children: "What day is today? On the same day, schoolchildren went to the campaign and return two days on the third. What day of the week will come back from the hike schoolchildren? "

The educator offers children for another 2-3 similar tasks.

Lesson 1.

Software content

Continue to learn to make up the number 6 of the units.

Maxue with a number 6.

Specify the receptions of the circle division by 2-4 and 8 equal parts, learning to understand the ratio of the integer and parts, call and show them (half, one second, one fourth, one eighth, etc.).

Develop the ability to move in accordance with the symbols in space.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Basket, fruit duvi (apple, pear, orange, mandarin, peach, pomegranate) and vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, cucumber, zucchini, tomato, onion, eggplant), 2 plates, cards with numbers from 1 to 5, circle, 1/4 Part of a circle, scissors, truck, silhouette of a tree, "Route" diagram (see Fig. 3).

Handout. Sets of color pencils, white oxis (or maple leaves), cut out of paper, circles, scissors, cards with numbers from 1 to 6.

Methodical instructions

I part. Gaming exercise "Harvesting".

Children lay in front of them on the table card with numbers from 1 to 5 and call them in order.

The tutor shows the basket for children and in turn puts 5 vegetables into it. Then asks: "How many vegetables in the basket? What is the number you indicate this number? "

Children show digit 5.

The teacher adds the sixth vegetable and offers to count the vegetables in the basket. Then he asks: "What is the number of six numbers? That's right, six. (Shows a card with a number 6. Children find it at themselves.) What is the number six? "

The educator reads a poem about the number six:

"Six" looks like a castle
And steep barnings horn,
On the jump of the gymnast "Salto"
And on the curl of Alta.

A. Shachev

Children call numbers in order and distribute 6 finger numbers.

II part. Gaming exercise "Enclosing a crop."

In a basket, fruits (apple, pear, orange, mandarin, peach, pomegranate) and vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, tomato, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant).

The educator invites children to decompose fruits and vegetables on plates, then count the fruit and designate their number of numbers.

III part. Gaming exercise "Multicolored leaves."

The educator gives children a task: "Make a number six with the help of pencils of different colors. How many pencils? How many pencils what color did you get? How was the number six? "

The educator proposes to paint the aspen sheet in any color.

Fizkultminutka "Autumn leaves"

To the music, children with leaves in their hands perform dance movements on the task of the tutor (circling, squatted, run). At the end of the music, they attach the leaves to the silhouette of the tree.

IV part. Gaming exercise "We will help the shofer to bring vegetables and fruits on the fruit and vegetable base."

The educator examines with the children's movement scheme: the arrows indicate the direction of movement, and the numbers are stops (see Fig. 3).

1 - stop "Vegetable field";

2 - stop "Fruit Garden";

3 - stop "Fruit and vegetable base".

Fig. 3.

The teacher, along with children, discusses the peculiarities of the route (beginning and direction of movement). Then the children carry a truck in accordance with the diagram (on the floor are decomposed cards with numbers, denoting stops) and at each stop, vegetables and fruits are loaded and removed them to the fruit and vegetable base.

V part. Gaming exercise "Fruit Pie".

The educator asks in children: "What can be prepared from fruit?" (Bake Pie.)

The educator shows the children round pie and offers to divide it into two equal parts. Then asks: "How many parts have you divided the circle? How can I call every part? What is more: an integer or one second? What is less: half or the whole? "

The educator asks children every part to divide another two equal parts: "How many parts did it work? How can I call every part? What is more: an integer or one fourth? What is less: one fourth or integer? "

The educator offers children to show 2/4 of the circle and finds out how can be called 2/4 differently. (Half.) Then asks to find and show 3/4 of the circle (put in front of you) and asks: "What is more: an integer or three fourth? How many fourth parts in general? Now divide each fourth part in half. (On the appearance of the teacher.) How many parts did it work out? How can I call every part? What is more: an integer or one eighth? What is less: one eighth or integer? How many eighth units in every quarter (half, whole)? How many guests can be treated by our pie? "

Lesson 2.

Software content

To acquaint with the composition of numbers 7 and 8 from units.

Machine with a number 7.

Clarify the receptions of square division by 2, 4 and 8 equal parts; Learn to understand the ratio of integer and parts, call and show them (half, one second, one fourth, one eighth, etc.).

Fasten ideas about triangles and quadrangles.

Fasten the ability to consistently determine and call the days of the week.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Geometric shapes (all kinds of triangles and quadrangles), planar images of minor, pencil, skills, self-keys, 2 boxes, 9 cards depicting different tools (saw, hammer, drill, etc.), cards with numbers from 1 to 7.

Handout. Square shape paper sheets, scissors, cards with numbers from 1 to 7.

Methodical instructions

I part. Gaming exercise "In order".

The educator draws the attention of children to geometric shapes located on the flannelhemph, and clarifies their name. He proposes to help melanchka decompose the figures in two rows: in the upper row - triangles, in the lower - quadrangles.

The task is performed by two children.

At the end of the work, the teacher asks in children: "Is the task? What figures are in the top row and why did they take them away? (These are triangles. They have three angle and three sides.)What figures are located in the bottom row and why were they taken exactly? " (These are quadrangles. They have four corners and four sides.)

Then the children help melanchka to clean up: decompose in 2 boxes triangles and quadrangles.

II part. Gaming exercise "We will help me to divide the sheet of paper."

In children, sheets of paper square shape. The teacher lays out a square on the flanneluga and asks: "What kind of pieces are like sheets of paper?"

Dunno asks children to help split the sheet of paper between him and a pencil on equal rectangles. The educator clarifies how it can be done. (Fold a sheet of paper in half, combine opposite sides and angles, make a fold and cut on it.)

After completing the task, the teacher asks: "How many parts did it work? Are they the same in magnitude? How to check it? (Overlay one part to another.)How can I call every part? What is more: an integer or half? What is less: half or the whole? What can be said about the magnitude of half and one second? "

Then the dunning asks in children: "How to split a sheet of paper if you still have the guests and will it be four?"

The educator along with children discusses the receptions. Children share every half of the sheet in half so that they get square shape sheets. Then checks: "How many parts did it work? How can I call every part? What is more: a whole square or part of it? What is less: one fourth or integer? "

"And how to split the sheet of paper if you still come and eight will come?" - Asks again, Dunno.

The educator along with children discusses the receptions. Children share every half of the sheet in half so that there are rectangular sheets.

After completing the task, sets questions to children: "How many parts did it work? How can I call every part? What is more: a whole square or part of it? What is less: one eighth or integer? What is more: one fourth or one eighth? " (In accordance with the answer, children show parts of the rectangle.)

III part. Gaming exercise "How many of us?".

Slunkey, along with Slaughter, cause 7 children with different names. Children call names. Then the educator asks: "How many children went to the board? How many names did you hear? What number have we made up? How did we make a number seven? What is the number of seven digit? Find the seven seven digit rows on the board. What is the difference in the number seven? "

The educator reads a poem:

"Seven" - Spit, and Kocherga,
And the usual leg.

A. Shachev

Children on their desks lay out digital rows from cards with numbers from 1 to 7 and rub the figure 7.

IV part. Gaming exercise "Let's help me to make a number".

On the flannelhemph of 9 cards depicting different tools.

Dunno asks for children to help his friend Samorelkin make up the number 8 using different tools.

The caused child performs the task. Then the teacher specifies: "How many tools are counted? How many tools take? How did the number eight amounted to? "

V part. Gaming exercise "Week, String".

The teacher calls 7 children to the board and invites them to take from the table on one card with numbers from 1 to 7.

The educator clarifies in children how many days in the week, asks to list them and build on the signal in the rank, forming a week.

The rest of the children check the correctness of the task.

The gaming exercise is repeated 2-3 times with the change of children and the day of the week for its formation.

Lesson 3.

Software content

Continue to learn to make numbers 7 and 8 from units.

Maxue with a number 8.

Fasten the sequential configuration of the days of the week.

Develop the ability to draw up a thematic composition according to the sample.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Carts with circles (from 1 to 8 circles), oval, divided into parts (see Fig. 4), 8 circles of different colors, 8 cards of different color, cards with numbers from 1 to 8.

Handout. Sets of color pencils, cards with circles (from 1 to 8 circles), ovals, divided into parts, cards with numbers from 1 to 8, sample of birds from units.

Methodical instructions

I part. Gaming exercise "Collective-seven flowers". Educator says magic words From the fairy tale "Tsvetik-Semizvestik":

Fly, fly, petal,
West east,
North, south,
Come back by making a circle.
Just touch you land -
To be in my opinion.

The educator offers children to collect a magic flower of 7 color pencils so that the same color did not repeat twice. After completing the task, the teacher asks: "How many color pencils have you taken? How many color pencils in your flower? How did you make a number seven? "

II part. The game-relay "Who will get to the house faster?".

The tutor lay out on the floor 8 cards of different colors (they denote the bumps) and asks children to count them: "How many on the floor of the balls? How many kopes are what color? What number is made up? How did the number eight amounted to? "

Children are divided into 2 teams. The educator invites them to get to the house on the bumps, without coming twice on the hammer of the same color.

Children check the correctness of the task.

III part. Gaming exercise "Find the figure".

On the blackboard digital row. The educator reads an excerpt from the poem of S. Marshak "Cheerful Account":

Figure "Eight" - two rings,
Without start and end.

The called the child finds on the chalkboard number 8. The teacher clarifies in children what else she can be like. Children along with the educator draw it in the air and find the corresponding card with the number 8.

The educator asks in children: "What number indicates the figure eight? Squeeze as many pencils. How many pencils did you count? Why did you refer to eight pencils? " (Figure eight denotes the number eight.)

IV part. Gaming exercise "Name the day of the week."

The educator gives children tasks:

What is the day of the week? What day of the week will be tomorrow? What day of the week was yesterday?

We fly on hot-air balloon On Monday, and land in two days on the third. What will it be the day of the week? (Wednesday.)

Using cards with circles, make a week starting from the environment. Name every day of the week.

The last task caused by the child performs on the board.

V part. Didactic game "Columbovo Egg".

The tutor offers children to consider "Columbovo Egg" on the board: to count its parts and make a picture on the tables on the tables.

Fig. four

Lesson 4.

Software content

To introduce the composition of the number 9 of the units.

Machine with a number 9.

Improve the ability to call numbers in direct and reverse order from any number.

Develop eyemeter.

Fasten the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine and call it side and corners.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Ball, animal cards (wolf, fox, hare, bear, elk, boar, hedgehog, squirrel, lynx, cat, dog, rabbit), cards with numbers from 1 to 9, 4 chairs, 4 cards with images of different types of circles .

Handout. Circles of different colors (10 pcs. For each child), sheets of paper, pencils, circles of different values \u200b\u200b(in size correspond to circles on cards from the demo material).

Methodical instructions

I part. Didactic game "Consider further".

Children stand in a circle and call numbers in order from 1 to 10, passing the ball to each other. The latter returns the ball to the tutor.

The game is repeated 3 times with the change of the number and directions of the account.

II part. Gaming exercise "Zoo".

On the board card with an image of animals: wolf, fox, hare, bear, moose, boar, hedgehog, squirrels, lynx, cats, dogs, rabbit.

The educator asks in children: "What animals call wild? What are home? Let's settle in our zoo wild animals. "

Children take cards with the image of wild animals. The teacher will then specify: "How many animals in our zoo? What is the number of nine digit? Find nine digitally digitally. What does she look like? What figure is like a number nine? (Children find the number 6 and put a card next to the number 9.) What are the difference between nine and six digits? "

The educator reads an excerpt from the poem of S. Marshak "Cheerful Account":

Digit "nine", il nine,
Circus acrobat
If the head stands up,
The number six nine will become.

The educator asks: "How many animals in our zoo? What number did you make up? How did you make a number nine? "

III part. Gaming exercise "Plan of Zoo".

After completing the task, the teacher clarifies: "How many circles did you get? How many circles is what color? How did you make a number nine? "

The teacher asks children to place the circles on the territory of the Zoo (on paper sheets):

Red circle in the center of the sheet;

Green circle in the upper left corner;

Yellow circle in the upper right corner;

Blue circle in the lower right corner;

Blue in the lower left corner;

Two circles at the top of the sheet;

Two circles at the bottom of the sheet.

Children tell where this or that animal will live.

IV part. Gaming exercise "Excursion to Zoo". On 4 chairs, cards with circles of different types are laid out

lica. The educator says to children that these are turnstiles through which you can go to the territory of the zoo. He asks children to remember the magnitude of the circles on the turnstile and find on the table "tokens" (circles) of the appropriate size.

Children pass through turnstiles, aligning "tokens" with circles on cards. Then the teacher makes the riddles of animals, and the children find pictures of the riddle on the board.

Less tiger, more cats,
Above ears - brushes-horns.
Seeming meek, but do not believe:
Terrible in anger this beast.


Forest rolls a tangle,
He has a spiny side.
He hunts night
For beetles and mice.

It looks like a shepherd.
That neither the tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, overlooking the mouth,
The sheep is ready to attack.


Lesson 5.

Software content

Improve the ability to form a number 9 of units.

Continue acquaintance with numbers from 1 to 9.

Develop an understanding of the independence of the account result from its direction.

Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe weight of objects and comparing them by weighing on the palms; learn denoting results comparison words heavy, lightweight, harder, easier.

Develop the ability to group geometric shapes in color and form.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Cards with numbers from 1 to 9, 5 cards with a number 1, a tape on which different color Nine units are written, wooden and metal balls of the same size, 2 jars with water.

Handout. Cards with numbers from 1 to 9, sheets of paper with images of three circles, sets of geometric shapes (squares, rectangles and diamonds of red, green and blue flowers), Trays.

Methodical instructions

I part. Gaming exercise "Merry Account". The educator reads an excerpt from the poem of S. Marshak "from one to ten" ("Merry Account"):

Here is one, Ile a unit,
Very thin like a needker

But this is two numbers.
Adjust what:

Wounds down the seam
The tail is made up for her.

And for a twos - look -
Performs a number three.

Troika - the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

For three go four,
Acute elbow outpiring.

And then went to dance
On paper number five.

Hand to the right extended
Cool bent with a leg.

Figure Six - Door Lock:
From above hook, bottom of the circle.

Here is a seven - a kocherga.
She has one leg.

Octo two rings
Without start and end.

Figure nine, il nine, -
Circus acrobat ...

One child at the board, and the rest of the children on the ground lay out the cards with the corresponding numbers. Then they call numbers in order.

The teacher specifies: "The numbers indicate numbers. Numbers need people to account items. "

II part. The game exercise "make up the number."

In children, card sets with numbers from 1 to 9.

The educator shows the children five cards with a number 1. He proposes to count the units and show the corresponding card with the digit.

Then the educator asks in children: "What number did I make? (Five.)How many units did I make a number five? "

The educator shows the children of the tape, on which nine units are written in different colors, asks to count them and show the card with the corresponding number. Then he asks: "Of how many units, I made a number nine?"

III part. Musical pause.

Children get up in a circle. The educator invites them to break up two commands using readers:

One, two, three, four, five,
The bunny went out.

Children who came out of the circle to the words of reading, form the first team; The rest of the children are the second team.

To the music, children perform various movements. At its end, they get in two ranks opposite each other. One team recalls children in another team from left to right and right to left.

Then the educator asks: "How many children are in the team? Did the number of children changed when did you consider them right to left? "

The same task is performed by the second team.

The educator concludes: "The number of children has not changed. The number does not depend on how we believed. "

IV part. Gaming exercise "What is harder, what is easier?".

The educator shows the children metal and wooden balls of the same size and proposes to determine which ball is heavier (easier).

First, the children on the eye determine the weight of the balls, and then weigh them on the palms (2-3 children).

The educator offers two children to lower the balls into jars with water. Then he asks: "Why was one ball drowned, and the other floats on the surface of the water? What material is a heavy ball made of? What material is a light bulb? "

The teacher brings children to the conclusion: "Metal is heavier than wood, it is sinking, and the tree pops up, it is easier."

V part. Didactic game "Each Figure Your House".

Children sheets of paper with images of three circles and quadrangle sets (squares, rectangles, red, green and blue diamonds).

The educator invites children to consider the figures and asks: "How can you call all the figures as possible? (Quadrangles.)What quadrangles do you have on a tray? Spread all the figures, similar in shape, in three circles. Name the shapes in each circle.

Spread the shapes in three circles, the same color. Name the shapes in each circle and their color. "

The educator discusses the options for performing the task with children.

Lesson 6.

Software content

To introduce the composition of the number 10 of the units.

Maxue with a number 0.

Continue to learn to find the previous number to the named, subsequent number to the named.

To clarify the ideas about the weight of objects and the relativity of the weight when comparing them.

To form ideas about temporary relations and learn to designate them with the words: first, then, before, after, earlier, latere.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Ball, Matryoshka, pictures depicting seasons, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, 9 circles of the same color, magnetic board, 3 opaque bucket with different amounts of millet.

Handout. Cards with numbers from 0 to 9, colored circles (12 pcs. For each child).

Methodical instructions

I part. Game exercise "Namely".

Children get up semicircle. The teacher reminds: "The number has two neighbor: one number is one less, it is previous, another one more, it is subsequent. Name the previous number of five numbers. "

The tutor transmits the ball to the child who calls the number 4 and returns the ball to the tutor.

The educator offers another 3-4 similar tasks to determine the previous and subsequent numbers to the named.

II part. Gaming exercise "We will collect multicolored beads."

In children, sets of color circles. The educator invites them to make beads for nesting from 10 multicolored beads.

Upon completion of the task, the teacher clarifies: "How many beads did you take? How many beads of what color? How did you make a number of ten? How many units are among ten? "

III part. Gaming exercise "How much left?".

On the blackboard digital row (from 1 to 9).

The educator invites children on the table card with numbers from 1 to 9. Then pays their attention to the board on which 9 circles are located in one color, asks to count them and show the corresponding card with a digit.

The educator begins to the right left to remove one circle, and the children show the number how many circles remains. When not a single circle remains, the educator explains: "There is a figure that shows that there is not a single item here. This is a digit of zero. "

The tutor shows a card with a number 0, together with children, drives it in the air and lays out in a row in front of the number 1. Then reads a poem:

Zero looks like a hundred items -
From bracelets to beretov:
Round table, ring, clock,
On mug sausages,
Drum, Branca, Drying ...
And on the bald macushkin.

How many pens have a cat?
How many feathers of the CROT?
How many paws near the snake?
And the protein scales?

Children substantiate their answer.

IV part. Gaming exercise "Mishkin Porosh".

There are three buckets with different amounts of millet on the table. The teacher resembles children N. Mishkin Porza's story and asks to help the boy find a bucket with the desired amount of millet: it should not be the hardest and not easier. ("How to find the desired bucket with a fast?")

The educator invites children to take two buckets and compare them by weight, weighing on their hands. Then checks out: "What is heavier? What is easier? Severe a bucket place on the table. And now the light bucket compare with the third bucket. Put a heavy bucket on the table, and the light bucket compare with the first and with the second bucket in pairs and arrange them in the increasing order by gravity, calling the weight of each bucket with the fast. From three buckets, choose not the hardest and not the easiest. "

V part. Game exercise "What first, what then?".

On the board are posted pictures with the image of the seasons. The educator reads the children excerpts from poems and offers to guess what time the year is spent, and find the relevant illustrations.

Flew to us blizzards
Filled with snow slit.
On the window there is frost,
Linked painting inflicted.


Spring comes,
Caravan caravas fly
In bright gold, the day is drowning,
And streams on ravines are noisy.

I.Nikitin. Spring

The educator clarifies in children, what illustration they put first, and what sweat.

Summer, summer came to us,
It became dry and warm!
On the path straight
Going legs barefoot.

V.Bestes. Summer

The educator asks in children, after which time the summer comes and where the corresponding illustration should be located.

Autumn gold drops,
The cold of birds hijacles ...
Goodbye, forest and meadow,
We fly to the warm south.

O. Ivanhenko. Fall

The teacher specifies the location of the illustration in the row. Children call seasons in order.

VI part. Didactic game "Name neighbors". The teacher makes the riddles, children guess them and determine the neighbors of this time of the year, using prepositions before and after or words earlier and later. (Spring previously summer, and autumn - later ...)

I'm worn from heat,
I carry warmly with
I warm the river,
"BUY!" - I invite.
And love it
You all me. I… (summer).

In the morning we go to the courtyard -
The leaves will rain with rain,
Under the legs rustle
And fly, fly, fly ...


Called the tracks,
Decreased windows.
Joy to children gave
And on sledding rode.


She comes with news
And with the fairytale.
Magic stick
In the forest Snowdrop


Lesson 7.

Software content

Continue to learn to form a number 10 of units.

To acquaint with the designation of the number 10.

Create an account skills in direct and reverse order within 10.

Give an idea of \u200b\u200ba polygon on the example of a triangle and quadrangle.

Fasten the ability to navigate in space with the help of symbols on the plan, to determine the direction of movement of objects, reflect their spatial position in speech.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Ball, envelopes with tasks, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, cards depicting a different number of items (up to 10 items), triangles, quadrangles, magnetic board, picture depicting the woodcutter composed of different polygons (see Fig. 5).

Handout. Paper Sheets, Color Pencils, Polygons (Triangles different species, square, rectangle, rhombus).

Methodical instructions

The game situation "We will help Ellie to return home" (by the work of A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City").

I part. The teacher resembles children an excerpt from a fairy tale, in which Ellie's girl with a different Totomy after a hurricane fell into another country. The tutor offers children to help her go home. Together with the children, he considers the return plan home:

The educator draws the attention of children to the fact that the Ellie's path is indicated on the plan with numbers, and in the group - envelopes with tasks. Children find the figure 1, and in the group - an envelope with a number 1.

The educator invites children to perform a game exercise "Consider further", during which they consider from one to ten by passing the ball to each other.

II part. The educator offers children to find a number 2 on the plan and determine, in which direction it is necessary to draw an arrow (from left to right from the lower left corner to the lower right corner). Children find an envelope with a number 2 in the group.

The teacher introduces children with the task: the little men of the Migunov country are asked to "sew" they are ten cap-caps of different colors.

Children on sheets of paper paint 10 triangular caps of different colors. Then the educator checks: "How many caps do you" sew "? How many color? How did you make a number of ten? How many people did we help? "

III part. The educator offers children to find a number 3 on the plan and hold an arrow from the number 2 to the figure 3, determining the direction of movement. Children open an envelope with a number 3.

The child exhibits on a set of card card with numbers from 1 to 9. Children call them in order.

The educator reads an excerpt from the poem of S. Marshak "Cheerful Account":

Said cheerful round zero (Shows a card with a number 0.)
- with you next to
Stand me on the page.

She oked him
Angry, proud look:
- You, zero, do not stand anything,
Do not stand with me nearby!

The tutor puts a card with a number 0 to one and summarizes: "There are only ten numbers, and the numbers can be very much."

Answered zero: - I recognize
What is worthless
But you can become ten
Kohl I am with you.

So alone you are now
Mala and thin,
But you will be ten times,
When I get on the right.

The tutor puts after a figure of 9 cards with numbers 1 and 0 and asks children: "How many numbers means the number of ten? What are these numbers called? "

The called child finds a card with a picture of 10 items and puts it next to the number 10. The educator clarifies the location of the numbers and reminds that if 0 stands after 1, then these numbers indicate the number 10.

IV part. The tutor offers children to find a number 4 on the plan, to determine the direction of movement, spend the arrow from the number 3 and find an envelope with a number 4.

The educator invites children to collect woodcutters from geometric shapes.

On the board in two rows there are triangles and quadrangles. The educator asks in children: "What are the figures located in the first row? What about them in common? (Triangles have three sides and three angle - these are all triangles.)What are the figures in the second row? What about them in common? What word can all these figures call? (Quadrangles.)How many corners of the figures? What word can these figures be called? " (These figures have many angles - these are polygons.)

The tutor shows a picture with the image of the woodcutter (see Fig. 5) and clarifies which polygons it is compiled.

Fig. five

Children in the sample collect the woodcutter from polygons on a sheet of paper and drive it along the contour of the pencil.

V part. The tutor offers children to find a number 5 on the plan, to determine the direction of movement and spend the arrow from the figure 4. The children find an envelope with a number 5.

The educator offers children to call numbers in reverse order from 10 to 1, passing the ball to each other. After completing the task, he says that now Ellie can return home, and thanks for the help.

Lesson 8.

Software content

Teaching the number 3 of two smaller numbers and lay it into two smaller numbers.

Continue acquaintance with numbers from 1 to 9.

Clarify the views on the polygon, develop the ability to find it, corners and vertices.

Consolidate ideas about the years and months of autumn.

Abstract Node on the FMP in the preparatory group. Topic: "On a visit to woody"

purpose: Secure in children mathematical knowledge, skills and skills.
Improve the skills of direct and countdown within 10; Continue to form the ability to solve problems by adding and subtracting numbers, the ability to record the problem solving figures; consolidate knowledge about the sequence of the week of the week, about the composition of the number 8;
Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, attention, attentiveness; promote formation thinking operations, ability to argue your statements and understand educational task.
Develop the ability to carry out self-control work.
Educate activity, respect for each other, discipline, independence,
Letter, audio recording "Forest sounds", "The appearance of a kimor"; Presentation, cards with numbers from 1 to 10 (for each child), county sticks, working tetradi E.V. Kolesnikova "I consider to twenty", pencils.

Structure occupation

Organizing time
Educator: (standing near the teacher in a circle) - Guys, today is a wonderful day! Let's take everything by hand and smile each other. The game "Tell a friend your mood"
Educator: Guys, today I came to kindergarten and on my desktop found a letter addressed to you. Let's read it! Want to? I wonder what is written in it, and who sent him: (Slide 2)
"Hello guys!
I invite you to our magical forest. Sichka told me that in kindergarten they live very friendly, funny and bold guys. They know the numbers, know how to count well, solve problems. If you want to check if you all know, do not be afraid of difficulties, then come to our forest on Tuesday. I will be waiting for you. Lesowing.
Educator: Well, what guys, let's go on a journey? Want to be in the fabulous forest?
Children: Yes!
Repetition and consolidation of the studied:
Educator: Guys, what about the day of the week today?
Children: Tuesday!
Educator: Right, and when we invited a loving? So we can go on the road. And what day of the week was then yesterday?
Children: Monday.
Educator: How many days in the week?
Children: Seven!
Educator: Well done! Well, then in the way! Close your eyes and imagine that we go through the woods.
(Sounds audio recording "Forest sounds").
Educator: Do you hear the birds sing and rustle leaves under your feet? Discover your eyes, look, we were on the forest clearing. On the edge of the forest with numbers they play the lush (slide 3). Each squirrel has only one card with a digit, and you need to calculate how much it plays a lush. (nine)
- Spread the numbers in order, starting from the smallest number. (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
Educator: Suddenly, a redhead fox pops up from the thicket of the forest. What is the fox, if we calculate everyone together? (10)
- Report another number on your table.
- And now let's consider the numbers in reverse order. (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
- Well done!
Educator: (Slide 4) Lachats were frightened by the fox and hid in Himself in Hiswood, began to play further, and Lisa does not leave, plucked and listens to what will happen next.
- What number will be more than 7 or 8? - asked one bobcon in the rest.
Educator: Guys, let's check ourselves. What would you say? Show. (eight)
(Children show a card with a digit)
- How much will it be 3 plus 4? - asked another bobcon.

What number would you call? Show. (7)
- What number is more, 5 or 6, and how much? (6 more 5 per one)
- What number are between numbers 7 and 9? (8)
- Name the neighbors of the number 9? (8 and 10)
Educator: Very correct answers! Guys, you coped with everything better than Lachats, they were not immediately answered, confused.
And Lisa listened all the time, and thought that the smart was smart, they knew a lot, but she was not. Then Lisa decided to ask for the lodgers in the game, but they put her condition so that she would learn to solve the challenges, then take her to the game.
Educator: Guys, let's help the fox to solve the tasks. The answer will show the number.
Performing task B. working notebook Kolesnikova (Lesson 8, task 1,2)
1) Apples from the branch on the ground fell.
Cried, cried, tears dropped
Tanya in Lukoshko collected them.
As a gift to my friends brought
Two earrings, three arms,
Katerina and Marina,
Ole, light and Oksana,
Speak come on soon
How many tannium friends?.

2) From the sky, the asterisk fell,
To visit the children ran.
Two shout in her next:
"Do not forget your friends!"
how many bright stars disappeared
From the sky of the star fell?

3) I decided to bake the old woman.
Put the dough, and the furnace flooded.
I decided to bake the old woman,
And how much they need them - quite forgotten.
Two things - for granddaughter,
Two things - for grandfather,
Two things - for Tanya,
Daughters of a neighbor ...
Considered it believed yes
And the stove is completely stuck!
Help the old woman to count the cheesecakes.
Educator: Well, well done, guys, we taught the fox to solve the challenges, which means that they will take her in their game and they will be fun. Let them think now together, and we will rest.
Fizminutka: Children get up in a circle.
Well, that the sun shines? (depict the sun)
Okay! (clap your hands)
Well, what blows the wind? (depict wind)
Okay! (clap your hands)
Good to go with friends? (Step)
Okay! (clap your hands)
Do you feel good for mom? (hug yourself)
Okay! (clap your hands)
Well in the edge of the native? (Break hands to the sides)
Okay! (clap your hands)
Well where is our home? (depict the house)
Okay! (clap your hands)
Well spin in dance? (spin)
Okay! (clap your hands)
It is good that we all are complying (exhibit thumbs up)

Educator: (Music and Slide 5) Guys, something dark becomes dark. Scary! I see the hut, it stands on the swamp ( children open their eyes).
Educator: Who lives in this hut? Maybe you tell us who live in it, describe appearance Hostess and her character (children's answers).
Kikimor: What, not afraid, pleased me?
Children: Came.
Kikimor: I have long been waiting for my sweet. I waited for you not just, I want you to fulfill my task. No one else could decide it, let's see if you and you. Logical tasks in the working Tetradi E.V. Kestovnikova Lesson 8, Task 4 (slide 6)
(sitting in their places)
The task: Draw a circle and rectangle so that the rectangle is inside the circle, the circle was inside a rectangle
Kikimor: Well, well done! I did not expect the intelligent you are. Well, go on, happy way!
Educator: What are you guys smart! Did not let down each other! We continue our journey through the fabulous forest (slide 7, a lady appears).
Lesowing: Oh, guys, how can I see you in our forest. I invited you to our fabulous forest. I lived a lot in my century, I know a lot and I can. And try and you fulfill my task. Recently forest residents They built a house for themselves, and who in which apartment lives did not figure it out, because they quarreled .. on the roof of the house stands figure 8, which means how many animals should live on each floor? (8) Pour them down and set them out again in your apartments. ( Each child is working on the composition of the number 8. And the child who has fastened the faster, exhibits this composition of the number in the Big House). (Slide 8)
Lesowing: Well done! Excellent guys, you coped with my task. All the way I watched and satisfied with you. You know the rules of behavior in the forest, no one was offended, did not break anything. I will give me for this to my memory this autumn bouquet. He will remind you of an unusual journey into a magical forest. (Slide 9)
Educator: Guys, it's too late, it's time to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes and count to three. ( the music of the forest sounds)
- Tell me, please, did you like to travel on the fabulous forest, perform the unusual tasks of forest heroes? Than?
- Who we met and talked to the forest?
- What tasks liked what difficulties caused?

Presentation on the topic: visit to woody

SUMMARY CLUDING ON THE FMP in the preparatory group

on the competition "Educator of the Year"

Educator MBDOU № 15 "Katyusha" Agababova I.Yu.

Topic: "Number 8.Sifra 8" Journey to the country of Knowledge "

Software content.



  1. Secure the representations about the composition of the number 7, the score skills within 7
  2. Continue to form temporary views (days of the week)
  3. Become acquainted with the formation and composition of the number 8 and the number 8;
  4. Consolidate the ability to relate the number of items with the number;
  5. Consolidate the name of the geometric shapes; interrelation of integer and parts


  1. Develop logical thinking
  2. Give ideas about true and false judgments


  1. Rise the ability to focus on the task.
  2. Educating the ability to work in the team, prudence, ability to understand and independently perform the tasks of the educator
  3. Bring up good, respectful attitude to others Independently working with handouts.

Priority Education Area: "Cognition"

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health", "Music", "Labor"

Activities: Cognitive, Movement, Game, Communicative, Labor.

Tasks of integrable educational regions


  • develop in children free communication, speech, memory, attention, thinking
  • intensify the dictionary of children.


  • rail in children curiosity, mutual assistance, self-esteem skills.

Physical education

  • continue to develop the motor activity of children in a dynamic pause


  • fasten the ability of children to hear and move to the music of various dynamics.


Remove the workplace, maintain it in order

Methodical techniques.

  1. artistic word;
  2. questions for children, answers; guessing riddles;
  3. independent work on cards;
  4. individual and choral responses;
  5. games with a ball, account loud;
  6. work with benefits
  7. surprise moment;
  8. promotion and praise children.

Preliminary work:

Training account up to 10 and back, familiarity with geometric shapes, acquaintance with didactic games, Production of benefits, cards, handouts.

Material to node: magnetic board, cards with numbers "7", "8"; numerical row with numbers from 1 to 10; pictures of wild animals (hare, squirrel, wolf, bear, lynx, elk, yout), pictures with the image of items on what is similar to the figure 8 (pear, matryoshka, nevosha), house "Composition of numbers 8", cards to squares for a house, 10 x10 cm square squares in an amount of 7 pieces, blue squares 1 pcs., simple pencils in the number of children, sheets of paper with digit 8 (by points) for independent work Children, plates for handouts for children, ball, magnets for fixing benefits, glue, brush, chocolates by the number of children, emoticons by the number of children, music from the cartoon "Layer from Romashkovo", music for physical attacks.

Travel course.

Organizing time.

IN. - Hello guys, My name is Irina Yurevna I invite you to go to the carpet.

IN. - Guys, to us today, guests came to see what you learned, and how many know a lot. Still say hello to guests.

IN. - Let's stand in a circle, take up your arms and smile to each other. Children together with the educator are in the circle.

IN. - in the circle wide, I see,

All my friends got up.

We will now go right away

Now let's go left

In the center of the circle will gather

And they will return everything to the place.

Smile, wemgeh,

And the lesson will begin

Children perform exercises in accordance with the text. 1 time

IN. "You will all be carefully listening to a full answer to questions, not shout, do not interrupt the comrades, listen to the educator.

(2 minutes)

IN. - (invitation to the country of knowledge of mathematics).

IN. - Guys, what can you travel?

D. - By bus, plane, steamer, train, bike.

IN. - We go to our journey by train.

To do this, we must buy tickets.

1. Gaming exercise with ball "train ticket"

To take the train you need to know direct and countdown to 10

You say the ball to each other you think.

V.- You are great, thought well and can still sit in our place in the train.

Music "The train from Romashkovo" sounds, children take place at the table.

To do not miss the way, we will play with you (answering, raise your hand)

2. The gaming task "neighbors of the number"

IN. I call a number, and you are his neighbors

Name the neighbors of the number 2; neighbors number 4; neighbors of the number 5; Neighbor numbers 6.

IN. Guys, do you know what fairy tales is the number "7"?

1. What fairy tale was the seven kids?

2. What flower did all the desires of the girl of the girlfriend performed?

3. What is the name of the fairy tale where were the gnomes and one girl?

4. How is the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin Where was the seven heroes?

Responses of children: "Wolf and Seven Goats", "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs", "Flower - Seven Scenery", "Tale of the dead princess and seven heroes"

IN.- How many days in the week? Name the seventh day of the week?

IN.- number 7 is indicated by the number "7"

V.- Well done!So we reached the first stop. (4 min)

IN. - The first stop is the "Forest" station. Guess the riddles and find out who lives at this station. The teacher makes riddles, children guess them. On the board at the same time exposed pictures of the depressed animals.


1. Angry notching
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Needles a lot,
And the threads are not alone. (hedgehog)

2. Kosolapiy and big,
He sleeps in Berlog in winter.
Loves bumps, loves honey,
Well, who will call? (bear)

3. Gray, and toothy
Crushed in the forest.
All animals fled.
Scared attending those ... (wolf)

4. Long ears, rapid paws.
Gray in summer, but not mouse, white in winter.
Who is it? (hare)

5. Herbs with hooves touching
Handsome walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easy
Rog sprawling wide. (Elk)

6. Less tiger, more cats,

Above ears - brushes-horns.

Seeming meek, but do not believe:

Terrible in anger this beast! (Lynx)

7. Who on the Christmas tree deftly jumps
And takes off on oaks?
Who in the vapla nuts hides,
Dry mushrooms for winter? (squirrel)

IN. - As in one word, these animals can be called (wild animals). How many animals? (7) They consider and removes the tutor. Animals are preparing for the winter they have a lot of cases, and we will go further (music) while the music sounds cooking squares on the board

Next station "Digital"

So we reached. What interesting task prepared for us

V. - What do you see on the board? Guys, in front of you on the blackboard, red and blue squares.

How many squares? (7)

Q. How many red squares? (6) How many blue? (one)

How did we get the number 7? K 6 + 1 \u003d 7

And now we will play in the game "Day-night"

V.- Carefully look at the squares on them and remember.

Children cover their eyes, night came.

The teacher changes the blue square on red.

The day came, open the eyes "What has changed?"

D. - Blue changed to red. How much is the blue squares? (7)

Night, close your eyes. The educator adds one red square.

IN.- The number eight is indicated by such a digit.

(Exhibited on the blackboard number 8)

The figure 8 is so tasty, of two bagels it.

IN. - What number lives to the right of the number 8? (7). To the left of the number 8? (nine)

Is the eighth day of the week? (No, after 7, again the first day of the week)

IN. - Let's take a look at the figure. What she looks like (children's responses) Pictures (Nevashka, Matryoshka, Pear)

Children draw a number 8 in the air as a fox with a spout, hand in the air, then on a sheet by points (work with notebook)


IN.- You probably tired?

Well, then everyone got up together.

Feet soften,

Handles patted,

Before socks reached,

Right, left turned

Quietly, we sat down in place.

Eye closed firmly

Together to 8 consider

Open, Pomorgham

And we continue to work.

The composition of the number 8.

"House" on a blackboard with circles.

V.- What is the number at this house? (eight)

How to divide the number 8 to 2 smaller numbers?

How much do you need to add circles to get the number 8?

The tutor shows a table with squares and with children discusses the options: 6 and 2; 5 and 3; 4 and 4; 3 and 5; 2 and 6; 1 and 7; 7 and 1;

Output: The educator says can be compiled in different ways and lists all the options in Table 1 and 7; 2 and 6; 3 and 5; 4 and 4; 5 and 3; 6 and 2; 7 and 1; How many options for us of the composition of the number 8

V.- Well done! Well coped.

In the meantime, we will go until the next station, play the game

Didactic game: "It happens - no"

1. Does the circle with three corners? (No, three corners of the triangle)

2. Does the protein with a bie 4 tail? (No, 2 tails 1 + 1 \u003d 2)

3. Does the haunch of 4 paws? (Yes. The hare is only 4 paws)

4. Summary round? And why? (No. Square four corners)

5. Is there a fox and fox to just 4 ear? (Yes. 2 ear in fox + 2 in Lessink \u003d 4)

V.- Well done!

We arrived at the station - "Geometric Figures".

And what geometric shapes do you know? (Children call)

V.- And what is the geometric figure in my hands?

Take into your hands the same geometric shape.

The tutor shows the children a circle, asks to call a geometric shape and divide it into 2 equal parts, then asks: how many parts you divided the circle, how can I call each part? What is more: an integer or ½

What is less: half or the whole? The teacher asks children to divide the circle into two equal parts again: how many parts did it work out? (four)

How can I call every part? What is more: integer or ¼? What is less: ¼ or integer?

B. - Congratulations! You coped well with the task and it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. (music)

IN. - Today we have committed a fascinating journey through the country of "Knowledge". Did you like the trip? What did you like? What was interesting? What kind of digit and number met? You are great, I really liked working with you. I want to give you the memory of our occupation stickers - emoticons that you can glue to your notebook.

The educator praises children. Children say goodbye to guests.

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