Tkachenko T a development of phonderatic perception. Development of phonderatic perception in preschool children

Tkachenko T. A.

Speech therapy notebook. Development phonematics perception and sound analysis skills. - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2000. - 32 p.
Exercise number 1.

On the table in front of a child a few sounding toys: a tambourine, a lump harmonica, a bell, a rattle, and the like. Adult offers a child to listen and remember the sound of each subject. Then the baby needs only for rumor, without a visual support (the child turns away, or toys are closed with a screen) to determine what sounds. The name of each sounding subject is pronounced. The number of sounding toys increases gradually, from three to five. Exercise is carried out until the resistant distinction of loud and contrasting sounds.
Exercise number 2.

4-5 items are exhibited before the child (for example: metal box, glass jar, plastic cup, wooden box, etc.), when you tapping about which you can hear different sounds. With the help of a pencil, an adult causes the sound of each subject, reproduces it repeatedly until the child cares the character of the sound. The exercise with two contrasting sounds begins with a visual support: the 3rd and 4th sound options are added later. Then only for rumor (the child turns his back) is proposed to determine what sounds. The exercise is carried out until the response of sound differentiation.
Exercise number 3.

Before the child, a well-known acquaintance of it objects: pencil, scissors, a cup with water, an empty cup. The adult explains him that only hearing the child to determine what he hears, and to tell about the actions of an adult is possible. Then the child turns his back to objects or they are closed with a screen. An adult transfers water from one cup to another, cuts paper with scissors, tears her, the mint, knocks the scissors about the cup, drives a pencil on paper, knocking a pencil about a cup. After each action, the child must tell about him due to its speech capabilities, but in the most detailed as possible. With significant difficulties, the sound is repeated with a visual support. The exercise is carried out to the sound differentiation.
Exercise number 4.

In the same metal jars (from under lollipops, cream, etc.) are placed in bulk products with particles of various sizes: semolina and buckwheat, peas, beans, sugar sand, etc. It is first suggested to listen carefully and remember the sound of each product about Metal box when shaking it. Then, in turn, shaking boxes, adult every time asks the child to guess that in the box. Since the sound differences are insignificant, the number of cans is limited at first three, after which it slowly increases with a constant comparison of acoustic perceptions.
Exercise number 5.

The exercise is aimed at reproducing a rhythmic pattern (rhythm) when pailing, tightening or serving sound on any instrument (tambourine, rattle, piano, accordion, etc.). Denote by the + short, explosive sound, which cannot be extended (punch in tambourine, drum, cotton in your hands). The distance between the icons corresponds to the duration of the pause. Rhythmic drawings are given in complication order:


If the sound can be extended (piano, doodie, accordion, lip harmonic), the number of options for the rhythmic pattern increases. Denote the sign - a long sound, familiar + short (on one tool). Rhythmic pattern options that the child reproduces on the same tool:

+ -
+ - +
++ - +
+ - ++
+ ++ -
- + ++
+++ + - etc.
In the future, the complication of the exercise adult can show its ingenuity, rhythmic and creative abilities.
Exercise number 6.

The exercise is aimed at distinction on the timbre of the maximum abbreviated sound complex. Adult offers a child to turn away and guess who among the children (if the game occurs in the group) or who from the relatives (if played at home) called him.

At first, the child is called name, then (for complication) pronounce short AU.
Exercise number 7.

Adult offers a child to remember the "Three Bear" fairy tale. Then, changing the height of the voice, asks to guess who says: Mikhail Ivanovich (low voice), Nastasya Petrovna (middle height) or Mishutka (high voice). The same replica is pronounced alternately different in votes in three versions:

Who sat on my stool?

Who ate from my cup?

Who slept in my bed?

Who was in our house? Etc.

With the difficulties of the name of the characters, the adult can offer a child to show on one of the pictures - images of three different bears.

When the baby learns to distinguish between replicas in the height of the sound, you should ask him to pronounce one of the phrases for the bear, the Medveditsa and the bear with a voice changed in height.
Exercise number 8.

An adult offers a child to determine, far or closely the sound object is located, and then reproduce the sound complexes in various vote (loud, quiet).

Children scream: AU (loud), AU (quiet). Dog marks: AB (loud), AV-AB (quiet). The cat meeps, the cow mice, sings the rooster, kinking the chicken, squabble the frogs, the crown of the crow, lamb shoes and so on.
Exercise number 9.

The adult shows, and then asks the child to reproduce changes in character, timbre and emotional coloring of the same sound.

And - crying, shouts girl

And - show the throat of a doctor

A - singer singer

And - Swing the baby

A - Girl roaming needle

Oh - Mom was surprised

Oh - Stones Grandmother

Oh singer sings

O - dad

O - Shouts Hunter in the Forest

Y - buzzing steamer

Y - the shoes sounds

Y - crying boy
Exercise number 10.

Changing one sound complex in height and strength. Adult offers a child to say, for example, meow: loud (the cat is near and asks for); quietly (cat behind the door); High voice (small kitten); Low voice (old cat). Similarly, you need to change the sound parameters when playing the following sounds:

Igoga, Mu, Gav, Kva, Be, Ku, etc.
Exercise number 11.

Adult gives a child two mug - red and green - and offers the game: if the child hears the correct name of what is shown in the picture, it should raise the green circle, if the wrong is red. Then shows the picture and loudly, slowly, clearly pronounces the soundness:

Baman Vavan Album Alps


Banana Banvan Anba Alyl

Banam Van Anvb Abl

Vitamin Vitania Cext Cell

Mitanin Mitavin Kitet

Phytavin cell phytavin

Vitaly Vitani Tlet

The child lifts the corresponding circle every time.
Exercise number 12.

The child is invited to repeat similar words at the beginning of 2, then 3 in the name:

mac-tank-so Motor Skating Flow
tuk-Tuk-so Baton Buton concrete
bull Tank-Bock Band-Dump-Duck
ladies-house smoke Thread-Vatka-branch
com-home-dwarf cell-film-film


Note. When playing words, it is not necessary to know the concepts of concepts. The peculiarity of this and subsequent selection of words is that they are available on sound composition, do not contain difficult-acting sounds.
Exercise number 13.

Of the four words, clearly spoken by an adult, the child must call the one that differs from the rest:

cocoa Canva



booth-Booth Booth Booth

screw-screw-bint screw

minute-minute minute

buffet Bouquet-Buffet Buffet

ticket-Ballet Ballet Ballet

duduk-booth-booth booth

Exercise number 14.

Of every four adult words, the child must choose a word that does not look like the remaining 3:

mac-tank-so-banana som-com-turkey house lemon-car - Cat - Bud Mac-tank-broom-cancer Scoop-gnome wreath-skating rink heel-rolling-lemon-shirt-sofa-cell-mesh Skating-house-motok flow

Exercise number 15.

An adult is not in a hurry, clearly pronounces three words, and then asks the child to determine which of the three words mentioned is more like the 4th:

mak-house-branch (words for comparison: grid, com, tank, label, cage)

scoop Wagon-Gnome (House, Lemon, Roller, Bidon, Scrap, Som, Pan, Motor)

gitique-house-rink (snail, dwarf, handkerchief, leaf, com)

With the difficulties of holding in the memory of three source words, it is possible to schematically draw objects on a piece of paper.
Exercise number 16.

Adult reads 2 poetic lines, highlighting the last word in the initial line. The child must choose one word out of the three proposed, seeking rhymes in verse.

Whispers at night

Tales are different ... (Perina, pillow, shirt)

Oh guys, believe, do not believe

I ran away from me ... (Cat, door, wall)

She said the door: "My dear!

Do not open me ... "(shoulder, knee, leg)

Even dirty even the table

Late in the evening ... (escaped, went, rode)

Two chanterelles, two sisters

I found somewhere ... (matches, brush, knife)

Empty pavement

And left ... (buses, trams, taxis)

Speaking mouse mouse:

What I love I ... (Cheese, meat, books)

Sat in the car faithful dogs,

He has in ink ... (paw, neck, nose)

At the weekend went somewhere

Mom, dad and ... (kids guys, kids)

Katya Lena asks to give

Paints, pencil ... (pen, notebook, book)

With the difficulties of finding the desired word, the adult reads the two-per-end in all three options, asks the child to listen and choose the correct option - the one where the words are the most similar.
Exercise number 17.

Adult asks the child to choose a word in rhyme:

I drank my portfolio from my hands, so big on the branch ... (Beetle)

Shoust bear walked through the forest, fell on it ... (bump)

Here in the forest there are evil beasts, lock on the night ... (Doors)

Quieter, tanya, do not cry, does not drown in the river ... (ball)

Somehow, two mice were taken away from Petit ... (books)

Welcome to spruce, he has in his hands ... (portfolio)

"I don't work!" - answers ... (truck)

We collected cornflowers, on our heads ... (wreaths)

Dog goat brought a bouquet, satisfying her ... (Lunch)

Wind, wind, you mighty, you chase flocks ... (cloud)

Then back, then I can swim forward ... (steamer)

Do not tremble, serving, this is our ... (Cat)
Exercise number 18.

Adult reads a poem. The child must choose from words close to the sound composition, which is necessary in accordance with this definition of the concept.

I will give you the task of the ladies - to place everything in places:

What did we roll in the winter? ..

What did you build with you? ..

On the hook in the river got? ..

Maybe everything is at least small? ..

(Words for substitution: house, com, gnome, som)

I still give the task of ladies - to place everything in places:

Here is a seal on a sheet -...

Green on the window ...

Volleyball hanging ...

Canary sitting in it -... (mesh, cell, label, branch]

The concepts of the label and the grid are specified before reading the poem.

I again, the task of the ladies - to place everything in places:

What pulled a playful cat? ..

Children Mommy weeping? ..

From the mountains descends, flows? ..

What kind of slippery, smooth ice? .. (rink, stream, wreath, motility)

Motion concepts and flow are specified with children before the exercise start.
Exercise number 19.

Play a slope with a shift syllable change.


f-Fa-Fa Na-on-on

va-Va-Va Ba-Ba

ma-ma-ma ha-ha-ha
Exercise number 20.

Reproduction of syllable combinations with one consonant and different vowels.

so-one nosed on bo-ba-would
you are the same but-on-well bu-bo
mu-Ma Da-Dy-to Paart
mo-Ma-we do-di-yes ko-ka
va-Wu-at, etc.
Exercise number 21.

Reproduction of syllable combinations with general vowels and different consonant sounds.

ka-na-Pa ha-ba-yes
fa Ha Ka-Fa ha
ba daa-ha Va-ma-on
ma-va, etc. Same with vowels about, y, s.
Exercise number 22.

Playing syllable combinations with consonant sounds that differ from the bell / deafness, first 2 syllables:

boy kaha

(Same with vowels o, y, s), then 3 syllables:

in more than yes-ta-yes Fa-Va-Fa
Exercise number 23.

Playing syllable combinations with consonant sounds that differ in softness / hardness,
ma-Mo Mo Mu Mu Mu
vasha Vo-Vu Vyu you

ta-te-those Tu-ty

ba-Ba-Boy Bouquet B bi

da-Dia Du du d d d d d d d d d d di

fa-Fa Fo Fu Fu Fu Fa Fi
Exercise number 24.

Playing sludge steam with building consonant sounds:

pa-TPA on-pin
ta Pta Ka-Fka
fa TFA Ka-Ta
ma-kma Ta-Kta
on-FNA on-kna
Same with vowels about, y, s.
Exercise number 25.

Reproduction of syllable combinations with a common attitude of two consonant sounds and different vowels:
Exercise number 26.

Playing sludge steam with the change of the position of consonant sounds in their offshore.


Note. Exercises for reproduction of consistent sounds are particularly complex for children with a violation of the syllable structure, but their execution creates a base for the correction of this violation of speech.
Exercise number 27.

Isolation in the sound stream of vowel sound (A, O, O, and, S, E). The adult calls and repeats the vowel sound repeated repeats, which the child should be highlighted among other sounds (clap your hands when hears, sit down, make a stipulated gesture, raise the visual symbol, etc.). Then adult slowly, clearly, with pauses, pronounces a sound row, for example:

A-U-M-C-S-O-E-R-W-F-L-in-Zd-ry-y, etc.

The exercise is repeated until each vowel sound is highlighted by the child exactly and confidently.

Note for parents. I, E, E, Yu - vowels, each of them indicates 2 sounds: I \u003d y + a; Ё \u003d th + o, etc.
Exercise number 28.

Allocation of one of the consonant sounds in the sound stream. Adult calls and, repeating many times, seeks to remember the child of one of the consonants. Then the sound row pronounces in which the child should highlight one specified consonant sound - cotton, another agreed movement or a gesture symbol.

Note. The proposed gesture symbols are developed by the author of the benefit. With the help of connecting visual and motor analyzers, as well as in the presence of an emotional factor, they facilitate the differentiation of consonant sounds. Symbols are given in order of the priority of mastering in the class of relevant sounds.

M - Cow Moisten (I depict the horns with the index finger)

H - TV is buzzing when the transfer (finger to the nose)

In - blizzard, trees shakes (maat hands over his head)

F - from a small ball over the air (rounded palms straighten and press each other)

To - Toy gun shoots (index finger up, thumb at right angles to the index)

T - a typewriter works (depict the stable fingers)

P - burst the flap (the fingers of the right hand squeeze and break)

X - warm hands (breathe on the back of the palm)

C - swing the pump (compressed palms moving down-up)

3 - Komarik flies (large and index fingers are compressed, circular motions hand)

C - quieter, quieter, silence (finger to lips)

Sound row: A-K-T-R-S-P-I-O-Y-Y-A-Zh-S-C-C-

In-oh, etc.

Note. The consonants in a row should be pronounced short, about the way every consonant sound is heard at the end of the word: the cat, banana, dill, etc. Do not confuse the sounds with letters: PE, TE, ER - this is the names of letters, utter sounds .
Exercise number 29.

Name the first sound in words.

Duck, Ear, Tutorial, Smart, Street, Ears, Mind, Mustache, Iron, Corner, fishing rod, too narrow, dill, urn, morning, teacher, matrennik, tutorial, scientist, respect, leave, escape, flutter, take away, row, break, bite, vinegarsailed yield, snail, washbasin, comfortable, pointer, lesson, pattern, fall.

Explain the selected words.

Remember 5 items whose names begin with the sound of U.

Remember 4-5 actions, the names of which begin with the sound of U.
Exercise number 30.

Name the first sound in words.

Anya, stork, August, automatic, Alla, Alik, Watermelon, ^ Africa, army, angina, apricot, Alyosha, Anton, antenna, Akula, Astra, album, aquarium, abazhur, April, pharmacy, address, poster, antelope, Aibolit, Andrey, Annie, attack.

Explain the selected words. Name 5-8 words with the first sound of A.
Exercise number 31.

Name the first sound in words.

Ivan, Igor, Inna, needle, iva, Ivolga, the game, caviar, toy, iriska, turkey, frost, Inga, Ilya, assplay, sparks, Raisin, hut, story, institute, Indian, turkey, tools, fix, search, hedge, Italy, Icazka, hut, name, iris.

Explain the selected words. Name 5-6 words with the first sound I.
Exercise number 32.

Call the first sound in words (a, o, and, y).

Stork, duck, needle, queue, vegetables, snail, morning, pharmacy, army, album, search, leave, play, ketch, fuel, africa, india, harvest, sparks, turkey, matinee, address, aibolit, aquarium, antelope, Washbasin, island.
Exercise number 33.

Name the last sound in words (a, o, and, y, s).

Head, game, wall, leg, hat, thread, bench, handle, watering can, window, coat, cinema, long, wing, go, call, wear, lights, streams, books, pies, poppies, shovels, bouquets, lemons, Ribbons, candy, go, call, hug, kakada, brash, shouting, leaving, I'll come, I will come.
Exercise number 34.

Call the first and last sounds in words.

Hut, needle, raisin, street, snail, student, poster, angina, pointer, sorcerer, vegetables, hoops, perch, okhriches, opera, windows, wasps, donkeys.
Exercise number 35.

Name sounds in combinations.

Ai AUi
UI I go

Example. AU: 1st - a, 2nd - y, 3rd - I.
Exercise number 36.

Name the first sound in words (to highlight it with voice, "click" on it).

Malina, mom, wash, moss, small, coin, Magnit, score, dunk, fly, motok., moth, mask, poppies, sea, music, soap.

Explain the selected words.

Determine, there is a sound m or not in the word.

Mask, hand, sea, music, flour, couples, rocket, paste, winter, lemon, castle, wool, car, pit, flies, chicken, goat.

Determine where the sound of M is heard at the beginning, in the middle or in the end of the word.

Coin, mask, house, helmet, gnome, lemon, room, winter, hammock, som, lump, lighthouse, soap, cream, scrap, strap, bag, flour, sea.

Determine in which of the two words the sound of M.

Kalina - Raspberry, Sea - Mount, Moss - Pooh, Fluff - dry, crayfish - Maks, Coin - Rocket, Flour - Hand, Shop - Gasoline, Bunny - T-shirt, soap - Shilo.
Exercise number 37.

Bath, wool, waffles, Waves, Wax, wolf, volcano, hair, seaweed, vase, tower, Vaseline, car, water, gate, crow, sparrow, boots.

Explain the selected words.

Determine in which of the two words is the sound of V.

Hair - Stripes, Crow - Crown, Tower - Push, Wagon - Pan, Wat - Hut, Wolf - Regiment, Cow - Crown, Waves - Full, Owl - herself.

^ Mane, owl, head, cow, sofa, give, to nag, right, left, new, new, plum, bath, wool, waffle, left, right, fun.

Explain the selected words.
Exercise number 38.

Determine the first sound in words. Select sound voice, "click" on it.

Nadia, Natasha, legs, findnew, zero, note, mink, number, whining, ours, knife, scissors, Nastya, pour, fall, hope.

Explain the selected words. Name 5 words with the sound of N.

Determine, is in the word sound H or not.

Note, summer, cow, firewood, head, bath, country, one, table, cranes, lamp, chalters, sofas, roses, ditch, fountains, candy, hat.

Determine in which of the two words is the sound of N.

Our - Sasha, Crown - Cow, String - Grass, Candy - Greetings, Mink - Cork, We will go - we will go, our ears, Shaluns are noises, words - elephants, green - golden, ditch - fun, Zanoza - the threat.
Exercise number 39.

"Press" on the sound of f, allocate it in words.

Surname, Flight, Form, Football, Factory, Apron, Floor, Focus, Focuscript, Hagtop, Beans, Floor, Fruit, Elevator, Caftan, Plywood, Headlights, Fragrance, Scarf, Fountain, Fortochka, Flag, Fork.

Determine, there is in the word sound F or not.

Sea, torch, shape, coins, house, fountain, Fortochka, Toad, Baton.

Determine in which of the two words there is sound F.

Cat - Mobile, Fantasty - Bow, Fountain - Takhta, Fruits - Products, Enemy - Flag, Bone - Fortochka, Kosy - Beans, Couples - Headlights, notes - Photo.
^ Exercise number 40.

Allocate in the word sound to, "click" on it.

House, tank, tube, roller, fire, bow, scarf, castle, kolobok, turkey, onion, bagel, hammockspider, scoop, wreath, umbrella, current, roller, bruising, file, duck, boots, hamster, Park, broom, lighthouse, cancer, ditch, stone, braids, coffee, knee, room, beak, chickens, cabbage, cobra, Fireplace, bank, letter, pumpkin, notepad, bottle, rolling, duck, joke, specker, secret, acquaintance, mosquito, droplet, drop, lump, kulok, bush, fist, coffee pot, Melnik, man, puppy, crane.

Explain the selected words. Determine, there is a sound to or not in the word.

Cube, frame, mother, Nora, wreath, man, puppy, stocking, knot, zatroza, hamster, knock, bagel, scarf, park, ball, fur coat, ram, hammock.
^ Exercise №41

Pick up in rhyme the name of vegetables with sound K.

Late summer to the garden is going to the people.

Maste all summer harvest.

What collected - Guess!

Where the spring was empty

summer has grown ... (cabbage)

Sun shone so that

brighter green ... (dill)

We collect in lukshko

very large ... (potatoes)

From the rain the land of frozen,

get out, bbw ... (swarm)

From the Earth behind the Chub Root

pull, juicy ... (carrot)

Need to worship low

to pull out ... (Redish)

Helps grandfather grandson -

collects with beds ... (onions)

Requests Grandpa Fedyushka:

Collect more ... (parsley)

Here is a green fatty,

large, smooth ... (zucchini)

And handsome giant

dark blue ... (eggplant)

To draw the attention of children to rhyme. Slap vouches words: Namokla - Svetokla, empty - cabbage, Lukoshko - Potato, etc.
Exercise number 42.

An adult explains: "I call a big subject, and you are a little that the sound to appear in the Word.

Rama - Frame, pit -... Rope -... WATT -... LAPA - ... Penama -... Panama -... Shovel -... Picture -... Basket -... Coin -... straw -... bowl -... Rope -... Lipa -... Nora -...

Clearly, loud, not in a hurry to speak poems with the sound of K.

Ak-Ak, here is such a hammock.

OK-OK-OK, here is a rink

UK UK-UK, here is such an turkey.

Ka-ka, Kati Flour.

Ko-ko, at school is not easy.

Ku-ku, I'll buy flour. Name words with sound K.
^ Exercise №43.

To highlight the sound of T, "click" on it.

Screw, bush, umbrella, leaf, bow, port, bridge, salad, Hello, bouquet, package, bathrobe, tail, automatic, tomato, buffet, ticket, cat, kit, Lift, flight, pilot, rope, plane, march, hippopotamus, firework, Pumpkin, Tomato, Tolya, Tanya, Fog, Stool, Topot, Poplar, Taxi, Worker, Shoes, Sneakers, Duck, Baton, Hunting, Jacket, Thread, Pasta, Stove, Gate, Minute, Coin, Cell.

Explain the selected words.

Determine in which of the two words is the sound of T.

Pumpkin - Letter, Baton - Sofa, Gate - Crow, Plate-Slova, Tomato - Hammak, Bathrobe - Halva, Tickets - Bananas Razor - Eyebrow, Sheets - Nights, Joke - Cap, Rocket - Care, Care - Zanoza, thick - curve , evil - your thread - a bowl.

Clearly, distinctly, loud, not in a hurry to speak poems with the sound of T.

AT-AT-AT, at Toli scooter.

Ut-ut, the children will run.

That's something new coat.

You are you, in the cat's room.

From - from, it is a hippo.

Ta-ta, new stove.

Tu-Tu, candy give a cat.

Name words with sound T.
Exercise number 44.

Allocate in words the sound of P, "Press" on it.

^ Syrup, Tulup, dill, flu, snoring, sheaf , stop, philip, palm, coat, parrot, dust, stick, pony, pasta, spider, kidney, field, park, lipstick, victory, purchase, steamer, hairdresser, drapp, telescopesoup button, Cap, trail, dig, sticky, strong, lamp, hat, swimsuit, shovel.

Explain the selected words.

Determine in which of the two words there is sound P.

Panama - Chanva, Soup - Souk, Cap - Joke, Button - Note, Cat - Cap, Nod - Spin, Vintage - Parrot, Flasts - Pasta, Beetle - Spider, Daughter - Kidney, Kony - Pony, Sorry - Stick, Mole - Dill, rocket - victory, trough - shovel.
Exercise number 45.

Determine the last sound in the word (K, T, P, P).

Dot, boots, kitten, broom, skating rink, lesson, bull, scoop, umbrella, cube, ballet, ticket, bouquet, bridge, pilot, aircraft, hippo, brother, bush, rope, dill, syrup, telescope, soup, subpople, snoring, flu, ladder, sheaf, mosquito, tomato, actor, cook, ball, tank, cake, brother, whistling, rumble, scar.
Exercise number 46.

Determine the first sound, the second sound in the sounding.

AK, OK, UK, IR, AT, from, UT, IT, AM, Him, Mind, Oh, OK, OK, OP, AN, IN, AP, IP, AR, OR, IR, UR, AF, IF, UV, Ah, Oh, them, Wow, Ash, Osh, Ish, Esch, Al, Ol.
Exercise number 47.

"Press" in the word on the sound x, allocate it.

Bathrobe, trunk, bread, hata, cold, lose weight, peas, fear, tail, refrigerator, hostess, shepherd, rooster, smell, rustling, laugh, hooligan, walking, needles, dance, artist, khokholok., huntingwave hike, nut, ear, an ear, tahta.

Explain the selected words.

Schoolchildren went hike. In the campaign, they saw huts, hunters with guns, little hamster. In the evening, the guys divorced the fire and welded his ear.

^ Choose from the word story with the sound of X.

Cold came. Breads were removed from the fields. Sky gloomy. Grass dried in the forest, only moss green. There are no leaves on the branches. One needle on Christmas trees and pines remained. Late autumn, soon winter!

^ Select words with sound X.

Rope - Bathrobe - Parade, Hunger - Cold - Young, year - Stroke - Pot, Sor - Choir - Thief, Fly - Flour - Hand, Hata - Wat - Mint.
Exercise number 48.

Determine the first sound in words.

Olya, acute, rest, order, shoes, vacation, oSS, perch, sheep, windows, lake, hoop, donkey, skim, ozim, highly, about, vegetables.

Explain the selected words.

Choose from the story of the word with the sound of O.

Olya and Osip went to the lake to catch fish. They caught perch and bream. Seen the cloud similar to the donkey.

Choose from the story of the words beginning with O.

Autumn has come. Ripen vegetables and fruits. In the fields sow frime. On the lake float yellow leaves. The lights light light in the windows.
Exercise number 49.

Determine which sound we pull in the middle of the word (a, y, o).

Tank, cancer, juice, soup, par, var, gas, nose, husband, ball, tooth, goal, heat, house, ox, shower, hall, com, cat, scrap, elk, bow, poppy, moss, mouth, Steering wheel, salt, sleep, bitch.
Exercise number 50.

Determine which sound (s or and) at the end of the word.

Gardens - kindergartens, umbrellas - umbrellas, bushes - bushes, bridges - bridges, noses - spouts, bows - bows, moves - rods, rafts - dams, mustache - musty, fish - fish, mountains - slides, linden - lips, paws - Paws, holes - mink.
Exercise number 51.

Determine which sound (s or and) in the middle of the word.

Was, beat, soap, mil, leaf, bald, collided, forks, dust, drink, smoke, rice, down, swell.

I was in the campaign, I beat the drum. I have a rope for a wolf in the valley.

The baby was very nice, he hands with soap soap.

Vite, beat, pour, dig, be, sailing, shaving, whining, pour, pour, point, rot.
Exercise number 52.

Determine which sound we pull in the middle of the word (a, o, y, and, s)

Tank, poppy, hall, couples, gift, gam, so, ball, house, nose, sleep, boron, choir, current, elk, bridge, call, goal, juice, salt, soup, beetle, noise, bow, oak, Gul, world, leaf, bottom, beat, drank, feast, mushroom, whale, smoke, son, bull, dust, dust, whine, fluff, com.
Exercise number 53.

Determine the first sound in words.

Dog, Sun, Cheese, Airplane, Sledge, Bench, Sugari, Rock, Candle, Sports, Boots, Salad, Sugar, Son, Som, Drying, Satcher, Sweet, Sleep.

In which words after with hears me? ABOUT? U? S? Highlight the sound with, "click" on it.

Garden, scooter, aircraft, falcon, ship, fat, bench, saber, fox, braid, axes, leaf, whistle, bush, wheel, sand, sock, son, forest, bus, oats, rat, globe, soldier, forester, Pines, vacuum cleaner, judge.

Alone to name 5 words with S. S.
Exercise number 54.

Name all sounds in order.

Tank, Hall, Var, Your, Poll, Games, Gol, Gul, Dar, Smoke, House, Shower, Beetle, Sea, Kom, Cat, Whale, Scrap, Lacquer, Bow, Mac, Soap, Max, Nose, Our, couples, dust, floor, cancer, mouth, fish, rum, self, juice, bitch, son, sleep, soup, soup, current, so, tuk, choir, jester, ball.

An individual album contains the optimal number. test tasks With pictures to identify the main psychological, intellectual and speech features of preschoolers aged from three to six years.

During the survey, a visual fixation of the results of the execution of each task is provided. The album can serve as a means, as well as a document for speech and psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of preschoolers with problems in development.

Big book of tasks and exercises on the development of a toddler's connected speech

The book is a collection of 140 entertaining exercises for training preschoolers and younger students in various types of telling.

During the exercises, teachers and parents will be able to compile more than 780 independent stories of a descriptive, narrative, explanatory and creative nature with children.

Exercises in the book are divided into 10 blocks. In each exercise unit, the author highlights 3 levels of complexity. Such an approach significantly increases the performance of classes, as it allows an adult to objectively assess the child's speech capabilities and to pick up exercises with their account, gradually complicating tasks.

Sounds and signs

Sounds and signs. Vowels

Using a preschooler of visual symbols (characters):

- improves the perception of speech sounds;
- contributes to the normalization of pronunciation;
- Provides persistent sound analysis skills and synthesis;
- improves attention and memory;
- improves readiness for reading and writing.

Sounds and signs. Easily pronounced consonants

Easily utter consonants include sounds that are usually correctly pronounced by the kids even at the age of 2-3 years: M, N, B, F, B, P, D, T, G, K, X. On the material of these sounds, exercises were built preparation for reading and writing in the proposed manual.

Sounds and signs. Hardly pronounced consonants

The third step in this process is - finding in the words of difficult pronounced sound sounds (III part).

These include sounds that are more often distorted by children: C, 3, C, W, F, L, R. Words that we used these sounds in the exercises, whose goal is to develop sound analysis skills in children. Without them, competent reading and the letter is not possible.

Sound analysis and synthesis. Speech therapy notebook

The manual is part of the "Update educational and methodological kit, which sets out the author's approach to the correction of various manifestations of the general underdevelopment of speech from preschoolers. It is intended for collaboration Adult and child. The "speech therapy notebook" is given an entertaining and colorful material of correctional and educational orientation.

Addressed to spent spells, educators, governors and parents engaged in children 4-6 years. Can be used with group and individual learning forms.

Pictures with a problem story for the development of thinking and speech from preschoolers. Issue No. 1.

The manual contains 8 color plot paintings for which stories are composed, game exercises, questions and tasks.

The unusual, problematic plot of paintings is an incentive that allows in the process of conversations, games, exercises to expand the supply of knowledge and information, effectively improve the logical and creative thinking, fantasy, lexico-grammatical ideas, as well as a sore speech of the child.

The manual is addressed to speakers, teachers, governors and parents of children of the senior before school age.

Pictures with a problem story for the development of thinking and speech from preschoolers. Issue No. 2.

The manual contains 8 color scene paintings, based on materials of each of which the author composed stories, game exercises, questions and tasks.

The unusual, problematic plot of paintings is an incentive that allows the conversation in the process to effectively improve the child's logical and creative thinking, the stock of knowledge and information, fantasy, lexico-grammatical ideas, as well as a coherent speech. The manual is addressed to educators, speakers, goverrs and parents of preschoolers of 5 -6 years.

The use of paintings with a problem plot strengthens motivation to classes, causes a bright emotional reaction, stimulates creative and logical thinking, makes it possible to improve the coherent speech, contributes to the replenishment of knowledge and information, ensures the conservation of adult and child.

Pictures with a problem story for the development of thinking and speech from preschoolers. Issue No. 3.

The manual contains 8 color plot paintings, based on materials of each of which the author composed stories, poems, playing exercises, questions and tasks.

The unusual, problematic plot of paintings is an incentive that allows the conversation in the process to effectively improve the child's logical and creative thinking, the stock of knowledge and information, fantasy, lexico-grammatical ideas, as well as a coherent speech.

The manual is addressed to teachers, speakers and parents of preschoolers for 5-6 years.

Comprehensive examination of preschoolers 3-6 years

The individual notebook contains the optimal number of test tasks with pictures to identify the main psychological, intellectual and speech features of preschoolers aged from three to six years. During the survey, a visual fixation of the results of the execution of each task is provided. The album can serve as a means, as well as a document for speech and psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of preschoolers with problems in development.

The manual is addressed to educators, methodologists, members of medical and pedagogical commissions, speakers and parents of children of preschool age.

Color illustrations V.V. Sokolova, N.R. Syneva, V.A. Chainlova, R.L. Shcherbina, V.A. Toropova, P.A. Pimenova.

Logic exercises for speech development

The book contains gaming exercises that effectively improve the logical thinking and speech of senior preschoolers.

Addressable psychologists, speakers, educators, parents.

Speech therapy encyclopedia

"The speech therapy encyclopedia: a unique author's technique; More than 1000 poems and stories; Universal "Art Lotto", etc..

The book presents the original and effective system of 500 game exercises to correct the shortcomings of sound sensing from preschoolers and younger students. The tasks include smooth increase in the complexity of the exercises, the strength of the pronunciation skills, availability, inability and high training efficiency.

The book offers ready-made wording to tasks with which an adult appeals to children.

The consistently outlined methodical, textual and visual materials will allow adults to strive to fix the correct pronunciation of the most frequently distorted speech sounds, and improve attention, memory, imagination, logic, replenish the stock of its knowledge.

The book is addressed to parents, speakers, school and medical institutions.

Speech therapy lotto in pictures

Increases interest in knowledge, forms logical thinking, ensures resistance of speech skills.

Lotto in pictures is a versatile material for speech therapy occupation and will help ensure the resistance of speech skills, improve pronunciation and warn typical errors Reading and writing.

Phonetic and Phonematical Lady of Speech (FFNR)

Tkachenko T.A. Development of phonderatic perception. Album preschooler.

The manual is intended for correction work with children with any level speech Development: from the brave speech and practically zero threshold of phonmematic perception to speech with elements of phonetic and phonmematic underdevelopment.

Tkachenko T.A. Slave structure of the word. Correction of disorders. Speech therapy notebook.

The leading place in the manual occupies overcoming violations of the reproduction of concrete sounds (the most common defect pronunciation of words of various syllated structures in children). In the exercises, visual symbols are used (visual symbols of sounds).

Tkachenko T.A. Sound analysis and synthesis. Formation of skills. Speech therapy notebook.

It offers a special visual symbolism, which allows to materialize the sound and thereby sharply improve learning efficiency. Exercises make it possible to gradually form sound analysis skills and the synthesis necessary for mastering reading and writing from preschoolers.

Whistling sounds, automation of whistling sounds

V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko. "Automation of whistling sounds with, smiling, z, zy, c in children."

O.E. Gromov. "I speak correctly C - Z - C."

TA Tkachenko. "Phonetic stories with pictures. Sounds s, s."

Hissing sounds, hipping sound automation

V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko. "Automation of hissing sounds sh, w, h in children."

Didactic material for speech therapists.

O.E. Gromov. "Logopedic lotto. We teach the sound of J."

TA Tkachenko. "Phonetic stories with pictures. Sounds sh, J."

For automation of sounds

Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.

Album 1: Automation of whistling sounds with, s, s, s, c in children.

Didactic material for speech therapists.

Album 2: Automation of hissing sounds sh, w, h, u in children

Didactic material for speech therapists.

Album 3: Automation of sonorous sounds L, in children

Didactic material for speech therapists.

Album 4: Automation of Sonorny Sounds R, Pie in children

Didactic material for speech therapists.

Gromova O.E. Pre-school preparation

I speak correctly: C - Z - C

Didactic material for working with children of preschool and younger school age.

I speak correctly: sh -

Didactic material for working with children of preschool and younger school age.

I speak correctly: R - R '

Didactic material for working with children of preschool and younger school age.

I speak correctly: L - L '

Didactic material for working with children of preschool and younger school age.

The didactic material is designed to work with children of preschool and younger school age, having violations of sound pronunciation. This album presents lexical and illustrative material for the automation of sounds and can be used by parents to consolidate in speech already set by sounds.

The material corresponds to the main stages of the speech therapy work: consistently fixing the pronunciation of sounds at the beginning, middle, end of words, in words with consonants, in phrases, sentences, cleanlaisors. Preschoolers who do not know how to read, repeat for adults. Children who own reading, independently read the signatures to the drawings in the manual.

Illustrative material appropriate modern ideas About the world, contributes to attracting the attention of children, to activate and expand the vocabulary of words, an increase in memorization.

Tkachenko T. A.

Speech therapy notebook. Development of phonderatic perception and sound analysis skills. - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2000. - 32 p.

Exercise number 1.

On the table in front of a child a few sounding toys: a tambourine, a lump harmonica, a bell, a rattle, and the like. Adult offers a child to listen and remember the sound of each subject. Then the baby needs only for rumor, without a visual support (the child turns away, or toys are closed with a screen) to determine what sounds. The name of each sounding subject is pronounced. The number of sounding toys increases gradually, from three to five. Exercise is carried out until the resistant distinction of loud and contrasting sounds.

Exercise number 2.

4-5 items are exhibited before the child (for example: metal box, glass jar, plastic cup, wooden box, etc.), when you tapping about which you can hear different sounds. With the help of a pencil, an adult causes the sound of each subject, reproduces it repeatedly until the child cares the character of the sound. The exercise with two contrasting sounds begins with a visual support: the 3rd and 4th sound options are added later. Then only for rumor (the child turns his back) is proposed to determine what sounds. The exercise is carried out until the response of sound differentiation.

Exercise number 3.

Before the child, a well-known acquaintance of it objects: pencil, scissors, a cup with water, an empty cup. The adult explains him that only hearing the child to determine what he hears, and to tell about the actions of an adult is possible. Then the child turns his back to objects or they are closed with a screen. An adult transfers water from one cup to another, cuts paper with scissors, tears her, the mint, knocks the scissors about the cup, drives a pencil on paper, knocking a pencil about a cup. After each action, the child must tell about him due to its speech capabilities, but in the most detailed as possible. With significant difficulties, the sound is repeated with a visual support. The exercise is carried out to the sound differentiation.

Exercise number 4.

In the same metal jars (from under lollipops, cream, etc.) are placed in bulk products with particles of various sizes: semolina and buckwheat, peas, beans, sugar sand, etc. It is first suggested to listen carefully and remember the sound of each product about Metal box when shaking it. Then, in turn, shaking boxes, adult every time asks the child to guess that in the box. Since the sound differences are insignificant, the number of cans is limited at first three, after which it slowly increases with a constant comparison of acoustic perceptions.

Exercise number 5.

The exercise is aimed at reproducing a rhythmic pattern (rhythm) when pailing, tightening or serving sound on any instrument (tambourine, rattle, piano, accordion, etc.). Denote by the + short, explosive sound, which cannot be extended (punch in tambourine, drum, cotton in your hands). The distance between the icons corresponds to the duration of the pause. Rhythmic drawings are given in complication order:

+ +

+ ++

++ +

+ ++ +


If the sound can be extended (piano, doodie, accordion, lip harmonic), the number of options for the rhythmic pattern increases. Denote the sign - a long sound, familiar + short (on one tool). Rhythmic pattern options that the child reproduces on the same tool:

+ -
+ - +
++ - +
+ - ++
+ ++ -
- + ++
+++ + - etc.
In the future, the complication of the exercise adult can show its ingenuity, rhythmic and creative abilities.

Exercise number 6.

The exercise is aimed at distinction on the timbre of the maximum abbreviated sound complex. Adult offers a child to turn away and guess who among the children (if the game occurs in the group) or who from the relatives (if played at home) called him.

At first, the child is called name, then (for complication) pronounce short AU.

Exercise number 7.

Adult offers a child to remember the "Three Bear" fairy tale. Then, changing the height of the voice, asks to guess who says: Mikhail Ivanovich (low voice), Nastasya Petrovna (middle height) or Mishutka (high voice). The same replica is pronounced alternately different in votes in three versions:

- Who sat on my stool?

- Who ate from my cup?

- Who slept in my bed?

- Who was in our house? Etc.

With the difficulties of the name of the characters, the adult can offer a child to show on one of the pictures - images of three different bears.

When the baby learns to distinguish between replicas in the height of the sound, you should ask him to pronounce one of the phrases for the bear, the Medveditsa and the bear with a voice changed in height.

Exercise number 8.

An adult offers a child to determine, far or closely the sound object is located, and then reproduce the sound complexes in various vote (loud, quiet).

Children scream: AU (loud), AU (quiet). Dog marks: AB (loud), AV-AB (quiet). The cat meeps, the cow mice, sings the rooster, kinking the chicken, squabble the frogs, the crown of the crow, lamb shoes and so on.

Exercise number 9.

The adult shows, and then asks the child to reproduce changes in character, timbre and emotional coloring of the same sound.

And - crying, shouts girl

And - show the throat of a doctor

A - singer singer

And - Swing the baby

A - Girl roaming needle

Oh - Mom was surprised

Oh - Stones Grandmother

Oh singer sings

O - dad

O - Shouts Hunter in the Forest

Y - buzzing steamer

Y - the shoes sounds

Y - crying boy

Exercise number 10.

Changing one sound complex in height and strength. Adult offers a child to say, for example, meow: loud (the cat is near and asks for); quietly (cat behind the door); High voice (small kitten); Low voice (old cat). Similarly, you need to change the sound parameters when playing the following sounds:

Igoga, Mu, Gav, Kva, Be, Ku, etc.

Exercise number 11.

Adult gives a child two mug - red and green - and offers the game: if the child hears the correct name of what is shown in the picture, it should raise the green circle, if the wrong is red. Then shows the picture and loudly, slowly, clearly pronounces the soundness:

Baman Vavan Album Alps


Banana Banvan Anba Alyl

Banam Van Anvb Abl

Vitamin Vitania Cext Cell

Mitanin Mitavin Kitet

Phytavin cell phytavin

Vitaly Vitani Tlet

The child lifts the corresponding circle every time.

Exercise number 12.

The child is invited to repeat similar words at the beginning of 2, then 3 in the name:

mac-tank-so Motor Skating Flow
tuk-Tuk-so Baton Buton concrete
bull Tank-Bock Band-Dump-Duck
ladies-house smoke Thread-Vatka-branch
com-home-dwarf cell-film-film


Note. When playing words, it is not necessary to know the concepts of concepts. The peculiarity of this and subsequent selection of words is that they are available on the sound composition, do not contain difficult-acting sounds.

Exercise number 13.

Of the four words, clearly spoken by an adult, the child must call the one that differs from the rest:

cocoa Canva



booth-Booth Booth Booth

screw-screw-bint screw

minute-minute minute

buffet Bouquet-Buffet Buffet

ticket-Ballet Ballet Ballet

duduk-booth-booth booth

Exercise number 14.

Of every four adult words, the child must choose a word that does not look like the remaining 3:

mac-tank-so-banana som-com-turkey house lemon-car - Cat - Bud Mac-tank-broom-cancer Scoop-gnome wreath-skating rink heel-rolling-lemon-shirt-sofa-cell-mesh Skating-house-motok flow


Exercise number 15.

An adult is not in a hurry, clearly pronounces three words, and then asks the child to determine which of the three words mentioned is more like the 4th:

mak-house-branch (words for comparison: grid, com, tank, label, cage)

scoop Wagon-Gnome (House, Lemon, Roller, Bidon, Scrap, Som, Pan, Motor)

gitique-house-rink (snail, dwarf, handkerchief, leaf, com)

With the difficulties of holding in the memory of three source words, it is possible to schematically draw objects on a piece of paper.

Exercise number 16.

Adult reads 2 poetic lines, highlighting the last word in the initial line. The child must choose one word out of the three proposed, seeking rhymes in verse.

Whispers at night

Tales are different ... (Perina, pillow, shirt)

Oh guys, believe, do not believe

I ran away from me ... (Cat, door, wall)

She said the door: "My dear!

Do not open me ... "(shoulder, knee, leg)

Even dirty even the table

Late in the evening ... (escaped, went, rode)

Two chanterelles, two sisters

I found somewhere ... (matches, brush, knife)

Empty pavement

And left ... (buses, trams, taxis)

Speaking mouse mouse:

- What I love I ... (Cheese, meat, books)

Sat in the car faithful dogs,

He has in ink ... (paw, neck, nose)

At the weekend went somewhere

Mom, dad and ... (kids guys, kids)

Katya Lena asks to give

Paints, pencil ... (pen, notebook, book)

With the difficulties of finding the desired word, the adult reads the two-per-end in all three options, asks the child to listen and choose the correct option - the one where the words are the most similar.

Exercise number 17.

Adult asks the child to choose a word in rhyme:

I drank my portfolio from my hands, so big on the branch ... (Beetle)

Shoust bear walked through the forest, fell on it ... (bump)

Here in the forest there are evil beasts, lock on the night ... (Doors)

Quieter, tanya, do not cry, does not drown in the river ... (ball)

Somehow, two mice were taken away from Petit ... (books)

Welcome to spruce, he has in his hands ... (portfolio)

"I don't work!" - answers ... (truck)

We collected cornflowers, on our heads ... (wreaths)

Dog goat brought a bouquet, satisfying her ... (Lunch)

Wind, wind, you mighty, you chase flocks ... (cloud)

Then back, then I can swim forward ... (steamer)

Do not tremble, serving, this is our ... (Cat)

Exercise number 18.

Adult reads a poem. The child must choose from words close to the sound composition, which is necessary in accordance with this definition of the concept.

I will give you the task of the ladies - to place everything in places:

What did we roll in the winter? ..

What did you build with you? ..

On the hook in the river got? ..

Maybe everything is at least small? ..

(Words for substitution: house, com, gnome, som)

I still give the task of ladies - to place everything in places:

Here is a seal on a sheet -...

Green on the window ...

Volleyball hanging ...

Canary sitting in it -... (mesh, cell, label, branch]

The concepts of the label and the grid are specified before reading the poem.

I again, the task of the ladies - to place everything in places:

What pulled a playful cat? ..

Children Mommy weeping? ..

From the mountains descends, flows? ..

What kind of slippery, smooth ice? .. (rink, stream, wreath, motility)

Motion concepts and flow are specified with children before the exercise start.

Exercise number 19.

Play a slope with a shift syllable change.


f-Fa-Fa Na-on-on

va-Va-Va Ba-Ba

ma-ma-ma ha-ha-ha

Exercise number 20.

Reproduction of syllable combinations with one consonant and different vowels.

so-one nosed on bo-ba-would
you are the same but-on-well bu-bo
mu-Ma Da-Dy-to Paart
mo-Ma-we do-di-yes ko-ka
va-Wu-at, etc.

Exercise number 21.

Reproduction of syllable combinations with general vowels and different consonant sounds.

ka-na-Pa ha-ba-yes
fa Ha Ka-Fa ha
ba daa-ha Va-ma-on
ma-va, etc. Same with vowels about, y, s.

Exercise number 22.

Playing syllable combinations with consonant sounds that differ from the bell / deafness, first 2 syllables:

boy kaha


(Same with vowels o, y, s), then 3 syllables:

in more than yes-ta-yes Fa-Va-Fa

Exercise number 23.

Playing syllable combinations with consonant sounds that differ in softness / hardness,
ma-Mo Mo Mu Mu Mu
vasha Vo-Vu Vyu you

ta-te-those Tu-ty

ba-Ba-Boy Bouquet B bi

da-Dia Du du d d d d d d d d d d di

fa-Fa Fo Fu Fu Fu Fa Fi

Exercise number 24.

Playing sludge steam with building consonant sounds:

pa-TPA on-pin
ta Pta Ka-Fka
fa TFA Ka-Ta
ma-kma Ta-Kta
on-FNA on-kna
Same with vowels about, y, s.

Exercise number 25.

Reproduction of syllable combinations with a common attitude of two consonant sounds and different vowels:

Exercise number 26.

Playing sludge steam with the change of the position of consonant sounds in their offshore.


Note. Exercises for reproduction of consistent sounds are particularly complex for children with a violation of the syllable structure, but their execution creates a base for the correction of this violation of speech.

Exercise number 27.

Isolation in the sound stream of vowel sound (A, O, O, and, S, E). The adult calls and repeats the vowel sound repeated repeats, which the child should be highlighted among other sounds (clap your hands when hears, sit down, make a stipulated gesture, raise the visual symbol, etc.). Then adult slowly, clearly, with pauses, pronounces a sound row, for example:

A-U-M-C-S-O-E-R-W-F-L-in-Zd-ry-y, etc.

The exercise is repeated until each vowel sound is highlighted by the child exactly and confidently.

Note for parents. I, E, E, Yu - vowels, each of them indicates 2 sounds: I \u003d y + a; Ё \u003d th + o, etc.

Exercise number 28.

Allocation of one of the consonant sounds in the sound stream. Adult calls and, repeating many times, seeks to remember the child of one of the consonants. Then the sound row pronounces in which the child should highlight one specified consonant sound - cotton, another agreed movement or a gesture symbol.

Note. The proposed gesture symbols are developed by the author of the benefit. With the help of connecting visual and motor analyzers, as well as in the presence of an emotional factor, they facilitate the differentiation of consonant sounds. Symbols are given in order of the priority of mastering in the class of relevant sounds.

M - Cow Moisten (I depict the horns with the index finger)

H - TV is buzzing when the transfer (finger to the nose)

In - blizzard, trees shakes (maat hands over his head)

F - from a small ball over the air (rounded palms straighten and press each other)

To - Toy gun shoots (index finger up, thumb at right angles to index)

T - a typewriter works (depict the stable fingers)

P - burst the flap (the fingers of the right hand squeeze and break)

X - warm hands (breathe on the back of the palm)

C - swing the pump (compressed palms moving down-up)

3 - Komarik flies (big and index fingers compressed, circular movements hand)

C - quieter, quieter, silence (finger to lips)

Sound row: A-K-T-R-S-P-I-O-Y-Y-A-Zh-S-C-C-

In-oh, etc.

Note. The consonants in a row should be pronounced short, about the way every consonant sound is heard at the end of the word: the cat, banana, dill, etc. Do not confuse the sounds with letters: PE, TE, ER - this is the names of letters, utter sounds .

Exercise number 29.

Duck, Ear, Tutorial, Smart, Street, Ears, Mind, Mustache, Iron, Corner, fishing rod, too narrow, dill, urn, morning, teacher, matrennik, tutorial, scientist, respect, leave, escape, flutter, take away, row, break, bite, vinegarsailed yield, snail, washbasin, comfortable, pointer, lesson, pattern, fall.

Explain the selected words.

Remember 5 items whose names begin with the sound of U.

Remember 4-5 actions, the names of which begin with the sound of U.

Exercise number 30.

Name the first sound in words.

Anya, stork, August, automatic, Alla, Alik, Watermelon, Africa, army, angina, apricot, Alyosha, Anton, antenna, Akula, Astra, album, aquarium, abazhur, April, pharmacy, address, poster, antelope, Aibolit, Andrey, Annie, attack.

Explain the selected words. Name 5-8 words with the first sound of A.

Exercise number 31.

Name the first sound in words.

Ivan, Igor, Inna, needle, iva, Ivolga, the game, caviar, toy, iriska, turkey, frost, Inga, Ilya, assplay, sparks, Raisin, hut, story, institute, Indian, turkey, tools, fix, search, hedge, Italy, Icazka, hut, name, iris.

Explain the selected words. Name 5-6 words with the first sound I.

Exercise number 32.

Call the first sound in words (a, o, and, y).

Stork, duck, needle, queue, vegetables, snail, morning, pharmacy, army, album, search, leave, play, ketch, fuel, africa, india, harvest, sparks, turkey, matinee, address, aibolit, aquarium, antelope, Washbasin, island.

Exercise number 33.

Name the last sound in words (a, o, and, y, s).

Head, game, wall, leg, hat, thread, bench, handle, watering can, window, coat, cinema, long, wing, go, call, wear, lights, streams, books, pies, poppies, shovels, bouquets, lemons, Ribbons, candy, go, call, hug, kakada, brash, shouting, leaving, I'll come, I will come.

Exercise number 34.

Call the first and last sounds in words.

Hut, needle, raisin, street, snail, student, poster, angina, pointer, sorcerer, vegetables, hoops, perch, okhriches, opera, windows, wasps, donkeys.

Exercise number 35.

Name sounds in combinations.

Ai AUi
UI I go

Example. AU: 1st - a, 2nd - y, 3rd - I.

Exercise number 36.

Name the first sound in words (to highlight it with voice, "click" on it).

Malina, mom, wash, moss, small, coin, Magnit, score, dunk, fly, motok., moth, mask, poppies, sea, music, soap.

Explain the selected words.

Determine, there is a sound m or not in the word.

Mask, hand, sea, music, flour, couples, rocket, paste, winter, lemon, castle, wool, car, pit, flies, chicken, goat.

Determine where the sound of M is heard at the beginning, in the middle or in the end of the word.

Coin, mask, house, helmet, gnome, lemon, room, winter, hammock, som, lump, lighthouse, soap, cream, scrap, strap, bag, flour, sea.

Determine in which of the two words the sound of M.

Kalina - Raspberry, Sea - Mount, Moss - Pooh, Fluff - dry, crayfish - Maks, Coin - Rocket, Flour - Hand, Shop - Gasoline, Bunny - T-shirt, soap - Shilo.

Exercise number 37.

Bath, wool, waffles, Waves, Wax, wolf, volcano, hair, seaweed, vase, tower, Vaseline, car, water, gate, crow, sparrow, boots.

Explain the selected words.

Determine in which of the two words is the sound of V.

Hair - Stripes, Crow - Crown, Tower - Push, Wagon - Pan, Wat - Hut, Wolf - Regiment, Cow - Crown, Waves - Full, Owl - herself.

Mane, owl, head, cow, sofa, give, to nag, right, left, new, new, plum, bath, wool, waffle, left, right, fun.

Explain the selected words.

Exercise number 38.

Determine the first sound in words. Select sound voice, "click" on it.

Nadia, Natasha, legs, findnew, zero, note, mink, number, whining, ours, knife, scissors, Nastya, pour, fall, hope.

Explain the selected words. Name 5 words with the sound of N.

Determine, is in the word sound H or not.

Note, summer, cow, firewood, head, bath, country, one, table, cranes, lamp, chalters, sofas, roses, ditch, fountains, candy, hat.

Determine in which of the two words is the sound of N.

Our - Sasha, Crown - Cow, String - Grass, Candy - Greetings, Mink - Cork, We will go - we will go, our ears, Shaluns are noises, words - elephants, green - golden, ditch - fun, Zanoza - the threat.

Exercise number 39.

"Press" on the sound of f, allocate it in words.

Surname, Flight, Form, Football, Factory, Apron, Floor, Focus, Focuscript, Hagtop, Beans, Floor, Fruit, Elevator, Caftan, Plywood, Headlights, Fragrance, Scarf, Fountain, Fortochka, Flag, Fork.

Determine, there is in the word sound F or not.

Sea, torch, shape, coins, house, fountain, Fortochka, Toad, Baton.

Determine in which of the two words there is sound F.

Cat - Mobile, Fantasty - Bow, Fountain - Takhta, Fruits - Products, Enemy - Flag, Bone - Fortochka, Kosy - Beans, Couples - Headlights, notes - Photo.

Exercise number 40.

Allocate in the word sound to, "click" on it.

House, tank, tube, roller, fire, bow, scarf, castle, kolobok, turkey, onion, bagel, hammockspider, scoop, wreath, umbrella, current, roller, bruising, file, duck, boots, hamster, Park, broom, lighthouse, cancer, ditch, stone, braids, coffee, knee, room, beak, chickens, cabbage, cobra, Fireplace, bank, letter, pumpkin, notepad, bottle, rolling, duck, joke, specker, secret, acquaintance, mosquito, droplet, drop, lump, kulok, bush, fist, coffee pot, Melnik, man, puppy, crane.

Explain the selected words. Determine, there is a sound to or not in the word.

Cube, frame, mother, Nora, wreath, man, puppy, stocking, knot, zatroza, hamster, knock, bagel, scarf, park, ball, fur coat, ram, hammock.

Exercise number 41.

Pick up in rhyme the name of vegetables with sound K.

Late summer to the garden is going to the people.

Maste all summer harvest.

What collected - Guess!

Where the spring was empty

summer has grown ... (cabbage)

Sun shone so that

brighter green ... (dill)

We collect in lukshko

very large ... (potatoes)

From the rain the land of frozen,

get out, bbw ... (swarm)

From the Earth behind the Chub Root

pull, juicy ... (carrot)

Need to worship low

to pull out ... (Redish)

Helps grandfather grandson -

collects with beds ... (onions)

Requests Grandpa Fedyushka:

- Collect more ... (parsley)

Here is a green fatty,

large, smooth ... (zucchini)

And handsome giant

dark blue ... (eggplant)

To draw the attention of children to rhyme. Slap vouches words: Namokla - Svetokla, empty - cabbage, Lukoshko - Potato, etc.

Exercise number 42.

An adult explains: "I call a big subject, and you are a little that the sound to appear in the Word.

Rama - Frame, pit -... Rope -... WATT -... LAPA - ... Penama -... Panama -... Shovel -... Picture -... Basket -... Coin -... straw -... bowl -... Rope -... Lipa -... Nora -...

Clearly, loud, not in a hurry to speak poems with the sound of K.

Ak-Ak, here is such a hammock.

OK-OK-OK, here is a rink

UK UK-UK, here is such an turkey.

Ka-ka, Kati Flour.

Ko-ko, at school is not easy.

Ku-ku, I'll buy flour. Name words with sound K.

Exercise number 43.

To highlight the sound of T, "click" on it.

Screw, bush, umbrella, leaf, bow, port, bridge, salad, Hello, bouquet, package, bathrobe, tail, automatic, tomato, buffet, ticket, cat, kit, Lift, flight, pilot, rope, plane, march, hippopotamus, firework, Pumpkin, Tomato, Tolya, Tanya, Fog, Stool, Topot, Poplar, Taxi, Worker, Shoes, Sneakers, Duck, Baton, Hunting, Jacket, Thread, Pasta, Stove, Gate, Minute, Coin, Cell.

Explain the selected words.

Determine in which of the two words is the sound of T.

Pumpkin - Letter, Baton - Sofa, Gate - Crow, Plate-Slova, Tomato - Hammak, Bathrobe - Halva, Tickets - Bananas Razor - Eyebrow, Sheets - Nights, Joke - Cap, Rocket - Care, Care - Zanoza, thick - curve , evil - your thread - a bowl.

Clearly, distinctly, loud, not in a hurry to speak poems with the sound of T.

AT-AT-AT, at Toli scooter.

Ut-ut, the children will run.

That's something new coat.

You are you, in the cat's room.

From - from, it is a hippo.

Ta-ta, new stove.

Tu-Tu, candy give a cat.

Name words with sound T.

Exercise number 44.

Allocate in words the sound of P, "Press" on it.

Syrup, Tulup, dill, flu, snoring, sheaf, stop, philip, palm, coat, parrot, dust, stick, pony, pasta, spider, kidney, field, park, lipstick, victory, purchase, steamer, hairdresser, drapp, telescopesoup button, Cap, trail, dig, sticky, strong, lamp, hat, swimsuit, shovel.

Explain the selected words.

Determine in which of the two words there is sound P.

Panama - Chanva, Soup - Souk, Cap - Joke, Button - Note, Cat - Cap, Nod - Spin, Vintage - Parrot, Flasts - Pasta, Beetle - Spider, Daughter - Kidney, Kony - Pony, Sorry - Stick, Mole - Dill, rocket - victory, trough - shovel.

Exercise number 45.

Determine the last sound in the word (K, T, P, P).

Dot, boots, kitten, broom, skating rink, lesson, bull, scoop, umbrella, cube, ballet, ticket, bouquet, bridge, pilot, aircraft, hippo, brother, bush, rope, dill, syrup, telescope, soup, subpople, snoring, flu, ladder, sheaf, mosquito, tomato, actor, cook, ball, tank, cake, brother, whistling, rumble, scar.

Exercise number 46.

Determine the first sound, the second sound in the sounding.

AK, OK, UK, IR, AT, from, UT, IT, AM, Him, Mind, Oh, OK, OK, OP, AN, IN, AP, IP, AR, OR, IR, UR, AF, IF, UV, Ah, Oh, them, Wow, Ash, Osh, Ish, Esch, Al, Ol.

Exercise number 47.

"Press" in the word on the sound x, allocate it.

Bathrobe, trunk, bread, hata, cold, lose weight, peas, fear, tail, refrigerator, hostess, shepherd, rooster, smell, rustling, laugh, hooligan, walking, needles, dance, artist, khokholok., huntingwave hike, nut, ear, an ear, tahta.

Explain the selected words.

Schoolchildren went hike. In the campaign, they saw huts, hunters with guns, little hamster. In the evening, the guys divorced the fire and welded his ear.

Choose from the word story with the sound of x.

Cold came. Breads were removed from the fields. Sky gloomy. Grass dried in the forest, only moss green. There are no leaves on the branches. One needle on Christmas trees and pines remained. Late autumn, soon winter!

Select words with sound x.

Rope - Bathrobe - Parade, Hunger - Cold - Young, year - Stroke - Pot, Sor - Choir - Thief, Fly - Flour - Hand, Hata - Wat - Mint.

Exercise number 48.

Determine the first sound in words.

Olya, acute, rest, order, shoes, vacation, oSS, perch, sheep, windows, lake, hoop, donkey, skim, ozim, highly, about, vegetables.

Explain the selected words.

Choose from the story of the word with the sound of O.

Olya and Osip went to the lake to catch fish. They caught perch and bream. Seen the cloud similar to the donkey.

Choose from the story of the words beginning with O.

Autumn has come. Ripen vegetables and fruits. In the fields sow frime. On the lake float yellow leaves. The lights light light in the windows.

Exercise number 49.

Determine which sound we pull in the middle of the word (a, y, o).

Tank, cancer, juice, soup, par, var, gas, nose, husband, ball, tooth, goal, heat, house, ox, shower, hall, com, cat, scrap, elk, bow, poppy, moss, mouth, Steering wheel, salt, sleep, bitch.

Exercise number 50.

Determine which sound (s or and) at the end of the word.

Gardens - kindergartens, umbrellas - umbrellas, bushes - bushes, bridges - bridges, noses - spouts, bows - bows, moves - rods, rafts - dams, mustache - musty, fish - fish, mountains - slides, linden - lips, paws - Paws, holes - mink.

Exercise number 51.

Determine which sound (s or and) in the middle of the word.

Was, beat, soap, mil, leaf, bald, collided, forks, dust, drink, smoke, rice, down, swell.

I was in the campaign, I beat the drum. I have a rope for a wolf in the valley.

The baby was very nice, he hands with soap soap.

Vite, beat, pour, dig, be, sailing, shaving, whining, pour, pour, point, rot.

Exercise number 52.

Determine which sound we pull in the middle of the word (a, o, y, and, s)

Tank, poppy, hall, couples, gift, gam, so, ball, house, nose, sleep, boron, choir, current, elk, bridge, call, goal, juice, salt, soup, beetle, noise, bow, oak, Gul, world, leaf, bottom, beat, drank, feast, mushroom, whale, smoke, son, bull, dust, dust, whine, fluff, com.

Exercise number 53.

Determine the first sound in words.

Dog, Sun, Cheese, Airplane, Sledge, Bench, Sugari, Rock, Candle, Sports, Boots, Salad, Sugar, Son, Som, Drying, Satcher, Sweet, Sleep.

In which words after with hears me? ABOUT? U? S? Highlight the sound with, "click" on it.

Garden, scooter, aircraft, falcon, ship, fat, bench, saber, fox, braid, axes, leaf, whistle, bush, wheel, sand, sock, son, forest, bus, oats, rat, globe, soldier, forester, Pines, vacuum cleaner, judge.

Alone to name 5 words with S. S.

Exercise number 54.

Name all sounds in order.

Tank, Hall, Var, Your, Poll, Games, Gol, Gul, Dar, Smoke, House, Shower, Beetle, Sea, Kom, Cat, Whale, Scrap, Lacquer, Bow, Mac, Soap, Max, Nose, Our, couples, dust, floor, cancer, mouth, fish, rum, self, juice, bitch, son, sleep, soup, soup, current, so, tuk, choir, jester, ball.

Material for the development of phonderatic perception in preschool children, which can be used as in speech therapy groupsand in overseering groups of kindergartens. Very useful for further literacy training, is fundamental to correct the syllable structure in children of preschool age with general underdevelopment speech. The material consists of the theory and application - an album "Phonematics perception (formative and development)" T.A.Takchenko



Municipal pre-school educational institution MDOU №18. kindergarten "Swallow" of the combined view of the Elabuga municipal district

Speech on the topic:

Development of phonderatic perception in children

preschool age.

Location: Seminar for educators of medium-sized overall groups, recreational footpads of preschool educational

institutions of the city of Elabuga on the topic: " Actual problems speech development of a preschooler "

Date: 12/19/2013

Spent : Logoped teacher Zilina A.A.

The main task of anyone preschool institution is the preparation of a child to school, including the assimilation of written speech. One of the readiness indicators for reading and writing is clean, clear, correct in all respects. In 4 years, many children pronounce all the sounds native language Without the intervention of a speech therapist, and, it would seem, there are no obstacles to the assimilation of the diplomas. At the same time, in the process of learning reading and writing such preschoolers, adults can face certain difficulties. The main reasons for this phenomenon are a violation of phonderatic perception, pronunciation defects, as well as non-recognition of sound analysis and synthesis skills. In order to competently write, the child must be submitted that the sentences consist of words, words from syllables and sounds, and sounds in the word are located in a certain sequence. The reading skill is formed by the child only after mastering the merge sounds of speech into syllables and words. Hence, successful learning{!LANG-4c47a9ff387d5c09cc38ad76354a45d7!}

{!LANG-7a1db9ab6f9ee488e31ae38b1158964f!} {!LANG-b2ca065934404bf2010aedbfbd4b8765!}{!LANG-2ef2d7cc7c83f280cecec86a426e40f8!} {!LANG-ab42ab4c8b23e1b735d9f71a3a887854!}{!LANG-8db001c4cf9483ee51d2fb93e1a6f949!} {!LANG-7171a3440c8777e2f293a53068e7c960!}{!LANG-1520a1cbf246d152a3a76bc2acb9b092!} {!LANG-5a57fd8b57553b8a2c3591f2f69478f8!}{!LANG-bf21428547d17b89999f3a1a0c361c96!} {!LANG-21eeed5072ca5fc649a9b99a480a7870!}{!LANG-918189875f2bc1fcd94e311ee125cf17!} {!LANG-b2d67f6a8be59ed08cc7cf7b52fd1b43!}{!LANG-a397e4b30dc0430ae964e03758229a7b!} {!LANG-72860b9c9474c610955eaa2b25f4339f!}{!LANG-3ad142026d412fa8de2a6095b8992eb0!}

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