Army combat droids. Discussions - Union of Separatists - Group My World Tactical DROID series T

IN english language An is a form of an indefinite article, which caused the reduction of the word.

Although the androids correctly call only human-like robots, the word "droid" in the world " Star Wars"Means the robot at all. Droids were used as military force, and as helpers.

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    Separatist combat drids B1 - Standard droids were used to protect merchant ships and as an army (when attacking the Nabi) of the trading federation, and after its accession to the Confederation of Independent Systems (CNS), they became the basis of the separatist army of droids.

    Battle SuperDroids B2.- Before the start of the clone wars, new systems joined the separatists, and one of them provided an improved model of the DROID B1. Martial baptism they passed in the battle of geonosis.

    Droids (DROIDA-DRIDS) - possessed rapid paired blaster machine guns and a shield generator, reflecting or absorbing any kind of energy charges. Also had the opportunity to fold into the ball for accelerated movement. Appeared in addition to the game "Star Wars: Empire At War".

    IG-100 "Magnastrazhi" - Elite troops, used as the protection of separatist leaders from the Jedi.

    DROIDA-DRIDSANTS - Elite DROIDS of the KNS Army, used during the years of the clone war. Basically, adapted for sabotage, murders and imperceptible penetrations for classified objects.

    Tactical droid. - Model of a combat droid created by the KNS engineers during the clones war for the management of troops and possessing outstanding knowledge of strategy and tactics.

    Droop - The battle droid used on the front line as the avant-garde.

    Crab droid LM-432 - Thanks to powerful servomotors that move their legs, hard armored crab with good speed and agility moves along uneven landscape and even by rocky surfaces.

    Oktaptar battle droids - Combat machines used to combat infantry and technology of Republicans.

    Basz DROIDA - CNS used in space battles against fighters, exposing the control system.

    Aquadroids - Combat droids adapted for battle in aquatic worlds.

    Killer droids - used head hunters.

    After the execution of the order, 66 Emperor Palpatine ordered to turn off separatist droids.


    A unique protocol droid killer, designed by Lord-Sith Revan from the game Kotor1. Revan personally programmed and collected HK-47, in particular after the case when HK called Darth Malak "bag with meat", revenge did so that HK appealed to everyone. In the midst of the war, the droid was sent to the task, but could not return. I visited many owners, after which I was bought by Revan, who at that time, the Jedi erased the memory. After the events of the first game, he received an exile, together with whom he cleared the galaxy from his pirate copies - HK-50 and HK-51.

    Civil DROIDS

    Along with the combat models of droids, a variety of droids used in a variety of peaceful life spheres were also used in the galaxy.

    Research DROID (DROIDA Probe)

    Research DROID (DROIDA Probe) - Special imperial reconnaissance droids, which were sent to different corners of the galaxy to detect the rebel base. Equipped with a light blaster, a system of interplanetary communication, all possible and impossible sensors (at the droid even had a sense of smell) with special mechanical hands, which were used to take samples of different objects and a self-destruction system. Were able to function decades; Many of them survived the empire, but continued to perform their task.

    Assistant droids

    Protocol droids - We were used to record and preserve verbal information, as well as the translation of the languages \u200b\u200bof other peoples and binary languages \u200b\u200b("pegs") of astromechanical droids into the owner language. Examples are the well-known C-3PO and TS-14 (protocol droid from one of the ships of the commercial federation. Met in the first episode of Saga.).

    Battery droids

    Inconspicuous droids looking like small boxes with legs. They go very slowly, communicate with strange low beeps.

    Despite its inconspiciency, indispensable for fighters, since they are the only source of energy.

    Astromechanical droids (mechanics droids) - Small droids painted in various colors used to maintain heavy equipment, spacecraft, as well as computer systems management. Usually equipped with various kinds and sensors, but the R2-D2 droid, one of the heroes of the film, is also equipped with rocket engines, a connector for storing memory cards, a holographic player, a small disk saw, electric shock (he killed the Basz droid in the battle for Corrusant) and a small magnetic suction cup (with its help, during the battle on Jenozis, he returned the C-3Po head "into place", replacing the head of the droid, randomly bonded with the body of C-3PO). Astrodroids help when piloting fighters, and on the ships and enemy databases are simply indispensable due to the ability to implement in computer control systems. In the Old Republic, astromechanics were usually brown with good knowledge of the computer. The illustration shows the most common astromechanical DROID R-series. The BB-8 droid from the seventh episode of the saga, unlike the usual R-series, has a spherical shape; It is not known whether it is a serial product, or BB-8 is unique. Unique was the droid of manual assembly T3-M4, he was made on the Taris by the saleswoman of droids and later purchased by Revan and belonged to Darth Trage, Jedi Execon and other owners of Ebanese Yastreb.

    Cyclop Droides "VAK" - Little human-like droids with one eye-button-button responsible for switching on / off, used for carrying cargo small and medium severity, as well as piloting of stelots. Not equipped with no additional tools.

    Abstract on the topic:

    DROID (Star Wars)


    • 1 Combat Droids
      • 1.1
      • 1.2 Combat Super DROID B2
      • 1.3 Droideki
      • 1.4 Magnastrazhi (Magnadroids)
      • 1.6 Tactical droid.
      • 1.7 Droop
      • 1.8 Droid crab LM-432
      • 1.9 Droid-vomper
      • 1.10 Battle Three Droid
      • 1.11 Basz Droid
      • 1.12 NK-47
    • 2 Civil DROIDS
      • 2.1 Research DROID
      • 2.2 Assistant droids
      • 2.3 Astromechanical droids
    • Notes


    DROID - These are robots fictional to George Lucas, which were used in the fiction world of the famous director (see "Star Wars"). The word Droid itself was formed from another robot name in fantastic literature - Android (humanoid, translated from Greek). In English, AN is a form of an indefinite article, which caused the reduction of the word. Although the androids correctly call only human-like robots, the word "droid" in the world of "Star Wars" means a robot at all. DROIDS were used and as military Strength, and as helpers. Below will be the following types of droids.

    1. Combat droids

    1.1. Separatist combat drids B1

    Combat droids.

    Separatist combat drids B1 - Standard DROIDS, were used as the main troops of the trading federation, and after its accession to the Confederation of Independent Systems (CNS), they became the basis of the separatist army of droids. The weapon was a blaster rifle and a gun, as well as a thermal detonator. Used in the battle for Nabu, and due to the disconnection of the control lost. After the battle on Nabu Senate, it was decided to prohibit the construction of combat droids and the development of droid equipment. But the trading federation transferred their production to distant planets, which were not part of the republic. There, the model of the DROID was improved. The main battle tactics of droids - to take quantities, as a separate Droid was a very weak opponent due to the lack of combat experience and depending on the control computer.

    In addition to soldiers B1 also existed:

    • DROIDE commanders who coordinated the actions of ordinary. They had yellow circles on the forehead and chest and received orders from the central computer processors through priority channels.
    • Guards (red) - you can distinguish the red color of their shoulders and a small horizontal strip above the stomach.
    • Pilots, managed by equipment and martial ships. They had blue circles.
    • Marine paratroopers (green circles). Used when capturing spacecraft.

    After the execution of the order, 66 Emperor Palpatine ordered them to turn them off as all other separatist droids.

    1.2. Combat Super DROID B2

    Four combat super druid attack.

    Combat Super DROID B2 - Before the start of the clone wars, new systems joined the separatists, and one of them provided the separatist of new droids. Combat baptism These models have passed in the battle of geonosis.

    The armament of the droid was a manual blaster, a triple blaster and a manual rocket installation. Also, Super Droid could fight in hand-to-hand combat, using her strong hands. The technostow, which created a droid also gave him a more developed artificial intelligence that allowed him to act independently. In his combat qualities, he was much stronger than B1, but was built much longer and was more expensive. That is why the B2 series droids did not become the main combat force of the KNS. There were various modifications of the droid to various combat conditions. After the execution of the order 66 were disabled. Part of super droids got criminal groups continuing to use them for protection.

    1.3. Drodek

    Droid in the battle of geonosis

    Droideki (Droid DRIDS) - type of combat droid of the Trade Federation and the Confederation of Independent Systems. During the wars of the clones, they earned the reputation of the most dangerous droids, possessing rapid paired blasters and a shield generator, reflecting or absorbing any kind of energy charges up to the shots from light guns, and also allowed to counteract the attacks of light swords and cold weapons. Also had the opportunity to fold into the ball for accelerated movement. As well as the combat super droids B2, they acted independently of the management stations. Droids participated in many battles of clone wars, usually as part of small detachments, and also performed the functions of guards in various separatist facilities. Jedi very rarely entered them into battle, preferring to escape. Emperor Palpatine disabled them after the execution of the order 66. After the end of the clone war, many trades fell into the hands of smugglers and criminal groups continuing to use them in direct appointment. They also appear in addition to Star Wars: Empire At War.

    1.4. Magnastrazhi (Magnadroids)


    Magnastrazhi - Elite troops, designed closer to the end of the clones wars. The weapon of the Magnastrazhi was a special electrooper made of frrq, a material that can resist a light sword. Another weapon could also be used, such as a rocket installation, a rifle. Magnastrazhuzhi were known as the formidable killers who can easily deal with clones Great Army Republics and with the Jedi themselves. They were considered among the most dangerous droids of the Confederation. Used as the protection of separatist leaders from the Jedi - Magnastrazhi did not know how to handle the blaster, their crops did not beat the blaster rays, so they were useless in a big battle. After the destruction of the Jedi, they were disconnected as unnecessary and replaced on the Knights of the Empire. Just a few Magnastrazhi were the personal bodyguards of General Grievus.


    Droid diversome

    DROIDA-DRIDSANTS (dROID-COMMANDOSY) - The elite droids of the KNS Army, used during the years of the clone war. Basically, adapted for sabotage, murders and imperceptible penetrations for classified objects.

    Druid-saboteurs were an improved version of ordinary combat droids B1. In addition to improved armor, which could successfully resist the majority of standard clone blarses, druid-saboteurs have improved artificial intelligence, independent of the control station and can creatively think and analyze the situation on the battlefield. The vocabulae of these droids can speak the votes of various species and races, as well as clones. However, they vocabulary It is too small and specific, so they can quickly expose them. Armament of the ordinary composition was a blaster rifle E-5. Commanders of droid divisions-diversants can have vibrating tears for hand-to-hand combat. In addition, the droids-saboteurs own not only the weapons of long-distance and neighboring, but have a hand-to-hand combat skills. Thanks to the moving limbs, their blows are accurate and fatal. The only disadvantage of these droids was their high price, so during the wars of the clones they were used only in special operations.

    1.6. Tactical droid

    Tactical droid

    Tactical droid. - Model of a combat droid created by the KNS engineers during the clone war for the management of troops.

    With the beginning of the clone war, the KNS has a need for creating a new type of combat droid, capable of commanding ordinary droids both in land and space battles. The result of the work of engineers and scientists KNS has become a tactical droid - the size of the super-blood droid B2, while posing an extraordinary knowledge in the field of strategy and tactics.

    Owning some individuality, tactical droids can analyze and evaluate the situation on the battlefield, if necessary, giving orders even to destroy their own combat units if it helps to incline the advantage in the battle on the side of the separatists.

    During the wars of clones, tactical droids managed military ships and combat divisions of separatists.

    1.7. Droop

    Droid spider.

    Droop - Martial droid, which is produced by the guild of merchants for the army of separatists.

    The functions of this druid are similar to the functions of a conventional combat vehicle. During the wars of clones, the dwarf pauses were used on the front line as the avant-garde of the units of combat droids and other separatist droids. Infrared photoreceptors and powerful scanners allow the DROID to study the surrounding environment and transfer data on the purposes of the self-equipping spider droid. The main weapon of the droid is a blaster gun installed on his "face" like a nose. Small size and four legs capable of moving along any surface make it suitable for use in hazardous mines. However, due to the fact that its laser gun is fixed in the same position, he cannot deploy it, tracking the enemy, and thus it is bad for the destruction of fast moving purposes. It is also equipped with a self-destruction mechanism. During the war, several different models of the droid droid-spider were used, including amphibious model equipped with a more powerful gun, and two more models with heavier weapons: heavy droid droid and a modified drooped droid spider. This type of droid participated in a variety of battles during clone wars. One of them was a battle for Caly, where they were used against the Republican parts of AT-RT.

    1.8. Crab droid LM-432

    Crab droid LM-432

    Crab droid LM-432 - It was designed during the conflict.

    The crab droid project is based on the basis of an automatic machine using chassis - numerous supports, allowing ease with ease to move along any surface. The front large legs of the crab droid are equipped with heavy duranium stabilizers and superproof claws that are freely "dried" into the surface, providing solid stability. The remaining four legs are equipped with tongs designed to capture any object or to provide additional stability. Thanks to powerful servomotors that move legs, the armored crab with good speed and agility moves along the uneven landscape and even on rocky surfaces.

    The small body LM-432 accommodates a complete set of droid units: a central processor, sensory systems, a computer of the guidance, as well as photoreceptors and communication system. The armor of the droid, which closes the part of the body and the legs is an expensive alloy of ceramics and durastil known as arrow, thanks to which a blaster shot can be reflected.

    In addition to powerful foot ticks, LM-432 is armed with a double blaster. Initially, the droid was used in conflicts on the wetlands, so the front legs are equipped with vacuum pumps, which were absorbed by marsh dirt, cleaning space and trails for separatist forces, for which they earned the nickname "Macroquer" (Muckracker) or an associate.

    However, such a powerful machine has its drawbacks, in particular, a red optical sensor, located almost in the center of his "belly" and from behind between his "legs". With a disgrace destruction of this sensor, even from blasters, capable of withdrawing a robot. This Achulesov Fifu was discovered in the game Star Wars: Republic Commando.

    After the end of the clones of the clones of the Crabs DROIDA, as the remaining droids were deactivated. Some of them came to the Imperial Academy on Carida, where they were used in training centers. The six-legged project of the crab droid later was used in the early developments of the MT-AT step.

    1.9. Droid-vomper

    Droid, which appeared before the clone war. For the first time this droid began to be used on the blockade ships of the Trade Federation. Could be transformed from a huge infantry droid in a droid fighter. Armed with two laser guns and a missile for 4 rockets. Could produce from a special block in the amount of 5 pieces.

    1.10. Battle Three Droid

    Battle Three Droid

    Oktaptar battle droids We were combat machines used by the Techno Union and the Confederation of Independent Systems during the clone war. His name of the "octaptar" droids were received in honor of the eight-headed, with a head in the form of a gas bag, a sterepatic creature from the world of SCake, and the most common and common name was "three-droids".

    Three-legged spiderms had a large spherical head, planted on a thin body. Below your head, the body was armed with laser turbines. Standard armament of the droid was three laser turrets located evenly on each side below the photo seventors. The height of the druid moving on three zigzag, separated supports was 3.6 meters. Three-droids received its first combat use in the battle for Coruscant, being improved by the terrestrial troops of the separatists.

    It was almost impossible to get to the bottom, since the photoreceptors located from different sides were given a circular overview of the panorama of the area, and the hinge rotating unit allowed three-droids to immediately open the fire, with a sudden confrontation with the enemy, which made them a complex and dangerous target. The efficiency of the total droid octartar was used at a distance, as weapons and growth makes fire to large ranges, but if the enemy was chosen closely, the droid became vulnerable, since weapons did not allow fire near, and the big head of the three-droid was too seductive .

    This tactics used the soldiers clones on early stages Wars clones. But the separatists in response began to use biological weapons that influenced the genome of the clone soldiers. The voids existing in the row head of the droid began to fill with the gaseous virus, which was produced in the event of the destruction of the droid, which was an effective tool against the organic republican troops. Viral versions were called "Viral DROIDS". An example of a large-scale-modular technology for the production of the Union and the development of the tactics of combat and application, are different versions of octaptar models, which appeared during the clones war - large artillery performing the roles used in the Battle of Midgeto, and small versions intended to fight the live enemy power, Lost in the amount, but won in agility used in the battle for Utapau. After the end of the clone war, the octaptar droids, as well as other separatist droid troops, were disabled. However, the local population is to get the planet of the Uba IV, where they were made, continued to use them as combat droids.

    1.11. Basz droid

    Basz droid

    Basz DROIDA KNS used in cosmic battles against the Galactic Republic. The size of about 0.25 meters in diameter and well-armed, they, as a rule, were launched using rockets released from three-fighter or from a droid-vulture. Tactically, the Basz droids were used in large quantities and, like a swarm of insects, flew into fighters, exposing the control system. Drudids Pilters were called upon to damage the fighter, and not completely destroy it. They were used so effectively three-fighters that the confederation of independent systems upgraded the droids-vultures so that they were also able to transfer them.

    DROIDA-PILERS were equipped with simple maneuverable jet engines that helped them move. The outer shell was covered with a alloy dissipating heat and allowed them to penetrate the opponent's protective fields; In addition, it was made of a shock-eyed material. Between themselves, they communicated with the help of fisting, hissing and sprinkling. For each mission, the weapons of droid pilters could differ, but mostly the following were used: drilling heads, plasma cutters, disc saws, tweezers. The droid sensors were equipped with X-ray installations and various filters, to detect vital ship systems. Dart Sidius provided manufacturers of droid-helmets of the Republican fighter schemes, for the greatest efficiency of droids.

    After executing the order, 66 droid pins were deactivated. Millions of droids remained without affairs. The next time, these droids were seen in battle on the side of Taiper Zanna during the Civil Galactic War. These droids were used in order to deal with the combat systems of enemy ships.

    1.12. NK-47

    The unique protocol droke killer designed by the Lord-Sith Revan from the game Kotor1. Revan personally programmed and collected HK-47, in particular after the case when HK called Darth Malak "bag with meat", revenge did so that HK appealed to everyone. In the midst of the war, Drode was sent to the task. But I could not return. I visited many owners after which it was bought by Revan, who at that time the Jedi erased the memory. After the events of the first game, he received an exile, together with whom he cleared the galaxy from his pirate copies - HK-50 and HK-51.

    2. Civil DROIDS

    Along with the combat models of droids, a variety of droids used in a variety of peaceful life spheres were also used in the galaxy.

    2.1. Research DROID

    Research DROID - Special imperial reconnaissance droids, which were sent to different corners of the galaxy to detect the rebel base. Equipped with a light blaster, a system of interplanetary communication, all possible and impossible sensors (at the droid even had a sense of smell) with special mechanical hands, which were used to take samples of different objects and a self-destruction system. Were able to function decades; Many of them survived the empire, but continued to perform their task.

    2.2. Assistant droids

    Protocol droids - used to record and preserve verbal information, as well as the translation of the languages \u200b\u200bof other peoples and the nuts of astromechanical droids into the owner language. An example is the well-known C-3PO.

    2.3. Astromechanical droids

    Astromechanical droids

    Astromechanical droids - Small droids painted in various colors used to maintain heavy equipment, spacecraft, as well as computer systems management. Usually equipped with various kinds and sensors, but the R2-D2 droid, one of the heroes of the film, is also equipped with rocket engines, a connector for storing memory cards, a holographic player, a small disk saw, electric shock (it broke the eye of the DROID at the beginning of 3 episode) and A small magnetic suction cup (he tear off the head C-3po from the droid and attached to his own body). The woofroids help when piloting fighters, and on ships and enemy databases are simply indispensable due to the ability to implement in computer control systems. In the Old Republic, astromechanics were usually brown with good knowledge of the computer. Unique was the droid of manual assembly T3-M4, he was made on the Taris by the saleswoman of droids and later purchased by Revan and belonged to Darth Trage, Jedi Execon and other owners of Ebanese Yastreb.


    This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization executed 13.07.11 09:16:05
    Categories: Fictional technical equipment, Star Wars Technique.
    The text is available under the license of Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike.

    Armed Forces of the Confederation of Independent Systems - also known
    as the army of droids or the separatist army of droids - consisted of
    large number military equipment, combat droids, organic forces and
    various military units.

    KNS mainly controlled representatives of large business, such
    as vice-king, chairman of the banking clan SEN
    Hill and Chief of Technosus Wat Tambor. They were not warriors or
    generals, and merchants interested in profit more than in
    battle, and as a result, was not adapted to the command of the troops on
    battlefield. From the entire political top only count of Duku, Pogl
    Little and Nut Ganrey had at least some experience in conducting combat
    actions. However, among them reigned conviction that the superior number and
    The newest design of droids will provide them with victory in the wars of clones. IN
    some sense they were right because there were
    good enough to cope with the Jedi, and due to the multiple
    Numerical superiority KNS won a lot of battles. but
    the uselessness of some droids, such as combat droid B1, steel
    cause of many lesions.

    The army consisted mainly of droids and was often called the army
    droids. Various commercial organizations gathered under the flag
    Confederate, providing their own army army forces and
    having received an extensive grouping of droids. The model range was presented as
    combat droids of the commercial federation and security forces
    Commercial guild, banking clan and corporate alliance.

    One of the largest groups was provided by a techno-union,
    which not only allocated ready-made combat superdroids B2, but also launched
    production of additional parties in their enterprises.
    The rest of the Allies did not slow down to offer their help. Confederation
    controlled the countless number of worlds throughout and was able to join his army
    many local armed formations. Warriors-Nybus C,
    headed by Alto Stratus, isolation league,
    defenders, separatists and many others helped KNS
    and fought with. Many
    of these troops, not from droids, but from reasonable creatures. Being B.
    the main army of droids, the separatist army had in its composition and
    organic creatures. GosSaman Commondo, corporate soldiers
    alliance and other warriors used their own battle
    tactics. Unlike droids, these soldiers possessed independent mind and
    They were able to effectively resist even republican.

    Between organica and automation - literally - there was one
    Creature: General Grivus, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Droids.
    Cyborg with a brilliant tactic mind and a powerful armored body, Grivus
    he fought for the fame of the confederation. He brought his troops to many victories
    the whole galaxy, among which were conquered and destruction
    Humbarina, attacks on strategic important worlds And the rapid attack on. He also pursued knights-Jedi,
    creating serious problems of the army of droids, and killed many of them on
    fights. Grievous power over the troops was absolute, every
    the order was performed with a half-clow. One thing made his battle style unique
    And gave advantage over opponents: the use of light swords.
    Thanks to this ability, he could crush anyone standing on the way
    leading to countless KNS victories.

    The separatist army was not exclusively from single warriors. In
    the time of the clone wars appeared a lot of combat technology. Usual participants
    Battles were rocket robots-spiders OG-9 of the commercial guild,
    dROIDA TANKS CLASS "PRESENTER" NR-H99, DROIDA fighters "Manta" and
    Assault AAT tanks. More and more massive cars were used: protodes,
    seismic tank and dark reaper.

    Affiliation: KNS.(Confederation of Independent Systems)

    Native planet:Different where there is a factory


    Weapons: Differently, mostly blasters and vibration

    Army of combat droids - Troops KNS (Confederate of Independent Systems). Unlike the clones of the republic, the droids do not know how to think creatively, as a result of which they are not able to perceive the experience gained in battles. Their production is worth a lot of money, but this is compensated by the speed of construction. Comparing two armies, it can be said that the CNF droids are not as effective to the clones of the republic, but it is much cheaper (compared to the last) and more. Droids are divided into several "species":

    1. Martial droidsB.1 - The main troops of the KNS, cheaper than super-combat droids, but less effective than the last. The brain has no droid, and in his head it is placed a little more than in a large and sensitive receiving device. It is precisely thanks to him a droid and receives commands from the DROIDA control station. Small processors are responsible for movement and a certain amount of sensory data that they are transmitted to the central computer. The voice generator allows the druid to speak a monotonous mechanical voice. Distinguish between several droids B1:

    1-1. B.1 Unlike beige - Standard combat droid. Armed with a rifle, a gun and a thermal detonator.

    1-2. B.1 with blue circles - droid mechanic, whose main task is the maintenance of technology and its piloting.

    1-3. B.1 WITH GREEN CROGS -landing

    1-4. B.1 with yellow marks -commander Detachment.

    1-5. B.1 with red stripes on shoulders and chest -dROUM OFFER. Guards various CHS objects.

    Droid Commander and Battle Drops Infantry

    Martial droids "Align \u003d" Left Hspace \u003d 12 "width \u003d" 200 "height \u003d" 298 "\u003e 3. DROIDA-DRIDSANTS - Elite troops KNS, were used only during secret operations. In addition to improved armor, which could successfully resist the majority of standard clone blarses, druid-saboteurs have improved artificial intelligence, independent of the control station and can creatively think and analyze the situation on the battlefield. The voice generator of these droids allows you to reproduce various sound tonality, creating various voices of many species and races, as well as clones. However, their vocabulary is too small and specific, so they can quickly expose them. Armament of an ordinary composition represented a rifle and vibration. In addition, droids-saboteurs own not only the arms of distant and melee, but have a hand-to-hand skill. Thanks to the moving limbs, their blows are accurate and fatal. The only disadvantage of these droids was their high price, so during the wars of the clones they were used only in special operations. Their "ancestor" were combat droids B1.

    196 "Height \u003d" 40 "STYLE \u003d" VERTICAL-ALIGN: TOP "\u003e

    5. Droid (droid destroyer) - The combat type of droids, which is used by the Trade Federation and the KNS. Droids, during the clone war, they received a reputation as deadly creatures that even Jedi were afraid. They were valued for versatility and fire power. Droids The destroyers participated in many battles of the wars of clones usually as part of small detachments, and also performed the functions of the guards in various designs of the separatists. Droids exceeded the combat capability of B1 combat droids in several characteristics. They could be folded in a cylindrical shape, resembling a wheel, and due to this quickly move. Once in the face of danger, the droids were revealed in a three-way structure equipped with two paired blaster and, as a rule, a protective field generator that could reflect or absorb any kinds of energy charges up to shots from light guns, as well as counteract the attacks of light swords. In addition, the efficiency of droids of destroyers was provided by an expanded video seentials that were not accessed with light. Despite the formidable equipment, the droids had a significant drawback: his shield was designed to protect in a vertical position. If the droid fell on the side or crashed into the wall,

    ASOCA and Anakin reflect the attack of droids

    Protection could not distinguish obstacles from blows of light swords or blaspherry shots. Because of this, the generator continued to feed the energy shield and burned, making the robot vulnerable. The distilled generator left the destroyer without protection. Also, the protective field has not turned on in the wheel configuration. Drocec has difficulty when moving down the inclined surfaces and up stairs. To do this, he had to be laid out and start the descent or rise, because of which difficulties arose with the coordination of the legs. "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 348 "height \u003d" 222 "\u003e 6. Magnadroid (Magnastage)- Personal guards of General Grievous. The weapon of this droid was a special electrooper made of frrq, a material that can resist a light sword. Also, the Magonastrazh could use a rocket installation or rifle of droids B1. They were known as formidable killers who are able to deal with both clones of the republic and the Jedii themselves. Magnadroid was one of the most dangerous droids of the Confederation. Used as the protection of separatist leaders from the Jedi. Their crops did not beat off the blaster shots, so they were useless in a big battle.

    7. Droid wipers - was actively used during the clones of the Tekhno Union and the KNS. Three-legged spiderms had a large spherical head, planted on a thin body. Laser cannons were installed below the head. Standard armament of the droid was three laser turrets located evenly on each side below the photo seventors. The height of the druid moving on three zigzag, separated supports was 3.6 meters. It was almost impossible to get to the bottom, since the photoreceptors, located from different sides, were given a circular review of the panorama of the area, and the hinge rotating block allowed them to immediately open the fire, with a sudden confrontation with the enemy, which made them a complex and dangerous target. The efficiency of the total gain was used at a distance, as weapons and growth makes fire to large ranges, but if the enemy was chosen closely, the droid became vulnerable, as weapons did not allow fire near, and a big head was poorly protected from dense fire with Parties enemy.

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