Starts of Shattl Spaceships in 1985 How Space Shuttle Space Transport System was arranged

Shuttles. Space Shuttle Program. Description and specifications

Reusable transport spacecraft is a manned spacecraft, designed to be repeated and repeatedly used after returning from interplanetary or celestial space.

The North American Rockwell company on request of NASA since 1971 has taken the development of the program for the creation of shuttles by NASA since 1971.

To date, only two states have the experience of creating and exploiting spacecraft this type - This is the USA and Russia. In the US, they are proud to create a whole series of Space Shuttle ships, as well as smaller projects within the framework of the X-20 Space program, NASP, VENTURESTAR. In the USSR and Russia, Buran was designed, as well as smaller spiral, LCS, "Zarya", Max, Clipper.

Operation of the reusable Space ship "Buran" in the USSR / Russia choke as a result of extremely unfavorable economic conditions. In the US, since 1981, and ending in 2011, 135 flights were committed, in which 6 shuttles participated - "Enterprise" (did not fly into space), "Colombia", "Discovery", "Challenger", "Atlantis" and " ENEVOR ". The intensive use of shuttles served to eliminate the orbits of Speisleb and Seisheb stations, as well as shipping and transportation of crews to the ISS. And this is despite the Challenger's catastrophe in 1983 and Colombia 2003.

ICCK Space Shuttle includes three components:

Spaceship, orbital rocket beam (orbiter), adapted to derive orbit.

External fuel tank with a reserve of liquid hydrogen and oxygen for main engines.

Two solid fuel rocket accelerators, the period of operation, which is 126 seconds after the start.

Solid fuel accelerators fall into parachutes and then ready for the following uses.

Side Accelerator Space Shuttle (Eng. Solid Rocket Booster; SRB) - a solid fuel rocket accelerator, which is used for starting and flying shittles. They provide 83% start-up traction MTTK "Space Shuttle". This is the largest and most powerful solid fuel engine from ever flying, the largest rocket from designed and constructed for repeated use. Side accelerators produce the main craving for the separation of the Space Shuttle system from the starting platform and lifting up to a height of 46 km. In addition, both of these engines bear the weight of an external tank and orbiter, passing the load through their designs to a mobile starting platform. The length of the accelerator is 45.5 m, the diameter is 3.7 m, the starting mass of 580 thousand kg, of which 499 thousand kg is solid fuel, and the rest falls on the accelerator designs. The total mass of accelerators includes 60% of the entire design (side accelerators, the main fuel tank and shuttle)

The starting thrust of each accelerator is about 12.45 MN (this is 1.8 times more than the F-1 engine traction used in the "Statern-5" rocket for flights to the moon), after 20 seconds after the start of the traction grows to 13.8 MN (1400 TC). Stop after their launch is impossible, so they are started after confirming the serviceable work of the three main engine of the ship itself. After 75 seconds after separation from the system at an altitude of 45 km accelerators, continuing to fly in inertia, reach a maximum of flight height (approximately 67 km), after which, through the use of the parachute system, placing the ocean, at a distance of about 226 km from the start place. The drive occurs in a vertical position, at a landing rate of 23 m / s. Technical service ships pick accelerators and deliver to the manufacturer to restore and reuse.

Design side accelerators.

The side accelerators include: engine (housing inclusive, fuel, ignition system and nozzle), design elements, separation systems, system of guidance, system of avionics of salvation, pyrotechnic devices, braking system, traction vector control system and emergency self-destruction system.

The lower frame of each accelerator is attached to the outer baca by two side swinging brackets and the diagonal attachment. From above, each SRB is attached to an external Baku front end of the nasal fairing. On the pad, each SRB is fixed to the mobile pad through using four pyroboltes that collapsed when starting, on the lower accelerator skirm.

The design of the accelerators consists of four individually made steel segments. The assembly of these elements of the SRB is collected in the pair at the manufacturer, and rail transport are delivered to the Kennedy Space Center for the final assembly. Segments are fasten together through ring protrusions, clamps and pins, and three sealing rings are sealed (before the "Challenger" catastrophe in 1986, only two rings were used) and heat-resistant winding.

The fuel consists of a mixture of ammonium pechelor (oxidizing agent, 69.9% by weight), aluminum (fuel, 16%), iron oxide (catalyst, 0.4%), polymer (such as en: PBAN or EN: HTPB serving a binder , stabilizer and additional fuel, 12.04%) and epoxy hardener (1.96%). Specific pulse mixture 242 seconds at sea level and 268 in vacuum.

The shuttle is started vertically, a complete traction of the shuttle march engines and the power of two solid fuel accelerators, which create about 80% of the starting traction of the system are used. For 6.6 seconds before the designated start time (T), three march engines are ignition, the engines are turned on in series with an interval of 120 milliseconds. After three seconds, the engines overlook the full starting power (100%) of thrust. Exactly at the time of the start (T \u003d 0), the side accelerators produce simultaneous ignition, the eight pyroscience is undermined by the system to the starting complex. The system begins to rise. In the future, there is a turning system for pitching, rotation and lying to enter the azimut of the target ignition of the orbit. Pitch gradually decreases (the trajectory deviates from the vertical to the horizon, in the "back" scheme), produced several short-term chokes of march engines to reduce the dynamic load on the design. At the moments of the maximum aerodynamic pressure (max q), the power of march engines is throttled to 72%. Overload at this stage of the system is determined (max.) About 3 G.

After 126 seconds after lifting at an altitude of 45 km, the side accelerators are uncovered from the system. A further rise is made by the shuttle march engines, which is powered by an external fuel tank. They finish their work when the ship reaches a speed of 7.8 km / s at an altitude of more than 105 km before full fuel generation. After 30 seconds after stopping the operation of the engines, the external fuel tank is separated.

After 90 s After the branch of the tank, an accelerated pulse of granting in orbit at the moment when the ship reaches the apparatus of motion through the ballistic trajectory. The required development makes the short-term inclusion of the orbital maneuvering engines. IN special cases To perform this task, two consecutive engines for acceleration were used (the first impulse increased the height of the apogee, the second formed a circular orbit). This flight profile avoids the reset of the tank in the same orbit as the shuttle itself. The tank falls, moving along the ballistic trajectory in Indian Ocean. In the event that the progress impulse fails to produce, the ship is able to make a single path at a very low trajectory and return to the base.

On any of the flight stages there is an emergency cessation using appropriate procedures.

After the low reference orbit is already formed (a circular orbit with a height of about 250 km), reset fuel residues from march engines and vacuuming their fuel highways. The ship acquires its axial orientation. Frames of the freight compartment are open, producing ship thermostat. Ship systems are given in the configuration of orbital flight.

Landing consists of several stages. The first is the issuance of the braking impulse to gathering from the orbit, about half the turn to the landing site, the shuttle is flies forward in the inverted position at this time. Orbital maneuvering engines at this time work approximately 3 minutes. The characteristic speed of the shuttle, taken from the orbital speed of the shuttle - 322 km / h. This braking is enough for the perigete orbits to be within the atmosphere. Next, the tongue turn is made, taking the necessary orientation to enter the atmosphere. When entering the atmosphere, the ship enters it with an angle of the attack of about 40 °. Keeping this pitch angle, the ship performs several S-shaped maneuvers with a roll of 70 °, effectively slowing the speed in the upper layers of the atmosphere (including the task of minimizing the wing lifting force undesirable at this stage). Astronauts experience maximum overload in 1.5G. After the main part of the orbital velocity, the ship continues to decline as a heavy glider with low aerodynamic quality, gradually banking pitch. The vertical speed of the shuttle at the decline stage is 50 m / s. The angle of landing glide is also very large - about 17-19 °. At an altitude of about 500 m, the ship alignment is made and the chassis is released. At the time of touching the band speed, there are about 350 km / h, after which braking is performed and the brake parachute is produced.

The calculated period of stay of the ship in orbit for two weeks. Shattl "Columbia" in November 1996 committed the longest journey - 17 days 15 hours 53 minutes. The shortest trip also made Shattl "Columbia" in November 1981 - 2 days 6 hours 13 minutes. As a rule, flights of such ships continued from 5 to 16 days.

The smaller crew is two astronauts, commander and pilot. The largest crew of the shuttle - eight astronauts ("Challenger", 1985). Typically, the carriage crew is from five to seven astronauts. There were no unmanned launches.

The orbit of shuttles, on which they stayed, was located at about around 185 km to 643 km.

Useful load delivered to orbit depends on the parameters of the target orbit, on which the ship is displayed. The maximum amount of payload can be delivered to space when started to a low near-earth orbit with a conclusion of about 28 ° (Kanaveral's latitude of the Cosmoder) and is 24.4 tons. When launched into orbits with an inclination of more than 28 ° °, it is possible that permissible mass of the payload decreases accordingly (for example, when starting to the polar orbit, the load capacity of the shuttle has been doubled - up to 12 tons).

The maximum weight of the loaded space shuttle in orbit 120-130 tons. Since 1981, it was delivered to orbit for more than 1370 tons of beneficial goods through shuttles.

The maximum weight of the cargo delivered from the orbit is up to 14,400 kg.

As a result, by July 21, 2011, Shuttles committed 135 flights, of which: "Discovery" - 39, "Atlantis" - 33, "Colombia" - 28, "Endeavor" - 25, "Challenger" - 10.

The Space Shuttle project originates in 1967, when the Apollo program has remained even more than a year. It was an overview of the prospects for manned cosmonautics after the completion of the NASA lunar program.

On October 30, 1968, two NASA's heads (in Houston and the Marshall Space Center in Hantsville) offered space firms the possibility of creating a multi-sized space system, which should be reduced by the cost of the space agency under the condition of intensive use.

September 1970 - date of registration of two detailed projects of probable programs by the target space group under the leadership of US Vice-President S. Agniya, created specifically to determine the following steps in the development of outer space.

Big project included:

? Space Clamps;

Orbital tugs;

Large orbital station on earth orbit (up to 50 crew);

Small orbital station in the orbit of the moon;

Creating a dwellable base on the moon;

Piloted expeditions to MARS;

Disembarking people to the surface of Mars.

Small project meant the creation of only big orbital station On earthly orbit. But in both projects it was clear that orbital flights, such as the supply of stations, delivery to the orbit of goods for long-distance expeditions or blocks of ships for long-range flights, shifts of crews and other tasks in the Earth's orbit, were to be carried out by a multi-sized system that received name Space. Shuttle.

There were plans to create an atomic shuttle - a shuttle with Nerva nuclear installation, which was developed and passed tests in the 1960s. It was planned that such a shuttle will be able to carry out expeditions between the Earth and the Moon and between the Earth and Mars.

However, US President Richard Nixon rejected all proposals, as even the cheapest demanded $ 5 billion a year. NASA was put on the crossroads - it was necessary or to start a new major development or declare stopping the piloted program.

The proposal was reformulated and oriented under a commercially profitable project by removing satellites into orbit. Examination of economists confirmed - when launching 30 flights per year and full failure to use disposable carriers, the Space Shuttle system may be cost-effective.

The US Congress adopted a project to create a Space Shttl system.

At the same time, the conditions were delivered, according to which the shuttles are charged with the obligation to bring the Earth orbit of all promising devices of the Ministry of Defense, the CIA and the USA NC.

Military requirements

The aircraft was supposed to withdraw a useful cargo to 30 tons into orbit, return to Earth to 14.5 tons, to have a freight compartment size of at least 18 m long and 4.5 m in diameter. These were the size and weight of the Optical Intelligence Satellite of the KN-11 Kennan, comparable to the Hubble telescope.

Ensure an opportunity for a side maneuver for an orbital ship to 2000 km for the convenience of landing on a limited number of military airfields.

By decision of the Air Force, the decision was made to build its own technical, starting and landing complex at Vanderberg Air Base in California to launch at octopolar orbits (with inclination of 56-104 °).

The Space Shuttle program was not planned to use as "space bombers". In any case, this is not confirmed by NASA nor the Pentagon, nor the US Congress. Nic open documentstelling about such intentions does not exist. In correspondence among the project participants, as well as memoirs of such "bombing" motives are not mentioned.

On October 24, 1957, the draft Space Bomber X-20 Dyna-Soar started. However, with the development of MBR of mine basing and atomic submarine fleet armed with nuclear ballistic missiles, the creation of orbital bombers in the United States considered inappropriate. After 1961, the "bomber" tasks were changed to the intelligence and "inspection". On February 23, 1962, McNamar Defense Minister approved the latest restructuring of the program. From this point on, DYNA-SOAR was officially referred to as a research program, the tasks of which came to explore and show the possibility of performing maneuvers by the piloted orbital glider when entering the atmosphere and landing on the runway at a given land place with the necessary accuracy. By mid-1963, the Ministry of Defense began to fluctuate in the effectiveness of the DYNA-SOAR program. And on December 10, 1963, McNamar Defense Minister canceled Dyno-Soar project.

Dyno-Soar did not possess technical characteristics sufficient for a long-term stay in orbit, its launch required not a few hours, and more than a day and demanded the use of heavy-class carrier missiles, which does not allow the use of such devices for the first or for a response nuclear strike.

Despite the fact that Dyno-Soar was canceled, many developments and the experience gained were subsequently applied to the creation of Space Shuttle orbital ships.

The Soviet leadership intently watched the course of development of the Space Shuttle program, but seeing the "Hidden Military Threat" for the country, heought to two major assumptions:

Space Clamps can be used as a carrier nuclear weapons (to apply shock from space);

Clamp data can be used to abduct the Earth's orbit of the Soviet satellites, as well as long-term flying stations "Salute" and orbital piloted stations "Almaz". For defense at the first stage, the Soviet OPSs were equipped with a nudelman-richter-modified HP-23 gun (the shield-1 system), which later was to change the "Shield-2", consisting of a space-space-class missile. The Soviet leadership seemed reasonable to kidnap the Soviet satellites due to the dimensions of the cargo compartment and the announced returned payload close to the mass of "diamonds". About the dimensions and weight Designed at the same time Satellite of optical intelligence KH-11 Kennan The Soviet leadership was not informed.

As a result, the Soviet leadership came to the conclusion about the construction of his own space system of multipurpose, with the characteristics of the non-inferior American program "Space Shttl".

The ships of the Space Shuttle series were operated for the withdrawal of goods into orbits with a height of 200-500 km, scientific experiments, maintenance of orbital spacecraft (installation, repair).

In the 1990s, nine dusts were made with the "Mir" station within the framework of the Allied program "Peace - Space Shuttle".

For 20 years of operation, the shutters produced more than a thousand upgrades of these spacecraft.

Shuttles played a big role in the implementation of the project of the International Space Station. Some MCS modules were delivered by American shuttlets ("Dawn" was delivered to the orbit "Atlantis"), those that do not have their own motor installations (unlike the Space Modules "Zarya", "Star" and Pier Modules, "Search" They were stripped as part of the "Progress M-CO1"), and therefore, they are not capable of maneuvers for searching and rapprochement with the station. An option is possible when the launch vehicle derived to the orbit module would have picked up a special "orbital tug" and led it to the station for docking.

However, the use of shuttles with their huge cargo compartments becomes inappropriate, especially when there is no sharp need to deliver new modules to the ISS without motor settings.

Technical data

Sizes "Space Shuttle"

Sizes "Space Shuttle" compared to the "Union"

Shuttle "Endeavor" with an open cargo compartment.

The Space Shuttle program was indicated by the following system: the first part of the code combination consisted of a reduction of STS (English Space Transportation System - Space Transport System) and the ordinal number of the shuttle flight. For example, STS-4 means the fourth flight under the Space Shuttle program. The ordinal numbers were assigned at the planning stage of each flight. But during this planning, there were cases when the launch of the ship was postponed or postponed for another period. It happened that a flight having a larger sequence number was ready for flight earlier than another flight scheduled for later time. The ordinal numbers did not change, therefore flights with a large sequence number were often carried out earlier than flights with a smaller sequence number.

1984 - a year of change in the system of symbols. The first part of STS remained, but the sequence number was replaced by a code consisting of two digits and one letter. The first digit in this code corresponded to the last digit of the budget year NASA, which continued from October to October. For example, if the flight is produced in 1984 to October, then the figure 4 is taken, if in October and after - then the number 5. The second digit in this combination was always 1. This figure was used to launch from the Cape Canaveral. It was assumed that the number 2 would be used for starts from Vanderberg Airborne Base in California. But before the launches of ships with Vanderbreg, it did not come. The letter in the start code corresponded to the sequence of launch number in the current year. But this sequence countdown was not respected, so, for example, the STS-51D flight took place earlier than the flight STS-51B.

Example: The flight STS-51A occurred in November 1984 (figure 5), the first flight in the new two year year (letter A), the start is made from Cape Canaveral (digit 1).

After the accident "Challenger" in January 1986, NASA returned to the old symbol.

The last three flights of the shuttle were carried out with the following tasks:

1. Delivery of equipment and materials and back.

2. Assembly and supply ISS, delivery and installation on the ISS magnetic alpha spectrometer ALPHA Magnetic Spectrometer, AMS).

3. Assembly and supply of the ISS.

All three tasks were completed.

"Columbia", "Challenger", "Discovery", "Atlantis", "Endeavor".

By 2006, the total costs of using shuttles amounted to 16 billion dollars, 115 launches were produced by this year. The average costs for each launch amounted to $ 1.3 billion, but the main part of the costs (design, upgrades, etc.) does not depend on the number of launches.

The cost of each flight of the Shuttle was about $ 450 million, in the NASA budget for securing 22 flights from mid-2005 to 2010, about 1 billion $ 300 million was laid. Direct costs. For these funds, the orbiter shuttle could deliver 20-25 tons of cargo in one flight, including MCS modules, and more plus 7-8 astronauts (for comparison, the proton-M carrier missile costs with a load-loaded load of 22 tons in Currently amounts to 70-100 million dollars)

Officially, the program use of shuttles is completed in 2011. All valid shuttles will be written off after their last flight.

Friday, July 8, 2011, the last start of Atlantis was carried out with an abbreviated to four crew. This flight ended on July 21, 2011.

The Space Shuttle program existed for 30 years. 5 ships during this time committed 135 flights. In total, he made 21152 turns around the Earth and flew 872.7 million km. 1.6 thousand tons were raised as a useful cargo. 355 astronauts and cosmonauts visited orbit.

After completion of the program "Space Shuttle", ships will be transferred to museums. Enterprise (not flying in space) Already transmitted to the Museum of Smithsonian Institute in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dulles Washington Airport, will be moved to the Marine and Aerospace Museum in New York. His place in the Smithsonian Institute will take the shuttle "Discovery". Shuttle "Endeavor" will rise to an eternal parking lot in Los Angeles, and the Atlantis Shuttle will be exhibited at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The Space Shuttle program was prepared by a replacement - an Orion ship, which is partially reusable, but so far this program is postponed.

Many EU countries (Germany, United Kingdom, France), as well as Japan, India and China conduct research and testing of their reusable ships. Among them "Hermes", "Hope", "Zinger-2", Hotol, Assts, RLV, Skylon, Shenylong, etc.

The beginning of work on the creation of shuttles was laid by Ronald Reagan in 1972 (January 5) - on the day of approval of the new NASA program. Ronald Reagan during the Star War Program had the most powerful support for the space program to hold leadership in the arms race from the USSR. Economists led the calculations according to which the use of shuttles contributed to the cost of transportation into space and crews, made it possible to repair in space, bring nuclear weapons into orbit.

Due to the underestimation of operating costs, the reusable transport spacecraft did not bring the expected benefit. But the improvement of the systems of engines, materials and technologies will make ICCC with the main and continued solution in the field of space exploration.

The cosmic ships of the reusable use require rocket carriers, for example, in the USSR it was "energy" (a special heavy class missile). Its use was dictated by the location of the starting site in higher latitudes compared to the American system. The NASA employees use two solid fuel accelerators and engines of the shuttle itself, cryogenic fuel to run the shuttles at the same time, which comes from an external tank. After the fuel resource is depleted, the accelerators are separated and driven by parachutes. The outer tank is separated in the dense layers of the atmosphere and burns there. Accelerators can serve again, but have their own limited resource for use.

The Soviet Rocket "Energy" had a carrying capacity of up to 100 tons and could be used to transport particularly large cargo, such as elements of space stations, interplanetary ships and some others.

MTTA is designed with a horizontal start, together with a sound or subsonic carrier aircraft, along a two-stage scheme that can bring the ship to a specified point. Since Equatorial latitudes are more favorable for launch, refueling in the air is possible. After shipping the ship, the MTTC is separated to a certain height and goes to the reference orbit at the expense of its own engines. Spaceshipone space aircraft, for example, created by such a system, has already overcome a mark of 100 km above sea level. It is this height that FAI is recognized as the boundary of the outer space.

Single-step launch scheme at which the ship uses only its own engines, without the use of additional fuel tanks, most specialists seem to be impossible in today's development of science and technology.

The advantages of a single-stage system in the reliability of operation have not yet outweigh the cost of creating hybrid carrier missiles and ultra-light materials that are needed in the design of such a ship.

The development of a reusable ship with a vertical take-off and landing on the engines is underway. The Delta Clipper apparatus, created in the United States, has already passed a series of tests, turned out to be the most designed.

In the United States and Russia, the ships "Orion" and "Rus" are being developed, which are partially reusable.

Shuttle "Discovery"

"Discovery" - a reusable transport spacecraft of NASA, the third in the account, entered the service in NASA in November 1982. The NASA documents include both OV-103 (ORBITER VEHICLE). The date of the first flight on August 30, 1984, taking start from Cape Canaveral. At the time of the latter, Discovery was the oldest of the existing shuttles.

The Shuttle "Discovery" was named after one of the two ships, on which Briton James Cook in the 1770s explored the coast of Alaska and Northwestern Canada, and also opened the Hawaiian Islands. The name "Discovery" was also named one of the two ships, in which Henry Hudson explored hackons bay in 1610-1611. Two more "Discovery" from the British geographical society He studied the North and South Poles in 1875 and 1901.

Shuttle "Discovery" served as a transport of the Hubble Space Telescope, having delivered it to orbit, and participated in two expeditions to repair it. "Endeavor", "Columbia" and "Atlantis" also participated in such flights for the maintenance of Hubble. The last expedition to it took place in 2009.

The "ULLIS" probe and three relay satellites were also launched from the "Discovery" shuttle. It was this shuttle that accepted the starting bats after the tragedies with the "Challenger" (STS-51L) and Colombia (STS-107).

October 29, 1998 - the date of the start of the "Discovery" with John Glenn on board, which at that time was 77 years old (this is his second flight).

Russian astronaut Sergey Cricalev was the first cosmonaut who was flying on the shuttle. This shuttle was called Discovery.

March 9, 2011 at 10.57.17 local time shuttle "Discovery" has made its last landing Kennedy Space Center in Florida after serving a total of 27 years. Shuttle after the end of operation will be transferred to National Museum Aviation and Cosmonautics Smithsonian Institute in Washington.

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1985 is the year when the number of shuttle flights has increased dramatically and was a record seems to be such a grand success of the need to inform the public lay in sharing in the media, and then on the Internet since 1995 on the site of NASA. But there is nothing
Again striking modesty:
"STS-51C - third spaceflight Space Shuttle" Discovery ", the fifteenth flight program" Space Shuttle "Orbit height: 407 km Running: January 24, 1985, 19:50:00 UTC..
Landing January 27, 1985, 21:23:23 UTC.Ekipzh: Thomas Mattinley - commander; Lauren Schryver - pilot; Ellison Onidzuka - Flight Specialist 1; James Buckley - Flight Specialist 2; Gary Peyton - a Payout Specialist 1. "
NASA website:
No photos and video materials.
Other sources of information:

And it's all.

Here it looks like something is wrong!
Another suspicious flight:
"STS-51D - the fourth spaceflight Space Shuttle" Discovery ", the sixteenth flight program" Space Shuttle ".Vysota orbit: 528 km Start-up: April 12, 1985, 13:59:05 UTC; Landing: April 19, 1985, 13:54. : 28 UTC. Crew: Carol Bobko - Commander
Donald Williams - Pilot; Margaret Seddon - Flight Specialist 1; Stanley Griggs - Flight Specialist 2; Jeffrey Hoffman - Flight Program Specialist 3
Charles Walker - Payout Specialist 1; Edwin Garn - a payout specialist 2, a Republican, Senator from Utah (first member of the Congress in Space).
One of the main tasks of the flight was to launch two communication satellites - "Anik C» (another name - "Telesat-I») and «Lisat-III» (another name - "Syncom-IV-3") "
There is an anomaly of the height of the flight close to the location of the radiation belts of the Earth. More than suspicious!
It would seem such an outstanding event in space a US senator flies, is it sensation and what? And nothing is NASA:
And something else can be showing? No, too, nothing:

Otherwise, signs of what should be hidden is not yet visible. Again, except for not understandable modesty on the NASA website about this flight.

Suspicious flight. Video materials:

Also without change, the anomalies of the Apollo program is not observed.

Everything as usual. Anomalies of previous programs are not yet visible.

Strange all this, very strange. We look at the video.

Takes up and ... landing. It's all.

Video materials:

Nothing unusual.
Military Flight:
"STS-51J - 21st flight" Space Shuttle ", the first mission of Atlantis Shuttle. The spacecraft was launched on October 3, 1985 from the starting site of the 39-A space center. Kennedy, with a payload by the US Department of Defense. Landing It was made four days later on October 7. Highness of the orbit: 406 km. Location: October 3, 1985 15:15:30 UTC; landing October 7, 1985 17:00:08 UTC. Crew: Carol Joseph Bobko - Commander; Ronald Greyba - Pilot;
David Karl Hilmers - Flight Specialist 1; Robert Stewart - Flight Specialist 2; William Pales - a payout specialist.
STS-51J has become the second flight after STS-51C fully dedicated to fulfilling the task of the US Department of Defense. The load was classified, but it was announced that the launch of two USA-11 and USA-12 military communications satellites ((English DSCS-III - Defense Satellite Communications System), which were delivered to target orbit with an additional stage of Inertial Upper Stage Production of Boeing. The mission was recognized as successful. "
The NASA website does not have flight data:
On the Wikipedia page, three photos, one here:

In addition to modesty, nothing special.
Flying with foreigners, Germans:
"STS-61A - the ninth and last successful space flight of the MTCC" Challenger "; twenty-second space flight" Space Shuttle ". The purpose of the flight was to conduct research in the German laboratory module" Speisleb D1 "installed in the cargo compartment of the shuttle and the conclusion in the orbit of the experimental satellite . GLOMR (Global Low Orbiting Message Relay Satellite) This was the first mission of the "Space shuttle" funded and managed by other countries - Germany's mission was launched October 30, 1985 from the Kennedy Space center in Florida only eight-flight in the history of manned space flight (.. not counting another composite crew mission STS-71, when the "Atlantis" was launched seven, two were on the Mir space station, and flew three of them, that is, when landing on board were 8 people).
Orbit height 383 km (207 sea miles). Launch: October 30, 1985, 17:00:00 UTC; Landing: November 6, 1985, 17:44:51 UTC.
Crew: Henry Hartsfield - commander; Stephen Naidel - Pilot; Bonnie Dunbar - Flight Specialist 1; James Buckley - Flight Specialist 2; Guyon Bloford - Flight Specialist 3; Germany Reinhard Furrer - Payload Specialist 1; Germany Ernst Messershmid - Payload Specialist 2; Netherlands Vyubbo Ockels - payload specialist 3 ".
NASA also nothing:
On another source of information, Harrow American success:

And why not show this flight in detail? As if at first glance, nothing abnormal. Although of course, maybe the organizers of the site NASA have been lazy? Or hands did not reach? But on the site NASA, no photos in the "Gallery" no.

The next, also modest flight:

"STS-61B is the second mission of MTKK" Atlantis ", the 23rd flight" Space Shuttle ". The spacecraft was launched on November 26, 1985 from the starting site of the 39-A space center. Kennedy, with a payload. Landing was made after eight . days later, December 3 first went into space Mexican Rodolfo Neri It was a mission with the greatest weight of the payload delivered to orbit space shuttle into orbit 417 km Height start:... November 26, 1985 19:29:00 UTC Landing:. December 3, 1985 13: 33:49 UTC. Crew: Brewster Show - Shattla Crew Commander; O "Connor, Brian Daniel - Pilot; Sherwood Spring - Flight Specialist 1; CLIV, Mary Louise - Flight Specialist 2; Jerry Ross - Flight Specialist 3; Charles Walker - Payroll 1, McDolfo Douglas Corporation; Mexico Rodolfo Nery - Specialist for Payroll 2. "

Here on the site NASA, nothing about this flight:
Here in the column "History" is also very modest:

And it's all.

Obvious anomalies in the spirit of the show "Apollo" is not observed. And such modesty in the demonstration, after the stunning success of the United States.

And all of the category "modest". This is already a "miracle" from NASA and the United States.
This record in the number of launches of shuttles has not been broken until the inglorious end is the program: http: //
" 2011
STS-135, STS-134, STS-133
STS-132, STS-131, STS-130
STS-129, STS-128, STS-127, STS-125, STS-119
STS-126, STS-124, STS-123, STS-122
STS-120, STS-118, STS-117
STS-116, STS-115, STS-121
STS-113, STS-112, STS-111, STS-110, STS-109
STS-108, STS-105, STS-104, STS-100, STS-102, STS-98
STS-97, STS-92, STS-106, STS-101, STS-99
STS-103, STS-93, STS-96
STS-88, STS-95, STS-91, STS-90, STS-89
STS-87, STS-86, STS-85, STS-94, STS-84, STS-83, STS-82, STS-81
STS-80, STS-79, STS-78, STS-77, STS-76, STS-75, STS-72
STS-74, STS-73, STS-69, STS-70, STS-71, STS-67, STS-63
STS-66, STS-68, STS-64, STS-65, STS-59, STS-62, STS-60
STS-61, STS-58, STS-51, STS-57, STS-55, STS-56, STS-54
STS-53, STS-52, STS-47, STS-46, STS-50, STS-49, STS-45, STS-42
STS-44, STS-48, STS-43, STS-40, STS-39, STS-37
STS-35, STS-38, STS-41, STS-31, STS-36, STS-32
STS-33, STS-34, STS-28, STS-30, STS-29
STS-27, STS-26
STS-51L, STS-61C "
There were no records and earlier 1985:
" 1984
STS-51A, STS-41G, STS-41D, STS-41C, STS-41B
STS-9, STS-8, STS-7, STS-6
STS-5, STS-4, STS-3
STS-2, STS-1 "
What happened? How could the USA commit such a jerk? From dirt yes in the prince? And why is such a very modest lighting of events related to these modest flights?

The American State Program STS (Space Transportation System, Space Transport System) is already known all over the world as Space Shuttle ("Space Shuttle"). This program was implemented by NASA specialists, its main goal was to create and using a reusable manned transport spacecraft, designed to deliver to low near-earth orbits and back people and various cargo. Hence, the name is "Space Shuttle".

The program began to work in 1969 under the financing of two US government departments: NASA and the Ministry of Defense. Development and development work was carried out in the framework of the Joint NASA and Air Force Program. The specialists used a number of technical solutions that were previously tested on the lunar modules of the program "Apollo" 1960: Experiments with solid boosters, systems of their offices and obtain fuel from the external tank. The basis of the cosmic transport system being created was to be a manned spacecraft of reusable. The system included ground-based providing complexes (installation of the Kennedy Space Center Space Center, located on the Aviation Base Vandenberg, Florida), Flight Management Center in Houston (Texas), as well as data relay systems and communication through satellites and other means .

All leading American aerospace companies took part in the works of this program. The program was truly large-scale and national, various products and equipment for Space Shuttle Suppressed more than 1000 companies from 47 states. The contract for the construction of the first orbital ship in 1972 won the company ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL. The construction of the first two shuttles began in June 1974.

The first flight of the Space Shuttle "Columbia". The outer fuel tank (center) is painted white only in the first two flights. In the future, the tank was not painted to reduce the weight of the system.

Description of the system

Structurally, reusable space transportation system Space Shuttle comprised two solid saved accelerator, which served as the first stage and orbital reusable spacecraft (Orbiter, orbiter) with three oxygen hydrogen engines as well as large outboard fuel compartment, which forms a second stage. After the completion of the Space Flight program, the orbiter returned independently to the Earth, where he served as a supreme on special runway.
Two solid fuel rocket accelerators work for about two minutes after launch, accelerating the spacecraft and directing it. After that, at an altitude of approximately 45 kilometers, they are separated and with a parachute system are driven to the ocean. After repair and rewrite, they are used again.

Burning in the atmosphere external fuel tank is filled with liquid hydrogen and oxygen (fuel for the main engine), it is the only element of the disposable space system. The tank itself is also a frame for fastening solid fuel accelerators with a spacecraft. It is discarded in flight after about 8.5 minutes after take-off at about 113 kilometers, a large part of the tank is burned in the atmosphere, and the remaining part falling into the ocean.

The most famous and recognizable part of the system itself is a reusable spacecraft - the shuttle actually very "space shuttle", which is displayed on the near-Earth orbit. This shuttle serves as a polygon and platform for research in space, as well as a crew house, which can be part of two to seven people. The shuttle itself is made using the aircraft scheme with triangular in terms of wing. For landing, it uses the air chassis type. If solid fuel rocket accelerators are designed to use up to 20 times, then the shuttle itself is up to 100 flights into space.

The dimensions of the orbital ship compared to the "Union"

The American Space Shuttle system could lead to an orbit with a height of 185 kilometers and an inclination of 28 ° to 24.4 tons of cargo at the East from Cape Canaveral (Florida) and 11.3 tons when started from the territory of the Kennedy orbit space flight center with a height of 500 kilometers and inclination of 55 °. When starting from the database "Vendenberg" (California, the West Coast), an 185 kilometers high with a height of 185 kilometers could be withdrawn up to 12 tons of cargo.

That it was possible to implement, and that of the intended left only on paper

Within the framework of the symposium, which was devoted to the implementation of the Space Shuttle program, he took place in October 1969, the "father" of Shattle George Müller noted: "Our goal is to reduce the cost of delivery of a kilogram of payload into orbit from $ 2,000 for Saturn-V to the level 40-100 dollars per kilogram. So we can open a new era of the development of space. The challenge for future weeks and months for this symposium, as well as for NASA and for the Air Force, is to ensure that we can achieve this. " In general, for various options on the basis of space shuttle Space Shuttle, it was predicted to achieve the cost of removal of payload ranging from 90 to 330 dollars per kilogram. Moreover, it was believed that the second generation shuttles would reduce the amount up to $ 33-66 per kilogram.

In fact, these figures were unattainable even close. Moreover, according to Muller's calculations, the cost of launching the shuttle was to be 1-2.5 million dollars. In fact, according to NASA, the average cost of launching the shuttle was about 450 million dollars. And this significant difference can be called the main inconsistency between the declared goals and reality.

Shuttle "Endeavor" with an open cargo compartment

After completion in 2011, the Space Transportation System program can already be confidently talking about what purposes when implementing it managed to achieve, and what - no.

Objectives are achieved under the Space Shuttle Program:

1. Implementation of delivery to the orbit of goods of different types (overclocking blocks, satellites, segments of space stations, including the ISS).
2. The ability to repair satellites located at a low near-earth orbit.
3. The ability to return satellites back to Earth.
4. The ability to fly with shipping to space to 8 people (during the rescue operation, the crew could be brought to 11 people).
5. Successful implementation of repaid flight and reusable use of the shuttle itself and solid fuel accelerated accelerators.
6. Implementation in practice a fundamentally new layout of the spacecraft.
7. The possibility of exercising by the ship horizontal maneuvers.
8. Large volume of cargo compartment, the ability to return to the land of goods weighing up to 14.4 tons.
9. The cost and time of development managed to be put in time that were promised to Nixon President Nixon in 1971.

Not achieved goals and failures:
1. Qualitative easier access to space. Instead of a decrease in the cost of delivery of a kilogram of goods into orbit for two orders of magnitude, Space Shuttle actually turned out to be one of the most expensive ways to deliver satellites to earthly orbit.
2. Fast preparation of shuttles between cosmic flights. Instead of the expected period, which was estimated in two weeks between the starts, the shuttles could actually prepare for the launch of space for months. Before the catastrophe of the space shuttle "Challenger", the record between the flight was 54 days, after the catastrophe - 88 days. For all the time of their operation, they launched an average of 4.5 times a year, while the minimum allowable economically reasonable launch digit was 28 starts per year.
3. Easy service. Selected when creating shuttles technical solutions There were quite laborious in service. The main engines demanded dismantling procedures and long-term time costs. Turbo-pump units of the first models engines required their full bulkhead and repair after each flight to space. Tiles of heat shields were unique - its tile was mounted in each nest. In total, there were 35 thousand, moreover, the tiles could be damaged or lost during the flight.
4. Replacing all disposable media. Shuttles never started the polar orbits, which was necessary mainly to deploy intelligence satellites. IN this direction Preparatory work was carried out, however, they were minimized after the challenge disaster.
5. Reliable space access. Four space shutouts mean that the loss of any of them is a loss of 25% of the entire fleet (flying orbiters have always been no more than 4, the Shuttle "Indelevore" was built instead of the deceased "Chelenger). After the catastrophe, flights stopped for a long time, for example, after the "Chelenger" catastrophe - for 32 months.
6. The loading capacity of the shuttles was 5 tons below the required military specifications (24.4 tons instead of 30 tons).
7. The great capabilities of the horizontal maneuver have never been applied in practice for the reason that the shutters did not fly to the polar orbits.
8. The return of satellites with the Earth orbit ceased already in 1996, and only 5 satellites were returned from space from space.
9. Satellite repair turned out to be weakly in demand. Total repaired 5 satellites, however, the shuttle was also serviced by the famous Hubble telescope.
10. Implemented engineering solutions negatively influenced the reliability of the entire system. At the time of takeoff and landing, there were sites that did not leave the crew of the chance of salvation in an emergency.
11. The fact that the shuttle could make only manned flights, exposed astronauts at risk without the need, for example, for routine launches of satellites in orbit would have enough automatics.
12. The closure of the Space Shuttle program in 2011 was imposed on the abolition of the "Constellation" program. This was the reason for the loss of the USA independent space access for many years. As a result, the image losses and the need to acquire places for their astronauts on the spacecraft of another country (Russian manned space ships "Soyuz").

Shuttle "Discovery" performs maneuver before docking with ISS

Some statistics

Shutters were designed for staying in the Earth's orbit for two weeks. Usually their flights continued from 5 to 16 days. The record of the shortest flight to the program belongs to the Shuttle "Colombia" (died along with the crew on February 1, 2003, the 28th flight in space), which in November 1981 spent in space for only 2 days 6 hours and 13 minutes. The same shuttle committed the longest flight in November 1996 - 17 days 15 hours 53 minutes.

In total, during the action of this program from 1981 to 2011, space shutouts were carried out 135 starts, of which Discovery - 39, "Atlantis" - 33, "Colombia" - 28, "Endeavor" - 25, "Chelenger" - 10 (died with the crew on January 28, 1986). In total, the program was built by the five shuttles listed above, which flew into space. Another Shattle "Enterprise" was built first, but was originally intended only for the development of terrestrial and atmospheric tests, as well as conducting preparatory work on starting sites, never flew into space.

It is worth noting that the NASA planned to use shuttles much more active than it actually happened. Back in 1985, experts of the American Space Agency were calculated that by 1990 they will perform 24 starts every year, and ships flush up to 100 flights into space, in practice, all 5 shuttles have committed only 135 flights for 30 years, two of which ended catastrophe. The record for the number of flights into space belongs to the Shuttle "Discovery" - 39 flights to space (the first on August 30, 1984).

Planting the Atlantis Shuttle

American shuttles belongs to the most sad anti-advertord among all space systems - by the number of dead people. Two catastrophes with their participation have caused the death of 14 American astronauts. On January 28, 1986, when taken as a result of the explosion of the external fuel tank, Challenger's shuttle was destroyed, it happened on the 73th second flight and led to the death of all 7 crew members, including the first astronaut-non-professional Competition for the right to fly into space. The second catastrophe occurred on February 1, 2003 during the return of the ship "Colombia" from its 28th flight to Sosmos. The cause of the catastrophe was the destruction of the outer heat shielding layer on the left plane of the shuttle wing, which was caused by a drop in a piece of thermal insulation of the oxygen tank at the time of start. Upon return, the shuttle collapsed in the air, 7 astronauts died.

The program "Space Transport System" was officially completed in 2011. All acting shutters were written off and sent to museums. The last flight took place on July 8, 2011 and was carried out by the Atlantis Shuttle with a shortened up to 4 people by the crew. The flight ended early in the morning of July 21, 2011. For 30 years of operation, these spaceships performed 135 flights, a total of 21 152 turns around the Earth, having delivered 1.6 thousand tons of various useful freights into space. The crews during this time included 355 people (306 men and 49 women) from 16 different countries. Astronaut Franklin Stori Masgrave was the only one who made flights on all five clad shuttle.

Information sources:
According to materials from open sources

From the moment of its first launch, 30 years ago and before its last flight, NASA spacecraft saw the moments of takeoff and disappointment. This program made up to 135 flights, delivered more than 350 people and thousands of tons of materials and equipment into an near-earth orbit. Flights were risky, sometimes extreme danger. Indeed, over the years, 14 Astronauts shuttle died.

During the visit to watch the launch of Apollo, on April 16-15, 1972, Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko (left) listens as director of the Kennedy Space Center Dr. Kurt X. Explains the programs of space shuttles

Layout of the proposed configuration shuttle wing space. Photo was made on March 28, 1975.

This is November 6, 1975 Snapshot: The layout of the spacecraft is attached to the 747 carrier, in the aerodynamic tube.

Part of the acting team of the Star Trek television series took part in the first show of America's first spacecraft, Palmdale, California, September 17, 1976. On the left are Leonard Nimea, George Taychi, Forest Kelly and James Duhan.

View from the inside on a hydrogen tank, intended for space shuttle on February 1, 1977. 154 meters long and more than 27 feet in diameter, the external tank is the largest component of the spacecraft, the structural base of the entire SHUTTLE system.

Technician works with sensors installed in the back of the spacecraft layout February 15, 1977

In the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, this is the layout of the spacecraft called Pathfinder, is attached to the device for which the checks are tested on October 19, 1978. Mock, built on Marshall NASA Cosmic Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, possessed shared, weighing and balance of real space shuttle

Spaceship Prototype 747 NASA Shuttle Carrier flies after a dry bottom of Lake Rogers in the second of five free flights carried out in the Dryden Freight Research Center, Edwards, California, from January 1, 1977.

Shattle Columbia arrives at the 39a starter complex in preparation for the STS-1 mission in the Kennedy Space Center, December 29, 1980.

Looking at the spacecraft devices in NASA Orbiter 102 Colombia, Astronauts John Young (left) and Robert Krippen prepare a ship to tests that will take place during the test flight of the orbital ship, in the Kennedy Space Center on October 10, 1980

Charles R. Lewis flight (left) studies the display schedule on the monitor in the field of flight operations (MOCR) in the Center for Flying Management of the Johnson Space Center, in April 1981

Two solid fuel rocket accelerators are reset from Columbia's shuttle as a successful launch. So continues space flights Since 1975. April 12, 1981

Shattle Columbia on the dry day of Lake Rogers at Edwards Air Base After landing, completed its first orbital mission on April 14, 1981.

Shattle Columbia from above Boeing 747 NASA on Edwards Air Force Base, California, November 25, 1981

Night launch of COLUMBIA space shuttle, during the twenty-fourth mission of the SPUTTLE SPUTTLE NASA, January 12, 1986

Astronaut Sally Ryde, Specialist in STS-7, conducts monitoring of control panels in the pilot's chair in the Clavlenger Costlock Cabin on June 25, 1983

SPACE SHUTTLE ETERPRIZ is transported through the slope that has been expanded to not hurt his wings, on the Vdenberg airbase in California, as of February 1, 1985. The orbital apparatus is brought to a space starting complex, on board six, specially designed, 76-wheeled conveyors.

The general view of the spacecraft in the starting position on the space missile complex (SLC) No. 6 is ready to start checking to check the launch procedures on the Vandenberg Air Force Base on February 1, 1985

Cosmic Shuttle Discovery, on Edwards Air Force Base in California, after the completion of the 26th Space Mission.

Crista Mcoliff tries the seat of the commander on the flight deck of a shuttle simulator at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, September 13, 1985. Macoliff was supposed to make a cosmic flight at the Challenger space clap in January 1986, ended by tragedy

Ice on the equipment starting platform 39-b, January 27, 1986 in the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, which caused the ill-fated launch of Challenger shlattle

Spectators in the VIP zone at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, look like Space Shuttle Challenger rises from the site 39-b, January 28, 1986, on his last flight ending the tragedy.

Shuttle Challenger exploded after 73 seconds after starting from Kennedy's cosmodrome. The corps with the crew of the seven people, including the first teacher in space, was destroyed, all on board died

Spectators in the Kennedy Space Center on Cape Canaveral, Florida, after they witnessed the explosion of Challenger Shlattle January 28, 1986

Space Shuttle Columbia (left), scheduled to take up STS-35, passing by the ATLANTIS spacecraft on the way to Pad 39a. Atlantis, scheduled to the Mission STS-38, parked in front of the bay, for repairing liquid hydrogen lines

Florida Air Force Air Force F-15C Eagle National Guard, performs a patrol mission for the Endeavor Shuttle, which is run from Cape Canaveral, Florida, December 5, 2001

Atlantis space shuttle nose, seen from the Russian Space Station World in STS-71 mission, June 29, 1995.

Cosmonaut Valery Vladimirovich Polyakov, who was at the station to January 8, 1994, comes out for opening a spacecraft

Bruce McCandle II, flew away from the Clavlinger's space shuttle than any previous astronaut on February 12, 1984

Test of the main shuttle engine at the Testing stand Marshall Space Flight Center, in Huntsville, Alabama, December 22, 1993

Astronaut Joseph R. Tanner, STS-82 Flight Specialist, goes into open space in order to spend experiences on the photoplete on February 16, 1997

Two components of the International Space Station are interconnected on December 6, 1998. Rossussy FGB, which is also called dawn, is approaching it to the shuttle ENEVOR

During the first war in Iraq, in April 1991, the black smoke from the burning oil wells in the Kuwaiti desert was seen from the ATLANTIS space shuttle orbit during the STS-37 mission. The Iraqi army set fire to petroleum wells in Kuwait when she left this country.

Shuttle Endeavor (STS-134) makes his last landing in the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida, on June 1, 2011.

Clubs of smoke and pair are interspersed with fiery light during the launch of shuttle in Nasa Kennedy Space Center in 39a in July 2009.

The external fuel tank of the ET-118 Shuttle, which was deployed in September 2006, was photographed by astronauts on board the shuttle about 21 minutes after takeoff.

The skate model is descended by parachutes in Atlantic Ocean At the coast of Florida, where they will be pulled out by the courts, returned to the ground, and are converted to reuse

Although astronauts and astronauts often face astounding scenes, it is a unique image, has an additional feature against the background of the Space Shuttle Silhouette Endeavour.

NASA Shattl Columbia on Boeing 747 flies from Palmdale, California, to the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, as of March 1, 2001.

High temperatures faced by Space Shuttle were modeled in Tunnels in Langley in 1975 testing of thermal insulation materials that will be used on shuttles.

Fire and rescue staff prepares evacuation, two "cosmonauts" are preparing to exit rescue training in Palmdale, California, April 16, 2005

Shuttle Challenger moves through the fog on tracked tractors on the way to the 39th Space Center of Kennedy on November 30, 1982.

Discovery shuttle starts from Cape Canaveral on October 29. On the beach, children watch him.

The Hubble Space Telescope begins its separation from the Discovery Shuttle on February 19, 1997

This photo shot from the ground using a telescope with a sun filter shows a silhouette of a NASA Shattla Atlantis, on the background of the Sun Tuesday, May 12, 2009, from Florida

Silhouette of the COLUMBIA COMMANDER Space Shuttle, Kenneth Cockrall, visible from the front windows of the aircraft on December 7, 1996

Shuttle Discovery landed in the Mojave Desert on September 11, 2009 in NASA Dryden Flight Research Center for Edwards Air Force Base Near Mojave, California

Shuttle Endeavor rests on the aircraft in Eix-Dryden Freight Research Fund, Edwards, California, shortly before it was sent back to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida

From the Shuttle Discovery, bright stripes in the morning darkness are taken off, when it breaks away from the starting area of \u200b\u200b39a in a 10-day flight for servicing the Hubble Space Telescope.

At the end of the flight, the Space Shuttle Discovery was able to document the beginning of the second day of the activity of the volcano Rabaul, on the eastern tip of the new Britain. On the morning of September 19, 1994, two volcanic cones on the opposite sides of the 6-kilometer crater began to erupt in the sea

Space Shuttle Atlantis above Earth, close to docking in orbit with the International Space Station in 2007

After the catastrophic failure when landing, the wreckage from the space shuttle of Columbia is visible in the sky in the morning of February 1, 2003. The orbital apparatus, and all seven crew members were killed.

Columbia fragments are decomposed on the grid to determine the causes of the catastrophe. March 13, 2003

The preparation of the space shuttle Discovery is slowly assembled due to lightning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe starting platform of 39a Kennedy of the Space Center in Florida, August 4, 2009.

astronaut Robert L. Kerbim Jr. (left) and European Space Agency (ESA), Astronaut Krister Fuglesang, like STS-116 Mission specialists, participate in the first of the three planned exit to open space for the construction of the International Space Station on December 12, 2006 . Against the background of New Zealand.

Xenon lanterns help landing shuttle in Indeveloper. Nasa Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Docking shuttle Endeavour, against the background of the night view of the Earth and the starry sky, photographed by the expedition at the International Space Station on May 28, 2011

In the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, STS-133 The crew is resting from the modeling of the Running count for 195 feet Launch Pad 39a

The condensation wave, with highlighting the sun, occurred during the launch of Atlantis on STS-106, September 8, 2001.

International space station And the dyed shuttle Endeavour, a flight at an altitude of about 220 kilometers. It is May 23, 2011

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