More than one and a half meters in. §2.4.

NUMBER one and a half and one and a half in all indirect cases, except for vinitive, have a form gender; the floor, the floor; . The nouns with these numerals in all cases, except for the identity and vinitive, should be used in the form of a multiple number and coordinate with numeral in the case: - a half glassborn - about (what?) One and a half glasses(wrong * about one and a half cups); dates. - to (what?) One and a half cups(wrong * to one and a half glasses).

With the word dayused form polator. with an emphasis on the first syllable. See Sample:

One and a half

folorá liter

pó listorday

folorá hundred bags

floorý torah Lithrov

floorý torah day

floorý thorast bags

floorý torah liters

floorý torah for days

floorý torast bags

folorá liter

pó listorday

folorá hundred bags

floorý torah liters

floorý torah for days

floorý torast bags


o floorý torah liter

o floorý torah days

o floorý thorast bags

§2.5. Ordinals

How to say correctly: in three hundred fifty apartmentor in three hundred fiftieth apartment? in two thousandor in two thousand and third year?

Remember the following rule!In composite sequid numerals, only the last word varies, and all previous words are used in initial form (Numbers' nominative case). For example:

one thousand two hundredfifty oh sample

thousand two hundred fiftyseventh oh sample

one thousand two hundredfivety togo Sample

thousand two hundred fiftysevent mO sample

one thousand two hundredfivety agriculture Sample

thousand two hundred fiftysevent mOMU Sample

one thousand two hundredfifty oh sample

thousand two hundred fiftyseventh oh sample

one thousand two hundredfifty s sample

thousand two hundred fiftyseventh s Sample


about a thousand two hundredfifty oh. Sample

about a thousand two hundred fiftyseventh oh. Sample

In accordance with this rule, the numeral, denoting year, changes as follows:


two thousandoh year

two thousand tertsiY year

two thousandwow of the year

two thousand thirdhis of the year

two thousandoMA year

two thousand thirdhis year

two thousandoh year

two thousand tertsiY year

two thousands year

two thousand thirdthem year


o two thousandoh. yearor: in two thousandthsoh. year

o two thousand thirdeat yearor: Two thousand thirdeat year

§2.3. Collective numerals

How to say correctly: two girlsor two girls? About three daysor about three days? About both riversor about both rivers?

NUMBER two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, as well as minor eight, nine, tencan be used only in certain cases:

1) with nouns, calling people and not related to women's grammatical education ( two people, seven children, five students, three unknown, two colleagues);

2) with personal pronouns we you they(four us, their two);

3) with nouns that do not have the unique form ( two scissors, four gates, three jeans, two days).

Violation of the norm is the use of these numeral with noun feminine sorts (* three girls, * five schoolgirls), as well as with the names of inanimate objects (* two tables, * Three windows).

How do collective numerals change on cases?

Collective numerals in combination with animation nouns are used in all cases ( troe. Students, Tro.imi Students, in Trothem Studentsetc.). In conjunction with inanimate nouns, these numerals are used only in nominative and vinegenial cases, in other cases, quantitative numbers should be used: three days passed(them.), waited for three days(wines.). Unacceptable combinations: * near three days(genus), * thanks to Troimsouth(dates), * following three days(TV.), * about three days(range). It should be said: aboutthree Society(gen.), thankstrem. south(dates), afterthree for days(TV.), aboutthree Laugh(range).

In one of the above words, an error is made in the form of the word form (-A). Correct the error and write down the word (s) correctly.

eight tons

from one and a half meters

furniture for the kitchen

Over long

thirty grammov

Explanation (see also a rule below).

Invalid: furniture for the kitchen. Correctly: furniture for kitchens.

Answer: Kitchens.

Answer: Koku

Rule: Task 7. Morphological norms of word formation and word

The general concept of morphological norms.

Morphological norms are the norms of proper education. grammatical forms words different parts Speech (figures, numbers, brief forms and the degrees of comparing adjectives and many others).

Morphological norm regulates word formation and word. These norms are necessarily studied in the school course of the Russian language and are checked in the task of 6 EGE. In morphology (as well as in the syntax and pronunciation) there are strong and weak norms. Strong observed by all who owns the Russian language as relatives. Weak easily affecting the side, poorly absorbed and are often distorted. Their presence is determined by many reasons, in particular, the peculiarities of the development of phonetic and grammatical systems of the Russian language. Thus, which existed during the time of the lion of the Tolstoy rate of education and changes in the communities, the adjectives, adjectives and other parts of speech, changed significantly today. It should be noted that for a rather large list of words, there are, on the one hand - spoken forms, and on the other hand - literary, written. But along with this there are such forms that are not allowed even in colloquial speech and are a gross violation of morphological norms. The one who appeals to the dictionaries knows that intelligent dictionaries We certainly have a mark "Respond." What does spoken, and others mean, pointing to the normativeness of the use of the word form by one or another speech style.

In the tasks, selected in the exam, the students are required to find a word with an error and change it so that it meets the literary, written norm.

The safety regalityment of a particular word is verified by current modern dictionaries, and not on the "Internet" or "Wikipedia". Words allowing two literary norms (and it happens!) In tasks, as a rule, are not presented.

Task Source: SOLUTION 3341. EGE 2017. Russian. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

Task 6. In one of the above words, an error is made to form a word form. Correct the error and write down the word correctly.

famous professors

Go to the city

Run quick

more than a year and a half people


Consider the proposed phrases and determine which of them an error is made.

famous professors - noun in the nominative case. The form is formed true. An erroneous option: Professors.

Go to the city - verb in the imperative ignition, the form is formed true. Errbial Options: Drive, Ehey, Eat

Run faster - verb in imperative ignition, the form is formed correctly. Erroneous option: Run.

more than a half, a person is a fractional numerical one and a half in the form of a genitive case. The form is formed incorrectly. Correct Option: One and a half.

Check. Be sure to disassemble each word from the proposed options to prevent an error.

In response, write a corrected word (correct only the selected word) in capital letters.

salad from one and a half oranges how to fix?

There is no mistake here.

Question No. 302070.

Hello! Tell me, please, in what form it is necessary to consume the word "year" in combination "up to 1.5 years / year." Whether the variability related to different readings is possible numerical value ("To one and a half years" and "up to one and a half years old)?

Russian reference service response

Yes, both options are possible.

Question number 301704.

Hello. Tell me, whether the proposal is written correctly: "to encourage up to one and a half average monthly earnings." If not, how to write right? Thank you.

Russian reference service response

The offer should be rebuilt. Possible variant: Encourage a prize of up to one and a half average earnings.

Question number 298877.

Hello! Is the selected words are used correctly? "She did not have enough one and a half points for admission"?

Russian reference service response

Question number 297383.

a year and a half - right?

Russian reference service response

Wrong. Numeral one and a half consistent with nouns day Only in indirect cases: more than one and a half days, to one and a half days etc.

Question number 297140.

Good day! Tell me, please, how correct: "One-year-old child" or "One and a half year old child"?

Russian reference service response

It is better - one and a half year old (Wed: one-year-old child, but not annual).

Question number 295623.

Hello, tell me everything correctly in this expression: it will take about a half weeks to prepare.

Russian reference service response

Question number 294277.

Hello! How to replace the numeral "one and a half million" in the sentence: "The renovation program allowed to move to a new comfortable accommodation one and a half million people" Thanks in advance, Daria

Russian reference service response

You wrote correctly.

Question number 293566.

How to write correctly: the mastiff for which they are ready to give up to one and a half million dollars or millions of dollars

Russian reference service response

Right: up to one and a half million dollars.

Question number 293103.

Hello! Tell me how to say correctly. It is necessary to make an order from one and a half thousand rubles or one and a half thousand? Thanks in advance

Russian reference service response

Right: from one and a half thousand rubles.

Question number 292865.

Hello, Reference Bureau. Please tell me how it all correctly: add to one and a half kilograms of apples or add to one and a half kilograms of apples.

Russian reference service response

Below the second option.

Question number 292112.

How correct: "At one and a half thousand horses (or hat)?

Russian reference service response

Right: in one and a half thousand hat.

Question number 291890.

It is at an altitude of one and a half meters (or one and a half meters?) And concluded in the frame.

Russian reference service response

Both options are correct.

Question number 288431.

Is the cost of construction equal to 1.5 million or 1.5 million?

Russian reference service response

Maybe: equal to 1.5 (one and five tenth) million, equal to one and a half million.

Question number 286872.

How to write correctly: he drove one and a half days or was he driving one and a half days? What is the pumidative case, I will not understand, please help.

Russian reference service response

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