Lowercase letter x presentation. Presentation for the lesson of reading and writing "letter x"

Goals: to consolidate knowledge about the letter X, to teach how to write a lowercase letter x and an uppercase X, to develop phonemic awareness, logical thinking, attention; instill a love of writing; maintaining the health of students.

Equipment: magnetic cards for clustering on the board, “Learn the letter” cards, “Find words with the letter X”, hatching sheets, letter stencils, sandpaper letter cards, blindfold (for each child), colored pencils.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

What's happened? What happened?

Why is the bell ringing?

We are ready. The table is fine.

The lesson starts.


Let's "charge" our head for work so that the left and right hemispheres of the brain help us in our work. ("Ear - nose")

II. Repetition of rules.

We speak, we tell, we read, we ask. What's this?

What is the speech like?

What do we call oral speech?

What do we call written language?

What does speech consist of?

How in oral speech one sentence separates from another?

How in writing one sentence separates from another?

What sign is placed at the end of this sentence?

Read so that you need to put a question mark at the end of this sentence.

Read so that you need to put an exclamation point at the end of this sentence.

What does the offer consist of?

How many words are in our sentence?

What does a word consist of?

How many syllables are in February?

What are syllables made of?

What two groups are all sounds divided into?

What are the consonants?

II. Physical education for the development of attention and coordination of movement.

III. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Color the pictures and think about what the topic of our lesson is and what we should learn. (Annex 1)

The topic of our lesson is “Lettering lowercase and uppercase letters Xx”. In the lesson we will learn how to write the letters Xx. (Children formulate)

In the lesson we will think, reason and write. And most importantly, help each other.

IV. Repetition of knowledge about the letter X.

Today in the lesson our birthday girl is the letter Xx. Let's remember everything we know about this letter.

And what words with the letter X hid on your pieces of paper? Working in pairs, find these words and color them. different colors. (Annex 2)


What do all these words have in common?

What word can be "superfluous" and why?

V. Physical education for the development of attention and coordination of movement.

VI. Learning to write a letter. (According to Potapova's technology)

1.Hatching the pattern using hatches No. 1, 2, 4, 7 with a simple pencil. (Musical background - Mozart)

2. Our birthday girl, the letter X, congratulates those guys who are starting to write with a fountain pen today. They tried very hard and for this they received a magic pen as a gift. The honorable right to open our magic box and find out the names of these children is granted to Dasha Logacheva, the first to receive a fountain pen ...

Today they begin to write with a pen Permyakova Julia and Skorokhod Anya.

3. With the index finger of the right hand, circle the letters Xx on sandpaper 15 times with open eyes.

4. With the index finger of the right hand, circle the letters Xx on sandpaper 15 times with the eyes closed.

5. With a simple pencil or fountain pen(who writes to her) circle the letters Xx on a stencil and write a line in the notebook yourself.

6. Circle the writing stencil “How good it is to be able to write!”.

Written carefully.

It's nice to look at the notebook!

VII. Reflection.

What do you remember most about the lesson?

What did you learn in the lesson?


  1. To form in children a clear visual image lower case X.
  2. Learn to write the letter x, using all the ways of connecting with other letters.
  3. Formation of graphic vigilance, development of phonemic hearing.
  4. Ability to work in pairs, groups, instill interest in learning activities.

During the classes

1. Creating a learning situation

Which lesson?

What do you need to prepare for the lesson?

How will we work in the classroom?

Why is such an agreement needed?

What do you think, what task will we set in the writing lesson?

Before starting to write a new letter, let's repeat the basic connections of the elements of letters. (According to the method of V. Ilyukhina.)

Group work. The class is divided into 4 groups. Each group has an envelope in which the compounds of the elements of the letters are written. Children find errors in connections and correct them. The teacher demonstrates the correct spelling of compounds.

And now we will write a few letters under dictation:

a). We put the handle 1/3 from the top, go up to the left, linger on the line, go down the slope, linger on the line, go up the slope, close the letter. (O).

b). We put the pen on the top ruler of the working line, go down in a straight inclined line down, perform a turn in place, climb the hook to the middle, write “secret”, according to the “secret” a long inclined line down, loop, overlap on the bottom ruler of the working line, hook to the middle. (y).

v). We put the pen on the top ruler of the working line, go down in a straight inclined line, perform a turn in place, climb the hook to the middle, write “secret”, according to the “secret” a straight inclined line down, turn in place, hook to the middle. (and )

G). We put the loop on the bottom line of the working line, go up to the side and, not reaching 1/3, write out the “secret”, according to the “secret” a straight inclined line down, turn in place, hook to the middle. (l)

e) Commenting on 2-3 letters by children.

2. Letter lowercase x.

An example of how to write the letter x is shown.

What are the elements of the letter x?

Who can explain the spelling of the letter x? (I put the handle below the top working line by 1/3. I lead the tubercle to the right up, bring it to the top working line, go down in a straight inclined line and put the “stick” to the left. We rise along the “stick” and straight inclined upwards, without bringing 1/3 to the upper working line, we lead the tubercle to the right up, go down 1/3, we return along the tubercle and a straight inclined downward, bring it to the lower working line, make a turn in place, lead along the hook to the middle.)

The rule of planting students is repeated, the position of the notebook on the desk.

Letter letter x in a notebook. Children circle the letter they think is correct.

3. Musical physical training.

Work in pairs. Repetition of the rule of work in pairs. They work with the cash register of letters. Compose syllables according to a given sound transcription. One pair works at the blackboard.

(x, e)-heh (characterization of sounds is given)

4. Writing these syllables in a notebook with comments.

5. Writing words with the letter x.

Children make up words from letters: a y x, e x m A sound analysis of the composed words is carried out: ear and fur:

I pronounce the word and listen to myself: (y x a).

I single out the first sound (uuuuha) - a vowel. Indicates with an icon.

I single out the second sound (uhhhha) - consonant, deaf, hard. Indicates with an icon.

I single out the third sound (uhaaaa) - a vowel.

I check if all the sounds of the word are selected.

I divide the word into syllables.

I find the stressed syllable. Similarly, a sound analysis of the word fur is carried out, having previously found out what this word means. The meaning of the word fur from the dictionary is read out.

6. Letter of offer.

Words on the board: foxes, y, fur, beautiful

Task: make a statement from words that would correspond to this model:

We compose a syllabic model of the utterance.

Recording the statement in a notebook with comments.

7. The result of the lesson:

What did you learn in the lesson?

How did they work?

Who is satisfied with their work in the classroom?

In the next writing lesson, we will learn how to write the capital letter X.

24.02.2015 11339 1461 Ivanova Julia Sergeevna

Target:to form an idea about writing the letters X x.

Lesson objectives:


- introduce students to the name of the letter "x" and the sounds [x] [x];

Learn to pronounce and characterize sounds correctly;

Build the ability to produce sound-letter parsing words, read syllables, words containing learned sounds, write a lowercase letter x.


- develop fine motor skills of the hand;

Develop oral and written language;

Develop attention, memory, phonemic hearing and a culture of sound pronunciation;

Develop spelling awareness.


Cultivate accuracy in work;

Cultivate a tolerant attitude towards each other;

Cultivate observation.

Formed UUD:


The outline of the capital and lowercase letters X x, the connection of the letter o with other letters;

Mastering the skill of writing capital and lowercase letters X x.


Listen to the teacher's speech;

Express a positive attitude towards the process of cognition: show attention, surprise, desire to learn more;

Evaluate your own learning activities.


- work in pairs;
- work in a group;
Cognitive (informational):
- Work with the book (finding the necessary pages);
- work with a dictionary (work with the alphabet);
read coded information;
use graphic models;
search and highlight the necessary information;
Cognitive (general educational):
independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal.

During the classes:

1. Organizing time.

Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

Psychological mood of students.

2. Update basic knowledge. Formulation of the problem.

· Formulation of the problem. Sound extraction.

Hamster in the winter, in the fierce cold

Doesn't want to freeze for a minute.

Cunning at times cold

Snores in mansions underground.

V. Lunin

What is the topic of the lesson?

What letter are we going to be familiar with?

Why do you think so?

What will we do in class?

List all the words that start with the letter X in the poem.

· The game "Recognize the sound."

Clap once only boys if the word contains a consonant soft sound[x], and only girls, if solid sound[X]:

artist, persimmon, chorus, trunk, Kazakhs, surgeon, rooster, perfume.

· Letter display. Writing the letter X, x. (posters)

What does the printed letter Xx look like?

There were two pillars next to each other.

They suddenly fell on top of each other.

X - looks like scissors,

But at work, not lying down.

If you want - cut, if you want - sew,

If you want, you cut yourself. V. Stepanov

X is a funny toy,

Wooden windmill -

Wind free girlfriend.

Performing finger exercises

On a visit to the thumb
Came straight to the house

Consistently connect each finger with the thumb.

Index and middle
Nameless and last
Little finger itself
Knocked on the threshold.

Lightly tap the pad of each finger on the table.

Friends fingers together
They cannot live without each other.

We clench and unclench our fists.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Work in writing.

1)- Writing the letter X x. Showing on the blackboard by the teacher, students write 3,4,5 working lines in writing p.8 and on 9,10,11 capital letters X.

2) Connecting the letter "x" with other elements.

How can a lowercase letter x be combined with the following elements? (The lowercase letter x can be connected to the next element (letter) from bottom to top).

Work on pages 8-9, first with lowercase, then with uppercase.

Let's write a connection with the elements of letters. (the teacher first shows on the board, students then write in notebooks).

3) Writing under dictation of syllables and words:

Ho, di, verse, eh, ka, mo, bread, pa, you, Xie, Lo, nose, laughter, hamster.

4) Work with the proposal:

Look at the picture and make sentences.

(The children read a book about hamsters. The children read funny story about a hamster. His name was Homka.)

- Let's write down a sentence under dictation: Hamster Hamster is cunning.


4. Continued work on the topic of the lesson.

1) Games and writing.

Say a word:

X keeps walking, walking, walking,

There is no place in the house ... (finds)

Laughing letter X

Laughed: (“Ha-ha-ha!”)

2) Work in prescriptions.

Circle in gray the sentence with a new letter. (On one's own).

3) Writing off the offer. When writing off a sentence, the word amuses is written completely on a different line.


Continue suggestions:

I found out…

I repeated...

Now I can talk about...

6. The result of the lesson.

What is the purpose of our lesson?

Have we reached it?

What did they repeat?

What did you like about the lesson?

- Entering a letter on a gray line.

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Draft lesson in Russian in grade 1

Topic: "Writing a lowercase x".


Learn to write lowercase X , compound letters X with other learned letters;

To work on lexical meaning the words;

- educate attention and interest in the Russian language;

To promote the education of a culture of behavior, mutual understanding, and the ability to make friends.

Develop attention, memory, observation, phonemic hearing, writing skills.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, writing notebook. 1 class. Part 4 (authors T. M. Andrianova, A. V. Ostroumova, I. L. Andrianova); a picture of a boy and a girl; friendship rules; cards with tasks for working in pairs; mood cards; presentation for the lesson.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

Good morning! The day has begun

First of all, we drive laziness.

Don't be silent in class

We will answer together.

II. Mobilizing stage

(The teacher hangs pictures of a boy and a girl on the board.)

Meet the guys! These are our new friends: Vladimir and Lida. Whom did I call by full name - a boy or a girl? (boy)

What do you think, are they friends? (Yes, holding hands)

Today, the children decided not only to help us in completing tasks, but also prepared their own rules of friendship for us. And if we work hard, we can open them all.

III. Organization of activities to achieve the goal.

Attention to the screen and the first task:


Read and make a proverb about friendship from these words. (Joke, no, friendship, Kind, break)

(A good joke will not break friendship.)

How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

- How many words are in this sentence?

What is the first word? Second? Third? Fourth? Fifth?

Write the proverb in your notebook. Lead by Maxim: We write 1 word ... 2 ...

(Post with commentary.)

You did a good job with this task, and we open the first rule of friendship.

Help a friend Hard time.

(A true friend is the one who knows how to support his comrade, help him in difficult times, he is always there both in joy and in sadness.)

And now our new friends would like to see how friendly we are.

We have to work in pairs.

Pair work.

- Guys, in front of you are pieces of paper on which letters are depicted.

- Combine the letters in pairs on any basis?

b-p, v-f, g-k, d-t, s-s, w-w, x.

Which letter is missing? (letter x)

And now, friends, let's pay attention to the letter lost among pairs of sonority-deafness X .

What can you say about the letter x? (printed)

What is the name of our lesson? (Russian language)

- Give me a topic to work on.

Right. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.Picture (sample letter x)

2 slide

- So we already know about letter and sound X [x] still from the Diploma?

(Consonant, deaf, has no pair, can be hard and soft.)

- Great, well done!

Work in copybook.

Look in the script for the written letter x.

What are the elements of the letter x? (from 2 semi-ovals)

Which of the semi-ovals is the letter c? (right element)

Writing training:

3 slide

Please look at the screen.

1) We put the handle 1/3 from the top in the working line, go up to the right with a “tubercle”, turn the handle, go down the inclined line down, write out the “club” to the left

We go back up and write out the "stick" to the right.

On the club down "rocking chair", hook to the middle.

What is required to complete a job well?

Landing and slope of the letters

Letter spacing

Letter height

Letter x in cursive.

Circle the most beautiful letter, show the teacher and a friend on the desk. (Children do introspection)

The letters are also friends and form pairs.

Look carefully at the next line and name the letter combinations with the letter

X. (….)

Well done! you did a good job and second friendship rule says:

Don't lie to your friend, be honest with him.

And now I invite you to relax under a cheerful song about friendship.

Physical education minute. 4 slide

Guys! Who among you likes to solve riddles? Then a surprise for you:

5 slide

“It is easy and quick to guess: soft, lush and fragrant,

He is black, he is white, and sometimes burnt ”(Bread)

6 slide

I affectionately called the bread "bread" And which of you loves bread? Hands up.

What do you think about bread? (respectfully, carefully ...)

Why? (the labor of many people has been invested, etc.)

Listen to a wonderful poem about bread by Sergey Antonov "Remember about bread"

(student says)

Read the words on the next line in the spelling.

What do these words have in common? (they have the same part in the word, they are close in meaning)

What are these words? (single root)

Write them down on a free line and highlight the root.

(Compilation of a sound model of the word bread. Characteristics of sounds)

You've done a good job here third rule of friendship:

Be able to forgive the mistakes of a friend and make friends with him.

Read the words on the next line and name the one-syllable, two-syllable,

Trisyllabic words.

Put the stress in the words, underline the unstressed vowels.

Name the words where the letter "x" means a solid sound [x].

Name the words where the letter "x" means a soft sound [x].

For completing this task, we get fourth p

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE LETTER X, x and letter capital and lowercase letter X, x

Goals: introduce the letter X, x; to form the skill of reading words, sentences with studied letters; develop speech, phonemic hearing, creative imagination. learn to write capital and small letters X, x ; to consolidate the skill of correct writing; develop speech, figurative thinking; enrich vocabulary children.


During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, greet and say:

Good morning! Sun and birds!

Good morning! Smiling faces!

And everyone becomes kind and trusting

Let the good morning last until the evening!

They smiled at each other. given to all guests good mood, warmth, kindness and a smile.

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

And who came to our lesson, you will find out by guessing the riddle:

Behind my cheek is a pantry, Here I deftly store the grain. Here is a thrifty one, I carry food with me. I admit, the rodent is inveterate, And I'm always in a hurry somewhere. By nature I'm kind, Guess who I am? (Slide 1)

He brought you a task with him.

On the desks of the children are square pieces of paper.

Follow the directions.

I'll give you a riddle.

Do it in order:

Once - we raise the leaves,

Two - we bend the leaves,

Three - turned again,

On the fourth deployed.

The letter is hidden inside.

Who is smart? Name it!

Crosswise two ones,

Twigs or matches -

That's X ! Remember in a moment

Breathing sound!

T. Sinitsyna

Who guessed what the topic of the lesson will be today? What will we do in class?

What new things do we need to know?

What skills do you need to apply in the classroom?

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with new sounds and the letter that denotes them and learn how to write this letter X. (slide2)

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Sound analysis of the words "hamster", "hut". (slide 3,4)

Review the diagram.

Perform a sound-letter analysis of the words "hamster" and "hut".

What can be said about the sounds indicated by the arrows in the diagrams? (They are different.)

Sounds [x], [x '] are indicated by the letter X .

What does the letter look like X ? (slide 5)

1st student. X - funny toy,

wooden spinner,

wooden spinner,

Wind free girlfriend.

2nd student. X everyone walks, walks, walks -

Doesn't find a place.

3rd student. X looks like scissors

But at work, not lying down.

If you want, you will cut

If you want, you sew

If you want, you cut yourself.

4th student. X - lame limp,

limped a little,

Wants to walk well

He wants to be a brave letter.

2. Work on the disk.

Find five words with sounds [x], .

3. Capital Letter X and lowercase x (on disk)

Consider a pattern of a capital letter X . Describe the direction of movement of the hand when writing a letter X . (Letter X consists of two elements - two semi-ovals. capital letter X we start writing below the middle of the wide auxiliary line. We lead up to the right, bring it to the middle of the auxiliary line, round it down to the left, write a semi-oval. Then we write the right semi-oval. We begin to write just below the middle of the auxiliary line, so that the second semi-oval touches the first. We lead the hand up to the left, we reach the bottom line of the working line, we lead it down, we round it to the right, we write a semi-oval.)

Write this letter in the air.

Now it's time to write the letter "ha" in the notebook

Remembered the landing rules when writing

Sit up straight, feet together

Let's take a notebook under the slope

Left hand in place

Right hand in place

You can start writing!

When do we need a capital letter? (Written in names and surnames, patronymics, names of cities, rivers, lakes)

How are the letters similar and how are they different? X and F ?

4. Physical education minute. (Slide 7)

Hamster - hamster hamster

Striped barrel.

Homka gets up early, washes his cheeks, rubs his ears.

Homka sweeps the hut

And goes to charge

One, two, three, four, five,

Homka wants to become strong.

II. Working on fixing a new theme.

1) Remember the words with the studied letter X

Who will remember more words with a letter X ? (showing a cartoon on a disk)

Cold! - whined the hamster laugher. - The hut is flimsy. The robe is thin! Bad!

Good! - the troublesome hamster swaggered, grabbing bread, crunching persimmons.

There were walkers. Crunched sickness. Not a hut-shack - mansions.

A good owner is a troublesome hamster!

According to L. Yakhnin

Let's also amuse the funny hamster, show him how to learn to read.

2) Work on the textbook. Reading words. Composition of phrases.

Read the words.

Tell me where they are.

Read the words with the syllable "ho".

Read the words that have 2 syllables (3 syllables).

Find words that have the opposite meaning. (Good bad.)

Choose a word with the opposite meaning to the word "quiet".

Consider how the words are arranged, separated by a question mark. (6 words in each of two columns.)

Count how many words.

Read the words in the left column.

Read the words in the right column.

Read the words line by line.

Were the correct combinations of words obtained?

Help build word pairs by matching the words in the left and right columns.

Why is only the illustration of the bread given?

Read the phrase again. (Fragrant bread.)

What else could bread be? (Fresh, fragrant, crunchy, warm, etc.)

Read and explain proverbs about bread.

On the board: (slide 11)

No bread - no dinner. Bread is the head of everything.

Conclusion: bread is an eternal symbol of life, health, work, prosperity and wealth.

3) Writing words and sentences in a workbook.

Now find this word in your notebook and write it down according to the model. Do you think there is a dangerous place in this word? (double consonant at the end of the word) underline it and remember.

Cleanliness: repeat and continue.

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha

For lunch we… (ear).

Hee hee hee, hee hee hee

Let me try... (whoops).

He-he-he, he-he-he

Salt alone in your... (woo).

Hee hee hee, hee hee hee

I don't want this... (woosh)!

L. Uspenskaya

Find this word in your notebook and write it down according to the model. Put emphasis.

The hamster does not want in the winter cold

Walk around feeling hungry

Cunning at times cold

Snores in mansions underground.

L. Uspenskaya

Let the hamster sleep peacefully, and we have work to do.

Write down the word "hamster" and put the stress.

Read the next word (laughter) and try to replace it with another word that is similar in meaning (laughter)

4) Work on the textbook. Finding a word in a word. (slide 12.13)

a) Read the words written in colorful letters.

Find the hidden words in these words. How can you find new words? (Close the letters with your palm.)

Words: fur, fluff, cannon, slave, growth.

b) Vocabulary work. (Slide 14)

A cannon is a long-range artillery weapon.

A slave is a dependent, oppressed person.

Decipher the word. (Exit.) (slide 15.16)

Read the words in pairs, name the letters by which they differ.

III. Summary of the lesson. Reflection. (slide 17,18)

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What sounds does the letter represent X ?

When the letter X denotes a soft consonant? When is it hard?

Our hamster fell asleep, and he had a dream where all the forest animals are preparing for the New Year, decorating the Christmas tree. Let's guys, we will also begin to prepare for the New Year and show Santa Claus in advance how smart, successful students of grade 1a we are. Let him watch and prepare his gifts for you.

Each of you will think about how he worked in the lesson and choose a ball with which you will decorate our Christmas tree.

Orange color - I worked in full force, I tried and I succeeded.

Yellow - could have worked better, there were errors.

Red - it was difficult for me, not everything is clear to me.

What a beautiful Christmas tree! Well done! Thank you for the lesson!

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