Consultation "PhondeMatic hearing is the basis of the right speech. Exercises for the development of phonderatic hearing

Consultation for parents from speech therapist: " Phondematic hearing - the basis of the right speech "

The ability to focus on sound is a very important feature of a person. Without it, you can not learn to listen and understand speech. It is also important to distinguish, analyze and differentiate on the hearing of the phonemes (the sounds from which our speech is). This skill is called phonderatic hearing.
A little child does not know how to control his hearing, cannot compare sounds. But you can teach it. Especially it is especially necessary to develop a phonmematic hearing to children with speech problems. Sometimes the kid simply does not notice that he incorrectly pronounces sounds. By five years, children are able to determine the presence or absence of one or another sound in the Word, can independently select words to the given sounds, if, of course, pre-work was carried out with them. For the development of phonderatic hearing, special games are held in which you can play at home.

purpose gaming exercises - Teach him to listen and hear. You will soon notice that the child began to hear herself, his speech is that he is trying to find right articulation Sound, fix a defective pronunciation.

I give your attention to the development of phonderatic hearing:

1. "Sound Songs"
Adult offers a child to make sound songs like: AU - children shout in the forest. Or IA - like a donkey screaming. Or UA - the child shouts. At first, the child defines the first sound in the song, leaving it broken, then the second.
2. "Who is the first?"
The adult shows a picture that denotes the word that begins with shock vowel (A), (O), (y) or (and). The child clearly calls what is painted in the picture, highlighting the first sound voice, for example: "U -u-rod", then selects the one that corresponds to the initial vowel in this word.
I give your attention to the development of auditory attention:

1. "Guess what sounds."
An adult widthly rings with a tambourine, rustles paper, rings to the bell and offers a child to guess what sound will produce sound. Sounds must be bright and contrasting, so that the kid can guess them.
2. "Where did you call?"
The child closes his eyes, and the adult quietly rises on the left, right, behind the baby and calls the bell. The child must turn face to the place where the sound is heard, and without opening his eyes, show the direction. After the correct answer, he opens his eyes, and the adult raises and shows the bell. If the child was mistaken, then guessing again.
3. "Guess who said"
The child is pre-introduced to the fairy tale "Three Bear". Then an adult pronounces phrases from the text, changing the height of the voice, imitating Mishutka, Nastasya Petrovna or Mikhailo Ivanovich. The child raises the appropriate picture. It is recommended to violate the sequence of the execution of the characters in the fairy tale.
Summing up above, we can conclude: the earlier parents will pay attention to the development of phonderatic hearing, the better the development of children in the future will be the development of the speech.

4. "Parrot"

Created game SituationIn accordance with which you need to teach the parrot without errors to repeat the syllable row. The role of the parrot takes on one of the children. The teacher utters a number of syllables, the child repeats.

Exemplary speech material . PA-BA, TA-Yes, Ta-Yes, Ka-ha, Ka-Ka-Tha, etc.

5. "Be careful!" Suggest the child to clap your hands (stump foot, hit the knees, raise your hand to ...) when it hears the specified sound (isolated, in a syllable, in the word).

6. "What kind of sound is in all words?" Adult pronounces three - four words (or calls on pictures), each of which has the same sound: fur coat, cat, mouse - And asks the child, what kind of sound is in all these words.

7. "Think, do not hurry". Suggest multiple job tasks:

Pick a word that begins on the first sound of the word table.

Remember the name of the bird in which there would be the last sound of the word cheese. (Sparrow, Grac ...)

Pick up the word so that the first sound would be - to, and the last - but.

Offer the child to name the subject in the room with a given sound, come up with a name on the specified sound. The same task with the pictures from the lotto or plot picture. You can use illustrations.

8. "Jokes - minutes" You are reading a lines of poems, intentionally replacing letters in words. Children find a mistake in the poem and correct it. Examples:

Tail with patterns, boots with curtains.

Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

Caught Koshkin Tom.

Behind the window Winter Garden,

There are leaflets in barrels sleep.

Boys joyful people

Skates litter the honey.

9. "Sound the sound in the word"(beginning, middle, end)

The child clearly utters the name of his toys (cards with the image of the subject) and determines where it hears the specified sound: at the beginning, middle or end of the word. And puts on the appropriate card

10. "Shloppy word"(We divide the words to syllables, clapping for a vowel sound)

11. "Call the word"(Select a shock vote)

For the development of phonderatic hearing, you can use special children's computer programs, such as computer games "Speech Development. Learning to speak correctly "or" Tigers' games. "

Dear Parents! Our common task is to teach the child to correctly perceive, pronounce and distinguish between speech sounds.

Teacher - Logoped MBDOU DS №15 "Alenka"

Nesterovich Alexander Valentinovna.

Common mistakes of parents, adversely affecting the speech development of the child.

Often, it seems that nothing foreshadowed troubles, but the child "from nothing" arise difficulties in mastering oral speech. Then, as a result, these problems will grow into even more weighty when the child moves from a preschool institution to school. Many speech violations They are due to serious pathological factors, both congenital and acquired, but special attention would be like to focus on those negative components that parents are capable of, and must be overcome independently to help their child.

First of all, speech environment deserves special attention. Full speech development little man It is impossible without a full-fledged speech environment. Many parents mistakenly believe that the baby does not need their help, which is excessive attention to communicating with a child to anything. Thus, ignoring the peculiarities of the child speech, many parents with their own hands deprive the child a very important component of its development.

One of the most detrimental factors is the so-called "Syushukny". Parents are quite often, in a rush of gentle feelings imitate the baby, deliberately distorting his speech. The degree of these distortions and their variations are extremely diverse, and therefore there may be damage to many components speech system Child. Separately, in this situation, it is necessary to allocate the fact that parents themselves are deprived of their child to motivate their child to master the full-fledged speech. The child quickly assimilates the fact that parents like such communication and is not in a hurry to correct something in their speech.

Often parents make a serious child speech damage, ignoring "Alarm bells"which indicate problems in development. Among parents often makes it possible that the child will simply turn pathology that after a certain age everything will fall into place. Thus, such a connivor style of upbringing inhibits the speech development of the child. In addition, parents miss those sensitive periods when pathology can be corrected much faster and easier when the child only needs help in mastering material, and not a serious correctional work.

It is worth noting the reluctance of parents to work on their own imperfections. There are very common cases when a child, unconsciously, imitating the mother distorts certain sounds of speech. Parents usually arrive in full confidence that this defect is due to genetically, is transmitted from generation to generation and do not rush it up.

Malicious factor is and fast, indifference speech of an adult. Firstly, in this situation, the imitation mechanism is again triggered, and children unconsciously adopt some inconsistency in communication. Secondly, the child arises difficulties in the assimilation of the word-sound structure of words. If a child can not disassemble, heard, then it will never be able to reproduce it. Thirdly, with rapid and inexpressive speeches, the endings of words are lost, therefore, the grammar system of speech suffers, namely the coordination of words in the proposal.

Also, one of the main troubles of our time is the poor speech experience of children. This destructive factor covers all age groups Children, in addition, has extremely negative consequences even on children whose speech development did not make concerns. Children are not accustomed to talk, it is difficult for them to formulate our idea, describe the situation. Of course, life in the megalopolis postpones its prints, one of them is a catastrophic lack of time. Parents are very overwhelmed and tired at work, as a result of which they have no strength, neither time for communication with their child.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the pace of development of technical progress. Often parents are easier to include a TV, computer, rather than read him or ask how his day passed. Strange, but parents do not frighten the fact that children without having mastered river The system, know where the computer is turned on.

If you make a written, you can select several basic rules that will help the child in overcoming speech defects and the full formation of his speech. To such rules should include the following:

    Proper, competent and expressive speech of adults.

    Prophoving actions, calling objects when communicating with young children (accumulating a passive dictionary)

    Creating situations when a child at an early age should express his desire to verbally.

    A clear pronigation of the wrong words to the child, emphasizing his attention on the correct sample.

    Creating a favorable speech environment, organizing games provoking speech activity Children.

    Creating a favorable climate in the family, which has to communicate all family members.

    Organization of free-time child with various circles, sections, communications with peers.

    Timely appeal for consultation to a specialist, with deviations in the development of the child's speech.

Of course, the observance of these rules is not a panacea from all speech problems. But it is worth noting that their observance can significantly ease life and child and parent.

Consultation for educators
"Phondematic hearing is the basis of the right speech"

Prepared: Teacher-speech therapist Ogneva U.B.


1. To introduce educators with the concept of "phonderatic hearing."

The formation of children in grammatically correct, lexically rich and phonetically clear speech - one of the most important tasks in the overall system of child learning the native language. Good to prepare a child for school, create the basis for learning a certificate only in the process of serious development work phonematics perception.

The theory and practice of speech therapy work, convincingly prove that the development of phonderatic processes has a positive effect on the formation of the entire speech system as a whole. Effective and persistent correction of pronunciation defects (sound-proof, soundproof and syllated structure Words) can only be possible with a leading formation of phonderatic perception.

The relationship of the development of phonamenic perception is indisputable not only with phonetic, but also with the lexico-grammatical side of speech. With a systematic work on the development of a phonematics hearing, preschoolers are much better perceived and distinguished the endings of words, consoles, general suffixes, allocate prepositions in the proposal, etc., that is so important when the skills of reading and writing are forming.

In addition, without sufficient formation of the foundations of the phramematic perception, it is impossible to form its highest level - sound analysis, the operation of mental dismemberment on the component elements (phonemes) of various sound complexes: combinations of sounds, syllables, words. In turn, without prolonged special exercises on the formation of sound analysis and synthesis skills (combinations of sound elements in a single whole), children with a word underdevelopment do not master competent reading and writing.

So what is the phonematical hearing? Phondematic hearing is the ability to perceive hearing and accurately differentiate all speech sounds, especially close on sound, and perform elementary sound analysis. In other words, the phonderatic hearing is the ability to focus on sound.

A little child does not know how to control his hearing, cannot compare sounds. But you can teach it. It is especially necessary to develop a phonmematic hearing to children with speech problems. Sometimes the child simply does not notice that he incorrectly pronounces sounds. For the development of phonderatic hearing there are many different play exercises.

Preparatory stage In the development of phonamematic hearing, we develop an auditory perception on non-hearing sounds (the sounds of nature, the sounds of the surrounding world).

Hearing Games

"Guess what sounds." An adult widthly rings with a tambourine, rustles paper, calls the bell and offers a child to guess what the sound produced. Sounds must be clear and contrasting so that the kid can guess them, sitting back to an adult (if there is no screen).

"Guess what to do." The child gives two check box. If an adult rings loudly tambourine, the child raises the above and wave them, if quietly holds his hands on his knees. Alternating the loud and quiet sound of the tambourine is recommended no more than 4 times.

"Where did you call?" The child closes his eyes, and the adult quietly rises on the left, right, behind the baby and calls the bell. The child should turn the face to the place where the sound is heard, and without opening his eyes, show the direction. After the correct answer, he opens his eyes, and the adult raises and shows the bell. If the child was mistaken, then he gave ways again. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

"Merry tambourine"

Purpose: to form auditory attention, a sense of rhythm.

Equipment: tambourine.

The course of the game. The teacher slaps a certain rhythm on the tambourine, the child repeats.

Complication. Complete rhythmic drawing and pace.

The second stage is the main. Develop a phonmematic rumor on speech material.

Games for the development of phonderatic hearing
On speech material

1. The game "Catch the sound".

An adult pronounces a number of sounds, and children must slap on a given sound.

2. The game "Words".

Purpose: Development of the ability to allocate the first and last sound in the word.

Equipment: ball.

The teacher calls the first word and transmits the ball to the child by reading such a poem:

We will connect from the words chain,

3. The game "Repeat Right".

Purpose: Development of phonderatic hearing.

Children are invited to repeat the adults correctly a couple of syllables with opposition sounds: PA-BA, TA-YES, KA-GA, SA-Sha ... Then the task can complicate adding syllables into a whole chain: sa-sa-for; ta yes? ka-ka; Sha-Sha-Ca

4. Game "Tell the Lord".

Children are invited to prompt the last syllable in the cleanlates, to determine the ending in the word.

Lyas-li-Lyas - We scored me ... (lies)

Zhayasy Myslands - there are needles u ... (Ms)

Bu-bu-boo bu-boo - Uncle Give me Tru ... (bu)

Ba Ba-Ba Ba-Ba - is not needed now ... (Ba)

Sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-oh oh-oh flies about ... (sa)

5. The game "What kind of sound most often heard?"

Purpose: Development of phonderatic hearing, the ability to allocate frequent sound from the speech stream.

Equipment: A set of short poems in which the same sound is often repeated.

The course of the game. The teacher utters a poem, and children call the sound that they most often heard.

Seni and Sani in Som networks with a mustache.

Goose Gog and Goose Gaga

Do not steps without each other.

Zoine bunny is called Zassay.

The student taught lessons -

He has cheeks in his ink.

Of course, all games aimed at developing the speech of the child-preschooler is impossible to list. Other games can be found in a special pedagogical literature For parents and teachers.


1. A.I. Maksakov. "Does your child speak correctly?". Moscow: Enlightenment, 1988 Book for kindergarten teacher 2nd edition corrected.

2. A.I. Maksakov, G.A. Tumakova. "Teach, playing." Moscow: Enlightenment, 1983

3. G.A.Tumakova. "Familiarization of a preschooler with sounding word." Manual for teachers preschool institutions. Moscow: Enlightenment, 2006.

4. G.S.S.Shvaiko. "Games and game exercises for the development of speech." Moscow: Enlightenment, 1983

5. Bogomolova A.I. Violation of pronunciation in children: allowance for speech therapists. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979.

6. Bolshakova E. S. Work of the speech therapist with preschoolers (games and exercises). - M.: Enlightenment, 1996.

7.Varensova N.S., Kolesnikova E.V. "Development of phonderatic hearing in preschoolers." - M.: Akalis, 1995.

8. Speech therapy / Ed. L.S. Volkova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

MBDOU "Babagonian kindergarten" of the Lgovsky district of the Kursk region

Consultation for educators

"Phondematic Rumor Basis of Right Speech"

Phonematic hearing is the ability to correctly hear and recognize sounds. Phondematic hearing is one of the components of the phonderatic function.

Phondematic hearing and speech rumor is essentially the same thing. Thanks to the phonmematic hearing, the baby can recognize and distinguish sounds. The phonematical hearing is needed so that the sound and letter can be correlated. Even correct pronunciation What sound is very complicated if the phonmematic hearing is not developed sufficiently. A child with a weak development of phonderatic hearing does not recognize one or another acoustic sign of complex sound, along which one sound is different from the other. As a result, when perceiving speech, one sound is likened to another on the basis of the generality of the majority of signs. In connection with the unidentification of a particular sign, the sound is not proposed correctly. This leads to an incorrect perception of words (initially) and in the future to be improper pronunciation (for example: house-volume, cancer, Luk-Luke, Beetle - Shchuk). These disadvantages interfere proper understanding Speech both by the speaking and listening. In addition, as can be seen from examples, the meaning of the statement is lost and changing. If a child is not enough in a child, a number of problems are not developed sufficiently: it cannot distinguish steam consonants (hard - soft, deaf - ringing), confuses whistles and hissing sounds, confuse letters and sounds when taking a diploma, then the child begins to teach reading and are waiting for difficulties there kid. When learning reading and writing, error becomes more explicit. The difficulties are primarily associated with the confusion of sounds, the complexity of the confluence of sounds into the syllables, and in the future and fusion of syllables in words. From here there is a barking reading, a story reading and a number of other problems, and in written speech Permanent spelling errors appear. In the future, when a child goes to school, he will manifest itself in the form of dyslexia (violation of reading processes) and the Distraphy (violation of the letter processes). If in the first grade parents do not pay attention, then in the second grade to speech therapy problems, problems of a psychological nature can join (due to bad values) And as a result, a negative attitude towards the learning process.

Therefore, it is very important before the start of graduation, reading and writing to check - whether your child has a phonderatic hearing, is the pronunciation of its child. You can check the phonemethic hearing: ask the child to repeat the syllables in pairs: SA -Za, ha - ka, ba-pas, yes, etc. Then take the chains of syllables consisting of 3-4 syllables: Ba-Pa-ba ; Yes, yes, etc. The following task is more complex and for it will require specially selected pictures, the names of the objects on which differ from each other only by one sound (from differentiable), for example: a bear - a bowl, bunny - groove, cancer - varnish, etc. At the end, you can give Such a task: I will call different sounds if you hear the sound (for example, with) catch it, slashes in your hands: A -P-T-S-W-C-X-D-Z-N-S-L-M-Z- c-sh-s. Next, we also do on the material of syllables and words.

Most often, children confuse sounds similar to sound or close to the method of education (pronunciation). As a rule, these are whistling and hissing sounds: S-sh, z, sch, etc., C-h, C-C, Z - C; Sonora: RL; Solid and soft: bb, z-s, sch, etc., bell and deaf: dt, in f, etc.

The development of phonderatic hearing in all children occurs very individual. The sensitive (most sensitive) period is age up to two years. At this time, parents who are a lot and correctly (without Sysyukania) talk, read simple children's poems, cleanrs understandable in meaning to a child of this age imperceptive for themselves and the child develop its phonmematic rumor. Those parents who believe that he is small, does not know how to talk, it means that it is not necessary to talk to him and read to him do not necessarily and face problems underdevelopment of phonderatic hearing. Phonematic hearing makes it possible to learn how to correctly pronounce sounds. A child with a normally developed phondematic hearing (with all other normally developed functions) hears some particular sound and tries to reproduce it. If he hears that the resulting sound turns out to be inaccurate, the phonamatic rumor of the child does not accept it, and requires another version of pronunciation, all the time comparing it with the sample (which he hears from others). Due to the poor development of phonderatic hearing, children cannot assess their speech from the point of view of the correctness of the pronunciation of sounds. That is, they hear what they themselves say or what other people pronounce very approximately. It should be noted that the underdevelopment of the phoematic hearing is not associated with a violation of physiological hearing, the child selectively does not form the function of auditory differences in the background.

Often, together with the concept of "phonamematic hearing", specialists also use the concepts of "PhondeMectic perception" and "PhondeMectic analysis and synthesis". PhondeMectic perception is special mental actions on differentiation of the background (sounds) and the establishment of the sound structure of the word. That is, simply speaking, this distinguishing sounds of which consists of some particular word (for example, take the word "cat" -ono consists of sounds: "K", "O", "T"). If the phonmematic perception is poorly developed, then difficulties arise in the assimilation of letters, as well as in the replacements of the sounds of similar acoustically and articulators (bd, dt, zh, sch, etc.). Phonematics analysis and synthesis are mental actions on the analysis and synthesis of the sound structure of the word. When this function is underdeveloped, the following errors are observed when reading: Sponquent reading, distortion of the sound - syllated structure of the word (which manifest themselves in the passage of consonants during a set: Pasya paste, Marak- "Mara", jacket smoke "; in the inserts of vowels between consonants their concise: paste-"Pasata"; in the permutations of sounds: Duck- "Tuka" in the passage and inserts of sounds in the absence of a confluence of consonants in the word; in the pass, rearrangements of the syllables: the shovel - Lotpa. Phondematic hearing is very important for the correct speech DevelopmentThey should not be neglected if you want the child to be easy to learn at school, so that he is sociable and did not hesitate to express his opinion.

Games for the development of phonderatic hearing

By five years, children are able to determine the presence or absence of one or another sound in the Word, can independently select words to the given sounds, if, of course, pre-work was carried out with them.

But not all children clearly distinguish certain groups of sounds for rumor, they often mix them. This applies mainly to certain sounds, for example, not differentiate sounds of sounds with and C, C and W, W and F and others. For the development of phonderatic hearing, they are offered to children of this age game and exercises in which you need to highlight words with the specified sounds from phrases, small poems.

Hold the word.

Invite children to clap your hands (stupid by foot, hit the knees, raise your hand to ...) Then when they hear words with a given sound.

What kind of sound is in all the words?

An adult pronounces three or four words, each of which has the same sound: a fur coat, a cat, mouse, and asks the child, which sound is in all these words.

Think, do not hurry.

Offer children a few job tasks:

Pick up the word, which begins on the last sound of the word table.

Remember the name of the bird, in which there would be the last sound of the word cheese. (Sparrow, Grac ...)

Pick up the word so that the first sound would be to, and the last one - a.

Offer the child to name the subject in the room with a given sound. For example: What ends on "A"; What is read on "C", in the middle of the word sound "t" etc.

Option: The same task with pictures from a lotto or story picture. You can use illustrations.

Jokes are a minute.

You are reading a lines of poems, intentionally replacing letters in words. Children find a mistake in the poem and correct it. Examples:

Tail with patterns

boots with curtains.

Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

Caught Koshkin Tom.

Behind the window Winter Garden,

There are leaflets in barrels sleep.

Boys joyful people

Skates litter the honey.

The cat sails over the ocean,

Whale from a saucer eats sour cream.

Doll toring out of the hands

Masha rushes to mom:

Green bow crawls there

With long mustache.

God's box, flying to heaven,

Bring me bread.

catch the sound

Adult pronounces vowel sounds, and the child must slap in his hands, having heard the specified sound.

attentive baby

Adult calls the sound, and the child should show the corresponding symbol.


Draw a child's hand in the air specified letter. Then let the child try to do it yourself.


Fold the given letter from sticks or matches. Then let the child try to do it yourself. Help him if necessary.


We step down the given sound with different intonations.

broken TV

You need to make a TV screen of a TV with a cut-out window. Explain to the child that the TV has broken the sound, and therefore it is impossible to hear what the announcer says (adult silently articulate vowels in the TV window). The child must guess which sound is pronounced. Then you can swap roles.

sound songs

Offer the child to make sound songs like "A - U" (children shout in the forest), "Uh" (crying child), "I," (screaming donkey), "Oh" (we are surprised). At first, the child defines the first sound in the song, pretty it, then - the second. Then the baby with an adult lays out this song from audio symbols and reads the diagram.

who is first

Show the child a picture with the subject that starts with the vowel "A", "U", "O" or "and". The child must clearly name what is painted in the picture, highlighting the first sound voice (for example, "U-U-duck"). Then the child must choose the corresponding character.

Game "correctly wrong ". The adult shows the child a picture and loudly, clearly calls what is drawn on it, for example:" wagon ". Then explains:" I will call this picture that correctly, then wrong, and listen carefully. If I make a hollow in your hands. Wagon - hooks - fag - wagon - faak - wagom, etc. First, let's give words lungs sound composition, then more complicated.

Game "Listen and choose." In front of the child pictures with objects whose names are close to sound:

cancer, varnish, poppy, tank

house, com, scrap, som

goat, Kosa

puddles, ski

bear, mouse, bowl, etc.

Adult calls 3-4 words in a certain sequence, the child takes the corresponding pictures and puts them in the name.

Game "Board Wordless". The adult reads the rhyme, and the child negotiates the last word that is suitable for meaning and rhyme:

On the branch is not a bird -

Lucky animal

Fur warm, like a heater.

Call him ... (protein).

You do not be afraid - this is a goose,

I myself ... (I'm afraid).

Always dirty

Cuts out ... (water).

In the House of Log in afraid of Volume:

Supported by me ... (floor).

Whistled Chizhik:

Fun, Fly, Fly!

I'm in the morning of Rosink ... (I drink!)

Split syllables

The lightest sounds for the pronouncement of the child: F, B, P, B, N, therefore, and begin to distinguish the syllables better with elementary combinations, including these sounds. For example, you say a number of syllables, changing the latter, and the baby says that is superfluous (Pa-Pa-Pa-Ba). You can complicate the game, introducing erroneous syllables in the middle or beginning, changing vowels (Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba, Ga-ka-ka).

The game is "the same or different". The child on the ear talks to the syllable, which he repeats out loud, after which an adult either repeats the same or says the opposite. The task of the kid guess, the same or different syllables were pronounced. Sounds must be selected by those who kid is already able to repeat correctly. This method helps to develop the ability to distinguish between the sounds, spoken by a whisper, which trains the auditory analyzer perfectly.

Cleaners . The adult begins, and the baby negotiates the last syllable.

Ba-Ba-Ba - the road has two table ... (Ba).

In-Zas, go home, to ... (for).

Ti-di - on the moon le ... (te).

De de-teh - sit in dark ... (those).

Luu-Liu Liu - Onions Green I am ... (Liu).

FE-ve-Fe - I'll sit on with ... (fe).

Gradually, during this period, the child must master the ability to distinguish all opposition sounds: whistling and hissing, ringing and deaf, fricative and explosive, solid and soft.

Split phonmes

It is necessary to start with distinction of vowels.

Game "Guess-ka". Kid has pictures with a picture of a wolf, baby, birds. An adult explains: "Wolf Wolf: U-U,", "Baby is crying: A-A-A", "The bird sings: and-and-and". We ask the kid to raise a picture corresponding to the pronounced adult sound.

Similarly, learn to distinguish consonant sounds.

The game "sound lost." The child must find a word that does not suit the meaning and choose the desired:

Mom with barrels (daughters) went

On the road along the village.

Slies in a spoon (boat) and - Ida!

On the river there and here.

Bear crying and roars:

Asks the bees to give ice (honey).

Boards on Mount Vesim,

We will build a new com (home).

Step Six:

We listen and analyze

On the final stage in the system of development of a phonematics hearing, we teach a child to divide the words on the syllables, determine the number of syllables in the word, be able to "swell", "challenge" the rhythmic pattern of two and three-sided words.

"How many sounds?" Game. At this stage, children are able to determine the number of vowel sounds with a fusion pronoun (one, two or three vowel sounds: A, AU, OUI, AEA). The child must postpone so many sticks on the table as he heard sounds.

The game "Letters, in order becoming". Before the baby is a card with letters. An adult pronounces combinations from vowel sounds first two: AU, IA, then - three sounds: AU, IAU. The child lays the letters on the table in this order.

Then proceed to the analysis of consonant sounds. We begin with the fact that we will learn to allocate the last consonant sound in the word ending necessarily on T or to. As a workout, we offer an exercise with pictures or objects "Latest Sound": The baby must clearly say the name of the subject or what is shown in the picture focus on the last sound.

You can decompose the pictures in two columns, in the first - pictures, the names of which will end on the sound t, and in the other - on the sound to.

We show the child a picture and pronounce its name, lowering the last sound (ko ..., Pau ..., Ma ...). The kid calls the word, and then utters the sound that was missed.

Exercise "Lying Word, Lying Sound": The child should insert the desired word into the poem and determine which sound is missing. If he coped with this task easily, you can ask where the sound is missing: at the beginning, middle or end of the word.

The earth roets old to ... from (Mole),

Under the ground he lives.

We are dark. We ask Pope

We turn on the bighup of La ... PU (lamp).

In the arena came out ... Games (Tigers),

We have mercy from fear.

The development of speech hearing in a child is a kind of foundation for good diction. Build this foundation along with your child, learn to listen and hear - then it will be easy and pleasant!

Consultation for educators

Does your child speak correctly?

Sometimes mentally and mentally normally developing children experience difficulties in mastering the speech. Most often this happens in cases where the child is ill much, for some reason it is often absent a children's garden.

It's no secret that the joint activity of parents and specialists gives the most effective result in the correctional work with children.

However, it is very often possible to state the fact that parents do not pay due attention to work to overcome any speech defect in the child. In my opinion, this is due to two reasons:

parents do not hear the shortcomings of the speech of their children;

adults do not give violations of the speech of serious meaning, believing that with age everything will be held by itself.

But the time favorable for correctional work is passed, and speech defects remain. A child from kindergarten goes to school, and these shortcomings bring him a lot of chagrins. Peers notice the distortion of sounds or incorrectly pronounced words, ridicule a classmate, adults constantly make comments. In notebooks may appear "unusual" errors. The child begins to be shy of communication with peers and adults, refuse to participate in the holidays, where it is necessary to read poems or telling something, calmly feels, responding to classes and lessons, is experiencing due to unsatisfactory estimates in the Russian language.

In this situation critical comments And the requirements for speaking correctly, strongly imposed by adults, do not give the necessary result. The child needs to be skillfully and on time to help. It is obvious that it is the help of parents that are mandatory and extremely valuable. Because, firstly, the parental opinion is most authoritative for the child and, secondly, only the parents have the opportunity to make each day the formed skills in the process of living, direct communication with their kid.

During the year in kindergarten is held "Day open doors" for parents. They attend all the regime moments and classes, including speech therapy. In the end school year We invite adults to the final occupation-holiday, where children demonstrate knowledge, skills and skills acquired during this time.

With senior preschoolers, in addition to classes on the formation of lexico-grammatical categories, I spend classes and literacy learning.

Thus, due to the close cooperation of teachers, parents and children, we manage to achieve the most important thing - good results in the development of our pupils.

Phonetic hearing - the basis of the right speech

The ability to focus on sound is a very important feature of a person. Without it, it is impossible to learn to listen and understand speech. It is also important to distinguish, analyze and differentiate on the hearing of the phone (Sounds of which are our speech). This skill is called phonderatic hearing.

A small child does not know how to control his hearing, not
Can compare sounds. But you can teach it. It is especially necessary to develop a phonmematic hearing to children with speech problems. Sometimes the kid just does not notice that he
Incorrectly pronounces sounds. Objective exercise goal -
Teach him to listen and hear. You will soon notice that the child began to hear herself, his speech is that he is trying to find
Proper sound articulation, correct defective pronunciation.

Games for the development of auditory attention.

What kind of car?

Guess what kind of car drove down the street: an easy, bus or truck? Which way?

Hear whisper

Get away from me 5 steps. I will whisper give commands, and you perform them. Drop to 10, 15, 20 steps. Can you hear me?

Games for the development of phonderatic hearing.


Look at toys. According to the first sounds of the names of toys, Guess the word: mouse, donkey, lion (mole); dog, hoop, goat (the juice); cat, hoop, dog, tiger (bone).


What is common in the words "Mac" and "Cat"? Sound<К>. The word poppy ends with this sound, and the word cat begins. What kind of sound ends the word cat? Invent a word that began with this sound. Continue the game.

Do your children utter "p"?

Per last years The number of children with dental anomalies has sharply increased. This pathology is the cause of the violation of the phonetic side of speech and entails

formation of defective pronunciation. All this brings a lot of chagrins and a child, both in preschool and in school age, and parents. Often there is an incorrect position of the teeth, bite disorders (progress, proactation, deep bite, open bite, cross bite, etc.). In these cases, it is simply necessary to cooperate a speech therapist with an orthodontist doctor.

I would like to focus on and talk about such pathology as shortening the bridle of the language. As you know, a shortened bridle of the language limits his movement, it is difficult for a child to raise the language up (get the nose), omit down (get a beard), turn left, right (get the cheek). Some children can notice the split tip of the tongue. At the same time, the guys are defective pronounce not only<р>, <л>, but also hissing sounds. They pronounce them in the "lower position" or like lip-luminous, softening.

Often shortened bridles of the language are detected from their parents. Such is a family feature. With a normal bridle of the language in a state of physiological peace, its tip is adjacent to the sky surface of the upper front teeth.

With a shortened bridle, the language is not raised enough, and it does not have the right pressure on the upper dental row, does not oppose the pressure of the muscles of the lips and cheeks.

There are five types of shortening of a bridle of a language according to the classification of F. Ya. Good Miskina. If a child has a shortened I-III species, the speech therapist can stretch the sub-ligament with the help of exercises. Useful and speech therapy massage of the bridle language.

At the same time, you can work up the upper lifting language using the complex articulating exercises ("Oscal", "Curious Language", "Trulling" - "Oscal", "Magnaya", "Cup", "Clean the upper teeth" (outside, from the inside), "Fungus", "fungus" - "accordion", "horse", "machine gun", long-term holding a wide tip of the tongue in the upper teeth and others). You can achieve the desired vibration of the tip of the tongue using the probe or exercise "Prevent youth" from "Dr.", from "JJ". The exercise is carried out in combination with the rapid movements of the child's finger under the tongue.

It is much more difficult to put<р> In shortening the bridle iV-V language species. The child must be sent to consultation to the orthodontist doctor, as in this case it is not without surgical intervention. The next day, the speech therapist can offer a complex of articulation exercises to generate the upper position of the language and vibration of the tip of the tongue, so necessary for the speech<р>.

Natalia Nikolaevna
Consultation "PhondeMatic hearing is the basis of the right speech. Exercises for the development of phonderatic hearing "

The ability to focus on sound is a very important feature of a person.

Without it, it is impossible to learn to listen and understand speech. It is also important to distinguish, analyze and differentiate on rumor phonemes(Sounds of which are our speech). This skill is called phonematic hearing.

Little child can not manage your hearingcan not compare sounds. But you can teach it. Especially necessary develop a phonmematic hearing Children with speech problems. Sometimes the kid just does not notice that he incorrectly pronounces sounds.

Insufficient formed human perception, phondeMectic hearing may be the cause wrong sound pronunciation, words, phrases.

It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to listen to your sample and compare with its own distorted pronunciation. In this way, you send him auditory Attention on these sounds, show the difference in their sound and work out the stimulus to overcome the violation.

Teaching a child reading and developing phonmematic hearing, should be remembered what:

"Our speech consists of proposals.

The offer is a complete thought.

Offers consist of words.

Words consist of sounds.

The sound is what we hear and pronounce.

Letter - what we write and read.

The sound on the letter is denoted by the letter.

Sounds are vowels and consonants.

Public sounds - sounds that can be singing with a voice (above-below, with air, outgoing from the mouth, does not meet barriers.

In Russian, six vowels sounds: A, y, o, and, u, s. In the schemes, vowels are designated in red. Vowels - ten: six - a, y, o, and, u, s - correspond to sounds and four - yoted, which denote two sound: I, Yu, E, E, (I - Ya, Yu - Yu, E - Ye, E - Yo) At the beginning of the word (pit, yula); After vowel sound (Lighthouse, hacking); After soft and solid signs (family, lift). In other cases (after consonants) Jotted vowels indicate the letter softness ahead of standing consonant sound and vowel sound:

I - A. Yu - U, E - E, E - O (Birch, Ball).

The consonant sounds are sounds that can not be singing, because the air coming out of his mouth when they pronounced, meets the barrier.

The deafness and ringing of consonant sounds are determined by the work of voice ligaments and are checked by hand, laid on throat: Deaf consonants - vocal cords does not work (Nelyalyko does not tremble): K, P, C, T, F, X, C, H, W, SH; ringing consonants - voice ligaments work (neck tremble): B, V, G, D, F, 3, Y, L, M, N, R.

The hardness and softness of consonant sounds are determined by hearing:

consonant sounds that can be solid and soft: B, B, G, D, 3, K, L, M, N, P, R, C, T, F, X, BU, VI, GY, DB, ZE, KE, I, MJ, NY, PR , Py, smiling, fj, x;

always solid consonants: Well, sh, c;

always soft consonants: Th, h, sh.

Solid consonants in the diagrams are designated in blue, soft - green.

Work by development of Phonematics Perception begins on the material sneven sounds and gradually covers all sounds speech.

Exercises for Built according to the principle of simple to complex. Having reveaning, at what stage the child stops call with tasks, start from this level.

The first level is the recognition of non-snow sounds. Split on hearing Sneust sounds is the foundation and the basis for the development of phonderatic hearing.

The game "Guess what sounded". Carefully listen with the child the noise of water, the rustle of the newspaper, the ringing of spoons, creaking doors and other household sounds. Offer the child to close your eyes and guess what sounded now.

The game "Noisy bags". Together with the baby, pour into the bags of a croup, buttons, clips. The child must guess the sound of the shrunk bag, which is inside.

The game "Zhmurki". The child tie his eyes, and he moves to the sound of the bell, a tambourine, whistle.

The game "Purify". The child repeats the rhythmic pattern of cotton. for example: Two cotton, pause, one cotton, pause, two cotton. In the complicated version, the baby repeats the rhythm with his eyes closed.

Second level - distinguishing sounds speech on Tembre, strength and height.

The game "Loud quiet". Agree that the baby will perform certain actions - when you say the words loud and when quietly.

The third level is the distinction between the words similar to the sound.

The game "Listen and choose". In front of the child put pictures with similar sounding words (com, som, scrap). Adult calls the subject, and the child must raise the corresponding picture.

The game "True False". Adult shows the baby picture and calls the subject by replacing the first sound (Food, Cat, Merot, Gate, Pallow, Choost). The task of the child is to clap your hands when he hears correct Pronunciation option.

Fourth level - distinguishing syllables.

The game "Purify". Adult explains to the child that there are short and long words. It welcomes them, intonationally sharing syllables. The collaboration of the child says the words (Pa Para, Lo-Pa-Ta, Ba-les-Ri-on, having slammed syllables.

The game "What is superfluous?" Adult pronounces rows of syllables "PA-PA-PA-BA PA", Fa-Fa-Va Fa-Fa etc. The child must slap when hearses extra (other) syllable.

Fifth level - distinguishing sounds. It is necessary to explain to the child that words are consisting of sounds, and then play a little.

The game "Who is it?" Komarik says ZZZZ, wind is blowing "SSSS", Beetle buzz "Zhzhzh", Tiger Rug RRRR. An adult pronounces the sound, and the child guess who publishes it.

The game "Purify". Adult pronounces rows of sounds, and the child claps in his hands when he hears the specified background.

The sixth level is the development of analysis and synthesis skills.

The game "How many sounds". Adult calls one, two, three sounds, and a child on hearing Determines and calls them.

The game "Purify". An adult brings to the rows of words, and the child must slap when hears the word starting.

Games for development of auditory attention and phonderatic hearing

Goal game exercise - Teach him to listen and hear. You will soon notice that the child began to hear herself, his speech is that he is trying to find proper sound articulation, fix Defective pronunciation.

Work by development In children, the ability to distinguish sounds to start with the recognition and distinguishing of none (Sounds ambient) and development of auditory attention.

Offer the child to listen to the sounds outside the window and answer questions: What makes noise? (Trees, what is buzzing? (a car) etc. Then offer to listen carefully and determine which sounds are coming from the corridor, the next room, etc.

The game "Guess what sounds"

It is necessary to show the baby, what sounds make various items (as covers paper, cut scissors, water pouring, rustle a match in a box, rolling in a glass jar; Floatable newspaper; Barrinded thick paper, how the tambourine rings, which sound is eating a drum, how the rattle sounds ). Then you need to reproduce the sounds so that the child does not see the subject (for shirma). And the child must try to guess which item makes such a sound.

The game "We hear the ringing and know where he"

Ask a child to close your eyes and call the bell. The child must turn face to the place where the sound is heard and, without opening the eye, show direction.

At the second stage, children teach distinction of the same words, sound complexes and sounds, focusing on the height, strength and timbre of voice.

The game "Three Bears" Talking along with the child a fairy tale, highlighting a low, coarse voice of the word bear, a less gross voice of the Pearful, high voice of the word bearish.

The game "Who screams?" Offer the child to portray pets and their young. How shouts a cow (spelling "Mu-y" low voice, and as a calf (high voice "Mu-y", goat and goat, pig and piglery, etc.

In class of the third stage, children learn to distinguish words close to sound composition.

The game " Right wrong"

Show the baby sheet of paper and tell me: "I will call the word paper rightT. wrong, and you listen carefully. As soon as I am mistaken, you are slapped in your hands. " "Paper - Pumaga - Tumaga - Paper - Pumbo - Paper". Following word: railway carriage. Specify what it is and then play: Wagon - Vacon - Figon - Wagon - Facon - Wagom.

Game "Leading Wondering"

Adult reads a rhyme, and the child negotiates the last word that is suitable for meaning and rhyme:

On the branch is not a bird -

Lucky animal

Fur warm, like a heater.

Name it. (squirrel).

You do not be afraid - this is a goose,

I myself am. (I'm afraid)

In the House of Log in afraid:

Under me will come. (floor)

The game "How do words sound?"

Adult calls words and asks children to say how they sound: Looks like or unlike?

Mouse - Mishka (seem to be); Cancer - Mak. (seem to be); Horse - cow (does not look like); Caps - Pets (seem to be); table - cabinet (does not look like); House - com (seem to be); bowl - pussy (seem to be).

The game "Tell a word"

Read the child well familiar to him poem ( eg:"It's time to sleep, fell asleep bull ...", "Floor a bear on the floor ...", "Our Tanya cries loudly."). At the same time, do not utter the last words in the stitching. Invite the child to say the missing words.

At the fourth stage, children, being already prepared enough, learn to distinguish the syllables. Starting with such a game. Pronounce a syllable row eg: "Na-Na-Pa"And the child must determine which syllable is extra. Then the sludge rows complete: "Oh-no-on", "Ka-ka-ga" etc.

The game "same or different"

The child on the ear speaks the syllable he repeats aloud, after which the adult repeats the same syllable or says the opposite. The task of the child guess, the same or different syllables were pronounced. It happens approximately so:

Adult whisper "PA", child - "PA", adult loud - "PA", baby - the same,

Adult whisper "BA", child - "BA", adult loud - "PA", child - different,

Adult whisper "Ka", child - "Ka", adult loud - "Ha", child - different, etc.

This method helps develop the ability to distinguish sounds spoken by a whisper, which trains perfectly hearing analyzer.

It should be remembered that first the syllable is necessarily pronounced in the ear, since such a way, increasing the interest of children, mobilizes their attention.


The adult begins, and the child negotiates the last syllable.

Ba-Ba-Ba - the road has two table. (BA).

In-zoom - go home, ko. (per).

Ti-di - on the moon le. (TI).

De de-Those - sit in dark. (those).

Loou-Liu - Onions Green I am by. (Liu).

FE-ve-Fe - I'll sit on CO. (Fe).

At the fifth stage, children learn to distinguish sounds native language. Moreover, it should be started with distinctions of vowels.

Sound Symbols Games

Title a symbol with the actions of people or animals (baby crying "A-A-A", locomotive buzzing "U-U-U", girl Okhet "Ltd", Khchcitt horse "And-and-and")

Exit the sound with the child in front of the mirror and pay attention to the child to the movement of the lips (when we pronounce the sound "but" - mouth wide open; When pronouncing "about" - lips look like an oval; When pronouncing "U" - lips are composed with a tube; When pronouncing "and" - The lips are elongated in a smile).

The game "Catch the sound"

Adult pronounces vowel sounds, and the child must slap in his hands, having heard the specified sound (for example, a).

The game "Attentive baby"

Adult calls the sound, and the child should show the corresponding symbol. Similarly, a game is being played with words where the first sound is vowel.

The game "Who is first"

Show the child a picture with the subject that starts with the vowel "but", "U", "about" or "and". The child must clearly name what is painted in the picture, highlighting the first sound voice (for example, "U-U-U-duck"). Then the child must choose the corresponding character.

Then you should teach children the skills of elementary sound analysis: determine the presence of a given sound in the word, determine the place of sound in the word (beginning, middle, end). It is necessary to start with the analysis of vowels, which can be done as follows. Together with the child, prepare a few red circles. Pronounce one, two or three vowels, for example "but", "AU", "IAU", "about" etc., and the child folds such a number of circles on the table, which corresponds to the number of pronounced sounds.

The game "How many sounds?"

At this stage, children are able to determine the number of vowel sounds in jumped pronouncing (one, two or three vowels sound: A, AU, OUI, AEA). The child must postpone so many sticks on the table as he heard sounds.

The game "Encryption"

Put so many red circles as speaking sounds in the word.

The game "Letters, in order become"

Before the baby is a card with letters. Adult pronounces combinations from vowel sounds first by two: AU, IA, then - three sound: AU, IAU. The child lays the letters on the table in this order.

After vowels, proceed to the analysis of consonant sounds. It is necessary to observe a certain sequence: First, children learn to allocate the last consonant sound of the word. Moreover, it is easier for them to identify at the end of the word deaf explosive consonants. (P, T, K): Cat, whip. Spider, rink, tank, poppy, beetle, onion, broom, soup, Tulup, stop, etc.

The game "Find out the word"

Name the word, lowering the last sound, eg: "Tan.", "Pau.", "VENE." and so on. The child should add the last sound to make the word.

The game "Name the first sound in the word"

First you need to highlight the consonant sound before consonant (Mole, knock, dress, and then before vowels (Som, cat, couples).

The game "Who is bigger?"

Find the items in the room, in the title of which there is sound w (or any other sound, will call them queues: One word you, other - me.

The game "Well, let's guess!"

What same sound is in all words?

Fur coat, cat, mouse (sound w). Beetle, toad, skiing - g; kettle, key, glasses - h; brush, drawer, sorrel - etc. Spit, mustache, nose; herd, Simima, elk - smiling; goat, castle, tooth - s; Winter, mirror, vaseline - zy; flower, egg, chicken - c; Boat, chair, lamp - l; Lipa, forest, salt - Fish, carpet, wing - p; Rice, fortress, letter - ry.

The game "Word on his palm"

Adult comes up with a word with a given sound (for example, with sound w) And the child pops up on his palm, the child in response comes up with the word with the same sound and chlures the palm of the adult and so on.

The game "Come up with the word"

Offer children to call the words:

FROM "Song Komarika" - umbrella, zebra, charging, vase, basket.

FROM "Song beetle" - Giraffe, acorns, toad, skis, scissors, circle, knife.

FROM "Wind Song" - hat, fur coat, scarf, pencil, machine, wardrobe, bump, mouse.

FROM "Motor Song" -the, fish, mushrooms, cheese, frame, cake. FROM "Song of the pump" - Dog, Fox, Donkey, Bag, Table, Chair, Airplane.

The game "Extreme Sounds"

Call the first and last sounds in words: Stork, donkey, angle.

The game "Cleps - Topney"

Task for baby: If you hear the word with the sound of shlers in your hands, and with the sound of funks with my feet.

The words: Cap, beetle, hedgehog, cat, hanger, skiing, pencil, scissors, puddle, roof.

The game « Fix a bug»

Listen to the offer, find a mistake, say right:

The hostess was welded. Spit grazed in the meadow. The girl had soup soup. The girl has a long goat.

The game "Find and call the desired word"

Offer the child to allocate and call only those words in which there are set sounds.

C - Dad bought Lena Sanki. A bus is moving on the way.

Nature comes to life in the spring.

Z - the castle hangs on the door. In the sky appeared thunderstorm clouds.

Why dog \u200b\u200bleaves

On whom does not know?

That is why she is barking -

Get to know you.

The game "Fourth extra"

The child repeats for adult words, and then calls the word in which there is no sound occurring in others.

Bunny, squirrel, umbrella, zebra (superfluous protein, there is no sound in her name "3").

Beetle, Giraffe, Bear, Hedgehog (Bear Excess, there is no sound in his name "F).

Sledge, plane, mirror, sun (mirror is superfluous, there is no sound in his name "FROM"

On the final stage in the system development of phonderatic hearing We teach the child to divide the words on the syllables, determine the number of syllables in the word, be able to "swell", "tackle" the rhythmic pattern of two and three-sided words.

The game "Sweep the word"

Step and pronounce word in syllables. Each step is a syllable.

The game "What word is longer?"

Adult pronounces words, and a child compares them and says what word long: House or house, ball or ball, table or dining room, rabbit or mole, bike or great.

Data exercises help the child to overcome flaws development of phonderatic hearingwill prepare for literacy learning, help to avoid sound-proof disorders.

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