Andrei Osterman years of life. "Gray Cardinal" Count Andrei Ivanovich Osterman

Actually led the internal and foreign Policy Russia with Anna Ioannovna, retained key positions in public administration During the periods of the reign of four venance, the fifth, he sentenced him to the death penalty. With it, a number of essential foreign policy agreements were concluded, he established a regular postal message in Russia, on its initiative, shipbuilding was actively conducted and the domestic market was practically formed.

Childhood and youth Osterman Andrei Ivanovich are covered with verses of unknown. It is also known about the origin, not much - the father of the state leader was the Lutheran Shepherd.

According to some reports, Osterman studied at the University of Yen, from where he was forced to run accused of murder. For some time he lived in Eisenach, and then in Amsterdam. It was here in 1703, Osterman was adopted in Russian service. The 17-year-old young man had no special education, but he owned German, French, Dutch, Italian and Latin, and later mastered the Russian language. It is knowledge foreign languages It became the key to his successful career. In 1708, he became a translator of the Embassy Order, serving in the hiking office of Peter I.

The personal qualities of Osterman became the key to his rapid and bright career of the executive official, distinguished by the clear mind, the clarity of thinking, the ability to take independent solutions. In communication with the surrounding Osterman showed amazing flexibility, later, the flexibility in communication has passed into the flexibility of the political and court careerist. For many years, Osterman knew how to maintain power, every time leaving the shadow (often affecting the patient) in the most critical moments. As a diplomat, he knew how to negotiate with foreign representatives, not saying "yes", nor "no" and not responding directly for any question.

Osterman's political views were impregnated with pragmatism. The ideological filling of concrete events, his soap worried, but he was a faithful student of Peter I, in his practical activity Always put the interests of the state for the first place. Contemporaries disliked Osterman for his cunning, dodgy, duplicity.

The first diplomatic orders were given Osterman by King Peter I already in 1710, when he was sent first to polish king August II, and then to Prussia and Denmark.

In 1711, during the Prutsky, he together with P.P. Shafirov participated in the negotiations with the Turks, and in 1713-1715 he was heading with diplomatic missions to Berlin and Amsterdam. In 1717, Osterman was instructed to accompany Ya.V. Bruce at the Aland Congress, where Andrei Ivanovich played a leading role.

Already in 1720, he was appointed by the secret adviser to the Foreign Affairs Board, and in 1721 he signed the Nesteadt world from the Swedes on behalf of Russia, after which Peter I complained his title of Baron and the secret adviser. Osterman is also considered the main author of the Petrovsk "table of ranks".

Osterman's career flourishing came on time after Peter I. In 1725, Ekaterina I appointed him by Vice-Chancellor and a valid secret adviser. In 1726, Osterman became a member of the Supreme Secret Council. At the same time, for the first time, it was not only foreign policy, but also the cases of internal management: under his beginning it was the post office and commerce commission. In many ways, the personal merit of Osterman can be considered the establishment of a regular mailing between the most important cities Countries, as well as trade outlook.

At the initiative of the Commerce Commission under the Office of Osterman for foreign trade, the Arkhangelsk port was opened, trade relations with Khiva and Bukhar were restored, in 1729 the first bill of exchange charter was put into effect, and in 1734 a new customs tariff.

At the same time, at Catherine I, Osterman practically implemented its foreign policy doctrine, the most important place in which an allied agreement was made in 1726 with Austria, for a long time determining the focus of Russia's foreign policy. In 1727, Osterman was awarded the Order of Andrei First Called and appointed Ober-Hofmeister of the Grand Prince Peter Alekseevich (the future of Emperor Peter II). After the death of Catherine I, Osterman became headed by a conspiracy against the once all-industrialist A.D. Menshikova. However, the successes of Osterman in the struggle for the location of the young Emperor Peter II were insignificant.

Osterman's non-participation in the draft Supreme Secretary Council on the restriction of the imperial power in 1730 provided it to the preservation of power and the reign of Anna John. Already at the glance of her for the throne, he was erected in the graph, appointed by Senator, and from 1731 he was the Cabinet-Minister, and since 1734, after the death of G.I. Golovkin, became the first Cabinet-Minister. Throughout the reign, Anna, John Osterman managed to successfully balance between the favorite of Empress E.I. Biron and other cabinet members, in fact, leading not only by foreign policy, but also participating in the adoption of the most important political decisions. So, since 1733, he became at the head of the Naval Commission and did a lot to streamline shipbuilding. During the deaths of Anna John and the appointment of Biron Regency Osterman managed to stay in the shadows, but then supported the coup, headed by B.K. Minich. After that, he received the rank of General Admiral and remained the chief adviser to Anna Leopoldovna during the entire board. Osterman was aware of the new conspiracy preparing against her and unsuccessfully tried to convince the government to take preventive measures. Zesarean Elizabeth, dissatisfied with Osterman, as the heir to Peter the Great in 1727, initiated suspicion in him. This attitude of Osterman to Elizabeth and explains, first of all, the harsh fate, which has suffered him when she occupies the Russian throne.

With the joint in November 1741, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna Osterman was arrested, devoted to the court and sentenced to death. The patient, his stretchers took place on the scaffold, where the rite of death penalty was made, and then decree of the Empress about the link to Siberia was read. Posted in the city of Berezov, Osterman lived there for several years.

1 Getting started. Appetor Peter.
2 in political struggle 1725-1730
3 Foreign Policy at Anne Ioannovna
4 drop and link
5 Characteristic
6 family


Heinrich Johann Friedrich Osterman (HEINRICH JOHANN FRIEDRICH OSTERMANN), in Russia - Andrei Ivanovich; (1686, Bochum - 1747, Berezov), Count from 1730, Cabinet-Minister, Admiral General (1740, deprived of title in 1741) - the famous Russian State Worker of German Origin.

1. The beginning of the activity. Appetor Peter.

Born in the Pastor family in Bochum, in Westphalia, studied at the University of Jen's University, but because of the duel was supposed to flee to Amsterdam, from there with Admiral Crysov arrived in Russia in 1704.

Quickly learned the Russian language, Osterman acquired the confidence of Peter and in 1707 he was already a translator of the Embassy Order, and in 1710 he was secretary. In 1711, Osterman, which Russians called Andrei Ivanovich, accompanied Peter in Prut campaign; In 1713 he participated in negotiations with Swedish authorized; In 1721, he achieved, together with Bruce, the conclusion of the Nesteadt world, for which he was erected into baron dignity. He also belongs to the conclusion in 1723 the trade agreement favorable for Russia with a percey who brought him the title of vice president of the Foreign Collegium. In 1726, he became the initiator of the conclusion of the Union with Austria. He was a regular adviser to Peter I and in the affairs of internal management: according to his instructions, "Tabel about ranks" was drawn up, a collegium of foreign affairs was transformed and many other innovations were made.

Peter really appreciated his associate, he granted him a lot of land, including the village of the Red Corner of the Ryazan province, which became a generic nest of Osterman.

2. In political struggle 1725-1730

With the entry into the throne of Catherine I Osterman, as a supporter of Empress and Menshikov, is appointed by Vice-Chancellor, the main boss on the mail, president of the Commerce-Collegia and a member of the Supreme Secretary Council. Selected in the teachers of Peter II, on which, however, had little effect, he remained, after removing Menshikov, at the head of the control. Abboting in 1730, by virtue of its foreign origin and illness, from participation in the plan of the supremes and without even subscribing under the "Conditions", Osterman joined the shit, became, together with Feofan Prokopovich, at the head of the party, hostile to the supremes, and corresponded with Anna John, giving her advice.

3. Foreign policy with Anne Ioannovna

With the entry into the throne of Anna Ioannovna, who was awarded Osterman, County dignity (1730), it opens the extensive field of activity. Being the main and the only one of the appendant of the external affairs, he was for the Biron and the best adviser in all serious matters on internal management. According to Osterman's thought, the Cabinet of Ministers was established, in which the entire initiative belonged to him and his opinions were almost always overwhelmed, so Osterman should be fully attributed to the then Cabinet then: a reduction in the noble service, a decrease in filing, measures to develop trade, industry and literacy, improved judicial and financial parts and much more. They were also established questions of the Holstein and Persian and trading contracts with England and Holland were concluded. He was against the ruinage war with the Turks who ended with the Belgrade world concluded.

With Anna Leopoldovna Osterman, preserving the former titles and duties, was made by Admiral General and after removing the Biron remained at the head of the board. Through spies, he knew about the conspiracy of the supporters of Elizabeth Petrovna, but its warnings were left by the government without attention.

After the top of Elizabeth, Osterman was arrested and devoted to the court. The investigative commission has seen many different accusations on him:

· By signing the spiritual testament of Catherine I and swear to fulfill him, he changed his oath;

· After the death of Peter II and Anna, Ioannovna eliminated Elizaveu Petrovna from the throne;

· Composed a manifesto on appointment by the heir to the throne of Prince John Braunschweigsky;

· He advised Anna Leopoldovna to issue Elizaven Petrovna married to a foreign "wretched" prince;

· Distributed state places to strangers and pursued the Russians;

· Deal Elizabeth Petrovna "Different Inults", etc.

"Count Osterman, struck by unfortunate, fell illusing so dangerous that the doctors did not pass for the continuation of his life before pronouncing the sentence. The German biographer says him: -" He had a wound on his leg, which during the conclusion, not without intent on his part, or just not at oddness, I can not say that I didn't have a breakdown, which went into a cancer, or rather a gangrenous, and all the doctors decided that he would live for long. Raised was to transfer it to the fortress to the Winter Palace, where were attached Maja caring care and care. Empress Elizabeth ordered not only to meet him affectionately and take care of his healthy, but as they say, told at the same time: "What a sorry she is so cruel to act with such a famous old man, but it requires justice." Special The Commission appointed to study the crimes of Sanovnikov consisted of five members; then were: Count Ushakov, Prince Trubetskaya, General Levashov, Prince Kurakin and the secret adviser to Naryshkin. "

For all this, he was sentenced to ruling.

The day of execution was scheduled for January 18, 1742. As a scaffold, erected on Vasilyevsky Island, in front of the building of the Twelve College (on the site of the current stock of the Square), reached out from the fortress a number of simple peasant sleds with state criminals. Osterman was held the first, in a fur coat, warm fur cola and in the cap; For him, the mini, which for the sake of some melodramatic effect, died in red, military raincoat, in which hiking in Danzig and to Ochakov. Six thousand Guards soldiers and the masses of the people surrounded Eshafoth. Osterman made onto her stretchers and put on a chair, then removed the cap and a wig from the old man. With developing klochyami gray hair, Forklits from pain in the legs, but completely calmly, the count listened to the reading of the sentence. Biographers are surprised by His Cool, but the reasons for such was, of course, firm confidence in the Mercy of the Empress, who at the very night of the adoption of His throne, before the icon of the Savior, gave an oath to no one to execute death. This oath, no doubt, was not limited to Osterman. With the same calm, he, shot from the chair and lowered to his knee on the platform, laid his head on the fell. The executioner recovered the gate of shirts, raised the ax and instantly took him aside and lowered on the platform at the word: forgiveness. The Empress replaced the death penalty for a life link for all convicts.

The Empress replaced the execution of an eternal imprisonment in Birch, where Osterman, and his wife lived for five years, not going anywhere and not taking anyone, except for pastor, and constantly suffering from gout.

5. Characteristic

Restrained, consistent and hardworking, Osterman was not associated with Russia and looked at her as in the arena for his ambition. He treated the Russian people and, as a human person, despised the born people, using them for his own purposes. In view of his "politicians" to act through others and behind the other A. P. Volynsky considered him for a person, "producing himself with devilish channels and not exploring anything directly, but across all the dark parties." Friedrich II in his "Notes" characterizes it like this: "Skillful feeding, he drove the firing of the empire in the era of coups, being cautious and brave, depending on circumstances, and knew Russia, as rather than the human body."

For 10 years of the reign of Anna Joanovna (1730-1740) Osterman A. I. was the actual ruler of Russia (in domestic and foreign policy). Osterman A. I. conducted a pronounced pro ALLASTIC policy to the detriment of the main interests of Russia. In 1732-34gg. Gave the majority of Caucasian and Caspian conquests (for example, Gilyan, which is currently the province of Iran) Persia (Shah Nadir knew Anna Ioanovna Elephants). Russian troops have repeatedly supplied for European wars of distant Austria. The one-sided foreign policy of Osterman led to the fact that by 1740 Russia lost the majority of Peter I political conquests and was in the worst state since the Poland intervention (1612). In the Belgrade World of 1739, Russia lost access to the Black Sea. Fleet gone. Russia was in a witty-pre-war on the part of Sweden, Persia, Turkey, the Crimean Khanate and the strengthening of Prussia. Moving on an Osterman's wheelchair was a brilliant intrigue and virtuoso patent struggle.

· Wife - Osterman, Marfa Ivanovna. Their kids:

3. Anna (April 22, 1724-1769), in marriage Tolstaya, Grandma Count Alexander Ivanovich Osterman-Tolstoy.


1. S. V. Lyubimov. Osterman

2. P. P. Karatygin. Family relations of Count A. I. Osterman

Sovereign OKO. Secret diplomacy and intelligence in the service of Russia Kudryavtsev Nikolay Alexandrovich

A. I. Osterman

A. I. Osterman

Andrei Ivanovich Osterman was born on May 30, 1686 in the Pastor family in the town of Bokum, in Westphalia (Western Germany). He studied at the University in the city of Jena, but because of participation in the duel fled to Amsterdam. In 1703, Osterman agreed to enter the Russian service by Vice-Admiral K. I. Crysu. His older brother at that time was already in the Russian service. He was engaged in the upbringing of the daughters of the king Ivan Alekseevich, the late brother Peter I. In October 1704, A. I. Osterman, together with the Huire, came to Russia. Knowledge of German, Dutch, French, Italian and Latin languages \u200b\u200ballowed him in 1707 to take a translator's place in the Embassy Order. Soon, Osterman was perfected by the Russian language. He was one of the few contemporaries of Peter I, most correctly writing in a stylistic and grammatical relationship. In 1710, Osterman was appointed to the post of Secretary of the Embassy Order.

In 1711, Andrei Ivanovich Osterman took part in the Protheskaya campaign of Peter I. Together with P. P. Shafirov, he led peaceful negotiations with a great Vizier, while showing uncommon diplomatic abilities to which Peter I drew attention to the success of these negotiations in many ways Osterman career. In 1713-1715 He performed the diplomatic instructions of Peter I in Prussia and Holland. In 1718-1719. Osterman, together with Ya. V. Bruce, was entrusted to negotiate with the Swedes at the Aland Congress. In special instructions addressed only to Osterman, Peter I gave an indication to recruit the main authorized Swedes at Congress, the Favorite of the King and the First Minister Hertz. Andrei Ivanovich deployed active intelligence work and achieved good results. Hertz informed the Russian government about the situation in Sweden and intrigues around the king. In addition to Hertz, Osterman recruited the secretary of the Swedish delegation of Stamkeen, who covered the work of Swedish delegates. The case at the Aland Congress clearly went to the world when a crazy bullet from the walls of the besieged Danish fortress Friedrichsgal (in Norway) struck the temple with a Swedish king. The sister of the king and the heiress Ulric Eleanor interrupted in the summer of 1719. Negotiations and, watched by the support of England, decided to continue to fight Russia.

Upon returning to Russia, Osterman in February 1720 was appointed a "secret office of advisor" in the collegium of foreign affairs. His duty was the preparation of the most important diplomatic papers. In 1721, Osterman, together with Ya. V. Bruce, participated in the conclusion of the Nesteadt peace treaty with Sweden, who completed the Northern War. Under the conditions of the world, Russia received the Baltic coast from Vyborg to Riga, part of Karelia, Isle Ezel, Dago and Man. In gratefulness for this in August 1721, Peter I was erected Osterman to Baron dignity. He was granted the rank of secret advisor, as well as money and villages.

In September 1723, Osterman concluded an important peace treaty for Russia with a percion, who legally secured the Western Coast of the Caspian Sea, disheightered from Persia during the Caspian campaign. However, this contract was not ratified by Persian Shah Tahmasp II.

In 1724, Peter I instructed A. I. Osterman "Give the decent education of the Foreign Affairs Collegium." An experienced diplomat, Osterman amounted to the draft of the new state of the office and the Rules of the College called: "To the composition and determination of the Office of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs of the sentence." These proposals are considered one of the best documents compiled by Osterman. However, Andrei Ivanovich's "suggestions" were not approved due to the death of Peter I. However, they studied and used in the preparation of the collegium states throughout the XVIII century.

After the death of Peter I, Catherine I complained Osterman the title of Vice-Chancellor and the Chin of a valid secret adviser. At the same time, he was appointed chief head of the postal and headed the Commission Commission. Thus, the effect of Osterman intensified in the field of domestic policy. In 1727, Andrei Ivanovich was awarded the Higher Russian Order of St. The Apostle Andrei First Called and appointed Ober-Gofmeister (educator) of the grandson of Peter I, the Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich. For his pupil, Osterman was "drawing exercises." In addition, he presented to Empress Ekaterina I, a project of Marriage Peter Alekseevich with his aunt Cesarean Elizabeth Petrovna. Osterman did not embarrass the close degree of kinship, nor the difference in the age of future spouses.

In early February 1726, Ekaterina I established the Supreme Secret Council, which limited the independence and importance of the board of foreign affairs. The Council consisted of 6 members: A. D. Menshikova, F. M. Apraksin, P. A. Tolstoy, D. M. Golitsyn, G. I. Golovkin and A. I. Osterman. Most of the meetings of the Supreme Secretary Council were devoted to foreign policy issues. The Council, therefore, as if replaced the activities of the Board of Foreign Affairs, turning it into a kind of executive office. However, in the future, Vice-Chancellor Osterman and a member of the College of Foreign Affairs V. V. Stepanov received the right to report directly to Empress "According to such cases, the college that did not require the discussion" In the Supreme Secret Counter. The projects of rescripts to Russian representatives abroad decided not to assert the Council, but in the board. Only "important cases" began to be transferred to the council.

The situation in Europe at the end of the reign of Peter I has changed significantly. Sweden ceased to be a dangerous opponent of Russia. In 1724, Russia concluded with Sweden the defensive Stockholm Union. Under the terms of the contract, Sweden gave an important promise to provide military assistance to its ally in the event of an attack on him any "Christian" European powers, as well as secure his rear in the case of Turkish attack. Thus, Russian diplomacy remained two unresolved problems: Polish and Turkish.

After Peter I, his successors, right up to Elizabeth Petrovna, there was no independent foreign policy program. The Government of Catherine I in early 1725 announced its loyalty to the general foreign policy rate defined by Peter Great, as well as previously adopted by Russia international obligations. In Europe, at that time there was an active preparation for the creation of Vienna and Hannover unions. Catherine I was originally inclined to the Union with France and England. One of the reasons for this choice was the position of the Austrian Emperor Charles IV in the question of Russian Prestiplotia. The emperor advised the announcement by the heir to the throne of Tsarevich Peter Alekseevich, his grandee nephew and grandson of Peter I, which caused serious discontent of Catherine I and prevented the Russian-Austrian rapprochement.

Osterman, together with Chancellor Golovnoy spoke at the Supreme Secret Council for Russia's accession to the Vienna Union of Austria and Spain. He rightly believed that the Hannover Union "Against Tsesar, and more against us is straightforward." From Russian residents in Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Hague received comprehensive information about the goals of Hannover allies, as well as about the years of 1725, the negotiations of English and French diplomats began in order to join them Sweden and Denmark. An important source of information was a very influential group benevolent to Russia officials in the Swedish government. They not only informed the Russian Messenger N. F. Golovin about the diplomatic shares of Hannover allies, but also accepted countermeasures, seeking to convince the ruling circles of Sweden in the disadvantage of accession to the Hannover League.

The government of Catherine I tried to oppose the Anti-Russian politics of Anglo-French diplomacy. In order to strengthen the Russian positions and the achievements of a closer Russian-Swedish Union in April 1726, the Supreme Secret Council decided to send a special embassy in Stockholm led by V. L. Dolgorukh. Before him was tasked to conclude a new union contract with Sweden to disrupt its negotiations with Hannover allies and prevent accession to this block. Considering the state of affairs in Sweden and "current delicate conjunctures", it was decided to allocate up to 100 thousand rubles to bribe the Swedish states. But the Embassy of Dolgorukova because of various reasons arrived in Stockholm only in early November, and the time was missed. Immediately at the arrival of Dolgoruky noted the weakening of the position of "benevolent" and strengthening the influence of their opponents. In December 1726, a meeting of Dolgorukova was held with the Swedish king and the head of the government by Count Arvid Mountain, which ended to no avail. The promise of the ambassador to double or even triple the size of the bribe also did not help. "LEXCH Mufti into the Christian law to introduce, rather than keep the Swedes from joining the Hannover League"- Lorrugic confessed with bitterness.

In the current situation, the rapprochement of Russia and Austria became a serious blow to Hannover Union. G. I. Golovkin, A. I. Osterman, V. L. Dolgoruky, acting against A. D. Menshikova, F. M. Apraksina and D. M. Golitsyn, defended the Union with Austria. On July 26 (August 6), 1726, a Russian-Austrian defensive and offensive union agreement was signed in Vienna. Russia and Austria acted together in the two most important wars of the 30s: in the war for the Polish legacy and in the Turkish war, 1735-1739.

After the death of Catherine I and the first time in May 1727, Peter II Osterman, using his influence on the young Emperor, largely contributed to the fall of his rival Prince A. D. Menshikov in September 1727. Dirlness and caution helped Osterman to keep their high position and after Peter II death in January 1730

Andrei Ivanovich, having affected the patient, did not take part in the meeting of the Supreme Secret Council, who elected the decendor of the late emperor Duchess Kullyndskaya Anna John and adopted "Conditions" about the restriction of autocracy. Anna Ioannovna, who has been confidentially signed by the "Conditions" in Mitava, arriving in Moscow, found that the "Cressing" of the suprames does not enjoy the majority of the nobles or the guardsmen. She publicly overshadowed a sheet of paper with signed by her "Conditions". This very Kourland Duchess proclaimed himself an autocratic empress. Among those who supported Anna John, was Osterman. In gratefulness, Empress appointed Andrei Ivanovich in March 1730 by Senator. In April 1730, Osterman was erected, with its descendant descendant, in the Count of the Russian Empire dignity and received land in Liflandia.

Lazy and poorly educated Anna Ioannovna did not show any interest in state affairs. Instead of the abolished Supreme Secret Council, it was organized about the same for the competence of the institution, but under the new name - the Cabinet of Ministers. In November 1731, Osterman, the rank of the second Cabinet, the minister, became part of the Cabinet. Since 1733, he presided over the Naval Commission "For consideration and bring to the kind and reliable order of the fleet, admiralty and everything that belongs to that." Nothing makes sense in the naval, Osterman has served in Russia to China General Admiral.

In 1734, after the death of G. I. Golovkin, Andrei Ivanovich received the title of the first office-minister and headed Russian diplomacy. Possessing a subtle mind and great diplomatic experience, Osterman perfectly disassembled in complex tricks of European politics. Extremely cautious in decision-making, he, however, well learned the main elements of the foreign policy of Peter I. Following this course, Osterman sought to avoid the struggle on two fronts, while for the sake of solving the most vital tasks he did not stop in front of significant victims. So, the question of relationships with Persia Andrei Ivanovich subordinated to a more important and complex Turkish problem. He did not believe in the possibility of holding the guilyan and other conquered areas during the Caspian campaign of Peter I and was ready to return them to acquire an ally against Turkey in Persia. In early 1732, following the instructions of A. I. Osterman, P. P. Shaffirov signed a decision with the PC, which contained the item on the return of the provinces of Gilyan, Mazendaran and Astrabad. In 1735, with the participation of Andrei Ivanovich, Russia and Persia concluded the Ganja Treaty on the Defense Union. Under this contract, Russia returned to himself Baku and Derbent.

In 1735, Russia entered the war with Turkey. In this situation, the Russian government was especially interested in the position of Sweden. An important success of Russian diplomacy was the recovery in August 1735 of the Military Union with Sweden. The ally of Russia in the Russian-Turkish war was Austria. However, Vienna delayed negotiations on Russia's military assistance, and only in January 1737 the Convention on joint military actions against Turkey was signed. In the middle of the same year, at the initiative of Turkey, an attempt was made to a peaceful settlement of the Russian-Turkish conflict. From August 16 to November 11, the Congress of Russians, Turkish and Austrian representatives took place in the Ukrainian town of Nemirovo. The Russian delegation was headed by P. P. Shafirov, A. P. Volynsky and I. I. Nepnev. The work of the delegation was led by I. Osterman. Guided by Osterman's instruction, the Russian delegation presented its requirements. It was not so much the wishes of Russia in the present, how much the program of its east policy in the future.

The requirements of Russia not only met harsh objections from the Turks, but also alarmed the Austrians who presented claims to part of Moldova and Valahia, Serbia and Bosnia. Austro-Russian contradictions strengthened the positions of Turkey, which was preparing for the deployment of the offensive in the Balkans. As a result, Nemirovsky Congress closed. War lasted two more years. After the release of Austria from the war in 1739, the Russian-Turkish peace treaty was concluded in Belgrade. Before the threat of a Swedish attack, Osterman decided to conclude a peace treaty, far from being consistent with Russia's efforts. Nevertheless, the treaty unleashed Russia hands to prevent Swedish attack on Petersburg, which was delayed by this for two years.

From 1736, Osterman did not leave the sickness from his home, however, none of the major state affair without his participation. In October 1740, Osterman brought in a chair to the palace to bed of the dying Empress Anna John. Andrei Ivanovich urged it to appoint regent with the future emperor-infant Ivan Antonovich E. I. Biron.

In November 1740, after the Arrest of Biron, the organizer of the coup B. X. Minih proclaimed the regent Mother of Emperor-Baby Anna Leopoldovna. For some time, Field Marshal Minichm has become the most influential person in the state. Excessively ambitious, he dreamed of obtaining the rank of Generalissimus of the Russian Army, then the position of the first minister. But the intrigues of the deft Osterman, who competed with the Feld Marshal general in the struggle for power, did not receive the minch, neither one nor the other and resigned. In 1740, the Government Anna Leopoldovna complained Andrei Ivanovich Osterman to Admiral General. By the end of her government, he played a key role in state affairs. Through his spies, Osterman knew about the conspiracy of the supporters of Zesarevna Elizabeth Petrovna, but its warnings were left by the government without attention.

During the next coup, committed on November 25, 1741 in favor of the daughter of Peter I Elizabeth, Osterman was arrested. He was betrayed on charges of state treason and sentenced to death. On the day of the execution, on January 18, 1742, Osterman was erected on the scaffold, but here he was announced to replace the execution of the eternal reference in Berezov. In Berezov, he, together with his wife, lived for 5 years, without leaving anywhere, not accepting anyone, except for pastor. Constantly suffering from gout, Andrei Ivanovich Osterman died in Berezov in 1747 at the age of 61.

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Lev Osterman flourishing and falling Athenian democracy (excerpts) "... for our state Device We did not take any alien establishments for the sample. On the contrary, we will rather be an example of others than imitate someone in something. And since we have a city

From the book of Romanov. Family secrets of Russian emperors Author Balyазин VOLDEMAR Nikolaevich

Outstanding Germans - Vice-Chancellor Osterman and Feldmarshal Minich now it's time to at least briefly tell us about two prominent figures of the Anna Ivanovna era - Henry-Johanne, to Russian manner Andrei Ivanovich, Osterman and Field Marshal Borchad Christopher Minich.

Silence: Berezovsky graveyard
Spouse: Marfa Ivanovna Osterman Children: Peter, Fedor, Anna, Ivan Education: Ian University Awards:

Start activities. Appetor Peter.

Peter really appreciated his associate, he granted him a lot of land, including the village of the Red Corner of the Ryazan province, which became a generic nest of Osterman.

In political struggle 1725-1730

Appointed by Vice-Chancellor, Andrei Ivanovich became a ideological inspirer and author of the Union with Austria. Determining the goals of policies for rapprochement with Vienna, Osterman wrote: "Caagesar in a state, read, all other powers from the offensive to Russia to keep ... And Russia in excess of the above-described general benefit will be another particulation that the cessary, Yako, the guarantor of the grassland world, to returning Schlesva to the Royal Highness of the Duke of Holsteinsky will absolutely be acknowledged Imperial - in the affairs of the Duke of Mecklenburg. There is little dangers from such a union, because from France for such an alliance of war will not be, but in more info, seeing Russia in good agreement with Cessera, the Russian friendship will become more viscous. England is in doubt or brief from the crash of his own report with Francia on natural interests of the Roman returns to the Tsear. The King of Pruss Tol the Napa to the Russian friendship will be forced. Sweden this alliance with Cessera wishes itself. Poland from any noctivities is not tokmo, but still will be given in the near agreement. " . The future showed loyalty to the calculation of the vice-chancellor, while the Russian-Austrian Union was concluded in Vienna on July 26 (August 6) of 1726 by the Russian envoy Ludwig Lanchinsky and Prince Evgenia Savoy.

The creation of the Arkhangelsk shipyard made it possible to quickly and quickly deploy the construction of a large number of ships using a local larch and saving limited resources of the ship oak. Arkhangelsk shipyard has become actually the main shipbuilding base of the Baltic Fleet. The presence of a qualified labor force, smaller timing deadlines and the best organization of its workpiece led to the fact that the cost and timing of the construction of ships in Arkhangelsk were less than in St. Petersburg.

Fall and reference

After the top of Elizabeth, Osterman was arrested and devoted to the court. The investigative commission has seen many different accusations on him:

  • by signing the spiritual testament of Catherine I and swear to fulfill him, he changed her oath;
  • after the death of Peter II and Anna, Ioannovna eliminated Elizabeth Petrovna from the throne;
  • i composed a manifesto about the appointment by the heir to the throne of Prince John Braunschweigsky;
  • he advised Anna Leopoldovna to issue Elizavet Petrovna married to a foreign "wretched" prince;
  • i distributed state places to strangers and pursued the Russians;
  • did Elizabeth Petrovna "Different Insults", etc.

"Count Osterman, struck by unfortunate, fell illusing so dangerous that the doctors did not pass for the continuation of his life before pronouncing the sentence. The German biographer says him: -" He had a wound on his leg, which during the conclusion, not without intent on his part, or just not at oddness, I can not say that I didn't have a breakdown, which went into a cancer, or rather a gangrenous, and all the doctors decided that he would live for long. Raised was to transfer it to the fortress to the Winter Palace, where were attached The smallest careful about it care and care. Empress Elizabeth ordered not only to meet him affectionately and take care of his healthy, but, as they say, said: "What a sorry for her so cruelly acting with such a famous old man, but he demands justice." Special The Commission appointed to study the crimes of Sanovnikov consisted of five members; then were: Count Ushakov, Prince Trubetskaya, General Levashov, Prince Kurakin and the secret adviser to Naryshkin. "

The day of execution was scheduled for January 18, 1742. As a scaffold, erected on Vasilyevsky Island, in front of the building of the Twelve College (on the site of the current stock of the Square), reached out from the fortress a number of simple peasant sleds with state criminals. Osterman was held the first, in the fur coat, warm fur cola and in the cap; For him, the mini, which for the sake of some melodramatic effect died in red, military raincoat, in which hiking in Danzig and to Ochakov. Six thousand Guards soldiers and the masses of the people surrounded Eshafoth. Osterman made onto her stretchers and put on a chair, then removed the cap and a wig from the old man. With fluttering shreds of gray hair, fascinated from pain in the legs, but completely calmly, the count listened to the reading of the sentence. Biographers are surprised by His Cold Owl, but the reason for such was, of course, solid confidence in the mercy of the Empress, who at the very night of the adoption of his throne, before the icon of the Savior, gave anyone to no one to execute death. This oath, no doubt, was not excluding Osterman. With the same calm, he, shot from the chair and lowered to his knee on the platform, laid his head on the fell. The executioner recovered the gate of shirts, raised the ax and instantly took him aside and lowered on the platform with the word: forgiveness. The Empress replaced the death penalty for life with life for everyone convicted.

The Empress replaced the execution of an eternal imprisonment in Birch, where Osterman and his wife lived for five years, without leaving anywhere and not taking anyone, except for pastor, and constantly suffering from gout. He died in the link, buried on the Berezovsky graveyard, the grave was preserved to the present.


According to the external administration, Osterman strictly followed the draws of Peter. In view of his "politicians" to act through others and behind the other A. P. Volynsky considered him for a person, "Producing himself by the devilish channels and does not express anything directly, but across all the dark parties". Frederick II in his "notes" characterizes it like this: "Skilled feed, he in the era of coups the most stormy faithful hand ruled the feed of the empire, being cautious and brave, depending on circumstances, and knew Russia, as rather - the human body".

A family

  • Wife - Marfa Ivanovna Osterman, Neborn Streshnev.
  1. Peter (March 21, 1722 - May 1, 1723)
  2. Fedor. (April 11, 1723 - 10 (21) November 1804)
  3. Anna (April 22, 1724-1769), My wife M. A. Tolstoy; Their grandson Count Osterman-Tolstoy.
  4. Ivan. (April 23 (May 4) - 18 (30) April)

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  • Wagner I. F.
  • Schubinsky S. C. A. I. Osterman (biographical essay). // " Northern Lights", 1863, t. II.
  • Korsakov. Academy of Anna Johnna.
  • Karatygin P. . // "Historical Bulletin", 1884, No. 9.
  • "Ancient and New Russia" (1876, t. I, № 3)
  • Polyevktov M. A. // Russian Biographical Dictionary: in 25 volumes. - St. Petersburg. -M., 1896-1918.
  • Ostroman's petition and custody (1711);
  • Rudakov V. E. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • "Collection of the department of Russian. Language and words. Imp. Acad. Sciences ", t. IX (Translation from the note gr. A. I. Osterman on negotiations led by gr. M. Golovin and other persons, about approving the inheritance by the Russian throne in the offspring of the Princess Braunschweig-Luneburg Anna Leopoldna)
  • Al. SC. Admiral General A. I. Osterman // "Marine Collection", 1857, h. XXX
  • Gelbig G. Russian chosenses and casual people in the XVIII century. // "Russian Starina", 1886, № 4
  • Harm Klueting, Edeltraud Kluetin: HEINRICH GRAF OSTERMANN. Von Bochum Nach St. Petersburg 1687 BIS 1747, 1976. - ISBN 3-921543-38-X


  • On the "Rodovoda". Tree ancestors and descendants

Excerpt characterizing Osterman, Andrei Ivanovich

- suggested other possessions of the Eldenburg Duchy, "said Prince Nikolai Andreich. "For sure, I moved to the Bald Mountains in Boguchaarovo and in Ryazan, and he is the dukes.
- Le Duc D "Oldenbourg Supporte Son Malheur Avec Une Force De Caractere Et Une Resignation Admirable, [Duke of Oldenburg tolerate his misfortune with wonderful power and subside to fate,] - said Boris, taking into the conversation. He said it because passing From St. Petersburg had the honor to see the duke. Prince Nikolai Andreich looked at the young man as if he would like to tell him something, but he thought, considering it too for that young.
"I read our protest about Oldenburg business and wondered the bad editorial board of this note," said Count Rostopchin, a careless tone of a person, who seems to be a good acquaintance.
Pierre with naive surprise looked at Rostopina, without understanding why he was disturbed by a bad editorial office of notes.
- Isn't it all as well as notes written, count? - He said, - if the content of it is strong.
- Mon Cher, Avec NOS 500 Mille Hommes De Truupes, Il Serait Facile D "Avoir Un Beau Style, [My dear, with our 500 mi thousand troops easily, it seems to be expressed by a good syllable,] - said Count Rostopchin. Pierre understood why Graph Rostopina was worried about the pediac notes.
- It seems that the writek pretty divorced, - said old prince: - There they write everything in St. Petersburg, not only notes, - new laws write everything. My Andryusha There for Russia, a whole will of the laws wrote. Now they write everything! - And he laughed unnaturally.
Conversation fence for a minute; Old General Executive Drew attention to himself.
- I expected to hear about the last event at the view in St. Petersburg? How does the new French messenger showed!
- What? Yes, I heard something; He said something awkward at His Majesty.
- His Majesty drew his attention to the Grenadier division and the ceremonial march, "the general continued," and if the messenger did not pay any attention and as if he had allowed himself that we had no attention to such trifles in France. The sovereign could not say anything. At the next look, they say, the sovereign never learned to contact him.
All silenced: on this fact, believing personally before the sovereign, it was impossible to declare any judgment.
- Darking! Said Prince. - Do you know the motive? I now kicked him out of myself. He was here, let me go to me, as I asked for no one, "said the prince, looking angrily on his daughter. And he told his entire conversation with the French doctor and the reasons why he was convinced that the spy's motive. Although these reasons were very insufficient and not clear, no one objected.
Champagne filed behind the hot. Guests got up from their places, congratulating the old prince. Princess Marya also approached him.
He glanced at her with a cold, evil look and put it a shrinkable, shaved cheek. All the expression of his face told her that the morning conversation was not forgotten that the solution was left in the same strength, and that only thanks to the presence of guests he does not tell her now.
When they went into the living room to coffee, the old people sat down together.
Prince Nikolai Andreich more revived and expressed his way of thoughts about the upcoming war.
He said that our wars with Bonaparte until we were unhappy while we would look for unions with the Germans and we would jump into European affairs in which we were dragging the Tilzite world. We never had to fight against Austria. Our policy is all in the East, and in relation to Bonaparte is one - weapons on the border and hardness in politics, and will never dare to cross the Russian border as in the seventh year.
- And where we, prince, fight with the French! - said Count Rostopchin. - Are we against our teachers and gods can hear? Look at our youth, look at our lady. Our gods are French, our kingdom of heaven - Paris.
He began to speak louder, obviously in order for him to hear everything. - French costumes, thoughts are French, French feelings! You have been kicked out here in the burden, because he is a Frenchman and scoundrel, and our launches are crawling behind him. Yesterday I was on the evening, so out of the five hotels three Catholifices and, according to the dad, on Sunday on Canva sew. And they themselves almost naked are sitting like signboards of trading baths, with permission to say. Eh, you will see our young people, the prince would take the old Dubin of Peter the Great from Kunstkamera, but in Russian would bloom the sides, everything would be durked!
All silenced. The old prince with a smile on his face looked at Rostopina and squeezed his head approvingly.
"Well, forgive, your shyness, do not be a sneak," said Rostopchin, with his characteristic fast movements climbing and stretching his hand to the prince.
- Farewell, Blue, - Gusli, always heard him! - said the old prince, holding his hand and substituting him for a kissing cheek. Others rose with Rostopchitin.

Princess Marya, sitting in the living room and listening to these vessels and the pledges of old people, did not understand anything from what she heard; She thought only about whether all the guests of the hostile relationship of her father would notice to her. She did not even notice the special attention and the courtesy that she had a dobeetsk for her all the time, for the third time former in their home.
Princess Marya with a scattered, questioning look to Pierre, who is the last of the guests, with a hat in his hand and with a smile on her face, approached her after the prince came out, and they left the living room.
- Can I sit else? Said, he said his thick body to fall into the chair of the princessed Marya.
"Oh yeah," she said. "Have you noticed anything?" Said her eyes.
Pierre was in pleasant, after a dining condition of the spirit. He looked in front of him and smiled quietly.
- How long have you known this young man, Princess? - he said.
- What?
- Drubetsky?
- No, recently ...
- What do you like?
- Yes, he is a pleasant young man ... Why do you ask me? - said Princess Marya, continuing to think about his morning conversation with his father.
"Because I made an observation," a young man usually comes from St. Petersburg to Moscow on vacation only in order to marry a rich bride.
- You made it watch! - said Princess Marya.
"Yes," continued Pierre with a smile, "and this young man now keeps herself that, where there are rich brides," there heirs. " I read in him on the book. He is now in indecision, whom to attack him: You or Mademoiselle Julie Karagin. Il Est Tres Assidu AUPRES D "ELLE. [He is very attentive to it.]
- He goes to them?
- Very often. And you know a new manner to care? - Pierre said with a cheerful smile, apparently being in that haul spirit of good-natured mockery, for which he so often reproached himself.
"No," said Princess Marya.
- Now in favor of Moscow girls - Il Faut Etre Melancolique. ET IL EST TRES Melancolique Aupres De M Lle Karagin, [We must be melancholic. And he is very melancholic with M Elle Karagin, "said Pierre.
- vraiment? [Right?] - said Princess Marya, looking at the Pierre's kind face and not ceasing to think about his grief. "" I would be easier, she thought, if I would decide to believe someone anything I feel. " And I wanted to say everything to Pierar. He is so kind and noble. It would be easier for me. He would give me advice! "
- Would you marry him? - asked Pierre.
"Oh, my God, the count, there are such minutes that I would have gone for any," suddenly unexpectedly, with tears in his voice, said Princess Marya. - Oh, how hard it is to love a person close and feel that ... nothing (she continued with a trembling voice), you can not do for him except grief, when you know that you can't change it. Then one thing - to leave, and where to leave me? ...
- What are you, what's with you, Princess?
But the princess, without a negotiation, I cried.
- I do not know what now is with me. Do not listen to me, forget what I told you.
All the funny pierre disappeared. He concernedly asked the princess, asked her to express everything, believing his grief; but she just repeated that he asks him to forget what she said she didn't remember that she said, and that she had no grief, besides the one he knows - grief that the marriage of Prince Andrei threatens to embroil the father with Son.
- Have you heard about growth? She asked to change the conversation. - I was told that they would soon be. Andre I am also waiting every day. I wanted to see them here.
- How does he look at this matter now? - asked Pierre, under he reasoning the old prince. Princess Marya shook her head.
- But what to do? Until a year, only a few months remain. And it can not be. I would only wanted to save my brother from the first minutes. I would want them to come soon. I hope to fall with her. You have known them for a long time, "said Princess Marya," Tell me, put your hand on the heart, all the true truth, what is this girl and how do you find her? But the whole truth; Because, you understand, Andrey risks so much, making it against the will of the Father, that I would like to know ...
Unclear instinct told Pierra that in these reservations and repeated requests to say the whole truth, the princess to his future daughter-in-law was expressed, which she wanted Pierre not approves the choice of Prince Andrei; But Pierre said what he felt rather than thought.
"I don't know how to answer your question," he said, blushing himself, not knowing what. - I strongly do not know what kind of girl; I can't analyze it in any way. She is charming. And why, I do not know: that's all that you can say about it. "Princess Marya sighed and the expression of her face said:" Yes, I expected this and was afraid. "
- Small she? - asked Princess Marya. Pierre thought.
"I think no," he said, "and even yes." She does not honor to be smart ... No, she is charming, and nothing else. - Princess Marya again shook her head.
- Oh, I wish you so much! You tell her it, if you see her before me.
"I heard that they will be the other day," said Pierre.
Princess Marya reported his plan about how she had just come Rostov, would get brighte with the future daughter-in-law and she would try to teach her old prince.

The marriage in a rich bride in St. Petersburg failed to Boris and he came to Moscow for the same purpose. In Moscow, Boris was in indecision between the two richest brides, Juli and Prince Marya. Although Princess Marya, despite his urgency, and seemed to him attractive Juli, for some reason he was awkwardly to care for Bolkon. In the last date with her, in the name of the old prince, to all his attempts to speak with her about the feelings, she answered him the nefple and obviously did not listen to him.
Juli, on the contrary, albeit special, one in its peculiar way, but willingly took his courting.
Jules were 27 years old. After the death of his brothers, she became very rich. She was now completely ugly; But I thought that she was not only as good, but it was still much more attractive than was before. In this delusion, it was supported by the fact that in the first it became a very rich bride, and secondly, the fact that the older she became, the more safer for men, the freer was the men to handle her and, without taking upon themselves no obligations, Use her dinners, evenings and a lively society that was accompanied by her. A man who took ten years ago would be afraid to ride every day in the house where there was a 17-year-old young lady so as not to compromise her and not tie himself, now went to her boldly every day and turned with her not like a brightness bride, but as with familiar, not having sex.
The Karagina House was this winter in Moscow the most pleasant and hospitable house. In addition to invited evenings and dinners, the Karagina has gathered a big society, especially men who have 12 meters at night and sitting up to 3rd hour. There was no ball, a walk, theater that would miss Julie. Her toilets were always the most fashionable. But, despite this, Julie seemed disappointed in everything, he said to anything that she did not believe in friendship, nor in love, nor in what joy of life, and awaiting only there. She learned the tone of the girl who suffered a great disappointment, the girls, as if lost a loved one or cruelly deceived by them. Although nothing like it happened to her, they looked at her, as at such, and she herself even believed that she suffered a lot in life. This melancholy, who did not interfere with having fun, did not interfere with her young people had a nice time to spend time. Each guest, coming to them, gave his duty to the melancholic mood of the hostess and then engaged in light conversations, dances, and mental games, and tournaments Burim, who were in fashion with Karagina. Only some young people, including Boris, were more deepened in the melancholic mood of Juli, and with these young people, she had longer and secluded conversations about the vanity of all worldly, and they opened their albums written by sad images, sayings and verses.
Juli was especially gentle to Boris: I regretted his early disappointment in life, offered him those comfortable friendship, which she could offer, herself suffered so much in life, and opened his album. Boris painted her album two trees and wrote: Arbres Rustiques, Vos Sombres Rameaux Sec / Sur Moi Les Tenebres Et La Melancolie. [Rural trees, your dark buccias shake on me dark and melancholy.]
In another place, he painted the tomb and wrote:
"La Mort Est SecuURable et La Mort Est Tranquille
"AH! Contre Les Douleurs Il N "Y A PAS D" Autre Asile ".
[The death of the savory and death is calm;
ABOUT! There is no other refuge against suffering.]
Jules said it is charming.
- II Y A QUELQUE CHOSE DE SI RAVISSANT DANS LE SOURIRE DE LA MELANCOLIE, [There is something infinitely charming in the smile of Melancholy, "she said to Boris the Word into the word written this place from the book.
- C "EST UN RAYON DE LUMIERE DANS L" OMBRE, UNE NUANCE ENTRE LA DOULEUR ET LE DESESPOIR, QUI MONTRE LA CONSOTION POSSIBLE. [This is a ray of light in the shade, a shade between sadness and despair, which indicates the possibility of consolation.] - Boris wrote to her poems:
"Toi, Sans Qui Le Bonheur Me Serait Impossible,
"Tendre Melancolie, AH, Viens Me Consoler,
"Viens Calmer Les Tourments De Ma Sombre Retraite
[Poisonous food too sensitive soul,
You, without which happiness it would be impossible for me,
Tender melancholy, oh, come, console me,
Come, wash the flour of my gloomy solitude
And attaching mystery sweetness
To these tears, which I feel.]
Jules played Boris Na Harp the most sad noctures. Boris read it out loud to Lisa and repeatedly interrupted reading from excitement, exciting his breath. Meeting in a big society, Juli and Boris looked at each other as the only people in the world of indifferent, who understood each other.
Anna Mikhailovna, who often traveled to Karagina, making up a mother's party, meanwhile, brought loose references about what was given for Juli (both Penza lines and Nizhny Novgorod forests were given). Anna Mikhailovna, with devotion to the will of Providence and asylum, looked at the sophisticated sadness, who tied her son with a rich juli.
- Toujours Charmante Et Melancolique, Cette Chere Julieie, [she is still charming and melancholic, this sweet juli.] - She said daughter. - Boris says he rests the soul in your home. He suffered so much disappointment and is so sensitive, "she said Mother.
"Oh, my friend, as I attached to Julie lately," she said to her son, "I can't describe you!" And who may not love her? This is such an unearthly creature! Ah, Boris, Boris! - She silent for a minute. "And how I feel sorry for her Maman," she continued, "now she showed me reports and letters from Penza (they have a huge estate) and she is a poor one herself alone: \u200b\u200bshe is so cheating!"
Boris smiled nearly, listening to the mother. He gently laughed at her simple trick, but he heard and sometimes asked her carefully about Penza and Nizhny Novgorod estates.
Julie had long expecting proposals from their melancholic adoration and was ready to accept it; But some secret sense of disgust to her, to her passionate wishes to marry, to her unprofiturability, and a sense of horror before renunciation from the possibility of real love was still stopped by Boris. The term of his vacation has already ended. Ever days and every God's day he spent the Karagina, and every day, arguing himself with him, Boris spoke himself that he would make a sentence tomorrow. But in the presence of Jules, looking at her red face and chin, almost always shrouded in powder, on her wet eyes and to the expression of a person who energized the always readiness from Melancholia immediately to the unnatural delight of married happiness, Boris could not pronounce a decisive word: despite The fact that he has long been in his imagination he considered himself the owner of Penza and Nizhny Novgorod estates and distributed the use of income from them. Julie saw the indecision of Boris and sometimes she came the thought that she was struggling to him; But the immediate female self-prickness represented her comfort, and she told himself that he was shy only from love. Melancholy her, however, began to move into irritability, and not long before the departure of Boris, she took a decisive plan. At the time, the day of the holiday of Boris, in Moscow and, of course, in the living room of Karagina, appeared Anatole Kuragin, and Juli, unexpectedly leaving melancholy, became very fun and attentive to Kuragin.

one of the associates of Peter I, a leaving from Westphalia, actually leading the foreign policy of the Russian Empire in the 1720s and 1730s

Andrei Osterman

short biography

Count (from 1730) Heinrich Johann Friedrich Osterman (Him. Heinrich Johann Friedrich Ostermann), in Russia - Andrei Ivanovich; (June 9, 1686, Bochum - May 31, 1747, Berezov) - one of the associates of Peter I, a leaving from Westphalia, who actually leading the foreign policy of the Russian Empire in the 1720s and 1730s. Adhered to the policies of the Union with the Sacred Roman Empire and became one of the authors union Treaty 1726. He served as Vice Chancellor and the first Cabinet-Minister. In 1740, he was produced in Gin General Admiral, but after the coup of 1741 he fell into opal and was deprived of the ranks and titles. His son Count Ivan Andreevich Osterman became a great chancellor.

Start activities. Appetor Peter.

Born in the Pastor family in Bochum, in Westphalia, studied at the University of Jen's University, but because of the duel was supposed to flee to Amsterdam, from there with Admiral Crysov arrived in Russia in 1704.

Quickly learned the Russian language, Osterman acquired the confidence of Peter and in 1707 he was already a translator of the Embassy Order, and in 1710 he was secretary. In 1711, Osterman, whom Russians called Andrei Ivanovich, accompanied Peter in the Prutian campaign; In 1713 he participated in negotiations with Swedish authorized; In 1721, he achieved, together with Bruce, the conclusion of the Nesteadt world, for which he was erected into baron dignity. He also belongs to the conclusion in 1723 the trade agreement favorable for Russia with a percey who brought him the title of vice president of the Foreign Collegium. In 1726, he initiated the conclusion of the Union with Austria. He was a permanent adviser to Peter I and in the affairs of the internal management: according to his instructions, a "table of ranks" was drawn up, the collegium of foreign affairs was transformed and many other innovations were made.

Peter really appreciated his associate, he granted him a lot of land, including the village of the Red Corner of the Ryazan province, which became a generic nest of Osterman.

In political struggle 1725-1730

With the entry into the throne of Catherine I Osterman, as a supporter of Empress and Menshikov, is appointed by Vice-Chancellor, the main boss on the mail, president of the Commerce-Collegia and a member of the Supreme Secretary Council.

Appointed by Vice-Chancellor, Andrei Ivanovich became a ideological inspirer and author of the Union with Austria. Determining the goals of policies for rapprochement with Vienna, Osterman wrote: "Caagesar in a state, read, all other powers from the offensive to Russia to keep ... And Russia in excess of the above-described general benefit will be another particulation that the cessary, Yako, the guarantor of the grassland world, to returning Schlesva to the Royal Highness of the Duke of Holsteinsky will absolutely be acknowledged Imperial - in the affairs of the Duke of Mecklenburg. There is little dangers from such a union, because from France for such an alliance of war will not be, but in more info, seeing Russia in good agreement with Cessera, the Russian friendship will become more viscous. England is in doubt or brief from the crash of his own report with Francia on natural interests of the Roman returns to the Tsear. The King of Pruss Tol the Napa to the Russian friendship will be forced. Sweden this alliance with Cessera wishes itself. Poland from any noctivities is not tokmo, but still will be given in the near agreement. ". The future showed loyalty to the calculation of the vice-chancellor, while the Russian-Austrian Union was concluded in Vienna on July 26 (August 6) of 1726 by the Russian envoy Ludwig Lanchinsky and Prince Evgenia Savoy.

Selected in the teachers of Peter II, on which, however, had little effect, he remained, after removing Menshikov, at the head of the control. Abboting in 1730, by virtue of its foreign origin and illness, from participation in the plan of the supremes and without even subscribing under the "Conditions", Osterman joined the shit, became, together with Feofan Prokopovich, at the head of the party, hostile to the supremes, and corresponded with Anna John, giving her advice.

The reign of Anna Ioannovna

Domestic politics

With the entry into the throne of Anna Ioannovna, who was awarded Osterman, County dignity (1730), it opens the extensive field of activity. Being the main and the only one of the appendant of the external affairs, he was for the Biron and the best adviser in all serious matters on internal management. According to Osterman's thought, the Cabinet of Ministers was established, in which the entire initiative belonged to him and his opinions were almost always overwhelmed, so Osterman should be fully attributed to the then Cabinet then: a reduction in the noble service, a decrease in filing, measures to develop trade, industry and literacy, improved judicial and financial parts and much more. They were also established questions of the Holstein and Persian and trading contracts with England and Holland were concluded. He was against the ruinage war with the Turks, who ended with the Belgrade world prisoner.

With Anna Leopoldovna Osterman, preserving the former titles and duties, was made by Admiral General and after removing the Biron remained at the head of the board. Through spies, he knew about the conspiracy of the supporters of Elizabeth Petrovna, but its warnings were left by the government without attention.

FLOT reform

In 1732, Count Andrei Ivanovich was appointed Chairman established by Empress Anna Military Maritime Commission. The Commission was formulated by the first naval doctrine of Russia, the management reform was carried out, introduced new fleet states.

In August 1732, it was decided to restore the Arkhangelsk port and military shipbuilding on Solombal closed in 1722. The Solombal shipyard became the second main construction base of the Baltic Fleet and started work in 1734. Having conceived for the construction of ships of lower ranks - 54-gun ships, she already began the construction of 66-cannon ships in 1737, and since 1783, 74-cannon courts began to be built in Arkhangelsk. During the reign of Anna Ioannovna, 52.6% of all ships of the Baltic Fleet were built in Arkhangelsk, while Elizabeth Petrovna - 64.1%. For the period 1731-1799 in St. Petersburg (with Kronstadt), 55 ships were built, and in Arkhangelsk - 100.

The creation of the Arkhangelsk shipyard made it possible to quickly and quickly deploy the construction of a large number of ships using a local larch and saving limited resources of the ship oak. Arkhangelsk shipyard has become actually the main shipbuilding base of the Baltic Fleet. The presence of a qualified labor force, smaller timing deadlines and the best organization of its workpiece led to the fact that the cost and timing of the construction of ships in Arkhangelsk were less than in St. Petersburg.

Fall and reference

Medal "In memory of the merit of Count A. I. Osterman." 1730s.

After the top of Elizabeth, Osterman was arrested and devoted to the court. The investigative commission has seen many different accusations on him:

  • by signing the spiritual testament of Catherine I and swear to fulfill him, he changed her oath;
  • after the death of Peter II and Anna, Ioannovna eliminated Elizabeth Petrovna from the throne;
  • i composed a manifesto about the appointment by the heir to the throne of Prince John Braunschweigsky;
  • he advised Anna Leopoldovna to issue Elizavet Petrovna married to a foreign "wretched" prince;
  • i distributed state places to strangers and pursued the Russians;
  • did Elizabeth Petrovna "Different Insults", etc.

"Count Osterman, struck by unfortunate, fell illusing so dangerous that the doctors did not pass for the continuation of his life before pronouncing the sentence. The German biographer says him: -" He had a wound on his leg, which during the conclusion, not without intent on his part, or just not at oddness, I can not say that I didn't have a breakdown, which went into a cancer, or rather a gangrenous, and all the doctors decided that he would live for long. Raised was to transfer it to the fortress to the Winter Palace, where were attached The smallest careful about it care and care. Empress Elizabeth ordered not only to meet him affectionately and take care of his healthy, but, as they say, said: "What a sorry for her so cruelly acting with such a famous old man, but he demands justice." Special The Commission appointed to study the crimes of Sanovnikov consisted of five members; then were: Count Ushakov, Prince Trubetskaya, General Levashov, Prince Kurakin and the secret adviser to Naryshkin. "

Osterman was sentenced to clouds.

The day of execution was scheduled for January 18, 1742. As a scaffold, erected on Vasilyevsky Island, in front of the building of the Twelve College (on the site of the current stock of the Square), reached out from the fortress a number of simple peasant sleds with state criminals. Osterman was held the first, in the fur coat, warm fur cola and in the cap; For him, the mini, which for the sake of some melodramatic effect died in red, military raincoat, in which hiking in Danzig and to Ochakov. Six thousand Guards soldiers and the masses of the people surrounded Eshafoth. Osterman made onto her stretchers and put on a chair, then removed the cap and a wig from the old man. With fluttering shreds of gray hair, fascinated from pain in the legs, but completely calmly, the count listened to the reading of the sentence. Biographers are surprised by His Cold Owl, but the reason for such was, of course, solid confidence in the mercy of the Empress, who at the very night of the adoption of his throne, before the icon of the Savior, gave anyone to no one to execute death. This oath, no doubt, was not excluding Osterman. With the same calm, he, shot from the chair and lowered to his knee on the platform, laid his head on the fell. The executioner recovered the gate of shirts, raised the ax and instantly took him aside and lowered on the platform with the word: forgiveness. The Empress replaced the death penalty for life with life for everyone convicted.

The Empress replaced the execution of an eternal imprisonment in Birch, where Osterman and his wife lived for five years, without leaving anywhere and not taking anyone, except for pastor, and constantly suffering from gout. He died in the link, buried on the Berezovsky graveyard, the grave was preserved to the present.


According to the external administration, Osterman strictly followed the draws of Peter. In view of his "politicians" to act through others and behind the other A. P. Volynsky considered him for a person, "Producing himself by the devilish channels and does not express anything directly, but across all the dark parties". Frederick II in his "notes" characterizes it like this: "Skilled feed, he in the era of coups the most stormy faithful hand ruled the feed of the empire, being cautious and brave, depending on circumstances, and knew Russia, as rather - the human body".

According to the honor of the historian V. N. Vinogradova, Count Osterman belonged to those foreigners for whom Russia was not the second homeland, but the only one. Educated, read, possessing an acute analytical mind, Andrei Ivanovich combined all the advantages and vices of the eyelid of enlightenment. He did not take bribes and refused even from traditional gifts in the honor of concluding contracts. At the same time, he was ambitious, vain, Musthelen and was always in the center of the court intrigue.

A family

  • Wife - Marfa Ivanovna Osterman, Neborn Streshnev.
  • Peter (March 21, 1722 - May 1, 1723)
  • Fedor. (April 11, 1723 - 10 (21) November 1804)
  • Anna (April 22, 1724-1769), My wife M. A. Tolstoy; Their grandson Count Osterman-Tolstoy.
  • Ivan. (April 23 (May 4) 1725 - 18 (30) April 1811)


In 2008 installed memorial sign Count A. I. Osterman on the graveyard near the church of Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary (n. Berezovo ul. Senkin 5B).

Artistic images

  • Vladimir Ilyin (cycle of films "Secrets palace coup", 2000-2013)
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