What happened on August 15th. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bulgaria

To keep abreast of the latest developments, you need to follow the latest developments. This section lists all dates and significant events which are celebrated in various countries. We suggest that you familiarize yourself in more detail.

International holidays 15 August 2019

Archeologist day

Archaeologist's Day is not recognized as an official or public holiday. However, every year on August 15, all archaeologists celebrate their professional holiday. It should be noted that only Ukraine gave state status to this holiday back in 2008.

Archeology studies the cultures of ancient peoples that have come down to us. The ancients historical events are established in writing or according to archeological data. Written messages have practically not survived.

Holidays in Russia 15 August 2019

Tuva Republic Day (Tuva Day)

Annually on August 15, Russia celebrates "Tuva Day". This holiday was approved in 1999 on the twelfth of February. On this day, various solemn events are organized in the Republic. The indigenous people call themselves Tuvans, that is, in another way, "Tyva". And in Russian, the name sounds a little different, like "Tuva".

This Republic is located in the central part of Asia. It should be noted that Tuva borders with such countries as: Mongolia, Irkutsk region and the republics of Khakassia, Buryatia, Altai, as well as the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Tuva can be proud of the diversity of its attractions. The main dishes are meat and milk.

Rest of the World Holidays August 15, 2019

The companions

Every year on August 15th, the harvest is completed. Slavic land... At this time, processed: barley, wheat and other grain crops. From this comes the name of the holiday, which is called "Companions". This event is celebrated by all farmers with great joy.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Armenia

The main holiday in Armenia is the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. In the Armenian Church, this day is dedicated to the passing away of the Mother of God. This event has been celebrated in Armenia since the fifth century. After the liturgy, a ceremony is performed on this day. On this day, grapes are blessed in all Armenian churches. At this time, grapes ripen, which is timed to coincide with the Assumption.

According to ancient tradition, the entire first harvest was brought to the nearest temple. In honor of this event, the inhabitants thanked the Creator for the granted earthly blessings. The priest reads prayers and thus the grapes are blessed.

Remembrance Day of General San Martin in Argentina

Every year, on the third Monday in August, all Argentina celebrates the "Day of Remembrance of General San Martin". This event is considered a national holiday. Since on this day they celebrate the anniversary of the memory of the hero of the struggle for the independence of Argentina, which was in the hands of the Spanish colonialists.

It is worth noting that the inhabitants of Argentina respect General San Martin not only as national hero but also as a Saint. The great general was buried in the Cathedral of Buenos Aires.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bulgaria

The Orthodox Church of Bulgaria celebrates the "Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary". This holiday is considered one of the main and revered in the whole country. On this day, the day of the death of the Mother of God is commemorated. This event is celebrated annually on August 15th.

As everyone knows, there are quite a few churches and monasteries on the territory of Bulgaria. Some cathedrals and churches are named after the Holy Mother of God. On this significant day, many Bulgarians go to the temples to pray and bring gifts from distant regions.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary among Western Christians

On August 15, every year all Christian believers celebrate the "Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos." On this day, everyone commemorates the day of the death of the Mother of God Mary. The Catholic Church celebrates this day with solemnity.

In the West and in the East, this holiday is called differently. For example, in Greece they call "Immersion in sleep", which in translation from Slavic means "dormition". However, in the West it is customary to call it in Latin, which means "taking" or "taking". In Russian Orthodox Church called "The Taking of the Orthodox Virgin Mary into Heavenly Glory."

Western countries celebrate this holiday with great respect. On this day, a day off is arranged. Especially in countries such as: France, Austria, Greece. According to Russian tradition, this holiday is celebrated on 28 August.

Kimishi tis Theotoku - Summer Easter in Greece

Every year on August 15, Greece celebrates the day of the "Dormition of the Mother of God". It should be noted that this holiday is not considered to be sad. On this day, everyone should idolize and appreciate the mother of Christ. The main symbol of this holiday is hope and relief of human pain.

This holiday is recognized as national. Accordingly, a day off is organized annually. For a great holiday, magnificent celebrations are held in all cathedrals and monasteries.

Polish Army Festival

Every year on August 15, Poland celebrates the "Polish Army" holiday. On this day, they commemorate the Battle of Warsaw, which took place in 1920. The battle took place between the Polish Army and the Red Army. It is worth noting that the Red Army was commanded by M. Tukhachevsky. It was on this day that many inhabitants of Warsaw asked and prayed to the Mother of God for the salvation of Poland from the invasion of enemies.

On August 15, there was a turning point in favor of Poland. The Poles perceived the Red Army as an invasive one. In 1920, on the sixteenth of August, the Poles went on the offensive. Today, a military parade is being held in the central part of Warsaw on 15 August.

Indian Independence Day

All residents of India on this day every year celebrate "Independence Day". This holiday is considered the most important and most important. As soon as the independence of India was proclaimed, this significant date is celebrated from the same day. The declaration of independence took place in 1947.

The ancient country raised the national tricolor flag of India for the first time. There were many people in the square. Today, many people in India continue their traditions and raise the flag up. It is also considered the main ritual of giving speeches by local politicians.

On the occasion, some governors host festive receptions. The example of governors is followed by semi-governmental organizations. The holiday is celebrated magnificently and grandiosely. Regardless of religion and nationality, many celebrate this holiday amicably and cheerfully.

Mother's Day in Costa Rica

Every year on August 15, residents of Costa Rica celebrate "Mother's Day". This holiday coincides with the celebration of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. On this significant day, many grandmothers and mothers receive expensive gifts. For example, such as: refrigerator, furniture, or at least good clothes.

There are many large families in Costa Rica. All family members gather at the grandmother's at a huge table. Sometimes not everyone is able to sit down at the table, because of the huge number of people.

Mainly dishes made from crisp potatoes, beans, mashed potatoes, salad or chicken pilaf are served. Drinks are poured into disposable glasses in the kitchen. A toast is made in honor of the holiday. Be sure to thank the Lord God for a wonderful mother. After the toast, everyone starts to pray.

Feast of Amertata

When the sun enters twenty-three degrees of the constellation Leo, the holiday "Amertata" is celebrated. Amertat is the patron saint of the plant kingdom. Accordingly, it personifies infinity and immortality. The celebration of this event begins with the first rays of the sun.

At this time, a person can improve their health and rejuvenate. Each person is equipped with power energy. Therefore, everyone tries to do something with their own hands.

Other holidays 15 August 2019

"Panama Viejo Day" (Old Panama)

The so-called settlement "Panama Viejo" was based on the coast Pacific Ocean... This happened in 1519. Accordingly, this day marks the day of the founding of this small town. On this day, a day off is arranged. On the territory of the settlement, archaeological monuments have been preserved, which are protected by special bodies.

15 August 2019 in the folk calendar

Stepan Senoval

The celebration of this event is established in honor of Saint Stephen. He was a Christian martyr. He was originally from the Jewish diaspora. Together with 6 fellow believers, Stephen was elected by the apostles to the deacon in order to maintain order and justice.

Stephen preached in Jerusalem. It so happened that the representatives of the synagogue entered into a dispute over the speeches. It is not known how the dispute ended, but Stefan was sentenced to death. Stones were thrown at him in an angry crowd. Saint Stephen died a martyr's death.

Name days August 15, 2019

Taras, Stepan, Fedor, Cyril, Plato, Roman, Ivan, Vasily

Significant events of August 15 in history

  • 1534 Society of Jesus founded in Paris, later known as the Monastic Order of the Jesuits
  • 1723 - The grand opening of the summer residence of the Russian emperors - Peterhof
  • 1810 construction of the Vendome Column in Paris completed
  • 1877 - First proposed by inventor Thomas Edison to use the word "Hello" (Hello) to call
  • 1914 first ship passed through the Panama Canal
  • 1950 - The transfer of the monument to A.S. Pushkin from Tverskoy Boulevard to Strastnaya Square

Were born on this day

  1. Suren Kasparyan 1924 - Soviet officer, hero of the Soviet Union
  2. Gianfranco Ferre 1944 - Italian fashion designer
  3. Mikael Tariverdiev 1931 - Soviet and Russian composer, People's Artist of the RSFSR
  4. Georgy Garanyan 1934 - Soviet and Russian jazz musician, composer, conductor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation
  5. Valentin Varlamov 1934 - Soviet test pilot
  6. Walter Scott 1771 - English poet, novelist and historian
  7. Louis de Broglie 1892 - French physicist, one of the founders quantum mechanics, Nobel laureate
  8. Carmontel 1717 - French poet, artist and architect
  9. Napoleon the First Bonaparte 1769 - French commander and statesman.

Russia is a country rich in holidays and significant dates. And there are days on which not even one event is celebrated, but several. Every day is essentially a holiday. There are known to everyone, there are those that are celebrated by a narrow circle of the population. Some of them are official; this is a day off for the whole country; other holidays are church holidays, they are venerated by believers, religious people. What do we know about significant dates who celebrate August 15th? Which day is celebrated? What features does this day have, does it have its own history, Interesting Facts related to it?

List of holidays for August 15

This day is not widely known in the history of the country, it is not remarkable in any way. But August 15 - what holiday in Russia, what is its history connected with?

This day is still a holiday for individuals who are associated with archeology. After all, this is their professional holiday, although, unlike others, it is not official. It is celebrated in a narrow circle.

Another August 15 for Orthodox believers is the day of remembrance of St. Basil the Blessed. And Catholics celebrate the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Popularly, August 15 is a holiday in Russia for the owners of the name Stepan. It is called the day of Stepan-Senoval.

On August 15, a historic event took place in Russia. In 1723, the tsar's residence was opened near St. Petersburg - Peterhof.

Archeologist day

One of the main holidays, which is celebrated on August 15 in Russia, is the day of a very interesting profession - an archaeologist. It is not considered official, since its appearance is not associated with a state decree.

Archeology is isolated from all other sciences, and in Russia they started talking about it only in the 19th century. Count Alexei Uvarov is considered its founder. The very technology of excavation was developed much later, but the very first excavations laid the foundation for this science of antiquity.

Today, a huge number of expeditions open every year in the summer. World Day of Archeology was established by UNESCO on 17 July. If you wonder what day it is - August 15, what a holiday in Russia, the history of its appearance, interesting facts about this day, the subsequent information will be very informative.

The history of the appearance of the day of the archaeologist

About the origin of this professional holiday several legends are known. One of them tells about excavations that were carried out even before the war in Novgorod. After a long excavation, the archeological guys wanted to rest and relax. They turned to the leader of their expedition with a statement that it is necessary to mark today's date. And that was August 15th. "What holiday in Russia today?" Artsikhovsky asked. The archaeologists joked about the first thing that came to mind. It turned out that they celebrated the birthday of the horse of Alexander the Great, Bucephalus. Then this occasion was forgotten, and the name day of Bucephalus became the Day of the Archaeologist.

Another version of the appearance of this professional holiday refers to an expedition conducted in the 40-50s under the leadership of an archaeologist-tripoleologist T.S. Passek. On August 15, which was the birthday of the expedition, they decided to make it a good tradition and celebrate to everyone who is related to archeology, and not only to its participants. After all, it has become a real “forge of talented personnel” in this fascinating science.

Memorial Day - August 15

What church holiday in Russia is honored by believers on this day is not known to many. And the Orthodox remember August 15, Blessed Basil, the Moscow miracle worker.

Almost everyone knows his name, thanks to the famous Moscow church dedicated to this saint. But few will answer the question, what is the religious holiday on August 15 in Russia? And also, when did the saint live and what made him famous, whose name is honored on this day by all Orthodox believers. But, interestingly, even during the life of St.Basil the Blessed was very revered. And his coffin, when he died, was carried by Ivan the Terrible himself with the boyars, the funeral service for Saint Metropolitan Macarius.

From the history of the life of St. Basil the Blessed

Life little boy, who grew up in a peasant family, was unremarkable at first. He was born in 1469 in Yelokhov, in a small village near Moscow.

He studied shoemaking with a shoemaker. Once he was very surprised at one strange circumstance. One customer asked an apprentice to sew boots for him "so that they would not be demolished." The boy grinned very strangely at such a request, and literally the next day this customer died.

When Vasily was sixteen years old, he gave up teaching, the parental home and began the feat of foolishness for Christ's sake. He half-naked walked around Moscow, where he had to, slept there, ate whatever he had to. His actions sometimes seemed insane, but in the end they were more logical and more correct than all possible.

Once Vasily arrived in the prison, there in the Ascension Monastery he prayed for a long time in front of the church, and the next morning it was from here that a fire began, which would burn all of Moscow.

Basil the Blessed was honored and feared by Ivan the Terrible himself. He visited him with Tsarina Anastasia when he became seriously ill. In 1557, Vasily died, and Grozny ordered to bury him in the cemetery of the Trinity Church, where the construction of the Intercession Cathedral had already begun. Subsequently, he was destined to become the temple of St. Basil the Blessed, so great was the veneration of the saint among the people.

August 15 according to the national calendar

The people always connected every day with some kind of their own observations, beliefs, which later became traditions. And what is the holiday on August 15 in Russia according to the national calendar?

The people call this day the day of Stepan-Senoval. This saint was a Christian martyr, a member of the Jewish diaspora. He always stood for justice and order, served as a deacon with 60 Christians.

Stephen also preached the Word of God in Jerusalem and subsequently came to a disagreement with the respected representatives of the synagogue. He was put on trial, but how he died is unknown.

In Russia, Stephen was called by another name - Hayloft. After all, it was on these summer days that haymaking ended.

A long-standing folk tradition to celebrate the day of Stephen-Senoval in Russia

The whole family went on that day to collect various herbs. Then the so-called Stefan's wreath was woven from them. They brought him to their hut and hung him in the corner. If someone in the family got sick, then the hostess took a bunch of grass from this wreath, brewed it and treated the patient with this broth. It was believed that the power of Stephen's wreath remained right up to spring, before the holiday of Hilarion.

The horse had to be brought to any source in the forest and given to drink from his hat with a silver coin. People believed that after this the horses would be docile, and so they could be protected from evil spirits.

And the coin was taken out of the cap and stored until next year under the manger. It was inherited from father to son.

Such a rite existed in Russia, associated with August 15. What holiday in Russia is still celebrated on this day is no longer known. Maybe some other interesting fact is connected with him in narrow circles?

15.08.2018 08:00


Today is the Day of the Archeologist in Ukraine.

Archeologist day celebrated in Ukraine according to the Presidential Decree of August 6, 2008, annually on this day. Ukraine has a unique historical heritage, a special place among which is occupied by archeological monuments. After all, it is they who can tell about the life and traditions of our ancestors, which, of course, contributes to the self-identification of the nation and ensures the sustainable social development of the present and future generations. Ukrainian land, according to scientists in the field of archeology, is one of the richest archaeological sites among the countries of Europe. Today, almost one and a half thousand cities and towns and more than 8 thousand villages in Ukraine have valuable objects of cultural and historical heritage. More than 140 thousand monuments are registered with the state alone, of which almost 49.8% are archeological monuments. Now archaeological research in our state is carried out by the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Department of Archeology of the Institute social sciences in Lvov, Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Archaeological Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev), Odessa Archaeological Museum NAS of Ukraine, as well as research teams of universities, teacher training institutes, museums of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine. Over the years of independence, our country has managed to create a certain legal basis for the protection of the archaeological heritage. Thus, the laws of Ukraine "On the protection of cultural heritage"And" On the protection of the archaeological heritage ". According to the current legislation, archaeological monuments, including those under water, including movable objects associated with them, regardless of the form of ownership of the territory or water body on which they are located, are state property.

Events of the day:

36 9 years ago (1649) Ukrainian troops under the command of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and with the support of the Tatars defeated the Polish army near Zboriv (now Ternopil region). The royal army, commanded by Jan II Kazimierz himself, was in a disastrous position. In this situation Polish king went to secret negotiations with the Crimean Khan Islam-Girey III, promising the Tatars a large monetary reward, permission to take prisoners and plunder Ukrainian lands on the way to Crimea. Khan, not being interested in the victory of the Ukrainian army and the strengthening of Ukraine, demanded that Khmelnytsky stop the battle. Unable to simultaneously fight against the Poles and Tatars, the hetman, under pressure from the khan, was forced (despite a brilliant victory) to begin negotiations and conclude the Zboriv Treaty, which was not very beneficial for Ukraine (August 18, 1649). The Zboriv Treaty formally recognized the Cossack administration of the southeastern territories of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but did not satisfy the needs of the Ukrainian peasants who fought along with the Cossacks. As it turned out later, the local Polish gentry and the Roman Catholic clergy, who, as a result of the treaty, lost their influence and property in Ukraine, were not going to fulfill its terms.

On this day, 100 years ago ( 1918 ), founded in Kiev National Library Ukrainian state. Now - the National Library of Ukraine named after IN AND. Vernadsky, the very library of Ukraine. Among the ten largest libraries the world. The volume of funds is more than 15.5 million storage units. The library is full of collection of monuments in the state Slavic writing and handwritten books, archives and book collections outstanding figures of Ukrainian and world science and culture. Annually 130-140 thousand documents (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.) are received by the funds. The library is completed with all Ukrainian publications, receives a copy of dissertations that are being defended on the territory of Ukraine, conducts international book exchange with more than 680 thousand partners from 70 countries of the world. The resources of the Library are annually used by about 370 thousand readers, to whom up to 1.5 million documents are issued annually. About 1 thousand scientific workers, specialists, postgraduates and students visit the Library every day. The institution employs about 900 employees, of which library - 65%, scientific - 20% and auxiliary - 15%.

Anniversaries of the day:

On this day 1819 was born Grigory Pavlovich Galagan (1819-1888), a well-known Ukrainian public figure. Descended from an old Cossack family in the Chigirin region. He owned large estates in the Poltava and Chernigov regions. He was personally acquainted and corresponded with Shevchenko, Maksimovich, Kulish, Antonovich. Opened in with. Sokirintsyakh, the first peasant-loan savings bank in Ukraine, created a museum of Ukrainian folk life. In 1871 he founded a private educational institution- Collegium of Pavel Galagan. Initiated by and material assistance Grigory Galagan, a gymnasium was opened in Priluki, vocational schools in Ichnya and Prilutsk districts, a number of public schools. In the years 1873-1875, Galagan headed the South-West Department of the Russian Geographical Society... He financially supported Ukrainian publications, took care of the development of Ukrainian architecture, choral art and theater. During their life, Grigory Galagan and his wife Yekaterina Vasilyevna Kochubei spent 1 million 120 thousand rubles on the construction and maintenance of Pavel Galagan's Collegium.

1 90 birthday anniversary Stepan Ivanovich Ponomarev (1828-1913), a well-known Russian bibliographer, bibliologist and literary critic. Graduated Kiev University... Combined pedagogical and scientific-bibliographic activities. He worked in Poltava, since 1872 - in Konotop. He founded literary calendars in A.S. Suvorin; was the author or co-author of bibliographic indexes of the works of Ukrainian and Russian scientists and writers, compiler of local history indexes, including about Kiev and the Dnieper, as well as a bibliographic dictionary of Ukrainian writers - natives of Kiev, Poltava, Chernigov and Volyn provinces. The scientist prepared and published bibliographic essays on prominent church figures, in particular, Archimandrite Filaret of Chernigov, Metropolitan of Kiev E. Bolkhovitinov, and others. He compiled a dictionary of pseudonyms. S.I. Ponomarev collaborated with more than 50 periodicals, in particular: "Otechestvennye zapiski", "Kievskaya starina", "Kievlyanin", "Sovremennik", was a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Russia, a member of the "Society of Nestor the Chronicler". The scientist maintained friendly relations and correspondence with I.S. Aksakov, A.N. Bodyansky, M.I. Kostomarov, A.N. Lazarevsky, P.A. Vyazemsky and others. By the end of S. Ponomarev's life, his personal library consisted of 15 thousand volumes. Last years During his life, Stepan Ponomarev lived in Konotop (in the house of his sister) and only sometimes went on business to Kiev or Moscow. Low vision and deafness almost completely inhibited his work. Particularly painful for the old scholar was the thought of whom to give his library to. After long hesitation, he handed it over to the Konotop Zemstvo. There it was not preserved as a whole - some were plundered, the other simply rotted away, while the fixed assets were destroyed during the revolution.

7 6 birthday anniversary Valeria Zaklunnaya (1942-2016), a famous theater and film actress. From 1966 until the end of her life, Valeria Zaklunnaya worked at the theater. Lesia Ukrainka. She is known not only as a theater actress - many remember films with her participation, such as "The meeting place cannot be changed", "Duma about Kovpak", "Siberian woman", "Theater and fans", "Wedding bells" and many others. The actress has received many awards - she was awarded the gold medal. Dovzhenko (1978) and the State Prize of the USSR (1979 - for the role of Ekaterina Deryugina in the dilogy "Earthly Love" and "Destiny"), as well as the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR im. Shevchenko (1975 - for the role of Stefa Kotsumbas in the film "Before last minute"). In 2012, Zaklunnaya was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.

Death anniversary:

96 1 a year ago (1057) died in the battle of Lamfaneni King of Scotland Macbeth... A general and a relative of the Scottish king Duncan I, he killed him in 1040 and was crowned himself, ruled the country for seventeen years and died in the fight against Malcolm, the son of Duncan I. The legends of Macbeth formed the basis of William Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth (1606). The first translation of Macbeth from English was made by Panteleimon Kulish (sometime between 1882 and 1886); it was published in 1900 in Lvov as a separate book, edited and prefaced by Ivan Franko. In general, Franco positively assessed the translation, but noted that “the strength and diversity of tones, which marks English original, she is still (trying to translate) very, very far away. " It is also known that at the beginning of 1898 Lesya Ukrainka began to translate Macbeth, "but things did not go beyond the first three scenes. On the Ukrainian stage, the first production of Macbeth was staged by Les Kurbas in 1920 at the State Traveling Model Theater in Bila Tserkva. In April 1924, Macbeth was staged again by Kurbas at the Berezil Theater.

Archaeologist's Day.

Archeology - (from the Greek archaios - ancient and logos - doctrine) - the science of antiquities, the study of the life and culture of ancient peoples on the material monuments that have come down to us. This is a completely separate science. All historical events are established either from written sources or from archeological data.

August 15 is the day of the archaeologist. Despite the fact that the history of this holiday is not connected with any events and discoveries and it is not a state or official holiday, archaeologists mark it as professional.

Archeology is a completely separate science. All historical events are established either from written sources or from archeological data. Written messages are kept very, very little, and everyday material - sometimes more than you can imagine.

In Russia, this science began to develop from the middle of the 19th century, when Count Alexei Sergeevich Uvarov became interested in archeology. At first, he did not have the slightest idea about the technology of excavation. But it was his research that formed the basis further development antiquity sciences.

Now in Russia there is a revival of interest in the history of the fatherland, many manuals and monographs on this topic are being published. But it's safe to say that almost none of them would have been scientifically substantiated without archaeological data. Every summer, new field seasons open up in all corners of Russia.

Events that happened on August 15th.

1498 - During his third voyage, Christopher Columbus discovered Grenada.
1519 - On the site of an Indian fishing village, the city of Panama was founded, the name of which means "many, many fish".
1534 - Ignatius Loyola founded the Jesuit Order in Paris.
1535 - The city of Asuncion in Paraguay is founded.
1540 - The city of Arequipa, Peru, is founded.
1620 The Mayflower sailed from Southampton, England.
1723 - The summer residence of the Russian emperors, Peterhof, was opened.
1795 - A new currency is introduced in France - the franc.
1804 - On the day when Napoleon was 35 years old, the consecration of the Bois de Boulogne took place in his presence.
1808 - England's attempt to establish diplomatic and trade contacts with Japan failed - the shogun refused entry to the English delegation.
1810 - The Vendome Column is erected in Paris in honor of Napoleon's victories.
1832 - Pope Gregory XVI issues a bull condemning freedom of the press.
1835 - Obtained a patent for a rotating drum washing machine.
1843 - Tivoli amusement park opened in Copenhagen.
1845 - Publishing in Russia "Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishments".
1848 - Waldo Hanchett of Syracuse, New York patented the dental chair.
1866 - The University of Ottawa is founded.
1877 - Thomas Edison wrote a letter to the president of the Pittsburgh Telegraph Company, in which he argued that the best way to greet when communicating on the phone is the word "hello", which we transformed into "hello"; in addition, he made the world's first sound recording - the song "Mary had a little lamb" was recorded.
1887 - Protest of the Russian government of Bulgaria against the election of Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg in July as the Bulgarian prince.
1888 - Six Norwegians, led by Fridtjof Nansen, set off on a ski trip to cross Greenland.
1893 - International arbitration ordered the US to pay Canada a $ 478,000 fine for fishing in Canadian waters.
1908 - In Prussia, women are allowed to enter universities.
1914 - Passage of the first ship through the Panama Canal (The official opening of the canal took place only on June 12, 1920).
1918 - USA and Soviet Russia severed diplomatic relations. On this and the next day, American troops landed in Vladivostok, which meant the beginning of the intervention of the Entente countries in Russia.
1920 - Poland won the Battle of Warsaw (see Polish-Soviet War).
1921 - In Geneva, under the leadership of the navigator Fridtjof Nansen, an international conference on aid to the starving Russia began.
1924 - The first issue of the magazine "Radio Amateur" was published. The magazine is currently called Radio.
1929 - The Collegium Russicum is created by the Apostolic Constitution "Quam curam" of Pope Pius XI.
1932 - During excavations in the Vatican, the ancient Roman "Road of Triumph" was discovered.
1935 - The swastika flag is approved as the state flag of Germany.
1936 - 733 priests are executed by the Spanish left.
1939 - In Germany, one of the most massive air crashes occurred: during a demonstration dive bombing in low cloud conditions, 13 Junkers Ju 87 dive bombers flying one after another crashed into the ground.
1943 - Purge begins in the Chinese Communist Party by order of Mao Zedong.
1944 - The beginning of the landing of the American-French troops in southern France.
- The beginning of the withdrawal of German troops to the Siegfried Line.
1945 - Indonesia proclaimed itself an independent state.
1946 - At the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU A. Zhdanov declared war on "servility before the West."
1947 - India was divided into two states - Pakistan and the Indian Union, that is, India proper. Jawaharlal Nehru became the Prime Minister of India.
1948 - After the elections to the National Assembly, the Republic of Korea is proclaimed ( South Korea) led by President Lee Seung Man.
1956 - The presentation of the Lenin Prizes was resumed in the USSR (instead of the Stalin Prizes).
1960 - The Republic of the Congo declares its independence from France.
1966 - Andrei Konchalovsky's film "The First Teacher" was released.
1969 - The Woodstock Festival was held from 15 to 18 August - the end of the hippie era.
1971 - US President Richard Nixon announced the end of the gold backing of the US dollar.
1972 - Ethiopia withdrew from the Munich Olympics in protest against Rhodesia's participation in it.
1973 - The United States ceases direct participation in the hostilities in Indochina, completing the aerial bombardment of Cambodia.
1975 - Military coup in Bangladesh, which killed President Mujibur Rahman.
1980 - George Harrison's autobiography "I Me Mine" is published in London.
1991 - The draft of a new Union Treaty is published.
1992 - A new currency was introduced in Azerbaijan - manat.
1993 - Azerbaijan introduced the national top-level domain - .az.
1994 - Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez, known as Carlos Jackal, is delivered to France. The most famous terrorist in the world at that time was captured by the special services in Sudan a day earlier.
2002 - US National Airlines announced its decision to carry all passengers on September 11 for a nominal $ 1 fee.

1534 year. Ignatius Loyola founded the Jesuit order in Paris, subordinate directly to the Pope. True, Pope Paul III was in no hurry to establish the order - and agreed only in 1540. The Jesuits were actively involved in science, education, the upbringing of youth, and widely developed missionary activity. This is the largest order of the Catholic Church - it numbers about 20,000 people.

On this day in 1688, the king of Prussia, Frederick William I, was born, who turned his country from a second-rate power into a powerful state. Under his son Frederick II the Great, Prussia became the main military force in Europe. The king's successes in the military field gave him the unflattering title of "sergeant major on the throne."

On August 15, 1771, Sir Walter Scott was born, a scion of one of the major Scottish clans. Thanks to him, two hundred years ago, in the highlands of Scotland, the historical novel was born in its modern form. Who does not know the brave Ivanhoe? Who hasn't admired the brave Highlander Rob Roy? In total, Walter Scott has written over twenty novels. He is practically unknown to the Russian reader as a poet, but in Scotland he is valued for poetry even more than for prose.

"My nightingale, nightingale, vociferous nightingale!" - this romance remained the only one that passed through the centuries from the entire work of Alexander Alyabyev. The composer, author of not only romances, but ballets and operas, was born on August 15, 1787.

Birthday of the word "hello". On this day in 1877, inventor T. Edison wrote a letter to the president of the Pittsburgh Telegraph Company, in which he argued that the best greeting on the phone is the word “hello”. The inventor of the telephone, Alexander Bell, proposed his own version - the word "ahoy", used when meeting ships. If his advice was accepted, then, picking up the phone, we would exclaim: "Hey, who is there?"

1990 year. Viktor Tsoi, a rock musician who became a legend during his lifetime, died. Crashed while falling asleep at the wheel of a car. 12 years later, a monument was unveiled on the highway near Riga, where the accident occurred.

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