David Hawkins biography. Determining your level of consciousness by David Hawkins

David R. Hawkins, in his book Power vs. Force, described the hierarchy of levels of human consciousness. This is a very interesting approach.

Although people can switch from one level to another, there is usually one predominant "normal" condition. If you are reading this article, you are probably at least at the level courage because at lower levels you would not have conscious interest in personal development.

Hawkins came up with the names of the levels. He talks about a logarithmic scale: at the upper levels there is much less people than the lower ones. Each transition from a low level to a higher one is accompanied by a significant change in life.

A shame(shame) - one step to death. You are probably contemplating suicide here. Or you're a serial killer. In other words, it is self-directed hatred.

Guilt(guilt) - one level above shame, but you may have suicidal thoughts. You think of yourself as a sinner and you cannot forgive yourself for past actions.

Apathy(apathy) - you feel hopelessness or torture yourself. Complete conviction of their helplessness. Many homeless people are stuck at this level.

Grief(grief) - the level of endless sadness and loss. You can get here after the loss of a loved one. Depression. Still higher than apathy, because you start to get rid of the numbness.

Fear(fear) - the world seems dangerous and unreliable. Paranoia. Usually you need help to get above this level or you will remain trapped for a long time

A wish(desire) - not yet burdened with setting and achieving goals, this is the level of aspiration, bad habits and passion - for money, approval, power, fame, etc. Consumption. Materialism. This is the level of smoking, alcohol and drugs.

Anger(anger) - the level of disappointment, often due to the inability to fulfill the desires born at the previous level. This level can spur you to action at higher levels, or make you drown in hatred.

Pride(pride) - the first level when you start to feel good, but this is a false feeling. It depends on the external environment (money, prestige, ...) and therefore it is vulnerable. Pride can lead to nationalism, racism and religious wars... Remember the Nazis. The level of irrational self-denial and self-defense. Religious fundamentalists also belong to this level.

Bravery(courage) - the first level of real strength. Here you begin to see that life is full of trials and it is exciting and not at all overwhelming. You have a hint of an interest in personal development, although at this level you will probably call it mastery, career, advancement, education, etc. You begin to see your future as growth relative to the past, and not just as a continuation of it.

Neutralize t (neutrality) - it can be described by the phrase "live yourself and let someone else live." A flexible, relaxed and unencumbered life. Whatever happens, you get out.

You don't need to prove something to someone. You feel safe and get along well with people. A lot of self-employed people are at this level. A very comfortable place. This is the level of satisfaction and laziness. You take care of your needs, but you don't strain.

Readiness(willingness) - when you feel safe and comfortable, you start using your energy more efficiently. Just making ends meet doesn't seem like a good idea anymore. You pay attention to work well, even to show your top scores... This is the level of development of will and discipline.

Such people are the "soldiers" of our society; they do their job and don't complain too much. If you are in school, you are a really good student; you are serious about doing your homework and investing time in doing it well. This is the level where consciousness becomes more organized and disciplined.

Adoption(acceptance) There is now a powerful shift and you are awakening to the possibilities of a proactive life. At the preparedness level, you have become competent, and now you want to put your abilities to good use. This is the level of setting and achieving goals. This essentially means that you begin to accept (take on) responsibility for your role in this world.

If something is wrong in life (career, health, relationships), you determine the desired state and achieve it. You begin to see the complete picture of your life more clearly. This level encourages many people to change careers, start new business or go about your diet.

Intelligence(reason) - at this level you step over the emotional aspects of the lower levels and start thinking clearly and rationally. Hawkins defines it as the level of medicine and science. Upon reaching this level, the ability to use the abilities of the mind to its full potential appears. There is now the discipline and proactivity to fully express your innate abilities. You reach the point where you say “Great. I can do all of this, and I know I have to put it to good use. So what is the best way to use my talents? " You look around and start doing things that are important to the world. In its limit, this is the level of Einstein and Freud. Obviously, most people never achieve it in their lives.

Love(love) is unconditional love, a constant understanding of one's connection with everything that exists. Think about compassion. At the level of intelligence, your life works for the head. But in the end it turns out to be a dead end, you fall into a trap where there is too much intelligence. You see that you need a broader context than just thinking for yourself. At the level of love, your head and all other talents begin to work on the heart (not on emotions, but on a greater feeling of good and evil - on your consciousness). As I see it, this is the level of awakening for its true purpose.

Your motives at this level are pure and not tainted by the passions of your ego. This is the level of lifelong service to humanity. Gandhi, mother Teresa, Albert Schweitzer.

At this level, you begin to be guided by forces greater than yourself. It is a feeling of liberation. Intuition becomes extremely powerful. Hawkins claims that only 1 in 250 people reach this level in their lifetime.

Joy(joy) - a feeling of penetrating and unshakable happiness - the level of saints and advanced spiritual teachers.

At this level, you will feel amazing just being around people. Here life is completely governed by intuition and coincidence. There is no more need for goals and detailed plans - your expanded consciousness allows you to operate with higher concepts. Events close to death can temporarily raise you to this level.

Peace(peace) - complete transcendence. Hawkins assures that this level reaches one in ten million.

Enlightenment(enlightenment) - the highest level of human consciousness, where humanity is combined with divinity. Extremely rare. This is the level of Jesus. Even thinking about people of this level can raise your consciousness.

Hopefully this model seems worth considering. Not only people, but also objects, events and even entire communities can be assessed at these levels. In your life you can see that different parts of it are on different levels , but you will be able to determine your current general level.

It seems to me that the most important work that we can do as human beings is raise your personal level of consciousness... When we do this, we are spreading higher levels of consciousness to everyone around.

The material of the book "The Eye of the" I ", from which nothing is hidden" is divided into four main sections.

In the first, David Hawkins talks about his own experience of enlightenment. In the second, he sets an algorithm for finding the spiritual path, noting the main stages and pitfalls that await everyone who follows it. The third section is devoted to the nature of consciousness and the problem of achieving enlightenment. And in the final part, the author answers the questions that were asked by the participants of the seminars from different countries, concretizing some of the ideas expressed in the book.

This piece covers a huge range of materials. It presents not just a detailed presentation of the highest states of consciousness, information about spirituality is generalized and transmitted in a new context, becoming accessible to logic and intellect.

Strength vs Violence. The hidden motives of human actions

Imagine that you can get a simple yes or no answer to any question you want to ask. An accurate and truthful answer. Any question. Dr. Hawkins believes the possibility exists. It is provided by kinesiology - the science that studies muscles human body and their response to external stimuli.

According to the author, the body cannot lie and, therefore, is a universal measuring device. With its help, we can receive answers to any questions directly from our own subconscious, which, in turn, has a direct connection with the Divine principle.

On September 19, 2012, the heart of Dr. David R. Hawkins stopped. He died at his home in Sedona, Arizona (USA), surrounded by a family, at the age of 85, respected and renowned throughout the world for his research on consciousness. Sir David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., was known as a psychiatrist, writer, teacher and researcher, and spiritual teacher.

From early childhood, he repeatedly experienced unusual states of consciousness, when the personal "I" began to merge with a large, impersonal "I". At this time, he felt serenity, an indescribable glow and the presence of boundless love, outside of time and outside of space. This experience is often referred to as Enlightenment. But young David had no idea what was happening to him, and for a long time he lived his life like many of his peers. He was agnostic and skeptical of religion. After serving as a minesweeper in the United States Navy during World War II, he graduated Medical College and practiced psychotherapy in New York. In his work, he enthusiastically tried to unravel the secrets of the human brain, actively introducing innovations into his practice. His methods were especially effective in relation to patients with alcoholism and drug addiction. Success came. But along with it and an incurable disease.

At the age of 38, David Hawkins stood at the very edge and took it hard. Once, having reached the bottom of despair, he doomedly cried out to God, begging for help and giving all of himself to his will. And reverence descended on him: the "I" disappeared, pride and personality disappeared, and the feeling of the Divine Presence came to replace them. Everything around me shone and was subordinated to the feeling of unity and infinity. The world was perfect and Divine. In this state, there was no need to think, fear disappeared, the Truth became obvious. Fame, success and money have lost all meaning. A continuous stream of radiant energy was felt. Time passed, but this state did not leave Hawkins. The ability to perceive the reality behind the personality has appeared, and the understanding that the cause of emotional illnesses lies in the conviction of people that they are a kind of “personality”.

Clinical activity of Dr. Hawkins has acquired a new quality level. People came from all over the country. The practice has acquired a grandiose scale: thousands of patients, fifty specialists, new research and laboratories. Dr. Hawkins was invited to radio and television. The results of his research have been widely published in medical and psychoanalytic journals. In 1973 he co-authored with the laureate Nobel Prize chemist Linus Pauling published the book Orthomolecular Psychiatry: Treating Schizophrenia, in which he described a method of treating schizophrenia using biologically active substances to restore the biochemical balance in the body, the violation of which, according to the authors, was the cause of schizophrenia.

Life developed in perfect harmony. All chronic diseases have disappeared. Everything seemed beautiful and radiant. It was like falling in love. Studying his condition, the doctor turned to researching spiritual teachings and familiarizing himself with similar experiences of other people. It suddenly became obvious to him that humanity is motivated by inner love, but does not realize this and lives most of its life as if in a dream. The power of the energy gradually increased and had an inexplicable effect on others, healing them or finding answers to their questions. Miracles were happening around, the source of which was the state of Presence, an appeal to the universal source of endless love.

To save humanity from suffering, Dr. Hawkins was looking for a way to restore a person's connection with a higher reality, with a higher level of consciousness. And he found it in applied kinesology, which claims the presence of a connection between muscle tone and state internal organs, as well as the state of mind of a person. Considering consciousness as a single informational (energetic) field through which Truth can be cognized, David Hawkins contrasted it with the human mind, which is unable to distinguish between true and false. And in order to gain access to consciousness, he proposed using a simple kinesiological muscle test, which determines the truth or falsity of a statement depending on muscle tone. The muscles of the body are instantly weakened in the absence of truth or become strong in its presence. With this bridge between mind and body, between incarnate and non-incarnate, you can get a Yes or No answer to almost any question.

“With this simple tool, you can explain and document the exact nature of everything in the universe, at any given time. Everything that exists or existed, without exception, radiates frequency and vibrations, as a permanent trace in the impersonal field of consciousness, and information can be obtained using a muscle test through consciousness itself.

The universe has become apparent; secrets are no longer possible. Obviously, “every hair on every head” can be counted, and they are counted, and not a single sparrow falls unnoticed. "All the secret will be revealed" - now it is a fait accompli "(from the book by D. Hawkins" Force vs. Violence ")

David Hawkins' research led to the creation of a system for calibrating the human mind. He described the levels of human consciousness on a scale from 1 to 1000: shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride, courage, neutrality, readiness, acceptance, intelligence, love, joy, peace, enlightenment. By the level of consciousness equal to one are possessed by creatures with little energy (bacteria, algae). Highest level consciousness is reached by those whose energy field of consciousness affects all of humanity (Jesus, Buddha, Krishna), but most people barely reach the level of Truth (200), which means that our consciousness is controlled by primitive animal instincts, motives and stereotypes of behavior. Hawkins suggests determining the level of consciousness using the same muscle test. Using it, he calibrated the truth levels of many things in our life.

The last three decades of his life, David Hawkins spent in Arizona, in a small city, and devoted himself to work in the seemingly distant fields of science and spirituality. He founded the Institute for Spiritual Research, which deals with the study of consciousness, wrote several books that became very popular in many countries, was a member and organizer of many communities and organizations, traveled with his lectures and acquired a large number of followers from all over the world. In 2003, Hawkins became the leader of the Devotional Nonduality, a spiritual school that preaches the basic truths of the great traditions of the world: kindness and compassion for everyone (including ourselves), unconditional love, humility, exploration of the nature of existence and self-realization. Its chapters, which have sprung up autonomously in many cities around the world, follow the principle "We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of who we have become."

David Hawkins' materials are widely recognized as unique because they are high condition spiritual awareness arose from an agnostic, a person with a scientific and medical education who was able to describe and explain to people the phenomenon of how one can achieve such a state of awareness.

David Hawkins

The Path of Enlightenment: 365 Daily Reflections

Which judgment best expresses

a life entirely devoted to the spiritual


Gloria in Excelsis Deo!


EVERY STEP ON THE WAY TO ENLIGHTENMENT is not only exciting but also rewarding as enlightenment is getting closer and closer with each step. Any insight, if taken out of context, seems mysterious, but how exciting it is. The seeker has especially significant moments that illuminate the consciousness; they illuminate the further path, leading to success. Before you is a collection of such truths, relying on which boldly step forward. Although there are many doors leading to heaven, everyone who seeks must find their own. The deepest understanding behind the apparent complexity reveals the innermost truth. They say that ten thousand paths go to God, but they can be reduced to the minimum number by choosing the most successful ones. Each of the above statements is priceless, as it has been tested by experience. So, bon voyage.

Yours David Hawkins, M.D. and Philosophy


THOSE WHO ATTENDED DAVID Hawkins' SEMINARS realized that the truths he revealed were ideal for Westerners who aspire to spirituality. His teachings are in close agreement with both the ancient mystical teachings and the requirements Everyday life... Just one quotation or passage read can change a person's life, encourage him or her to a spiritual journey. The selection has been designed so that you can comfortably focus on one thought, quote, or passage at your leisure. No prior experience or distance learning of Dr. Hawkins's work is required to benefit from these wise truths. You may want to test yourself and apply the knowledge you have gained in different life circumstances, or simply reflect on a quote throughout the day. Keep the book just at hand, in a convenient place for you - on your desk, in the car, or in your purse or case. Choose a convenient time each day to read the Divine Wisdom taught by Dr. Hawkins.

Quotes and excerpts have been gleaned from Dr. Hawkins: Power vs. Force "(" Force against Violence "); “The Eye of the I: Reality and Subjectivity” and others. All the passages quoted are exactly the same as they can be read in the original texts of Dr. Hawkins. If some of the terms are unfamiliar and incomprehensible to you, in this case, please use the dictionary at the end of the book. Finally, I leave you alone with the words of Dr. Hawkins: “Sooner or later, but the illusion disappears, and then the spiritual quest is started. When the search vector changes and rushes inward, and not outward, then the search for answers begins. "

Maybe you can find some answers inside ...

All the best,

Scott Jeffrey

Where to begin your search for spiritual

truth or self-improvement,

called enlightenment?

Start with yourself - with the one who

you and what you are. True

hidden inside.

Question: Where to start the search for spiritual truth or self-improvement called enlightenment?

Answer: It's very simple. Start with yourself - with who you are and who you are. The truth is hidden inside. As practical guidance use time-tested spiritual teachings.

The ego world is like a house with mirrors. Distorted reflections of the lost ego seem to be chasing each other, flashing in one mirror, then in another. Human life is a series of endless trials, trial and error; its only goal is to break out of this whirlwind. For many, apparently most people, the world of mirror images is sometimes imagined as a house filled with fears and nightmares, where life is getting worse and harder. The only way out of the whirlwind of wanderings is the search for spiritual truth.

Life flows and changes all the time. People are born, suffer, suffer and die. They are accompanied by happiness and sorrow, success and failure, rise and fall. On the stage of the karmic theater of the universe, there is a karmic dance of life.

The greatest gift that each of us can bring to the world is to become more conscious; moreover, remember that thanks to the wave effect, the gift always returns to its source.

The field of consciousness is infinite - Omnipresent, Omnipotent, it embraces All Being. Nothing can happen outside the field, because it is the Source of Being. The infinite energy field breaks down into levels, the energy of which gradually decreases. As the variety of energy levels increases, their relative strength decreases (linearity of attenuation) as it decreases to the level of an individual or personality. This huge field can be compared to an immense electrostatic field, in which each person is like a "charged particle". Since the force field is infinite, the personality is inserted into it in accordance with the magnitude of its individual "charge". The charge of the karmic spiritual body determines determination and determination. Everything that happens is due to the influence of the field. Thus, there is nothing "accidental" in the reality around us.

The main goal of our society is success and prosperity, while the goal of enlightenment is to go beyond these narrow boundaries.

Thanks to wisdom and inner humility, the seeker for truth seriously thinks about the inherent human "psyche" (soul in translation from Greek) limitations, he no longer relies on a personal, sensory-oriented ego as the only connoisseur of truth.

Spiritual development- this is not a dignity, but a way of life. It has its own orientation and its own values, more importantly - it gives a vector to our efforts.

Knowing about a great teaching is in itself a consequence of spiritual effort. Better yet is to act according to the doctrine.

Question: What do you need to do to be useful in life?

Answer: Dedicate (or donate) your life to people so that they are kinder, softer, more generous and more compassionate - always and everywhere and under any circumstances, so that everyone treats the other as himself. This is the greatest gift to the world that each of us can make.

Spiritual learning is not subject to logic and linear progress. It is more than a simple assimilation of spiritual principles and teachings that open consciousness and develop spiritual abilities. There is nothing “new” in learning, just what already exists is something quite obvious.

Spiritual truth in its entirety is contained in any spiritual commandment. It is only necessary to fully and completely comprehend the meaning of one single commandment in order to understand all the others and come closer to comprehending the essence of the surrounding world.

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