Rostov medical school. Rostov Basic Medical College

Base Medical College, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2008, is one of the largest educational institutions not only the city of Rostov-on-Don, but also the entire South-Russian region. He provides training for students of basic and increased level in the following specialties:




    Preventive medicine;


    Orthopedic dentistry;

    Preventive dentistry.

More than 600 nurses, midwives, paramedics, pharmacists, sanitary paramedics, dental technicians receive diplomas and specialist certificates annually. They work in all medical institutions of the city of Rostov, many perform their professional duty in remote corners and districts of the region and the region, in sometimes difficult conditions that require independent operational decisions, high competence and the ability to take personal responsibility for the life and health of people.

Success of graduates, high level their professionalism - main indicator the quality of the work of the basic medical college.

To achieve this goal, the educational institution has all the conditions: a modern educational, material and didactic base, high personnel potential, innovative pedagogical technologies, interaction with social partners.

Educational process in the college is carried out in 4 buildings, in which there are 11 classrooms, 60 classrooms preclinical practice with unique visual material, audio and video equipment, three computer labs with Internet access, a sports and gymnasium, a library, a medical office. For practical training training rooms were allocated at the bases of city medical and preventive institutions. The funds earned by the college are used to purchase technical teaching aids, consumables, training and scientific literature, equipment and inventory, for the repair and reconstruction of buildings.

However, people have always been and remain the main wealth. The college management is confident that pedagogical technologies and information systems alone will not lead to success if the personality of the teacher is not at the center - a seeker, benevolent, striving to maximize the creative individuality of the student.

The teaching staff of the college is represented by several generations and has 130 full-time teachers, thanks to the well-coordinated work of which the college in 2006 became the winner of the regional competition (systems for improving the professional and pedagogical competence of teaching staff educational institutions SPE) in the nomination "Personnel management system of SPE institutions". Among the teachers there are 11 candidates of science, 6 excellence in health care, 4 excellent students in secondary special education, honored health worker Russian Federation, excellent student of public education, honorary worker general education, Honorary Worker of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russia, 4 laureates of the Head of Administration Prize Rostov region... For five years in a row, representatives of the educational institution became diploma winners of the regional competitions "Teacher of the Year".

In order to exchange experience with foreign colleagues, the college teachers have visited the UK, USA, China, Poland, Germany, France, Finland, Sweden. In 2008 RBMK became a member of the European Nursing Module and took part in two annual conferences on nursing management in Switzerland and Bulgaria.

Confirmation of the high qualifications of the teaching staff is the development of copyright teaching aids... College teachers have published more than 100 textbooks and teaching aids with the signatures of the Ministries of Education and Health of the Russian Federation, which are used by the collectives of secondary specialized educational institutions of Russia.

To develop the skills of research work in the college, 12 student scientific circles were organized, whose participants successfully participate in scientific and practical conferences at regional, republican and international levels.

Educational activities are inextricably linked with educational process... Basic medical college students live full life: study, participate in the social life of the college and the city, try to be where their help is needed.

The competitions “Best in Profession”, “Come on, guys”, meetings of the poetry salon “While the candle is burning”, the festival “RBMK multinational”, joint discos with students of other educational institutions are held annually. There are five sports sections: football, volleyball, athletics, table tennis, athletic gymnastics. Students show their versatile talents in the “Dzhanaya” dance studio of the peoples of the world, the “Farmakoll” drama circle, participate in the “Mercy” volunteer movement and the work of the city youth club “Young Personnel - the Future of Rostov”.

The basic medical college is well known in Russia and abroad.

The awarding of the gold medal to the French Association for the Promotion of Industry in Paris in May 2006 became an international sign of recognition of the success of the team. In 2008, on the eve of the Day of the Medical Worker, the college was awarded the Certificate of Honor "For outstanding services, contribution to the development of science, medicine and health care" and was entered into the All-Russian national register "One hundred best institutions of the healthcare system in Russia."

The head of the basic medical college is a young promising director, candidate medical sciences, doctor in the third generation Vladimir Vadimovich Morozov.

The educational institution began its history with a small feldsher-obstetric school, organized on the basis of the Nikolaev city hospital.

Through the work of many generations of dedicated people who have dedicated their lives to the noble mission of educating and training mid-level medical personnel, the basic medical college has become a leading educational institution in the south of Russia.

The appearance of the college is changing, new buildings are growing, its material and technical base is being strengthened, new students are replacing graduates, but the continuity of generations remains unchanged - the unshakable foundation of our glorious traditions, which are carefully preserved and multiplied.

The 100th anniversary is a landmark for the future, into which we look with optimism and justified hope. Thanks to the ability to work and solidarity of the team, clear guidelines in its work, the Rostov Basic Medical College will successfully work in the market for many years to come. educational services providing domestic healthcare with competent, mobile, competitive specialists.

Rostov-on-Don is famous for a large number of educational institutions: higher, secondary specialized, technical, etc. In them you can meet students from all over Russia, near and far abroad. You can talk a lot about this, but I would like to dwell on the only medical secondary specialized educational institution in Rostov and the Rostov region - the Rostov Basic Medical College (RBMK).

RBMK, former Rostov medical School No. 1, one of the oldest educational institutions of the Don. Its history began in 1908, when a feldsher-obstetric school was organized on the basis of the city's Nikolaev hospital. The first graduation consisted of only 40 paramedics and midwives. Studying at RBMK is considered very prestigious today. But the entrance exams here you can meet applicants from all over the Rostov region, as the college prepares medical personnel in seven specialties.

1. Department "Nursing" trains nurses as chief physician assistants in clinics, hospitals, kindergartens, schools, and nursing homes. The nurse provides continuous medical assistance, including preventive and rehabilitative measures. To enter the department, you need to pass two exams: biology (orally) and Russian (dictation). The term of study in the full-time department is 2 years 10 months, in the evening department - 2 years 3 months.

Over the 27 years of its existence, the department has graduated more than two thousand specialists currently working in the practical health care of the Rostov region and the Russian Federation.

2. Department "General Medicine" prepares paramedics for independent and professional activities at paramedics and obstetric points, in outpatient clinics, in rural district hospitals, at ambulance stations. The paramedic carries out diagnostics, prophylaxis of the disease, provides emergency care, treats and rehabilitates patients.

The form of study is only daytime, the duration of study is 2 years 10 months. Entry exams: biology (oral), Russian (dictation). For 10 years 580 paramedics graduated, including 92 with honors. Currently, 32 students study at the department.

3. Department "Obstetrics" located on Ulyanovskaya Street, 57. Here they train midwives for independent work in maternity hospitals, antenatal clinics, obstetric and paramedic points, in gynecological departments of hospitals. The midwife's activities are aimed at maintaining the health of a woman's reproductive function and family planning. The department has been operating since 1919. The form of study is daytime, the term of study is 2 years 10 months. Entrance exams: biology (oral), Russian (dictation). Since 1995, 170 obstetricians have graduated, including 34 with honors.

4. Department "Pharmacy" prepares pharmacists for independent and professional activities in a pharmacy network, at pharmaceutical enterprises, in control and analytical laboratories. The form of study is full-time, the term of study is 2 years 10 months. Entrance exams: chemistry (oral), Russian (dictation). 882 pharmacists graduated in 10 years (including 103 with honors).

5. Department "Medical and Preventive Business" prepares paramedics as an assistant to a sanitary doctor in the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, in laboratories of various profiles. The form of study is full-time, the term of study is 2 years and 10 months. Entrance exams: biology (oral), Russian (dictation). Since 1991, 295 specialists have graduated (including 51 with honors).

6. Department "Dentistry" prepares dentists, both for independent professional activities, and as an assistant to a dentist in dental offices of state, cooperative, private dental institutions. The form of study is full-time, the term of study is 2 years 10 months. Entrance exams: biology (oral), Russian (dictation). Since 1991, 296 specialists graduated, with honors - 51.

7. Department "Orthopedic Dentistry" prepares dental technicians for qualified activities in the field of maxillofacial prosthetics in dental laboratories of various types with the qualification "Dental Technician". The form of study is full-time, the term of study is 2 years 10 months. Entrance exams: biology (oral), Russian (dictation), modeling. Since 1991, 608 specialists have graduated (including 72 with honors).

The Medical College has four educational buildings and a number of educational and practical bases on the territories of educational and preventive institutions in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region. The training of future health workers is carried out in classrooms equipped with modern equipment, where students receive fundamental knowledge in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, hygiene, ecology and other disciplines. Students acquire practical skills in preclinical practice rooms and college laboratories, equipped with visual aids, audio and video equipment.

The college pays a lot of attention not only to the educational and scientific-practical activities of students, but also to their physical education. In addition, young people are helped to reveal their talents in singing, dancing, acting, conducting various quizzes, contests and other events. There are 12 scientific student circles in RBMK, in which up to 30% of students study annually. Scientific and practical conferences are traditional.

The quantitative and qualitative composition of the teaching staff speaks for itself: there are 131 full-time teachers in the college, including 7 candidates of medical sciences, two doctors of medical sciences (T.K, Bugaeva, V.K.Sapach), most of the teachers have qualification categories.

This large and friendly team of students and teachers is headed by the director of the college, Candidate of Medical Sciences Roza Filippovna Morozova, an experienced organizer, sensitive leader, and a benevolent mentor of youth. Under her leadership, work was completed on the introduction of state educational standards secondary specialized medical education. She is a member of the Problem Commission on Nursing and Secondary Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Ministry.

health care RF, chairman of the board of directors of medical colleges and schools of the region.

In 1995, at a meeting of directors of Russian colleges, RBMK was recognized as one of the best colleges in Russia.

College graduates successfully work in all medical institutions of the city of Rostov and the Rostov region, and many of them continue their studies at medical universities.

It is a perfectly organized preparatory base for future doctors. The main thing is to decide which institution you will enter, because in this southern city several colleges, each with its own differences. Regardless of the institution chosen, after graduation you will receive a certificate of secondary vocational education.

Basic Medical College History

Rostov Basic Medical College was founded in 1908 and still occupies the position of one of the leading institutions of secondary vocational education in the south of Russia. Initially, the institution functioned as a school of obstetricians and paramedics at the Nikolaev hospital. The first graduates of the school (about 40 people) stayed to work in the hospital, for several more years it graduated specialists who satisfied the staff shortage of the institution in Nikolaevsk.

College played an irreplaceable role during the Great Patriotic War, it was here in the shortest possible time that new cadres were trained, who were sent to the aid of the army. Many teachers and college students rushed to the front lines and saved many lives. After the end of the war, the college actively developed; by the beginning of the 2000s, all specialties operating today were opened here. Today, about 600 specialists graduate from here annually.


RBMK (Rostov Basic Medical College) invites everyone to master seven specialties. These are pharmacy, nursing, and orthopedic, obstetrics, preventive medicine and general medicine. Basically, the term of study is 2 years 10 months, with the exception of extramural education - 3 years 10 months.

The term of preparation of a graduate in the specialty "Preventive Dentistry" is 1 year 10 months, after receiving a diploma, he will be able to undergo retraining or start working as a hygienist. Each college graduate has the opportunity to continue their studies and enter a higher educational institution to obtain a higher qualification.

A little about training

If you are going to enter the Rostov Basic Medical College, please note that the number budget places in this educational institution is rapidly decreasing. That is why it is best to clarify in advance whether budgetary places are planned for the specialty you would like to enroll in, or not.

In the event that your specialty provides only paid education, you should familiarize yourself with its cost. Rostov Medical College on Pushkinskaya is distinguished by very loyal prices. Everything will depend on the chosen specialty, the cheapest way to study at "Pharmacy", academic year there it costs about 20-25 thousand rubles, depending on the course. The most expensive will be training in the specialty "Preventive dentistry" - 50 thousand rubles a year.

Branch College

Rostov Medical College (RBMK) also has its own branch located in the city of Azov. The number of specialties that can be mastered there is no different from the list presented above. Many go to this branch because it is much easier to enroll there, and the cost of training there is somewhat cheaper.

When studying in Rostov and Azov, you will also have to look for housing, since the college does not have its own maneuverable fund in the form of a hostel. Despite the fact that it is easy to find an apartment at fairly reasonable prices, renting it can be quite costly, especially if you plan to study at a paid department.

University College and History

Rostov Medical College at Rostov State Medical University appeared in 1978, and initially it was called a school at the local medical institute. It was planned that it was here that they would actively train paramedics and laboratory assistants, but the priorities changed. At that time, the local clinic was experiencing a huge staff shortage: there were not enough nurses, which is why the school was urgently redesigned.

The medical school is an independent institution, but it is closely connected with the state medical university. The two establishments exchange theoretical and practical materials have common areas for conducting classes. Over the past few years, it has been opened here a large number of new specialties and areas for training. Now college graduates work in Russian and foreign medical institutions.

College majors

Medical College at Rostov medical university offers applicants to get one of five specialties. These are: nursing, laboratory diagnostics, pharmacy and general medicine. All students wishing to study dentistry will have to pay for education, since budgetary places for this specialty are not provided.

Training in all specialties, except for "General Medicine", will last for 2 years and 10 months, during which time you can master a lot useful information provided by college professors. But "Orthopedic Dentistry" will have to be mastered over 3 years and 10 months. Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers, most of them have the highest category and are able to practice scientific research in parallel with teaching.

Cost of education

If you are going to go to study at the Rostov State Medical College at Rostov State Medical University, you must specify in advance the number of budget places, as well as the cost paid education... The state allocates 50 free places for almost all specialties, with the exception of "Laboratory diagnostics", only 25 places are provided there. The competition for the budget is quite small, so the chances of getting an education for free are very high.

If you still did not manage to enter the budget, you will have to fork out. The cost of an annual college education is about 36-40 thousand rubles (depending on the course in which the student is studying). In the event that you have any documents certifying your eligibility for benefits, it is best to present them immediately, then you will have a better chance of getting a budget seat.

Do you have a special education?

Rostov Medical College at the University offers to get education not only full-time, but also part-time. There is no correspondence in the full sense of the word in college and most likely will not appear. However, get an average professional education it is possible by attending evening classes, however, the training period in this case will be three years and ten months.

In total, the college has three specialties that can be mastered with the help part-time form learning. We are talking about pharmacy, laboratory diagnostics and nursing. Upon admission, it is very important that the applicant must have completed secondary education (11 classes), otherwise he may be refused at the stage of applying to college.

Documents for admission

If you decide to enter the Rostov State Medical College or the Rostov Basic Medical College, you will need to prepare a whole package of documents for submission to the admissions office. First of all, we are talking about a certificate of received secondary general education and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. You will also have to provide four photographs of 3 x 4 centimeters, a medical certificate (it can be issued at school, or you can undergo a special medical examination at a municipal clinic), a certified copy of a work book if you have already started working.

Young people will necessarily need to present either a military ID if you have already served in the army. Please note that if you are not yet 18 years old, then you will have to submit documents in the presence of your parents (guardians), such a rule was introduced relatively recently, but all applicants are required to comply with it.


Regardless of which Rostov Medical College you choose, you can be sure that you will receive a high quality education. Both institutions have been operating for a long time and have a large practical and theoretical base, which students can use at any time. The graduates of these institutions do not have problems with employment; they are in great demand in the labor market, since they often have a large number of practical skills.

Many yesterday's college students go to Rostov State Medical University - a university where you can get higher medical education... Graduates admit that the skills they learn in college will be useful to them later in their higher education. If you have any questions, it is best to contact admissions committee institutions, especially the cost of education.

More than 600 nurses, midwives, paramedics, pharmacists, sanitary paramedics, dental technicians receive diplomas and specialist certificates annually. They work in all medical institutions of the city of Rostov, many perform their professional duty in remote corners and districts of the region and the region, in sometimes difficult conditions that require independent operational decisions, high competence and the ability to take personal responsibility for the life and health of people.

The success of graduates, the high level of their professionalism is the main indicator of the quality of the work of a basic medical college.

To achieve this goal, the educational institution has all the conditions: a modern educational, material and didactic base, high personnel potential, innovative pedagogical technologies, interaction with social partners.

The educational process at the college is carried out in 4 buildings, in which there are 11 classrooms, 60 classrooms for preclinical practice with unique visual material, audio and video equipment, three computer rooms with Internet access, a sports and gymnasium, a library, and a medical office. For practical training, training rooms have been allocated at the bases of city medical and preventive institutions. The funds earned by the college are used to purchase technical teaching aids, supplies, educational and scientific literature, equipment and inventory, for the repair and reconstruction of buildings.

However, people have always been and remain the main wealth. The college management is confident that pedagogical technologies and information systems alone will not lead to success if the personality of the teacher is not at the center - a seeker, benevolent, striving to maximize the creative individuality of the student.

The teaching staff of the college is represented by several generations and has 130 full-time teachers, thanks to the well-coordinated work of which the college in 2006 became the winner of the regional competition (systems for improving the professional and pedagogical competence of teaching staff of secondary educational institutions) in the nomination "Personnel management system of secondary vocational schools" Among the teachers there are 11 candidates of sciences, 6 excellent students of health care, 4 excellent students in secondary specialized education, honored worker of health care of the Russian Federation, excellent worker of public education, honorary worker of general education, honorary worker of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russia, 4 laureates of the award of the Head of Administration of the Rostov Region For five years in a row, representatives of the educational institution became diploma winners of the regional competitions "Teacher of the Year".

In order to exchange experience with foreign colleagues, the college teachers have visited the UK, USA, China, Poland, Germany, France, Finland, Sweden. In 2008 RBMK became a member of the European Nursing Module and took part in two annual conferences on nursing management in Switzerland and Bulgaria.

The development of author's teaching aids is a confirmation of the high qualifications of the teaching staff. College teachers have published more than 100 textbooks and teaching aids with the signatures of the Ministries of Education and Health of the Russian Federation, which are used by the teams of secondary specialized educational institutions of Russia.

To develop the skills of research work in the college, 12 student scientific circles were organized, whose participants successfully participate in scientific and practical conferences at regional, republican and international levels.

Educational activity is inextricably linked with the educational process. Students of the basic medical college live a full life: they study, participate in the social life of the college and the city, try to be where their help is needed.

The competitions “Best in Profession”, “Come on, guys”, meetings of the poetry salon “While the candle is burning”, the festival “RBMK multinational”, joint discos with students of other educational institutions are held annually. There are five sports sections: football, volleyball, athletics, table tennis, athletic gymnastics. Students show their versatile talents in the “Dzhanaya” dance studio of the peoples of the world, the “Farmakoll” drama circle, participate in the “Mercy” volunteer movement and the work of the city youth club “Young Personnel - the Future of Rostov”.

College majors


  • Midwife, full-time, on the basis of 11 grades, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no


  • Pharmacist, full-time, on the basis of 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no


  • Paramedic, full-time, on the basis of 11 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

Preventive medicine

  • Sanitary paramedic, full-time, on the basis of 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no


  • Nurse, full-time, on the basis of 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
  • Nurse, full-time, on the basis of 11 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

Orthopedic dentistry

  • Dental technician, full-time, on the basis of 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

Preventive dentistry

  • Dental hygienist, full-time, on the basis of 11 classes, 1 year 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

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fastidious ... out


tempting ... out


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Indicate the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass

The task 2 out of 5


fascinating ... my

disturb you

shake you

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In one of the highlighted words below, an error was made in the formation of the word form

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Put on a hat


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